Chapter 10Liabilities



Learning Objectives

After studying this chapter, you should be able to:

1 Explain a current liability, and identify the major types of current liabilities.

2 Describe the accounting for notes payable.

3 Explain the accounting for other current liabilities.

4 Explain why bonds are issued, and identify the types of bonds.

5 Prepare the entries for the issuance of bonds and interest expense.

6 Describe the entries when bonds are redeemed.

7 Describe the accounting for long-term notes payable.

8 Identify the methods for the presentation and analysis of non-current liabilities.


Feature Story

Financing His Dreams

What would you do if you had a great idea for a new product but couldn't come up with the cash to get the business off the ground? Small businesses often cannot attract investors. Nor can they obtain traditional debt financing through bank loans or bond issuances. Instead, they often resort to unusual, and costly, forms of non-traditional financing.

Such was the case for Wilbert Murdock. Murdock grew up in a low-income housing project but always had high goals. This ambitious spirit led him into some business ventures that failed: a medical diagnostic tool, a device to eliminate carpal tunnel syndrome, custom-designed sneakers, and a device to keep people from falling asleep while driving.

Another idea was computerized golf clubs that analyze a golfer's swing and provide immediate feedback. Murdock saw great potential in the idea. Many golfers are willing to shell out considerable sums of money for devices that might improve their game. But, Murdock had no cash to develop his product, and banks and other lenders had shied away. Rather than give up, Murdock resorted to credit cards—in a big way. He quickly owed $25,000 to credit card companies.

While funding a business with credit cards might sound unusual, it isn't. A recent study by the London-based Institute of Directors found that more than half of companies seeking bank financing had been turned down. About 20% of the 1,000 companies studied relied, at least in part, on credit card financing. The high bank rejection rate occurred despite a program created by the British government that guarantees up to 75% on a loan up to £1 million.


Murdock's credit card debt forced him to sacrifice nearly everything in order to keep his business afloat. His car stopped running, he barely had enough money to buy food, and he lived and worked out of a dimly lit apartment in his mother's basement. Through it all, he tried to maintain a positive spirit. He jokes that if he becomes successful, he might some day get to appear in an American Express (USA) commercial.

Source: Rodney Ho, “Banking on Plastic: To Finance a Dream, Many Entrepreneurs Binge on Credit Cards,” Wall Street Journal (March 9, 1998), p. A1; Brian Groom, “Banks Fail to Help Half of Companies, Say IoD,” Financial Times Online ( (February 16, 2010).


Preview of Chapter 10

Inventor-entrepreneur Wilbert Murdock, as you can tell from the Feature Story, had to use multiple credit cards to finance his business ventures. Murdock's credit card debts would be classified as current liabilities because they are due every month. Yet, by making minimal payments and paying high interest each month, Murdock used this credit source long-term. Some credit card balances remain outstanding for years as they accumulate interest.

Earlier, we defined liabilities as creditors' claims on total assets and as existing debts and obligations. These claims, debts, and obligations must be settled or paid at some time in the future by the transfer of assets or services. The future date on which they are due or payable (maturity date) is a significant feature of liabilities. This “future date” feature gives rise to two basic classifications of liabilities: (1) current liabilities and (2) non-current liabilities. Our discussion in this chapter is divided into these two classifications.

The content and organization of Chapter 10 are as follows.



Current Liabilities


Explain a current liability, and identify the major types of current liabilities.

As explained in Chapter 4, a current liability is a debt that the company expects to pay within one year or the operating cycle, whichever is longer. Debts that do not meet this criterion are classified as non-current liabilities. Most companies pay current liabilities within one year by using current assets rather than by creating other liabilities.

Companies must carefully monitor the relationship of current liabilities to current assets. This relationship is critical in evaluating a company's short-term debt-paying ability. A company that has more current liabilities than current assets may not be able to meet its current obligations when they become due.

Current liabilities include notes payable, accounts payable, and unearned revenues. They also include accrued liabilities such as taxes, salaries and wages, and interest payable. In the sections that follow, we discuss a few of the common types of current liabilities.

Notes Payable


Describe the accounting for notes payable.

Companies record obligations in the form of written notes as notes payable. Notes payable are often used instead of accounts payable because they give the lender formal proof of the obligation in case legal remedies are needed to collect the debt. Companies frequently issue notes payable to meet short-term financing needs. Notes payable usually require the borrower to pay interest.

Notes are issued for varying periods of time. Those due for payment within one year of the statement of financial position date are usually classified as current liabilities.

To illustrate the accounting for notes payable, assume that Hong Kong National Bank agrees to lend HK$100,000 on September 1, 2014, if C. W. Co. signs a HK$100,000, 12%, four-month note maturing on January 1. When a company issues an interest-bearing note, the amount of assets it receives upon issuance of the note generally equals the note's face value. C. W. Co. therefore will receive HK$100,000 cash and will make the following journal entry.



Interest accrues over the life of the note, and the company must periodically record that accrual. If C. W. Co. prepares financial statements annually, it makes an adjusting entry at December 31 to recognize interest expense and interest payable of HK$4,000 (HK$100,000 × 12% × 4/12). Illustration 10-1 shows the formula for computing interest and its application to C. W. Co.'s note.


Illustration 10-1 Formula for computing interest

C. W. Co. makes an adjusting entry as follows.



In the December 31 financial statements, the current liabilities section of the statement of financial position will show notes payable HK$100,000 and interest payable HK$4,000. In addition, the company will report interest expense of HK$4,000 under “Other income and expense” in the income statement. If C. W. Co. prepared financial statements monthly, the adjusting entry at the end of each month would have been HK$1,000 (HK$100,000 × 12% × 1/12).

At maturity (January 1, 2015), C. W. Co. must pay the face value of the note (HK$100,000) plus HK$4,000 interest (HK$100,000 × 12% × 4/12). It records payment of the note and accrued interest as follows.



Sales Taxes Payable


Explain the accounting for other current liabilities.

As a consumer, you know that many of the products you purchase at retail stores are subject to sales taxes. Many governments also are now collecting sales taxes on purchases made on the Internet as well. Sales taxes are expressed as a percentage of the sales price. The selling company collects the tax from the customer when the sale occurs. Periodically (usually monthly), the retailer remits the collections to the government's department of revenue.

Under most government sales tax laws, the selling company must enter separately on the cash register the amount of the sale and the amount of the sales tax collected. The company then uses the cash register readings to credit Sales Revenue and Sales Taxes Payable. For example, if the March 25 cash register reading for Cooley Grocery shows sales of NT$10,000 and sales taxes of NT$600 (sales tax rate of 6%), the journal entry is:



When the company remits the taxes to the taxing agency, it debits Sales Taxes Payable and credits Cash. The company does not report sales taxes as an expense. It simply forwards to the government the amount paid by the customers. Thus, Cooley Grocery serves only as a collection agent for the taxing authority.

Sometimes, companies do not enter sales taxes separately on the cash register. To determine the amount of sales in such cases, divide total receipts by 100% plus the sales tax percentage. To illustrate, assume that in the above example Cooley Grocery enters total receipts of NT$10,600. The receipts from the sales are equal to the sales price (100%) plus the tax percentage (6% of sales), or 1.06 times the sales total. We can compute the sales amount as follows.

NT$10,600 ÷ 1.06 = NT$10,000

Helpful Hint

Alternatively, Cooley could find the tax by multiplying sales by the sales tax rate (NT$10,000 × .06).

Thus, Cooley Grocery could find the sales tax amount it must remit to the government (NT$600) by subtracting sales from total receipts (NT$10,600 − NT$10,000).

Unearned Revenues

An airline company, such as Qantas Airways (AUS), often receives cash when it sells tickets for future flights. A magazine publisher, such as Finance Asia (HKG), receives customers' payments when they order magazines. Season tickets for concerts, sporting events, and theater programs are also paid for in advance. How do companies account for unearned revenues that are received before goods are delivered or services are provided?

  1. When a company receives the advance payment, it debits Cash and credits a current liability account identifying the source of the unearned revenue.
  2. When the company recognizes revenue, it debits an unearned revenue account and credits a revenue account.

To illustrate, assume that the Busan IPark (KOR) sells 10,000 season football tickets at image50,000 each for its five-game home schedule. The club makes the following entry for the sale of season tickets (in thousands of image).



As each game is completed, Busan IPark records the recognition of revenue with the following entry (in thousands of image).



The account Unearned Ticket Revenue represents unearned revenue, and Busan IPark reports it as a current liability. As the club recognizes revenue, it reclassifies the amount from unearned revenue to Ticket Revenue. Unearned revenue is material for some companies. In the airline industry, for example, tickets sold for future flights represent almost 50% of total current liabilities. At United Airlines (USA), unearned ticket revenue was its largest current liability, recently amounting to over $1 billion.

Illustration 10-2 shows specific unearned revenue and revenue accounts used in selected types of businesses.


Illustration 10-2 Unearned revenue and revenue accounts

Current Maturities of Long-Term Debt

Companies often have a portion of long-term debt that comes due in the current year. That amount is considered a current liability. As an example, assume that Wendy Construction issues a five-year interest-bearing €25,000 note on January 1, 2013. This note specifies that each January 1, starting January 1, 2014, Wendy should pay €5,000 of the note. When the company prepares financial statements on December 31, 2013, it should report €5,000 as a current liability and €20,000 as a non-current liability. (The €5,000 amount is the portion of the note that is due to be paid within the next 12 months.) Companies often identify current maturities of long-term debt on the statement of financial position as long-term debt due within one year.

It is not necessary to prepare an adjusting entry to recognize the current maturity of long-term debt. At the statement of financial position date, all obligations due within one year are classified as current, and all other obligations as non-current.

image DO IT!

Current Liabilities

You and several classmates are studying for the next accounting examination. They ask you to answer the following questions.

  1. If cash is borrowed on a $50,000, 6-month, 12% note on September 1, how much interest expense would be incurred by December 31?
  2. How is the sales tax amount determined when the cash register total includes sales taxes?
  3. If $15,000 is collected in advance on November 1 for 3 months' rent, what amount of rent revenue is recognized by December 31?

Action Plan

  • Use the interest formula: Face value of note × Annual interest rate × Time in terms of one year.
  • Divide total receipts by 100% plus the tax rate to determine sales; then subtract sales from the total receipts.
  • Determine what fraction of the total unearned rent was recognized this year.


  1. $50,000 × 12% × 4/12 = $2,000
  2. First, divide the total cash register receipts by 100% plus the sales tax percentage to find the sales amount. Second, subtract the sales amount from the total cash register receipts to determine the sales taxes.
  3. $15,000 × 2/3 = $10,000

Related exercise material: BE10-2, BE10-3, BE10-4, E10-1, E10-2, E10-3, E10-4, and image 10-1.


Statement Presentation and Analysis


As indicated in Chapter 4, current liabilities are presented after non-current liabilities on the statement of financial position. Each of the principal types of current liabilities is listed separately. In addition, companies disclose the terms of notes payable and other key information about the individual items in the notes to the financial statements.

Companies seldom list current liabilities in the order of liquidity. The reason is that varying maturity dates may exist for specific obligations such as notes payable. A more common method of presenting current liabilities is to list them by order of magnitude, with the largest ones first. Or, as a matter of custom, many companies show notes payable first and then accounts payable, regardless of amount. Then, the remaining current liabilities are listed by magnitude. Illustration 10-3 shows this form of presentation.


Illustration 10-3 Statement of financial position presentation of current liabilities (in thousands)


Use of current and non-current classifications makes it possible to analyze a company's liquidity. Liquidity refers to the ability to pay maturing obligations and meet unexpected needs for cash. The relationship of current assets to current liabilities is critical in analyzing liquidity. We can express this relationship as an amount of currency (working capital) and as a ratio (the current ratio).

The excess of current assets over current liabilities is working capital. Illustration 10-4 shows the formula for the computation of Croix Company's working capital, assuming current assets were €20,856 (euro amounts in thousands).


Illustration 10-4 Working capital formula and computation (in thousands)

As an absolute euro amount, working capital offers limited informational value. For example, €1 million of working capital may be far more than needed for a small company but inadequate for a large corporation. Also, €1 million of working capital may be adequate for a company at one time but inadequate at another time.

The current ratio permits us to compare the liquidity of different-sized companies and of a single company at different times. The current ratio is calculated as current assets divided by current liabilities. The formula for this ratio is illustrated below, along with its computation using Croix Company's current asset and current liability data (euro amounts in thousands).


Illustration 10-5 Current ratio formula and computation (in thousands)

Historically, companies and analysts considered a current ratio of 2:1 to be the standard for a good credit rating. In recent years, however, many healthy companies have maintained ratios well below 2:1 by improving management of their current assets and liabilities. Croix Company's ratio of 1.29:1 is probably adequate but certainly below the standard of 2:1.


Art was a custodial supervisor for a large school district. The district was supposed to employ between 35 and 40 regular custodians, as well as 3 or 4 substitute custodians to fill in when regular custodians were missing. Instead, in addition to the regular custodians, Art “hired” 77 substitutes. In fact, almost none of these people worked for the district. Instead, Art submitted time cards for these people, collected their checks at the district office, and personally distributed the checks to the “employees.” If a substitute's check was for $1,200, that person would cash the check, keep $200, and pay Art $1,000.

Total take: $150,000

The Missing Controls

Human resource controls. Thorough background checks should be performed. No employees should be entered into the payroll system or begin work until they have been approved by a supervisor. All paychecks should be distributed directly to employees at the official school locations by designated employees.

Independent internal verification. Budgets should be reviewed monthly to identify situations where actual costs significantly exceed budgeted amounts.

Source: Adapted from Wells, Fraud Casebook (2007), pp. 164–171.

Non-Current Liabilities

Non-current liabilities are obligations that are expected to be paid after one year. In this section, we will explain the accounting for the principal types of obligations reported in the non-current liabilities section of the statement of financial position. These obligations often are in the form of bonds or long-term notes.

Bond Basics


Explain why bonds are issued, and identify the types of bonds.

Bonds are a form of interest-bearing notes payable. To obtain large amounts of long-term capital, corporate management usually must decide whether to issue ordinary shares (equity financing) or bonds. Bonds offer three advantages over ordinary shares, as shown in Illustration 10-6.


Illustration 10-6 Advantages of bond financing over ordinary shares

As the illustration shows, one reason to issue bonds is that they do not affect shareholder control. Because bondholders do not have voting rights, owners can raise capital with bonds and still maintain corporate control. In addition, bonds are attractive to corporations because the cost of bond interest is tax-deductible in some countries. As a result of this tax treatment, which share dividends do not offer, bonds may result in lower cost of capital than equity financing.

To illustrate the third advantage, on earnings per share, assume that Microsystems, Inc. is considering two plans for financing the construction of a new $5 million plant. Plan A involves issuance of 200,000 ordinary shares at the current market price of $25 per share. Plan B involves issuance of $5 million, 8% bonds at face value. Income before interest and taxes on the new plant will be $1.5 million. Income taxes are expected to be 30%. Microsystems currently has 100,000 ordinary shares outstanding. Illustration 10-7 (page 468) shows the alternative effects on earnings per share.


Illustration 10-7 Effects on earnings per share—equity vs. debt

Note that net income is $280,000 less ($1,050,000 − $770,000) with long-term debt financing (bonds). However, earnings per share is higher because there are 200,000 fewer ordinary shares outstanding.

One disadvantage in using bonds is that the company must pay interest on a periodic basis. In addition, the company must also repay the principal at the due date. A company with fluctuating earnings and a relatively weak cash position may have great difficulty making interest payments when earnings are low.

