Chapter 12Investments



Learning Objectives

After studying this chapter, you should be able to:

1 Discuss why corporations invest in debt and share securities.

2 Explain the accounting for debt investments.

3 Explain the accounting for share investments.

4 Describe the use of consolidated financial statements.

5 Indicate how debt and share investments are reported in financial statements.

6 Distinguish between short-term and long-term investments.


Feature Story

Playing for Fun and Profit

Sony (JPN) has thrived for decades despite being engaged in lines of business that are constantly changing. It is not an environment for the timid. Sony began in 1945 as a radio repair shop in Tokyo. Soon, it was making Japan's first tape recorders. Long before Apple's (USA) iPod, Sony changed the way the world listened to music by developing high-quality, low-cost transistor radios, which enabled people to listen to music on the go. Then came the Walkman portable tape player, which combined Sony's tape recorder technology with its ability to make things small. When CDs replaced audio cassettes, Sony was ready with the Discman. Over the years as technologies, tastes, and lifestyles changed, Sony adapted and invested.

Much of Sony's success in electronics is due to the innovative spirit within the Sony Electronics division. As a result of this innovative spirit, Sony has invented many game-changing new products. However, despite its internal successes, Sony has not been afraid to invest in other companies when it saw strategic advantages and opportunities. For example, Sony Electronics recently acquired Hawk-Eye Innovations (GBR) and Chip Plant (JPN) to enhance the competitiveness of its product lines.

One of Sony's most well-known recent successes is the PlayStation® video-gaming console. PlayStations have outsold all competitors. Yet, even in this case, Sony has made strategic investments to strengthen its position. In order to stay on top, Sony's Computer Entertainment Division has invested in numerous other video-gaming companies including Zipper Interactive (USA), Sucker Punch Productions (USA), and Media Molecule (GBR).


Although Sony is probably best known for technology, the reality is that it engages in many different business lines. Much of its growth outside of electronics has resulted from major strategic acquisitions. Two of its biggest acquisitions occurred when Sony Music Entertainment acquired CBS Records (USA) and when Sony Pictures Entertainment acquired Columbia Pictures Entertainment (USA). In both instances, Sony became a major player by boldly acquiring a large, established business.

Sony has also made investments that were less than 100% acquisitions. For example, it partnered in a 50% joint venture called Sony Ericsson with Ericsson (SWE) to make cell phones. It also has a one-third interest in a joint venture with Sharp (JPN) to make LCD panels, and it acquired a 20% interest in movie company Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (USA). To succeed in an ever-changing world, Sony will need to continue to innovate internally as well as make smart investments.


Preview of Chapter 12

Sony's (JPN) management believes in aggressive growth through investing in the shares of existing companies. Besides purchasing shares, companies also purchase other securities such as bonds issued by corporations or by governments. Companies can make investments for a short or long period of time, as a passive investment, or with the intent to control another company. As you will see in this chapter, the way in which a company accounts for its investments is determined by a number of factors.

The content and organization of Chapter 12 are as follows.



Why Corporations Invest


Discuss why corporations invest in debt and share securities.

Corporations purchase investments in debt or share securities generally for one of three reasons. First, a corporation may have excess cash that it does not need for the immediate purchase of operating assets. For example, many companies experience seasonal fluctuations in sales. A marina has more sales in the spring and summer than in the fall and winter. (The reverse is true for an Aspen ski shop.) At the end of an operating cycle, the marina may have cash on hand that is temporarily idle until the start of another operating cycle. It may invest the excess funds to earn a greater return—interest and dividends—than it would get by just holding the funds in the bank. Illustration 12-1 depicts the role that such temporary investments play in the operating cycle.


Illustration 12-1 Temporary investments and the operating cycle

Excess cash may also result from economic cycles. For example, when the economy is booming, Siemens (DEU) generates considerable excess cash. It uses some of this cash to purchase new plant and equipment, and pays out some of the cash in dividends. But, it may also invest excess cash in liquid assets in anticipation of a future downturn in the economy. It can then liquidate these investments during a recession, when sales slow and cash is scarce.

When investing excess cash for short periods of time, corporations invest in low-risk, highly liquid securities—most often short-term government securities. It is generally not wise to invest short-term excess cash in ordinary shares because share investments can experience rapid price changes. If you did invest your short-term excess cash in shares and the price of the shares declined significantly just before you needed cash again, you would be forced to sell your investment at a loss.

A second reason some companies purchase investments is to generate earnings from investment income. For example, banks make most of their earnings by lending money, but they also generate earnings by investing in debt. Conversely, mutual share funds invest primarily in share securities in order to benefit from share-price appreciation and dividend revenue.

Third, companies also invest for strategic reasons. A company can exercise some influence over a customer or supplier by purchasing a significant, but not controlling, interest in that company. Or, a company may purchase a non-controlling interest in another company in a related industry in which it wishes to establish a presence. For example, Time Warner (USA) initially purchased an interest of less than 20% in Turner Broadcasting (USA) to have a stake in Turner's expanding business opportunities. At a later date, Time Warner acquired the remaining 80%. Subsequently, Time Warner merged with AOL (USA) and became AOL Time Warner, Inc. Now, it is again just Time Warner, Inc.

A corporation may also choose to purchase a controlling interest in another company. For example, Cadbury (GBR) recently accepted an offer from Kraft (USA). Such purchases might be done to enter a new industry without incurring the tremendous costs and risks associated with starting from scratch. Or, a company might purchase another company in its same industry.

In summary, businesses invest in other companies for the reasons shown in Illustration 12-2.


Illustration 12-2 Why corporations invest

Accounting for Debt Investments


Explain the accounting for debt investments.

Debt investments are investments in government and corporation bonds. In accounting for debt investments, companies make entries to record (1) the acquisition, (2) the interest revenue, and (3) the sale.

Recording Acquisition of Bonds

At acquisition, investments are recorded at cost. Cost includes all expenditures necessary to acquire these investments, such as the price paid plus brokerage fees (commissions), if any.

Assume, for example, that Kuhl Corporation acquires 50 Doan Inc. 8%, 10-year, €1,000 bonds on January 1, 2014, at a cost of €50,000. The entry to record the investment is:



Recording Bond Interest

The Doan Inc. bonds pay interest of €2,000 semiannually on July 1 and January 1 (€50,000 × 8% × ½). The entry for the receipt of interest on July 1 is:



If Kuhl Corporation's fiscal year ends on December 31, it accrues the interest of €2,000 earned since July 1. The adjusting entry is:



Kuhl reports Interest Receivable as a current asset in the statement of financial position. It reports Interest Revenue under “Other income and expense” in the income statement.

Kuhl reports receipt of the interest on January 1 as follows.



A credit to Interest Revenue at this time is incorrect because the company earned and accrued interest revenue in the preceding accounting period.

Recording Sale of Bonds

When Kuhl sells the bonds, it credits the investment account for the cost of the bonds. Kuhl records as a gain or loss any difference between the net proceeds from the sale (sales price less brokerage fees) and the cost of the bonds.

Assume, for example, that Kuhl Corporation receives net proceeds of €54,000 on the sale of the Doan Inc. bonds on January 1, 2015, after receiving the interest due. Since the securities cost €50,000, the company realizes a gain of €4,000. It records the sale as:



Kuhl reports any gains or losses on the sale of debt investments under “Other income and expense” in the income statement.

image DO IT!

Debt Investments

Waldo Corporation had the following transactions pertaining to debt investments.

Jan. 1 Purchased 30, €1,000 Hillary Co. 10% bonds for €30,000. Interest is payable semiannually on July 1 and January 1.
July 1 Received semiannual interest on Hillary Co. bonds.
July 1 Sold 15 Hillary Co. bonds for €14,600.

(a) Journalize the transactions, and (b) prepare the adjusting entry for the accrual of interest on December 31.

Action Plan

  • Record bond investments at cost.
  • Record interest when received and/or accrued.
  • When bonds are sold, credit the investment account for the cost of the bonds.
  • Record any difference between the cost and the net proceeds as a gain or loss.



Related exercise material: BE12-1, E12-2, E12-3, and image 12-1.


Accounting for Share Investments


Explain the accounting for share investments.

Share investments are investments in the shares of other corporations. When a company holds shares (and/or debt) of several different corporations, the group of securities is identified as an investment portfolio.

The accounting for investments in shares depends on the extent of the investor's influence over the operating and financial affairs of the issuing corporation (the investee). Illustration 12-3 shows the general guidelines.


Illustration 12-3 Accounting guidelines for share investments

Companies are required to use judgment instead of blindly following the guidelines.1 On the following pages, we will explain the application of each guideline.

Holdings of Less than 20%

Helpful Hint

The entries for investments in ordinary shares also apply to investments in preference shares.

In accounting for share investments of less than 20%, companies use the cost method. Under the cost method, companies record the investment at cost, and recognize revenue only when cash dividends are received.


At acquisition, share investments are recorded at cost. Cost includes all expenditures necessary to acquire these investments, such as the price paid plus any brokerage fees (commissions).

Assume, for example, that on July 1, 2014, Lee Corporation acquires 1,000 shares (10% ownership) of Beal Corporation. Lee pays HK$405 per share. The entry for the purchase is:




During the time Lee owns the shares, it makes entries for any cash dividends received. If Lee receives a HK$20 per share dividend on December 31, the entry is:



Lee reports Dividend Revenue under “Other income and expense” in the income statement. Unlike interest on notes and bonds, dividends do not accrue. Therefore, companies do not make adjusting entries to accrue dividends.


When a company sells a share investment, it recognizes as a gain or a loss the difference between the net proceeds from the sale (sales price less brokerage fees) and the cost of the shares.

Assume that Lee Corporation receives net proceeds of HK$395,000 on the sale of its Beal shares on February 10, 2015. Because the shares cost HK$405,000, Lee incurred a loss of HK$10,000. The entry to record the sale is:



Lee reports the loss under “Other income and expense” in the income statement.

Holdings Between 20% and 50%

When an investor company owns only a small portion of the ordinary shares of another company, the investor cannot exercise control over the investee. But, when an investor owns between 20% and 50% of the ordinary shares of a corporation, it is presumed that the investor has significant influence over the financial and operating activities of the investee. When an investor has significant influence but not control over an investee, it refers to the investee as an associate. The investor probably has a representative on the associate's board of directors and, through that representative, may exercise some control over the associate. The associate company in some sense becomes part of the investor company.

For example, even prior to purchasing all of Turner Broadcasting, Time Warner owned 20% of Turner. Because it exercised significant control over major decisions made by Turner, Time Warner used an approach called the equity method. Under the equity method, the investor records its share of the net income of the associate in the year when it is earned. An alternative might be to delay recognizing the investor's share of net income until the associate declares a cash dividend. But, that approach would ignore the fact that the investor and associate are, in some sense, one company, making the investor better off by the associate's earned income.

Helpful Hint

Under the equity method, the investor recognizes revenue on the accrual basis—i.e., when it is earned by the associate.

Under the equity method, the investor company initially records the investment in ordinary shares of an associate at cost. After that, it adjusts the investment account annually to show the investor's equity in the associate. Each year, the investor does the following. (1) It increases (debits) the investment account and increases (credits) revenue for its share of the associate's net income.2 (2) The investor also decreases (credits) the investment account for the amount of dividends received. The investment account is reduced for dividends received because payment of a dividend decreases the net assets of the associate.


Assume that Milar Corporation acquires 30% of the ordinary shares of Beck Company for £120,000 on January 1, 2014. The entry to record this transaction is:




For 2014, Beck reports net income of £100,000. It declares and pays a £40,000 cash dividend. Milar records (1) its share of Beck's income, £30,000 (30% × £100,000), and (2) the reduction in the investment account for the dividends received, £12,000 (£40,000 × 30%). The entries are:





After Milar posts the transactions for the year, its investment and revenue accounts will show the following.


