
In this index, f denotes figure and t denotes table.


action, committing to. See Commit to Action (Seven Cs Coaching Map)

action plans. See also Construct a Plan (Seven Cs Coaching Map)

benefits of, 95–96

examples, 94t, 95f

field practice and, 99–100

impetus behind, 93

mindmap, 95f

agreements, coaching, 61, 62t, 63–64

Alternatives (C-O-A-CH model), 31t, 32

analysis, data, 76–79

analytics, 128–129, 137–138

Anderson, Truett, 21

appraisals, coaching, 125–127

appreciative feedback, 72

Argyris, Chris, 15, 35

assignments, 100

Auerbach, Jeffrey, 133–134


behaviors, 83t

Belf, Teri, 97

beliefs, continuum of, 6, 7t

benchmarking activities, 99

“Benefits of a Coaching Culture, The” (Yu), 133

“bringing the environment along,” 84–85

Brown, Brené, 80

Building a Coaching Culture (Human Capital Institute and International Coach Federation), 134

Building a Coaching Culture With Managers and Leaders (Human Capital Institute and International Coach Federation), 139

business, impact on, 128–129


Capture Context (Seven Cs Coaching Map)

about, 12t

agreements, coaching, 61, 62t, 63–64

case studies, 26–27, 67–68

data, 65–67, 65t

deconstructing context, 56–67

as differentiating factor, 55–56

expectations, 57

fit, 60–61

mindset, 67

readiness, 57–60

case studies

Capture Context (Seven Cs Coaching Map), 26–27, 67–68

Celebrate Success (Seven Cs Coaching Map), 29–30, 109–111

Clarify Purpose (Seven Cs Coaching Map), 27, 67–68

coaching culture, systems approach to, 119–121

Commit to Action (Seven Cs Coaching Map), 28–29, 109–111

Collect and Feed Back Data (Seven Cs Coaching Map), 27, 85–91, 86–87t, 88t, 89–90t

Construct a Plan (Seven Cs Coaching Map), 28–29, 100–101

Create Options (Seven Cs Coaching Map), 27–28, 100–101

Seven Cs Coaching Map, 26–31

Celebrate Success (Seven Cs Coaching Map)

about, 13t

case studies, 29–30, 109–111

status checks, 107–108

CFO selection and success example, 49–51

challenges, 103

challenging others, 39t, 44–45, 48t

Choices (C-O-A-CH model), 30, 31t

chunking, 77

Clarify Purpose (Seven Cs Coaching Map)

about, 13t

agreements, coaching, 61, 62t, 63–64

case studies, 27, 68

data sources, 65–67, 65t

deconstructing purpose, 56–67

as differentiating factor, 55–56

expectations, 57

fit, 60–61

mindset, 67

readiness, 57–60

clients as data source, 65–66, 65t

climate and employee opinion surveys, 74

C-O-A-CH model

about, 30–32, 31t

dialogue building blocks in, 49–51

coachees as data source, 73

coaching. See also specific topics

circumstances of, 7–8

cognitive, 6, 7t

definitions, 22–23

focus of, 23t

future of, 136–140

incorporating in organizations, 32–34

neuroscience and, 121–122

other behavioral strategies and, 23, 23t

popularity, reasons for, 21

positive effects of, 21–22

results, measurable, 5, 5t

structured, 24t

structures for, 4, 123, 123–124t, 124

techniques, 122, 122–123t

tenets of, 3

trends and opportunities, 136–140

unstructured, 25t

coaching agreements, 61, 62t, 63–64

coaching appraisals, 125–127

coaching continuum, 23, 24–25t, 103

coaching conversations, 15–19, 21–22, 49–51

coaching culture

benefits of, 133–134

building, 2–5

building, barriers to, 135–136

building, systems approach to, 117, 118–119t, 119–121

coaching appraisals in, 125–127

defined, 113

future of, 134–135

hardwiring, 122, 122–123t, 123, 123–124t, 124

coaching environments, 15–19

coaching feedback, 72

coaching in the moment, 14

“coaching to performance,” 126–127

cognitive coaching, 5–6, 7t

cognitive dissonance, 81

colleagues, internal, 73

Commit to Action (Seven Cs Coaching Map)

