
Accepting responsibility for actions, 27

Accessibility, 26

Active listening, 54–55, 132. See also Listening

Age Discrimination in Employment Act, 163

Agenda, 57–58, 66

reviewing the, 58

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), 163

Attitude, 3, 6–7

Behavior, 12

discussing behavior issues, 116

Being a supervisor and a technical expert, 9

“Big boss”, 1, 29

Body language, 54, 58

Brainstorming session, 59–60

rules for conducting, 60

Building a team, 38, 40, 123. See also Team development

challenge of, 123

Building respect, 22

Cadwell, Charles M., 105–106

Cellular technology, 66

Civil Rights Act, 163

Coaching, 91, 95

the process, 91

when to quit, 95

Coaching employees, 71–72, 88

vs. orientation and training, 88

Coaching situation, 88

key factors in assessing a, 88

Coaching worksheet, 92–94

Common priorities, 31

Commons, Michael L., 73. See also Stevens–Long, Judith

Communicating, 38–39

levels of, 39

Communicating anticipated problems or roadblocks, 33

Communicate expectations, 127, 142

Communication, 45–47

breakdown in, 46, 47. See also Communication problems

definition of, 46

four part, 45

process, 45

successful, 47

taking responsibility for, 47

Communication breakdowns, 47

examples, 47, 49

Communication problems, 46

Communication process, 46

Communication skills, 45–46

and productivity, 45

Communication technology, 45, 63, 67

Computer systems, 66–67

Conferencing, 65

Confidence level, 2

rating, 2, 180

Confidence level revaluation, 180

Confidential information, 64, 66

Confidentiality, 66. See also Confidential information

Conflict management styles, 111–112. See also Workplace conflict

types of, 112

Constructive discharge, 162

Continuous improvement, 29

Corrective feedback, 99, 103–104

focus of, 103

worksheet for, 104

Crediting others, 132. See also Teamwork, Sharing glory

Customers, 8

interactions with, 8

Daily list, 155

prioritizing the, 155

Daily time log, 156–157

Davis, Jeffrey H., 88, 95

Day-to-day actions. See Day-to-day activities

Day-to-day activities, 22, 23

monitoring, 23

Day-to-day operations, 7–8

responsibility for, 7

Delegation, 128, 139, 145, 147–148

follow up, 148

guidelines for successful, 145

importance of, 145

preparation for, 148–149

selecting an individual for, 147

supporting the person, 148

Delegation checklist, 145–146

Delegation skill, 16

Department of Labor, 162

Determining priorities, 151

Developing people, 38–39

orientation, training and coaching, 39

Development activities

types of, 72

Difficult behaviors, 107–108

causes of, 107

strategies for dealing with, 107, 110

types of, 107

Disciplinary action, 40, 99, 116, 118–119

methods for taking, 99, 116, 119

organizational policies and procedures, 118–120

Disciplinary options

oral warning, 117

suspension, 117–118

termination, 117–118

written warning, 117

Discipline, 116

negative connotation, 116

Distance management, 161, 168–169. See also Virtual work

uses of, 169

what, why, and when of, 168

Distance manager, 41, 168–169

being successful as a, 169–170

Diverse workforce, 165

supervising a, 165

Diversity, 165–166

analyzing, 166

developing for, 166

in an organization, 166

role in supervising, 165

Diversity awareness, 167

Dos and don’ts, 34–35

Effective communication techniques, 46

Effective first-line supervisors, 21, 26, 29

personal qualities of, 21, 26

Effective supervision, 21

key competencies for, 21

Effective written communication, 45

guidelines for, 45

Electronic communication, 63

guidelines for using, 63

Electronic messaging

e-mail, 63

instant messaging, 63

text messaging, 63

Emotional reactions, 53

Employee rights, 162

Employee training, 78

plan for, 71

Employees, Employees, 7, 14, 21, 23, 28, 50, 53, 89, 100, 102, 139, 144

coachability factor, 89

conflicts between, 23

experienced, 14

first line of contact for, 7

“friendly competition” among, 100

having belief in, 28

holding the attention of, 50

impression of, 7

new, 14

obtaining top performance from, 139, 144

positive example for, 22

recognizing and rewarding, 102

responses from, 53

Evaluation and goal setting process, 184

Exchange of ideas, 52

Experience, 22

Face-to-face communication, 63

Fair Labor Standards Act, 163

Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), 163

Feedback, 28, 33

Feedback systems, 100–101

First-line supervisor, 1–3, 5–9, 22, 78, 91, 99, 129, 134, 139, 141, 143–144, 154, 161–162, 173, 179, 182. See also Supervisor