Illustration 12-4 Investment and revenue accounts after posting

During the year, the net increase in the investment account was £18,000. As indicated above, the investment account increased by £30,000 due to Milar's share of Beck's income, and it decreased by £12,000 due to dividends received from Beck. In addition, Milar reports £30,000 of revenue from its investment, which is 30% of Beck's net income of £100,000.

Note that the difference between reported revenue under the cost method and reported revenue under the equity method can be significant. For example, Milar would report only £12,000 (30% × £40,000) of dividend revenue if it used the cost method.

Holdings of More than 50%


Describe the use of consolidated financial statements.

A company that owns more than 50% of the ordinary shares of another entity is known as the parent company. The entity whose shares the parent company owns is called the subsidiary (affiliated) company. Because of its share ownership, the parent company has a controlling interest in the subsidiary.

When a company owns more than 50% of the ordinary shares of another company, it usually prepares consolidated financial statements. These statements present the total assets and liabilities controlled by the parent company. They also present the total revenues and expenses of the subsidiary companies. Companies prepare consolidated statements in addition to the financial statements for the parent and individual subsidiary companies.

Helpful Hint

If parent (A) has three wholly owned subsidiaries (B, C, & D), there are four separate legal entities. From the viewpoint of the shareholders of the parent company, there is only one economic entity.

As noted earlier, when Time Warner had a 20% investment in Turner, it reported this investment in a single line item—Other Investments. After the merger, Time Warner instead consolidated Turner's results with its own. Under this approach, Time Warner included Turner's individual assets and liabilities with its own: its plant and equipment were added to Time Warner's plant and equipment, its receivables were added to Time Warner's receivables, and so on.


How Procter & Gamble Accounts for Gillette


Recently, Procter & Gamble Company (USA) acquired Gillette Company (USA) for $53.4 billion. The ordinary shareholders of Procter & Gamble elect the board of directors of the company, who, in turn, select the officers and managers of the company. Procter & Gamble's board of directors controls the property owned by the corporation, which includes the ordinary shares of Gillette. Thus, they are in a position to elect the board of directors of Gillette and, in effect, control its operations. These relationships are graphically illustrated here.


image Where on Procter & Gamble's statement of financial position will you find its investment in Gillette Company? (See page 619.)

Consolidated statements are useful to the shareholders, board of directors, and managers of the parent company. These statements indicate the magnitude and scope of operations of the companies under common control. For example, regulators and the courts undoubtedly used the consolidated statements of AT&T (USA) to determine whether a breakup of the company was in the public interest. Listed below are three companies that prepare consolidated statements and some of the companies they have owned.


Illustration 12-5 Examples of consolidated companies and their subsidiaries

image DO IT!

Share Investments

Presented below are two independent situations.

  1. Rho Jean Inc. acquired 5% of the 400,000 ordinary shares of Stillwater Corp. at a total cost of NT$60 per share on May 18, 2014. On August 30, Stillwater declared and paid a NT$750,000 dividend. On December 31, Stillwater reported net income of NT$2,440,000 for the year.
  2. Natal, Inc. obtained significant influence over North Sails by buying 40% of North Sails' 60,000 outstanding ordinary shares at a cost of NT$120 per share on January 1, 2014. On April 15, North Sails declared and paid a cash dividend of NT$450,000. On December 31, North Sails reported net income of NT$1,200,000 for the year.

Prepare all necessary journal entries for 2014 for (1) Rho Jean Inc. and (2) Natal, Inc.

Action Plan

  • Presume that the investor has relatively little influence over the investee when an investor owns less than 20% of the ordinary shares of another corporation. In this case, net income earned by the investee is not considered a proper basis for recognizing income from the investment by the investor.
  • Presume significant influence for investments of 20%–50%. Therefore, record the investor's share of the net income of the associate.



Related exercise material: BE12-2, BE12-3, E12-4, E12-5, E12-6, E12-7, E12-8, and image 12-2.


Valuing and Reporting Investments


Indicate how debt and share investments are reported in financial statements.

The value of debt and share investments may fluctuate greatly during the time they are held. For example, in one 12-month period, the share price of Unilever (NLD) hit a high of $32.48 and a low of $16.91. In light of such price fluctuations, how should companies value investments at the statement of financial position date? Valuation could be at cost, at fair value, or at the lower-of-cost-or-net realizable value.

Many people argue that fair value offers the best approach because it represents the expected cash realizable value of securities. Fair value is the amount for which a security could be sold in a normal market. Others counter that, unless a security is going to be sold soon, the fair value is not relevant because the price of the security will likely change again.

Categories of Securities

For purposes of valuation and reporting at a financial statement date, companies classify debt investments into two categories:

  1. Trading securities are bought and held primarily for sale in the near term to generate income on short-term price differences.
  2. Held-for-collection securities are debt securities that the investor has the intent and ability to hold to maturity.3

Share investments are also classified into two categories:

  1. Trading securities (as defined above).
  2. Non-trading securities are held for purposes other than trading. For example, a company may hold a share investment to sell a product in a particular area.

Share investments have no maturity date and therefore are never classified as held-for-collection securities.

Illustration 12-6 shows the valuation guidelines for these securities. These guidelines apply to all debt securities and to those share investments in which the holdings are less than 20%.


Illustration 12-6 Valuation guidelines


Helpful Hint

The fact that trading securities are short-term investments increases the likelihood that they will be sold at fair value (the company may not be able to time their sale) and the likelihood that there will be realized gains or losses.

Companies hold trading securities with the intention of selling them in a short period (generally less than a month). Trading means frequent buying and selling. As indicated in Illustration 12-6, companies adjust trading securities to fair value at the end of each period, and report changes from cost as part of net income. The changes are reported as unrealized gains or losses because the securities have not been sold. The unrealized gain or loss is the difference between the total cost of trading securities and their total fair value. Companies classify trading securities as current assets.

Illustration 12-7 shows the cost and fair values for investments Pace Corporation classified as trading securities on December 31, 2014. Pace has an unrealized gain of €7,000 because total fair value of €147,000 is €7,000 greater than total cost of €140,000.


Illustration 12-7 Valuation of trading securities

Pace records fair value and unrealized gain or loss through an adjusting entry at the time it prepares financial statements. In this entry, the company uses a valuation allowance account, Fair Value Adjustment—Trading, to record the difference between the total cost and the total fair value of the securities. The adjusting entry for Pace Corporation is:



The use of a Fair Value Adjustment—Trading account enables Pace to maintain a record of the investment cost. It needs actual cost to determine the gain or loss realized when it sells the securities. Pace adds the debit balance (or subtracts a credit balance) of the Fair Value Adjustment—Trading account to the cost of the investments to arrive at a fair value for the trading securities.

The fair value of the securities is the amount Pace reports on its statement of financial position. It reports the unrealized gain in the income statement in the “Other income and expense” section. The term “Income” in the account title indicates that the gain affects net income.

If the total cost of the trading securities is greater than total fair value, an unrealized loss has occurred. In such a case, the adjusting entry is a debit to Unrealized Loss—Income and a credit to Fair Value Adjustment—Trading. Companies report the unrealized loss under “Other income and expense” in the income statement.

The Fair Value Adjustment—Trading account is carried forward into future accounting periods. The company does not make any entry to the account until the end of each reporting period. At that time, the company adjusts the balance in the account to the difference between cost and fair value. For trading securities, it closes the Unrealized Gain (Loss)—Income account at the end of the reporting period.


And the Correct Way to Report Investments Is…?


The accompanying graph presents an estimate of the percentage of U.S. companies on the major exchanges that have investments in the equity of other entities.

As the graph indicates, many companies have share investments of some type. These investments can be substantial. For example, the total amount of equity-method investments appearing on company statements of financial position is approximately $403 billion, and the amount shown in the income statements in any one year for all companies is approximately $38 billion.

Source: “Report and Recommendations Pursuant to Section 401(c) of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 on Arrangements with Off-Balance Sheet Implications, Special Purpose Entities, and Transparency of Filings by Issuers,” United States Securities and Exchange Commission—Office of Chief Accountant, Office of Economic Analyses, Division of Corporation Finance (June 2005), pp. 36–39.

image Why might the use of the equity method not lead to full disclosure in the financial statements? (See page 619.)


image Ethics Note

Some managers seem to hold their non-trading securities that have experienced losses, while selling those that have gains, thus increasing income. Do you think this is ethical?

As indicated earlier, debt investments are classified either as trading or held-for-collection securities. Share investments are classified either as trading or non-trading. Non-trading securities are share investments that are held for purposes other than trading. If the intent is to sell the securities within the next year or operating cycle, the investor classifies the securities as current assets in the statement of financial position. Otherwise, it classifies them as non-current assets in the investments section of the statement of financial position.

Companies report non-trading securities at fair value. The procedure for determining fair value and the unrealized gain or loss for these securities is the same as for trading securities. To illustrate, assume that Ingrao Corporation has two securities that it classifies as non-trading. Illustration 12-8 provides information on the cost, fair value, and amount of the unrealized gain or loss on December 31, 2014. There is an unrealized loss of €9,537 because total cost of €293,537 is €9,537 more than total fair value of €284,000.


Illustration 12-8 Valuation of non-trading securities

image Ethics Note

At one time, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) accused investment bank Morgan Stanley (USA) of overstating the value of certain bond investments by $75 million. The SEC stated that, in applying market value accounting, Morgan Stanley used its own more-optimistic assumptions rather than relying on external pricing sources.

Both the adjusting entry and the reporting of the unrealized gain or loss for Ingrao's non-trading securities differ from those illustrated for trading securities. The differences result because Ingrao does not expect to sell these securities in the near term. Thus, prior to actual sale, it is more likely that changes in fair value may change either unrealized gains or losses. Therefore, Ingrao does not report an unrealized gain or loss in the income statement. Instead, it reports it as a separate component of equity.

In the adjusting entry, Ingrao identifies the fair value adjustment account with non-trading securities, and it identifies the unrealized gain or loss account with equity. Ingrao records the unrealized loss of €9,537 as follows.



If total fair value exceeds total cost, Ingrao debits Fair Value Adjustment—Non-Trading and credits Unrealized Gain or Loss—Equity.

For non-trading securities, the company carries forward the Unrealized Gain or Loss—Equity account to future periods. At each future statement of financial position date, Ingrao adjusts the Fair Value Adjustment—Non-Trading and the Unrealized Gain or Loss—Equity accounts to show the difference between cost and fair value at that time.

image DO IT!

Trading and Non-Trading Securities

Some of Chengdu Corporation's investment securities are classified as trading securities and some are classified as non-trading. The cost and fair value of each category at December 31, 2014, are shown below.


At December 31, 2013, the Fair Value Adjustment—Trading account had a debit balance of ¥92,000, and the Fair Value Adjustment—Non-Trading account had a credit balance of ¥57,500. Prepare the required journal entries for each group of securities for December 31, 2014.

Action Plan

  • Adjust trading securities to fair value and report the adjustment in current-period income.
  • Mark non-trading securities to fair value and report the adjustment as a separate component of equity.


Trading securities:


Non-trading securities:


Related exercise material: BE12-4, BE12-5, BE12-6, BE12-7, E12-10, E12-11, E12-12, and image 12-3.


Statement of Financial Position Presentation


Distinguish between short-term and long-term investments.

In the statement of financial position, companies classify investments as either short-term or long-term.


