Subject Index


Accelerated-depreciation method, 418, 435

Account(s). See also specific accounts

chart of, 6263, 76

defined, 76

and recording process, 5257

separate, 220

Accounting, 231. See also specific headings

assumptions in, 910

careers in, 11, 2931

defined, 28

ethics in, 67

purpose of, 45

standards for, 8

terminology, 2829

users of accounting data, 56

Accounting cycle, 156183

adjusting entries in, 159161

closing entries in, 164168

completion of, 206207, 224226

correcting entries in, 171173

and equity, 178

financial statements in, 161163

illustration of, 170171

post-closing trial balance in, 168170

reversing entries in, 171, 183185

standards in, 206207

statements of financial position in, 173180

terminology, 183

worksheets in, 158163

Accounting principle, 708, 713, 733

Accounting reports, 4

Accounts payable:

decrease in, 653

increase in, 633, 646

as liabilities, 12

in merchandising operations, 215

payment of, 19

Accounts Payable account, 633, 653, G2

Accounts payable subsidiary ledgers, G1, G19

Accounts receivable, 370379

in accrual accounting process, 632

decreases in, 632633, 645, 647

defined, 368, 388

disposing of, 376379

in merchandising operations, 219222

recognition of, 369

valuation of, 370376

Accounts Receivable account, 632633, G1, G3, G5

Accounts receivable subsidiary ledgers, G1, G19

Accounts receivable turnover ratio, 385, 388, 697698, 712

Account titles, 5859


adjusting entries for, 100102, 109114

defined, 122

of interest receivable, 382383

Accrual-basis accounting:

cash-basis accounting vs., 98

defined, 122

and GAAP, 153

and IFRS, 630631

for postretirement benefits, H7

Accrued expenses, 110114, 122, 184, 654

Accrued interest, 111

Accrued revenues, 109110, 122, 184

Accumulated depletion, 427

Accumulated depreciation, 175, 644, 646

Acid-test (quick) ratio, 696697, 704, 712

Acquisitions, 423, 428, 534, 582583, 586589

Additions, 422, 435

Adjustable-rate notes, 477

Adjusted trial balance, 117119, 239, 628

Adjusting accounts, 94122

adjusted trial balance in, 117119

adjusting entries in, 100116

and adjustments on worksheets, 159

and financial statements, 118120

in merchandising operations, 238239

and prepaid expenses, 122124

standards for, 153154

terminology, 122

timing issues with, 98100

and unearned revenues, 124125

worksheets for, 159

Adjusting entries, 100116

in accounting cycle, 159161

for accruals, 100102, 109114

and bank reconciliation, 338339

correcting vs., 172

for deferrals, 102109

defined, 122

for investments, 591593

journalizing and posting of, 115116

in merchandising operations, 224

in special journals, G4

types of, 101, 183


as prepaid expense, 102, 103, 123124

in transaction analysis, 18

on websites, 96

Affiliated companies, 588, 599, 603

Aging schedules, 375

Aging the accounts receivable, 375, 388

Airlines, 106


purchase, 217, 233, 235236

sales, 221, 233, 235236

Allowance for Doubtful Accounts, 372376, 383, 385, 388

Allowance method (uncollectible amounts), 372376, 388


bond, 488495

defined, 435

intangible assets, 428431

on statements of financial position, 432

Amortized costs, 371n.1, 406. See also Cash (net) realizable value


financial statement, see Financial statement analysis

ratio, see Ratio analysis

of reported information, 45

transaction, 1520, 48, 6368

Annual depletion expense, 426427

Annual interest rates, 381, 486, E1, E11

Annuities, 485486

defined, E19

future value of, E4E6, E19

present value of, E9E11, E14, E17

Articles of incorporation, 523. See also Charters

Assets, 12

defined, 28, 48

depreciable, 413414

intangible, 174175

legal claim to, 380

and liabilities, 462

non-cash, 531

overstatement of, 102

plant, see Plant assets

purchasing of, 626

receivables as, 368, 370

in recording process, 5354, 56

return on, 700

safeguarding of, 321, 323

on statements of financial positions, 24, 173176, 692

Asset turnover ratio, 432, 435, 699700, 704, 713

Associates, 586, 598

Assumption(s), 126127

cost flow, 269273, 311312

economic entity, 10, 29, 127

going-concern, 127, 414, 435

monetary unit, 9, 29, 127

time period, 98, 122, 127, 153


careers in, 2931

fees for, 364

internal auditors, 322323, 344

of sustainability accounting policies, 317

Authorized shares, 525, 550, 554

Average collection period, 385, 388, 698

Average-cost inventory method, 269, 270

defined, 282

in periodic system, 272274

in perpetual system, 283284


Background checks, 323

Bad Debts Expense, 370375, 381, 388

Balances (ledgers), 60

Balance sheets, 22, 94, 206, B3B4. See also Statements of financial position


deposits in, 333

earnings of, 582

and payroll accounting, F7

and real estate, 11

and reconciliation, 333, 336339, 343

statements from, 334338, 343

Bank reconciliation, 333, 336339, 343

Bankruptcy, 520, 537

Bank service charges, 335, 339, 343

Bank statements, 334338, 343

Bar coding, 269

Basic accounting equation, 1214, 28

Bearer bonds, 468, 482


fringe, F8F9, H6H8

postretirement, H6H9

Best-efforts contracts, 526n.2

Billing, by credit card companies, 377

Boards of directors, 468469

for corporation management, 521

and dividends, 537, 539, 542

retained earnings restrictions created by, 547


advantages of, 467468

and amortization, 488495

borrowing with notes vs., 478

conversion of, 626

defined, 467, 482

discounts on, see Bond discounts

investment in, 583585

issuance of, 468470, 472475

long-term, E11E13

premiums on, see Bond premiums

redeeming of, 475476

trading of, 470

types of, 468

value of, 470473, 483488

Bond certificates, 469470, 482

Bond discounts:

amortization of, 488490, 492493

and interest rates, 472473

issuance of bonds at discount, 473474

Bond indenture, 469, 482

Bonding (internal control), 323, 343

Bond interest expense, 474, 488

Bond interest paid, 488

Bonds Payable account, 636, 646, 656

Bond premiums:

amortization of, 490491, 493494

and interest rates, 472473

issuance of bonds at premium, 474475

Bonuses, F2, F13

Bonus plans, 533

Book error, 339

Bookkeeping, 5, 29

Book of original entry, 58. See also Journals and journalizing

Book value:

of bonds, 474, 476

cost above, 601602

cost equal to, 600, 601

defined, 122

fair value vs., 105

market value vs., 556557

of plant assets, 414, 416418, 423, 436437

Book value per share, 555557

Buffett, Warren, 545

Buildings, 411, 422, 636, 647, 655

Business documents, 57, 219

Business transactions, see Transactions

By-laws, 523


CAs (chartered accountants), 30

Calendar year, 98, 122

Callable bonds, 468, 482


corporate, 521, 527529

share, see Share capital

working, 466, 483, 696

Capital expenditures, 422, 435

Careers, accounting, 11, 2931

Carrying value, 105, 474. See also Book value

Cash. See also Cash control(s); Net cash; Statements of cash flows

conserving, 622623

as current asset, 176

defined, 343

disbursement of, 328332, 339, G13

issuance of par value ordinary shares for, 530

liquidity of, 697

net change in, 637639

purchase of inventory with, 215

receipt of, 64, 68

recording increases and decreases in, 53

reporting, 340341

restricted, 341

in transaction analysis, 1620

Cash account, 54, 637, G1G2

Cash balance, 322, 688

Cash-basis accounting:

