Chapter 13. Importing Artwork


  • Defining vectors and bitmaps

  • Knowing the file formats for import to Flash

  • Preparing bitmaps

  • Importing and copying bitmaps

  • Importing sequences

  • Setting bitmap properties

  • Converting rasters to vectors

  • Using external vector graphics

  • Importing and copying vector artwork

  • Optimizing complex vector artwork

  • Introducing XFL: The Flash format of the future

Although Flash gives you powerful options for creating and modifying a variety of graphics, you don't have to limit yourself to the Flash authoring environment. That's because Flash also has the capability of importing artwork from a wide range of sources. You can import both vector and raster graphics, and you can use both formats in a variety of ways.

In this chapter, I discuss the differences between vector graphics and raster or bitmap images. I also show you how to import external artwork so that you can use it in a Flash movie, as well as tell you about the Flash features that you can use to handle imported bitmap images and vector graphics.

I define all the formats that Flash supports and go over some of the issues to consider when preparing artwork for import from various programs. I also introduce some Flash features that are helpful for managing imported assets and give some insight into optimizing your final file size.

Defining Vectors and Bitmaps

In addition to various sound and video formats, Flash supports two types of image formats: vector and bitmap. Vector graphic files consist of an equation that describes the placement of points and the qualities of the lines between those points. Using this basic logic, vector graphics tell the computer how to display the lines and shapes, as well as what colors to use, where to put them on the Stage, and at what scale.

Flash is a vector program. Thus, anything that you create with the Flash drawing tools is described in vector format. Vector graphics have some important benefits: They're small in file size and they scale accurately without distortion. However, they also have a couple of drawbacks: Highly complex vector graphics may result in very large file sizes, and vectors aren't really suitable for creating continuous tones, photographs, or artistic brushwork.

Bitmap (also referred to as raster) files are described by an arrangement of individual pixels, which are mapped in a grid — like a piece of graph paper with tiny squares. Each square represents a single pixel, and each of these pixels has specific color values assigned to it. So, as the name implies, a bitmap image maps out the placement and color of each pixel on the screen. A line is "drawn" by filling each unique pixel, rather than simply using a mathematical formula to connect two points as is done with vectors.


Do not be confused by the name bitmap. You might already be familiar with the bitmap format used by Windows, which has the file extension .bmp. Although bitmap may refer to that particular image format, it's frequently applied to raster images in general, such as GIF, JPEG, PICT, and TIFF files, as well as many others.

Although bitmap images aren't created in Flash, they can be used within Flash projects. To do this, you need to use an external bitmap-editing application and then import the bitmaps into Flash. Figure 13.1 shows a vector image and a bitmap image of the same graphic, scaled at 100 percent.

A vector image drawn in Flash (left) and the same image imported as a bitmapped GIF graphic (right)

Figure 13.1. A vector image drawn in Flash (left) and the same image imported as a bitmapped GIF graphic (right)

Although these vector and bitmap images are of similar quality at their original size, their differences become more apparent when the same images are scaled to a larger size. Unlike vector graphics, bitmap images become more pixilated as they are scaled larger because there is a finite amount of information in the image and Flash has to spread this information over more pixels. As I explain later in this chapter, Flash is able to interpolate the pixel information by using Smoothing to reduce the jagged appearance of the scaled pixel pattern, but this can also cause the image to look blurred. Figure 13.2 shows the difference between vector and bitmap graphics when scaled in Flash with Smoothing turned off.

The same vector (left) and bitmap (right) image scaled to 200 percent in Flash to illustrate the difference in image quality

Figure 13.2. The same vector (left) and bitmap (right) image scaled to 200 percent in Flash to illustrate the difference in image quality

Simple bitmap images are often larger in file size than simple vector graphics, but very complex bitmap images (for example, a photograph) can be smaller and display better quality than vector graphics of equal complexity. Figure 13.3 shows a bitmap image compared to a vector image of equal complexity (created by tracing the bitmap). The original bitmap is a smaller file and better suited for reproducing the photographic image.

File size comparison of an imported bitmap image (left) and a traced vector image of equivalent complexity (right)

Figure 13.3. File size comparison of an imported bitmap image (left) and a traced vector image of equivalent complexity (right)

The rule of thumb is to use scalable, bandwidth-efficient vector graphics as much as possible within Flash projects, except for situations in which photographs — or photographic-quality, continuous-tone images — are necessary for special content.


Most 8-bit raster images are GIFs, and they are most frequently used for images with large areas of solid color, such as logos and text. Rather than use this image type in Flash, consider re-creating or tracing this artwork with Flash drawing tools. The final Flash movie (.swf) will not only be smaller; it will also look cleaner and be scalable.

Knowing the File Formats for Import to Flash

You can import a variety of assets (in compatible formats) directly into your Flash project library, or you can import or copy and paste from another application into the Flash Document window. Assets can also be dragged from one Flash Document window or library to another. Files must be a minimum size of 2 pixels by 2 pixels for import into Flash.


Copying and pasting bitmap images into Flash from other applications does not always transfer transparency settings, so it may not be the best workflow for some assets. Using the Import dialog box and specifying that the artwork be imported as an editable object preserves transparency settings from Fireworks .png files.

The import menu (Ctrl+R or

Knowing the File Formats for Import to Flash


For a full discussion of importing and handling sound assets, refer to Chapter 12, "Adding Sound." Flash-compatible video formats are documented in Appendix C, "Digital Video Basics."

For now, let's focus on a brief summary of the image formats for Flash import, as shown in Table 13.1.


The QuickTime warning dialog box that would pop up when bitmap images requiring QuickTime support were imported to older versions of Flash no longer appears. Although QuickTime support is still needed for some file types, the warning has been retired to make the process more seamless.

Table 13.1. Image Formats for Flash Import

File Type




Adobe Illustrator (CS5 files are most compatible)

.ai, .eps

Adobe Illustrator files are imported into Flash as vector graphics (unless they contain bitmap images). The importer plug-in is required to import files from Adobe Illustrator 8 and earlier. To import PDF files to Flash CS3 or CS5, you must first open them in Illustrator and resave in AI (or EPS for Flash CS5) format.




Drawing eXchange format is the original inter-program format for AutoCAD drafting software. Because this format does not support fills, it is mainly used for drafting plans or schematic drawings. This format is used by most CAD, 3-D, and modeling programs for transferring drawings to other programs.


(Windows) Bitmap

.bmp, .dib

Although Bitmap is a Windows format for bitmap images, don't be confused by the format name; not all bitmap images are Windows Bitmaps. Bitmap can be used with all Win and some Mac applications. It allows variable bit depths and compression settings with support of alpha channels and supports lossless compression. It is ideal for high-quality graphics work.


Enhanced Metafile


Enhanced Metafile is a proprietary Windows format that supports vectors and bitmaps internally. This format is occasionally used to import vector graphics, but for most professional graphics work, this is not a recommended format.


Flash movie

.swf, .spl

Flash Player files are exported Flash movies. The movie is flattened into a single layer and scene, and all animation is converted to frame-by-frame animation.




This is the vector-based format of FreeHand (v.7 or later).


Adobe FXG


A new XML-based file format used to transfer graphics, text, bitmap filters, and symbols between Adobe applications. Objects Flash supports for editing are preserved to be editable when imported into Flash.

Windows Mac

GIF image or animated GIF


Graphic Interchange Format (GIF) was developed by CompuServe as a bitmap image type that uses lossless compression. It is limited to a 256-color (or less) palette and is not recommended as a high-quality Flash export format, even for Web use.


JPEG image


Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) is a bitmap type that uses lossy compression. Supports 24-bit RGB color. Recommended for Web-friendly compression of photographic images. Because of small file size, JPEG is often the native format for digital still cameras. No support for alpha channels.


MacPaint image


This is a legacy format for the old MacPaint program.


PICT image

.pct, .pict

PICT image is compatible with many Win and all Mac applications. It enables variable bit depths and compression settings with support of alpha channels (when saved with no compression at 32 bits), supports lossless compression, and can contain vector or raster graphics. PICT image is ideal for high-quality graphics work.


PNG image


The Portable Network Graphic (PNG) format is another type of bitmap image that supports variable bit depth (PNG-8 and PNG-24) and compression settings with alpha channels. PNG files imported to Flash from Fireworks or Photoshop as editable objects (unflattened) preserve artwork in vector format. Lossless compression schemes make it ideal for high-quality graphics work. It is the recommended media type for imported images with alpha channels or filter effects.


Photoshop image (2.5 or later)


This is the native layered format for most versions of Photoshop.