Short-term investments (also called marketable securities) are securities held by a company that are (1) readily marketable and (2) intended to be converted into cash within the next year or operating cycle, whichever is longer. Investments that do not meet both criteria are classified as long-term investments.

Helpful Hint

Trading securities are always classified as short-term. Non-trading securities can be either short-term or long-term.

READILY MARKETABLE An investment is readily marketable when it can be sold easily whenever the need for cash arises. Short-term paper4 meets this criterion. It can be readily sold to other investors. Shares and bonds traded on organized securities exchanges are readily marketable. They can be bought and sold daily. In contrast, there may be only a limited market for the securities issued by small corporations, and no market for the securities of a privately held company.

INTENT TO CONVERT Intent to convert means that management intends to sell the investment within the next year or operating cycle, whichever is longer. Generally, this criterion is satisfied when the investment is considered a resource that the investor will use whenever the need for cash arises. For example, a ski resort may invest idle cash during the summer months with the intent to sell the securities to buy supplies and equipment shortly before the winter season. This investment is considered short-term even if lack of snow cancels the next ski season and eliminates the need to convert the securities into cash as intended.

Because of their high liquidity, short-term investments appear immediately above Cash in the “Current assets” section of the statement of financial position. They are reported at fair value. For example, Pace Corporation would report its trading securities as shown in Illustration 12-9.


Illustration 12-9 Presentation of short-term investments


Companies generally report long-term investments in a separate section of the statement of financial position immediately above “Current assets,” as shown later in Illustration 12-12 (page 596). Long-term investments in non-trading securities are reported at fair value. Investments in ordinary shares accounted for under the equity method are reported at equity.

Presentation of Realized and Unrealized Gain or Loss

Companies must present in the financial statements gains and losses on investments, whether realized or unrealized. In the income statement, companies report gains and losses in the non-operating activities section under the categories listed in Illustration 12-10. Interest and dividend revenue are also reported in that section.


Illustration 12-10 Non-operating items related to investments

As indicated earlier, companies report an unrealized gain or loss on non-trading securities as a separate component of equity. To illustrate, assume that Dawson Inc. has share capital—ordinary of £3,000,000, retained earnings of £1,500,000, and an unrealized loss on non-trading securities of £100,000. Illustration 12-11 shows the statement of financial position presentation of the unrealized loss.


Illustration 12-11 Unrealized loss in equity section

Note that the loss decreases equity. An unrealized gain is added to equity. Reporting the unrealized gain or loss in the equity section serves two purposes: (1) It reduces the volatility of net income due to fluctuations in fair value. (2) It informs the financial statement user of the gain or loss that would occur if the securities were sold at fair value.

Companies must report items such as this, which affect equity but are not included in the calculation of net income, as part of a more inclusive measure called comprehensive income. Under IFRS, companies typically report the accumulated effect of comprehensive income items in a line item in the equity section called “Reserves.” Here, we have instead chosen to use the “Unrealized Gain or Loss” title to highlight the source of the cause of the adjustment to equity.

Classified Statement of Financial Position

We have presented many sections of classified statements of financial position in this and preceding chapters. The classified statement of financial position in Illustration 12-12 (page 596) includes, in one place, key topics from previous chapters: the issuance of par value ordinary shares, restrictions of retained earnings, and issuance of bonds. From this chapter, the statement includes (highlighted in red) short-term and long-term investments. The investments in short-term securities are considered trading securities. The long-term investments in shares of less than 20% owned companies are considered non-trading securities. Illustration 12-12 also includes a long-term investment reported at equity and descriptive notations within the statement, such as the basis for valuing inventory and one note to the statement.


Illustration 12-12 Classified statement of financial position

image DO IT!

Financial Statement Presentation of Investments

Identify where each of the following items would be reported in the financial statements.

  1. Interest earned on investments in bonds.
  2. Fair value adjustment—non-trading.
  3. Unrealized loss on non-trading securities.
  4. Gain on sale of share investments.
  5. Unrealized gain on trading securities.

Use the following possible categories:

Statement of financial position (SFP):

Intangible assets Equity
Property, plant, and equipment Non-current liabilities
Investments Current liabilities
Current assets

Income statement:

     Other income and expense

Action Plan

  • Classify investments as current assets if they will be held for less than one year.
  • Report unrealized gains or losses on trading securities in income.
  • Report unrealized gains or losses on non-trading securities in equity.
  • Report realized earnings on investments in the income statement as “Other income and expense.”



Related exercise material: BE12-7, BE12-8, E12-10, E12-11, E12-12, and image 12-4.


image Comprehensive DO IT!

In its first year of operations, DeMarco Company had the following selected transactions in share investments that are considered trading securities.

June 1 Purchased for cash 600 shares of Sanburg for £24.50 per share.
July 1 Purchased for cash 800 shares of Cey Corporation at £33.75 per share.
Sept. 1 Received a £1 per share cash dividend from Cey Corporation.
Nov. 1 Sold 200 shares of Sanburg for cash at £26.25 per share.
Dec. 15 Received a £0.50 per share cash dividend on Sanburg shares.

At December 31, the fair values per share were Sanburg £25 and Cey £30.


(a) Journalize the transactions.

(b) Prepare the adjusting entry at December 31 to report the securities at fair value.

Action Plan

  • Record the purchase price as the cost of the investment.
  • Compute the gain or loss on sales as the difference between net selling price and the cost of the securities.
  • Base the adjustment to fair value on the total difference between the cost and the fair value of the securities.

Solution to Comprehensive image






1 Discuss why corporations invest in debt and share securities. Corporations invest for three primary reasons: (a) They have excess cash. (b) They view investments as a significant revenue source. (c) They have strategic goals such as gaining control of a competitor or moving into a new line of business.

2 Explain the accounting for debt investments. Companies record investments in debt securities when they purchase bonds, receive or accrue interest, and sell the bonds. They report gains or losses on the sale of bonds in the “Other income and expense” section of the income statement.

3 Explain the accounting for share investments. Companies record investments in shares when they purchase the shares, receive dividends, and sell the shares. When ownership is less than 20%, the cost method is used. When ownership is between 20% and 50%, the equity method should be used. When ownership is more than 50%, companies prepare consolidated financial statements.

4 Describe the use of consolidated financial statements. When a company owns more than 50% of the shares of another company, it usually prepares consolidated financial statements. These statements indicate the magnitude and scope of operations of the companies under common control.

5 Indicate how debt and share investments are reported in financial statements. Investments in debt securities are classified as trading or held-for-collection securities for valuation and reporting purposes. Share investments are classified either as trading or non-trading. Share investments have no maturity date and therefore are never classified as held-for-collection. Trading securities are reported as current assets at fair value, with changes from cost reported in net income. Non-trading securities are also reported at fair value, with the changes from cost reported in equity. Non-trading securities are classified as short-term or long-term, depending on their expected future sale date.

6 Distinguish between short-term and long-term investments. Short-term investments are securities that are (a) readily marketable and (b) intended to be converted to cash within the next year or operating cycle, whichever is longer. Investments that do not meet both criteria are classified as long-term investments.


Associate An investee company that an investor has significant influence over but not control. (p. 586)

Consolidated financial statements Financial statements that present the assets and liabilities controlled by the parent company and the total revenues and expenses of the subsidiary companies. (p. 588).

Controlling interest Ownership of more than 50% of the ordinary shares of another entity. (p. 588).

Cost method An accounting method in which the investment in ordinary shares is recorded at cost, and revenue is recognized only when cash dividends are received. (p. 586).

Debt investments Investments in government and corporation bonds. (p. 583).

Equity method An accounting method in which the investment in ordinary shares is initially recorded at cost, and the investment account is then adjusted annually to show the investor's equity in the associate. (p. 587).

Fair value Amount for which a security could be sold in a normal market. (p. 590).

Held-for-collection securities Debt securities that the investor has the intent and ability to hold to maturity. (p. 590).

Investment portfolio A group of shares and/or debt securities in different corporations held for investment purposes. (p. 585).

Long-term investments Investments that are not readily marketable or that management does not intend to convert into cash within the next year or operating cycle, whichever is longer. (p. 594).

Non-trading securities Share investments that are held for purposes other than trading. (p. 590).

Parent company A company that owns more than 50% of the ordinary shares of another entity. (p. 588).

Share investments Investments in the shares of other corporations. (p. 585).

Short-term investments Investments that are readily marketable and intended to be converted into cash within the next year or operating cycle, whichever is longer. (p. 594).

Subsidiary (affiliated) company A company in which more than 50% of its shares is owned by another company. (p. 588).

Trading securities Securities bought and held primarily for sale in the near term to generate income on short-term price differences. (p. 590).



Describe the form and content of consolidated financial statements as well as how to prepare them.

Most of the large corporations are holding companies that own other corporations. They therefore prepare consolidated financial statements that combine the separate companies.

Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

Companies prepare consolidated statements of financial position from the individual statements of their affiliated companies. They do not prepare consolidated statements from ledger accounts kept by the consolidated entity because only the separate legal entities maintain accounting records.

All items in the individual statements of financial position are included in the consolidated statement except amounts that pertain to transactions between the affiliated companies. Transactions between the affiliated companies are identified as intercompany transactions. The process of excluding these transactions in preparing consolidated statements is referred to as intercompany eliminations. These eliminations are necessary to avoid overstating assets, liabilities, and equity in the consolidated statement of financial position. For example, amounts owed by a subsidiary to a parent company and the related receivable reported by the parent company would be eliminated. The objective in a consolidated statement is to show only obligations to and receivables from parties who are not part of the affiliated group of companies.

Helpful Hint

Eliminations are aptly named because they eliminate duplicate data. They are not adjustments.

To illustrate, assume that on January 1, 2014, Powers Construction Company pays £150,000 in cash for 100% of Serto Brick Company's ordinary shares. Powers Company records the investment at cost. Illustration 12A-1 (page 600) presents the separate statements of financial position of the two companies immediately after the purchase, together with combined and consolidated data.5 Powers obtains the balances in the “combined” column by adding the items in the separate statements of the affiliated companies. The combined totals do not represent a consolidated statement of financial position because there has been a double-counting of assets and equity in the amount of £150,000.


Illustration 12A-1 Combined and consolidated data

The Investment in Serto Company ordinary shares that appears on the statement of financial position of Powers Company represents an interest in the net assets of Serto. As a result, there has been a double-counting of assets. Similarly, there has been a double-counting in equity because the ordinary shares of Serto Company are completely owned by the shareholders of Powers Company.

The balances in the consolidated data column are the amounts that should appear in the consolidated statement of financial position. The double-counting has been eliminated by showing Investment in Serto Company at zero and by reporting only the share capital and retained earnings of Powers Company as equity.


The preparation of a consolidated statement of financial position is usually facilitated by the use of a worksheet. As shown in Illustration 12A-2, the worksheet for a consolidated statement of financial position contains columns for (1) the statement of financial position data for the separate legal entities, (2) intercompany eliminations, and (3) consolidated data. All data in the worksheet relate to the preceding example in which Powers Company acquires 100% ownership of Serto Company for £150,000. In this case, the cost of the investment, £150,000, is equal to the book value [£150,000 (£225,000 − £75,000)] of the subsidiary's net assets. The intercompany elimination results in a credit to the investment account maintained by Powers Company for its balance, £150,000, and debits to the Share Capital and Retained Earnings accounts of Serto Company for their respective balances, £100,000 and £50,000.

Helpful Hint

As in the case of the worksheets explained earlier in this textbook, consolidated worksheets are also optional.

