Chapter 12. Adding Sound


  • Working with audio formats

  • Understanding the Speech codec

  • Importing sounds into Flash

  • Adding sounds to buttons and frames

  • Understanding Sync options

  • Using compression in publish settings

  • Customizing compression in the Library panel

  • Working with VBR MP3

One of the more neglected — or perhaps understated — aspects of multimedia development is sound. Because many people who use Flash or create multimedia come from graphic arts backgrounds, it's no surprise that sound is often applied as the last effect to an otherwise visually stunning presentation — there may be little or no consideration for the soundtrack in early stages of development. Moreover, it's the one element that is usually taken from a stock source, instead of being the Flash designer's original work. (Exceptions exist, of course, as Flash designers have demonstrated time and time again.)


It goes without saying that as Web projects or applications grow in scope, production teams tend to include specific members responsible for unique tasks, from graphic design to user interface design to sound design.

You can use sound in Flash movies to enhance interactive design with navigation elements, such as buttons, to layer the visitor's experience with a background soundtrack, to add narration, or for more experimental uses. In this chapter, I focus on the fundamentals of importing and integrating sound files into your Flash project. I also discuss the intricacies of controlling audio output, with particular attention to MP3 bit rates. You learn how to use the Publish Settings dialog box and compare it with the enhanced control that is available for customizing compression from within the Sound Properties dialog box of the Library panel. This chapter guides you through using audio within a Flash document and suggests tips for getting the most bang per byte in the final Flash movie file (.swf).

Identifying Sound File Import and Export Formats

Flash CS5 can work with a wide variety of sound file formats. In this section, you learn what sound file types you can bring into a Flash document file (.fla) and how Flash can compress audio in a variety of formats in the final Flash movie file (.swf).

Import formats

You can import most sound file formats in either the Windows or Mac version of Flash CS5. All major sound file types, such as MP3 and WAV, are compatible on both versions. After you import a sound file into a Flash document, you can edit the resulting .fla file on either platform.

Flash CS5 can import the following sound file formats:

  • MP3 (MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3): Among the many advantages of MP3 sound files for Flash users, the most obvious is that they are cross-platform. Flash CS5 can import MP3 files created on either Windows or Mac. This single advantage improves Flash workflow in cross-platform environments. Other advantages are the efficiency of MP3 compression, the increasing availability of MP3 files, as well as the ease of creating MP3 files with common players such as Windows Media Player or Apple iTunes. For more information about MP3s, see the sidebar at the end of the section.

  • WAV (Windows Wave): Until the relatively recent support for MP3, WAV files reigned for nearly a decade as the standard for digital audio on Windows PCs. Still, the WAV format remains the primary acquisition sound format, the format in which you record sound from a microphone or other sound source on your computer. Flash can import WAV files created in sound applications and editors such as Sound Forge or ACID. The imported WAV files can be either stereo or mono and can support varying bit depths and frequency rates. You can import WAV files directly into Flash CS5 on Mac and PC.

  • AIFF or AIF (Audio Interchange File format): Much like WAV on the PC, the AIFF format is one of the most commonly used digital audio formats for sound acquisition on the Mac. Flash can import AIFF sounds created in sound applications and editors such as Bias Peak or Adobe Soundbooth CS5. Like WAV, AIFF supports stereo and mono, in addition to variable bit depths and frequency rates. Unassisted, the Windows version of Flash CS5 cannot import this file format. But when QuickTime 4 or later is installed, you can import AIFF files into Flash CS5 on Windows. The Windows version of Flash CS5 recognizes, properly opens, and can edit Flash documents created on the Mac that contain AIFF sounds.

  • Sun AU: This sound format file (.au) was developed by Sun Microsystems and Next, and it is the native sound format on many Solaris and UNIX systems, just as WAV and AIFF are native to Windows and the Mac, respectively. The Sun AU format is frequently used with sound-enabled Java applets on Web pages.

  • QuickTime: You can import QuickTime audio files (.qta or .mov) directly into Flash CS5, provided that you have QuickTime 4 or later installed. After you import a QuickTime audio file into a Flash document, the sound file appears in the library just as any other sound would.

  • Sound Designer II: This proprietary audio file format created by Digidesign is used with its signature professional audio suite, Pro Tools. You can import sounds that you save in this file format into the Mac version of Flash CS5. If you need to use a Sound Designer II file (.sd2 file extension) with the Windows version of Flash CS5, you can import the file directly if you have QuickTime 4 or later installed.


With Flash CS5, you can link proxy sound files to Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) and Melody For i-mode (MFI) files that can be played back on mobile devices with Flash Lite. For more information, see


Don't rely upon the imported sound that's embedded in the Flash document file (.fla) as your master or backup sound file. Always retain your original master sound file as a backup or for reuse in other multimedia projects.

These sound file types are structural or "architecture" based, meaning that they simply indicate the wrapper used to encode digital audio. Each of them can use a variety of compression techniques or a variety of audio codecs. A codec is a compression and decompression module for digital media. Sound and video is encoded (compressed) with a specific technique by an application or device. After it is encoded, it can be played back (decompressed) by a media player that has access to the codec module. In order for a sound file to play on your computer, you must have the audio codec used in that file installed on your system. MP3 files, for example, can be compressed in a variety of bit rates and frequencies, as can WAV and AIF files. After Flash imports a sound file, the wrapper type (AIF, WAV, AU, and so on) is stripped. Flash simply stores the sound file as generic PCM (Pulse Code Modulation) digital audio. Moreover, Flash converts any imported 8-bit sound file into a 16-bit sound file. For this reason, it's best not to use any precompression or low bit depths on your sound files before you bring them into Flash CS5.


You can adjust individual MP3 sound files in the Flash document's Library panel to retain their original compression. This is the sole exception to the rule I just mentioned in the preceding paragraph. As you'll see later in this chapter, however, Flash CS5 may need to recompress all sound files in a Flash movie, depending on their use in the movie's timeline.

Export formats

You can decide which sound encoding to use for audio when publishing Flash document files to Flash movie files (.swf). Although the default publish settings in Flash CS5 is to export all audio with the MP3 format, you can export sound in several other audio formats. I note the benefits and drawbacks of each format in the list that follows.


Flash CS5 enables you to export device sounds in a Flash movie, for playback on mobile devices that use file formats such as MIDI and MFI. I provide an overview of this feature in this section.

Regardless of the format that you choose in your document's publish settings for exporting your sounds, you can individually specify a compression scheme for each sound in the Flash document's library. Furthermore, each format has specific options and settings that I examine later in this chapter.

  • ADPCM (Adaptive Differential Pulse-Code Modulation): ADPCM is an audio compression scheme that converts sound into binary information. It is primarily used for voice technologies, such as fiber-optic telephone lines, because the audio signal is compressed, enabling it to carry textual information as well. ADPCM works well because it records only the difference between samples and adjusts the encoding accordingly, keeping file size low. ADPCM was the default setting for older versions of Flash, such as Flash 2 and 3. It isn't as efficient as MP3 encoding, but is the best choice for situations in which compatibility is required with all older Flash Players.

  • MP3 (MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3): MP3 has become the standard for digital audio distributed on the Internet. Although MP3 compression delivers excellent audio quality with small files, it's much more processor intensive than other compressors. This means that slower computers — and I mean slow, as in Pentium I or pre-PowerMac G3 processors — may gasp when they encounter a high bit-rate MP3 audio while simultaneously processing complex animations. As always, it's wise to know your audience. When in doubt, test your Flash movie with MP3 audio on slower computers. Flash Players 4 and higher support MP3 playback.


    Not all versions of the Flash Player support MP3 sound. With Flash Player 6 and higher, you can use ActionScript's System.capabilities.hasMP3 (ActionScript 2.0) or flash.system.Capabilities.hasMP3 (ActionScript 3.0) property to determine if the hosting player device supports MP3 audio. You can learn more about this use of ActionScript in the Help documentation that ships with Flash CS5.