QuickTime image


This is the static raster image format created by QuickTime. It is not commonly used.


Silicon Graphics image


This is an image format specific to SGI machines.


TGA image


The TGA, or Targa, format is a 32-bit format that includes an 8-bit alpha channel. It was developed to overlay computer graphics and live video.

Windows (with QT4)Mac

TIFF image

.tif or .tiff

TIFF is a lossless, cross-platform image type used widely for high-resolution photography and printing.


Windows Metafile


Windows Metafile is a proprietary Windows format that supports vectors and bitmaps internally. This format is generally used to import vector graphics.



Although you can export to the GIF format from Flash, this should be considered an option for raw-information transfer only, not as a means for creating final GIF art. For optimal quality and control, export a PNG sequence from Flash that can be brought into Fireworks for fine-tuning and final GIF output.

Preparing Bitmaps

Flash is a vector-based application, but that shouldn't stop you from using bitmaps when you need them. There are many situations in which either the designs or the nature of the content require that photographic images be included in a Flash project. You can import a wide variety of bitmap image types, including JPEG, GIF, BMP, and PICT by using the methods described in the next section.

Considering that it's a vector-based program, Flash supports bitmap graphics extraordinarily well. However, because the most common use of Flash movies is for Web presentations, you always need to keep file size in mind. Here's what you can do to limit the impact of bitmap images on Flash playback performance:

  • Limit the number of bitmaps used in any one frame of a Flash movie.

  • Remember that, regardless of how many times the bitmap is placed on the Stage, the actual bitmap (or its compressed version in the .swf file) is downloaded before the first occurrence of the bitmap (or its symbol instance).

  • Try spreading out bitmap usage, or hide a symbol instance of the bitmap in an earlier frame before it is actually visible, so that it loads when you need it.


If you need to include several high-resolution bitmap images in your Flash movie, consider using an ActionScript preloader or try breaking up the project into several linked Flash movies.

When you want to bring raster images into Flash documents, you should know what portion of the Flash Stage the image will occupy. Let's assume that you're working with the default Flash document size of 550 × 400 pixels. If you want to use a bitmap as a background image, it won't need to be any larger than 550 × 400 (as long as your movie is not scalable). So, assuming that you're starting with a high-resolution image, you would downscale the image to the largest size at which it will appear in the Flash movie before you import it into Flash; for our example, that would be 550 × 400.


Use an image-editing program such as Fireworks or Adobe Photoshop to downsize the pixel width and height of your source image if necessary.

If you mask bitmaps with a mask layer in the Flash timeline, the entire bitmap is still exported. Consequently, before import you should closely crop all images that will be masked in Flash. For example, if all you need to show is a face, crop the image so that it shows the face with as little extraneous background information as possible.

Be aware that Flash doesn't resize (or resample) an image to its viewed or placed size when the Flash movie (.swf) is created. To illustrate how the size of an imported bitmap can affect the size of a final Flash movie (.swf), I compared two different image resolutions used in identical layouts. Using the same source image, I sized the JPEG at two different pixel dimensions, and then placed it in two identical Flash documents (.fla). The first source version of the image had a 400-×−600-pixel dimension, and the second source version had a 200-×−300-pixel dimension — exactly half the size of the first. In both Flash documents, the final image was displayed at 200 × 300 pixels.

In the first Flash document (we'll call it Movie A), I imported the larger JPEG and resized it by 50 percent (using the Info panel) to match the smaller image. In the second Flash document (Movie B), I imported the smaller JPEG and placed it at its original size, occupying the same portion of the Flash Stage as the image in Movie A. Although both Flash movies exported a bitmap of the same display size on the Flash Stage, the resulting SWF files (using the same level of JPEG compression on export) had drastically different file sizes. Movie A was 44.1KB, whereas Movie B was 14.8KB! Movie A is nearly three times larger than Movie B. The difference in image resolution could be seen when a view magnification greater than 100 percent was used within the Flash Player; the larger JPEG in Movie A was much less pixilated than the smaller JPEG in Movie B.

Preserving Bitmap Quality

When you choose to use bitmap images, remember that they do not scale as well as vector drawings in the authoring environment. Furthermore, bitmaps become degraded if the viewer scales your final movie so that the bitmap is displayed larger than its original size. Here are a few points to consider that will help you maintain the quality of your presentation when using bitmaps:

  • Know your audience, and design for the largest screen (at the highest resolution) that your audience may have. Or, if you deviate from this, remember that audience members with optimal equipment will see a low-quality version of your work. If you're using ActionScript to load image assets, consider having low-res and high-res versions of the images available.

  • Measure your largest hypothetical image dimensions in pixels. One way to determine these dimensions is to use the Flash Info panel to read the size of a placed image or a placeholder shape. Another way is to take a screen capture of your mock-up, and then measure the intended image area in Photoshop.

  • Create or resize your bitmap image to the maximum hypothetical dimensions. If there are any rotations or skews required, you may have to do a test to see if the final result is cleaner when the transformation is done in your image-editing program or in the Flash authoring environment.

  • Import images into Flash at the maximum required size, and then scale them down to fit into your layout.

The advantage of using this approach is that the movie can be scaled for larger monitors without causing the bitmap image to degrade. The disadvantage is that it requires sending the same large bitmap to all users. A more sophisticated solution is to use JavaScript to detect browser dimensions and then send the appropriately scaled bitmaps to each user. Other workaround solutions that may help preserve the quality of your final presentation without adding file size include the following:

  • Restrict scaling capability of your published movie. You can do this by using HTML options in the Publish settings or using ActionScript.

  • Set the bitmap's compression to Lossless (GIF/PNG) if it is already optimized in GIF format or if you want to preserve an alpha channel or editable filter effects in a .png or a .psd file.

  • Trace the bitmap to convert it to a vector graphic (covered later in this chapter).

  • Never apply double JPEG compression to your images. If you have compressed and saved images in JPEG format outside of Flash, be certain to select the Use imported JPEG data check box when importing the images to Flash.

Before sizing and importing bitmaps, you need to consider how you will set the dimensions for the Flash movie (.swf) in the HTML tab of the Publish Settings dialog box. You also need to know whether the bitmap is to be scaled in a motion tween. If the Flash movie scales beyond its original pixel width and height (or if the bitmap is scaled larger in a tween), bitmap images will appear at a lower resolution with a consequent degradation of image quality.

If you're uncertain of the final size that you need for a bitmap in Flash, it may be best to import a temporary low-resolution version of the image — being careful to store your original high-resolution version where you can find it later. Whenever you need to place the bitmap, drag an instance of the symbol onto the Flash Stage. Then during final production and testing, after you've determined the required pixel size for the maximum scale of the final bitmap, create and swap-in a higher-resolution image, as follows:

  1. Double-click the icon of the original low-resolution bitmap in the Flash library to access the bitmap's properties.

  2. In the Bitmap Properties dialog box, click the Import button and select the new, higher-resolution version of the bitmap. After import of the high-res image, all instances of the bitmap update automatically, with the scaling, animation, and placement of the image maintained.

Importing and Copying Bitmaps

Flash has the option to import bitmaps directly to the document library, in addition to the standard option of importing to the document Stage. When a bitmap file is imported to the Stage, it is added to the library as well. To import a bitmap into Flash, follow these steps:

  1. If you want to import an item to the Stage, make sure that there's an active, unlocked layer. If no layer is available for placement of the imported item, the Import to Stage command is dimmed and you can use only the Import to Library option.

  2. Choose File

    Importing and Copying Bitmaps
  3. Navigate to the file that you'd like to import, select it, and click the Import or Import to Library button.

The important difference between Import and Import to Library is that the latter option places the asset directly into the document library without placing an instance on the Stage.

Because Flash offers full support for the PNG image format (including lossless compression and multilevel transparency and some Fireworks filters), PNG is an ideal format for images that you intend to import into Flash. The PNG format has two types: PNG-8 and PNG-24. Generally, only PNG-24 images support 24-bit color and an alpha channel, but the file sizes can often be prohibitive. Fireworks makes it possible to create PNG-8 files with transparency for import to Flash.

The Import dialog box as it appears on Mac OS X. You can import multiple files in the same batch by selecting them from the file list before clicking Import.

Figure 13.4. The Import dialog box as it appears on Mac OS X. You can import multiple files in the same batch by selecting them from the file list before clicking Import.