addressing the paradoxes of, 11

being effective as a, 143

coaching role, 91

creating the right environment as a, 134

demands on, 5

differences between employees and, 3

ensuring success as a, 180

flexiblility as a, 154

leading by example, 144

legal issues for, 161–162

paradoxes encountered by, 1, 9

positive impact as a, 8

promotion to, 1

“recipes for success” as a, 139

requirements for being successful, 1, 6

responsibilities of, 7

role and responsibilities in implementing change, 173

role in motivation, 141

transition from employee to, 179

transition from team member

to, 1

using an effective, 22

Focus, 6

Follow-Up. See Training, Four-step method

Fortune 1000 companies, 168

Four-step method, 78–79

Four-step training planner, 78

follow-up, 80, 83

preparation, 80, 81

presentation and demonstration, 80, 81, 83

tryout, 80, 83

Gallup organization, 141

Getting the work done, 38, 41

Good work habits, 33

Gossip and rumors, 34

Government laws, 162

Grapevine gossip, 57

Grievance policy, 35

Harvard Business School, 150

Human resources department, 163–164

I” messages, 108

Immigration and Nationality Act, 163

Importance of first-line supervisors, 18

Individual benefits, 124

Information, 5, 47

Information available, 15

and leadership style, 15

Information motivation, 6

Interdepartmental cooperation, 17

Internet, 65. See also Intranet

Intranet, 65

Job knowledge, 22

Job motivation factors, 140–141

Key competencies, 38, 41

strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities, 41

Kilmann, Ralph H., 113

Leadership style, 12–15

balanced, 14

choice of. See Selection of leadership style

extremes, 14–15

goals of, 15

people-oriented, 12, 14

scoring, 14

selection of, 15

task-oriented, 12, 14

Leadership style considerations, 16–17

Legal action, 163

Legal issues, 41, 164

Listener needs, 51

Listening, 50, 54

problems and solutions, 50

without interrupting, 54

Listening habits, 52

steps to improve, 52–54

Listening skills, 45, 52

factors for improving, 45

Maintaining focus, 72

Making commitments, 132

Management and leadership skills, 10

Managing change, 161, 173–175. See also Stages of change

as a first-line spervisor, 174

role of the first-line supervisor in, 174

Managing people, 23, 38, 40

Managing workplace conflict, 40

Marx, Groucho, 60

MBWA (management by walking around) 91

Meeting evaluation tool, 59

Meeting planning checklist, 58

Meetings, 45, 56, 57, 58

closing, 58

conducting, 58

planning and conducting, 45, 56, 58

preparation, 57

Middle management, 8

Milestone chart, 152

Motivation, 5

and behavior, 142

Negative behaviors. See Difficult behaviors, 73

New employee orientation, 71, 73, 76, 78

conducting, 77

goal of, 73

process of, 77, 78

Non-monetary rewards, 102

Number of priorities, 4, 6

Ongoing professional development, 184

open door policy See also Accessibility, 26

Open-ended questions, 54, 83, 114

Opportunity to perform, 87

Organization, 1, 2, 4, 8, 17, 18, 32

flattening, 8

power centers within, 17

priorities for the, 32

Organization ladder, 4

Organization of work, 10

Organization policies, 162

Organization talent, 7, 8

development of, 7, 8

Organizational constraints, 16

Orientation checklist, 75, 76

Orientation program See also New employee orientation, 73

objectives of, 73–75

Overcontrol, 146

Parking lot” technique, 58

Partners, 31

expectations between, 31

Partnership development, 31

Partnerships, 31

Paying attention, 50

Payne, Vivette, 175

People development, 71, 72

benefits of, 72

importance of, 72

steps involved in, 71

People management, 99

People skills, 10

Performance appraisal process, 105, 106

purposes and benefits of the, 105

Performance appraisal, 40

Performance feedback, 40, 99–101

providing, 101

Performance management tool, 103

Performance motivation, 139–140

factors affecting. See also motivation factors

Performance problems and issues, 23

Personal action plan, 179, 181, 183

being realistic about, 183

Personal qualities, 29

Personal responsibility, 28

Personal standards, 144

setting, 26

Planning and managing change, 175

Planning and organization, 149, 150

imperatives of, 150

Planning cycle, 153

asking the right questions, 153