  • Raw (Raw PCM): Flash can export sound to SWF files in a raw audio format. If you use this setting, Flash won't compress any audio. However, uncompressed sound makes very large files that would be useless for Internet-based distribution. As uncompressed sound, audio in the imported sound file retains its original fidelity. I recommend that you use the Raw format only for Flash movies that you intend to export as linear animation for output to video-editing applications.

  • Speech (Nellymoser): This audio codec introduced with Flash Player 6 is specifically designed for audio sources that contain mostly human speech, such as narration or instructional content. Macromedia (before Adobe acquired the company) licensed audio technology from Nellymoser, Inc., which specializes in the development of voice-only audio codecs. All sounds that use the Speech codec are converted to mono sounds. You can see the real power of this codec in live streaming audio delivered by Adobe Flash Media Server, because this codec is incredibly efficient and a fast encoder with a low server and client processor overhead. For example, if you want to use a NetStream object in ActionScript to stream live audio from a microphone, the Speech codec optimizes the audio information very efficiently. You must use Flash Player 6 or later to play sounds encoded with this format.

  • Device sound: With Flash CS5, you can link device sound files to imported sounds in your Flash movie. You use device sounds specifically for playback of Flash movies on mobile devices enabled with Flash Lite, a version of the Flash Player. Because the desktop Flash Player cannot play device sound file formats, you import regular sound files such as MP3s into your Flash document. These sounds are then used in a proxy fashion — you add the sound to event handlers (keyframes, buttons, and so on) just as you would any other sounds. Before you publish the Flash movie file (.swf), however, you change the settings of the sound file in the Library panel to point to a device sound. When the Flash movie is published, the device sound is embedded and used within the Flash movie, not the original imported sound.


I examine the specific export options for each audio format later in this chapter. This section will help you determine which format you should use for your specific needs.

Table 12.1 shows the compatibility of Flash's audio export formats with various platforms.

Table 12.1. Audio Export Formats for Flash Players

Export Format

Flash 3 or Earlier

Flash 4 and 5

Flash 6 or Higher






Good encoding scheme; compatible with all Flash players; works well for short sound effects such as button clicks





Best general-use encoding scheme; ideal for music tracks





No compression; lossless; large file sizes





Excellent compression for human speech; avoids "tinny" sounds for voices; ideally suited for real-time compression with Flash server-side applications

Device sound




Sound export feature available in Flash CS5; for use with MIDI and MFI files for playback on mobile devices with Flash Lite

Importing Sounds into Flash

In the preceding section, I discussed the various sound formats that Flash CS5 can import and export. In addition to covering the merits of the MP3 and Speech codecs, I also explained the uses of platform-specific AIF (Mac) and WAV (Windows) audio files. But I didn't delve into the process of importing sound into Flash CS5. So, let's get started.


When working with sound, you may encounter some interchangeable terminology. Generally, these terms — sound file, sound clip, and audio file — all refer to the same thing, a single digital file in one of several formats that contains a digitally encoded sound.

Unlike other imported assets, such as bitmaps or vector art, Flash won't automatically insert an imported sound file into the frames of the active layer on the Timeline. In fact, you don't have to select a specific layer or frame before you import a sound file. That's because all sounds are sent directly to the library immediately upon import, regardless of whether you use File

Importing Sounds into Flash

To import a sound file into the Flash CS5 authoring environment, follow these steps:

  1. Choose File

    Importing Sounds into Flash
  2. From the Files of type list (Windows) or Enable list (Mac) in the Import dialog box, select All Sound Formats.


    On the Mac OS X version of Flash CS5, you may need to choose All Files in the Show menu in order to select an appropriate sound file.

  3. Browse to the sound file that you want to import.


    If you're looking for a sample audio file, you can import the atmospheres_1.mp3 or the atmospheres_1_short.mp3 file found in the resources folder of this book's CD-ROM.

  4. Click Open. The sound file you select is imported into your Flash document file (.fla) and arrives in the document's library with its filename intact. If the Library panel is closed, you can open it by choosing Window

    Importing Sounds into Flash
    This is a stereo sound in the Flash document's library.

    Figure 12.1. This is a stereo sound in the Flash document's library.


Refer to "Fine-Tuning Sound Settings in the Library" later in this chapter for an explanation of how you can specify unique compression settings for each sound in a document's library.

You can also import sound files into a Flash document by dragging the sound file from the desktop to the Library panel. On the Mac, you can drag the sound file to the Stage as well. This method can be especially useful when you have searched for a sound file by using the operating system's search tool (Start

How Sound Is Stored in a Flash Movie

Assigning a Sound to a Button

The interactive experience can be enhanced by the addition of subtle effects. The addition of sounds to correspond with the various states of a button is perhaps the most obvious example. Although this effect can be abused, it's hard to overuse an effect that delivers such meaningful user feedback. Here, I show how different sounds can be added to both the Over (rollOver) and the Down (press) states of a button.


For more general information about creating the buttons themselves, see Chapter 6, "Symbols, Instances, and the Library," and see Chapter 15, "Understanding Actions and Event Handlers," to learn how to add code to buttons.

Because buttons are stored in the library, and because only instances of a Button symbol are deployed within the Flash movie, sounds that are assigned to a button work for all instances of that Button symbol. However, if different sounds are required for different buttons, a new Button symbol must be created (see the following Tip note for an exception to this "rule"). You can create a new Button symbol from the same Graphic symbols as the previous button (provided it was built out of symbols) or duplicate it in the Library panel by using the Duplicate command in the Library panel's options menu.

To add a sound to the Down state of a button symbol, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new button symbol (Insert

    Assigning a Sound to a Button
  2. Drag an instance of the button from the Buttons Library panel (or the document's Library panel) to the Stage.

  3. Edit the Button symbol by double-clicking it on the Stage or in the Library panel. Both methods transfer the working environment into Edit mode.

  4. Add a new layer to the button's timeline, label the new layer "sound," and then add keyframes to this layer in the Over and Down columns. Your timeline should look similar to Figure 12.2.

    The timeline for your button should resemble this one.

    Figure 12.2. The timeline for your button should resemble this one.

  5. Select the frame of the button state where you want to add a sound for interactive feedback (such as a clicking sound for the Down state), and then access the Properties panel by choosing Window

    The timeline for your button should resemble this one.
    The Properties panel controls the options for sound usage on a given frame.

    Figure 12.3. The Properties panel controls the options for sound usage on a given frame.

  6. Choose the sound clip that you want to use from the Sound section's Name menu. This menu lists all the sounds that have been imported and that are available in the library of the current movie. In this example, I used the click.wav sound found in the resources folder of the book's CD-ROM.

  7. Use the Sync menu to choose how you want the sound to play. For this lesson, simply use the default, which is the Event option. I'll defer exploration of the other options in the Sync menu to a later section.

You have now added a sound to your button state. Remember that you're still in Edit mode, so to test the button, return to the Scene 1 timeline (that is, the Main Timeline) either by clicking the Scene 1 location label at the upper-left corner of the Document window or by pressing Ctrl+E (

The Properties panel controls the options for sound usage on a given frame.

To add a sound to the Over state of a Button symbol, simply retrace the preceding steps, referencing the Over state of the button wherever appropriate. Remember that different sounds can be assigned to the Up, Over, and Down states of a Button symbol. A sound that is added to the Up state plays whenever the mouse rolls out of a button's hit area.


For a completed example of this button, refer to the Flash movie button_sound.fla located in the ch12 folder on this book's CD-ROM. This movie has a button with sounds attached and was made with the same technique described in this section.