It is important to recognize that companies make intercompany eliminations solely on the worksheet to present correct consolidated data. Neither of the affiliated companies journalizes or posts the eliminations. Therefore, eliminations do not affect the ledger accounts. Powers Company's investment account and Serto Company's share capital and retained earnings accounts are reported by the separate entities in preparing their own financial statements.


Illustration 12A-2 Worksheet—Cost equal to book value


Helpful Hint

The consolidated worksheet is another useful spreadsheet application. This is an easier worksheet to attempt since the required instructions are very straightforward.

The cost of acquiring the ordinary shares of another company may be above or below its book value. The management of the parent company may pay more than book value for the shares. Why? Because it believes the fair values of identifiable assets such as land, buildings, and equipment are higher than their recorded book values. Or, it may believe the subsidiary's future earnings prospects warrant a payment for goodwill.

To illustrate, assume the same data used above, except that Powers Company pays £165,000 in cash for 100% of Serto's ordinary shares. The excess of cost over book value is £15,000 (£165,000 − £150,000). Powers recognizes this amount separately in eliminating the parent company's investment account, as shown in Illustration 12A-3 (page 602). Total assets and total equity and liabilities are the same as in the preceding example (£600,000). However, in this case, total assets include £15,000 of Excess of Cost Over Book Value of Subsidiary and current assets are £15,000 less due to the higher price paid to Serto. The disposition of the excess is explained in the next section.


To illustrate a consolidated statement of financial position, we will use the worksheet shown in Illustration 12A-3. This worksheet shows an excess of cost over book value of £15,000. In the consolidated statement of financial position, Powers first allocates this amount to specific assets, such as plant and equipment and inventory, if their fair values on the acquisition date exceed their book values. Any remainder is considered to be goodwill. For Serto Company, assume that the fair value of the plant and equipment is £155,000. Thus, Powers allocates £10,000 of the excess of cost over book value to property and equipment, and the remainder, £5,000, to goodwill. Illustration 12A-4 (page 602) shows the condensed consolidated statement of financial position of Powers Company.


Illustration 12A-3 Worksheet—Cost above book value

Through innovative financial restructuring, The Coca-Cola Company (USA) at one time eliminated a substantial amount of non-intercompany debt. It sold to the public 51% of two bottling companies. The “49% solution,” as insiders call the strategy, enabled Coca-Cola to keep effective control over the businesses. It also swept $3 billion of debt from its consolidated statement of financial position because it no longer consolidated the two bottling companies. Finally, the new companies obtained independent access to equity markets to satisfy their own large appetites for capital.


Illustration 12A-4 Consolidated statement of financial position

Consolidated Income Statement

Affiliated companies also prepare a consolidated income statement. This statement shows the results of operations of affiliated companies as though they are one economic unit. This means that the statement shows only revenue and expense transactions between the consolidated entity and companies and individuals who are outside the affiliated group.

Consequently, all intercompany revenue and expense transactions must be eliminated. Intercompany transactions such as sales between affiliates and interest on loans charged by one affiliate to another must be eliminated. A worksheet facilitates the preparation of consolidated income statements in the same manner as it does for the statement of financial position.



7 Describe the form and content of consolidated financial statements as well as how to prepare them. Consolidated financial statements are similar in form and content to the financial statements of an individual corporation. A consolidated statement of financial position shows the assets and liabilities controlled by the parent company. A consolidated income statement shows the results of operations of affiliated companies as though they are one economic unit. The worksheet for a consolidated statement of financial position contains columns for (a) the statement of financial position data for the separate entities, (b) intercompany eliminations, and (c) consolidated data.


Intercompany eliminations Eliminations made to exclude the effects of intercompany transactions in preparing consolidated statements. (p. 599).

Intercompany transactions Transactions between affiliated companies. (p. 599).

image Self-Test, Brief Exercises, Exercises, Problem Set A, and many more components are available for practice in WileyPLUS.

*Note: All Questions, Exercises, and Problems marked with an asterisk relate to material in the appendix to the chapter.


Answers are on page 619.

  1. Which of the following is not a primary reason why corporations invest in debt and equity securities?   (LO 1)

    (a) They wish to gain control of a competitor.

    (b) They have excess cash.

    (c) They wish to move into a new line of business.

    (d) They are required to by law.

  2. Debt investments are initially recorded at:   (LO 2)

    (a) cost.

    (b) cost plus dividends.

    (c) par value.

    (d) face value.

  3. Hanes Company sells debt investments costing $26,000 for $28,000, plus accrued interest that has been recorded. In journalizing the sale, credits are to:   (LO 2)

    (a) Debt Investments and Loss on Sale of Debt Investments.

    (b) Debt Investments, Gain on Sale of Debt Investments, and Interest Receivable.

    (c) Share Investments and Interest Receivable.

    (d) None of these answer choices is correct.

  4. Anatolian Company receives net proceeds of image42,000 on the sale of share investments that cost image39,500. This transaction will result in reporting in the income statement a:   (LO 3)

    (a) loss of image2,500 under “Other income and expense.”

    (b) loss of image2,500 under “Operating expenses.”

    (c) gain of image2,500 under “Other income and expense.”

    (d) gain of image2,500 under “Operating revenues.”

  5. The equity method of accounting for long-term investments in shares should be used when the investor has significant influence over an associate and owns:   (LO 3)

    (a) between 20% and 50% of the associate's ordinary shares.

    (b) 20% or more of the associate's ordinary shares.

    (c) more than 50% of the associate's ordinary shares.

    (d) less than 20% of the associate's ordinary shares.

  6. Assume that Horicon Corp acquired 25% of the ordinary shares of Sheboygan Corp. on January 1, 2014, for $300,000. During 2014, Sheboygan Corp. reported net income of $160,000 and paid total dividends of $60,000. If Horicon uses the equity method to account for its investment, the balance in the investment account on December 31, 2014, will be:   (LO 3)

    (a) $300,000.

    (b) $325,000.

    (c) $400,000.

    (d) $340,000.

  7. Using the information in Self-Test Question 6, what entry would Horicon make to record the receipt of the dividend from Sheboygan?   (LO 3)

    (a) Debit Cash and credit Revenue from Share Investments.

    (b) Debit Cash Dividends and credit Revenue from Share Investments.

    (c) Debit Cash and credit Share Investments.

    (d) Debit Cash and credit Dividend Revenue.

  8. You have a controlling interest if:   (LO 3)

    (a) you own more than 20% of a company's ordinary shares.

    (b) you are the president of the company.

    (c) you use the equity method.

    (d) you own more than 50% of a company's ordinary shares.

  9. Which of the following statements is not true? Consolidated financial statements are useful to:   (LO 4)

    (a) determine the profitability of specific subsidiaries.

    (b) determine the total profitability of companies under common control.

    (c) determine the breadth of a parent company's operations.

    (d) determine the full extent of total obligations of companies under common control.

  10. At the end of the first year of operations, the total cost of the trading securities portfolio is image120,000,000. Total fair value is image115,000,000. The financial statements should show:   (LO 5)

    (a) a reduction of an asset of image5,000,000 and a realized loss of image5,000,000.

    (b) a reduction of an asset of image5,000,000 and an unrealized loss of image5,000,000 in the equity section.

    (c) a reduction of an asset of image5,000,000 in the current assets section and an unrealized loss of image5,000,000 in “Other income and expense.”

    (d) a reduction of an asset of image5,000,000 in the current assets section and a realized loss of image5,000,000 in “Other income and expense.”

  11. At December 31, 2014, the fair value of non-trading securities is €41,300 and the cost is €39,800. At January 1, 2014, there was a credit balance of €900 in the Fair Value Adjustment—Non-Trading account. The required adjusting entry would be:   (LO 5)

    (a) Debit Fair Value Adjustment—Non-Trading for €1,500 and credit Unrealized Gain or Loss—Equity for €1,500.

    (b) Debit Fair Value Adjustment—Non-Trading for €600 and credit Unrealized Gain or Loss—Equity for €600.

    (c) Debit Fair Value Adjustment—Non-Trading for €2,400 and credit Unrealized Gain or Loss—Equity for €2,400.

    (d) Debit Unrealized Gain or Loss—Equity for €2,400 and credit Fair Value Adjustment—Non-Trading for €2,400.

  12. In the statement of financial position, a debit balance in Unrealized Gain or Loss—Equity is reported as a(n):   (LO 5)

    (a) increase to equity.

    (b) decrease to equity.

    (c) loss in the income statement.

    (d) loss in the retained earnings statement.

  13. Short-term debt investments must be readily marketable and expected to be sold within:   (LO 6)

    (a) 3 months from the date of purchase.

    (b) the next year or operating cycle, whichever is shorter.

    (c) the next year or operating cycle, whichever is longer.

    (d) the operating cycle.

  14. *Pate Company pays $175,000 for 100% of Sinko's ordinary shares when Sinko's equity consists of Share Capital—Ordinary $100,000 and Retained Earnings $60,000. In the worksheet for the consolidated statement of financial position, the eliminations will include a:   (LO 7)

    (a) credit to Investment in Sinko Share Capital—Ordinary $160,000.

    (b) credit to Excess of Book Value over Cost of Subsidiary $15,000.

    (c) debit to Retained Earnings $75,000.

    (d) debit to Excess of Cost over Book Value of Subsidiary $15,000.

  15. *Which of the following statements about intercompany eliminations is true?   (LO 7)

    (a) They are not journalized or posted by any of the subsidiaries.

    (b) They do not affect the ledger accounts of any of the subsidiaries.

    (c) They are made solely on the worksheet to arrive at correct consolidated data.

    (d) All of these answer choices are correct.

  16. *Which one of the following statements about consolidated income statements is false?   (LO 7)

    (a) A worksheet facilitates the preparation of the statement.

    (b) The consolidated income statement shows the results of operations of affiliated companies as a single economic unit.

    (c) All revenue and expense transactions between parent and subsidiary companies are eliminated.

    (d) When a subsidiary is wholly owned, the form and content of the statement will differ from the income statement of an individual corporation.

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  1. What are the reasons that corporations invest in securities?
  2. (a) What is the cost of an investment in bonds?

    (b) When is interest on bonds recorded?

  3. Tino Martinez is confused about losses and gains on the sale of debt investments. Explain to Tino (a) how the gain or loss is computed, and (b) the statement presentation of the gains and losses.
  4. Kolkata Company sells Gish's bonds costing Rs40,000 for Rs45,000, including Rs500 of accrued interest. In recording the sale, Kolkata books a Rs5,000 gain. Is this correct? Explain.
  5. What is the cost of an investment in shares?
  6. To acquire Kinston Corporation shares, R. Neal pays $63,200. What entry should be made for this investment?
  7. (a) When should a long-term investment in ordinary shares be accounted for by the equity method?

    (b) When is revenue recognized under this method?

  8. Rijo Corporation uses the equity method to account for its ownership of 30% of the ordinary shares of Pippen Packing. During 2014, Pippen reported a net income of €80,000 and declares and pays cash dividends of €10,000. What recognition should Rijo Corporation give to these events?
  9. What constitutes “significant influence” when an investor's financial interest is below the 50% level?
  10. Distinguish between the cost and equity methods of accounting for investments in shares.
  11. What are consolidated financial statements?
  12. What are the classification guidelines for investments at a statement of financial position date?
  13. Tina Eddings is the controller of Mendez Inc. At December 31, the company's investments in trading securities cost $74,000. They have a fair value of $70,000. Indicate how Tina would report these data in the financial statements prepared on December 31.
  14. Using the data in Question 13, how would Tina report the data if the investment were long-term and the securities were classified as non-trading?
  15. Hashmi Company's investments in non-trading securities at December 31 show total cost of £195,000 and total fair value of £205,000. Prepare the adjusting entry.
  16. Using the data in Question 15, prepare the adjusting entry assuming the securities are classified as trading securities.
  17. What is the proper statement presentation of the account Unrealized Loss—Equity?
  18. What purposes are served by reporting Unrealized Gain or Loss—Equity in the equity section?
  19. Altoona Wholesale Supply owns shares in Key Corporation. Altoona intends to hold the shares indefinitely because of some negative tax consequences if sold. Should the investment in Key be classified as a short-term investment? Why or why not?
  20. *(a) What asset and equity balances are eliminated in preparing a consolidated statement of financial position for a parent and a wholly owned subsidiary?