Positive feedback, 100, 101, 143

Positive relationship, 35

developing and maintaining, 35

Post-training meeting, 86

Power centers and formal structure, 16–17

Preparing an agenda, 57

Presentation/demonstration. See Training, Four-step method, 52

Presenting ideas, 51

Pre-training meeting, 86


multiple, 3

specific, 3

Projects, 32

information on the progress of, 32

Quality and service, 27

Receiver, 47

Recording decisions, 58

Reinemund, Steven, 71, 165

Relationship potential, 30, 33

maximizing the, 33

Resolving workplace conflict. See Workplace conflict, successfully managing, 164

Role model, 165

Safety, 162

Selection of leadership style, 14

Self-assessment, 2, 3, 11

issues in, 3

using the results of, 11

Sender, 47

Sense of humor, 85, 133

Setting goals, 72

Setting priorities, 28

Sharing resources, 133

Shift of focus. See also Focus, 2

Situational leadership, 1

Skill areas, 182

rating skill levels, 181, 183

Span of control, 7, 8

Speaker, 52

Specific results, 47

Stages of change, 173, 174

Stephen Covey, 156

Stevens–Long, Judith. See also Commons, Michael L. 73

Stress, 139, 157, 158

effect on productivity, 139, 157

Success, 27

believability of, 27

inspiring, 27

Successful plan, 150

Supervising in a changing environment, 38

Supervising tasks and learning skills, 11

Supervision, 139

Supervisor, 1, 21, 72, 127 See also First-line supervisor

being effective as a, 127

role of the, 21

rules to follow as a, 10

Supervisory roles, 22–23

handling problems and issues, 22

providing resources, 22

Supervisory skills, 18

Supervisory success, 38

Supportive environment, 87

Task force See also Team, 130

Task vs. people, 12

Team, 2, 5, 7, 123, 125, 127

definition of, 125, 127

subdividing a, 125

transform a group into a, 123, 127

Team builder, 3

Team development, 41, 123, 134–135

obstacles to, 123, 134

removing obstacles to, 135

Team member, 3, 28, 126–127, 130

being valuable as a. See valuable team member, 123

common approach, 126

complementary skills, 126

mutual accountability, 127

purpose and goals, 126

Team spirit, 125

Teamwork, 123–124, 127–129, 143

benefits of, 124, 125

improving, 129

share expectations, 127

sharing glory, 129

sharing responsibilities, 128

value of, 124

Technical skills, 4

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, 156

The, 80/20 rule, 143

The boss, 1, 29, 34 See also “Big boss”

complaining about, 34

positive working relationship with, 30

responsibilities, 1

working with, 29

Things to avoid, 34, 35

Thomas, Kenneth W. 113

Thomas–Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument, 113

Time allocation, 4

Time available, 15

and leadership style, 15

Time commitment, 5, 6

Time management, 139, 155, 156

effect on productivity, 139

The management systems, 155

Day runner, 155

Day timer, 155

Franklin Covey, 155

Time saving, 56

Timetable, 151

Top performance, 142

Trainer, 83–85

being effective as a, 83

rating one’s qualities as a, 85

skills necessary to be effective, 84, 85

Training, 10, 78, 81–83, 86. See also Employee training

benefits of, 78

four-step method, 84

making sure it is effective, 86

Tryout. See Training, Four-step method

Undercontrol, 146

Untrained employees, 79

Upper management, 7, 28, 41, 99, 124

demands from, 28

Upward communication, 30, 32, 33

establishing guidelines for, 32

Valuable team member, 131

keys to Being a, 131

Virtual employees, 41

Virtual offices, 41

Virtual work, 161, 168–169, 171–172. See also Distance management

dos and don’ts for implementing, 171

organization success factors, 171

Virtual worker, 170, 171

being successful as a, 170

considerations when selecting a, 171

Vision, mission, and goals, 32

Voice mail, 64

WII-FM (what’s in it for me) 51, 61

Work, 22, 139

organization and planning, 22

procedures for planning and organizing, 139

Work environment, 161

changes in the, 161

Work group, 12

Work plan, 154

developing a, 154

Workforce, 2000 study, 164

Working together, 123

importance of, 123

Working with difficult employees, 99, 106

strategies for, 99

Workplace, 31

written documents in the, 31

federal legislation in the, 163

Workplace conflict, 99, 110, 113, 115

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