A corporation may also obtain long-term financing from notes payable and leasing. However, notes payable and leasing are seldom sufficient to furnish the amount of funds needed for plant expansion and major projects like new buildings.

Bonds are sold in relatively small denominations (usually $1,000 multiples). As a result of their size and the variety of their features, bonds attract many investors.

Helpful Hint

Besides corporations, governmental agencies and universities also issue bonds to raise capital.


Bonds may have many different features. In the following sections, we describe the types of bonds commonly issued.


SECURED AND UNSECURED BONDS Secured bonds have specific assets of the issuer pledged as collateral for the bonds. A bond secured by real estate, for example, is called a mortgage bond. A bond secured by specific assets set aside to retire the bonds is called a sinking fund bond.

Unsecured bonds, also called debenture bonds, are issued against the general credit of the borrower. Companies with good credit ratings use these bonds extensively. For example, at one time, DuPont (USA) reported over $2 billion of debenture bonds outstanding.

TERM AND SERIAL BONDS Bonds that mature—are due for payment—at a single specified future date are term bonds. In contrast, bonds that mature in installments are serial bonds.

REGISTERED AND BEARER BONDS Bonds issued in the name of the owner are registered bonds. Interest payments on registered bonds are made by check to bondholders of record. Bonds not registered are bearer (or coupon) bonds. Holders of bearer bonds must send in coupons to receive interest payments. Most bonds issued today are registered bonds.

CONVERTIBLE AND CALLABLE BONDS Bonds that can be converted into ordinary shares at the bondholder's option are convertible bonds. The conversion feature generally is attractive to bond buyers. Bonds that the issuing company can retire at a stated currency amount prior to maturity are callable bonds. A call feature is included in nearly all corporate bond issues.



Governmental laws grant corporations the power to issue bonds. Both the board of directors and shareholders usually must approve bond issues. In authorizing the bond issue, the board of directors must stipulate the number of bonds to be authorized, total face value, and contractual interest rate. The total bond authorization often exceeds the number of bonds the company originally issues. This gives the corporation the flexibility to issue more bonds, if needed, to meet future cash requirements.

The face value is the amount of principal the issuing company must pay at the maturity date. The maturity date is the date that the final payment is due to the investor from the issuing company. The contractual interest rate, often referred to as the stated rate, is the rate used to determine the amount of cash interest the borrower pays and the investor receives. Usually the contractual rate is stated as an annual rate. Interest is generally paid semiannually.

The terms of the bond issue are set forth in a legal document called a bond indenture. The indenture shows the terms and summarizes the rights of the bondholders and their trustees, and the obligations of the issuing company. The trustee (usually a financial institution) keeps records of each bondholder, maintains custody of unissued bonds, and holds conditional title to pledged property.

image Ethics Note

Some companies try to minimize the amount of debt reported on their statement of financial position by not reporting certain types of commitments as liabilities. This subject is of intense interest in the financial community.

In addition, the issuing company arranges for the printing of bond certificates. The indenture and the certificate are separate documents. As shown in Illustration 10-8, a bond certificate provides the following information: name of the issuer, face value, contractual interest rate, and maturity date. An investment company that specializes in selling securities generally sells the bonds for the issuing company.


Illustration 10-8 Bond certificate


Bondholders have the opportunity to convert their holdings into cash at any time by selling the bonds at the current market price on national securities exchanges. Bond prices are quoted as a percentage of the face value of the bond, which is usually $1,000. A $1,000 bond with a quoted price of 97 means that the selling price of the bond is 97% of face value, or $970. Newspapers and the financial press publish bond prices and trading activity daily as shown in Illustration 10-9.


Illustration 10-9 Market information for bonds

This bond listing indicates that Boeing Co. (USA) has outstanding 5.125%, $1,000 bonds that mature in 2014. They currently yield a 5.747% return. On this day, $33,965,000 of these bonds were traded. At the close of trading, the price was 96.595% of face value, or $965.95.

A corporation makes journal entries only when it issues or buys back bonds, or when bondholders exchange convertible bonds into ordinary shares. For example, Siemens (DEU) does not journalize transactions between its bondholders and other investors. If Tom Smith sells his Siemens bonds to Faith Jones, Siemens does not journalize the transaction. (Siemens or its trustee does, however, keep records of the names of bondholders in the case of registered bonds.)

Helpful Hint

(1) What is the price of a $1,000 bond trading at image

(2) What is the price of a $1,000 bond trading at image

Answers: (1) $952.50.

(2) $1,018.75.



If you were an investor wanting to purchase a bond, how would you determine how much to pay? To be more specific, assume that Coronet, Inc. issues a zero-interest bond (pays no interest) with a face value of $1,000,000 due in 20 years. For this bond, the only cash you receive is a million dollars at the end of 20 years. Would you pay a million dollars for this bond? We hope not! A million dollars received 20 years from now is not the same as a million dollars received today.

The term time value of money is used to indicate the relationship between time and money—that a dollar received today is worth more than a dollar promised at some time in the future. If you had a million dollars today, you would invest it. From that investment, you would earn interest such that at the end of 20 years, you would have much more than a million dollars. If someone is going to pay you a million dollars 20 years from now, you would want to find its equivalent today. In other words, you would want to determine how much you must invest today at current interest rates to have a million dollars in 20 years. The amount that must be invested today at a given rate of interest over a specified time is called present value.

The present value of a bond is the value at which it should sell in the marketplace. Market price therefore is a function of the three factors that determine present value: (1) the amounts to be received, (2) the length of time until the amounts are received, and (3) the market rate of interest. The market interest rate is the rate investors demand for loaning funds. Appendix 10A discusses the process of finding the present value for bonds. Appendix E also provides additional material for time value of money computations.


When to Go Long-Term


A decision that all companies must make is to what extent to rely on short-term versus long-term financing. The critical nature of this decision was highlighted in the fall of 2001, after the World Trade Center disaster in the United States. Prior to September 11, short-term interest rates had been extremely low relative to long-term rates. In order to minimize interest costs, many U.S. companies were relying very heavily on short-term financing to purchase things they normally would have used long-term debt for. The problem with short-term financing is that it requires companies to continually find new financing as each loan comes due. This makes them vulnerable to sudden changes in the economy.

After September 11, lenders and short-term investors became very reluctant to loan money. This put the squeeze on many companies: As short-term loans came due, they were unable to refinance. Some were able to get other financing but at extremely high rates (for example, 12% as compared to 3%). Others were unable to get loans and instead had to sell assets to generate cash for their immediate needs.

Source: Henny Sender, “Firms Feel Consequences of Short-Term Borrowing,” Wall Street Journal Online (October 12, 2001).

image Based on this story, what is a good general rule to use in choosing between short-term and long-term financing? (See page 515.)

image DO IT!

Bond Terminology

State whether each of the following statements is true or false.

______ 1. Mortgage bonds and sinking fund bonds are both examples of secured bonds.
______ 2. Unsecured bonds are also known as debenture bonds.
______ 3. The stated rate is the rate investors demand for loaning funds.
______ 4. The face value is the amount of principal the issuing company must pay at the maturity date.
______ 5. The bond issuer must make journal entries to record transfers of its bonds among investors.

Action Plan

  • Review the types of bonds and the basic terms associated with bonds.


  1. True.
  2. True.
  3. False. The stated rate is the contractual interest rate used to determine the amount of cash interest the borrower pays.
  4. True.
  5. False. The bond issuer makes journal entries only when it issues or buys back bonds, when it records interest, and when convertible bonds are converted to shares.

Related exercise material: BE10-5, E10-6, E10-7, and image 10-2.


Accounting for Bond Issues


Prepare the entries for the issuance of bonds and interest expense.

As indicated earlier, a corporation records bond transactions when it issues (sells) or retires (buys back) bonds and when bondholders convert bonds into ordinary shares. If bondholders sell their bond investments to other investors, the issuing firm receives no further money on the transaction, nor does the issuing corporation journalize the transaction (although it does keep records of the names of bondholders in some cases).

Bonds may be issued at face value, below face value (discount), or above face value (premium). Bond prices for both new issues and existing bonds are quoted as a percentage of the face value of the bond. Face value is usually €1,000. Thus, a €1,000 bond with a quoted price of 97 means that the selling price of the bond is 97% of face value, or €970.


To illustrate the accounting for bonds issued at face value, assume that on January 1, 2014, Candlestick, Inc. issues €100,000, five-year, 10% bonds at 100 (100% of face value). The entry to record the sale is:



Candlestick reports bonds payable in the non-current liabilities section of the statement of financial position because the maturity date is January 1, 2019 (more than one year away).

Over the term (life) of the bonds, companies make entries to record bond interest. Interest on bonds payable is computed in the same manner as interest on notes payable, as explained on page 462. Assume that interest is payable semiannually on January 1 and July 1 on the Candlestick bonds. In that case, Candlestick must pay interest of €5,000 (€100,000 × 10% × 6/12) on July 1, 2014. The entry for the payment, assuming no previous accrual of interest, is:



At December 31, Candlestick recognizes the €5,000 of interest expense incurred since July 1 with the following adjusting entry:



Companies classify interest payable as a current liability because it is scheduled for payment within the next year. When Candlestick pays the interest on January 1, 2015, it debits (decreases) Interest Payable and credits (decreases) Cash for €5,000.

Candlestick records the payment on January 1 as follows.




In the Candlestick illustrations above, we assumed that the contractual (stated) interest rate and the market (effective) interest rate paid on the bonds were the same. Recall that the contractual interest rate is the rate applied to the face (par) value to arrive at the interest paid in a year. The market interest rate is the rate investors demand for loaning funds to the corporation. When the contractual interest rate and the market interest rate are the same, bonds sell at face value (par value).

However, market interest rates change daily. The type of bond issued, the state of the economy, current industry conditions, and the company's performance all affect market interest rates. As a result, contractual and market interest rates often differ. To make bonds salable when the two rates differ, bonds sell below or above face value.

To illustrate, suppose that a company issues 10% bonds at a time when other bonds of similar risk are paying 12%. Investors will not be interested in buying the 10% bonds, so their value will fall below their face value. When a bond is sold for less than its face value, the difference between the face value of a bond and its selling price is called a discount. As a result of the decline in the bonds' selling price, the actual interest rate incurred by the company increases to the level of the current market interest rate.

Conversely, if the market rate of interest is lower than the contractual interest rate, investors will have to pay more than face value for the bonds. That is, if the market rate of interest is 8% but the contractual interest rate on the bonds is 10%, the price of the bonds will be bid up. When a bond is sold for more than its face value, the difference between the face value and its selling price is called a premium. Illustration 10-10 shows these relationships graphically.


Illustration 10-10 Interest rates and bond prices

Issuance of bonds at an amount different from face value is quite common. By the time a company prints the bond certificates and markets the bonds, it will be a coincidence if the market rate and the contractual rate are the same. Thus, the issuance of bonds at a discount does not mean that the issuer's financial strength is suspect. Conversely, the sale of bonds at a premium does not indicate that the financial strength of the issuer is exceptional.


To illustrate issuance of bonds at a discount, assume that on January 1, 2014, Candlestick, Inc. sells €100,000, five-year, 10% bonds for €92,639 (92.639% of face value). Interest is payable on July 1 and January 1. The entry to record the issuance is:



Illustration 10-11 (page 474) shows how the bonds payable of Candlestick, Inc. would be presented on the statement of financial position if it was prepared on the day the bonds were issued.


Illustration 10-11 Statement presentation of bonds issued at a discount

The €92,639 represents the carrying (or book) value of the bonds. On the date of issue, this amount equals the market price of the bonds.

The issuance of bonds below face value—at a discount—causes the total cost of borrowing to differ from the bond interest paid. That is, the issuing corporation must pay not only the contractual interest rate over the term of the bonds, but also the face value (rather than the issuance price) at maturity. Therefore, the difference between the issuance price and face value of the bonds—the discount—is an additional cost of borrowing. The company records this additional cost as interest expense over the life of the bonds. Appendices 10B and 10C show the procedures for recording this additional cost.

The total cost of borrowing €92,639 for Candlestick, Inc. is €57,361, computed as follows.


Illustration 10-12 Total cost of borrowing—bonds issued at a discount

Alternatively, we can compute the total cost of borrowing as follows.


Illustration 10-13 Alternative computation of total cost of borrowing—bonds issued at a discount


To illustrate the issuance of bonds at a premium, we now assume the Candlestick, Inc. bonds described above sell for €108,111 (108.111% of face value) rather than for €92,639. The entry to record the sale is:



Candlestick adds the premium on bonds payable to the bonds payable amount on the statement of financial position, as shown in Illustration 10-14.


Illustration 10-14 Statement presentation of bonds issued at a premium

The sale of bonds above face value causes the total cost of borrowing to be less than the bond interest paid. The reason: The borrower is not required to pay the bond premium at the maturity date of the bonds. Thus, the bond premium is considered to be a reduction in the cost of borrowing. The company credits the bond premium to Interest Expense over the life of the bonds. Appendices 10B and 10C show the procedures for recording this reduction in the cost of borrowing. The total cost of borrowing €108,111 for Candlestick, Inc. is computed as follows.


Illustration 10-15 Total cost of borrowing—bonds issued at a premium

Alternatively, we can compute the cost of borrowing as follows.


Illustration 10-16 Alternative computation of total cost of borrowing—bonds issued at a premium

image DO IT!

Bond Issuance

Giant Corporation issues ¥200,000,000 of bonds for ¥189,000,000. (a) Prepare the journal entry to record the issuance of the bonds, and (b) show how the bonds would be reported on the statement of financial position at the date of issuance.

Action Plan

  • Record cash received and bonds payable.
  • Bonds payable are usually reported as a non-current liability.



Related exercise material: BE10-6, BE10-7, BE10-8, E10-8, E10-9, E10-10, and image 10-3.


Accounting for Bond Retirements


Describe the entries when bonds are redeemed.

An issuing corporation retires bonds either when it buys back (redeems) the bonds or when bondholders exchange convertible bonds for ordinary shares. We explain the entries for bond redemptions in the following sections. (The entries for convertible bonds are covered in advanced accounting courses.)


Regardless of the issue price of bonds, the book value of the bonds at maturity will equal their face value. Assuming that the company pays and records separately the interest for the last interest period, Candlestick records the redemption of its bonds at maturity as follows.




Helpful Hint

Question: A bond is redeemed prior to its maturity date. Its carrying value exceeds its redemption price. Will the retirement result in a gain or a loss on redemption?

Answer: Gain.

Bonds also may be redeemed before maturity. A company may decide to retire bonds before maturity to reduce interest cost and to remove debt from its statement of financial position. A company should retire debt early only if it has sufficient cash resources.

When a company retires bonds before maturity, it is necessary to (1) eliminate the carrying value of the bonds at the redemption date; (2) record the cash paid; and (3) recognize the gain or loss on redemption. The carrying value of the bonds is the face value of the bonds adjusted for bond discount or bond premium amortized up to the redemption date.

To illustrate, assume that Candlestick, Inc. has sold its bonds at a premium. At the end of the eighth period, Candlestick retires these bonds at 103 after paying the semiannual interest. Assume also that the carrying value of the bonds at the redemption date is €101,623. Candlestick makes the following entry to record the redemption at the end of the eighth interest period (January 1, 2018):



Note that the loss of €1,377 is the difference between the cash paid of €103,000 and the carrying value of the bonds of €101,623.

image DO IT!