Adding Sound to the Timeline

In addition to the use of sounds to enhance the interactivity of buttons, another popular use for sound in Flash is to provide a background score. The simplest way to achieve this is to place the sound within its own layer in the Main Timeline (Scene 1), at the precise frame in which you want the sound to begin. To do this, you must first import the sound (as described earlier in this chapter) and create a new layer for it.


If you don't have access to sounds, you can use the sample sound atmospheres_1 to practice. This sound is in the resources folder on the CD-ROM. It is available in both WAV and AIF formats.


Adobe Flash CS5 ships with over 180 sound effects in the Sounds library (Window

Adding Sound to the Timeline

Adding sound files to a timeline is similar to assigning sound to a button. To add sounds to a timeline, follow these steps:

  1. Add a new layer in the Timeline window and label the layer with the name of the sound. You can use a name such as "sound" or "background track."

  2. Create a keyframe on the sound layer at the frame where you want the sound to begin.

  3. With that keyframe selected, open the Properties panel. Make sure that you have expanded the view to show all the sound attributes.

  4. If you remembered to import the sound that you want to use, you can now choose that sound clip from the Sound section's Name menu. If you find yourself stuck at this point, review the preceding steps and/or retrace your steps through the methodology for adding sound to a button.

  5. From the Effect menu, choose how Flash should handle the sound. The Effect menu offers several preset fading and panning treatments, plus Custom, which invokes the Edit Envelope dialog box. For no special effect, choose None. For more about the Effect presets and the Edit Envelope dialog box, refer to the subsequent section "Editing Audio in Flash."

  6. From the Sync menu, choose one of four options — Event, Start, Stop, or Stream — to control how you want the sound to be synchronized. See the next section, "Organizing Sounds on the Timeline," for a detailed explanation of Sync options.

  7. Specify how many times you want the sound to loop. To loop the sound indefinitely (for example, as a background track), choose Loop in the second drop-down menu in the Sync parameters. If you want the sound to loop only for a specific number of times, choose Repeat in the menu and enter a number in the text field to the right of the menu. For specific information about looping stream sounds, refer to the next section.

  8. Perform any last-minute editing or finessing of the sound file (see "Editing Audio in Flash" later in this chapter).

Your sound is now part of the timeline. Its waveform is visible on the layer to which it was added. Test your sound by pressing Enter on your keyboard, which plays the timeline; or, for sound with a Sync setting of Stream, manually "scrub" the sound by dragging the playhead across the timeline. To perform the most accurate test of the sound, use either Control

Adding Sound to the Timeline


If you sync a sound to a timeline by using the Stream feature, you should test your Flash movie file (.swf) on various platforms and machines with different processor speeds, especially if the timeline is always playing animation. What looks and sounds good on a fast computer might be less impressive on an older legacy machine, like a first- or second-generation Pentium or PowerMac G3 computer.

Organizing Sounds on the Timeline

The Flash Player can play several sound layers at once within a Flash movie; each layer functions like a separate sound channel, and Flash mixes them on playback. This capability of Flash might be considered a built-in economy sound mixer. There is, however, a practical limit because each sound layer potentially increases the movie's file size, and the mix of multiple sounds may burden the computer it's being run on.


Flash Player 8 or later movies can play up to 32 simultaneous sound channels. In older versions of the Flash Player, you are limited to 8 simultaneous sound channels. A stereo sound consumes two channels, and a mono sound consumes one channel.

Enhanced viewing of sound layers

Because sound is different from other types of Flash content, some users find that increasing the layer height of the sound layers eases working with multiple sounds in a timeline. That's because a taller layer height provides a better visual cue due to the unique waveforms of each sound. To increase the layer height for individual layers, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click (or Control+click on the Mac) the layer in the Timeline window, and then choose Properties from the contextual menu.

  2. At the bottom of the Layer Properties dialog box, change the layer height from the default 100 percent to either 200 or 300 percent. Note that these percentages are relative to the settings chosen in the options menu (located at the top-right corner) of the Timeline window.


For more information on the Timeline window, see Chapter 4, "Interface Fundamentals." For an actual example of this enhanced viewing, open the file enhanced_view.fla, located in the ch12 folder on the CD-ROM.


Your movie's frame rate, as specified in the Document Properties dialog box (Modify

Enhanced viewing of sound layers

Organizing sound layers with a layer folder

Flash CS5 offers a great organization tool for layers in any timeline: layer folders. To nest sound layers in a layer folder, create a new layer folder and then drag each of the sound layers to the folder. Each layer you drop on the folder nests within the folder.

Synchronizing Audio to Animations

In film editors' lingo, to synchronize, or sync, sound means to precisely match picture to sound. In Flash, sound can be synchronized to the visual content of the Timeline. Flash sync affords several options for the manner in which the audio clip is related to graphics or animation on a timeline. Each of these Sync options is appropriate for particular uses, which the following sections discuss.

The Sync options in the sound area of the Properties panel control the behavior of sound in Flash movies, relative to the timeline in which the sound is placed. The Sync option you choose depends on whether your sound is intended to add dimension to a complex multimedia presentation or to add interactivity in the form of button-triggered sound, or whether it is intended to be the closely timed soundtrack of an animated cartoon.


Event is the default Sync option for all sounds in Flash, so unless you change this default to one of the other options, the sound automatically behaves as an event sound. Event sounds begin with the keyframe in which they occur and then play independently of the timeline. If an event sound's duration is longer than the remaining frames of its timeline, it continues to play even though playback on the timeline has stopped. If an event sound requires considerable time to load, the movie pauses at that keyframe until the sound has loaded completely. Event sounds are the easiest to implement and are useful for background soundscapes and other sounds that don't need to be synced. Again, Event is the default Sync setting in the Sound menu of the Properties panel.


Event sounds can degrade into a disturbing inharmonious round of out-of-tune sound loops. If the timeline holding the event sound loops before the sound has completed, the sound begins again — over the top of the initial sound that has not finished playing. After several loops, the resulting effect can become intolerable. To avoid this effect, use the Start Sync option.


The Start Sync option is similar to an Event option, but with one crucial difference: If any instance of that sound is already playing, then no other instance of that sound can play. In other words, the Start Sync option tells the sound to begin playing only if other instances have finished playing or if it's the first instance of that sound to play. This option is useful if you want to avoid the layering problem discussed in the preceding Caution note for event sounds.


Start sounds are actually a type of event sound. Later in this chapter, when I refer to Audio Stream and Audio Event settings in the Publish Settings dialog box, realize that Start sounds belong to the Audio Event category.


The Stop Sync option is similar to the Start Sync option, except that any and all instances of the selected sound stop playing when the frame containing the Stop Sync option is played. This option comes in handy when you want to mute a specific sound in a crowd of others. For example, if you created a sound mixer with an arrangement of Button instances, you could assign the Stop Sync option to a mute button for each of the sounds in the mixer.


Stream sounds are similar to a traditional soundtrack in a video-editing application. A stream sound locks to the timeline and has priority over visual content. When you choose a stream sound, the Flash Player attempts to pace the animation in sync with the sound. However, when animations either get too complex or are run on slower machines, the Flash Player skips — or drops — the frames as needed to stay in sync with the stream sound. A stream sound stops when the playhead reaches the last frame that includes the waveform of the stream sound; likewise, a stream sound pauses if the timeline containing the stream sound is stopped. A stream sound can be scrubbed; by dragging the playhead along the layer's frames in the Timeline window, the stream sound plays in direct relationship to the content as it appears, frame by frame. This is especially useful for lip-sync and coordinating the perfect timing of sound effects with visual events.

To use sound effectively, it's important to understand how stream sounds work. When a Flash document is published as a Flash movie file (.swf) and the Sync option for a sound is set to Stream, Flash breaks the sound into chunks that are tied to a timeline. The bytes within the movie are arranged according to the linear order of the Main Timeline (that is, Scene 1). As such, if you have a stream sound that stretches from frames 1 to 100 of the Main Timeline and the movie contains a total of 200 frames, the stream sound's bytes are evenly distributed over the first 50 percent of the file's bytes.