When you are using bitmap images with transparent areas, display problems can occasionally occur with certain color settings and file types. For troubleshooting assistance, refer to the Adobe TechNote on "Transparency support in Flash" at

Importing sequences

When using the Import to Stage option, if you select an image from a series of images in the same storage location that include sequential numbers at the end of their filenames, Flash prompts you to import the files as a sequence. If that's what you want to do, click Yes in the dialog box (shown in Figure 13.5) to have Flash import all the files and place them in numeric sequence on successive keyframes of the current timeline. Otherwise, click No, and only the single file that you've selected is placed on the Stage.

You can import images in a numbered sequence and place them on successive keyframes automatically by using the Import to Stage option.

Figure 13.5. You can import images in a numbered sequence and place them on successive keyframes automatically by using the Import to Stage option.

If you are importing a series of stills to be used sequentially to create animation (stills from a video sequence, for example), this feature can save a lot of the time you would spend placing and ordering images manually. The most efficient workflow is to create a Movie Clip symbol before importing the images so that the sequence can be placed directly on the Movie Clip Timeline. This method creates an animated element that can easily be placed anywhere in your Flash project. If you have already imported a sequence to the Main Timeline and decide that it would be more easily managed as a symbol, simply create a Movie Clip, and then cut the images from the Main Timeline and paste them into the Movie Clip Timeline.

Although sequential import is not an option when using Import to Library, it is possible to manually select multiple images for import while using either of the Import dialog boxes. In order to bring more than one file into Flash in the same batch, Shift+click to select multiple items in sequence or use Ctrl+click (or

You can import images in a numbered sequence and place them on successive keyframes automatically by using the Import to Stage option.

Working with layered bitmap files

If you are working with graphic files that go beyond simple, single-layer bitmap images, finding the best way to translate those files to Flash may require some trial and error. Both Fireworks files (PNG) and Photoshop files (PSD) can contain bitmap and vector artwork, as well as text and masks or filters on multiple layers. Fireworks files may also contain frames and guides. You can always opt to flatten elements into a single bitmap file to preserve the exact appearance of the image, or you can choose to preserve editable paths and layers for more flexibility in the Flash authoring environment.

Each layered file imported from Photoshop or Fireworks with editable objects preserved is nested in a new folder in the Flash library that automatically has the same name as the imported file. You can change the default name of these folders and reorganize your Flash library as needed to keep the structure clean. You may find it helpful to create a folder for imported elements and nest all the folders that Flash creates for you so that your library does not get too cluttered.


Keep in mind that Movie Clip symbols Flash creates to preserve editable files imported from Photoshop or Fireworks are stored along with any bitmaps or other assets in the folders that Flash auto-creates for each file. If you are using a Movie Clip symbol more than once, you may want to rename and move it to a location that is easier to access — such as into the main file list in the Flash library — instead of leaving it in the nested folder.


Flash can support some effects and blends created in Fireworks or Photoshop. If an effect is supported in Flash, it is preserved as an editable Flash filter. If an effect is too complex for Flash to preserve, the image can be rasterized to preserve the appearance of the image, but the effect will not be editable in the Flash authoring environment.

Importing Photoshop (PSD) files

Flash CS5 offers a detailed import dialog box for layered Photoshop files (shown in Figure 13.6) that makes it easy to control elements of the file to be flattened (as bitmaps) or imported as editable objects.

Use the import dialog box to choose conversion settings for Photoshop PSD files.

Figure 13.6. Use the import dialog box to choose conversion settings for Photoshop PSD files.


Although layered Photoshop files can be saved in TIFF or PNG format, these files are flattened on import to Flash, and you do not have the same control over the conversion of specific elements as you do with PSD files. PSD is the only Photoshop file format that can be brought into Flash with the option to keep layers and editable elements intact.

When importing images from Photoshop into Flash, you are prompted by the Photoshop Import Settings dialog box to select each layer in the file and make choices for the following import options:

  • Import this image layer as:

    • Bitmap image with editable layer styles: This setting automatically creates a Flash Movie Clip and place the elements onto the Movie Clip Timeline while preserving the image, masks, and other effects (supported by Flash) as editable.

    • Flattened bitmap image: This setting flattens the image into a single layer in the main Flash timeline and preserves the appearance of any masks or filters, but they will not be editable in Flash.

  • Import this text layer as:

    • Editable text: Brings the text in as an editable Flash text box, and may require font substitution if you do not have the same font available in Flash. The text is placed on a layer in the Main Timeline or on a Movie Clip Timeline (depending on the other settings you choose).

    • Vector outlines: Converts the text to individual letter outlines to preserve the appearance of the characters and the layout. You can modify the text by using Flash drawing tools, but you cannot edit with Flash text tools.

    • Flattened bitmap image: Converts the text into a single image to preserve appearance but limits editing options to those that can be applied to bitmaps.

  • Create Movie Clip for this layer: If you have selected this option (or it has been auto-selected to preserve editable elements), you have the option of assigning an instance name and modifying the registration point.

    • Instance name: You only need to assign an instance name if you plan to target the Movie Clip with ActionScript.

    • Registration: In most cases, you won't need to worry about changing the default registration point because the convention is to work with the top-left corner as a reference for position and scale.

  • Publish settings: You have three options:

    • You may opt to import the image without any additional compression (Lossless).

    • You may set a custom compression setting for each layer or image as you import it (Lossy: Custom).


      Use the Calculate Bitmap Size button to preview the effect of different Custom compression settings before you decide on the final level to apply to your imported image.

    • Or, you may opt for the default setting, which applies the level of compression you have set globally for your Flash movie in Publish Settings (Lossy: Use publish setting).

  • Convert layers to:

    • Flash Layers: Puts the contents of each image layer onto a new layer in the selected Flash timeline (either on the Main Timeline or on a Movie Clip Timeline).

    • Keyframes: Puts the contents of each image layer into a new keyframe on a single layer in the selected Flash timeline (either on the Main Timeline or on a Movie Clip Timeline).

Along with the layer-specific settings listed above, there are two handy check boxes at the bottom of the dialog box that enable you to apply two additional (optional) settings for all layers in the file:

  • Place layers at original position: This setting ensures that the placement of the imported elements is consistent with the original file, relative to the top-left corner of the Stage. If you do not select this check box, the imported elements are just placed in the center of the visible area of the Document window (including the pasteboard) — which usually turns out to be a somewhat random location unless you have been very precise with your zoom setting and your scroll bars to position the Stage within the viewable area of the Document window.

  • Set stage size to same size as Photoshop canvas: This is very helpful if you are importing an image to a new Flash file and you want to match the sizes, but it may disrupt your layout if you already have other elements placed in the Flash file you are importing to.

If all these options seem like more than you need, you can simplify things by leaving the default settings for each layer as is, or you can select some (or all) of the layers (using Shift+Select or Ctrl+Select) to apply a more limited set of options to all the layers at once.


Although you have more than one layer selected in the Import dialog box, you may also choose to use the Merge button to flatten the layers into a single bitmap to streamline your file. This preserves the appearance of the layered image but limits your editing options in Flash to those available for simple nonlayered bitmaps.

If you want to fine-tune your import settings without having to make selections each time you see the Photoshop Import dialog box, you can choose your own default settings in the Flash Preferences panel (File

Use the import dialog box to choose conversion settings for Photoshop PSD files.
Flash Preferences enable you to preset defaults for all the options available with the PSD file importer.

Figure 13.7. Flash Preferences enable you to preset defaults for all the options available with the PSD file importer.

Importing Fireworks (PNG) files

The import dialog box for Fireworks files has fewer options than the import dialog box for PSD files, but it still supports the import of layered, editable files (as shown in Figure 13.8).

Use this special import dialog box to choose conversion settings for Fireworks PNG files.

Figure 13.8. Use this special import dialog box to choose conversion settings for Fireworks PNG files.


Although Photoshop files saved in PNG format show up in the file list when you browse for PNG files, they do not invoke an import dialog box with options but are flattened into a single-layer bitmap on import. Only PNG files saved from Fireworks enable you to preserve layers and editable shape or text elements on import to Flash.

When importing PNG images from Fireworks into Flash, you are prompted by the Fireworks PNG Import Settings dialog box to make selections for the following import options:

  • Import as a single flattened bitmap: Select this check box to import the PNG as one rasterized image to the current layer on the Main Timeline or to the library. When this option is selected, all other options are unavailable. If you choose this option, you may want to apply Flash JPEG compression to the bitmap image either in Bitmap Properties or in Publish Settings. To edit a flattened image, you can launch Fireworks from inside Flash and edit the original PNG file (including any vector data or text).

  • To import more complex files, use these options to control the import structure:

    • Import: Page or Layer or Frames — select the option that best describes the location and structure of the Fireworks content you want to bring into Flash.