Bond Redemption

R & B Inc. issued £500,000, 10-year bonds at a premium. Prior to maturity, when the carrying value of the bonds is £508,000, the company retires the bonds at 102. Prepare the entry to record the redemption of the bonds.

Action Plan

  • Determine and eliminate the carrying value of the bonds.
  • Record the cash paid.
  • Compute and record the gain or loss (the difference between the first two items).


There is a loss on redemption: The cash paid, £510,000 (£500,000 × 102%), is greater than the carrying value of £508,000. The entry is:


Related exercise material: BE10-9, E10-11, E10-12, and image 10-4.


Accounting for Long-Term Notes Payable


Describe the accounting for long-term notes payable.

The use of notes payable in long-term debt financing is quite common. Long-term notes payable are similar to short-term interest-bearing notes payable except that the term of the notes exceeds one year. In periods of unstable interest rates, lenders may tie the interest rate on long-term notes to changes in the market rate for comparable loans. Examples are the 8.03% adjustable rate notes issued by General Motors (USA) and the floating-rate notes issued by American Express Company (USA).

A long-term note may be secured by a mortgage that pledges title to specific assets as security for a loan. Individuals widely use mortgage notes payable to purchase homes, and many small and some large companies use them to acquire plant assets. At one time, approximately 18% of McDonald's (USA) long-term debt related to mortgage notes on land, buildings, and improvements.

Like other long-term notes payable, the mortgage loan terms may stipulate either a fixed or an adjustable interest rate. The interest rate on a fixed-rate mortgage remains the same over the life of the mortgage. The interest rate on an adjustable-rate mortgage is adjusted periodically to reflect changes in the market rate of interest. Typically, the terms require the borrower to make equal installment payments over the term of the loan. Each payment consists of (1) interest on the unpaid balance of the loan and (2) a reduction of loan principal. While the total amount of the payment remains constant, the interest decreases each period, while the portion applied to the loan principal increases.

Companies initially record mortgage notes payable at face value. They subsequently make entries for each installment payment. To illustrate, assume that Mongkok Technology Inc. issues a HK$500,000, 12%, 20-year mortgage note on December 31, 2014, to obtain needed financing for a new research laboratory. The terms provide for semiannual installment payments of HK$33,231. The installment payment schedule for the first two years is as follows.


Illustration 10-17 Mortgage installment payment schedule

Mongkok records the mortgage loan on December 31, 2014, as follows.



On June 30, 2015, Mongkok records the first installment payment as follows.



In the statement of financial position, the company reports the reduction in principal for the next year as a current liability, and it classifies the remaining unpaid principal balance as a non-current liability. At December 31, 2015, the total liability is HK$493,344. Of that amount, HK$7,478 (HK$3,630 + HK$3,848) is current, and HK$485,866 (HK$493,344 − HK$7,478) is non-current.

image DO IT!

Long-Term Note

Cole Research issues a image250,000,000, 8%, 20-year mortgage note to obtain needed financing for a new lab. The terms call for semiannual payments of image12,631,000 each. Prepare the entries to record the mortgage loan and the first installment payment.

Action Plan

  • Record the issuance of the note as a cash receipt and a liability.
  • Each installment payment consists of interest and payment of principal.



Related exercise material: BE10-10, E10-13, and image 10-5.



Bonds versus Notes?


Companies have a choice in the form of long-term borrowing they undertake—issue bonds or issue notes. Notes are generally issued to a single lender (usually through a loan from a bank). Bonds, on the other hand, allow the company to divide the borrowing into many small investing units, thereby enabling more than one investor to participate in the borrowing. As indicated in the graph to the left, companies are recently borrowing more from bond investors than from banks and other loan providers in a bid to lock in cheap, long-term funding.

Why this trend? For one thing, low interest rates and rising inflows into fixed-income funds have triggered record bond issuances as banks cut back lending. In addition, for some high-rated companies, it can be riskier to borrow from a bank than the bond markets. The reason: High-rated companies tended to rely on short-term financing to fund working capital but were left stranded when these markets froze up. Some are now financing themselves with longer-term bonds instead.

Source: A. Sakoui and N. Bullock, “Companies Choose Bonds for Cheap Funds,” Financial Times (October 12, 2009).

image Why might companies prefer bond financing instead of short-term financing? (See page 515.)

Statement Presentation and Analysis



Identify the methods for the presentation and analysis of non-current liabilities.

Companies report non-current liabilities in a separate section of the statement of financial position immediately before current liabilities, as shown in Illustration 10-18. Alternatively, companies may present summary data in the statement of financial position, with detailed data (interest rates, maturity dates, conversion privileges, and assets pledged as collateral) shown in a supporting schedule.


Illustration 10-18 Statement of financial position presentation of non-current liabilities

Companies report the current maturities of long-term debt under current liabilities if they are to be paid within one year or the operating cycle, whichever is longer.


Long-term creditors and shareholders are interested in a company's long-run solvency. Of particular interest is the company's ability to pay interest as it comes due and to repay the face value of the debt at maturity. Here we look at two ratios that provide information about debt-paying ability and long-run solvency.

The debt to total assets ratio measures the percentage of the total assets provided by creditors. As shown in the formula in Illustration 10-19, it is computed by dividing total debt (both current and non-current liabilities) by total assets. The higher the percentage of debt to total assets, the greater the risk that the company may be unable to meet its maturing obligations.

The times interest earned ratio indicates the company's ability to meet interest payments as they come due. It is computed by dividing income before income taxes and interest expense by interest expense.

To illustrate these ratios, we will use data from LG's (KOR) recent annual report. The company had total liabilities of image39,048 billion, total assets of image64,782 billion, interest expense of image778 billion, income taxes of image1,092 billion, and net income of image2,967 billion. LG's debt to total assets ratio and times interest earned ratio are shown below.


Illustration 10-19 Debt to total assets and times interest earned ratios, with computations (in billions)

LG has a relatively high debt to total assets percentage of 60.3%. Its interest coverage of 6.22 times is considered safe.


“Covenant-Lite” Debt


In many corporate loans and bond issuances, the lending agreement specifies debt covenants. These covenants typically are specific financial measures, such as minimum levels of retained earnings, cash flows, times interest earned ratios, or other measures that a company must maintain during the life of the loan. If the company violates a covenant, it is considered to have violated the loan agreement. The creditors can then demand immediate repayment, or they can renegotiate the loan's terms. Covenants protect lenders because they enable lenders to step in and try to get their money back before the borrower gets too deep into trouble.

During the 1990s, most traditional loans specified between three to six covenants or “triggers.” In more recent years, when lots of cash was available, lenders began reducing or completely eliminating covenants from loan agreements in order to be more competitive with other lenders. When the economy declined, lenders lost big money when companies defaulted.

Source: Cynthia Koons, “Risky Business: Growth of ‘Covenant-Lite’ Debt,” Wall Street Journal (June 18, 2007), p. C2.

image How can financial ratios such as those covered in this chapter provide protection for creditors? (See page 515.)

image Comprehensive DO IT!

Snyder Software Inc. has successfully developed a new spreadsheet program. To produce and market the program, the company needed $2 million of additional financing. On January 1, 2014, Snyder borrowed money as follows.

  1. Snyder issued $1 million, 10%, 10-year bonds at face value. Interest is payable semiannually on January 1 and July 1.
  2. Snyder also issued a $500,000, 12%, 15-year mortgage payable. The terms provide for semiannual installment payments of $36,324 on June 30 and December 31.


  1. For the 10-year, 10% bonds:

    (a) Journalize the issuance of the bonds on January 1, 2014.

    (b) Prepare the journal entries for interest expense in 2014. Assume no accrual of interest on July 1.

    (c) Prepare the entry for the redemption of the bonds at 101 on January 1, 2017, after paying the interest due on this date.

  2. For the mortgage payable:

    (a) Prepare the entry for the issuance of the note on January 1, 2014.

    (b) Prepare a payment schedule for the first four installment payments.

    (c) Indicate the current and non-current amounts for the mortgage payable at December 31, 2014.

Action Plan

  • Record the issuance of the bonds.
  • Compute interest expense for each period.
  • Compute the loss on bond redemption as the excess of the cash paid over the carrying value of the redeemed bonds.

Action Plan

  • Compute periodic interest expense on a mortgage payable, recognizing that as the principal amount decreases, so does the interest expense.
  • Record mortgage payments, recognizing that each payment consists of (1) interest on the unpaid loan balance and (2) a reduction of the loan principal.

Solution to Comprehensive image






1 Explain a current liability, and identify the major types of current liabilities. A current liability is a debt that a company can reasonably expect to pay within one year or the operating cycle, whichever is longer. The major types of current liabilities are notes payable, accounts payable, sales taxes payable, unearned revenues, and accrued liabilities such as taxes, salaries and wages, and interest payable.

2 Describe the accounting for notes payable. When a promissory note is interest-bearing, the amount of assets received upon the issuance of the note is generally equal to the face value of the note. Interest expense accrues over the life of the note. At maturity, the amount paid equals the face value of the note plus accrued interest.

3 Explain the accounting for other current liabilities. Companies record sales taxes payable at the time the related sales occur. The company serves as a collection agent for the taxing authority. Sales taxes are not an expense to the company. Companies initially record unearned revenues in an Unearned Revenue account. As a company recognizes revenue, a transfer from unearned revenue to revenue occurs. Companies report the current maturities of long-term debt as a current liability in the statement of financial position.

4 Explain why bonds are issued, and identify the types of bonds. Companies may sell bonds to investors to raise long-term capital. Bonds offer the following advantages over equity financing: (a) shareholder control is not affected, (b) tax savings result, and (c) earnings per share may be higher. The following types of bonds may be issued: secured and unsecured, term and serial bonds, registered and bearer bonds, and convertible and callable bonds.

5 Prepare the entries for the issuance of bonds and interest expense. When companies issue bonds, they debit Cash for the cash proceeds and credit Bonds Payable for the face value of the bonds. Interest on bonds payable is computed in the same manner as interest on notes payable.

6 Describe the entries when bonds are redeemed. When bondholders redeem bonds at maturity, the issuing company credits Cash and debits Bonds Payable for the face value of the bonds. When bonds are redeemed before maturity, the issuing company (a) eliminates the carrying value of the bonds at the redemption date, (b) records the cash paid, and (c) recognizes the gain or loss on redemption.

7 Describe the accounting for long-term notes payable. Each payment consists of (1) interest on the unpaid balance of the loan and (2) a reduction of loan principal. The interest decreases each period, while the portion applied to the loan principal increases.

8 Identify the methods for the presentation and analysis of non-current liabilities. Companies should report the nature and amount of each long-term debt in the statement of financial position or in the notes accompanying the financial statements. Shareholders and long-term creditors are interested in a company's long-run solvency. Debt to total assets and times interest earned are two ratios that provide information about debt-paying ability and long-run solvency.


Bearer (coupon) bonds Bonds not registered in the name of the owner. (p. 468).

Bond certificate A legal document that indicates the name of the issuer, the face value of the bonds, the contractual interest rate and maturity date of the bonds. (p. 469).

Bond indenture A legal document that sets forth the terms of the bond issue. (p. 469).

Bonds A form of interest-bearing notes payable. (p. 467).

Callable bonds Bonds that are subject to retirement at a stated currency amount prior to maturity at the option of the issuer. (p. 468).

Contractual interest rate Rate used to determine the amount of cash interest the borrower pays and the investor receives. (p. 469).

Convertible bonds Bonds that permit bondholders to convert them into ordinary shares at the bondholders' option. (p. 468).

Current liabilities Obligations that a company expects to pay within one year or the operating cycle, whichever is longer. (p. 462).

Current ratio A measure of a company's liquidity; computed as current assets divided by current liabilities. (p. 466).

Debenture bonds Bonds issued against the general credit of the borrower. Also called unsecured bonds. (p. 468).

Debt to total assets ratio A solvency measure that indicates the percentage of total assets provided by creditors; computed as total debt divided by total assets. (p. 479).

Discount (on a bond) The difference between the face value of a bond and its selling price, when the bond is sold for less than its face value. (p. 473).

Face value Amount of principal the issuer must pay at the maturity date of the bond. (p. 469).

Market interest rate The rate investors demand for loaning funds to the corporation. (p. 470).

Maturity date The date on which the final payment on the bond is due from the bond issuer to the investor. (p. 469).

Mortgage bond A bond secured by real estate. (p. 468).

Mortgage notes payable A long-term note secured by a mortgage that pledges title to specific assets as security for a loan. (p. 477).

Non-current liabilities Obligations expected to be paid after one year. (p. 467).

Notes payable Obligations in the form of written notes. (p. 462).

Premium (on a bond) The difference between the selling price and the face value of a bond, when the bond is sold for more than its face value. (p. 473).

Registered bonds Bonds issued in the name of the owner. (p. 468).

Secured bonds Bonds that have specific assets of the issuer pledged as collateral. (p. 468).

Serial bonds Bonds that mature in installments. (p. 468).

Sinking fund bonds Bonds secured by specific assets set aside to retire them. (p. 468).

Term bonds Bonds that mature at a single specified future date. (p. 468).

Times interest earned ratio A solvency measure that indicates a company's ability to meet interest payments; computed by dividing income before income taxes and interest expense by interest expense. (p. 479).

Time value of money The relationship between time and money. A dollar received today is worth more than a dollar promised at some time in the future. (p. 470).

Unsecured bonds Bonds issued against the general credit of the borrower. Also called debenture bonds. (p. 468).

Working capital A measure of a company's liquidity; computed as current assets minus current liabilities. (p. 466).



Compute the market price of a bond.

Congratulations! You have a winning lottery ticket, and the government has provided you with three possible options for payment. They are:

  1. Receive HK$10,000,000 in three years.
  2. Receive HK$7,000,000 immediately.
  3. Receive HK$3,500,000 at the end of each year for three years.

Which of these options would you select? The answer is not easy to determine at a glance. To make a dollar-maximizing choice, you must perform present value computations. A present value computation is based on the concept of time value of money. Time value of money concepts are useful for the lottery situation and for pricing other amounts to be received in the future. This appendix discusses how to use present value concepts to price bonds. It also will tell you how to determine what option you should take as a lottery winner.

Present Value of Face Value

To illustrate present value concepts, assume that you are willing to invest a sum of money that will yield HK$1,000 at the end of one year. In other words, what amount would you need to invest today to have HK$1,000 one year from now? If you want to earn 10%, the investment (or present value) is HK$909.09 (HK$1,000 ÷ 1.10). Illustration 10A-1 shows the computation.


Illustration 10A-1 Present value computation—HK$1,000 discounted at 10% for one year

The future amount (HK$1,000), the interest rate (10%), and the number of periods (1) are known. We can depict the variables in this situation as shown in the time diagram in Illustration 10A-2.


Illustration 10A-2 Finding present value if discounted for one period

If you are to receive the single future amount of HK$1,000 in two years, discounted at 10%, its present value is HK$826.45 [(HK$1,000 ÷ 1.10) ÷ 1.10], depicted as follows.


Illustration 10A-3 Finding present value if discounted for two periods

We also can determine the present value of 1 through tables that show the present value of 1 for n periods. In Table 10A-1, n is the number of discounting periods involved. The percentages are the periodic interest rates, and the 5-digit decimal numbers in the respective columns are the factors for the present value of 1.

When using Table 10A-1, we multiply the future amount by the present value factor specified at the intersection of the number of periods and the interest rate. For example, the present value factor for 1 period at an interest rate of 10% is .90909, which equals the HK$909.09 (HK$1,000 × .90909) computed in Illustration 10A-1.