    (b) Why are they eliminated?

  21. *Yinhu Company pays HK$318,000,000 to purchase all the outstanding ordinary shares of Lia Corporation. At the date of purchase, the net assets of Lia have a book value of HK$290,000,000. Yinhu's management allocates HK$20,000,000 of the excess cost to undervalued land on the books of Lia. What should be done with the rest of the excess?


Journalize entries for debt investments.   (LO 2)

BE12-1 Kimmel Corporation purchased debt investments for CHF52,000 on January 1, 2014. On July 1, 2014, Kimmel received cash interest of CHF2,340. Journalize the purchase and the receipt of interest. Assume that no interest has been accrued.

Journalize entries for share investments.   (LO 3)

BE12-2 On August 1, Paul Company buys 1,000 ordinary shares of Merlynn for $35,700. On December 1, Paul sells the share investments for $40,000 in cash. Journalize the purchase and sale of the ordinary shares.

Record transactions under the equity method of accounting.   (LO 3)

BE12-3 Kayser Company owns 25% of Plano Company. For the current year, Plano reports net income of €180,000 and declares and pays a €50,000 cash dividend. Record Kayser's equity in Plano's net income and the receipt of dividends from Plano.

Prepare adjusting entry using fair value.   (LO 5)

BE12-4 The cost of the trading securities of Hardy Company at December 31, 2014, is $62,000. At December 31, 2014, the fair value of the securities is $59,000. Prepare the adjusting entry to record the securities at fair value.

Indicate statement presentation using fair value.   (LO 5, 6)

BE12-5 For the data presented in BE12-4, show the financial statement presentation of the trading securities and related accounts.

Prepare adjusting entry using fair value.   (LO 5)

BE12-6 Amazonas Corporation holds as a long-term investment non-trading share securities costing R$72,000. At December 31, 2014, the fair value of the securities is R$66,000. Prepare the adjusting entry to record the securities at fair value.

Indicate statement presentation using fair value.   (LO 5, 6)

BE12-7 For the data presented in BE12-6, show the financial statement presentation of the non-trading securities and related accounts. Assume the non-trading securities are non-current.

Prepare investments section of statement of financial position.   (LO 5, 6)

BE12-8 Gurnee Corporation has the following long-term investments: (1) Ordinary shares of Kornas Co. (10% ownership) held as non-trading securities, cost $108,000, fair value $115,000. (2) Ordinary shares of Kozanecki Inc. (30% ownership), cost $210,000, equity $270,000. Prepare the investments section of the statement of financial position.

Prepare partial consolidated worksheet when cost equals book value.   (LO 7)

*BE12-9 Paula Company acquires 100% of the ordinary shares of Shannon Company for €190,000 cash. On the acquisition date, Shannon's ledger shows Share Capital—Ordinary €120,000 and Retained Earnings €70,000. Complete the worksheet for the following accounts: Paula—Investment in Shannon, Shannon—Share Capital—Ordinary, and Shannon—Retained Earnings.

Prepare partial consolidated worksheet when cost exceeds book value.   (LO 7)

*BE12-10 Data for the Paula and Shannon companies are given in BE12-9. Instead of paying €190,000, assume that Paula pays €200,000 to acquire the 100% interest in Shannon Company. Complete the worksheet for the accounts identified in BE12-9 and for the excess of cost over book value.


Make journal entry for bond purchase and adjusting entry for interest accrual.   (LO 2)

image 12-1 Kurtyka Ltd. had the following transactions relating to debt investments:

Jan. 1 Purchased 50, £1,000, 12% Nordica Company bonds for £50,000. Interest is payable semiannually on January 1 and July 1.
July 1 Received semiannual interest from Nordica Company bonds.
July 1 Sold 30 Nordica Company bonds for £29,200.

(a) Journalize the transactions, and (b) prepare the adjusting entry for the accrual of interest on December 31.

Make journal entries for share investments.   (LO 3)

image 12-2 Presented below are two independent situations:

  1. Lorfeld Inc. acquired 10% of the 500,000 ordinary shares of Northbrook Corporation at a total cost of $11 per share on June 17, 2014. On September 3, Northbrook declared and paid a $160,000 dividend. On December 31, Northbrook reported net income of $550,000 for the year.
  2. Saa Corporation obtained significant influence over McCarthy Company by buying 30% of McCarthy's 100,000 outstanding ordinary shares at a cost of $18 per share on January 1, 2014. On May 15, McCarthy declared and paid a cash dividend of $150,000. On December 31, McCarthy reported net income of $270,000 for the year.

Prepare all necessary journal entries for 2014 for (a) Lorfeld and (b) Saa.

Make journal entries for trading and non-trading securities.   (LO 5)

image 12-3 Some of Quinghai Lake Corporation's investment securities are classified as trading securities and some are classified as non-trading. The cost and fair value of each category at December 31, 2014, were as follows.


At December 31, 2013, the Fair Value Adjustment—Trading account had a debit balance of ¥2,200, and the Fair Value Adjustment—Non-Trading account had a credit balance of ¥7,750. Prepare the required journal entries for each group of securities for December 31, 2014.

Indicate financial statement presentation of investments.   (LO 6)

image 12-4 Identify where each of the following items would be reported in the financial statements.

  1. Loss on sale of investments in shares.
  2. Unrealized gain on non-trading securities.
  3. Fair value adjustment—trading.
  4. Interest earned on investments in bonds.
  5. Unrealized loss on trading securities.

Use the following possible categories:

Statement of financial position:

Intangible assets Equity
Property, plant, and equipment Non-current liabilities
Investments Current liabilities
Current assets

Income statement:

 Other income and expense



Understand debt and share investments.   (LO 1)

E12-1 Mr. Wellington is studying for an accounting test and has developed the following questions about investments.

  1. What are three reasons why companies purchase investments in debt or share securities?
  2. Why would a corporation have excess cash that it does not need for operations?
  3. What is the typical investment when investing cash for short periods of time?
  4. What are the typical investments when investing cash to generate earnings?
  5. Why would a company invest in securities that provide no current cash flows?
  6. What is the typical share investment when investing cash for strategic reasons?


Provide answers for Mr. Wellington.

Journalize debt investment transactions and accrue interest.   (LO 2)

E12-2 Floyd Corporation had the following transactions pertaining to debt investments.

Jan. 1 Purchased 50 8%, $1,000 Petal Co. bonds for $50,000 cash. Interest is payable semiannually on July 1 and January 1.
July 1 Received semiannual interest on Petal Co. bonds.
July 1 Sold 30 Petal Co. bonds for $33,500.


(a) Journalize the transactions.

(b) Prepare the adjusting entry for the accrual of interest at December 31.

Journalize debt investment transactions, accrue interest, and record sale.   (LO 2)

E12-3 Brook Company purchased 70 Meissner Company 12%, 10-year, €1,000 bonds on January 1, 2014, for €70,000. The bonds pay interest semiannually on July 1 and January 1. On January 1, 2015, after receipt of interest, Brook Company sold 40 of the bonds for €40,100.


Prepare the journal entries to record the transactions described above.

Journalize share investment transactions.   (LO 3)

E12-4 Diann Company had the following transactions pertaining to share investments.

Feb. 1 Purchased 600 ordinary shares of Ronn (2%) for $6,200.
July 1 Received cash dividends of $1 per share on Ronn ordinary shares.
Sept. 1 Sold 300 ordinary shares of Ronn for $4,300.
Dec. 1 Received cash dividends of $1 per share on Ronn ordinary shares.


(a) Journalize the transactions.

(b) Explain how dividend revenue and the gain (loss) on sale should be reported in the income statement.

Journalize transactions for investments in shares.   (LO 3)

E12-5 Spring Inc. had the following transactions pertaining to investments in ordinary shares.

Jan. 1 Purchased 2,500 ordinary shares of Angeltide Corporation (5%) for €142,100.
July 1 Received a cash dividend of €3 per share.
Dec. 1 Sold 500 ordinary shares of Angeltide Corporation for €31,200.
Dec. 31 Received a cash dividend of €3 per share.


Journalize the transactions.

Journalize transactions for investments in shares.   (LO 3)

E12-6 On February 1, Minitori Company purchased 500 ordinary shares (2% ownership) of Becker Company for $30.80 per share. On March 20, Minitori Company sold 100 shares of Becker for $2,850. Minitori received a dividend of $1.00 per share on April 25. On June 15, Minitori sold 200 shares of Becker for $7,310. On July 28, Minitori received a dividend of $1.25 per share.


Prepare the journal entries to record the transactions described above.

Journalize and post transactions under the equity method.   (LO 3)

E12-7 On January 1, Vince Corporation purchased a 25% equity in Morelli Corporation for £180,000. At December 31, Morelli declared and paid a £60,000 cash dividend and reported net income of £200,000.


(a) Journalize the transactions.

(b) Determine the amount to be reported as an investment in Morelli at December 31.

Journalize entries under cost and equity methods.   (LO 3, 5)

E12-8 Presented below are two independent situations.

  1. Chicory Cosmetics acquired 15% of the 200,000 ordinary shares of Racine Fashion at a total cost of $13 per share on March 18, 2014. On June 30, Racine declared and paid a $60,000 dividend. On December 31, Racine reported net income of $122,000 for the year. At December 31, the market price of Racine Fashion was $15 per share. The shares are classified as non-trading.
  2. Frank, Inc., obtained significant influence over Nowak Corporation by buying 30% of Nowak's 30,000 outstanding ordinary shares at a total cost of $9 per share on January 1, 2014. On June 15, Nowak declared and paid a cash dividend of $30,000. On December 31, Nowak reported a net income of $80,000 for the year.


Prepare all the necessary journal entries for 2014 for (a) Chicory Cosmetics and (b) Frank, Inc.

Understand the usefulness of consolidated statements.   (LO 4)

E12-9 Edna Company purchased 70% of the outstanding ordinary shares of Damen Corporation.


(a) Explain the relationship between Edna Company and Damen Corporation.

(b) How should Edna account for its investment in Damen?

(c) Why is the accounting treatment described in (b) useful?

Prepare adjusting entry to record fair value, and indicate statement presentation.   (LO 5, 6)

E12-10 At December 31, 2014, the trading securities for Geneva, Inc. are as follows.



(a) Prepare the adjusting entry at December 31, 2014, to report the securities at fair value.

(b) Show the statement of financial position and income statement presentation at December 31, 2014, after adjustment to fair value.

Prepare adjusting entry to record fair value, and indicate statement presentation.   (LO 5, 6)

E12-11 Data for investments in shares classified as trading securities are presented in E12-10. Assume instead that the investments are classified as non-trading securities. They have the same cost and fair value. The securities are considered to be a long-term investment.


(a) Prepare the adjusting entry at December 31, 2014, to report the securities at fair value.

(b) Show the statement presentation at December 31, 2014, after adjustment to fair value.

(c) image E. Devonshire, a member of the board of directors, does not understand the reporting of the unrealized gains or losses. Write a letter to Ms. Devonshire explaining the reporting and the purposes that it serves.