about, 13t

“bringing in the environment,” 105–107, 106t

case studies, 28–29, 109–111

resistance, 103–105, 105t

commitment, 39t, 46–48, 48t

Collect and Feed Back Data (Seven Cs Coaching Map)

about, 13t

case studies, 27, 85–91, 86–87t, 88t, 89–90t

data, feeding back, 79

data, gathering, 71–72

data analysis, 76–79

data collection methods, 73–76, 75–76t

data sources, 73

feedback dialogue techniques, 81–82, 82–83t

feedback mindset, 79–80

support from others, getting, 83–85

Construct a Plan (Seven Cs Coaching Map)

about, 13t

action plan, benefits of, 95–96

action plan, examples of, 94t, 95f

action plan, impetus behind, 93

actions and field practice, 99–100

case studies, 28–29, 100–101

goals and measures, 96–99, 97–98t

consulting, 23t

contacts, external, 73

context. See Capture Context (Seven Cs Coaching Map)


of beliefs, 5–6, 7t

coaching, 23, 24–25t, 103

control, 98

conversations, coaching, 15–19, 21–22, 49–51

courage, 80

Covey, Stephen, 97

Create Options (Seven Cs Coaching Map)

about, 13t

action plans, benefits of, 95–96

action plans, examples of, 94t, 95f

action plans, impetus behind, 93

actions and field practice, 99–100

case studies, 27–28, 100–101

goals and measures, 96–99, 97–98t

credentialing, 138

Current situation (C-O-A-CH model), 30, 31t


data. See also Collect and Feed Back Data (Seven Cs Coaching Map)