When adding sounds to a timeline, no matter how many times you tell a stream sound to loop, a stream sound stops playing wherever the visual waveform in the Timeline window ends. To extend a stream sound's duration, add as many frames as necessary to a stream sound's layer.

Stopping Sounds

The default behavior of event sounds is to play through to the end, regardless of the length of the timeline on which they exist. However, you can stop any sound, including event sounds. Place another instance of the same sound at the keyframe where the sound should stop and assign this instance as a Stop Sync option. This Stop setting can be on any layer, and it stops all instances of the specific sound. Let's give this a try.

Stopping an event sound

In this section, I show you how to stop an event sound by using two different methods. The first method uses a Stop sound on a keyframe in the Main Timeline (Scene 1). The second method uses a button instance with a stop sound on its Down state.

  1. Create a Flash ActionScript 3.0 document that has an event sound placed on the first keyframe and has enough frames on the timeline to display the entire waveform of the sound.


    You can use the enhanced_view.fla file from this book's CD-ROM as a practice file. If you use this file, change the Sync setting of the sound to Event in the Properties panel.

  2. Create a new layer in the Timeline window, and name this layer stop sound.

  3. On the stop sound layer, pick a frame that's about five seconds into the sound shown on the original layer.

  4. Create a keyframe on this frame in the stop sound layer.

  5. With this keyframe selected, open the Properties panel.

  6. In the Name menu of the Sound section, choose the same sound file that was used in the original sound layer.

  7. In the Sync menu of the Properties panel, choose Stop. As a stop sound, this setting tells the Flash Player to stop any and all instances of the sound specified in the Sound menu.

  8. Save your Flash document and test it (Control

    Stopping an event sound

Now, I show you how to play and mute an event sound by clicking buttons. You'll place an event sound on one Button symbol instance, and then a stop sound on another Button symbol instance.

  1. In a new Flash ActionScript 3.0 document, create a copy of the Play and Stop buttons from the classic buttons

    Stopping an event sound
  2. Import a sound file to use as your event sound. You can use the atmospheres_1.mp3 sound file from the book's CD-ROM.

  3. In the document's Library panel, double-click the Play button to edit the symbol.

  4. In the Timeline window, create a new layer and name it sound.

  5. Insert a keyframe on the Down state of the sound layer.

  6. Select the keyframe made in Step 5 and open the Properties panel.

    The Play and Stop buttons on the Stage

    Figure 12.4. The Play and Stop buttons on the Stage

  7. Select the imported sound's name in the Name menu of the Sound section, and leave the Sync menu at the default Event setting. When you are finished, your document should resemble Figure 12.5.

  8. Double-click the Stop button in the Library panel.

  9. Repeat Steps 3–7. This time, however, choose Stop in the Sync menu for the atmospheres_1 sound.

  10. Save your document and test it (Control

    The Play and Stop buttons on the Stage
This sound plays when the Play button is clicked.

Figure 12.5. This sound plays when the Play button is clicked.

You may have noticed that if you click the Play button repeatedly, new instances of the sound begin to play, overlapping with the original playing sound instance. Regardless, the Stop Sync option stops all of them. If you want to prevent the Play button from enabling this type of overlap, go back to the sound keyframe on the Play button and change its Sync option to Start.


You can find a completed example of the Play and Stop buttons exercise as stop_sound.fla, located in the ch14 folder on the CD-ROM.

Stopping a single instance of a stream sound

You can also stop a single instance of a stream sound. To do this, simply place an empty keyframe in the sound layer at the point where the sound should stop.

  1. Open the enhanced_view.flafile, located in the ch12folder of the book's CD-ROM.

  2. Switch the layer view of the atmospheres_1 layer back to 100% in the Layer Properties dialog box.

  3. Select the first frame of the atmospheres_1 layer.

  4. In the Properties panel, switch the Sync option to Stream.

  5. Select frame 60 of the atmospheres_1 layer, and insert a blank keyframe (F7). This is the point where the stream sound will stop playing.

  6. Save your Flash document and test it (Control

    Stopping a single instance of a stream sound

The Bandwidth Profiler also reveals something I touched upon earlier: Stream sounds export only the actual portion of the sound that's used within frames of a layer in the Timeline window. In our example, 60 frames' worth of the atmospheres_1 sound was about 12K (at default MP3 compression, 16 kilobits per second, or Kbps).

Stopping all sounds

You can stop the sounds that are playing in all timelines (including Movie Clips) at any point by following these steps in a Flash ActionScript 3.0 document:

  1. If there isn't already an actions layer in the Timeline window, add a layer, label it actions, and select the frame that occurs at the point where you want all sounds to stop. Make this frame into a keyframe.

  2. With the keyframe selected, open the Actions panel by pressing F9 (or Option+F9 on Mac) or by navigating to Window

    Stopping all sounds
  3. Click the booklet in the left pane of the panel. Then click the SoundMixer booklet, followed by the Methods booklet.

  4. Double-click the stopAllaction. The ActionScript code SoundMixer.stopAll(); appears in the Script pane of the Actions panel, as shown in Figure 12.6.

    Any sound that's currently playing stops when the movie reaches a keyframe with a SoundMixer.stopAll () action.

    Figure 12.6. Any sound that's currently playing stops when the movie reaches a keyframe with a SoundMixer.stopAll () action.


    I've updated all ActionScript code in this edition of the book to use ActionScript 3.0. If you need to create ActionScript 2.0 code for legacy projects, refer to previous editions.

  5. Save your Flash document and then test it with Control

    Any sound that's currently playing stops when the movie reaches a keyframe with a SoundMixer.stopAll () action.

The SoundMixer.stopAll() action stops only sounds that are playing at the time the action is executed. It does not permanently mute the sound for the duration of the movie. You can proceed to reinitialize any sounds any time after the SoundMixer.stopAll() action has executed. If you want to stop playback again, you must enable another SoundMixer.stopAll() action or use a stop sound.

Editing Audio in Flash

Although Flash was never intended to perform as a full-featured sound editor, it does a remarkable job with basic sound editing. If you plan to make extensive use of sound in Flash, I recommend that you consider investing in a more robust sound editor. You'll have fewer limitations and greater control over your work.

Sound-editing controls

Flash CS5 has basic sound-editing controls in the Edit Envelope dialog box, which is accessed by clicking the Edit button in the Sound section of the Properties panel. (As you may recall from previous sections, you must first select the keyframe containing the sound, and then view the settings in the Properties panel.) The Time In control and the Time Out control, or Control Bars, in Edit Envelope enable you to change the In (start) and Out (end) points of a sound. You use the envelope handles to create custom Fade-in and Fade-out effects. The Edit Envelope dialog box also enables you to edit each sound channel separately if you are working with a stereo (two-channel) sound.


The edits you apply to a sound file in the Edit Envelope dialog box affect only the specific instance you have assigned to a keyframe. The original file that resides in the Flash document's Library panel is neither changed nor resaved.

A sound's In point is where the sound starts playing, and a sound's Out point is where the sound finishes. The Time In control and the Time Out control are used for setting or changing a sound's In and Out points. Here's how to do this:

  1. Start by selecting the keyframe of the sound you want to edit, and then access the Properties panel.

  2. Click the Edit button in the sound attributes area of the Properties panel to open the Edit Envelope dialog box, as shown in Figure 12.7.

  3. Drag the Time In control and Time Out control (located in the horizontal strip between the two channels) to define or restrict which section plays.

  4. Use the envelope handles to edit the sound volume by adding handles and dragging them up or down to modulate the volume.