For two periods at an interest rate of 10%, the present value factor is .82645, which equals the HK$826.45 (HK$1,000 × .82645) computed previously.

Let's now go back to our lottery example. Given the present value concepts just learned, we can determine whether receiving HK$10,000,000 in three years is better than receiving HK$7,000,000 today, assuming the appropriate discount rate is 9%. The computation is as follows.


Illustration 10A-4 Present value of HK$10,000,000 to be received in three years

What this computation shows you is that you would be HK$721,800 better off receiving the HK$10,000,000 at the end of three years rather than taking HK$7,000,000 immediately.

Present Value of Interest Payments (Annuities)

In addition to receiving the face value of a bond at maturity, an investor also receives periodic interest payments over the life of the bonds. These periodic payments are called annuities.

In order to compute the present value of an annuity, we need to know (1) the interest rate, (2) the number of interest payments, and (3) the amount of the periodic receipts or payments. To illustrate the computation of the present value of an annuity, assume that you will receive HK$1,000 cash annually for three years and the interest rate is 10%. The time diagram in Illustration 10A-5 depicts this situation.


Illustration 10A-5 Time diagram for a three-year annuity

The present value in this situation may be computed as follows.


Illustration 10A-6 Present value of a series of future amounts computation

We also can use annuity tables to value annuities. As illustrated in Table 10A-2 below, these tables show the present value of 1 to be received periodically for a given number of payments.


From Table 10A-2, you can see that the present value factor of an annuity of 1 for three payments at 10% is 2.48685.1 This present value factor is the total of the three individual present value factors as shown in Illustration 10A-6. Applying this amount to the annual cash flow of HK$1,000 produces a present value of HK$2,486.85.

Let's now go back to our lottery example. We determined that you would get more money if you wait and take the HK$10,000,000 in three years rather than take HK$7,000,000 immediately. But, there is still another option—to receive HK$3,500,000 at the end of each year for three years (an annuity). The computation to evaluate this option (again assuming a 9% discount rate) is as follows.


Illustration 10A-7 Present value of lottery payments to be received over three years

If you take the annuity of HK$3,500,000 for each of 3 years, you will be HK$1,137,750 richer as a result.

Time Periods and Discounting

We have used an annual interest rate to determine present value. Present value computations may also be done over shorter periods of time, such as monthly, quarterly, or semiannually. When the time frame is less than one year, it is necessary to convert the annual interest rate to the shorter time frame.

Assume, for example, that the investor in Illustration 10A-6 received HK$500 semiannually for three years instead of HK$1,000 annually. In this case, the number of payments becomes 6 (3 × 2), the interest rate is 5% (10% ÷ 2), the present value factor from Table 10A-2 is 5.07569, and the present value of the future cash flows is HK$2,537.85 (5.07569 × HK$500). This amount is slightly higher than the HK$2,486.86 computed in Illustration 10A-6 because interest is computed twice during the same year. That is, interest is earned on the first half year's interest.

Computing the Market Price of a Bond

The present value (or market price) of a bond is a function of three variables: (1) the payment amounts, (2) the length of time until the amounts are paid, and (3) the interest (discount) rate.

The first variable (amount to be paid) is made up of two elements: (1) a series of interest payments (an annuity) and (2) the principal amount (a single sum). To compute the present value of the bond, we must discount both the interest payments and the principal amount.

When the investor's interest (discount) rate is equal to the bond's contractual interest rate, the present value of the bonds will equal the face value of the bonds. To illustrate, assume the bond issue of 10%, five-year bonds with a face value of €100,000 with interest payable semiannually on January 1 and July 1, which was issued by Candlestick, Inc. on January 1, 2014 (see page 472). If the discount rate is the same as the contractual rate, the bonds will sell at face value. In this case, the investor will receive (1) €100,000 at maturity and (2) a series of ten €5,000 interest payments [€100,000 × (10% ÷ 2)] over the term of the bonds. The length of time is expressed in terms of interest periods (in this case, 10) and the discount rate per interest period (5%). The time diagram in Illustration 10A-8 depicts the variables involved in this discounting situation.


Illustration 10A-8 Time diagram for the present value of a 10%, five-year bond paying interest semiannually

The computation of the present value of Candlestick's bonds, assuming they were issued at face value (page 472), is shown below.


Illustration 10A-9 Present value of principal and interest (face value)

Now assume that the investor's required rate of return is 12%, not 10%. The future amounts are again €100,000 and €5,000, respectively. But now we must use a discount rate of 6% (12% ÷ 2). The present value of Candlestick's bonds issued at a discount (page 473) is €92,639 as computed below.


Illustration 10A-10 Present value of principal and interest (discount)

If the discount rate is 8% and the contractual rate is 10%, the present value of Candlestick's bonds issued at a premium (page 474) is €108,111, computed as shown in Illustration 10A-11 (page 488).


Illustration 10A-11 Present value of principal and interest (premium)



9 Compute the market price of a bond. Time value of money concepts are useful for pricing bonds. The present value (or market price) of a bond is a function of three variables: (1) the payment amounts, (2) the length of time until the amounts are paid, and (3) the interest rate.



Apply the effective-interest method of amortizing bond discount and bond premium.

Financial liabilities, such as bonds, are to be accounted for at amortized cost. IFRS states that amortized cost is to be determined using the effective-interest method. Under the effective-interest method, the amortization of bond discount or bond premium results in periodic interest expense equal to a constant percentage of the carrying value of the bonds. The effective-interest method results in varying amounts of amortization and interest expense per period but a constant percentage rate.

The following steps are required under the effective-interest method.

  1. Compute the bond interest expense. To do so, multiply the carrying value of the bonds at the beginning of the interest period by the effective-interest rate.
  2. Compute the bond interest paid (or accrued). To do so, multiply the face value of the bonds by the contractual interest rate.
  3. Compute the amortization amount. To do so, determine the difference between the amounts computed in steps (1) and (2).

Illustration 10B-1 depicts these steps.


Illustration 10B-1 Computation of amortization—effective-interest method

Amortizing Bond Discount

To illustrate the effective-interest method of bond discount amortization, assume that Candlestick, Inc. issues €100,000 of 10%, five-year bonds on January 1, 2014, with interest payable each July 1 and January 1, when the market rate is 12% (pages 473474). The bonds sell for €92,639 (92.639% of face value). This sales price results in a bond discount of €7,361 (€100,000 − €92,639) and an effective-interest rate of 12%. A bond discount amortization schedule, as shown in Illustration 10B-2, facilitates the recording of interest expense and the discount amortization. Note that interest expense as a percentage of carrying value remains constant at 6%.


Illustration 10B-2 Bond discount amortization schedule

We have highlighted columns (A), (B), and (C) in the amortization schedule to emphasize their importance. These three columns provide the numbers for each period's journal entries. They are the primary reason for preparing the schedule.

For the first interest period, the computations of interest expense and the bond discount amortization are:


Illustration 10B-3 Computation of bond discount amortization

Candlestick records the payment of interest and amortization of bond discount on July 1, 2014, as follows.



For the second interest period, bond interest expense will be €5,592 (€93,197 × 6%), and the discount amortization will be €592. At December 31, Candlestick makes the following adjusting entry.



Total interest expense for 2014 is €11,150 (€5,558 + €5,592). On January 1, Candlestick records payment of the interest by a debit to Interest Payable and a credit to Cash.

Amortizing Bond Premium

Helpful Hint

When a bond sells for €108,111, it is quoted as 108.111% of face value. Note that €108,111 can be proven as shown in Appendix 10A.

The amortization of bond premium by the effective-interest method is similar to the procedures described for bond discount. For example, assume that Candlestick, Inc. issues €100,000, 10%, five-year bonds on January 1, 2014, with interest payable on July 1 and January 1, when the market rate is 8% (pages 474475). In this case, the bonds sell for €108,111. This sales price results in bond premium of €8,111 and an effective-interest rate of 8%. Illustration 10B-4 shows the bond premium amortization schedule.


Illustration 10B-4 Bond premium amortization schedule

For the first interest period, the computations of interest expense and the bond premium amortization are:


Illustration 10B-5 Computation of bond premium amortization

Candlestick records payments on the first interest date as follows.



For the second interest period, interest expense will be €4,297, and the premium amortization will be €703. Total bond interest expense for 2014 is €8,621 (€4,324 + €4,297).

image DO IT!

Gardner Corporation issues €1,750,000, 10-year, 12% bonds on January 1, 2014, at €1,968,090, to yield 10%. The bonds pay semiannual interest July 1 and January 1. Gardner uses the effective-interest method of amortization.


(a) Prepare the journal entry to record the issuance of the bonds.

(b) Prepare the journal entry to record the payment of interest on July 1, 2014.

Action Plan

  • Compute interest expense by multiplying bond carrying value at the beginning of the period by the effective-interest rate.
  • Compute credit to cash (or interest payable) by multiplying the face value of the bonds by the contractual interest rate.
  • Compute bond premium or discount amortization, which is the difference between interest expense and cash paid.
  • Interest expense decreases when the effective-interest method is used for bonds issued at a premium. The reason is that a constant percentage is applied to a decreasing carrying value to compute interest expense.






10 Apply the effective-interest method of amortizing bond discount and bond premium. The effective-interest method results in varying amounts of amortization and interest expense per period but a constant percentage rate of interest.


Effective-interest method of amortization A method of amortizing bond discount or bond premium that results in periodic interest expense equal to a constant percentage of the carrying value of the bonds. (p. 488).


Amortizing Bond Discount


Apply the straight-line method of amortizing bond discount and bond premium.

The effective-interest method, presented in Appendix 10B, is the method required by IFRS to determine amortized cost. Under U.S. GAAP, companies are allowed to use an alternative approach, straight-line amortization, when the results do not differ materially from the effective-interest method. Under the straight-line method of amortization, the amortization of bond discount or bond premium results in periodic interest expense of the same amount in each interest period. In other words, the straight-line method results in a constant amount of amortization and interest expense per period. The amount is determined using the formula in Illustration 10C-1.


Illustration 10C-1 Formula for straight-line method of bond discount amortization

In the Candlestick, Inc. example (pages 473475), the company sold €100,000, five-year, 10% bonds on January 1, 2014, for €92,639. This price resulted in a €7,361 bond discount (€100,000 − €92,639). Interest is payable on July 1 and January 1. The bond discount amortization for each interest period is €736 (€7,361 ÷ 10). Candlestick records the payment of bond interest and the amortization of bond discount on the first interest date (July 1, 2014) as follows.



At December 31, Candlestick makes the following adjusting entry.



Over the term of the bonds, the balance in Bonds Payable will increase annually by the same amount until it equals the face value at maturity.

It is useful to prepare a bond discount amortization schedule as shown in Illustration 10C-2. The schedule shows interest expense, discount amortization, and the carrying value of the bond for each interest period. As indicated, the interest expense recorded each period for the Candlestick bond is €5,736. Also note that the carrying value of the bond increases €736 each period until it reaches its face value €100,000 at the end of period 10.


Illustration 10C-2 Bond discount amortization schedule

We have highlighted columns (A), (B), and (C) in the amortization schedule to emphasize their importance. These three columns provide the numbers for each period's journal entries. They are the primary reason for preparing the schedule.

Amortizing Bond Premium

The amortization of bond premium parallels that of bond discount. Illustration 10C-3 presents the formula for determining bond premium amortization under the straight-line method.


Illustration 10C-3 Formula for straight-line method of bond premium amortization

Continuing our example, assume that Candlestick sells the bonds for €108,111 rather than €92,639 (pages 474475). This sale price results in a bond premium of €8,111 (€108,111 − €100,000). The bond premium amortization for each interest period is €811 (€8,111 ÷ 10). Candlestick records the first payment of interest on July 1 as follows.



At December 31, the company makes the following adjusting entry.



Over the term of the bonds, the balance in Bonds Payable will decrease annually by the same amount until it equals the face value at maturity.

It is useful to prepare a bond premium amortization schedule as shown in Illustration 10C-4. It shows interest expense, premium amortization, and the carrying value of the bond. The interest expense recorded each period for the Candlestick bond is €4,189. Also note that the carrying value of the bond decreases €811 each period until it reaches its face value of €100,000 at the end of period 10.


Illustration 10C-4 Bond premium amortization schedule

image DO IT!

Glenda Corporation issues €1,750,000, 10-year, 12% bonds on January 1, 2014, for €1,968,090 to yield 10%. The bonds pay semiannual interest July 1 and January 1. Glenda uses the straight-line method of amortization.


(a) Prepare the journal entry to record the issuance of the bonds.

(b) Prepare the journal entry to record the payment of interest on July 1, 2014.

Action Plan

  • Compute credit to cash (or interest payable) by multiplying the face value of the bonds by the contractual interest rate.
  • Compute bond premium or discount amortization by dividing bond premium or discount by the total number of periods.
  • Understand that amortization of premium reduces the total cost of borrowing.






11 Apply the straight-line method of amortizing bond discount and bond premium. The straight-line method of amortization results in a constant amount of amortization and interest expense per period.


Straight-line method of amortization A method of amortizing bond discount or bond premium that results in allocating the same amount to interest expense in each interest period. (p. 492).



Prepare entries for payroll and payroll taxes under U.S. law.

Every employer incurs liabilities relating to employees' salaries and wages. One is the amount of salaries and wages owed to employees—salaries and wages payable. Another is the amount required by law to be withheld from employees' gross pay. Until a company remits these withholding taxes (U.S. federal and state income taxes, and Social Security taxes) to the governmental taxing authorities, they are credited to appropriate liability accounts. For example, if a corporation withholds taxes from its employees' wages and salaries, it would record accrual and payment of a $100,000 payroll, as shown on the next page.





Illustration 10D-1 summarizes the types of payroll deductions.


Illustration 10D-1 Payroll deductions

Also, with every payroll, the employer incurs liabilities to pay various payroll taxes levied upon the employer. These payroll taxes include the employer's share of Social Security taxes and the state and federal unemployment taxes. Based on the $100,000 payroll in the previous example, the company would make the following entry to record the employer's expense and liability for these payroll taxes.



Illustration 10D-2 shows the types of taxes levied on employers.


Illustration 10D-2 Employer payroll taxes

Companies classify the payroll and payroll tax liability accounts as current liabilities because these amounts must be paid to employees or remitted to taxing authorities in the near term. Taxing authorities impose substantial fines and penalties on employers if the withholding and payroll taxes are not computed correctly and paid on time. A more complete discussion of payroll accounting is provided in Appendix F.



12 Prepare entries for payroll and payroll taxes under U.S. law. Until employee withholding taxes are remitted to governmental taxing authorities, they are credited to appropriate liability accounts. The company must also account for payroll taxes it incurs. These include social security taxes and state and federal unemployment taxes.

image Self-Test, Brief Exercises, Exercises, Problem Set A, and many more components are available for practice in WileyPLUS.

*Note: All asterisked Questions, Exercises, and Problems relate to material in the appendices to the chapter.


Answers are on page 515.

  1. The time period for classifying a liability as current is one year or the operating cycle, whichever is:   (LO 1)

    (a) longer.

    (b) shorter.

    (c) probable.

    (d) possible.

  2. To be classified as a current liability, a debt must be expected to be paid:   (LO 1)

    (a) within one year or the operating cycle, whichever is longer.

    (b) within one year or the operating cycle, whichever is shorter.

    (c) within 2 years.

    (d) out of non-current assets.

  3. Maggie Sharrer Company borrows R$88,500 on September 1, 2014, from Sandwich Bank by signing an R$88,500, 12%, one-year note. What is the accrued interest at December 31, 2014?   (LO 2)

    (a) R$2,655.

