FIRST AND FOREMOST, many thanks to the thousands of incredible people who have shared with us over the years the lessons of their experiences with managers in the workplace. Each interview has been a profound learning experience, and I am grateful to every single one of you who took the time to share your voice. Without your insights, there would be no Rainmaker-Thinking.

Many thanks also to Susan Haney, an old friend and associate here at Rainmaker Thinking, who worked hard on putting the FAST Feedback concepts in the form of a four-hour training program complete with participant workbook, practical tools, leader’s guide, vignette-driven videos, Power Point presentation, and more. Working closely with Susan on the FAST Feedback program led me to write this second, revised edition of FAST Feedback. For all of your hard work and patience, Susan, thank you.

I am ever grateful to my publisher, Bob Carkhuff, and his staff at HRD Press for our close working relationship and their ongoing confidence in me and in our work at Rainmaker Thinking. Thank you, Bob, I am honored by your confidence; it is a pleasure working with you and your staff. Special thanks to Mary George for her awesome editing and design work.

To all the business leaders who have brought me in to consult with your organizations, thank you for your faith and for all that you have taught me. And to the tens of thousands who have attended my seminars, thanks for listening, for laughing, for sharing the wisdom of your experience, and for pushing me with the really tough questions; I am grateful for the kindness you have shown and the lessons you have imparted.

To the rest of my colleagues at Rainmaker Thinking, especially Jeff Coombs, Ruth Gutman, and Mark Kurber, thank you for your hard work and commitment and for your valuable contributions to this enterprise every single day. (Jeff, please, don’t ever leave me; if you do, I’ll hunt you down.)

To my family and friends, thank you for raising me, for loving me, and for taking care of me. And to my wife, Debby Applegate (nay, Dr. Debby Applegate): the only thing that surpasses my pride in you and your accomplishments is my deep and abiding love for you.

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