accrual-basis accounting vs., 98

defined, 122

and GAAP, 153

Cash control(s), 325340

and bank deposits, 333

and bank statements, 334336

and checks, 333334

with electronic funds transfer systems, 339

with petty cash funds, 329332

for receipt transactions, 325328

reconciling bank account as, 336339

standards for, 362364

terminology, 343344

with voucher systems, 328329

Cash discounts, 369

Cash dividends, 538542

as common form of distribution, 54

defined, 554

payout ratio for measurement of, 702703

recording of, 586

Cash equivalents, 341, 343, 362364

Cash flow statements, see Statements of cash flow

Cash payments journals, G11, G13G15, G19

Cash purchase price, 410, 411

Cash (net) realizable value:

of accounts receivable, 371, 372

defined, 371, 388

of notes receivable, 382

Cash receipts, 325328, 628, 651652

Cash receipts journals, G7G11, G19

Cash register tapes, 219

Cash-to-cash operating cycles, 377

CEOs (chief executive officers), 521

Certified public accountants (CPAs), 30

Changes in accounting principle, 708, 713, 733

Channel stuffing, 710

Charters (corporations), 523, 527, 554

Chartered accountants (CAs), 30

Chart of accounts, 6263, 76


and cash controls, 333334

and debit memorandum, 335

mail receipts in form of, 327

NSF, 335, 339, 344

outstanding, 336, 344

payroll, F7F8

Checking accounts, 333336

Check register, 327

China, accounting standards of, 9


of cash flows, 624626

of expenses, 259

on income statements, 733

Classified statements of financial position, see Statements of financial position

Closing costs, 410

Closing entries:

in accounting cycle, 164168

defined, 183

in merchandising operations, 224225

in special journals, G4

Closing the books, 164170

Collection (credit cards), 377

Collection agents, 463

Commercial substance, 436

Commissions, 112, F1

Common-size analysis, see Vertical analysis

Common stock, 94. See also Share capital


as accounting activity, 45

in internal control, 317

Company officers, 5

Comparability of information, 126

Comparative analysis, 688. See also Financial statement analysis

Compensating balances, 343

Compensation, see Salaries; Wages

Complete information, 126

Component depreciation, 420, 435

Compounding periods, E17

Compound interest, E2E4, E19

Compound interest tables, E3E4

Compound journal entries, 59, 76

Comprehensive income, 229230

defined, 233, 713

and financial statements, 595, 708709

under IFRS, 733

and standards, 577578

Computers, 51

Confirmatory value, of information, 126

Consigned goods, 267, 282

Consistency, 126, 275

Consistency principle, 282

Consolidated balance sheets, B3B4, C2

Consolidated financial statements, 588589, 598, 599603, A1A6, B1B6, C1C4, D1D4

Consolidated income statements, 603, A3, B1, B6, C1

Consolidated statements of cash flows, A6, B5, C3, D4

Consolidated statements of changes in equity, A4A5, B6, C4

Consolidated statements of comprehensive income, A3, B2, C1

Consolidated statements of earnings, comprehensive earnings, and retained earnings, D1

Consolidated statements of financial position, A1A2, D2D3

Constant percentage rate, 488

Consumerism, 210

Consumption, 210211

Contingent liabilities, H1H3, H8

Contra asset accounts, 105, 122, 164

Contractual agreements, 428

Contractual interest rate:

on bonds, 469, 472473

defined, 482

Contractual restrictions, 547

Contra equity accounts, 533

Contra revenue accounts, 221, 222, 226, 233

Control accounts, G1G3, G10, G16, G19

Control environment (internal control), 316


responsibilities of, 521

salaries of, 31

Controlling interest, 588, 598

Convergence, 29

Convertible bonds, 468, 482

Copyrights, 429431, 435

Corporate social responsibility (CSR), 25

creating value, 177

selling green, 223

shareholder proposals for, 529

sustainability reporting, 317, 427

Corporation(s), 518554

and book value per share, 555557

capital in, 527529

characteristics of, 520522

classification of, 520

defined, 10, 29, 520, 554

and dividends, 538546

equity in, 178

formation of, 523

international differences in, 4748

investment by, 582

long-term financing of, 468

ordinary shares of, 524, 529532

ownership of, 524525

preference shares of, 536537

retained earnings of, 546552

share issue considerations in, 524527

standards for, 577578

terminology, 554

treasury shares of, 532536

Correcting entries:

in accounting cycle, 171173

defined, 183

in special journals, G4


depreciable, 415

flow of, 213215

freight, 215217, 235, 412

of inventory, 268

organization, 523, 554

of patents, 428429

of plant assets, 410413

of research and development, 430431

and value, 414415

weight-averaged unit, 272, 282

Cost above book value, 601602

Cost allocation, 414

Cost constraint, 128

Cost equal to book value, 600, 601

Cost flow assumptions, 269273, 311312

Cost flow methods, 269275, 282285

Costing, inventory, 268276, 311312, 710

Cost method, 533, 586, 599

Cost of goods sold:

on income statements, 692

and inventory, 274, 276277, 288289

in merchandising operations, 212214, 221, 233234

Cost of Goods Sold account, G5, G7

Cost principle, 127. See also Historical cost principle

Coupon bonds, 468. See also Bearer bonds

CPAs (certified public accountants), 30

Credit(s) (Cr.):

in account, 5253

accrued expenses, 111

accrued revenues, 109

on bank statements, 334336

defined, 76

in ledgers, 60

notes receivable as, 368

purchase of inventory with, 215

in recording process, 5254, 58

in transaction analysis, 1719

in trial balance, 7071

on worksheets, 161

Credit Balance, 52

Credit cards, 369, 377378, 460461

Crediting accounts, 52


claims of, 174

and earning power, 699

as external users, 6

and liabilities, 12

and limited liability, 520

long-term, 688, 703

short-term, 688, 695

Creditors’ subsidiary ledgers, G1

Credit terms, 218

CSR, see Corporate social responsibility

Cumulative dividend, 537, 554


countries and regions associated with, 9

and liquidity, 466

Currency signs, 72

Current assets:

defined, 183

non-cash, 632634

and ratio analysis, 694, 697

on statements of financial position, 176177, 207, 264, 592

Current liability(-ies), 462467. See also specific current liabilities

analysis of, 466

changes in, 633634

defined, 183, 462, 482

maturities of long-term debt, 464

and ratio analysis, 694

sales taxes payable, 463

statement presentation of, 465

on statements of financial position, 178179

terminology, 482483

unearned revenues, 463464

Current ratio, 466, 482, 696, 704, 713


and credit card sales, 377

as external users, 6

Customer deposits, 106

Customers’ subsidiary ledgers, G1, G19


Dassler, Adolf “Adi,” 518519

Date of transaction, 58

Days in inventory (ratio), 279, 282, 699

Debenture bonds, 468, 482

Debit(s) (Dr.):

in account, 5253

accrued expenses, 111

accrued revenues, 109

in allowance accounts, 376

on bank statements, 334335

defined, 76

in ledgers, 60

in recording process, 5254, 58

in trial balance, 7071

on worksheets, 159, 161

Debit balance, 52

Debiting accounts, 52

Debts. See also Liability(-ies)