    (b) R$3,540.

    (c) R$4,425.

    (d) R$10,620.

  4. Becky Sherrick Company has total proceeds from sales of $4,515. If the proceeds include sales taxes of 5%, the amount to be credited to Sales Revenue is:   (LO 3)

    (a) $4,000.

    (b) $4,300.

    (c) $4,289.25.

    (d) No correct answer given.

  5. Sensible Insurance Company collected a premium of £18,000 for a 1-year insurance policy on April 1. What amount should Sensible report as a current liability for Unearned Service Revenue at December 31?   (LO 3)

    (a) £0.

    (b) £4,500.

    (c) £13,500.

    (d) £18,000.

  6. The term used for bonds that are unsecured is:   (LO 4)

    (a) callable bonds.

    (b) indenture bonds.

    (c) debenture bonds.

    (d) bearer bonds.

  7. Karson Inc. issues 10-year bonds with a maturity value of $200,000. If the bonds are issued at a premium, this indicates that:   (LO 5)

    (a) the contractual interest rate exceeds the market interest rate.

    (b) the market interest rate exceeds the contractual interest rate.

    (c) the contractual interest rate and the market interest rate are the same.

    (d) no relationship exists between the two rates.

  8. Gester Corporation retires its HK$1,000,000 face value bonds at 105 on January 1, following the payment of semiannual interest. The carrying value of the bonds at the redemption date is HK$1,037,450. The entry to record the redemption will include a:   (LO 6)

    (a) credit of HK$37,450 to Loss on Bond Redemption.

    (b) debit of HK$1,037,450 to Bonds Payable.

    (c) credit of HK$12,550 to Gain on Bond Redemption.

    (d) debit of HK$50,000 to Bonds Payable.

  9. Andrews Inc. issues a €497,000, 10%, 3-year mortgage note on January 1. The note will be paid in three annual installments of €200,000, each payable at the end of the year. What is the amount of interest expense that should be recognized by Andrews Inc. in the second year?   (LO 7)

    (a) €16,567.

    (b) €49,700.

    (c) €34,670.

    (d) €346,700.

  10. Howard Corporation issued a 20-year mortgage note payable on January 1, 2014. At December 31, 2014, the unpaid principal balance will be reported as:   (LO 7)

    (a) a current liability.

    (b) a non-current liability.

    (c) part current and part non-current liability.

    (d) interest payable.

  11. For 2014, Kim Corporation reported net income of image300,000. Interest expense was image40,000 and income taxes were image100,000. The times interest earned ratio was:   (LO 8)

    (a) 3 times.

    (b) 4.4 times.

    (c) 7.5 times.

    (d) 11 times.

  12. * The market price of a bond is dependent on:   (LO 9)

    (a) the payment amounts.

    (b) the length of time until the amounts are paid.

    (c) the interest rate.

    (d) All of the above.

  13. * On January 1, Dias Corporation issued R$1,000,000, 10%, 5-year bonds with interest payable on July 1 and January 1. The bonds sold for R$1,081,105. The market rate of interest for these bonds was 8%. On the first interest date, using the effective-interest method, the debit entry to Interest Expense is for:   (LO 10)

    (a) R$50,000.

    (b) R$54,055.

    (c) R$43,244.

    (d) R$100,811.

  14. * On January 1, Hurley Corporation issues NT$5,000,000, 5-year, 12% bonds at 96 with interest payable on July 1 and January 1. The entry on July 1 to record payment of bond interest and the amortization of bond discount using the straight-line method will include a:   (LO 11)

    (a) debit to Interest Expense NT$300,000.

    (b) debit to Interest Expense NT$600,000.

    (c) credit to Bonds Payable NT$40,000.

    (d) credit to Bonds Payable NT$20,000.

  15. * For the bonds issued in Question 14 above, what is the carrying value of the bonds at the end of the third interest period?   (LO 11)

    (a) NT$4,860,000.

    (b) NT$4,880,000.

    (c) NT$4,720,000.

    (d) NT$4,640,000.

  16. * Employer payroll taxes do not include:   (LO 12)

    (a) federal unemployment taxes.

    (b) state unemployment taxes.

    (c) federal income taxes.

    (d) FICA taxes.

Go to the book's companion website,, for additional Self-Test Questions.



  1. Brenda Gable believes a current liability is a debt that can be expected to be paid in one year. Is Brenda correct? Explain.
  2. Delhi Company obtains Rs300,000 in cash by signing a 9%, 6-month, Rs300,000 note payable to First Bank on July 1. Delhi's fiscal year ends on September 30. What information should be reported for the note payable in the annual financial statements?
  3. (a) Your roommate says, “Sales taxes are reported as an expense in the income statement.” Do you agree? Explain.

    (b) Planet Hollywood has cash proceeds from sales of £7,400. This amount includes £400 of sales taxes. Give the entry to record the proceeds.

  4. Ottawa University sold 10,000 season football tickets at €90 each for its five-game home schedule. What entries should be made (a) when the tickets were sold, and (b) after each game?
  5. What is liquidity? What are two measures of liquidity
  6. (a) What are non-current liabilities? Give three examples. (b) What is a bond?
  7. (a) As a source of long-term financing, what are the major advantages of bonds over ordinary shares? (b) What are the major disadvantages in using bonds for long-term financing?
  8. Contrast the following types of bonds: (a) secured and unsecured, (b) term and serial, (c) registered and bearer, and (d) convertible and callable.
  9. The following terms are important in issuing bonds: (a) face value, (b) contractual interest rate, (c) bond indenture, and (d) bond certificate. Explain each of these terms.
  10. Describe the two major obligations incurred by a company when bonds are issued.
  11. Assume that Bedazzled Inc. sold bonds with a face value of €100,000 for €104,000. Was the market interest rate equal to, less than, or greater than the bonds' contractual interest rate? Explain.
  12. If a 6%, 10-year, R$800,000 bond is issued at face value and interest is paid semiannually, what is the amount of the interest payment at the end of the first semiannual period?
  13. If the Bonds Payable account has a balance of HK$8,400,000 and the amount of the unamortized bond discount is HK$600,000, what is the face value of the bonds?
  14. Which accounts are debited and which are credited if a bond issue originally sold at a premium is redeemed before maturity at 97 immediately following the payment of interest?
  15. Roy Toth, a friend of yours, has recently purchased a home for €125,000, paying €25,000 down and the remainder financed by a 6.5%, 20-year mortgage, payable at €745.57 per month. At the end of the first month, Roy receives a statement from the bank indicating that only €203.90 of principal was paid during the month. At this rate, he calculates that it will take over 40 years to pay off the mortgage. Is he right? Discuss.
  16. In general, what are the requirements for the financial statement presentation of non-current liabilities?
  17. * Ginny Bellis is discussing the advantages of the effective-interest method of bond amortization with her accounting staff. What do you think Ginny is saying?
  18. * Redbone Corporation issues CHF500,000 of 8%, 5-year bonds on January 1, 2014, at 104. If Redbone uses the effective-interest method in amortizing the premium, will the annual interest expense increase or decrease over the life of the bonds? Explain.
  19. * Vera Cruz and Sven Varberg are discussing how the market price of a bond is determined. Vera believes that the market price of a bond is solely a function of the amount of the principal payment at the end of the term of a bond. Is she right? Discuss.
  20. * Explain the straight-line method of amortizing discount and premium on bonds payable.
  21. * Fleming Corporation issues $400,000 of 7%, 5-year bonds on January 1, 2014, at 105. Assuming that the straight-line method is used to amortize the premium, what is the total amount of interest expense for 2014?
  22. * Identify three taxes commonly withheld by the employer from an employee's gross pay.


Identify whether obligations are current liabilities.   (LO 1)

BE10-1 Cardinal Company has the following obligations at December 31: (a) a note payable for $100,000 due in 2 years, (b) a 10-year mortgage payable of $300,000 payable in ten $30,000 annual payments, (c) interest payable of $12,000 on the mortgage, and (d) accounts payable of $60,000. For each obligation, indicate whether it should be classified as a current liability. (Assume an operating cycle of less than one year.)

Prepare entries for an interest-bearing note payable.   (LO 2)

BE10-2 Becky Company borrows £60,000 on July 1 from the bank by signing a £60,000, 10%, one-year note payable.

(a) Prepare the journal entry to record the proceeds of the note.

(b) Prepare the journal entry to record accrued interest at December 31, assuming adjusting entries are made only at the end of the year.

Compute and record sales taxes payable.   (LO 3)

BE10-3 Goodwin Auto Supply does not segregate sales and sales taxes at the time of sale. The register total for March 16 is $13,440. All sales are subject to a 5% sales tax. Compute sales taxes payable, and make the entry to record sales taxes payable and sales.

Prepare entries for unearned revenues.   (LO 3)

BE10-4 Wichita University sells 4,000 season basketball tickets at $180 each for its 10-game home schedule. Give the entry to record (a) the sale of the season tickets and (b) the revenue recognized for playing the first home game.

Compare bond versus share financing.   (LO 4)

BE10-5 Shaffer Inc. is considering two alternatives to finance its construction of a new €2 million plant.

(a) Issuance of 200,000 ordinary shares at the market price of €10 per share.

(b) Issuance of €2 million, 7% bonds at face value.

Complete the following table, and indicate which alternative is preferable.


Prepare entries for bonds issued at face value.   (LO 5)

BE10-6 Quincey Corporation issued 4,000, 6%, 5-year, $1,000 bonds dated January 1, 2014, at 100.

(a) Prepare the journal entry to record the sale of these bonds on January 1, 2014.

(b) Prepare the journal entry to record the first interest payment on July 1, 2014 (interest payable semiannually), assuming no previous accrual of interest.

(c) Prepare the adjusting journal entry on December 31, 2014, to record interest expense.

Prepare entries for bonds sold at a discount and a premium.   (LO 5)

BE10-7 Sandstone Company issues €1 million, 10-year, 5% bonds at 97, with interest payable on July 1 and January 1.

(a) Prepare the journal entry to record the sale of these bonds on January 1, 2014.

(b) Assuming instead that the above bonds sold for 104, prepare the journal entry to record the sale of these bonds on January 1, 2014.

Prepare entries for bonds issued.   (LO 5)

BE10-8 Carrolla Company has issued three different bonds during 2014. Interest is payable semiannually on each of these bonds.

  1. On January 1, 2014, 1,000, 8%, 5-year, $1,000 bonds dated January 1, 2014, were issued at face value.
  2. On July 1, $800,000, 9%, 5-year bonds dated July 1, 2014, were issued at 102.
  3. On September 1, $200,000, 7%, 5-year bonds dated September 1, 2014, were issued at 97.

Prepare the journal entry to record each bond transaction at the date of issuance.

Prepare entry for redemption of bonds.   (LO 6)

BE10-9 The statement of financial position for Prism Consulting reports the following information on July 1, 2014.


Prism decides to redeem these bonds at 101 (face value of bonds £1,000,000) after paying semiannual interest. Prepare the journal entry to record the redemption on July 1, 2014.

Prepare entries for long-term notes payable.   (LO 7)

BE10-10 McEntire Inc. issues a $400,000, 10%, 10-year mortgage note on December 31, 2014, to obtain financing for a new building. The terms provide for semiannual installment payments of $32,097. Prepare the entry to record the mortgage loan on December 31, 2014, and the first installment payment.

Prepare statement presentation of non-current liabilities.   (LO 8)

BE10-11 Presented below are non-current liability items for Suarez Company at December 31, 2014. Prepare the non-current liabilities section of the statement of financial position for Suarez Company.


Determine present value.   (LO 9)


(a) What is the present value of $10,000 due 8 periods from now, discounted at 8%?

(b) What is the present value of $20,000 to be received at the end of each of 6 periods, discounted at 10%?

Use effective-interest method of bond amortization.   (LO 10)

*BE10-13 Presented below is the partial bond discount amortization schedule for Cardosa Corp. Cardosa uses the effective-interest method of amortization.


(a) Prepare the journal entry to record the payment of interest and the discount amortization at the end of period 1.

(b) image Explain why interest expense is greater than interest paid.

(c) Explain why interest expense will increase each period.

Prepare entries for bonds issued at a discount.   (LO 11)

*BE10-14 Zhu Company issues HK$3 million, 10-year, 9% bonds at 96, with interest payable on July 1 and January 1. The straight-line method is used to amortize bond discount.

(a) Prepare the journal entry to record the sale of these bonds on January 1, 2014.

(b) Prepare the journal entry to record interest expense and bond discount amortization on July 1, 2014, assuming no previous accrual of interest.

Prepare entries for bonds issued at a premium.   (LO 11)

*BE10-15 Allman Inc. issues $2 million, 5-year, 10% bonds at 102, with interest payable on July 1 and January 1. The straight-line method is used to amortize bond premium.

(a) Prepare the journal entry to record the sale of these bonds on January 1, 2014.

(b) Prepare the journal entry to record interest expense and bond premium amortization on July 1, 2014, assuming no previous accrual of interest.

Compute gross earnings and net pay.   (LO 12)

*BE10-16 Sandi Teter's regular hourly wage rate is $14, and she receives an hourly rate of $21 for work in excess of 40 hours. During a January pay period, Sandi works 47 hours. Sandi's federal income tax withholding is $95, FICA taxes are $54.09, and she has no voluntary deductions. Compute Sandi Teter's gross earnings and net pay for the pay period.

Record a payroll and the payment of wages.   (LO 12)

*BE10-17 Data for Sandi Teter are presented in BE10-16. Prepare the journal entries to record (a) Sandi's pay for the period and (b) the payment of Sandi's wages. Use January 15 for the end of the pay period and the payment date.


Answer questions about current liabilities.   (LO 2, 3)

image 10-1 You and several classmates are studying for the next accounting examination. They ask you to answer the following questions:

  1. If cash is borrowed on a $70,000, 9-month, 9% note on August 1, how much interest expense would be incurred by December 31?
  2. The cash register total including sales taxes is $42,000, and the sales tax rate is 5%. What is the sales taxes payable?
  3. If $42,000 is collected in advance on December 1 for 6-month magazine subscriptions, what amount of subscription revenue is recognized by December 31?

Evaluate statements about bonds.   (LO 4)

image 10-2 State whether each of the following statements is true or false.

______ 1. Mortgage bonds and sinking fund bonds are both examples of debenture bonds.
______ 2. Convertible bonds are also known as callable bonds.
______ 3. The market rate is the rate investors demand for loaning funds.
______ 4. Semiannual interest paid on bonds is equal to the face value times the stated rate times 6/12.
______ 5. The present value of a bond is the value at which it should sell in the market.

Prepare journal entry for bond issuance and show statement of financial position presentation.   (LO 5)

image 10-3 Jeon Corporation issues image300,000,000 of bonds for image308,000,000. (a) Prepare the journal entry to record the issuance of the bonds, and (b) show how the bonds would be reported on the statement of financial position at the date of issuance.

Prepare entry for bond redemption.   (LO 6)

image 10-4 Jeske Corporation issued $400,000 of 10-year bonds at a discount. Prior to maturity, when the carrying value of the bonds was $390,000, the company retired the bonds at 98. Prepare the entry to record the redemption of the bonds.

Prepare entries for mortgage note and installment payment on note.   (LO 7)

image 10-5 Mattsen Orchard issues a R$390,000, 5%, 15-year mortgage note to obtain needed financing for a new lab. The terms call for semiannual payments of R$18,633 each. Prepare the entries to record the mortgage loan and the first installment payment.