  5. Click the Play button to hear the sound as edited before returning to the authoring environment.

  6. Rework the sound if necessary.

  7. When you've finessed the points and are satisfied with the sound, click OK to return to the Properties panel.

  8. Save your Flash document.

The sound-editing tools and options of the Edit Envelope dialog box, which is accessed from the Properties panel

Figure 12.7. The sound-editing tools and options of the Edit Envelope dialog box, which is accessed from the Properties panel

Applying effects from the Effect menu of the Properties panel

You can apply a handful of preset fades and other effects to a sound by selecting the effect from the Effect menu located in the sound attributes area of the Properties panel. For many uses, the Flash presets are more than sufficient, but if you find yourself feeling limited, remember that more subtle effects can be created in an external sound editor. I describe Flash's preset effects in detail here:

  • None: No effect is applied to either of the sound channels.

  • Left Channel/Right Channel: Plays only the right or left channel of a stereo sound.

  • Fade Left to Right/Fade Right to Left: This effect lowers the sound level of one channel while raising the level of the other, creating a panning effect. The effect occurs over the entire length of the sound.

  • Fade In/Fade Out: Fade In gradually raises the level of the beginning of a sound clip. Fade Out gradually lowers the level at the end of a sound. The default length for either effect is approximately 25 percent of the length of the clip. We've noticed that even if the size of the selection is edited with the control bars, the duration of the Fade In/Fade Out remains the same. (Thus, a 35-second sound clip with an original default Fade In time of 9 seconds still has a 9-second Fade In time even when the selection's length is reduced to, say, 12 seconds.) You can resolve this problem by creating a custom fade.

  • Custom: Any time you manually alter the levels or audio handles within the Edit Envelope dialog box, Flash CS5 automatically resets the Effect menu to Custom.

Creating a custom Fade-In or Fade-Out

For maximum sound-editing control within Flash, use the envelope handles to create a custom fade or to lower the audio levels (or amplitude) of a sound. In addition to creating custom fades, you can lower the levels creatively to create subtle, low-volume background sounds. Here's how:

  1. Select the keyframe of the sound you want to edit.

  2. Click the Edit button of the Properties panel to open the Edit Envelope dialog box.

  3. Click the envelope lines at any point to create new envelope handles.

  4. After handles have been created, you can drag them around to create your desired volume and fading effects. The lines indicate the relative volume level of the sound. When you drag an envelope handle downward, the line slopes down, indicating a decrease in the volume level, while dragging an envelope handle upward has the opposite effect. The Edit Envelope control is limited to eight envelope handles per channel (eight for left and eight for right).


You can remove envelope handles by dragging them outside the Edit Envelope dialog box.

Other controls in the Edit Envelope control

Other useful tools in the Edit Envelope dialog box warrant mention. Refer to Figure 12.7 for their locations.

  • Zoom In/Zoom Out: These tools either enlarge or shrink the view of the waveform, and they are particularly helpful when you're altering the In or Out points or envelope handles.

  • Seconds/Frames: The default for viewing sound files is to represent time in seconds. But viewing time in frames is advantageous for syncing stream sound. Toggle between viewing modes by clicking either the Seconds or Frames button at the lower right of the Edit Envelope dialog box.

The Repeat/Loop option

This option appears in the Properties panel, yet a measure of its functionality occurs in conjunction with the Edit Envelope dialog box. The Repeat/Loop drop-down menu and field is used to set the number of times that a sound file repeats (or loops indefinitely). You can use a small looping selection, such as a break beat or jazz riff, for a background soundtrack, or loop a short ambient noise for an interesting effect. To test the quality of a looping selection, click the Edit button, which takes you to the Edit Envelope dialog box, where you can click the Play button for a preview of your loop. If the loop isn't perfect or has hiccups, use the In and Out control bars and envelope handles to trim or taper off a blank or adversely repeating section.


Flash links looped sounds and handles them as one long sound file (although it's really one little sound file played repeatedly). Because this linkage is maintained within the editing environment, the entire expanse of a looped sound can be given a custom effect in the Edit Envelope dialog box. For example, a simple repeating two-measure loop can be diminished over 30 loops. This is a subtle effect that performs well, yet is economical in terms of file size. Note, however, that this applies only to event sounds.

Sound Optimization Overview

You need to be aware of several considerations when preparing Flash sound for export. For Web-based delivery, the primary concern is to find an acceptable middle ground between file size and audio quality. But the concept of acceptability is not absolute; it is always relative to the application. Consider, for example, a Flash site for a record company. In this example, sound quality is likely to be more important than file size because the audience for a record company expects quality sound. In any case, consideration of both your audience and your method of delivery helps you determine the export settings you choose. Luckily, Flash CS5 has capabilities that enhance the user's experience both by optimizing sounds more efficiently and by providing improved programming features to make download delays less problematic.

There are two ways to optimize your sound for export. The quickest, simplest way is to use the Publish Settings dialog box and apply a one-setting-optimizes-all approach. This can work well if all of your sound files are from the same source. For example, if all of your sound material is speech based, then you may be able to use global settings to encode all of your Flash sound. However, if you have a variety of sound sources in your movie, such as a combination of musical scores along with narrative tracks, then the Publish Settings dialog box may not deliver the highest possible level of optimization.

If you demand that your Flash movie has the smallest possible file size, or if your Flash project includes audio from disparate sources, or uses a combination of audio types — such as button sounds, background music, and speech — it's better to fine-tune the audio settings for each sound in the library. This method gives you much better control over output.


This chapter discusses only the audio-centric Publish features of Flash CS5. We explain general Publish Settings features in greater detail in Chapter 18, "Publishing Flash Movies."

Publish Settings for Audio

To take a global approach to the control of audio output quality, choose File

Publish Settings for Audio


You can also access the Flash tab of Publish Settings by using the Properties panel. Click the document's Stage or work area, and in the Properties panel, click the Settings button to the right of the Publish label.

The Flash tab of the Publish Settings dialog box has several options to control audio quality.

Figure 12.8. The Flash tab of the Publish Settings dialog box has several options to control audio quality.

The Flash tab of the Publish Settings dialog box has three options for controlling audio quality:

  • Audio Stream: Controls the export quality of stream sounds. To customize, click Set. This gives you a number of options, which I describe in the section that follows. Flash supports MP3, which is the optimal streaming format.

  • Audio Event: Controls the export quality of event sounds. To customize, click Set. This gives you the same number of options as the Set button for Audio Stream. I describe these options in the next section.

  • Override Sound Settings: If this box is checked, Flash uses the publish settings instead of the individual audio settings that are fine-tuned in the Library panel for the current document. For more information, see "Fine-Tuning Sound Settings in the Library" later in this chapter.

The Set options

Audio stream and Audio event have individual compression settings, which can be specified by their respective Set button options. If you click either Set button on the Flash tab, the same Sound Settings dialog box appears — it is identical for both Audio Stream and Audio Event, which means that the same options are offered for both types of sound. The Sound Settings dialog box, shown in various permutations in Figure 12.9, displays numerous settings related to the control of audio quality and audio file size. The type of compression you select governs the specific group of settings that appear.

The various options in the Sound Settings dialog box

Figure 12.9. The various options in the Sound Settings dialog box


The impact of individual sound settings may be overridden by another setting. For example, a Bit Rate setting of 160 Kbps may not result in high-quality sound if the Quality is set to Fast. Optimal results require attention to all the settings. It's like a set of interlinked teeter-totters: A little experimentation reveals the cumulative or acquired impact of each setting on the others. However, the need to experiment here is hobbled by the lack of a preview mechanism. By contrast, tuning a sound in the library is much more serviceable because there's a sound preview button adjacent to the settings controls. For more about this workflow, refer to "Fine-Tuning Sound Settings in the Library" later in this chapter.

The specific options that are available in the Sound Settings dialog boxes are always related to the compression, or audio-encoding scheme, selected in the Compression drop-down menu. That's because different compression technologies support different functionalities:

  • Disable: This option turns off all sounds that have been assigned in the Properties panel to keyframes in any timeline. If this option is selected, only sound that has been linked and attached for use in ActionScript plays in the movie. All other sound sources assigned in the movie are omitted from the final movie file (.swf ). No additional options accompany this setting.