about, 64–65

analyzing, 76–79

collection methods, 73–76, 75–76t

feeding back, 79

gathering, 71–72

homogenized raw, 77–78

inconsistency in, 77

sources of, 65–67, 65t, 73

Deloitte, 125


barriers to, 35

benefits of, 35

deconstructing, 33–34t

feedback, 81–82, 82–83t

importance of, 19–21

mindful, 19–21

statements versus, 38

dialogue building blocks

about, 39

benefits of, 39t

challenging, 39t, 44–45, 48t

C-O-A-CH conversation using, 49–51

commitment, 39t, 46–48, 48t

focusing, 39–41, 39t, 47t

listening, 39t, 41–42, 47t

negotiating, 39t, 45–46, 48t

questioning, 39t, 42–43, 47t

revealing, 39t, 43–44, 48t

direct observation

as data source, 65t, 66–67

feedback from, 106–107, 106t

disbelief, 81

documentation, 103

Drucker, Peter, 96–97


economy, 137

Edwards, Lisa, 129

ego, 104

emotional intelligence (EI), 19, 134–135

empathy, 134

employee opinion surveys, 74

employees, yelling at, 5–6, 7t


bringing along, 84–85

coaching conversations and, 15–19

as data source, 65t, 66

evaluative feedback, 72

examples, in feedback dialogue, 82t

expectations, 57

external challenges, 103

external contacts, 73


facilitating, 23t

fear, 104


appreciative, 72

coaching, 72

courage and, 80

direct observation, 106–107, 106t

evaluative, 72

as field assignment type, 100

one-on-one, 75

thanking people for, 84–85

vulnerability and, 80

feedback dialogue techniques, 81–82, 82–83t

feedback mindset, 79–80

feeding back data, 79

field assignments, 99–100

fit, 60–61

focus groups, 74

focusing, 39–41, 39t, 47t


of coaching, 136–140

of coaching culture, 134–135


goals and measures, 96–99, 97–98t

Goldsmith, Carol, 139

Goleman, Daniel, 16, 19, 121

Goodman, Robert, 20

Goss, Tracy, 20

Grant, Anthony, 137

group observation, 75


Hargrove, Robert, 3

health management programs, 116–117

Heen, Sheila, 72

Heidegger, Martin, 20

homogenized raw data, 77–78

Human Capital Institute, 134, 139

hypothesis statements, 78


ICF (International Coach Federation), 4, 134, 139

image studies, 74

impact on business, 128–129

impatience, 104

Impraise, 135

inconsistency in data, 77

individual and group observation, 75

inference, ladder of, 35–38

internal challenges, 103. See also resistance

internal colleagues, 73

International Coach Federation (ICF), 4, 134, 139

interpretation, 35–38

Isaacs, William, 35


journaling, 99


labels, 83

ladder of inference, 35–38

language, positive, 98

Last Word on Power, The (Goss), 20

law firm pilot coaching program, 1–2

“Learning About the Brain Changes Everything” (Rock), 121

listening, 39t, 41–42, 47t


Maher, Sheila, 136

management by objectives, 96–97

marketing, 138

Masterful Coaching (Hargrove), 3

Measuring the Success of Coaching (Phillips, Phillips, and Edwards), 129

Meli, Giuseppe, 97

mental models, 5–6, 7t

mentoring, 23t

Millennials, 135, 137

mindmap action plans, 95f. See also Construct a Plan (Seven Cs Coaching Map)

mindset, 67, 79–80

moment, coaching in the, 14

Morin, Tim, 129–131

motivation, 134



as dialogue building block, 39t, 45–46, 48t

skills improvement, 28–32

neuroscience, 121–122

novelty effect, 121


Objectives (C-O-A-CH model), 30, 31t


as data source, 65t, 66–67

direct, 65t, 66–67, 106–107, 106t

feedback from, 106–107, 106t

individual and group, 75

observers, 106–107, 106t

one-on-one feedback, 75

options. See Create Options (Seven Cs Coaching Map)

organization development, 115

organizational analytics, 128–129

Organizational Coaching (Bianco-Mathis,

Roman, and Nabors), 2–3


patterns, 82t

performance management, 125–127

permission to ask questions, 3

persuasion, 38

Phillips, Alan, 119–120

Phillips, Jack, 129

Phillips, Patricia, 129

Phillips Corporation, 117, 119–121, 136

pilot coaching program, 1–2

plan, constructing. See Construct a Plan (Seven Cs Coaching Map)

Pomerantz, Suzi, 136

positive language, 98

presentation skills, 14–15

props, 100

purpose. See Clarify Purpose (Seven Cs Coaching Map)

putting myself in your shoes (feedback dialogue technique), 82t



as dialogue building block, 39t, 42–43, 47t

permission for, 3

Quiet Leadership (Rock), 121


Radical Candor (Scott), 121

readiness, 57–60

reframing, 82t

relationships, 138–139

research, 100, 138

resistance, 103–105, 105t


bottom-line, 137–138

control over, 98

desired, 98

feedback dialogue and, 83t

goals/objectives and, 98

measurable, 5, 5t

measuring and tracking, 127–131

return on investment (ROI), 128–131

revealing, 39t, 43–44, 48t

right or wrong (feedback dialogue technique), 82t

Rock, David, 33, 104, 121, 127

ROI (return on investment), 128–131

role models, 100


Scott, Kim, 121, 138–139

self-assessment inventories, 73

self-awareness, 134

self-regulation, 134

Senge, Peter, 19

Seven Cs Coaching Map. See also specific steps

about, 12–13t

case study, 26–31

presentation skills example, 14–15

working with a coach example, 11–12

Seyfarth Shaw LLP, 1–2

Sherpa Coaching, 5

Sieler, Alan, 21

skill practice, 100

SMART goals, 97

social skills, 134

statements, 38

status checks, 107–108

Stewart, Julia, 139

Stone, Douglas, 72

stories, 82t

stress and health management programs, 116–117

structured coaching, 24t

success, celebrating. See Celebrate Success (Seven Cs Coaching Map)

support from others, 83–85


360-degree, 73–74, 128

climate and employee opinion, 74

systems model, 116–117, 118–119t, 119–121


techniques, coaching, 122, 122–123t

technology, 139

thanking people for feedback, 84–85

Thanks for the Feedback (Stone and Heen), 72

therapy, 23t

360-degree surveys, 73–74, 128

training, 23t

trends, 82t, 136–140

2016 Global Coaching Study (International Coach Federation), 4


unstructured coaching, 25t


vulnerability, 80


well-being and engagement framework (WBEF), 137

Working With Emotional Intelligence (Goleman), 121


Xerox, 133


yelling at employees, 6, 7t


Zeldin, Theodore, 136

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