Prepare entries for interest-bearing notes.   (LO 2)

E10-1 Padillio Company had the following transactions involving notes payable.

July 1, 2014 Borrows €60,000 from Fourth National Bank by signing a 9-month, 8% note.
Nov. 1, 2014 Borrows €50,000 from Livingston Bank by signing a 3-month, 9% note.
Dec. 31, 2014 Prepares adjusting entries.
Feb. 1, 2015 Pays principal and interest to Livingston Bank.
Apr. 1, 2015 Pays principal and interest to Fourth National Bank.


Prepare journal entries for each of the transactions.

Prepare entries for interest-bearing notes.   (LO 2)

E10-2 On June 1, Yoon Company borrows $70,000 from First Bank on a 6-month, $70,000, 9% note.


(a) Prepare the entry on June 1.

(b) Prepare the adjusting entry on June 30.

(c) Prepare the entry at maturity (December 1), assuming monthly adjusting entries have been made through November 30.

(d) What was the total financing cost (interest expense)?

Journalize sales and related taxes.   (LO 3)

E10-3 In providing accounting services to small businesses, you encounter the following situations pertaining to cash sales.

  1. Kemer Company enters sales and sales taxes separately on its cash register. On April 10, the register totals are sales image30,000 and sales taxes image1,650.
  2. Bodrum Company does not segregate sales and sales taxes. Its register total for April 15 is image20,330, which includes a 7% sales tax.


Prepare the entry to record the sales transactions and related taxes for each client.

Journalize unearned subscription revenue.   (LO 3)

E10-4 Nevin Company publishes a monthly sports magazine, Fishing Preview. Subscriptions to the magazine cost $18 per year. During November 2014, Nevin sells 12,000 subscriptions beginning with the December issue. Nevin prepares financial statements quarterly and recognizes subscription revenue at the end of the quarter. The company uses the accounts Unearned Subscription Revenue and Subscription Revenue.


(a) Prepare the entry in November for the receipt of the subscriptions.

(b) Prepare the adjusting entry at December 31, 2014, to record sales revenue recognized in December 2014.

(c) Prepare the adjusting entry at March 31, 2015, to record sales revenue recognized in the first quarter of 2015.

Calculate current ratio and working capital before and after paying accounts payable.   (LO 3)

E10-5 The following financial data were reported by 3M Company (USA) for 2009 and 2010 (dollars in millions).



(a) Calculate the current ratio and working capital for 3M for 2009 and 2010.

(b) Suppose that at the end of 2010, 3M management used $200 million cash to pay off $200 million of accounts payable. How would its current ratio and working capital have changed?

Evaluate statements about bonds.   (LO 4)

E10-6 Liane Hansen has prepared the following list of statements about bonds.

  1. Bonds are a form of interest-bearing notes payable.
  2. When seeking long-term financing, an advantage of issuing bonds over issuing ordinary shares is that shareholder control is not affected.
  3. When seeking long-term financing, an advantage of issuing ordinary shares over issuing bonds is that tax savings result.
  4. Secured bonds have specific assets of the issuer pledged as collateral for the bonds.
  5. Secured bonds are also known as debenture bonds.
  6. Bonds that mature in installments are called term bonds.
  7. A conversion feature may be added to bonds to make them more attractive to bond buyers.
  8. The rate used to determine the amount of cash interest the borrower pays is called the stated rate.
  9. Bond prices are usually quoted as a percentage of the face value of the bond.
  10. The present value of a bond is the value at which it should sell in the marketplace.


Identify each statement as true or false. If false, indicate how to correct the statement.

Compare two alternatives of financing—issuance of ordinary shares vs. issuance of bonds.   (LO 4)

E10-7 Global Car Rental is considering two alternatives for the financing of a purchase of a fleet of cars. These two alternatives are:

  1. Issue 60,000 ordinary shares at ¥40 per share. (Cash dividends have not been paid nor is the payment of any contemplated.)
  2. Issue 10%, 10-year bonds at face value for ¥2,400,000.

It is estimated that the company will earn ¥800,000 before interest and taxes as a result of this purchase. The company has an estimated tax rate of 30% and has 90,000 ordinary shares outstanding prior to the new financing.


Determine the effect on net income and earnings per share for these two methods of financing.

Prepare entries for issuance of bonds, and payment and accrual of bond interest.   (LO 5)

E10-8 On January 1, Payne Company issued $200,000, 8%, 10-year bonds at face value. Interest is payable semiannually on July 1 and January 1.


Prepare journal entries to record the following.

(a) The issuance of the bonds.

(b) The payment of interest on July 1, assuming that interest was not accrued on June 30.

(c) The accrual of interest on December 31.

Prepare entries for bonds issued at face value.   (LO 5)

E10-9 On January 1, Disch Company issued R$400,000, 7%, 5-year bonds at face value. Interest is payable semiannually on July 1 and January 1.


Prepare journal entries to record the following events.

(a) The issuance of the bonds.

(b) The payment of interest on July 1, assuming no previous accrual of interest.

(c) The accrual of interest on December 31.

Prepare entries to record issuance of bonds at discount and premium.   (LO 5)

E10-10 Pueblo Company issued $300,000 of 5-year, 8% bonds at 98 on January 1, 2014. The bonds pay interest twice a year.



(1) Prepare the journal entry to record the issuance of the bonds.

(2) Compute the total cost of borrowing for these bonds.

(b) Repeat the requirements from part (a), assuming the bonds were issued at 104.

Prepare entries for bond interest and redemption.   (LO 5, 6)

E10-11 The following section is taken from Barton Corp.'s statement of financial position at December 31, 2013.


Bond interest is payable semiannually on January 1 and July 1. The bonds are callable on any interest date.


(a) Journalize the payment of the bond interest on January 1, 2014.

(b) Assume that on January 1, 2014, after paying interest, Barton calls bonds having a face value of $600,000. The call price is 104. Record the redemption of the bonds.

(c) Prepare the entry to record the payment of interest on July 1, 2014, assuming no previous accrual of interest on the remaining bonds.

Prepare entries for redemption of bonds.   (LO 6)

E10-12 Presented below are two independent situations.

  1. Voris Ltd. retired £130,000 face value, 12% bonds on June 30, 2014, at 102. The carrying value of the bonds at the redemption date was £117,500. The bonds pay semiannual interest, and the interest payment due on June 30, 2014, has been made and recorded.
  2. Lampe Inc. retired £150,000 face value, 12.5% bonds on June 30, 2014, at 97. The carrying value of the bonds at the redemption date was £151,000. The bonds pay semiannual interest, and the interest payment due on June 30, 2014, has been made and recorded.


For each independent situation above, prepare the appropriate journal entry for the redemption of the bonds.

Prepare entries to record mortgage note and installment payments.   (LO 7)

E10-13 Tucki Co. receives $240,000 when it issues a $240,000, 8%, mortgage note payable to finance the construction of a building at December 31, 2014. The terms provide for semiannual installment payments of $17,660 on June 30 and December 31.


Prepare the journal entries to record the mortgage loan and the first two installment payments.

Prepare non-current liabilities section.   (LO 8)

E10-14 The adjusted trial balance for Zhang Corporation at the end of the current year contained the following accounts.



Prepare the non-current liabilities section of the statement of financial position.

Compute market price of bonds.   (LO 9)

*E10-15 Styx Corporation is issuing $250,000 of 8%, 5-year bonds when potential bond investors want a return of 10%. Interest is payable semiannually.


Compute the market price (present value) of the bonds.

Prepare entries for issuance of bonds, payment of interest, and amortization of premium using effective-interest method.   (LO 5, 10)

*E10-16 Grande Corporation issued €500,000, 9%, 10-year bonds on January 1, 2014, for €468,844. This price resulted in an effective-interest rate of 10% on the bonds. Interest is payable semiannually on July 1 and January 1. Grande uses the effective-interest method to amortize bond premium or discount.


Prepare the journal entries to record the following. (Round to the nearest euro.)

(a) The issuance of the bonds.

(b) The payment of interest and the discount amortization on July 1, 2014, assuming that interest was not accrued on June 30.

(c) The accrual of interest and the discount amortization on December 31, 2014.

Prepare entries for issuance of bonds, payment of interest, and amortization of discount using effective-interest method.   (LO 5, 10)

*E10-17 Evelynn Company issued $300,000, 8%, 10-year bonds on January 1, 2014, for $321,319. This price resulted in an effective-interest rate of 7% on the bonds. Interest is payable semiannually on July 1 and January 1. Evelynn uses the effective-interest method to amortize bond premium or discount.


Prepare the journal entries to record the following. (Round to the nearest dollar.)

(a) The issuance of the bonds.

(b) The payment of interest and the premium amortization on July 1, 2014, assuming that interest was not accrued on June 30.

(c) The accrual of interest and the premium amortization on December 31, 2014.

Prepare entries to record issuance of bonds, payment of interest, amortization of premium, and redemption at maturity.   (LO 5, 11)

*E10-18 Manilow Company issued €700,000, 9%, 20-year bonds on January 1, 2014, at 103. Interest is payable semiannually on July 1 and January 1. Manilow uses straight-line amortization for bond premium or discount.


Prepare the journal entries to record the following.

(a) The issuance of the bonds.

(b) The payment of interest and the premium amortization on July 1, 2014, assuming that interest was not accrued on June 30.

(c) The accrual of interest and the premium amortization on December 31, 2014.

(d) The redemption of the bonds at maturity, assuming interest for the last interest period has been paid and recorded.

Prepare entries to record issuance of bonds, payment of interest, amortization of discount, and redemption at maturity.   (LO 5, 11)

*E10-19 Newton Company issued $600,000, 7%, 10-year bonds on December 31, 2013, for $575,000. Interest is payable semiannually on June 30 and December 31. Newton Company uses the straight-line method to amortize bond premium or discount.


Prepare the journal entries to record the following.

(a) The issuance of the bonds.

(b) The payment of interest and the discount amortization on June 30, 2014.

(c) The payment of interest and the discount amortization on December 31, 2014.

(d) The redemption of the bonds at maturity, assuming interest for the last interest period has been paid and recorded.

Calculate and record net pay.   (LO 12)

*E10-20 Dan Noll's gross earnings for the week were $1,780, his federal income tax with-holding was $303, and his FICA total was $136.


(a) What was Noll's net pay for the week?

(b) Journalize the entry for the recording of his pay in the general journal. (Note: Use Salaries and Wages Payable; not Cash.)

(c) Record the issuing of the check for Noll's pay in the general journal.

Record accrual of payroll taxes.   (LO 12)

*E10-21 According to the accountant of Ulster Inc., its payroll taxes for the week were as follows: $137.68 for FICA taxes, $13.77 for federal unemployment taxes, and $92.93 for state unemployment taxes.


Journalize the entry to record the accrual of the payroll taxes.


Prepare current liability entries, adjusting entries, and current liabilities section.   (LO 1, 2, 3)

P10-1A On January 1, 2014, the ledger of Shumway Company contains the following liability accounts.


During January, the following selected transactions occurred.

Jan. 5 Sold merchandise for cash totaling £22,470, which includes 7% sales taxes.
12 Provided services for customers who had made advance payments of £10,000. (Credit Service Revenue.)
14 Paid revenue department for sales taxes collected in December 2013 (£5,800).
20 Sold 600 units of a new product on credit at £50 per unit, plus 7% sales tax.
21 Borrowed £14,000 from DeKalb Bank on a 3-month, 8%, £14,000 note.
25 Sold merchandise for cash totaling £12,947, which includes 7% sales taxes.


(a) Journalize the January transactions.

(b) Journalize the adjusting entries at January 31 for the outstanding notes payable. (Hint: Use one-third of a month for the DeKalb Bank note.)

(c) Current liability total £74,448

(c) Prepare the current liabilities section of the statement of financial position at January 31, 2014. Assume no change in accounts payable.

Journalize and post note transactions; show statement of financial position presentation.   (LO 2)

P10-2A The following are selected transactions of Graves Company. Graves prepares financial statements quarterly.

Jan. 2 Purchased merchandise on account from Ally Company, $30,000, terms 2/10, n/30. (Graves uses the perpetual inventory system.)
Feb. 1 Issued a 6%, 2-month, $30,000 note to Ally in payment of account.
Mar. 31 Accrued interest for 2 months on Ally note.
Apr. 1 Paid face value and interest on Ally note.
July 1 Purchased equipment from Clark Equipment paying $8,000 in cash and signing a 7%, 3-month, $40,000 note.
Sept. 30 Accrued interest for 3 months on Clark note.
Oct. 1 Paid face value and interest on Clark note.
Dec. 1 Borrowed $15,000 from the Jonas Bank by issuing a 3-month, 6% note with a face value of $15,000.
Dec. 31 Recognized interest expense for 1 month on Jonas Bank note.


(a) Prepare journal entries for the listed transactions and events.

(b) Post to the accounts Notes Payable, Interest Payable, and Interest Expense.

(c) Show the statement of financial position presentation of notes and interest payable at December 31.

(d) $1,075

(d) What is total interest expense for the year?

Prepare entries to record issuance of bonds, interest accrual, and bond redemption.   (LO 5, 6, 8)

P10-3A On May 1, 2014, Hopkins Industries issued CHF720,000, 7%, 5-year bonds at face value. The bonds were dated May 1, 2014, and pay interest semiannually on May 1 and November 1. Financial statements are prepared annually on December 31.


(a) Prepare the journal entry to record the issuance of the bonds.

(b) Prepare the adjusting entry to record the accrual of interest on December 31, 2014.

(c) Show the statement of financial position presentation on December 31, 2014.

(d) Int. Exp. CHF16,800

(d) Prepare the journal entry to record payment of interest on May 1, 2015, assuming no accrual of interest from January 1, 2015, to May 1, 2015.

(e) Prepare the journal entry to record payment of interest on November 1, 2015.

(f) Loss CHF14,400

(f) Assume that on November 1, 2015, Hopkins calls the bonds at 102. Record the redemption of the bonds.

Prepare entries to record issuance of bonds, interest accrual, and bond redemption.   (LO 5, 6, 8)

P10-4A Formosa Electric sold $400,000, 9%, 10-year bonds on January 1, 2014. The bonds were dated January 1 and paid interest on January 1 and July 1. The bonds were sold at 105.


(a) Prepare the journal entry to record the issuance of the bonds on January 1, 2014.

(b) At December 31, 2014, the amount of unamortized bond premium is $18,000. Show the statement of financial position presentation of accrued interest and the bond liability at December 31, 2014.

(c) Loss $4,000

(c) On January 1, 2016, when the carrying value of the bonds was $416,000, the company redeemed the bonds at 105. Record the redemption of the bonds assuming that interest for the period has already been paid.

Prepare installment payments schedule and journal entries for a mortgage note payable.   (LO 7, 8)

P10-5A Otto Electronics issues a R$800,000, 8%, 10-year mortgage note on December 31, 2013. The proceeds from the note are to be used in financing a new research laboratory. The terms of the note provide for semiannual installment payments, exclusive of real estate taxes and insurance, of R$58,865. Payments are due June 30 and December 31.


(a) Prepare an installment payments schedule for the first 2 years.

(b) June 30 Mortgage Payable debit R$26,865

(b) Prepare the entries for (1) the loan and (2) the first two installment payments.

(c) Current liability—2014: R$59,276

(c) Show how the total mortgage liability should be reported on the statement of financial position at December 31, 2014.