  • ADPCM: With ADPCM selected in the Compression menu, the following options are available:

    • Convert Stereo to Mono: Mixes the right and left channel of audio into one (mono) channel. In sound-engineer parlance, this is known as "bouncing down."

    • Sample Rate: Choose from sampling rates of 5, 11, 22, or 44 kHz. Increasing the sample rate of an audio file to something higher than the native sample rate of the imported file simply increases file size, not quality. For example, if you import 22 kHz sounds into the Flash movie, selecting 44 kHz does not improve the sound quality. For more information on sample rates, see Appendix C, "Digital Audio Basics."

    • ADPCM Bits: Set the number of bits that ADPCM uses for encoding. You can choose a rate between 2 and 5 bits. The higher the ADPCM bits, the better the audio quality. Flash's default setting is 4 bits.

  • MP3: If you select MP3 in the Compression menu, you can set the following options:

    • Convert Stereo to Mono: Mixes the right and left channels of audio into one (mono) channel. This is disabled at rates below 20 Kbps because the lower bit rates don't allow stereo sound.

    • Bit Rate: MP3 measures compression in Kbps. The higher the bit rate, the better the audio quality. Because the MP3 audio compression scheme is very efficient, a high bit rate still results in a relatively small file size. Refer to Table 12.2 for a breakdown of specific bit rates and the resulting sound quality.

    • Quality: Choose Fast, Medium, or Best quality. These settings determine how well Flash CS5 analyzes the sound file during compression. Fast optimizes the audio file in the shortest amount of time, but usually with less quality. Medium analyzes the sound waveform better than the Fast setting but takes longer to compress. Best is the highest-quality setting, but it takes the longest time to compress the sound file. Note that the file size of the final compressed sound is not affected by any Quality setting — it simply instructs Flash how well it should analyze the sound during compression. The longer Flash takes to analyze a sound, the more likely the final compressed sound captures the high highs and the low lows. If you have a fast computer processor, I recommend that you use the Best setting during your final Flash movie publish. During development and testing, you may want to use Fast to avoid long waits.

  • Raw: When Raw (also known as Raw PCM audio) is selected in the Compression menu, there are two options:

    • Convert Stereo to Mono: Mixes the right and left channels of audio into one (mono) channel.

    • Sample Rate: This option specifies the sampling rate for the Audio Stream or Audio Events sounds. For more information on sample rate, refer to Appendix C.

  • Speech: When the Speech codec is selected in the Compression menu, only one option is available: Sample Rate. Any sound compressed with the Speech codec is converted to mono (one-channel) sound. Even though the Speech codec licensed from Nellymoser was designed for 8 kHz, Flash CS5 "upsamples" this codec to those frequencies the Flash Player supports. See Table 12.3 for an overview of these sampling rates and how they affect sound quality.

Table 12.2. MP3 Bit Rate Quality

Bit Rate

Sound Quality

Good For

8 Kbps

Very bad

Best for simulated moonwalk transmissions. Don't use this unless you want horribly unrecognizable sound.

16 Kbps

Barely acceptable

Extended audio files where quality isn't important, or simple button sounds.

20, 24, 32 Kbps


Speech or voice.

48, 56 Kbps


Large music files; complex button sounds.

64 Kbps


Large music files where good audio quality is required.

112–128 Kbps


Near-CD quality.

160 Kbps


Near-CD quality.

Table 12.3. Speech Sampling Quality

Sample Rate

Sound Quality

Good For

5 kHz


Sound playback over extremely limited data connections, such as 19.2 Kbps wireless Internet modems used by mobile devices.

11 kHz


Standard telephone-quality voice audio.

22 kHz


Not recommended for general Internet use. Although this setting produces higher fidelity to the original sound, it consumes too much bandwidth. For comparable sound, I recommend using a midrange MP3 bit rate.

44 kHz


See description for 22 kHz.


As a general rule, if you use the publish settings to control audio export globally, I recommend choosing MP3 at 20 or 24 Kbps. This results in moderate-to-good sound quality (suitable for most Flash projects), and the ratio of file size to quality gives reasonable performance. A range of 20 to 24 Kbps is an acceptable data rate for speech and short sound effects, while 96 to 128 Kbps is a better data rate for longer sounds and music.

Supporting audio and MP3 playback

Although this is becoming less of an issue with the desktop versions of the Flash Players, it may still be important to consider that MP3 or audio playback may not be supported by all Flash Players, especially device-based players. You can use ActionScript to check the capabilities of the Flash Player installed on a user's system. Using the flash.system.Capabilities class, you can check to see whether an MP3 decoder is installed. The specific property is



In FlashLite 1.1 or later, you can use the _capMP3 global property at runtime to determine if MP3 playback is supported on a particular device.

More important, though, you can script your movies to check whether the Flash Player has access to general audio output. Some devices with the Flash Player may not have any audio output. This property is



These class paths of the ActionScript 3.0 language are available only in Flash Player 9 or higher. Earlier versions of the Flash Player simply use System.Capabilities, not flash.system.Capabilities.

Fine-Tuning Sound Settings in the Library

The Publish Settings dialog box is convenient because it permits you to tweak a minimal set of sound adjustments, whereupon Flash exports all of your "noncustomized" stream sounds or event sounds at the same rate and compression. However, if you have many sounds and you are seriously concerned about obtaining the ideal balance of both optimal sound quality and minimum file size, you must export them at different rates and compressions. Consequently, for the fullest level of control over the way in which Flash compresses sound for delivery, I recommend you optimize each sound, individually, in the Library panel. In fact, it would be impossible for us to overemphasize this bit of sound advice: I recommend you optimize each sound, individually, in the library.

Settings for audio in the library

Audio settings in the Library panel are similar to those discussed previously for the Publish Settings dialog box. These settings appear in the Sound Properties dialog box, as shown in Figure 12.10. To access these settings, double-click the icon of the sound in the library; select the sound as it appears in the library and click the Properties button, or choose Properties from the Library panel's options menu; or right-click the sound symbol in the library and choose Properties.


Flash CS5 also enables you to access the compression settings alone for a sound file by right-clicking (or Control+clicking on the Mac) the sound file in the Library panel and choosing Export Settings from the contextual menu. The options in the Sound Settings dialog box are the same compression settings discussed in this section.

The Sound Properties dialog box enables you to control the compression settings and to precisely balance all other related settings for each individual sound in the library.

Figure 12.10. The Sound Properties dialog box enables you to control the compression settings and to precisely balance all other related settings for each individual sound in the library.

The top half of the Sound Properties dialog box displays status information about the sound file: To the far left is a window with the waveform of the selected audio; to the right of the waveform is an area that displays the name of the file together with its location, date, sample rate, channels, bit depth, duration, and file size.


The file location indicates the full absolute path to the sound file (for example, C:Inetpubwwwrootmysound.mp3) if you save your Flash document file (.fla) in a volume or hard drive that is different than the location of the sound file.

The lower half of the dialog box is titled Export Settings. The first setting is a menu used to select the compression scheme. The Compression options, and the subsequent compression-related options that appear in the other settings, are exactly the same as the sound options of the Publish Settings dialog box discussed earlier in this chapter.


If you imported an MP3 file, the Sound Properties dialog box automatically appears and enables the Use imported MP3 quality check box. The data rate of the imported MP3 file is then used for any event sound compression. However, if you use the MP3 file for stream sounds, the MP3 file is recompressed according to the Stream sound settings in the Publish Settings dialog box.

Estimated results appear beneath the Export Settings. Here, the estimated final file size (after compression) of the clip is shown, together with the compression percentage. This is an extremely important tool that is easily overlooked.


