
First-Line Supervision

Fifth Edition

Course Code 90029

INSTRUCTIONS: Record your answers on one of the scannable forms enclosed. Please follow the directions on the form carefully. Be sure to keep a copy of the completed answer form for your records. No photocopies will be graded. When completed, mail your answer form to:

 Educational Services

 American Management Association

 P.O. Box 359

 Natick, MA 01760

1. When working with your boss it is best to:

(a) tell your employees everything your boss tells you.

(b) develop a partnership with clear expectations.

(c) assume 50 percent of the responsibility for the relationship.

(d) develop a relationship with your boss’s boss.

2. When dealing with information, a first-line supervisor has to act as a(n) ________ between employees and upper management.

(a) interpreter

(b) insolation

(c) gatekeeper

(d) motivator

3. Part of the paradox of first-line supervision is explained by which of the following statements?

(a) Supervisors are expected to get employees to work more hours.

(b) Supervisors only have limited authority over employees.

(c) Supervisors should not expect to make many decisions.

(d) Supervisors need to be competent despite limited training.

4. Which factors do effective supervisors consider when choosing the most appropriate leadership style?

(a) Availability, quality, experience

(b) Availability, quality, time

(c) Experience, time, information

(d) Experience, information, quality

5. One of the primary reasons for companies to implement virtual work is to:

(a) reduce overhead expenses.

(b) reduce training costs.

(c) outsource more work overseas.

(d) reduce the need for supervision.

6. Because employees look to their supervisors for structure and direction, a first-line supervisor should:

(a) handle problems and issues.

(b) provide resources.

(c) plan and organize work.

(d) focus on administrative tasks.

7. The best way to develop your own listening habits is to:

(a) stop the speaker as soon as something isn’t clear.

(b) hear the person out, and don’t interrupt.

(c) compare what is being said with what you already know.

(d) be thinking of questions for the speaker.

8. The conflict management style that seeks the best for both parties is:

(a) collaboration.

(b) compromise.

(c) avoidance.

(d) accommodation.

9. The best orientation programs:

(a) are completed the first day on the job.

(b) involve the employee in planning the orientation.

(c) ensure policy manuals are ready prior to beginning a task.

(d) are developed and implemented by line management.

10. When coaching an employee whose performance has slipped, the first step is to:

(a) tell the person how to improve.

(b) get the person to tell you when improvement will be made.

(c) wait until the person comes to you and asks for help.

(d) get the employee to agree performance needs improvement.

11. Electronic messaging is best used for:

(a) communicating confidential information.

(b) normal day-to-day communication.

(c) setting the stage for disciplinary action.

(d) saying things you wouldn’t say face-to-face.

12. When working with difficult employees it is best to focus on the employee’s:

(a) attitude.

(b) attendance.

(c) behavior.

(d) home situation.

13. In order for employee feedback to be effective it should:

(a) be specific and immediate.

(b) focus on the negative first, the positive second.

(c) be used sparingly so employees don’t expect to get it.

(d) be put in writing and a copy placed in the employee’s file.

14. One thing you can do to make sure the training that your employees attend is effective is to:

(a) have them pay for the training themselves.

(b) send several people at one time.

(c) have them attend on weekends or on days off.

(d) recognize their improvement after the training.

15. The adjustment stage of the change process is frequently characterized by feelings of:

(a) anger and numbness.

(b) self-doubt and uncertainty.

(c) contribution and commitment.

(d) chaos and frustration.

16. Which of the following is characteristic of reverse delegation?

(a) The supervisor reverses a bad decision when a problem occurs.

(b) The supervisor winds up doing the work that was delegated.

(c) The supervisor is able to identify resources that are needed.

(d) The supervisor can select the best person to do a task.

17. Which of the following can be an obstacle to team development?

(a) Being too busy with your own tasks

(b) Delegating too many tasks

(c) Asking employees for input too often

(d) Spending too much time coaching employees

18. Which of the following is the best thing you can do to help avoid legal action by employees?

(a) Spend time learning the details of employment law.

(b) Consult with legal counsel before taking disciplinary action.

(c) Document your interactions with employees.

(d) Reduce the amount of direct supervision of your employees.

19. Which of the following is true of the relationship between stress and productivity?

(a) Stress lowers productivity.

(b) Productivity lowers stress.

(c) Some stress is necessary to be productive.

(d) Most stress is harmful and causes work-related problems.

20. When supervising a diverse workforce it is important that you:

(a) get direction from your boss on how to supervise.

(b) ignore individual differences of opinion.

(c) hire an equal number of males and females.

(d) let people know where you stand on diversity.

21. The motivation factor that ranks highest for most employees is:

(a) interesting work.

(b) good pay.

(c) recognition for a job well done.

(d) tactful discipline.

22. The primary benefit of teamwork is that:

(a) the manager does not have to work so hard.

(b) people working together can accomplish more than individuals.

(c) a team creates competition which increases productivity.

(d) everyone enjoys being part of a team.

23. As a first-line supervisor, your time will be divided between working and supervising. Approximately how much of your time should you expect to spend supervising others?

(a) 0–15 percent

(b) 16–35 percent

(c) 36–55 percent

(d) 56–75 percent

24. Communication is most successful when:

(a) the sender delivers a powerful message.

(b) the receiver tries to listen effectively.

(c) the sender achieves specific results.

(d) the message is presented visually.

25. When taking disciplinary action you should:

(a) always start by suspending the employee.

(b) be glad that you have to take action.

(c) involve as many employees as possible.

(d) focus on the employee’s behavior.

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