and current ratio, 696

uncollectible, 370376

Debt covenants, 480

Debt investments, 583585, 599

Debt to total assets ratio, 479, 482, 703, 705, 713

Declaration date (cash dividends), 539, 554

Declining-balance method (depreciation), 415, 417419, 435


adjusting entries for, 102109

basic relationships for, 125

defined, 122

types of, 102

Deferred revenue, 107. See also Unearned revenue

Deficit, 547, 554

Defined-benefit pension plans, H7H8

Defined-contribution pension plans, H7H8

Delivery Expense account, 217

Depletion (natural resources), 426427, 435


bank, 333

in transit, 336, 343

Deposit slips, 333

Depreciable cost, 415, 435

Depreciation, 413421

accumulated, 175, 644, 646

as allocation concept vs. valuation concept, 104, 105

component, 420, 435

defined, 122, 413, 435

and income taxes, 420

and increase in equipment, 655656

methods of, 415419, 426, 428

and operating expenses, 654

periodic, 420421

and plant asset disposal, 423425

and prepaid expenses, 104106

recognition of, 414

on statements of cash flow, 631

on statements of financial position, 432

and useful life, 414416, 422423

Depreciation schedule, 416

Diminishing-balance method (depreciation), 418n.1

Direct issuance of shares, 525

Direct method (statements of cash flows), 628, 643, 650657

Directors, see Boards of directors

Direct-write off method (uncollectible amounts), 370371, 388

Disbursement (cash), 328332, 339, G13

Disclosure of contingent liabilities, H2H3

Discontinued operations, 707, 713


bond, see Bond discounts

cash, 369

and present value, E7E9, E11, E14E15

purchase, 218, 233, 236

sales, 222, 233, 236

Discounting the future amount, E7

Discount period, 218

Dishonored notes receivable, 383, 388

Dividends, 538546

ability to pay, 624

cash, see Cash dividends

cash flows from, 625

defined, 29, 76, 538, 554

making decisions about paying, 541, 622623

and preference shares, 536537

in recording process, 5455, 67

reporting, 538

and retained earnings, 13, 24, 547

share, 467, 542546, 554

from share investments, 587588, 691

share splits, 544546

standards, 577578

on statements of financial position, 595

terminology, 554

in transaction analysis, 20

on worksheets, 161

Dividends account, 118, 164166, 539

Dividends in arrears, 537

Division of labor, G3, G4, G7. See also Segregation of duties


business, 57, 219

prenumbered, 320, G5, G13

shipping, 320


for cash controls, 325326, 329

for internal control, 320

Dot-com boom, 96

Double-entry accounting system, 53, 56, 60, 76, 93

Double taxation, 522

Dr., see Debit(s)

Dual posting, G16

Duties, segregation of, see Segregation of duties



gross, F1F5, F10, F13

from investment income, 582

quality of, 709711, 713

retained, see Retained earnings

statements of, F7, F13

Earnings per share (EPS), 701702, 704, 713

Earning power, 706709

Ebbers, Bernie, 423

Economic entity(-ies):

basic accounting equation for, 12

defined, 10

Economic entity assumption, 10, 29, 127

Economic events, 45

Effective-interest method (amortization), 488492

EFTs, see Electronic funds transfers

Electronic funds transfers (EFTs), 339, 343, F7

Electronic product codes, 269, 279

Electronic spreadsheet programs, 158


fraud committed by, 220221, 316, 323, 324, F12

fringe benefits for, F8F9, H6H8

hiring of, 66, F12

salaries of, 112

Employee earnings record, F5, F13

Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate (Form W-4), F4, F13

Employer taxes, F8F11

The End of Work (Jeremy Rifkin), 210

Environmental responsibility, 25

EPS, see Earnings per share


in accounting cycle, 175

changes in, 636, 647

exchange of, 436

increase in, 655656

as plant asset, 411413

sale of, 654

in transaction analysis, 1617, 64

Equipment account, 636

Equity, 1214, 527529. See also Statements of changes in equity

and accounting cycle, 178

book value per share, 555

changes in, B6

and comprehensive income, 708, 709

defined, 29, 48, 183

and issuance of shares, 525, 527

in recording process, 5455

and retained earnings, 1516, 546, 547

and revenue, 1718

and share dividends, 542544

shareholders’, 94

standards, 577578

on statements of financial position, 24, 174, 527, 549551

with treasury shares, 533535

Equity accounts, 543, 546, 554

Equity method, 587, 592, 599

Equity transactions, 534

Errors, 5051

and bank reconciliation, 336339

correction of, 171173

internal controls for detecting, 154

inventory, 276278

in merchandising operations, 224

transposition, 71

trial balance for uncovering, 7072

Ethics, 67

abuse of revenue recognition principle, 100

acquisitions, 414

adjusting accounts, 9697

adjusting entries, 111

artificially increasing cash from, 635

cash equivalent treatment, 341

changes in accounting principle, 708

corporations, 521

defined, 29

economic entity assumption, 10, 127

employee theft, 316, 324

falsifying inventory, 266

financial statement analysis, 708

fraudulent disbursements, 332

internal control, 331

inventories, 265, 269, 277

investing, 592, 593

irregularities, 71

lease accounting, H5

liabilities, 178179, 469

natural resources, 426

not-for-profit organizations, 7

receivables, 368, 369

rewarding bonuses, F2

statements of cash flows, 624

Excel, 158

Exchange (assets), 436437, 626

Exchanges (markets):

national securities, 520

trading of shares on, 526

Exclusive rights of use, 174

Expanded accounting equation, 29

Expenditures, 422423


accrued, 110114, 122, 184, 654

classification of, 259

defined, 29, 48

on income statements, 22

interest, 229, 474, 488

matching of revenues with, 375

operating, see Operating expenses

payment of, 19

payroll, F6F9

prepaid, see Prepaid expenses

in recording process, 55

and retained earnings, 13

shifting of, 9697

understatement of, 102

on worksheets, 161

Expense recognition principle, 99, 122

External transactions, 14

External users, 6


Face value (par value):

of bonds, 469, 470, 472474, 486

defined, 482

present value of, 483485

Factor, 377, 388

Fair trade practices, 25

Fair value:

defined, 599

and depreciation, 105, 424

fluctuations in, 708

of investments, 590593

of leased property, H4H5

principle of, 8, 29, 128, 229

and receivables, 406

revaluation to, 154

Fair value through profit or loss (FVPL) securities, 599

Faithful representation, 29, 126

FASB, see Financial Accounting Standards Board

Federal Insurance Contribution Act (FICA), F2F3, F5, F8F10, F13

Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA), F9

Federal unemployment taxes, F9, F13

Fees, professional, F1, F13

FICA, see Federal Insurance Contribution Act

FIFO (first-in, first-out) inventory method, 269275, 282, 283


accounting careers in, 11

internal users in, 56

Finance directors, 5

Finance leases, H4H5, H8H9

Financial accounting:

abuses of, 9697

defined, 29

Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), 8. See also Generally accepted accounting principles

accounting for financial instruments, 382

adjusting accounts, 153154

defined, 29

equity, 578

financial statement analysis, 734

financial statement definitions, 93

and financial statement structure, 259

receivables, 406

single set of standards, 47

Financial calculators, E16E18

Financial crisis, 541

Financial position statements, see Statements of financial position

Financial pressure, 316

Financial ratings organizations, 688

Financial ratios, 385

Financial scandals:

accounting opportunities following, 2930

and ethics, 67

Financial statements. See also specific statements

in accounting cycle, 161163

and adjusting accounts, 118120

communication with, 4

consolidated, 588589, 599603, A1A6, B1B6, C1C4, D1D4

currency signs in, 72

and GAAP/IFRS, 153154

and inventories, 273, 277280

for merchandising operations, 226230

prepaid expenses in, 102

structure of, 259

and timing, 98

Financial statement analysis, 686713. See also Ratio analysis

of earning power, 706709

horizontal analysis, 688692

need for, 688

of quality of earnings, 709711

standards for, 732734

terminology, 712713

vertical analysis, 688689, 692694

Financing activities:

classification of, 624627

defined, 643

recording of, 636637, 655656

Financing charges (credit cards), 369

Finished goods inventory, 264, 282

First-in, first-out inventory method, see FIFO method

Fiscal year, 98, 122

Fixed assets, see Plant assets; Property, plant, and equipment

Fixed-rate mortgages, 477

Flowcharts, 326327

Flow of costs, 213215

FOB destination, see Free on board destination

FOB shipping point, see Free on board shipping point

Forensic accounting, 3031

For-profit corporations, 520

Franchises, 429430, 435

Fraud. See also Internal control

in accounting for receivables, 370

case studies, 318323

debt-financed acquisitions, 423

defined, 316, 344

exercising share options, 532

factors contributing to, 316

in hiring, 466467

inventory, 268, 277

overstating assets/understating liabilities, 637

payroll, F12

Ponzi schemes, 340

standards, 154, 362364

terminology, 343344

theft of merchandise, 220221

using numeric relationships, 695

Fraud triangle, 316, 344

Free cash flow, 640641, 643

Free on board (FOB) destination:

defined, 282

and inventory, 266

in merchandising operations, 216, 233

Free on board (FOB) shipping point:

defined, 282

and inventory, 266

in merchandising operations, 216, 233

Freight costs, 215217, 235, 412

Freight-out account, 217

Fringe benefits, F8F9, H6H8

Full-disclosure principle, 128, H3

FUTA (Federal Unemployment Tax Act), F9

Future value:

of an annuity, E4E6, E19

of a single amount, E2E5, E19

FVPL (fair value through profit or loss) securities, 599


GAAP, see Generally accepted accounting principles

Gain on sale, 424425

Geneen, Harold, 2

General journals, 58, 76, G16G17. See also Journals and journalizing

General ledgers, 60, 76, G1G3, G5, G9, G10. See also Ledgers

Generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), 8, 29, 4748

accounting cycle, 206207

adjusting accounts, 153154

effective-interest method, 492

equity, 577578

financial statement analysis, 733734

fraud, 362364

internal controls, 362364

inventory, 311312

merchandising operations, 259260

property, plant, and equipment, 456457

receivables, 405406

recording process, 9394

Gift cards, 108

Going concern assumption, 127, 414, 435

Goods in transit, 266267

Goodwill, 174, 428, 430, 435


accounting careers in, 30

regulation of corporations by, 521522, F1

and sales taxes, 463

Government grants, 428

Government securities, 582, 583

Green marketing, 223

Gross earnings, F1F5, F10, F13

Gross profit, 227, 233

Gross profit method:

defined, 287

for estimating inventory, 285286

Gross profit rate, 227, 233


Health care, H6H8

Held-for-collection securities, 599

Hiring of employees, 66, 466467, F12

Historical cost principle, 127, 531

defined, 29

in IFRS, 8

Hong Kong, accounting standards of, 9

Honor of notes receivable, 382383

Horizontal analysis, 688692, 713

Human resources:

internal controls in, 323, 325326, 329

internal users in, 56


IAASB (International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board), 364

IASB, see International Accounting Standards Board

Identification, 4, 5

IFRS, see International Financial Reporting Standards

Illiquidity, 179

Impairment losses, 457

Imprest system, 329

Improper recognition of revenue, 710

Improvements, 422, 435

Income. See also Revenue(s)

and bonds, 467

comprehensive, see Comprehensive income

net, see Net income

profitability ratios for measuring, 699703

pro forma, 710, 713

statements of, see Income statements

Income measurement process, 212

Income statements, 2223

adjusting entry for accruals and, 109

classification on, 733

comprehensive income on, 708

consolidated, 603, A3, B1, B6, C1

defined, 29

depreciation on, 414

function of, 22

and GAAP, 259

horizontal analysis of, 690691

and inventory, 273, 276277

investments on, 587, 592

of merchandising companies, 220, 226230, 239

net income on, 118

receivables on, 385

and statements of cash flow, 624, 628

uncollectible amounts on, 371373

vertical analysis of, 692694

on worksheet, 161

Income Summary accounts, 164166, 183, 546

Income taxes:

and depreciation, 420

and discontinued operations, 707

and payroll accounting, F3F5, F10

on statements of cash flows, 634, 646, 654655

Income Tax Payable account, 634, 646

Independent internal verification:

in bank reconciliation, 336

in cash controls, 326, 329

in internal control, 322323


accounting standards of, 9

merchandisers in, 230

Indirect issuance of shares, 525526

Indirect method (statements of cash flows), 628639, 644649

Industry averages, 688, 694

Inflation, 274

Information (internal control), 317


for employee theft, 323

on equipment, 412

life, H6H8

payment of, 65

as prepaid expense, 102104

Intangible assets, 428432

and accounting cycle, 174175

analysis of, 432

defined, 183, 428, 435

life of, 428

R&D costs, 430431

standards for, 456457

statement presentation of, 432

terminology, 435436

types of, 428430

Intent to convert (investments), 594

Intercompany comparisons (analysis), 688, 694

Intercompany eliminations, 599, 600, 603

Intercompany transactions, 599, 603


accrued, 111, 382383

on bonds, 469475, 488495, 584

cash flows from, 625

cash payments for, 654

compound, E2E4, E19

on credit cards, 369

defined, E1, E19

on notes payable, 462

on notes receivable, 380, 381

and passing up discounts, 218

on plant assets, 411

present value of payments, 458487

simple, E1, E3, E19

on statements of financial position, 595

Interest coverage, see Times interest earned

Interest expense, 229, 474, 488

Interest payable account, 111

Interest rates:

annual, 381, 486, E1, E11

on bonds, 469, 472473

market, 470, 473, 482

and time value of money, E1, E5, E7, E9, E11

Interim periods, 98, 122

Internal audits, 30

Internal auditors, 322323, 344

Internal control, 316325. See also Cash control(s)

and adjusting accounts, 154

components of, 316317

defined, 344

documentation procedures for, 320

establishment of responsibility in, 317318

and human resource controls, 323

independent internal verification in, 322323

limitations of, 324

and payroll accounting, F12

physical controls in, 321

segregation of duties in, 318319, 322323

standards for, 362363

terminology, 343344

Internal reports, 6

Internal Revenue Service (IRS), F3F4, F10, F11, F20

Internal transactions, 14

Internal users, 56

International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), 8. See also International Financial Reporting Standards