The estimated final file size is just that, an estimate. In our tests, the file size reported in the Sound Properties dialog box was consistently different from the actual file size reported by the size report generated during publishing. You can generate a text file containing detailed information about your final movie by enabling Generate size report in the Flash tab of the Publish Settings dialog box. When enabled, you can view the size report in the Output window in Test Movie mode.

The buttons to the right of the Sound Properties dialog box offer the following options:

  • Update: Click this button to have Flash check for an update of the audio file (if the original MP3, WAV, or AIFF file has been modified), and update it accordingly. Generally, this works only on the machine on which the audio file was originally imported. If you stored your files on a network server, all the members of your Flash production team should be able to use this feature.

  • Import: This enables you to import another audio file into the Flash environment. The imported audio file overwrites the existing sound appearing in the Sound Properties dialog box, but retains the original sound's name. This feature is useful if you originally imported a placeholder or low-quality sound and need to specify a new file to be used in its place.

  • Test: This excellent feature enables you to audition the export quality of the sound based on the options that you've selected from the Compression menu (and supporting options in the Export Settings).

  • Stop: Click this button to stop (silence) the sound that has been auditioned by using the Test button.

Fine-tuning your audio in the Sound Properties dialog box of the Library panel has three benefits. Foremost of these benefits is the ability to set specific compressions and optimizations for each individual sound. Another benefit is the Test button. This is an excellent way to audition your audio file and to know what it will sound like when it is exported with different compression schemes and bit rates — hearing is believing. Finally, the estimated results, which display how each setting will affect the compressed file size, is a powerful tool that helps you obtain the desired balance of quality and file size. In contrast, optimizing sounds with the publish settings is more of a blind process — it is not only more global, it's also more of a painful trial-and-error method.

Combining methods for controlling sounds

One of the coolest things about Flash audio is that you can combine the two methods of controlling sounds, using both the publish settings and the Library panel's Sound Properties dialog box to streamline your workflow while still maintaining a relatively high degree of control over sound quality. (This method works best if you already have some experience with sound behavior in Flash.)

For example, assume that you have three different event sounds in your Flash project. Two of these are simple button sounds. You decide that you won't require specialized compression for the sound used with the buttons. So, based on your prior experience of sound behavior in Flash, you go directly to the publish settings and set event sounds to publish as MP3 at 48 Kbps with Best quality.


I assume that you have left the sounds used for the buttons untouched in the Library panel, leaving the Compression setting in the Sound Settings dialog box at Default. The Default option tells Flash to handle the compression for these sounds with the publish settings.

But the third sound is a loop of background jazz music that you want to be heard at near-CD quality. For this sound, you access the Sound Properties dialog box and try a number of combinations — and test each one — until you find a balance between file size and audio quality that pleases your ears. For example, you may decide to assign this sound to export as an MP3, stereo at 64 Kbps, with Quality set to Best.

Final Sound Advice and Pointers

Here are a few final notes about sound and some pointers to more complex sound-related topics that may help you work with sound files in Flash CS5.

VBR (Variable Bit Rate) MP3

Adobe has licensed the Fraunhofer MP3 codec, which supports streaming MP3 with a constant bit rate. However, neither Flash CS5 nor any Flash Player supports Variable Bit Rate (VBR), or VBR MP3, encoding for stream sounds. VBR MP3 is a variant of MP3 that uses specialized algorithms to vary the bit rate according to the kind of sound being compressed. For example, a soprano solo would be accorded a higher bit rate than a crashing drum sequence, resulting in a superior ratio of quality to file size. There are a number of sound applications, such as Apple iTunes and the MP3 creation packs available for Windows Media Player, that export VBR MP3. If you have access to a sound application that exports VBR MP3, you'll be happy to know that you can import your VBR MP3 sound files, which are (theoretically) optimized for file size and quality beyond the compression capabilities of Flash CS5, and that you can maintain the compression of such files by doing the following:

  • In the Flash tab of the Publish Settings dialog box, leave the option to Override Sound Settings unchecked.

  • In the Sound Properties (or Export Settings) dialog box for each sound in the Library panel, choose MP3 for the Compression option in Export Settings and select the Use imported MP3 quality check box.

  • The Sync option (located in the Properties panel) for the sound cannot be set to Stream.

If you choose to use VBR MP3 files in your Flash documents, you may need to test the following options of VBR compression in your MP3 creation software:

  • Bit rate: Test the minimum bit rate that VBR will use for the MP3 file. Regular MP3 files use CBR, or Constant Bit Rate, which keeps the sound's bit rate steady through the entire sound file. With VBR, the bit rate can vary in ranges that you specify. Some higher bit rates, such as 320 Kbps, may not import well into the Flash CS5 authoring tool.

  • Quality: Most VBR-enabled MP3 software enables you to also pick an arbitrary quality setting for VBR MP3 files. Using terminology like Lowest, Medium Low, and High (and several in between), or percentages (1–100%), you can alter the quality of the bit rate. Note that this "quality" is not necessarily used in the same manner that Flash CS5 refers to quality for MP3 compression.

You may find that Flash CS5 gives you an import error for some VBR- (and CBR-) encoded MP3 files, although I haven't encountered this error with the last two releases of the Flash authoring tool. If a particular setting creates an MP3 file that can't be imported into Flash CS5, try another bit rate and/or quality combination. However, wI have found that Flash has inconsistent behavior when it comes to importing MP3 files. For example, you may find that one VBR setting/combination does not work for a particular sound file but that it works fine for others. Even more strangely, MP3 files that won't import into the Flash authoring environment load just fine into the Flash Player at runtime via ActionScript.

Optimizing sounds for bandwidth usage

It goes without saying that every Internet content creator strives to make every file and data transaction as small and efficient as possible to accommodate the majority of slow network connections in use today. As a Flash designer or developer incorporating sound into your projects, you'll want to properly plan sound usage in an effort to avoid 1MB SWF file downloads.

Table 12.4 explores many of the available network bandwidths that are in use on the Internet. However, as you've likely experienced, it's highly unusual to actually get the full download (or upload) speed out of your network connection. Variables such as network congestion, server load, and phone line conditions affect the quality of your network speed. Using the same formula that Adobe uses to determine approximate download speeds in the Bandwidth Profiler (within Test Movie mode), I calculated estimated bandwidth speeds for the connection speeds shown in Table 12.4. Because Flash CS5 displays compressed sound information in Kbps units, I converted these connection speeds into Kbps bit rates. More important, though, I also provided a 50 percent portion of this bit rate, as you'll likely need to save room for other Flash material, such as vector artwork, bitmap graphics, and animations.

Table 12.4. Bit Rates for Flash Movies

Hardware Support

Theoretical Bandwidth

Estimated Bandwidth

Percent of Theoretical

100% Bit Rate

50% Bit Rate

14.4 Kbps

1.8 KB/s

1.2 KB/s


9.6 Kbps

4.8 Kbps

19.2 Kbps

2.4 KB/s

1.6 KB/s


12.8 Kbps

6.4 Kbps

28.8 Kbps

3.6 KB/s

2.3 KB/s


18.4 Kbps

9.2 Kbps

33.6 Kbps

4.2 KB/s

2.8 KB/s


22.5 Kbps

11.2 Kbps

56 Kbps

7 KB/s

4.7 KB/s


37.6 Kbps

18.8 Kbps

64 Kbps

8 KB/s

5.4 KB/s


43.2 Kbps

21.6 Kbps

128 Kbps

16 KB/s

10.7 KB/s


85.6 Kbps

42.8 Kbps

256 Kbps

32 KB/s

21 KB/s


168 Kbps

84 Kbps

384 Kbps

48 KB/s

32 KB/s


256 Kbps

128 Kbps

768 Kbps

96 KB/s

64 KB/s


512 Kbps

256 Kbps

1.5 Mbps

192 KB/s

129 KB/s


1,032 Kbps

516 Kbps

11 Mbps

1,408 KB/s

943 KB/s


7,544 Kbps

3,772 Kbps

Using Table 12.4 as a guide, try to plan your Flash project for your target audience. Actually, you may have more than one target audience. As such, you may need to develop several versions of your sound assets, with each version targeted to a specific connection speed.