Prepare adjusting entries for fair value, and indicate statement presentation for two classes of securities.   (LO 5, 6)

E12-12 Zippydah Company has the following data at December 31, 2014.


The non-trading securities are held as a long-term investment.


(a) Prepare the adjusting entries to report each class of securities at fair value.

(b) Indicate the statement presentation of each class of securities and the related unrealized gain (loss) accounts.

Prepare consolidated worksheet when cost equals book value.   (LO 7)

*E12-13 On January 1, 2014, Lennon Corporation acquires 100% of Ono Inc. for $220,000 in cash. The condensed statements of financial position of the two corporations immediately following the acquisition are as follows.



Prepare a worksheet for a consolidated statement of financial position.

Prepare consolidated worksheet when cost exceeds book value.   (LO 7)

*E12-14 Data for the Lennon and Ono corporations are presented in E12-13. Assume that instead of paying $220,000 in cash for Ono Inc., Lennon Corporation pays $225,000 in cash. Thus, at the acquisition date, the assets of Lennon Corporation are current assets $55,000, investment in Ono Inc. ordinary shares $225,000, and plant and equipment (net) $300,000.


Prepare a worksheet for a consolidated statement of financial position.


Journalize debt investment transactions and show financial statement presentation.   (LO 2, 5, 6)

P12-1A Yuen Long Carecenters Inc. provides financing and capital to the health-care industry, with a particular focus on nursing homes for the elderly. The following selected transactions relate to bonds acquired as an investment by Yuen Long, whose fiscal year ends on December 31.

Jan. 1 Purchased at face value HK$2,000,000 of Franco Nursing Centers, Inc., 10-year, 8% bonds dated January 1, 2014, directly from Franco.
July 1 Received the semiannual interest on the Franco bonds.
Dec. 31 Accrual of interest at year-end on the Franco bonds.

(Assume that all intervening transactions and adjustments have been properly recorded and that the number of bonds owned has not changed from December 31, 2014, to December 31, 2016.)

Jan. 1 Received the semiannual interest on the Franco bonds.
Jan. 1 Sold HK$1,000,000 Franco bonds at 106.
July 1 Received the semiannual interest on the Franco bonds.
Dec. 31 Accrual of interest at year-end on the Franco bonds.


(a) Gain on sale of debt investments HK$60,000

(a) Journalize the listed transactions for the years 2014 and 2017.

(b) Show the statement of financial position presentation of the bonds and interest receivable at December 31, 2014. Assume the investments are considered long-term.

Journalize investment transactions, prepare adjusting entry, and show statement presentation.   (LO 2, 3, 5, 6)

P12-2A In January 2014, the management of Stefan Company concludes that it has sufficient cash to permit some short-term investments in debt and share securities. During the year, the following transactions occurred.

Feb. 1 Purchased 600 ordinary shares of Superior for $32,400.
Mar. 1 Purchased 800 ordinary shares of Pawlik for $20,400.
Apr. 1 Purchased 50 $1,000, 7% Venice bonds for $50,000. Interest is payable semiannually on April 1 and October 1.
July 1 Received a cash dividend of $0.60 per share on the Superior ordinary shares.
Aug. 1 Sold 200 ordinary shares of Superior at $57 per share.
Sept. 1 Received a $1 per share cash dividend on the Pawlik ordinary shares.
Oct. 1 Received the semiannual interest on the Venice bonds.
Oct. 1 Sold the Venice bonds for $49,000.

At December 31, the fair value of the Superior ordinary shares was $55 per share. The fair value of the Pawlik ordinary shares was $24 per share.


(a) Gain on sale of share investments $600

(a) Journalize the transactions and post to the accounts Debt Investments and Share Investments. (Use the T-account form.)

(b) Prepare the adjusting entry at December 31, 2014, to report the investment securities at fair value. All securities are considered to be trading securities.

(c) Show the statement of financial position presentation of investment securities at December 31, 2014.

(d) Identify the income statement accounts and give the statement classification of each account.

Journalize transactions and adjusting entry for share investments.   (LO 3, 5, 6)

P12-3A On December 31, 2013, Ogallala Associates owned the following securities, held as a long-term investment. The securities are not held for influence or control of the investee.


On December 31, 2013, the total fair value of the securities was equal to its cost. In 2014, the following transactions occurred.

July 1 Received £1 per share semiannual cash dividend on Riverdale Co. ordinary shares.
Aug. 1 Received £0.50 per share cash dividend on Carlene Co. ordinary shares.
Sept. 1 Sold 1,500 ordinary shares of Riverdale Co. for cash at £8 per share.
Oct. 1 Sold 800 ordinary shares of Carlene Co. for cash at £33 per share.
Nov. 1 Received £1 per share cash dividend on Raczynski Co. ordinary shares.
Dec. 15 Received £0.50 per share cash dividend on Carlene Co. ordinary shares.
31 Received £1 per share semiannual cash dividend on Riverdale Co. ordinary shares.

At December 31, the fair values per share of the ordinary shares were Carlene Co. £32, Riverdale Co. £8, and Raczynski Co. £18.


(a) Journalize the 2014 transactions and post to the account Share Investments. (Use the T-account form.)

(b) Unrealized loss £4,100

(b) Prepare the adjusting entry at December 31, 2014, to show the securities at fair value. The shares should be classified as non-trading securities.

(c) Show the statement of financial position presentation of the investments at December 31, 2014. At this date, Ogallala Associates has share capital—ordinary £1,500,000 and retained earnings £1,000,000.

Prepare entries under the cost and equity methods, and tabulate differences.   (LO 3)

P12-4A Control Alt Design acquired 30% of the outstanding ordinary shares of Walter Company on January 1, 2014, by paying $800,000 for the 45,000 shares. Walter declared and paid $0.30 per share cash dividends on March 15, June 15, September 15, and December 15, 2014. Walter reported net income of $320,000 for the year. At December 31, 2014, the market price of Walter ordinary shares was $24 per share.


(a) Total dividend revenue $54,000

(a) Prepare the journal entries for Control Alt Design for 2014, assuming Control Alt Design cannot exercise significant influence over Walter. Use the cost method and assume that Walter ordinary shares should be classified as a trading security.

(b) Revenue from investments $96,000

(b) Prepare the journal entries for Control Alt Design for 2014, assuming Control Alt Design can exercise significant influence over Walter. Use the equity method.

(c) Indicate the statement of financial position and income statement account balances at December 31, 2014, under each method of accounting.

Journalize share investment transactions and show statement presentation.   (LO 3, 5, 6)

P12-5A The following securities are in Pascual Company's portfolio of long-term non-trading securities at December 31, 2013.


On December 31, 2013, the total cost of the portfolio equaled total fair value. Pascual had the following transactions related to the securities during 2014.

Jan. 20 Sold all 1,000 ordinary shares of Reginald Corporation at R$54.40 per share.
28 Purchased 400 R$70 par value ordinary shares of Hachito Corporation at R$79.20 per share.
30 Received a cash dividend of R$1.15 per share on Elderberry Corp. ordinary shares.
Feb. 8 Received cash dividends of R$0.40 per share on Mattoon Corp. preference shares.
18 Sold all 1,200 preference shares of Mattoon Corp. at R$26.70 per share.
July 30 Received a cash dividend of R$1.00 per share on Elderberry Corp. ordinary shares.
Sept. 6 Purchased an additional 900 R$70 par value ordinary shares of Hachito Corporation at R$82 per share.
Dec. 1 Received a cash dividend of R$1.50 per share on Hachito Corporation ordinary shares.

At December 31, 2014, the fair values of the securities were:

Elderberry Corporation ordinary shares R$64 per share
Hachito Corporation ordinary shares R$72 per share


(a) Gain on sale of share investments R$2,400

(a) Prepare journal entries to record the transactions.

(b) Post to the investment accounts. (Use T-accounts.)

(c) Unrealized loss R$6,280

(c) Prepare the adjusting entry at December 31, 2014 to report the portfolio at fair value.

(d) Show the statement of financial position presentation at December 31, 2014, for the investment-related accounts.

Prepare a statement of financial position.   (LO 5, 6)

P12-6A The following data, presented in alphabetical order, are taken from the records of Radar Corporation.


The investment in Sasse ordinary shares is considered to be a long-term non-trading security.


Total assets $2,791,000

Prepare a classified statement of financial position at December 31, 2014.

Prepare consolidated worksheet and statement of financial position when cost exceeds book value.   (LO 7)

*P12-7A Liu Corporation purchased all the outstanding ordinary shares of Yang Plastics, Inc. on December 31, 2014. Just before the purchase, the condensed statements of financial position of the two companies appeared as follows.


Liu used current assets of ¥1,225,000 to acquire the shares of Yang Plastics. The excess of this purchase price over the book value of Yang Plastics' net assets is determined to be attributable ¥86,000 to Yang Plastics' plant and equipment and the remainder to goodwill.


(a) Prepare the entry for Liu Corporation's acquisition of Yang Plastics, Inc. shares.

(b) Excess of cost over book value ¥120,000

(b) Prepare a consolidated worksheet at December 31, 2014.

(c) Prepare a consolidated statement of financial position at December 31, 2014.


Journalize debt investment transactions and show financial statement presentation.   (LO 2, 5, 6)

P12-1B Cheese Farms is a grower of hybrid seed corn for Steenbergen Genetics Corporation. It has had two exceptionally good years and has elected to invest its excess funds in bonds. The selected transactions, shown below, relate to bonds acquired as an investment by Cheese Farms, whose fiscal year ends on December 31.

Jan. 1 Purchased at face value $400,000 of Stombaugh Corporation 10-year, 9% bonds dated January 1, 2014, directly from the issuing corporation.
July 1 Received the semiannual interest on the Stombaugh bonds.
Dec. 31 Accrual of interest at year-end on the Stombaugh bonds.

(Assume that all intervening transactions and adjustments have been properly recorded and the number of bonds owned has not changed from December 31, 2014, to December 31, 2016.)

Jan. 1 Received the semiannual interest on the Stombaugh bonds.
Jan. 1 Sold $200,000 of Stombaugh bonds at 114.
July 1 Received the semiannual interest on the Stombaugh bonds.
Dec. 31 Accrual of interest at year-end on the Stombaugh bonds.


(a) 2017: Gain on sale of debt investments $28,000

(a) Journalize the listed transactions for the years 2014 and 2017.

(b) Show the statement of financial position presentation of the bonds and interest receivable at December 31, 2014. Assume the investments are considered long-term.

Journalize investment transactions, prepare adjusting entry, and show statement presentation.   (LO 2, 3, 5, 6)

P12-2B In January 2014, the management of Izmir Company concludes that it has sufficient cash to purchase some short-term investments in debt and share securities. During the year, the following transactions occurred.

Feb. 1 Purchased 500 ordinary shares of Joy for image30,800.
Mar. 1 Purchased 600 ordinary shares of Aurelius for image20,300.
Apr. 1 Purchased 40 image1,000, 9% Sikich bonds for image40,000. Interest is payable semiannually on April 1 and October 1.
July 1 Received a cash dividend of image0.60 per share on the Joy ordinary shares.
Aug. 1 Sold 300 ordinary shares of Joy at image69 per share.
Sept. 1 Received a image1 per share cash dividend on the Aurelius ordinary shares.
Oct. 1 Received the semiannual interest on the Sikich bonds.
Oct. 1 Sold the Sikich bonds for image44,000.

At December 31, the fair value of the Joy ordinary shares was image66 per share. The fair value of the Aurelius ordinary shares was image29 per share.


(a) Journalize the transactions and post to the accounts Debt Investments and Share Investments. (Use the T-account form.)