accounting for financial instruments, 382

adjusting accounts, 153154

defined, 29

equity, 578

financial statements, 4748, 259, 734

objectives of, 156157

preference for direct method, 628

prohibition of LIFO method, 288

receivables, 371n.1, 406

single set of standards, 47

International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB), 364

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), 8, 156

accounting cycle, 206207

accrual basis of accounting, 630631

adjusting accounts, 153154

cash-basis accounting, 98

classification of cash flows, 625n.1, 626

comprehensive income, 595

defined, 29

depreciation methods, 415, 418n.1, 420

effective-interest method, 492

financial statement analysis, 732734

fraud, 362364

global use of, 4748

internal controls, 362364

inventory, 273n.2, 311312

leases, H4

liabilities, H1

merchandising operations, 259260

natural resources, 426

pro forma income, 710

property, plant, and equipment, 456457

receivables, 405406

recording process, 9394

reserves, 551, 577578

revaluation of plant assets, 421

revenue and expense recognition, 99

Interpretation, of reported information, 4

Intracompany comparisons (analysis), 688, 694

Inventory(-ies), 262282, 322. See also Merchandise Inventory account

average-cost method for, 272274, 283284

classification of, 264

as current assets, 176

determining quantities in, 265267

errors in accounting for, 276278

estimation of, 285287

falsifying, 266

FIFO method for, 270275, 283

and financial statements, 273, 277280

increases in, 633

LIFO method for, 273n.2, 275, 288289, 311312

in merchandising operations, 213215, 224, 233

periodic systems for, see Periodic inventory systems

perpetual systems for, see Perpetual inventory systems

purchase of, 215

specific identification for costing of, 269, 311, 710

standards, 273n.2, 311312

and taxes, 274

terminology, 282

value of, 275276

verification of, 322

Inventory account, 633, 647

Inventory turnover, 279, 282, 698699, 704, 713

Investing activities:

classification of, 624, 626627

defined, 643

recording of, 636637, 655656

Investments, 580599

advantages of, 582583

debt, 583585

long-term, see Long-term investments

non-trading securities, 592593

share, 585589

short-term, see Short-term investments

statement presentation of, 594597, 599603

and statements of cash flows, 637

terminology, 588599

value of, 590593

Investment portfolios, 585, 599


and earning power, 699

as external users, 6


credit card, 377

prenumbered, 320

purchase, 215, 233

sales, 219, 233

Irregularities, 71

IRS, see Internal Revenue Service


Japan, accounting standards of, 9

Jean, Wyclef, 7

JIT (just-in-time) inventory method, 264265, 282

Journals and journalizing:

in accounting cycle, 164

for adjusting entries, 115116

bank reconciliation, 338339

bonds, 470, 472

cash payments journals, G11, G13G15

cash receipts journals, G7G11

definitions of, 76

general journals, 58, 76, G16G17

illustration of transactions in, 69

in merchandising operations, 224225

purchases journals, G11G13

in recording process, 5859

sales journals, G4G7

terminology, G19

and unearned revenues, 106

for write-offs, 373

Just-in-time (JIT) inventory method, 264265, 282


Keying, 159

Korean discount, 9


Labor unions, 6


increase in, 636, 647, 655

as plant asset, 410411

Land account, 636

Land improvements, 411

Last-in, last-out inventory method, see LIFO inventory method

Lawsuits, H1

LCNRV (lower-of-cost-or-net-realizable value), 275276, 282

Leases, 413, 468, H3H5, H9


adjusting entries in, 115116

closing entries in, 164

defined, 76

illustration of transactions in, 69

posting to, 6162

for recording process, 6061

subsidiary, G1G3, G10, G19

temporary accounts in, 170

write-offs in, 372373

Left side (accounts), 52. See also Debit(s)

Legal issues:

with intangible assets, 428429

with retained earnings, 547

Legal title (ownership of goods), 266, 267

Leveraging, 701, 713

Liability(-ies), 12. See also specific liabilities

with accrued expenses, 111

contingent, H1H3

defined, 12, 29, 48

for employee fringe benefits, H6H8

lease, H3H5

long-term, 183

payroll-related, 495497, F6F7

in recording process, 5354, 56

on statements of financial positions, 24, 174

terminology, 482483, H8H9

with unearned revenues, 106107

Licenses, 429430, 435, 523

Life, of corporation, 521

Life insurance, H6H8

LIFO (last-in, last-out) inventory method, 273n.2, 275, 288289, 311312

Li Ka-shing, 686687

Limited liability, 10, 520

Liquidating dividend, 538, 554

Liquidation, 12

Liquidation preference, 537538


analysis of, 466, 688

defined, 183

evaluation of, 179

excess, 179

of receivables, 368, 385

of short-term investments, 594

Liquidity ratios, 695699, 704, 713. See also specific ratios


accounting standards for, 382

after global financial crisis, 384

doubtful, 366367

as financial asset, 406

and financial calculators, C18

and promissory notes, 380

short-term vs. long-term, 471

Long-term creditors, 688, 703

Long-term debt, 464, 478

Long-term investments:

and accounting cycle, 175176

defined, 183, 599

short-term vs., 471

on statements of financial position, 594596

Long-term liabilities, 183, 479. See also Non-current liability(-ies)

Long-term notes, E11E13

Long-term notes payable, 477478

Loss on sale, 425

Lower-of-cost-or-net-realizable value (LCNRV), 275276, 282


Madoff, Bernard, 340

Magazine subscriptions, 106

Mail receipts, 327

Makers (promissory notes), 379, 382, 388


accounting careers in, 11

corporation, 521

internal users in, 56

of publicly traded companies, 97

Management consulting, 30, 31

Managerial accounting:

activities in, 30

defined, 29

purpose of, 6

Manufacturing companies:

classification of inventory in, 264

and discounts, 369

productivity of, 415


accounting careers in, 11

green, 223

internal users in, 56

Marketing managers, 5

Market interest rate, 470, 473, 482

Market value:

of bonds, 470

book value vs., 556557

of shares, 526

Materiality, 126

Maturities, 464, 479

Maturity dates, 469

on bonds, 476

on notes receivable, 380, 382

Measurement principles, 127

Medicare, F3

Merchandise Inventory account, G5, G11

Merchandising operations, 210233

accounting cycle completion in, 224226

financial statements for, 226230

flow of costs in, 213215

freight costs in, 215217

inventory classification in, 264

operating cycles in, 212213

purchase discounts in, 218

purchase returns and allowances in, 217

recording purchases in, 215219

recording sales in, 219223, G4G6

standards for, 259260

statements of financial position for, 230231

terminology, 233

types of, 212

Merchandising profit, 227

Mintenko, Stephanie, 314315

Minus signs (financial calculators), E17

Monetary unit assumption, 9, 29, 127

Monitoring (internal control), 317

Monopolies, 428

Monthly rent, 65

Monthly time periods, 98

Mortgage bonds, 468, 482

Mortgage loans, C18

Mortgage notes payable, 477, 482

Moving-average method, 283. See also Average-cost inventory method

Murdock, Wilbert, 460461

Mutual funds, 582


Natural resources, 426427, 432, 435, 456457

Net cash, 628, 630634, 651

Net change in cash, 637639, 656657

Net income:

and bonds, 468

conversion to net cash, 628634

defined, 29

difference between net cash and, 624

earning power vs., 706

earnings per share as measure of, 702

formal recognition of, 164, 165

on income statements, 22, 118, 274, 693

maximization of, 420

retained earnings as, 54, 528, 546

and timing, 98

volatility of, 595

on worksheets, 161

Net income available to ordinary shareholders, 551

Net income per share, 702

Net losses:

defined, 29

on income statements, 22

on worksheets, 161

Net pay, F5, F13

Net realizable value, 275276, 282, 311, 371

Net sales, 226, 227, 233, 692, 693

Neutral information, 126

Nominal accounts, 164. See also Temporary accounts

Non-cash current assets, 632634

Non-current assets, 207, 592

Non-current liability(-ies), 467480. See also Bonds

in accounting cycle, 178

analysis of, 479

defined, 482

long-term notes payable, 477

postretirement benefits as, H8

statement presentation of, 479

Non-monetary assets, 457

“Non-recurring” events, 708

Non-trading securities, 590, 592595, 599

No-par value shares, 527, 530, 536, 554

Normal balance, 53

defined, 76

and liabilities, 5354

Notes payable. See also Bonds

and accrued interest, 111

borrowing with bonds vs., 478

corporation funding from, 468

defined, 482

as liability, 12, 462463

long-term, 477

and present value, E7

Notes receivable, 338, 368, 379384, 388

Not-for-profit organizations:

careers in, 30

classification of corporations as, 520

ethics in accounting practices, 7

NSF (not sufficient funds) checks, 335, 339, 344


Obsolescence, 414, 418, 420, 429

Off-balance-sheet financing, H5

Operating activities, 624626, 630635, 643, 651655

Operating cycles:

cash-to-cash, 377

defined, 176, 183

in merchandising operations, 212213

temporary investments in, 582

Operating expenses, 227228

cash payments for, 653654

defined, 233

in franchise agreements, 429430

improper capitalization of, 710

Operating leases, H3H4, H9

Opportunity, 316

Ordinary repairs, 422, 435

Ordinary shares. See also No-par value shares; Par value shares

book value of, 555

and cash dividends, 540541

direct issuance of, 626

and ownership rights, 524

on statements of financial position, 549550

Ordinary share capital, 54, 163

Organizational charts, 324

Organization costs, 523, 554

Outstanding checks, 336, 344

Outstanding shares, 534, 550, 554

Over-the-counter receipts, 325327

Overtime pay, F2

Owens, Jesse, 518


corporation classification by, 520

of goods, 266, 267

with leases, H4

separation of management and, 521

share certificates for proof of, 524, 525

Ownership claims, 1213

Ownership rights:

of shareholders, 524525

transferable, 521


Pacioli, Luca, 5n.2

Paid absences, H6

Parent companies, 588, 599

Parking lots, 411


corporations vs., 520, 522

defined, 10, 29

equity in, 178

international differences in, 48

Partnership agreements, 10

Par value, see Face value

Par value shares, 527, 530, 536, 550, 554

Patents, 428431, 435

Payees (promissory notes), 379, 382, 388


of payroll, F7F8

with petty cash fund, 330331

in recording process, 65

and statements of cash flow, 628, 651655

Payment date (cash dividends), 539, 554

Payout ratio, 702704, 713

Payroll accounting, F1F14

determining payroll in, F1F5

and internal control, F12

recording payroll in, F5F8

taxes in, 496, F2F6, F8F11

terminology, F1, F13F14

Payroll bank accounts, 333

Payroll deductions, F2F5, F13

Payroll register, F6F9, F13

Payroll-related liabilities, 495497

Payroll tax expense, F8F9

PCAOB (Public Company Oversight Board), 363

Pension plans, H7H8

People, planet, and profit, see Corporate social responsibility (CSR)

P-E ratio, see Price-earnings ratio

Percentage of receivables basis, 374, 375, 388

Percentage of sales basis, 374, 388

Periodic depreciation, 420421

Periodic inventory systems, 269270

availability of goods in, 288289

determining quantities in, 265

and income statements, 276

in merchandising operations, 233226, 259

perpetual vs., 269270, 283284

Periodicity assumption, 98

Periodic payments, E4E6, E9E11, H4

Permanent accounts:

carrying forward balances from, 164

defined, 164

and posting closing entries, 166

proving equality of, 168

temporary vs., 164

Perpetual inventory systems:

determining quantities in, 265

inventory cost flow methods in, 282285

in merchandising, 213215, 224, 233, 234, 236237, 259

periodic systems vs., 269270

and sales journals, G4G5

verification of, 322

Petty cash funds:

controls for, 329332

defined, 344

Physical controls, 321, 326, 329

Physical inventory, 265, 285, 287, 322

Plant assets, 410426

in accounting cycle, 175

buildings, 411, 422, 636, 647, 655

characteristics of, 410

defined, 435

depreciation of, see Depreciation

determining cost of, 410413

disposal of, 423

equipment, 411413

exchange of, 436437

expenditures on, 422423

land, 410411, 636, 647, 655

land improvements, 411

retirement of, 424

revaluation of, 421422

sale of, 424426

standards, 456457

on statements of cash flow, 632

on statements of financial position, 692

terminology, 435436

Plus signs (financial calculators), E17

Ponzi schemes, 340

Post-closing trial balance:

in accounting cycle, 168170

defined, 183


in accounting cycle, 164

of adjusting entries, 115116

in cash receipts journals, G10

defined, 76

in general journals, G16

in recording process, 6162

in sales journals, G5G6

Postretirement benefits, H6H9

Predictive value, of information, 126

Preference shares:

of corporations, 536537, 540541

defined, 554

equity, 555556

in ratio analysis, 700701

on statements of financial position, 550


bond, see Bond premiums

share, 530, 550

Prenumbered documents, 320, G5, G13

Prepaid expenses:

adjusting entries for, 102106, 122124

as current assets, 176

as deferrals, 102

defined, 122

increases in, 633, 647

Prepaid Insurance account, 632

Prepayments, 102

Presentation by function, 228

Presentation by nature, 228

Present value, 483488, E7E17

of an annuity, E9E11, E17, E19

in capital budgeting decisions, E14E15

defined, 470, E7, E19

and discounting, E11

of long-term notes and bonds, E11E13

of a single amount, E7E9, E16E17

Present value tables, E14

Price-earnings (P-E) ratio, 702, 704, 713

Principal, E1E3, E19

Principles-based standards, 48

Principles in financial reporting, 127128

Prior period adjustments, 548, 554

Private accounting, 30. See also Managerial accounting

Privately held corporations, 520, 554

Production supervisors, 5

Productive life, 414

Product warranties, H1H2

Profit. See also Revenue

gross, 227, 233

merchandising, 227

Profitability, 688

Profitability ratios, 695, 699704, 713. See also specific ratios

Profit margin, 699, 704, 713

Pro forma income, 710, 713

Promissory notes, 379380, 388, 462. See also Notes payable

Property, plant, and equipment, 410. See also Plant assets

in accounting cycle, 175, 207

defined, 183

and free cash flow, 641

revaluation of, 577

standards for, 456457

on statements of financial position, 432, 624

Property taxes, 410


corporations vs., 522, 528

defined, 10, 29

equity in, 178

international differences in, 48

Pro rata, 538

Provisions (liabilities), H1, H9

Prudence, 275, 282

Public accounting, 30, 31

Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB), 363

Publicly held corporations, 520522, 554, 710

Public property, 429

Purchases, 215216

Purchase allowances, 217, 233, 235236

Purchase discounts, 218, 233, 236

Purchase incentives, 218

Purchase invoices, 215, 233

Purchases journals, G11G13, G19

Purchase returns, 217, 233, 235236

Purchasing activities, 318319


Quality of earnings, 709711, 713

Quarterly time periods, 98

Quick ratio, see Acid-test ratio


Radio frequency identification (RFID), 279

Rate of return on sales, 699. See also Profit margin

Ratios, 713. See also specific ratios

Ratio analysis, 694706

corporate profitability, 551

defined, 688, 713

intangible assets, 432

liabilities, 466, 479

receivables, 385

Rationalization (fraud), 316

Raw materials:

defined, 282

inventory of, 264

R&D costs, see Research and development costs

Real accounts, 164. See also Permanent accounts

Real estate:

accounting careers in, 11

mortgage bonds in, 468

Real estate brokers’ commissions, 410

Real estate taxes payable, 12

Receipt of cash on account, 1920, 64, 68

Receipt transactions, 325328

Receivables, 366388. See also Accounts receivable

accounting standards for, 382

analysis of, 385

as current assets, 176

liquidity of, 368, 697

notes receivable, 379384

standards, 405406

statement presentation of, 385

terminology, 388

types of, 368

Receivables turnover, 697698, 704, 713

Recession, 582

Reconciliation (banks), 333, 336339, 343

Record date (cash dividends), 539, 554

Recording process, 45, 5076

and the account, 5257

for acquisition of investments, 586589

for bond sales, 584

business documents for, 57

for companies that use GAAP, 9394

debits and credits in, 5254, 58

illustration of, 6368

journals for, 5859

ledgers for, 6062

for merchandise operations, 235237

for payroll, F5F8

posting in, 6162

for provisions, H1H2

for purchases, 215216

for sales, 219223

terminology, 76

and trial balance, 7073

use of currency signs in, 72

Record-keeping, 319

Recovery of debt, 373374

Reference column:

in journals, 58, G5, G11, G17

in ledgers, 62

Registered bonds, 468, 482


and consolidated financial statements, 589

of financial disclosures, 97

government, 521522, F1

Regulatory agencies, 6


defined, 29

in IFRS, 8

of information, 126

Remittance advice (checks), 334


as prepaid expense, 102

as unearned revenue, 106

Repairs (plant assets), 422

Replenishing, 331


of cash, 340341

of dividends, 538

exchange requirements for, 521522

of investments, 590596

by not-for-profit organizations, 7

of payroll taxes, F10

by South Korean companies, 9

sustainability, 317

Representation (IFRS), 8

Research and development (R&D) costs, 430431, 435, 457

Reserves (equity), 550551, 577578

Residual equity, 13

Residual value, 415, 417418, 436


in cash controls, 325326, 329

in corporation management, 521

in internal control, 317318

social, 25

Restricted cash, 341, 344


and credit card sales, 377

defined, 212

Retail inventory method, 286287

Retained earnings, 546552

analysis of, 551

and cash dividends, 538

of corporations, 546552

defined, 13, 76, 528, 546, 554

as part of equity, 1516

and prior period adjustments, 548

in recording process, 54

standards, 577578

statement presentation of, 550551

in summary of transactions, 2021

terminology, 554

Retained Earnings account:

and closing entries, 164, 165

equity in, 178

increase in, 636, 646, 656

and preparing financial statements, 118

and treasury shares, 535

and worksheets, 600

Retained earnings restrictions, 547, 554

Retained earnings statements, 2224

defined, 29, 554

function of, 22, 24, 548549

horizontal analysis of, 691

items reported in, 546

limits of information on, 624

prior period adjustments in, 548

Retirement (assets), 424, 475476

Retirement (employee), H6H9


purchase, 217, 233, 235236

sales, 221, 222, 233, 236

Return on assets, 700, 704, 713

Return on ordinary shareholders’ equity, 551, 554, 700701, 704, 713

Revaluation, 154, 421422, 457, 577


in accrual-basis accounting, 98

accrued, 109110, 122, 184

defined, 29, 48

and equity, 1718

improper recognition of, 710

on income statements, 22

matching of expenses with, 375

in recording process, 55

and retained earnings, 13

sales, 212, 219, 226227, 233

from share investments, 587588

shifting of, 9697

and uncollectible amounts, 371372

unearned, 106108, 122, 124125, 463464

on worksheets, 161

Revenue expenditures, 422, 436

Revenue recognition:

principle of, 99, 100, 122, 128

standards for, 153154

Reversing entries:

in accounting cycle, 171, 183185

defined, 183

from write-offs, 373374

RFID (radio frequency identification), 279

Rifkin, Jeremy, 210

Right side (accounts), 52. See also Credit(s)

Risk assessment, 316

Rounding, E17

Rules-based standards, 48


Salaries. See also Payroll accounting

in accounting field, 31

accrued, 112113

defined, F1, F13

determination of, F2

payment of, 67

and statements of cash flow, 632

Salaries Payable account, 495496, 632


of bonds, 584

net, see Net sales

of notes receivable, 383

of plant assets, 424426

rate of return on, 699

recording of, 219223

Sales account, G5

Sales activities, 319

Sales agreements, 216

Sales allowances, 221, 233, 236

Sales discounts, 222, 233, 236

Sales industry, 319

Sales invoices, 219, 233

Sales journals, G4G7, G19

Sales returns, 221, 222, 233, 236

Sales revenue, 212, 219, 226227, 233

Sales taxes, 412

Sales taxes payable, 12, 463

Salvage value, 415. See also Residual value

Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX), 48, 154, 363364

Scandals, see Financial scandals

Schauble, Wolfgang, 72

SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission), 207, 593

Secured bonds, 468, 482


categories of, 590595

government, 582, 583

held-for-collection, 599

non-trading, 592595

Securities exchanges, see Exchanges (markets)

Securities regulators, 521522

Segregation of duties:

in cash controls, 326, 329

in internal control, 318319, 323

Separate accounts, 220

Serial bonds, 468, 482

Services (transaction analysis), 1718

Service enterprises, 99, 369

Service life, 414, 415


authorized, 525, 550, 554

market value of, 526

no-par, 527, 530, 536, 554

ordinary, see Ordinary shares

outstanding, 534, 550, 554

preference, see Preference shares

treasury, 532536, 554

Share capital:

defined, 13, 29, 528, 554

dividends on, 691

on financial statements, 163, 549550

and GAAP, 94

increase in, 636, 646

as part of equity, 1516

in recording process, 54

in summary of transactions, 2021

Share Capital–Ordinary account:

cash dividends in, 538

equity in, 13, 178

and general ledgers, G2

increase in, 636, 646, 656

par value of shares in, 530

and treasury shares, 535

and worksheets, 600

Share certificates, 524, 525

Share compensation plans, 532533

Share dividends, 167, 542546, 554


and bonds, 167, 468

financial statement analysis by, 688

limited liability of, 10, 520

management by, 521

ownership rights of, 524525

and taxes on cash dividends, 522

in transaction analysis, 16

Shareholders’ equity, 94

Share investments, 585590, 599

Share options, 532

Share premiums, 530, 550

Share Premium–Treasury account, 530, 531, 535

Share quotes, reading, 526

Share splits, 544546, 554

Shipping documents, 320

Shoplifting, 324

Short-term creditors, 688, 695

Short-term investments:

by corporations, 582

as current assets, 176

defined, 599

liquidity of, 697

long-term vs., 471

on statements of financial position, 594596

Short-term notes receivable, 381, 385

Short-term paper, 594

Simple interest, E1, E19

Simple journal entries, 59, 76

Sinking fund bonds, 468, 482

Social responsibility, see Corporate social responsibility (CSR)