    • Into: Current frame as a Movie Clip to import the PNG file to a new Flash Movie Clip Timeline with all frames and layers intact, or New Layer to import the PNG file into a single new layer in the current Flash document at the top of the stacking order. All Fireworks layers are flattened, but not rasterized unless specified, and any frames in the Fireworks file are included on the new layer.

  • Use these settings to control whether content is rasterized or kept editable:

    • Objects: Select either Import as bitmaps to maintain appearance to rasterize Fireworks fills, strokes, and effects in Flash as part of a flattened bitmap image, or select Keep all paths editable to preserve vector paths in Flash. Some Fireworks fills, strokes, and effects may be lost on import.

    • Text: You can select the same options as those listed for Objects.

As with most files created in external applications, you will find that rasterized and flattened Fireworks artwork and text imports more consistently to Flash, but you also lose all the benefits of having editable vector art and text fields. Although the option for launching Fireworks at any time to edit the original PNG file does make rasterized Fireworks images less limiting than other bitmaps, it is usually worth the little extra time you might need to spend simplifying your artwork to get it to import to Flash with vectors and editable text intact. Any special fills or textures that have been applied to your text in Fireworks are lost if you choose to preserve editable text on import to Flash.


Although gradients imported from FreeHand are converted to raw Flash shapes with gradient fills, gradients imported from Fireworks are converted to Movie Clip symbols that appear in the library in a folder labeled Fireworks Objects. It is still possible to edit the gradient fill just by opening the symbol in Edit mode (or double-clicking the symbol instance).


If you import a Fireworks PNG file by cutting and pasting into Flash, all vector elements are rasterized into a flattened bitmap image.

Copying and pasting a bitmap into Flash

Here's how to use the Clipboard to import a bitmap into Flash:

  1. Copy the bitmap from your image-editing application to your Clipboard. (Most programs support the Ctrl+C or

    Copying and pasting a bitmap into Flash
  2. Return to Flash and make sure that you have an active, unlocked layer that you can paste the bitmap into; this can be on the Main Timeline or on any symbol timeline.

  3. Paste the bitmap onto the Stage by choosing Edit

    Copying and pasting a bitmap into Flash


When you are pasting a selected area from Photoshop, any transparency (alpha channel) is ignored or renders with unpredictable patterns that you'll have to mask out in Flash. The bitmap name is also replaced with a default numbered asset name. In most cases, results are much more consistent if you import the image file instead of copying and pasting it into Flash.

Applying color effects, alpha, and filters to bitmaps

A bitmap has some of the same advantages as the native Flash symbol types: It is automatically added to the library when you import it, and instances can be dragged onto the Stage and even used in motion tweens. However, filters and color (and alpha) effects are not available in the Properties panel when you select a bitmap instance. If you want to change the alpha settings or color tint of an imported image or apply any of the Flash filters, you must first convert the bitmap into a symbol.

Convert the bitmap into a Flash symbol type (F8) — use Movie Clip or Button symbol behavior if you want to use Flash filters. You can use the same name for the symbol instance as the original bitmap image. Filters and Color Effect settings are available in the Properties panel when you select the new (converted) symbol instance. Unfortunately, if you have placed other instances of the raw bitmap in your Flash file before nesting the bitmap in a symbol, not all the instances of the bitmap are automatically linked to the symbol you create, and you cannot use the Swap button to insert a Flash symbol instance in place of a bitmap instance.


Library folders are very helpful for managing large sequences of images that need to be converted into symbols. I usually create a "Bitmap source" folder and an "Image symbol" folder to make it easy to keep track of where all the assets are. Keep in mind that edits to the bitmap are visible in the Flash symbol, but changes to the Flash symbol do not change the original bitmap.

Of course, using an external image-editing program is always an option, too. The features I describe in the next section can assist you if you plan to edit images outside of Flash.

Setting Bitmap Properties

The Bitmap Properties dialog box, shown in Figure 13.9, has several options that are used to control the quality of your imported bitmaps. Settings in the Bitmap Properties dialog box override the default JPEG compression setting for the document that is controlled in the Flash tab of the Publish Settings dialog box (File

Setting Bitmap Properties
The Bitmap Properties dialog box controls the compression settings applied to bitmaps imported into Flash.

Figure 13.9. The Bitmap Properties dialog box controls the compression settings applied to bitmaps imported into Flash.


The Advanced button expands the Bitmap Properties dialog box to show Linkage properties. In addition to importing or exporting for runtime sharing, bitmaps can be set to export for ActionScript. If you decide to enter or modify Linkage properties for a bitmap after it has been imported, you can access these same options by selecting the symbol in the library and choosing Linkage from the contextual menu or from the Options menu.

Follow these steps to use the Bitmap Properties dialog box:

  1. Open the Library panel by choosing Window

    The Bitmap Properties dialog box controls the compression settings applied to bitmaps imported into Flash.
  2. Double-click one of the bitmap's icons, or use the contextual menu for a selected image to open the Bitmap Properties dialog box. You can also select Properties from the Library Options menu, or, with the bitmap highlighted, click the Properties button at the bottom of the Library panel.

  3. Now, set the properties of your bitmap as needed:

    • Preview window: This displays the bitmap according to the current settings.


      Although the preview window in the Bitmap Properties dialog box may show only a small portion of your image, you can move the picture around within the preview window by clicking and dragging the image to view different areas.

    • Name: This is the name of the bitmap, as indicated in the library. To rename the bitmap, highlight the name and enter a new one.

    • Image Path, Date, Dimensions: Beneath the filename, Flash lists the local path, dimensions, and date information for the source of the imported image (not available if you pasted the image from the Clipboard).

    • Update: This feature enables you to re-import a bitmap if it's been altered outside of Flash. Flash tracks the original location of the imported bitmap and looks for the original file in that location when the Update button is clicked.

    • Import: This opens the Import Bitmap dialog box. When using this button, the new imported bitmap replaces the current bitmap (and all instances, if any), while retaining the original bitmap's name and all modifications that have been applied to the image in Flash.

    • Test: This button updates the file compression information, which appears at the bottom of the Bitmap Properties dialog box and the image in the preview window. Use this information to compare the compressed file size to the original file size after you have selected new settings.

    • Allow smoothing: Select this check box to enable Flash to anti-alias, or smooth, the edges of an image. Results may vary according to the image. Generally, this is not recommended for non-scaled graphics because it can soften the image. However, smoothing can be beneficial for reducing jagged edges on low-res images scaled in an animation. Figure 13.10 shows the effect of smoothing applied to a GIF image (top) and smoothing applied to a JPEG image (bottom).

    • Use imported JPEG data/Use publish setting: If the imported image is a JPEG, the first option appears — select this check box to avoid double JPEG compression. If the image is not a JPEG, the second option appears — select this check box to apply the global JPEG Quality setting defined in the Publish Settings dialog box for your current document. To apply a new compression setting for an image, click the Custom radio button and enter a value between 1 and 100. Click the Test button on the right to update the preview window. You will also see compression comparison info at the bottom of the panel. Custom settings are not recommended for imported JPEGs because they result in double JPEG compression. On uncompressed source files, higher-quality settings produce more detailed images but also larger file sizes.

      Compare the images with Flash smoothing (right) to the images with no smoothing (left).

      Figure 13.10. Compare the images with Flash smoothing (right) to the images with no smoothing (left).

      Top: A GIF image imported to Flash by using PNG/GIF (Lossless) compression (left) and imported with forced JPEG (Lossy) compression (right). Bottom: A JPEG image imported to Flash by using JPEG (Lossy) compression (left) and imported with forced PNG/GIF (Lossless) compression (right).

      Figure 13.11. Top: A GIF image imported to Flash by using PNG/GIF (Lossless) compression (left) and imported with forced JPEG (Lossy) compression (right). Bottom: A JPEG image imported to Flash by using JPEG (Lossy) compression (left) and imported with forced PNG/GIF (Lossless) compression (right).

    • Enable deblocking: This new option for smoothing specifically designed to help reduce banding and JPEG artifacts is available when you apply Custom compression (but only if you are targeting Flash Player 10 in your Publish settings). It can almost make double JPEG compression work — but you always get better results if you find a way to avoid recompressing JPEG images.


The Quality settings applied in the Bitmap Properties dialog box are not visible in the authoring environment. The quality for images displayed on the Stage appears the same regardless of the Flash JPEG settings. You will see a difference in the image (and the file size) only when you publish the movie (.swf). You can see smoothing and deblocking in the authoring environment, making it easier to decide which images look better with smoothing applied.