(b) Unrealized loss image2,020

(b) Prepare the adjusting entry at December 31, 2014, to report the investments at fair value. All securities are considered to be trading securities.

(c) Show the statement of financial position presentation of investment securities at December 31, 2014.

(d) Identify the income statement accounts and give the statement classification of each account.

Journalize transactions and adjusting entry for share investments.   (LO 3, 5, 6)

P12-3B On December 31, 2013, Eli Associates owned the long-term investments shown on the next page.


On this date, the total fair value of the securities was equal to its cost. The securities are not held for influence or control over the associates. In 2014, the following transactions occurred.

July 1 Received $1 per share semiannual cash dividend on Holly Co. ordinary shares.
Aug. 1 Received $0.50 per share cash dividend on Trowbridge Co. ordinary shares.
Sept. 1 Sold 1,500 ordinary shares of Holly Co. for cash at $8 per share.
Oct. 1 Sold 600 ordinary shares of Trowbridge Co. for cash at $30 per share.
Nov. 1 Received $1 per share cash dividend on Oriental Motor Co. ordinary shares.
Dec. 15 Received $0.50 per share cash dividend on Trowbridge Co. ordinary shares.
31 Received $1 per share semiannual cash dividend on Holly Co. ordinary shares.

At December 31, the fair values per share of the ordinary shares were Trowbridge Co. $23, Holly Co. $7, and Oriental Motors Co. $19.


(a) Gain on sale, $3,000 and $3,000

(a) Journalize the 2014 transactions and post to the account Share Investments. (Use the T-account form.)

(b)Prepare the adjusting entry at December 31, 2014, to show the securities at fair value. The shares should be classified as non-trading securities.

(c) Show the statement of financial position presentation of the investment-related accounts at December 31, 2014. At this date, Eli Associates has share capital—ordinary $2,000,000 and retained earnings $1,200,000.

Prepare entries under the cost and equity methods, and tabulate differences.   (LO 3)

P12-4B Tuecke's Concrete acquired 20% of the outstanding ordinary shares of Drew, Inc. on January 1, 2014, by paying $1,100,000 for 40,000 shares. Drew declared and paid a $0.50 per share cash dividend on June 30 and again on December 31, 2014. Drew reported net income of $600,000 for the year. At December 31, 2014, the market price of Drew's ordinary shares was $30 per share.


(a) Total dividend revenue $40,000

(a) Prepare the journal entries for Tuecke's Concrete for 2014, assuming Tuecke's cannot exercise significant influence over Drew. Use the cost method and assume Drew ordinary shares should be classified as non-trading.

(b) Revenue from investment $120,000

(b) Prepare the journal entries for Tuecke's Concrete for 2014, assuming Tuecke's can exercise significant influence over Drew. Use the equity method.

(c) Indicate the statement of financial position and income statement account balances at December 31, 2014, under each method of accounting.

Journalize share investment transactions and show statement presentation.   (LO 3, 5, 6)

P12-5B The following are in Verbitsky's Company's portfolio of long-term non-trading securities at December 31, 2013.


On December 31, the total cost of the portfolio equaled total fair value. Verbitsky's Company had the following transactions related to the securities during 2014.

Jan. 7 Sold 700 ordinary shares of Sasha Corporation at €55 per share.
10 Purchased 300 €70 par value ordinary shares of Vanucci Corporation at €78.80 per share.
26 Received a cash dividend of €1.15 per share on Ukraine Corporation ordinary shares.
Feb. 2 Received cash dividends of €0.40 per share on Zaba Corporation preference shares.
10 Sold all 800 preference shares of Zaba Corporation at €26 per share.
July 1 Received a cash dividend of €1.00 per share on Ukraine Corporation ordinary shares.
Sept. 1 Purchased an additional 800 €70 par value ordinary shares of Vanucci Corporation at €75 per share.
Dec. 15 Received a cash dividend of €1.50 per share on Vanucci Corporation ordinary shares.

At December 31, 2014, the fair values of the securities were:



(a) Loss on sale €1,600

(a) Prepare journal entries to record the transactions.

(b) Post to the investment accounts. (Use T-accounts.)

(c) Unrealized loss €3,240

(c) Prepare the adjusting entry at December 31, 2014, to report the portfolio at fair value.

(d) Show the statement of financial position presentation at December 31, 2014, for the investment-related accounts.

Prepare a statement of financial position.   (LO 5, 6)

P12-6B The following data, presented in alphabetical order, are taken from the records of Redlands Corporation.



Prepare a classified statement of financial position at December 31, 2014.

Total assets CHF4,290,000

Prepare consolidated worksheet and statement of financial position when cost exceeds book value.   (LO 7)

*P12-7B Patel Company purchased all the outstanding ordinary shares of Singh Company on December 31, 2014. Just before the purchase, the condensed statements of financial position of the two companies were as follows.


Patel used current assets of $710,000 to acquire the shares of Singh. The excess of this purchase price over the book value of Patel's net assets is determined to be attributable $20,000 to Singh's plant and equipment and the remainder to goodwill.


(a) Prepare the entry for Patel Company's acquisition of Singh Company shares.

(b) Excess of cost over book value $50,000

(b) Prepare a consolidated worksheet at December 31, 2014.

(c) Prepare a consolidated statement of financial position at December 31, 2014.


CP12 Part I Mindy Feldkamp and her two colleagues, Oscar Lopez and Lori Melton, are personal trainers at an upscale health spa/resort in Tampa, Florida. They want to start a health club that specializes in health plans for people in the 50+ age range. The growing population in this age range and strong consumer interest in the health benefits of physical activity have convinced them they can profitably operate their own club. In addition to many other decisions, they need to determine what type of business organization they want. Oscar believes there are more advantages to the corporate form than a partnership, but he hasn't yet convinced Mindy and Lori. They have come to you, a small-business consulting specialist, seeking information and advice regarding the choice of starting a partnership versus a corporation.


(a) image Prepare a memo (dated May 26, 2013) that describes the advantages and disadvantages of both partnerships and corporations. Advise Mindy, Oscar, and Lori regarding which organizational form you believe would better serve their purposes. Make sure to include reasons supporting your advice.

Part II After deciding to incorporate, each of the three investors receives 20,000 $2 par ordinary shares on June 12, 2013, in exchange for their co-owned building ($200,000 fair value) and $100,000 total cash they contributed to the business. The next decision that Mindy, Oscar, and Lori need to make is how to obtain financing for renovation and equipment. They understand the difference between equity securities and debt securities, but do not understand the tax, net income, and earnings per share consequences of equity versus debt financing on the future of their business.


(b) Prepare notes for a discussion with the three entrepreneurs in which you will compare the consequences of using equity versus debt financing. As part of your notes, show the differences in interest and tax expense assuming $1,400,000 is financed with ordinary shares, and then alternatively with debt. Assume that when ordinary shares are used, 140,000 shares will be issued. When debt is used, assume the interest rate on debt is 9%, the tax rate is 32%, and income before interest and taxes is $300,000. (You may want to use an electronic spreadsheet.)

Part III During the discussion about financing, Lori mentions that one of her clients, Roberto Marino, has approached her about buying a significant interest in the new club. Having an interested investor sways the three to issue equity securities to provide the financing they need. On July 21, 2013, Mr. Marino buys 90,000 shares at a price of $10 per share.

The club, LifePath Fitness, opens on January 12, 2014, and after a slow start begins to produce the revenue desired by the owners. The owners decide to pay themselves a share dividend since cash has been less than abundant since they opened their doors. The 10% share dividend is declared by the owners on July 27, 2014. The market price of the shares is $3 on the declaration date. The date of record is July 31, 2014 (there have been no changes in share ownership since the initial issuance), and the issue date is August 15, 2014. By the middle of the fourth quarter of 2014, the cash flow of LifePath Fitness has improved to the point that the owners feel ready to pay themselves a cash dividend. They declare a $0.05 cash dividend per share on December 4, 2014. The record date is December 14, 2014, and the payment date is December 24, 2014.


(c) (1) Record all of the transactions related to the ordinary shares of LifePath Fitness during the years 2013 and 2014. (2) Indicate how many shares are issued and outstanding after the share dividend is issued.

Part IV Since the club opened, a major concern has been the pool facilities. Although the existing pool is adequate, Mindy, Oscar, and Lori all desire to make LifePath a cutting-edge facility. Until the end of 2014, financing concerns prevented this improvement. However, because there has been steady growth in clientele, revenue, and income since the fourth quarter of 2014, the owners have explored possible financing options. They are hesitant to issue shares and change the ownership mix because they have been able to work together as a team with great effectiveness. They have formulated a plan to issue secured term bonds to raise the needed $600,000 for the pool facilities. By the end of April 2015, everything was in place for the bond issue to go ahead. On June 1, 2015, the bonds were issued for $548,000. The bonds pay semiannual interest of 3% (6% annual) on December 1 and June 1 of each year. The bonds mature in 10 years, and amortization is computed using the straight-line method.


(d) Record (1) the issuance of the secured bonds, (2) the interest payment made on December 1, 2015, (3) the adjusting entry required at December 31, 2015, and (4) the interest payment made on June 1, 2016.

Part V Mr. Marino's purchase of the shares of LifePath Fitness was done through his business. The share investment has always been accounted for using the cost method on his firm's books. However, early in 2016 he decided to take his company public. He is preparing an IPO (initial public offering), and he needs to have the firm's financial statements audited. One of the issues to be resolved is to restate the share investment in LifePath Fitness using the equity method, since Mr. Marino's ownership percentage is greater than 20%.


(e) (1) Give the entries that would have been made on Marino's books if the equity method of accounting for investments had been used from the initial investment through 2015. Assume the following data for LifePath.


(2) Compute the balance in the Share Investments account (as it relates to LifePath Fitness) at the end of 2015.


(Note: This is a continuation of the Cookie Chronicle from Chapters 1-11.)

CCC12 Natalie has been approached by Ken Thornton, a shareholder of The Beanery Coffee Inc. Ken wants to retire and would like to sell his 1,000 shares in The Beanery Coffee, which represents 30% of all shares issued. The Beanery is currently operated by Ken's twin daughters, who each own 35% of the ordinary shares. The Beanery not only operates a coffee shop but also roasts and sells beans to retailers, under the name “Rocky Mountain Beanery.”

Ken has met with Curtis and Natalie to discuss the business operation. All have concluded that there would be many advantages for Cookie & Coffee Creations Inc. to acquire an interest in The Beanery Coffee. Despite the apparent advantages, however, Natalie and Curtis are still not convinced that they should participate in this business venture.

Go to the book's companion website,, to see the completion of this problem.

Broadening Your PERSPECTIVE

Financial Reporting and Analysis

Financial Reporting Problem: Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.

BYP12-1 The financial statements of Samsung are presented in Appendix A. The complete annual report, including the notes to the financial statements, is available in the Investor Relations section of the company's website at


(a) See Note 1 to the financial statements and indicate what the consolidated financial statements include.

(b) Using Samsung's consolidated statement of cash flows, determine how much was spent for capital acquisitions during the current year.

Comparative Analysis Problem: Nestlé S.A. vs. Zetar plc

BYP12-2 Nestlé's financial statements are presented in Appendix B. Financial statements of Zetar are presented in Appendix C. Complete annual reports, including notes to the financial statements, are available in the Investor Relations sections at and


(a) Based on the information contained in these financial statements, determine the following for each company.

(1) Net cash provided (used) for investing (investment) activities for the current year (from the statement of cash flows).

(2) Cash used for capital expenditures during the current year.

(b) Each of Nestlé's financial statements is labeled “consolidated.” What has been consolidated? That is, from the contents of Nestlé's annual report, identify by name the divisions that have been consolidated.