Prepare entries to record issuance of bonds, payment of interest, and amortization of bond premium using effective-interest method.    (LO 5, 10)

P*10-6A On July 1, 2014, Strigel Corporation issued $5,000,000, 10%, 10-year bonds at $5,679,533. This price resulted in an effective-interest rate of 8% on the bonds. Strigel uses the effective-interest method to amortize bond premium or discount. The bonds pay semiannual interest July 1 and January 1.


(Round all computations to the nearest dollar.)

(a) Prepare the journal entry to record the issuance of the bonds on July 1, 2014.

(b) Prepare an amortization table through December 31, 2015 (3 interest periods), for this bond issue.

(c) Amortization $22,819

(c) Prepare the journal entry to record the accrual of interest and the amortization of the premium on December 31, 2014.

(d) Amortization $23,731

(d) Prepare the journal entry to record the payment of interest and the amortization of the premium on July 1, 2015, assuming no accrual of interest on June 30.

(e) Amortization $24,681

(e) Prepare the journal entry to record the accrual of interest and the amortization of the premium on December 31, 2015.

Prepare entries to record issuance of bonds, payment of interest, and amortization of discount using effective-interest method. In addition, answer questions.   (LO 5, 10)

*P10-7A On July 1, 2014, Kingston Company issued €3,600,000, 9%, 10-year bonds at €3,375,680. This price resulted in an effective-interest rate of 10% on the bonds. Kingston uses the effective-interest method to amortize bond premium or discount. The bonds pay semiannual interest July 1 and January 1.


(Round all computations to the nearest euro.)

(a) (3) Amortization €7,123

(a) Prepare the journal entries to record the following transactions.

(1) The issuance of the bonds on July 1, 2014.

(2) The accrual of interest and the amortization of the discount on December 31, 2014.

(3) The payment of interest and the amortization of the discount on July 1, 2015, assuming no accrual of interest on June 30.

(4) Amortization €7,479

(4) The accrual of interest and the amortization of the discount on December 31, 2015.

(b) Bond carrying value €3,397,066

(b) Show the proper presentation for the liability for bonds payable on the December 31, 2015, statement of financial position.

(c) image Provide the answers to the following questions in letter form.

(1) What amount of interest expense is reported for 2015?

(2) Would the bond interest expense reported in 2015 be the same as, greater than, or less than the amount that would be reported if the straight-line method of amortization were used?

(3) Determine the total cost of borrowing over the life of the bond.

(4) Would the total bond interest expense be greater than, the same as, or less than the total interest expense that would be reported if the straight-line method of amortization were used?

Prepare entries to record issuance of bonds, interest accrual, and straight-line amortization for 2 years.   (LO 5, 11)

*P10-8A Guehler Electric sold $2,000,000, 9%, 10-year bonds on January 1, 2014. The bonds were dated January 1 and pay interest July 1 and January 1. Guehler Electric uses the straight-line method to amortize bond premium or discount. The bonds were sold at 104. Assume no interest is accrued on June 30.


(a) Prepare the journal entry to record the issuance of the bonds on January 1, 2014.

(b) Amortization $4,000

(b) Prepare a bond premium amortization schedule for the first 4 interest periods.

(c) Prepare the journal entries for interest and the amortization of the premium in 2014 and 2015.

(d) Carrying value of bonds payable $2,064,000

(d) Show the statement of financial position presentation of the bond liability at December 31, 2015.

Prepare entries to record issuance of bonds, interest, and straight-line amortization of bond premium and discount.   (LO 5, 11)

*P10-9A West Bengal Company sold Rs3,000,000, 8%, 10-year bonds on July 1, 2014. The bonds were dated July 1, 2014, and pay interest July 1 and January 1. West Bengal Company uses the straight-line method to amortize bond premium or discount. Assume no interest is accrued on June 30.


(a) Amortization Rs4,500

(a) Prepare all the necessary journal entries to record the issuance of the bonds and bond interest expense for 2014, assuming that the bonds sold at 103.

(b) Amortization Rs6,000

(b) Prepare journal entries as in part (a) assuming that the bonds sold at 96.

(c) Carrying value of bonds payable Rs3,085,500 Carrying value of bonds payable Rs2,886,000

(c) Show statement of financial position presentation for each bond issued at December 31, 2014.

Prepare entries to record interest payments, straight-line premium amortization, and redemption of bonds.   (LO 6, 11)

*P10-10A The following is taken from the Millette Company statement of financial position.


Interest is payable semiannually on January 1 and July 1. The bonds are callable on any semiannual interest date. Millette uses straight-line amortization for any bond premium or discount. From December 31, 2013, the bonds will be outstanding for an additional 10 years (120 months).


(a) Journalize the payment of bond interest on January 1, 2014.

(b) Amortization $9,000

(b) Prepare the entry to amortize bond premium and to pay the interest due on July 1, 2014, assuming no accrual of interest on June 30.

(c) Gain $56,400

(c) Assume that on July 1, 2014, after paying interest, Millette Company calls bonds having a face value of $1,200,000. The call price is 101. Record the redemption of the bonds.

(d) Amortization $5,400

(d) Prepare the adjusting entry at December 31, 2014, to amortize bond premium and to accrue interest on the remaining bonds.


Prepare current liability entries, adjusting entries, and current liabilities section.   (LO 1, 2, 3)

P10-1B On January 1, 2014, the ledger of Zaur Company contains the following liability accounts.


During January, the following selected transactions occurred.

Jan. 1 Borrowed ¥15,000 in cash from Platteville Bank on a 4-month, 6%, ¥15,000 note.
5 Sold merchandise for cash totaling ¥9,434, which includes 6% sales taxes.
12 Provided services for customers who had made advance payments of ¥9,000. (Credit Service Revenue.)
14 Paid government treasurer's department for sales taxes collected in December 2013, ¥5,800.
20 Sold 700 units of a new product on credit at ¥44 per unit, plus 6% sales tax.
25 Sold merchandise for cash totaling ¥16,536, which includes 6% sales taxes.


(a) Journalize the January transactions.

(b) Journalize the adjusting entries at January 31 for the outstanding notes payable.

(c) Current liability total ¥66,893

(c) Prepare the current liabilities section of the statement of financial position at January 31, 2014. Assume no change in accounts payable.

Prepare entries to record issuance of bonds, interest accrual, and bond redemption.   (LO 5, 6, 8)

P10-2B On June 1, 2014, Sator Corp. issued $1,200,000, 8%, 5-year bonds at face value. The bonds were dated June 1, 2014, and pay interest semiannually on June 1 and December 1. Financial statements are prepared annually on December 31.


(a) Prepare the journal entry to record the issuance of the bonds.

(b) Prepare the adjusting entry to record the accrual of interest on December 31, 2014.

(c) Show the statement of financial position presentation on December 31, 2014.

(d) Int. Exp. $40,000

(d) Prepare the journal entry to record payment of interest on June 1, 2015, assuming no accrual of interest from January 1, 2015, to June 1, 2015.

(e) Prepare the journal entry to record payment of interest on December 1, 2015.

(f) Loss $12,000

(f) Assume that on December 1, 2015, Sator calls the bonds at 101. Record the redemption of the bonds.

Prepare entries to record issuance of bonds, interest accrual, and bond redemption.   (LO 5, 6, 8)

P10-3B Booker Co. sold R$300,000, 10%, 10-year bonds on January 1, 2014. The bonds were dated January 1, and interest is paid on January 1 and July 1. The bonds were sold at 104.


(a) Prepare the journal entry to record the issuance of the bonds on January 1, 2014.

(b) At December 31, 2014, the amount of unamortized bond premium is R$10,800. Show the statement of financial position presentation of accrued interest and the bond liability at December 31, 2014.

(c) Loss R$5,400

(c) On January 1, 2016, when the carrying value of the bonds was R$309,600, the company redeemed the bonds at 105. Record the redemption of the bonds assuming that interest for the period has already been paid.

Prepare installment payments schedule and journal entries for a mortgage note payable.   (LO 7, 8)

P10-4B Hamilton's Electronics issues a $380,000, 8%, 10-year mortgage note on December 31, 2013, to help finance a plant expansion program. The terms provide for semiannual installment payments, not including real estate taxes and insurance, of $27,961. Payments are due June 30 and December 31.


(a) Prepare an installment payments schedule for the first 2 years.

(b) June 30 Mortgage Payable debit $12,761

(b) Prepare the entries for (1) the mortgage loan and (2) the first two installment payments.

(c) Current liability—2014: $28,156

(c) Show how the total mortgage liability should be reported on the statement of financial position at December 31, 2014.

Prepare entries to record issuance of bonds, payment of interest, and amortization of bond discount using effective-interest method.   (LO 5, 10)

*P10-5B On July 1, 2014, Visnak Satellites issued £4,500,000, 7%, 10-year bonds at £4,194,218. This price resulted in an effective-interest rate of 8% on the bonds. Visnak uses the effective-interest method to amortize bond premium or discount. The bonds pay semiannual interest July 1 and January 1.


(Round all computations to the nearest pound.)

(a) Prepare the journal entry to record the issuance of the bonds on July 1, 2014.

(b) Prepare an amortization table through December 31, 2015 (3 interest periods) for this bond issue.

(c) Amortization £10,269

(c) Prepare the journal entry to record the accrual of interest and the amortization of the discount on December 31, 2014.

(d) Amortization £10,679

(d) Prepare the journal entry to record the payment of interest and the amortization of the discount on July 1, 2015, assuming that interest was not accrued on June 30.

(e) Amortization £11,107

(e) Prepare the journal entry to record the accrual of interest and the amortization of the discount on December 31, 2015.

Prepare entries to record issuance of bonds, payment of interest, and amortization of premium using effective-interest method. In addition, answer questions.   (LO 5, 10)

*P10-6B On July 1, 2014, Keokuk Chemical Company issued $4,000,000, 6%, 10-year bonds at $4,311,783. This price resulted in a 5% effective-interest rate on the bonds. Keokuk uses the effective-interest method to amortize bond premium or discount. The bonds pay semiannual interest on each July 1 and January 1.


(Round all computations to the nearest dollar.)

(a) (2) Amortization $12,205

(a) Prepare the journal entries to record the following transactions.

(1) The issuance of the bonds on July 1, 2014.

(2) The accrual of interest and the amortization of the premium on December 31, 2014.

(3) Amortization $12,511

(3) The payment of interest and the amortization of the premium on July 1, 2015, assuming no accrual of interest on June 30.

(4) Amortization $12,823

(4) The accrual of interest and the amortization of the premium on December 31, 2015.

(b) Bond carrying value $4,274,244

(b) Show the proper presentation for the liability for bonds payable on the December 31, 2015, statement of financial position.

(c) image Provide the answers to the following questions in letter form.

(1) What amount of interest expense is reported for 2015?

(2) Would the bond interest expense reported in 2015 be the same as, greater than, or less than the amount that would be reported if the straight-line method of amortization were used?

(3) Determine the total cost of borrowing over the life of the bond.

(4) Would the total bond interest expense be greater than, the same as, or less than the total interest expense if the straight-line method of amortization were used?

Prepare entries to record issuance of bonds, interest accrual, and straight-line amortization for 2 years.   (LO 5, 11)

*P10-7B Wu Company sold ¥5,000,000, 8%, 20-year bonds on January 1, 2014. The bonds were dated January 1, 2014, and pay interest on January 1 and July 1. Wu Company uses the straight-line method to amortize bond premium or discount. The bonds were sold at 97. Assume no interest is accrued on June 30.


(a) Prepare the journal entry to record the issuance of the bonds on January 1, 2014.

(b) Amortization ¥3,750

(b) Prepare a bond discount amortization schedule for the first 4 interest periods.

(c) Prepare the journal entries for interest and the amortization of the discount in 2014 and 2015.

(d) Carrying value of bonds payable ¥4,865,000

(d) Show the statement of financial position presentation of the bond liability at December 31, 2015.

Prepare entries to record issuance of bonds, interest, and straight-line amortization of bond premium and discount.   (LO 5, 11)

*P10-8B McLain Corporation sold $6,000,000, 9%, 10-year bonds on January 1, 2014. The bonds were dated January 1, 2014, and pay interest on July 1 and January 1. McLain Corporation uses the straight-line method to amortize bond premium or discount. Assume no interest is accrued on June 30.


(a) Amortization $6,000

(a) Prepare all the necessary journal entries to record the issuance of the bonds and bond interest expense for 2014, assuming that the bonds sold at 102.

(b) Amortization $12,000

(b) Prepare journal entries as in part (a) assuming that the bonds sold at 96.

(c) Carrying value of bonds payable $6,108,000; Carrying value of bonds payable $5,784,000

(c) Show statement of financial position presentation for each bond issued at December 31, 2014.

Prepare entries to record interest payments, straight-line discount amortization, and redemption of bonds.   (LO 5, 6, 11)

*P10-9B The following is taken from the Plankton Corporation statement of financial position.


Interest is payable semiannually on January 1 and July 1. The bonds are callable on any semiannual interest date. Plankton uses straight-line amortization for any bond premium or discount. From December 31, 2013, the bonds will be outstanding for an additional 10 years (120 months).


(Round all computations to the nearest euro).

(a) Journalize the payment of bond interest on January 1, 2014.

(b) Amortization €4,500

(b) Prepare the entry to amortize bond discount and to pay the interest due on July 1, 2014, assuming that interest was not accrued on June 30.

(c) Loss €52,500

(c) Assume that on July 1, 2014, after paying interest, Plankton Corp. calls bonds having a face value of €800,000. The call price is 103. Record the redemption of the bonds.

(d) Amortization €3,000

(d) Prepare the adjusting entry at December 31, 2014, to amortize bond discount and to accrue interest on the remaining bonds.


CP10-1 James Corporation's statement of financial position at December 31, 2013, is presented below.


During 2014, the following transactions occurred.

  1. James paid $2,500 interest on the bonds on January 1, 2014.
  2. James purchased $241,100 of inventory on account.
  3. James sold for $450,000 cash inventory which cost $250,000. James also collected $31,500 sales taxes.
  4. James paid $230,000 on accounts payable.
  5. James paid $2,500 interest on the bonds on July 1, 2014.
  6. The prepaid insurance ($5,600) expired on July 31.
  7. On August 1, James paid $12,000 for insurance coverage from August 1, 2014, through July 31, 2015.
  8. James paid $24,000 sales taxes to the government.
  9. Paid other operating expenses, $91,000.
  10. Retired the bonds on December 31, 2014, by paying $47,000 plus $2,500 interest.
  11. Issued $90,000 of 8% bonds on December 31, 2014, at 104. The bonds pay interest every June 30 and December 31.

Adjustment data:

  1. Recorded the insurance expired from item 7.
  2. The equipment was acquired on December 31, 2013, and will be depreciated on a straight-line basis over 5 years with a $3,000 residual value.
  3. The income tax rate is 30%. (Hint: Prepare the income statement up to income before taxes and multiply by 30% to compute the amount.)


(You may want to set up T-accounts to determine ending balances.)

(a) Prepare journal entries for the transactions listed above and adjusting entries.

(b) Totals $652,070

(b) Prepare an adjusted trial balance at December 31, 2014.

(c) N.I. $61,880

(c) Prepare an income statement and a retained earnings statement for the year ending December 31, 2014, and a classified statement of financial position as of December 31, 2014.

CP10-2 Eastland Company and Westside Company are competing businesses. Both began operations 6 years ago and are quite similar in most respects. The current statements of financial position data for the two companies are shown on the next page.


You have been engaged as a consultant to conduct a review of the two companies. Your goal is to determine which of them is in the stronger financial position.

Your review of their financial statements quickly reveals that the two companies have not followed the same accounting practices. The differences and your conclusions regarding them are summarized below.