For specific bitmap compression recommendations for different types of source files, refer to the "Making Sense of Bitmap Compression" section, later in this chapter.

Being prepared for common problems

Flash retains existing JPEG compression levels on any imported JPEG image, but if a Custom setting is specified in the Bitmap Properties dialog box, it applies additional JPEG compression (set in the Quality field) when the movie is published or exported. Recompressing an image that has already been compressed usually leads to serious image degradation, due to the introduction of further compression artifacts. When importing JPEGs, you'll note that the Use imported JPEG data radio button is selected by default in the Bitmap Properties dialog box. This is the preferred setting because recompressing a JPEG is generally detrimental to image quality.


If you import JPEG images, make sure that you either test the results of further JPEG compression or select the Use imported JPEG data radio button in the Bitmap Properties dialog box, which is accessible from the Flash library.

You can apply compression settings to each individual bitmap in the library with the Flash Bitmap Properties dialog box to determine the quality that you need before you use the general JPEG settings in the Export Movie or Publish Settings dialog box. Any Quality defined in the Bitmap Properties dialog box overrides the JPEG Quality in Publish Settings. To apply the Publish Settings compression to an image, you must select the Use document default radio button in the Bitmap Properties dialog box.


I discuss JPEG export settings for Flash movies (.swf) in greater detail in Chapter 20, "Publishing Flash Movies."

Cross-browser consistency

I've received more than a few queries about image formats and Flash's capability to transcend issues of browser inconsistency, so here's the answer. Many image formats, such as PNG, are not supported across all browsers. When you import such an image format into Flash and publish or export to the SWF format, you have accomplished browser independence, because the Flash movie (.swf) is browser independent and the image has been encapsulated within the SWF format. (The image is not being sent to the browser in the imported format and then magically empowered to display.) Conversely, if you export any Flash document (.fla) to PNG or to any other format that's subject to cross-browser inconsistency, browser independence is lost.

Using the Bitmap Buttons in the Properties Panel

When a bitmap is selected in the Document window, the Properties panel displays the bitmap's name, symbol type, current size, and X, Y location. In addition to these basic bitmap properties, the Properties panel offers two useful options: the Swap button and the Edit button.


The Swap button opens the Swap Bitmap dialog box (shown in Figure 13.12), allowing you to specify a different bitmap from the current project library to replace the bitmap selected in the Document window. This can be considered a localized equivalent of the Import option of the Bitmap Properties dialog box. Instead of replacing the original bitmap symbol in the library and all instances of the image, the Swap button simply replaces the currently selected bitmap instance without altering the symbols in the library or any of the other instances of the bitmap that may occur in your project. (This feature is also available from the application menu under Modify

The Swap Bitmap dialog box lists all the bitmap symbols available in your current project library.

Figure 13.12. The Swap Bitmap dialog box lists all the bitmap symbols available in your current project library.


The Edit button in the Properties panel opens the selected bitmap for editing outside of Flash, either in your default image-editing application or the application that was used to save the bitmap file, if it is installed on your system. After you edit the image and choose Save, it automatically updates in the Flash document. If you prefer to select a specific application for editing a bitmap, select the bitmap in the library before choosing Edit With from the options menu or the contextual menu. The Edit With menu item launches the Select External Editor dialog box that enables you to browse or search for a specific application installed on your system (or network). When you have selected the application of your choice, it launches and the bitmap opens for editing.


Bitmaps imported from Fireworks (as .png) or Photoshop (as .psd) with individual layers specified as editable objects cannot be edited with an external image editor, so the Edit button is not visible in the Properties panel when these items are selected in the Flash authoring environment.

Making Sense of Bitmap Compression

Although I did some sample testing to try to show you all the possible image-compression combinations and the final results, the truth is that the optimal settings are entirely dependent on the quality of the original image and the final appearance needed in the context of your design. The main goal when testing various compression strategies should always be to find a balance between image quality and file size. The ideal balance will vary depending on the purpose the image serves in your presentation. For example, when using bitmap images in animation sequences, you may find that you can get away with using higher compression settings because the detail in the image may not be as important as it would be if you used the image in a catalog or some other presentation where the detail and color would be more critical.

The following compression workflows are intended to serve only as general guidelines. You will have to experiment with the specific value settings in each case to find the best results for your particular content and project needs.

24-bit or 32-bit lossless source files

If you have 24-bit (or 32-bit including an alpha channel), high-resolution source images saved without compression in PNG, PICT, PSD, or TIFF format, you have two workflow options:

  • Set JPEG compression in the Bitmap Properties dialog box: If you want to control the compression applied to each imported image individually, set a Custom JPEG compression (Quality) setting that achieves the best balance of image quality and file size for each imported image in your library. This approach gives you the option of applying more compression to some images than to others.

  • Set JPEG compression in the Publish Settings dialog box: If your source images have similar color and content, as well as consistent resolution, you may find it more efficient to use the compression settings in the Publish Settings dialog box to apply the same JPEG compression to all of your images. This makes it faster to test different compression settings on all the images in your project at once. If this is the workflow that you choose, make sure that the Use document default quality radio button is selected in the Bitmap Properties dialog box for each imported image. This ensures that the Quality settings in the Publish Settings dialog box are applied when the Flash movie (.swf) is published.


If you want to test and set different compression settings for individual layers in an imported Photoshop file, you can do this in the Publish settings section of the Import dialog box. Choose Lossy compression and select the Custom button, then enter a value between 0 and 100 in the Quality field. Use the Calculate bitmap size button to apply the compression and check the file size of the image (or layer). This feature enables you to apply different levels of compression to individual layers within a Photoshop image.

The main benefit to importing uncompressed source files is that you are not tied to a specific resolution and thus maintain the option of changing compression settings at any time in the development process. The main drawback is that your project files (.fla) are much larger, and each time you test your movie (.swf), you have to wait for Flash to apply JPEG compression on the images. This might not seem important at first, but the cumulative time loss over the course of developing a project does add up.


As I mentioned previously, it can be helpful to work with lower resolution placeholder images as you develop a project. You can use the Import option in the Bitmap Properties dialog box to load your high-resolution images in the final stages of the project.

The image formats PNG-24, PSD, PICT, and TIFF also support alpha channels when they're saved with 32-bit color. Alpha channels enable the import of complex masks that might otherwise be difficult to create in Flash. You may be surprised to see that even after you apply Flash JPEG compression to an imported PNG, PSD, PICT, or TIFF image, the transparency is maintained.


Although Fireworks files are saved with the .png file extension, the options for importing Fireworks PNG files are different from those for importing PNG files saved from Photoshop. For more information about importing Fireworks PNG files, see the section "Importing Vector Artwork," later in this chapter.

8-bit lossless source files

Source files in 8-bit formats are restricted to 256 (or fewer) colors and are optimized to a file size that is Web friendly. These files are usually saved in GIF or PNG-8 format and are best suited for graphics that have simple shapes and limited colors, such as logos or line drawings. PNG-8 and GIF files can still support an alpha channel, but unlike 24-bit images, you will not want to apply any JPEG compression to these files when they're brought into Flash.


To avoid display problems, when exporting GIF files with transparency for use in Flash, the index color and the transparency color should be set to the same RGB values. If these settings are not correct, transparent areas in the imported GIF may display as solid colors in Flash. For more information on this issue, refer to the Adobe TechNote on Transparency support in Flash at

Applying JPEG compression to 8-bit files generally results in larger files and degraded image quality (refer to Figure 13.7). To preserve the clean graphic quality of 8-bit images, follow these steps:

  1. In the Import dialog box or in the Bitmap Properties dialog box, make sure that Lossless (PNG/GIF) compression is selected. This is the default for imported 8-bit images, but it never hurts to double-check to ensure that it hasn't been changed by mistake.

  2. Decide whether to leave the default setting for Allow smoothing in Bitmap Properties. The image will have sharper edges if this option is unchecked, so it is best to make a decision on this setting depending on whether you prefer smoothed edges when the image is scaled larger.

Remember that the JPEG Quality specified in Publish Settings does not apply to imported images that have been set to Lossless compression in the Bitmap Properties dialog box.

Source files with lossy compression

Although JPEG is the native bitmap compression format in Flash, you may want to use an alternative application for optimal JPEG compression on images. In our experience, JPEG compression from Fireworks often produces smaller file sizes and more consistent image quality than JPEG compression applied in Flash. If you have created an optimized Web-ready JPEG by using your preferred lossy compression method or a client has delivered source files in JPEG format, you will want to avoid adding additional compression to these images when importing to Flash.