After you've decided your target audience(s), you can determine the maximum Kbps that your sound files should use. Table 12.5 shows you the bit rates of Raw, Speech, and ADPCM mono sounds. I don't include MP3 bit rates here because they're already calculated (and available) in the Compression menu of the Sound Properties dialog box: 8, 16, 20, 24, 32, 48, 56, 64, 80, 112, 128, and 160 Kbps. In Table 12.5, I show bit rates that are suitable for analog modem connections (14.4, 28.8, 33.6, and 56 Kbps) in bold.


If you want to see the actual sample rate used by Flash CS5's MP3 compression options, see Table 12.7 later in this chapter.

Table 12.5. Mono Bit Rates for Streaming Sound

Sampling Rate



ADPCM 2-bit

ADPCM 3-bit

ADPCM 4-bit

ADPCM 5-bit

5 kHz

80 Kbps

10 Kbps

10 Kbps

15 Kbps

20 Kbps

25 Kbps

11 kHz

176 Kbps

22 Kbps

22 Kbps

33 Kbps

44 Kbps

55 Kbps

22 kHz

352 Kbps

44 Kbps

44 Kbps

66 Kbps

88 Kbps

110 Kbps

44 kHz

704 Kbps

88 Kbps

88 Kbps

132 Kbps

176 Kbps

220 Kbps

In Tables 12.6 and 12.7, I calculate the file sizes that 1 second of mono (one-channel) sound occupies in a Flash movie file (.swf). Use the values in these tables as multipliers for your sound file's actual length. For example, if you know that you have a 30-second soundtrack file, the final Flash movie file size (containing just the audio) would be about 60K with ADPCM 3-bit, 5 kHz compression. Regardless of the actual content of the digital audio, these encodings produce consistent file sizes based on length and resolution.

Table 12.6. File Sizes in Bytes (KB) for One Second of Mono Audio

Sample Rate







5 kHz







11 kHz







22 kHz







44 kHz







Table 12.7. File Sizes in Bytes (KB) for One Second of Mono MP3 Audio

Bit Rate


Output Sample Rate

8 Kbps

1,263 (1.2)

11 kHz

16 Kbps

2,511 (2.5)

11 kHz

20 Kbps

3,135 (3.1)

11 kHz

24 Kbps

3,369 (3.3)

22 kHz

32 Kbps

4,487 (4.4)

22 kHz

48 Kbps

5,605 (5.5)

22 kHz

56 Kbps

5,605 (5.5)

22 kHz

64 Kbps

8,543 (8.3)

44 kHz

80 Kbps

10,716 (10.5)

44 kHz

112 Kbps

14,980 (14.6)

44 kHz

128 Kbps

17,112 (16.7)

44 kHz

160 Kbps

17,112 (16.7)

44 kHz


You may notice that some bit rate settings in Table 12.7 create the same file size for the MP3 compression. This is a known bug of the Flash authoring tool. You may also find that the Convert Stereo to Mono option for MP3 compression does not affect the outcome of some settings.

Extracting a sound from a Flash document

Sometime you may be handed a Flash document file (.fla) that has sound embedded within it and be told that the original sounds have either been lost or are no longer available. Here's how to extract a sound from such a file:

  1. Back up the file. If the original file is named sound.fla, you might resave it as sound_extraction.fla. If you want to start with an exercise file, save a copy of the enhanced_view.fla file, located on the book's CD-ROM. You can skip Steps 2–7 if you are using this file.

  2. Add a new layer in the Timeline window, at the top of the layer stack.

  3. Label this layer sound extraction.

  4. With the first frame of this layer selected, open the Properties panel.

  5. In the Sound section's Name menu, specify the sound file from the Library panel that you want to export.

  6. Add enough frames to the sound extraction layer so that you can see the entire waveform of the sound file.

  7. Delete all other layers.

  8. Open the Library panel and locate the sound that needs to be extracted from the file. In the example file, the sound is named atmospheres_1.wav. Note that any other assets within this file are irrelevant to this process. That's because Flash uses only library items that have actually been used within the movie.

  9. Double-click the sound icon for atmospheres_1.wavin the Library panel to open the Sound Properties dialog box.

  10. Set the Compression to Raw. This ensures that the sound is exported as uncompressed audio.

  11. Select a sample rate that matches the one listed to the right of the waveform display, near the top of the Sound Properties dialog box. If the sound is specified as a stereo sound, make sure that the Convert Stereo to Mono option is unchecked.

  12. Access the Flash tab of the Publish Settings dialog box, and make sure that the Override Sound Settings check box is not checked. Now you're ready to extract the sound file from the Flash document file (.fla). You've created a movie that will ignore all other assets in the library except this sound, and you've told Flash to export the sound with the original sample rate of the sound, as uncompressed (Raw) audio.

  13. Choose File

    Extracting a sound from a Flash document
  14. For Windows users, the Export Windows WAV dialog box appears with those sound specifications. In the Sound Format menu, make sure the audio specifications match those of your audio source in the Library panel; then click OK. For Mac users, the QuickTime Export Settings dialog box appears. Here, click the QuickTime settings button in the lower-left corner. Ignore all the options except Sound Format. In this menu, select the sound setting that matches the specifications of the sound file. For this example, this setting should be 44 kHz 16 Bit Stereo. Click OK.

  15. For Windows users, the process is complete. You now have a WAV copy of your Flash movie sound asset. For Mac users, you still have a couple of steps to complete:

    1. Open the exported QuickTime movie in the QuickTime Player Pro. You must have the Pro version installed.

    2. Choose File

      Extracting a sound from a Flash document
    3. Select Sound to AIFF in the Export menu.

    4. Click the Options button, and in the Sound Settings dialog box, set the Compressor to None and choose a sample rate, bit depth, and channel type that match the sound from the Flash document. For this example sound, this should be 44.1 kHz, 16 bit, and Stereo. Click OK.


      If you're using Apple QuickTime Pro 7 or later, choose Linear PCM in the Format menu and the sampling settings that match your source audio in the Flash movie.

    5. Finally, specify a filename and location for the exported file, and click Save.


  • Flash movie files (.swf) can use four types of audio compression: ADPCM, MP3, Raw, and Speech. ADPCM is compatible with all versions of the Flash Player. MP3 is compatible with most versions of Flash Player 4 and higher. The Speech codec is compatible with Flash Player 6 and higher.

  • When sound is imported to a Flash document, it's added and displayed in the Library panel. You can assign sounds from the Library panel to a keyframe on a timeline. You can also use sounds with ActionScript.

  • Sounds can be assigned to the Up, Over, and Down states of a Button symbol.

  • The Sync options control how a sound plays in relation to the rest of a timeline.

  • Use the Loop setting in the Properties panel to multiply the length of the original sound.

  • Stream sounds force the Flash Player to keep playback of a timeline in pace with the sound.

  • Use a SoundMixer.stopAll() action to stop all sounds currently playing in the movie.

  • The Effect menu in the Properties panel contains useful presets for sound channel playback. You can perform custom edits with the Edit Envelope dialog box.

  • Global audio compression is controlled in the Flash tab of the Publish Settings dialog box.

  • Use the Sound Properties dialog box in the Library panel to customize the audio compression schemes of individual sounds.

  • The Sound Properties dialog box enables you to test different compression settings and to hear the results. The Export Settings section of this dialog box also provides useful file size information.

  • You can bring and export Variable Bit Rate (VBR) MP3 sound files into Flash without degrading the encoding; however, Flash itself cannot encode by using VBR.

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