Real-World Focus

BYP12-3 Most publicly traded companies are examined by numerous analysts. These analysts often don't agree about a company's future prospects. In this exercise, you will find analysts' ratings about companies and make comparisons over time and across companies in the same industry. You will also see to what extent the analysts experienced “earnings surprises.” Earnings surprises can cause changes in share prices.

Address: or go to


  1. Choose a company.
  2. Use the index to find the company's name.
  3. Choose Research.


(a) How many analysts rated the company?

(b) What percentage rated it a strong buy?

(c) What was the average rating for the week?

(d) Did the average rating improve or decline relative to the previous week?

(e) What was the amount of the earnings surprise percentage during the last quarter?

Critical Thinking

Decision-Making Across the Organization


BYP12-4 At the beginning of the question-and-answer portion of the annual shareholders' meeting of Kemper Corporation, shareholder Mike Kerwin asks, “Why did management sell the holdings in UMW Company at a loss when this company has been very profitable during the period Kemper held its shares?”

Since president Tony Chavez has just concluded his speech on the recent success and bright future of Kemper, he is taken aback by this question and responds, “I remember we paid $1,300,000 for those shares some years ago. I am sure we sold these shares at a much higher price. You must be mistaken.”

Kerwin retorts, “Well, right here in footnote number 7 to the annual report it shows that 240,000 shares, a 30% interest in UMW, were sold on the last day of the year. Also, it states that UMW earned $520,000 this year and paid out $160,000 in cash dividends. Further, a summary statement indicates that in past years, while Kemper held UMW shares, UMW earned $1,240,000 and paid out $440,000 in dividends. Finally, the income statement for this year shows a loss on the sale of UMW shares of $180,000. So, I doubt that I am mistaken.”

Red-faced, president Chavez turns to you.


With the class divided into groups, answer the following.

(a) What dollar amount did Kemper receive upon the sale of the UMW shares?

(b) Explain why both shareholder Kerwin and president Chavez are correct.

Communication Activity

BYP12-5 Bunge Corporation has purchased two securities for its portfolio. The first is a share investment in Longley Corporation, one of its suppliers. Bunge purchased 10% of Longley with the intention of holding it for a number of years but has no intention of purchasing more shares. The second investment was a purchase of debt securities. Bunge purchased the debt securities because its analysts believe that changes in market interest rates will cause these securities to increase in value in a short period of time. Bunge intends to sell the debt securities as soon as they have increased in value.


Write a memo to Max Scholes, the chief financial officer, explaining how to account for each of these investments. Explain what the implications for reported income are from this accounting treatment.

Ethics Case

image BYP12-6 Bartlet Financial Services Company holds a large portfolio of debt and share securities as an investment. The total fair value of the portfolio at December 31, 2014, is greater than total cost. Some securities have increased in value and others have decreased. Deb Faust, the financial vice president, and Jan McCabe, the controller, are in the process of classifying for the first time the securities in the portfolio.

Faust suggests classifying the securities that have increased in value as trading securities in order to increase net income for the year. She wants to classify the securities that have decreased in value as long-term non-trading securities, so that the decreases in value will not affect 2014 net income.

McCabe disagrees. She recommends classifying the securities that have decreased in value as trading securities and those that have increased in value as long-term non-trading securities. McCabe argues that the company is having a good earnings year and that recognizing the losses now will help to smooth income for this year. Moreover, for future years, when the company may not be as profitable, the company will have built-in gains.


(a) Will classifying the securities as Faust and McCabe suggest actually affect earnings as each says it will?

(b) Is there anything unethical in what Faust and McCabe propose? Who are the stakeholders affected by their proposals?

(c) Assume that Faust and McCabe properly classify the portfolio. At year-end, Faust proposes to sell the securities that will increase 2014 net income, and McCabe proposes to sell the securities that will decrease 2014 net income. Is this unethical?

Answers to Chapter Questions

Answers to Insight and Accounting Across the Organization Questions

p. 588 How Procter & Gamble Accounts for Gillette Q: Where on Procter & Gamble's statement of financial position will you find its investment in Gillette Company? A: Because Procter & Gamble owns Gillette, Procter & Gamble does not report Gillette in the investment section of its statement of financial position. Instead, Gillette's assets and liabilities are included and commingled with the assets and liabilities of Procter & Gamble.

p. 592 And the Correct Way to Report Investments Is… ? Q: Why might the use of the equity method not lead to full disclosure in the financial statements? A: Under the equity method, the investment in ordinary shares of another company is initially recorded at cost. After that, the investment account is adjusted at each reporting date to show the investor's equity in the associate. However, on the investor's statement of financial position, only the investment account is shown. The pro-rata share of the associate's assets and liabilities are not reported. Because the pro-rata share of the associate's assets and liabilities are not shown, some argue that the full disclosure principle is violated.

Answers to Self-Test Questions

1. d 2. a 3. b 4. c 5. a 6. b $300,000 + [25% × ($160,000 − $60,000)] 7. c 8. d 9. a 10. c 11. c (€41,300 − €39,800) + €900) 12. b 13. c *14. d $175,000 − $160,000 *15. d *16. d

Another Perspective

The accounting and reporting for investments under IFRS and GAAP are very similar. Recently, the FASB issued a reporting standard that essentially converges to a previously issued IASB standard.

Key Points

  • The basic accounting entries to record the acquisition of debt securities, the receipt of interest, and the sale of debt securities are the same under IFRS and GAAP.
  • The basic accounting entries to record the acquisition of share investments, the receipt of dividends, and the sale of share securities are the same under IFRS and GAAP.
  • Both IFRS and GAAP use the same criteria to determine whether the equity method of accounting should be used—that is, significant influence with a general guide of over 20% ownership. IFRS uses the term associate investment rather than equity investment to describe its investment under the equity method.
  • Under IFRS, both the investor and an associate company should follow the same accounting policies. As a result, in order to prepare financial information, adjustments are made to the associate's policies to conform to the investor's books. GAAP does not have that requirement.
  • The basis for consolidation under IFRS is control. Under GAAP, a bipolar approach is used, which is a risk-and-reward model (often referred to as a variable-entity approach) and a voting-interest approach. However, under both systems, for consolidation to occur, the investor company must generally own 50% of another company.
  • Both IFRS and GAAP require that companies determine how to measure their financial assets based on two criteria:
    • The company's business model for managing their financial assets; and
    • The contractual cash flow characteristics of the financial asset.

    If a company has (1) a business model whose objective is to hold assets in order to collect contractual cash flows and (2) the contractual terms of the financial asset gives specified dates to cash flows that are solely payments of principal and interest on the principal amount outstanding, then the company should use cost (often referred to as amortized cost).

    For example, assume that Mitsubishi (JPN) purchases a bond investment that it intends to hold to maturity (held-for-collection). Its business model for this type of investment is to collect interest and then principal at maturity. The payment dates for the interest rate and principal are stated on the bond. In this case, Mitsubishi accounts for the investment at cost. If, on the other hand, Mitsubishi purchased the bonds as part of a trading strategy to speculate on interest rate changes (a trading investment), then the debt investment is reported at fair value. As a result, only debt investments such as receivables, loans, and bond investments that meet the two criteria above are recorded at amortized cost. All other debt investments are recorded and reported at fair value.

  • Both IFRS and GAAP use held-for-collection (debt investments), trading (both debt and equity investments), and non-trading equity investment classifications. These classifications are based on the business model used to manage the investments and the type of security.
  • The accounting for trading investments is the same between GAAP and IFRS. Also, held-for-collection investments are accounted for at amortized cost. Gains and losses on non-trading equity investments (IFRS) are reported in other comprehensive income.
  • Unrealized gains and losses related to non-trading securities are reported in other comprehensive income under GAAP and IFRS. These gains and losses that accumulate are then reported in the statement of financial position.
  • Under GAAP, companies use Other Revenues and Gains or Other Expenses and Losses in its income statement presentation. Under IFRS, companies will generally classify these items as unusual items or financial items.

Looking to the Future

As indicated earlier, both the FASB and IASB have indicated (conceptually) that they believe that all financial instruments should be reported at fair value and that changes in fair value should be reported as part of net income. However, both the FASB and IASB have decided to permit amortized cost for debt investments held-for-collection. Hopefully, they will eventually arrive at fair value measurement for all financial instruments.

GAAP Practice

GAAP Self-Test Questions

  1. The following asset is not considered a financial asset under both GAAP and IFRS:

    (a) trading securities.

    (b) equity securities.

    (c) held-for-collection securities.

    (d) inventories.

  2. Under GAAP, the equity method of accounting for long-term investments in ordinary shares should be used when the investor has significant influence over an investee and owns:

    (a) between 20% and 50% of the investee's ordinary shares.

    (b) 30% or more of the investee's ordinary shares.

    (c) more than 50% of the investee's ordinary shares.

    (d) less than 20% of the investee's ordinary shares.

  3. At the end of the first year of operations, the total cost of the trading investments portfolio is $120,000. Total fair value is $115,000. The financial statements under GAAP should show:

    (a) a reduction in the carrying value of the asset of $5,000 in current assets and an unrealized loss of $5,000 in other expenses and losses.

    (b) a reduction in the carrying value of the asset of $5,000 in current assets and an unrealized loss of $5,000 in the equity section of the balance sheet.

    (c) a reduction in the carrying value of the asset of $5,000 in current assets and an unrealized loss of $5,000 in other comprehensive income.

    (d) a reduction in the carrying value of the asset $5,000 in current assets and a realized loss of $5,000 in other expenses and losses.

  4. Under GAAP, unrealized gains on non-trading share investments should:

    (a) be reported as other revenues and gains in the income statement as part of net income.

    (b) be reported as other gains on the income statement as part of net income.

    (c) not be reported on the income statement or statement of financial position.

    (d) be reported as other comprehensive income.

  5. Under GAAP, the unrealized loss on trading investments should be reported:

    (a) as part of other comprehensive loss reducing net income.

    (b) on the income statement reducing net income.

    (c) as part of other comprehensive loss not affecting net income.

    (d) directly to equity bypassing the income statement.

GAAP Financial Reporting Problem: Tootsie Roll Industries, Inc.

GAAP12-1 The financial statements of Tootsie Roll are available in Appendix D. The complete annual report, including the notes to the financial statements, is available at


Using the financial statements and notes to the financial statements, answer the following questions. (Hint: you will need to look at the statement of cash flows and Note 1 on significant accounting policies to answer these questions.)

(a) What was the amount of trading securities purchased during 2010? What was the amount of its non-trading (available-for-sale) securities purchased during 2010?

(b) Explain what happens if the decrease in an investment's value below cost is other than temporary?

(c) Explain how Tootsie Roll accounts for its equity method investments

Answers to GAAP Self-Test Questions

1. d 2. a 3. a 4. d 5. b


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1Among the questions that are considered in determining an investor's influence are these: (1) Does the investor have representation on the investee's board? (2) Does the investor participate in the investee's policy-making process? (3) Are there material transactions between the investor and investee? (4) Are the ordinary shares held by other shareholders concentrated or dispersed?

2Or, the investor increases (debits) a loss account and decreases (credits) the investment account for its share of the associate's net loss.

3This category is provided for completeness. The accounting and valuation issues related to held-for-collection securities are discussed in more advanced accounting courses.

4Short-term paper includes (1) certificates of deposit (CDs) issued by banks, (2) money market certificates issued by banks and savings and loan associations, (3) Treasury bills issued by a government, and (4) commercial paper (notes) issued by corporations with good credit ratings.

5We use condensed data throughout this material to keep details at a minimum.

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