  1. Eastland Company has used the allowance method of accounting for bad debts. A review shows that the amount of its write-offs each year has been quite close to the allowances that have been provided. It therefore seems reasonable to have confidence in its current estimate of bad debts.

    Westside Company has used the direct write-off method for bad debts, and it has been somewhat slow to write off its uncollectible accounts. Based upon an aging analysis and review of its accounts receivable, it is estimated that CHF18,000 of its existing accounts will probably prove to be uncollectible.

  2. Eastland Company estimated a useful life of 12 years and a residual value of CHF30,000 for its plant and equipment. It has been depreciating them on a straight-line basis.

    Westside Company has the same type of plant and equipment. However, it estimated a useful life of 10 years and a residual value of CHF10,000. It has been depreciating its plant and equipment using the double-declining-balance method.

    Based upon engineering studies of these types of plant and equipment, you conclude that Westside's estimates and method for calculating depreciation are the more appropriate.

  3. Among its current liabilities, Eastland has included the portions of non-current liabilities that become due within the next year. Westside has not done so.

    You find that CHF16,000 of Westside's CHF82,000 of non-current liabilities are due to be repaid in the current year.


(a) Total assets:

Eastland CHF885,225

Westside CHF915,550

(a) Revise the statements of financial position presented above so that the data are comparable and reflect the current financial position for each of the two companies.

(b) image Prepare a brief report to your client stating your conclusions.


(Note: This is a continuation of the Cookie Chronicle from Chapters 19.)

CCC10 Recall that Cookie Creations sells fine European mixers that it purchases from Kzinski Supply Co. Kzinski warrants the mixers to be free of defects in material and workmanship for a period of one year from the date of original purchase. If the mixer has such a defect, Kzinski will repair or replace the mixer free of charge for parts and labor.

Go to the book's companion website,, to see the completion of this problem.

Broadening Your PERSPECTIVE

Financial Reporting and Analysis

Financial Reporting Problem: Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.

BYP10-1 The financial statements of Samsung appear in Appendix A. The notes to consolidated financial statements appear in the 2010 annual report, which can be found in the Investor Relations section of the company's website,


Refer to Samsung's financial statements and answer the following questions about liabilities.

(a) What were Samsung's total current liabilities at December 31, 2010? What was the increase/decrease in Samsung's total current liabilities from the prior year?

(b) What were the components of total current liabilities on December 31, 2010?

(c) What was Samsung's total non-current liabilities at December 31, 2010? What was the increase/decrease in total non-current liabilities from the prior year? What were the components of total non-current liabilities on December 31, 2010?

Comparative Analysis Problem: Nestlé S.A. vs. Zetar plc

BYP10-2 Nestlé's financial statements are presented in Appendix B. Financial statements of Zetar are presented in Appendix C.


(a) At the end of the most recent fiscal year reported, what was Nestlé's largest current liability account? What were its total current liabilities? What was Zetar's largest current liability account? What were its total current liabilities?

(b) Based on information contained in those financial statements, compute the following for each company for the most recent fiscal year reported.

(1) Working capital.

(2) Current ratio.

(c) What conclusions concerning the relative liquidity of these companies can be drawn from these data?

(d) Based on the information contained in those financial statements, compute the following ratios for each company for the most recent fiscal year reported.

(1) Debt to total assets.

(2) Times interest earned.

(e) What conclusions concerning the companies' long-run solvency can be drawn from these ratios?

Real-World Focus

BYP10-3 Purpose: Bond or debt securities pay a stated rate of interest. This rate of interest is dependent on the risk associated with the investment. Fitch Ratings provides ratings for companies that issue debt securities.

Address:, or go to


Answer the following questions.

(a) In what year did Fitch introduce its bond rating scale? (See Our Organization.)

(b) What letter values are assigned to debt investments that are considered “investment grade” and “speculative grade”? (See Ratings Definitions.)

(c) Search the Internet to identify two other major credit rating agencies.

Critical Thinking

Decision-Making Across the Organization


*BYP10-4 On January 1, 2012, Fleming Corporation issued $2,400,000 of 5-year, 7% bonds at 96; the bonds pay interest semiannually on July 1 and January 1. By January 1, 2014, the market rate of interest for bonds of risk similar to those of Fleming Corporation had risen. As a result, the market value of these bonds was $2,000,000 on January 1, 2014—below their carrying value. Debra Fleming, president of the company, suggests repurchasing all of these bonds in the open market at the $2,000,000 price. To do so the company will have to issue $2,000,000 (face value) of new 10-year, 10% bonds at par. The president asks you, as controller, “What is the feasibility of my proposed repurchase plan?”


With the class divided into groups, answer the following.

(a) What is the carrying value of the outstanding Fleming Corporation 5-year bonds on January 1, 2014? (Assume straight-line amortization.)

(b) Prepare the journal entry to retire the 5-year bonds on January 1, 2014. Prepare the journal entry to issue the new 10-year bonds.

(c) Prepare a short memo to the president in response to her request for advice. List the economic factors that you believe should be considered for her repurchase proposal.

Communication Activity

BYP10-5 Ron Seiser, president of Seiser Corporation, is considering the issuance of bonds to finance an expansion of his business. He has asked you to (1) discuss the advantages of bonds over equity financing, (2) indicate the types of bonds he might issue, and (3) explain the issuing procedures used in bond transactions.


Write a memo to the president, answering his request.

Ethics Case

image BYP10-6 Dylan Horn is the president, founder, and majority owner of Wesley Medical Corporation, an emerging medical technology products company. Wesley is in dire need of additional capital to keep operating and to bring several promising products to final development, testing, and production. Dylan, as owner of 51% of the outstanding shares, manages the company's operations. He places heavy emphasis on research and development and on long-term growth. The other principal shareholder is Mary Sommers who, as a non-employee investor, owns 40% of the shares. Mary would like to deemphasize the R&D functions and emphasize the marketing function, to maximize short-run sales and profits from existing products. She believes this strategy would raise the market price of Wesley's shares.

All of Dylan's personal capital and borrowing power is tied up in his 51% share ownership. He knows that any offering of additional shares will dilute his controlling interest because he won't be able to participate in such an issuance. But, Mary has money and would likely buy enough shares to gain control of Wesley. She then would dictate the company's future direction, even if it meant replacing Dylan as president and CEO.

The company already has considerable debt. Raising additional debt will be costly, will adversely affect Wesley's credit rating, and will increase the company's reported losses due to the growth in interest expense. Mary and the other minority shareholders express opposition to the assumption of additional debt, fearing the company will be pushed to the brink of bankruptcy. Wanting to maintain his control and to preserve the direction of “his” company, Dylan is doing everything to avoid a share issuance. He is contemplating a large issuance of bonds, even if it means the bonds are issued with a high effective-interest rate.


(a) Who are the stakeholders in this situation?

(b) What are the ethical issues in this case?

(c) What would you do if you were Dylan?

Answers to Chapter Questions

Answers to Insight and Accounting Across the Organization Questions

p. 471 When to Go Long-Term Q: Based on this story, what is a good general rule to use in choosing between short-term and long-term financing? A: In general, it is best to finance current assets with current liabilities and non-current assets with non-current liabilities, in order to reduce the likelihood of a liquidity crunch such as this.

p. 478 Bonds versus Notes? Q: Why might companies prefer bond financing instead of short-term financing? A: In some cases, it is difficult to get loans from banks. In addition, low interest rates have encouraged companies to go more long-term and fix their rate. Recently, short-term loans suddenly froze, leading to liquidity problems for certain companies.

p. 480 “Covenant-Lite” Debt Q: How can financial ratios such as those covered in this chapter provide protection for creditors? A: Financial ratios such as the current ratio, debt to total assets ratio, and the times interest earned ratio provide indications of a company's liquidity and solvency. By specifying minimum levels of liquidity and solvency, as measured by these ratios, a creditor creates triggers that enable it to step in before a company's financial situation becomes too dire.

Answers to Self-Test Questions

1. a 2. a 3. b (R$88,500 × 12% × 4/12) 4. b ($4,515 ÷ 1.05) 5. b (£18,000 × 3/12) 6. c 7. a 8. b 9. c €200,000 − (10% × €497,000) = €150,300; (€497,000 − €150,300) × 10% 10. c 11. d (image300,000 + image40,000 + image100,000) ÷ image40,000 *12. d *13. c (R$1,081,105 × 8%) ÷ 2 *14. d [NT$5,000,000 − (96% × NT$5,000,000)] = NT$200,000; (NT$200,000 ÷ 10) *15. a (NT$5,000,000 × .96) = NT$4,800,000; (NT$4,800,000 + NT$20,000 + NT$20,000 + NT$20,000) *16. c

Another Perspective

IFRS and GAAP have similar definitions of liabilities. IFRSs related to reporting and recognition of liabilities are found in IAS 1 (revised) (“Presentation of Financial Statements”) and IAS 37 (“Provisions, Contingent Liabilities, and Contingent Assets”). The general recording procedures for payroll are similar although differences occur depending on the types of benefits that are provided in different countries. For example, companies in other countries often have different forms of pensions, unemployment benefits, welfare payments, and so on. The accounting for various forms of compensation plans under IFRS is found in IAS 19 (“Employee Benefits”) and IFRS 2 (“Share-based Payments”). IAS 19 addresses the accounting for a wide range of compensation elements, including wages, bonuses, post-employment benefits, and compensated absences. Both of these standards were recently amended, resulting in significant convergence between IFRS and GAAP.

Key Points

  • The basic definition of a liability under GAAP and IFRS is very similar. Liabilities may be legally enforceable via a contract or law but need not be; that is, they can arise due to normal business practice or customs.
  • Both GAAP and IFRS classify liabilities as current or non-current on the face of the statement of financial position. IFRS specifically states, however, that industries where a presentation based on liquidity would be considered to provide more useful information (such as financial institutions) can use that format instead.
  • Under IFRS, companies sometimes show liabilities before assets. Also, they will sometimes show non-current liabilities before current liabilities. Neither of these presentations is used under GAAP.
  • Under IFRS, companies sometimes will net current liabilities against current assets to show working capital on the face of the statement of financial position. This practice is not used under GAAP.
  • The basic calculation for bond valuation is the same under GAAP and IFRS. In addition, the accounting for bond liability transactions is essentially the same between GAAP and IFRS.
  • IFRS requires use of the effective-interest method for amortization of bond discounts and premiums. GAAP allows use of the straight-line method where the difference is not material.
  • GAAP often uses a separate discount or premium account to account for bonds payable. IFRS records discounts or premiums as direct increases or decreases to Bonds Payable. To illustrate, if a $100,000 bond was issued at 97, under GAAP a company would record:


    Under IFRS, a company would record:


  • The accounting for convertible bonds differs between IFRS and GAAP. GAAP requires that the proceeds from the issuance of convertible debt be shown solely as debt. Unlike GAAP, IFRS splits the proceeds from the convertible bond between an equity component and a debt component. The equity conversion rights are reported in equity.

    To illustrate, assume that Harris Corp. issues convertible 7% bonds with a face value of $1,000,000 and receives $1,000,000. Comparable bonds without a conversion feature would have required a 9% rate of interest. To determine how much of the proceeds would be allocated to debt and how much to equity, the promised payments of the bond obligation would be discounted at the market rate of 9%. Suppose that this results in a present value of $850,000. The entry to record the issuance under GAAP would be:


    Under IFRS, the entry would be:


  • IFRS reserves the use of the term contingent liability to refer only to possible obligations that are not recognized in the financial statements but may be disclosed if certain criteria are met. Under GAAP, contingent liabilities are recorded in the financial statements if they are both probable and can be reasonably estimated. If only one of these criteria is met, then the item is disclosed in the notes.
  • IFRS uses the term provisions to refer to liabilities of uncertain timing or amount. Examples of provisions would be provisions for warranties, employee vacation pay, or anticipated losses. Under GAAP, these are considered recordable contingent liabilities.

Looking to the Future

The FASB and IASB are currently involved in two projects, each of which has implications for the accounting for liabilities. One project is investigating approaches to differentiate between debt and equity instruments. The other project, the elements phase of the conceptual framework project, will evaluate the definitions of the fundamental building blocks of accounting. The results of these projects could change the classification of many debt and equity securities.

GAAP Practice

GAAP Self-Test Questions

  1. Which of the following is false?

    (a) Under GAAP, current liabilities are presented before non-current liabilities.

    (b) Under GAAP, an item is a current liability if it will be paid within the next 12 months or the operating cycle, whichever is longer.

    (c) Under GAAP, current liabilities are shown in order of magnitude.

    (d) Under GAAP, a liability is only recognized if it is a present obligation.

  2. The accounting for bonds payable is:

    (a) essentially the same under IFRS and GAAP.

    (b) different in that GAAP requires use of the straight-line method for amortization of bond premium and discount.

    (c) the same except that market prices may be different because the present value calculations are different between IFRS and GAAP.

    (d) not covered by IFRS.

  3. Stevens Corporation issued 5% convertible bonds with a total face value of $3,000,000 for $3,000,000. If the bonds had not had a conversion feature, they would have sold for $2,600,000. Under GAAP, the entry to record the transaction would require a credit to:

    (a) Bonds Payable for $3,000,000.

    (b) Bonds Payable for $400,000.

    (c) Share Premium—Conversion Equity for $400,000.

    (d) Discount on Bonds Payable for $400,000.

  4. Which of the following is true regarding accounting for amortization of bond discount and premium?

    (a) Both IFRS and GAAP must use the effective-interest method.

    (b) GAAP must use the effective-interest method, but IFRS may use either the effective-interest method or the straight-line method.

    (c) IFRS is required to use the effective-interest method.

    (d) GAAP is required to use the straight-line method.

  5. The joint projects of the FASB and IASB could potentially:

    (a) change the definition of liabilities.

    (b) change the definition of equity.

    (c) change the definition of assets.

    (d) All of the above.

GAAP Exercises

GAAP10-1 Briefly describe some of the similarities and differences between GAAP and IFRS with respect to the accounting for liabilities.

GAAP10-2 Ratzlaff Company issues $2 million, 10-year, 8% bonds at 97, with interest payable on July 1 and January 1.


(a) Prepare the journal entry to record the sale of these bonds on January 1, 2014, using GAAP.

(b) Assuming instead that the above bonds sold for 104, prepare the journal entry to record the sale of these bonds on January 1, 2014, using GAAP.

GAAP10-3 Archer Company issued £4,000,000 par value, 7% convertible bonds at 99 for cash. The net present value of the debt without the conversion feature is £3,800,000. Prepare the journal entry to record the issuance of the convertible bonds (a) under GAAP and (b) under IFRS.

GAAP Financial Statement Analysis: Tootsie Roll Industries, Inc.

GAAP10-4 The financial statements of Tootsie Roll are presented on Appendix D. The company's complete annual report, including the notes to its financial statements, is available at


Use the company's financial statements and notes to the financial statements to answer the following questions.

(a) What were Tootsie Roll's total current liabilities at December 31, 2010? What was the increase/decrease in Tootsie Roll's total current liabilities from the prior year?

(b) How much were the accounts payable at December 31, 2010?

(c) What were the components of total current liabilities on December 31, 2010?

Answers to GAAP Self-Test Questions

1. c 2. a 3. a 4. c 5. d


image Remember to go back to The Navigator box on the chapter opening page and check off your completed work.

1The difference of .00001 between 2.48686 and 2.48685 is due to rounding.

2Recently, FICA taxes include 6.2% of the first $106,800 for Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI) and 1.45% of all wages for Medicare (HI).

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