If you find that a JPEG file size is not reduced enough to fit the parameters of a particular project, it is better to go back to the uncompressed source file to redo the JPEG compression than it is to apply additional compression in Flash. As in all media production, double JPEGing images in Flash produces diminishing returns: By the time you get the file down to a size that you want, it has so many compression artifacts that it is generally unusable. By going back to the uncompressed source file and adjusting your compression settings to produce a new JPEG file, you end up with a cleaner image and a smaller file size than you would by compounding the JPEG compression in Flash.

For optimal results when importing JPEG images to Flash projects, the main settings to consider are the Use imported JPEG data and the Allow Smoothing check boxes in the Bitmap Properties dialog box:

  • To maintain the original JPEG compression of your imported image, simply select the check box to Use imported JPEG data from the Bitmap Properties dialog box. When this check box is selected, the original compression is preserved and the JPEG Quality specified in Publish Settings is not added to your imported JPEG image.

  • Smoothing is only advised if you will be scaling the JPEG image in Flash and you want to minimize the jagged edges with anti-aliasing. The compromise of Smoothing is that the image also appears slightly blurred — this may or may not be desirable, depending on the detail in the original image.

Although you can clear the Use imported JPEG data check box and choose a setting in the Quality field, remember that this compression is added to the compression on the original image and causes inferior results.


If you are targeting Flash Player 10, you can take advantage of a smoothing option available in the Bitmap Properties dialog box when you choose to apply Custom compression to imported images. To see if it helps your image look better, select the Enable Deblocking check box and use the Test button to update the image in the preview window. You will notice the benefit of deblocking more clearly if you are using Quality settings below 50.

Converting Rasters to Vectors

Have you ever wanted to take a scan of a "real" pen-and-ink drawing that you made and turn it into a vector graphic? It's not hard to do, and the results are usually pretty close to the original (see Figure 13.13). You can also turn continuous-tone or photographic images into vector art, but unless the image is very high contrast, the converted version will not likely bear much resemblance to the original. However, this can be useful for aesthetic effects.

Compare the raster version (left) of the sketch to its traced vector version (right).

Figure 13.13. Compare the raster version (left) of the sketch to its traced vector version (right).

As described in Chapter 9, "Modifying Graphics," bitmap images can be traced in Flash to convert them to vector shapes. Earlier in this chapter, Figure 13.3 illustrated why this is not recommended for complex photographic images — the file size will be huge and the image quality will not be as satisfactory as the original bitmap. However, converting rasters to vectors allows you to create some unique visual effects in Flash. After an image has been traced, you can use any of the Flash tools available for shapes, including the Distort and Envelop options of the Free Transform tool. You can also select parts of the image individually to modify colors, or even add custom gradient or bitmap fills.

The Trace bitmap command is different from using the Break Apart command on a bitmap. When an image is broken apart, Flash perceives it as areas of color that can be modified or sampled for use as a fill in other shapes. Break Apart actually duplicates the automatic conversion handled by the Color panel to show bitmaps from the library in the bitmap fill menu. Although you can modify images that are broken apart with the drawing and painting tools, you cannot select shapes within the image with the Selection tool or apply the Optimization command, Smooth/Straighten options, or Distort and Envelop modifiers as you can with a traced vector image.

To apply Trace Bitmap, select a bitmap image (such as a scanned drawing) that has been imported to Flash (ideally with lossless compression and no Smoothing) and placed on the Stage; then choose Modify

Compare the raster version (left) of the sketch to its traced vector version (right).
Use the Trace Bitmap dialog box to select settings for converting a raster image into vector shapes.

Figure 13.14. Use the Trace Bitmap dialog box to select settings for converting a raster image into vector shapes.

I detail the settings for the Trace Bitmap command in Chapter 9, but the default settings can be a good place to start. Higher Color Threshold and Minimum Area values reduce the complexity of the resulting Flash artwork, which means smaller file sizes. This process is most effective when applied to simple images with strong contrast. In these cases, tracing a bitmap graphic can actually reduce the file size and improve the appearance of the scaled image. Traced vector images scale seamlessly without any loss of quality.


The vector lines and fills created by tracing an imported bitmap are not always exact, but you can use the Smooth and Straighten modifiers or any of the other drawing tools to "touch up" the artwork.

In order to get the best results from using Trace Bitmap, I advise reducing the number of colors in the original image before importing it to Flash. Figure 13.15 shows an imported image that was converted to indexed color and reduced to ten colors in Photoshop before saving as a GIF image for import to Flash. After the image is traced, you can simplify the shapes further by applying the Optimize command (Modify

Use the Trace Bitmap dialog box to select settings for converting a raster image into vector shapes.
A reduced-color GIF image (left) can be traced and then cleaned up and simplified by using the Optimize command and Eraser tool in Flash (right).

Figure 13.15. A reduced-color GIF image (left) can be traced and then cleaned up and simplified by using the Optimize command and Eraser tool in Flash (right).

Using External Vector Graphics

All artwork drawn in Flash is vector based; however, not all vector graphics created in other applications import seamlessly to Flash. As shown in Table 13.1, Flash is friendly to external vector formats, including FreeHand and Adobe Illustrator. Some vector graphics may be simple objects and fills, whereas others may include complex blending or paths that add significant weight to a Flash movie. Although most vector graphics are by nature much smaller than raster graphic equivalents, don't assume that they're optimized for Flash use.

Importing vector graphics from other applications is fairly simple and straightforward. However, because most vector graphics applications are geared for print production (for example, publishing documents intended for press), you need to keep some principles in mind when creating artwork for Flash in external graphics applications:

  • Limit or reduce the number of points describing complex paths.

  • Limit the number of embedded typefaces (or fonts). Multiple fonts add to the final movie's (.swf) file size. As described later in this chapter, converting fonts to outlines is one way to avoid adding extra fonts to your Flash file.

  • To ensure color consistency between applications, use only RGB colors (and color pickers) for artwork. Flash can use only RGB color values and automatically converts any CMYK colors to RGB colors when artwork is imported. Color conversions can produce unwanted color shifts.


When Flash imports a vector file with any placed grayscale images, the image is converted to RGB color, which also increases the file size.

  • Unless you're using FreeHand or Fireworks, you may need to replace externally created gradients with Flash gradients, or accept the file size addition to the Flash movie. Gradients created in other drawing applications are not converted to editable Flash gradients when the file is imported; instead, they are rendered as complex banded graphics with clipping paths or as rasterized, bitmap images.

  • Preserve layers where possible to help keep imported artwork organized. Some vector formats use layers, and Flash can recognize these layers if the graphic file format is correctly specified. Layers keep graphic elements separate from one another and can make it easier to organize items for use in animation.

  • If the artwork you are importing includes large areas of solid color, such as a plain background, consider excluding those parts of the graphic from import. They can easily be replaced in Flash after the more complex parts of the artwork are brought in.

Importing Vector Artwork

The import dialog boxes for Adobe Illustrator files (in .ai or .eps format) and Photoshop files (in .psd format) enable fairly precise control of how these files are translated when brought into Flash — including unique settings for each layer, if needed. The other good news is that unlike Flash CS3, Flash CS5 also imports most EPS files. Sadly, PDF workflows that were supported before Flash CS3 are still not an option. Vector graphics from many other applications can be imported into Flash with relative ease by using the Import to Stage or Import to Library command. Browse for files by using the All Files setting or specify Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, FreeHand, or PNG (Fireworks) file in the Import dialog box. Layered files and files with bitmap and vector elements open an Import Options dialog box with relevant settings. Use these settings to control how your file is handled in the Flash authoring environment. As long as you do not choose to import as bitmap, vector graphics are generally imported as editable groups either on the Main Timeline or in a Movie Clip Timeline.


Flash CS5 supports the import of EPS files created with Adobe Illustrator. However, to import editable graphics from PDF files to Flash CS5, they must still be opened in Illustrator and resaved in AI or EPS format.


Simple bitmap files such as single-layer TIFF, GIF, or JPEG files do not require any custom settings and import directly (without opening an Options dialog box), after you browse for the file and choose Import.

Vector artwork is saved in the library on import only if it includes clipping paths or gradients that cannot be converted to editable Flash fills. In these cases, Flash automatically adds a folder of nested graphic symbols with masks or bitmap symbols to the library to preserve the appearance of elements that cannot be converted to drawing objects or simple grouped shapes.

You can also copy and paste or even drag and drop artwork from external applications, but this gives you less control over how the vector information is translated in Flash — for example, transparency or special fill types may be lost and any layers are flattened into the currently selected Flash layer.