Social Security Administration, F11

Social Security taxes, 496, F3

Solvency, 688

Solvency ratios, 695, 703, 713

South Korean companies, financial reports of, 9

SOX, see Sarbanes-Oxley Act

Special journals, G4G19

cash payments journals, G11, G13G15

cash receipts journals, G7G11

and general journals, G16G17

purchases journals, G11G13

sales journals, G4G7

terminology, G19

Specific identification method (inventory), 269, 282, 311

Spreadsheet programs, 158

Stack, Jack, 3

Standards, 8. See also specific standards

adjusting accounts, 153154

cash controls, 362364

for corporations, 577578

financial statement analysis, 732734

fraud, 362364

intangible assets, 457

internal control, 362364

inventory, 273n.2, 311312

merchandising operations, 259260

principles-based, 48

receivables, 405406

transaction analysis, 48

Standing timber, 426, 31

Stated interest rate, 469

Stated value, 527, 554

Statements of cash flows, 2223, 622643

classification in, 171179, 624626, 628

consolidated, A6, B5, C3, D4

defined, 29, 643

direct method for preparing, 628, 650657

format of, 626628

and free cash flow, 640641

function of, 2425

indirect method for preparing, 628639, 644649

investing and financing activities on, 624627, 637, 655656

net change in cash on, 637639, 656657

and non-cash activities, 626

operating activities on, 624626, 630635, 651655

T-account approach, 659660

terminology, 643

usefulness of, 624

worksheets for, 644649

Statements of changes in equity, 550551, 554555

Statements of earnings, F7, F13

Statements of financial position, 2224, 173180, 406

from adjusted trial balance, 119

adjusting entry for accruals and, 109

change in cash account on, 637

consolidated, 599603, A1A2, D2D3

and contra asset accounts, 105

current assets on, 176177

current liabilities on, 178179, 462, 465

defined, 29, 183

depreciation on, 424

dividend shares on, 543544

equity on, 24, 174, 527

horizontal analysis of, 690

and IFRS, 206207

intangible assets on, 174175, 432

inventory on, 274, 277280

investments on, 591, 592, 594596

long-term investments on, 175176

for merchandising operations, 230231, 239

natural resources on, 426

non-current liabilities on, 178, 469, 474, 478, 479

property, plant, and equipment on, 175

receivables on, 370374, 385

reporting leases on, H5

share capital on, 449550

share premium on, 550

and statements of cash flow, 624, 628

treasury shares on, 534

vertical analysis of, 692

and worksheets, 161163, 645

State unemployment taxes, F9F10, F14

State unemployment tax acts (SUTA), F9F10

Stockholders’ equity, 94

Straight-line method:

for amortization, 492495

for depreciation, 415416, 418419, 428, 436

Subsidiary accounts, G16

Subsidiary companies, 588, 589, 599

Subsidiary ledgers, G1G3, G10, G19


cash payments to, 651652

as prepaid expense, 102103

in transaction analysis, 17, 66

Sustainability reports, 317, 427

SUTA (state unemployment tax acts), F9F10


T-account, 52, 60, 63, 76, 219, 636, 659660

Taxes and taxation, 30, 31, 522

and annual tax returns, 98

income taxes, see Income taxes

incurred by corporations, 522

and inventories, 274, 289, 312

payroll taxes, 496497, F2F6, F8F11

property taxes, 410

sales tax, 412

on statements of cash flows, 625n.1

Taxing authorities, 6


and accounting mistakes, 5051

for closing process, 168

Temporary accounts:

balances in, 166, 168

closing of, 164

defined, 183

in ledgers, 170

permanent vs., 164

Temporary investments, 582

Term bonds, 468, 482

Three-column form of account, 60, 76

Time lags, 336

Timeliness of information, 126

Time periods, 22, 98, 486, E11

Time period assumption, 98, 122, 127, 153

Times interest earned, 479, 482, 703705, 713

Time value of money, 470, E1E19

defined, 483

and financial calculators, E16E18

future value concepts, E2E6

and interest, E1E3

present value concepts, E7E17

Timing, 98100, 153

Trademarks (trade names), 429, 436

Trade receivables, 368, 388


of bonds, 470

classification of securities in, 594

of shares, 526

Trading on the equity, 701, 713

Trading securities, 590591, 599

Transactions (business transactions):

and accounting equation, 1421

defined, 29

documents providing evidence of, 57, 320

external and internal, 14

merchandise, 35

Transaction analysis, 1520, 48, 6368

Transferable ownership rights, 521

Transgression, 96

Transposition errors, 71

Treasurers, 331, 521

Treasury shares:

of corporations, 532536

defined, 554

Trend analysis, see Horizontal analysis

Trial balance:

adjusted, 117119, 122

defined, 76

under GAAP, 93

incomplete data in, 100101

for merchandising operations, 238

post-closing, 168170, 183

and recording process, 7073

on worksheets, 159161

Turnover ratio(s):

accounts receivable, 385, 388

asset, 432, 435, 699700, 704, 713


Uncollectible Accounts Expense, 370, 371

Uncollectible debts, 370376

Understandability of information, 126

Underwriting, 525

Unearned revenue, 102, 106108, 122, 124125, 463464

Unemployment taxes, 496, F9F10

Unexpired cost, see Book value

Unions, 6

U.S. Congress, 48, 275, 363, 541

U.S. generally accepted accounting principles, see Generally accepted accounting principles

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 207, 593

Units-of-activity method (depreciation), 415419, 426, 436

Unrealized Gain–Equity account, 593

Unrealized gains and losses, 591, 595

Unrealized Loss–Equity account, 593

Unsecured bonds, 468, 483

Useful information, 126

Useful life, 104, 122, 414416, 422423, 436, 457


Vacations, employee, 323, H6


of accounts receivable, 370376

under IFRS, 207

of investments, 590596

Value. See also specific types of value

of bonds, 469473, 483488

carrying, 105, 474

creating, 177

of goodwill, 430

of inventories, 275276

of investments, 590593

Verifiability of information, 126

Vertical analysis, 688689, 692694, 713

Virtual close, 168

Voluntary restrictions, 547

Voucher register, 327

Voucher systems:

cash controls with, 328329

defined, 344


Wages, 112113, F1, F2, F14. See also Payroll accounting

Wage and Tax Statement (Form W-2), F10, F11, F14

Wages payable, 12, 495496

Walton, Sam, 60

Warranties, H1H2

Website ad space, 96

Weight-averaged unit cost, 272, 282

W-2 form (Wage and Tax Statement), F10, F11, F14

W-4 form (Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate), F4, F14

Wholesalers, 212

Withholding taxes, 495496, F3F5

Work environment, 25

Working capital, 466, 483, 696

Working capital ratio, 696

Work in process:

defined, 282

inventory of, 264


in accounting cycle, 158163

defined, 183

for income statements, 603

for merchandising operations, 237239

for statements of cash flows, 644649

for statements of financial position, 600602

Write-offs (uncollectible accounts), 372374

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