Because generic numbered layer names, such as Layer 1, may be redundant with layers already present in your Flash document, it is helpful to give layers meaningful names in the original file before importing to Flash. To avoid unexpected color shifts, you should convert your color space to RGB in any external application before saving files that will be imported to Flash.


You must specify Illustrator 7 or later in the Adobe Illustrator document options when saving AI files to ensure color consistency for artwork imported to Flash. If you choose Illustrator 6 or lower format, RGB values are not saved and color shifts may result.

To import a vector file to Flash, simply follow these steps:

  1. To import a file to the Stage of your Flash document, make sure that you have an empty, unlocked layer selected, and choose File

    Importing Vector Artwork
  2. In the Import dialog box, choose a file format to browse by using the Files of Type (Win) or Show (Mac) menu.

  3. Find the vector file that you want to import and select it from the file list.

  4. Choose Import. If the application you are importing from includes options for how the artwork will be placed in Flash, you are prompted to make choices from an Import Options dialog box. Depending on your options, the artwork is imported to a single layer or to multiple layers or keyframes in your main Flash timeline or to a Movie Clip symbol timeline after you click OK.


    If you choose to rasterize the vector artwork into a bitmap image when importing to Flash, remember to apply JPEG compression by using the Quality setting in the Bitmap Properties dialog box; or if the Use document default quality radio button is selected, set JPEG Quality in the Publish Settings dialog box before exporting your Flash movie (.swf).

  5. To edit the imported graphic with Flash shape tools, ungroup the elements (Shift+Ctrl+G or Shift+

    Importing Vector Artwork


    Double-clicking a grouped item or drawing object takes you into Edit in place mode, but if the item is in a compound group, you may have to continue double-clicking to dive into the nested elements until you are able to isolate the stroke and fill of one part of the group for modification.

  6. To store elements in the library so that they are reusable, convert them to graphic symbols or Movie Clip symbols.


If you have imported a layered sequence into multiple Flash keyframes on the Main Timeline, consider cutting and pasting the frames into a new Movie Clip symbol to keep the Main Timeline uncluttered.

Although you can scale, move, or rotate the grouped elements, to modify individual parts of the graphic you must either ungroup the elements or dive into Edit mode until you are able to select the strokes and fills of a particular element.


Where possible, imported graphics are interpolated as Flash drawing objects. This makes it easier to edit stroke and fill properties without having to ungroup or click into Edit mode.

Any small inconsistencies in fill style are easy to fix after the elements are ungrouped in Flash. Remember that you can delete fills, add strokes, scale, or otherwise modify the imported artwork with any of the Flash tools.

To make the artwork efficient to reuse and update, it is best to convert the whole graphic into a symbol. If you intend to animate parts of the graphic individually, convert these into discrete symbols and place them on separate layers.


For more information on working with drawing objects and grouped artwork in Flash, refer to Chapter 9, "Modifying Graphics." For more information on using symbols, refer to Chapter 6, "Symbols, Instances, and the Library."


If you use a program such as FreeHand, Illustrator, or InDesign that enables you to define Flash-compatible symbols and layers in your graphic files, you can save some time when the file is imported to Flash.

Copying and pasting a vector image into Flash

Here's how to use the Clipboard to import a vector image into Flash:

  1. Select all vector elements that you want to include.

  2. Copy the selected items from your vector drawing application to the Clipboard. Most programs support Ctrl+C or

    Copying and pasting a vector image into Flash
  3. Return to Flash and make sure that you have an active, unlocked layer that you can paste the vectors into. This can be on the Main Timeline or on any symbol timeline.

  4. Paste the graphics onto the Stage by choosing Edit

    Copying and pasting a vector image into Flash
  5. You may want to ungroup, regroup, or move parts of the pasted graphic onto new layers in your Flash document for better organization and for animation.

    The Paste options dialog box for Illustrator artwork enables you to select how graphics are converted when they are pasted into a Flash document.

    Figure 13.16. The Paste options dialog box for Illustrator artwork enables you to select how graphics are converted when they are pasted into a Flash document.

Importing Adobe Illustrator files

Illustrator is one of the most commonly used applications for transferring vector artwork into Flash. When importing Illustrator files, you can preserve editable vector paths, text fields, and most gradient and pattern fills in addition to named layers and Illustrator symbols. Figure 13.17 shows the options available from the Illustrator Import dialog box, which is opened when importing files with the Illustrator extension (.ai or .eps) into Flash.

The Illustrator Import dialog box is used to specify how the graphics and file structure of an Illustrator (.ai or .eps) file are handled when brought into Flash.

Figure 13.17. The Illustrator Import dialog box is used to specify how the graphics and file structure of an Illustrator (.ai or .eps) file are handled when brought into Flash.

Although Illustrator can export a variety of file formats, including SWF, EPS, and PDF, the native AI format gives you the most editing options for files imported to Flash. As with the Photoshop importer, the default options for the Illustrator importer can be modified in Flash preferences (shown in Figure 13.18), and relevant settings can also be adjusted uniquely on-the-fly for each file that you import.

Preferences for the Illustrator Import dialog box can be modified in Flash to establish default settings that best match your workflow.

Figure 13.18. Preferences for the Illustrator Import dialog box can be modified in Flash to establish default settings that best match your workflow.

Remember to convert your Illustrator file to RGB color mode. If the file is in CMYK, you are warned with an incompatibility note in the import dialog box. If you proceed to import the file without changing the color settings in Illustrator, the file is converted automatically from CMYK to RGB on import to Flash, and this may cause unexpected color shifts. To ensure seamless translation of Illustrator elements imported into Flash, observe the following guidelines:

  • Any placed grayscale elements in Illustrator are converted to RGB color when imported to Flash, which may increase file size.

  • Be cautious with compound shapes: When importing overlapping elements that you want to keep intact in Flash, place them on separate layers in Illustrator and import the layers into Flash. If items on a single layer are overlapping when imported, they may be divided or merged at intersection points in the same way as ungrouped shapes created in Flash. Graphics on separate layers are converted into drawing objects on import to Flash and do not accidentally merge unless you break them apart into raw shapes.

  • Flash supports up to 15 colors in an imported gradient fill. If a gradient created in Illustrator contains more than 15 colors or special styles (such as contour), Flash uses clipping paths to interpret the gradient. Clipping paths increase file size. To work around this issue, use gradients that contain 15 or fewer colors and use standard gradient styles in Illustrator or replace the imported gradient with a Flash gradient fill as described later in this chapter.

As shown in Figure 13.19, Flash recognizes text and simple gradient or pattern fills imported from Illustrator, making it easy to edit these elements directly in the Flash authoring environment. Effects supported in Flash are also imported and editable. Effects that are not yet available in the Flash authoring environment can either be imported as rasterized bitmaps to preserve their appearance, or they can be sacrificed to preserve the editable content in the file.

You can edit Illustrator files directly in Flash, but you still need to convert shapes and text elements into symbols to store in the library for reuse. Layer and symbol names from the Illustrator file can also be transferred to the Flash file on import.

Figure 13.19. You can edit Illustrator files directly in Flash, but you still need to convert shapes and text elements into symbols to store in the library for reuse. Layer and symbol names from the Illustrator file can also be transferred to the Flash file on import.


Imported Illustrator symbols are preserved as editable elements, and they are automatically stored in the library in a folder that Flash creates.


Remember that gradients created in Adobe Illustrator can be directly exported to SWF format as Flash gradients. However, if the gradient contains more than 16 colors or uses special alignment (such as contour gradients), Flash adds clipping paths when it is imported. Also, remember that Flash always interprets FreeHand blends as a series of paths, which can increase file size and sometimes add banding to the blend.

Optimizing Vectors

All vector graphics are made up of paths in one shape or another. A path can be as simple as a straight line with 2 points, a curved line with 2 points, or 500 or more points along an irregular shape or fill. For this reason, vector graphics are best suited for graphic images such as logos, architectural drawings, and clip art that do not include continuous tones. Fonts are also made up of paths. As you've seen with Flash-drawn graphics, you can scale them to any size without any loss of resolution, unlike raster (bitmap) artwork, which cannot scale larger than its original size without loss of resolution.


Vector graphics are eventually rasterized, so to speak. The vector formatting for drawn shapes and text is more of a simplified storage structure that contains a mathematical description (that is, smaller than a bit-for-bit description) of an object or set of objects. When the vector graphic is displayed, especially with anti-aliasing, the video card needs to render the edges in pixels. Likewise, the PostScript RIP (Raster Image Processor) of a laser printer needs to convert the vector information, or an EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) file, into printer "dots."

When you use imported vector graphics in Flash movies, you should minimize the number of points describing curved lines or intricate outlined graphics (for example, "traced" raster images). The problem with creating cool graphics in vector-based applications such as Illustrator, FreeHand, and 3D Studio Max is the large number of points used to describe lines. When these graphics are imported into Flash, animations are slower and harder to redraw (or refresh) on the computer screen. In addition, the file size of the Flash movie grows considerably. Most vector applications include features that enable you to optimize or simplify artwork before importing it to Flash.

There are also a number of ways that you can simplify artwork after it has been imported to Flash. I have discussed many of these Flash features in previous chapters, but I briefly summarize them here.

Interpreting complex vector artwork

Specialized graphics programs, such as Adobe AfterEffects and Autodesk 3ds Max, can create some astonishing vector-based graphics. However, when you import vector versions of those graphics into Flash, they either fall apart (display horribly) or add unrealistic byte chunks to your Flash movie. But this doesn't mean that you can't use these intricate graphics in your Flash movies. You can try several different procedures with intricate vector artwork, including smoothing, as described previously, to make complex graphics more Flash friendly.

Depending on the specific use of the artwork, you may also be able to output small raster equivalents that won't consume nearly as much space as highly detailed vector graphics. However, in some instances, the best solution is a bit more labor intensive. To get just the right "translation" of a complex vector graphic in your Flash movie, you may need to try redrawing the artwork in Flash. Sound crazy and time consuming? Well, it's a bit of both, but some Flash designers spend hour after hour getting incredibly small file sizes from "hand-tracing" vector designs in Flash.

Another approach is to loosen up and make stylized interpretations of complex graphics using fewer lines. For example, if you made a highly detailed technical drawing of a light bulb and wanted to bring it into Flash, you could import the original version of the drawing into Flash, place it on a locked guide layer, and use Flash drawing tools to re-create a stylized sketch version of the object (see Figure 13.20).


Third-party Flash SWF tools can help to speed up the work of optimizing vector artwork — for example, Electric Rain's Swift 3D can simplify 3-D models and output .swf files. Visit their site to learn more about software that can help you with your 3-D Flash work:

Converting text to outlines

Another aspect of vector graphics that you need to keep in mind — especially when working with other designers — is font linking and embedding. With most vector file formats, such as Illustrator, FreeHand, or EPS, you can link to fonts that are located on your system. However, if you give a design file to someone who doesn't have those fonts installed, he or she won't be able to see or use the fonts. Some formats enable you to embed fonts into the document file, which circumvents this problem. However, whether the fonts are linked or embedded, you may be unnecessarily bloating the size of the vector graphic.

You can break apart imported text in Flash by using the Modify

Converting text to outlines

You can also convert any text into outlines (or paths) in most drawing or illustration programs (see Figure 13.21). In FreeHand, select the text as a text block (with the Selection tool, not the Text tool) and choose Text

Converting text to outlines
Compare the original imported vector artwork of the light bulb (left) with the stylized version hand drawn in Flash (right).

Figure 13.20. Compare the original imported vector artwork of the light bulb (left) with the stylized version hand drawn in Flash (right).

Make sure that you have finished editing your text before converting it into outlines. The text at the top can be edited, whereas the text at the bottom can be modified only as individual shapes.

Figure 13.21. Make sure that you have finished editing your text before converting it into outlines. The text at the top can be edited, whereas the text at the bottom can be modified only as individual shapes.

If you have a lot of body text in the graphic, you may want to copy the text directly into a Flash text box and use a _sans, _serif, or other device font. These fonts do not require additional file information (as embedded fonts do) when used in a Flash movie.

Optimizing curves

You can also reduce the complexity of paths within Flash by using the Modify

Optimizing curves
A complex vector graphic simplified with maximum smoothing

Figure 13.22. A complex vector graphic simplified with maximum smoothing


For a more detailed description of the Optimize curves options, refer to Chapter 5, "Drawing in Flash."

Runtime bitmap caching

Flash 8 introduced bitmap caching, a feature designed to improve rendering performance of animation that uses complex vector graphics. The Cache as bitmap option appears as a small check box in the Display section of the Properties panel when a Movie Clip instance is selected in the Flash authoring environment (as shown in Figure 13.23). If bitmap caching is enabled, Flash converts the vector graphic into a bitmap image at runtime. The advantage of using this technique is evident only as you start to build more complex files that require Flash to redraw elements in an animation. If your vector artwork is optimized and uses very few points, converting from vector to bitmap does not offer any performance improvements. However, if you have created a highly detailed vector background that you will use to layer with other animated elements, Flash can dedicate more resources to rendering smooth animation if the background is converted into a cached bitmap. Because the bitmap graphic is rendered only once, the speed and smoothness of your animation are not hindered by Flash having to constantly redraw the points and lines that make up your vector background. These same principles apply if you are using a very complex vector graphic that is motionless but modified with filter effects. Bitmap caching makes it possible for Flash to convert the complex vectors into a simpler pixel surface while it dedicates resources to rendering the filter transformations.

Bitmap caching can be enabled in the Display section of the Properties panel when a Movie Clip or Button symbol is selected in the authoring environment.

Figure 13.23. Bitmap caching can be enabled in the Display section of the Properties panel when a Movie Clip or Button symbol is selected in the authoring environment.


The file shown in Figure 13.23 is included on the CD so you can test the performance difference yourself, even with a simple tween. Open the bitmapCaching.fla file in the ch13 folder and test the movie to preview the animation with Cache as bitmap enabled. Then select the Movie Clip, turn off Cache as bitmap, and test the movie again. You should notice that the graphics look cleaner (less screen redraw) and the animation plays more smoothly when Cache as bitmap is turned on.

There are a few limitations to bitmap caching that you should keep in mind:

  • Bitmap caching uses significantly more memory than rendering vectors. Use bitmap caching only when it will noticeably improve the performance (smoothness) of your animation.

  • If your animation requires a very close zoom on vector content, it may look pixilated if the cache as bitmap option is enabled for that item.

  • Bitmap caching will fail if it is applied to a symbol that is larger than 2,880 pixels tall or wide.

  • If the graphic with bitmap caching enabled is nested inside of another symbol that is rotated or scrolled, bitmap caching is ignored for the nested graphic.

  • If the Flash Player runs out of memory (producing an error), bitmap caching is canceled.

Working with XFL: The New Flash Format

For many years, the .fla file format used to save Flash project information has been closed to third-party developers. This is why you haven't seen applications that can save or publish in the .FLA format Some applications (from Adobe and from other companies) publish .swf files, but the SWF format is mainly a display format and does not support development and editing like the FLA format does. In a radical move, Adobe has opened the .fla file format to an XML-based file format called XFL. Third-party applications can create .fla files using the XFL specification that works seamlessly with Flash.

AfterEffects CS5 can export XFL files, and Flash can open (not import) these files from Adobe applications and from third-party sources. XFL files, like FLA files, include all the assets used in a project along with the XML information that describes the structure of the file. XFL presents a brand-new opportunity for developers and designers to share files and even create their own tools. The impact of this new file format may be gradual, but if it catches on, it will be the Flash format of the future. For now, most people just need to know that XFL files can be opened in Flash with similar results to opening any other Flash project file.


The XFL format refers to both a file extension and a specification that works behind the scenes for FLA files. In Flash CS5, .fla files are actually zipped files that include a folder of binary assets (sounds, images, and so on) used in the project and XML files that describe the internal database of the Flash document. To see these files, simply Use the Save As command to save the file as an uncompressed file.


  • Flash can use a variety of external media, which enables you to select the most effective format for various types of content.

  • Bitmap smoothing has improved with newer versions of Flash. Even rotated or scaled bitmaps look less jagged on the edges than they did in early versions of Flash.

  • Deblocking is a new type of smoothing designed to reduce compression artifacts on bitmap images imported to Flash files targeting Flash Player 10.

  • Bitmaps are best suited for photographic images or images that contain detailed shading and/or complex color blends.

  • Bitmaps can be converted to vector artwork in a variety of ways. This process works best on simplified bitmap images or when it is used to create special image effects.

  • Vector graphics are most often used for logos, line drawings, and other artwork that does not include complex patterns and blends.

  • Flash supports the import of layers, editable text, and gradients from some graphics applications, including Photoshop, Fireworks, and Adobe Illustrator. You will need to put some care into preparing files to get the best results, but being able to reuse your file structure and editable elements created in other applications can save you a lot of time.

  • Flash CS5 includes preferences for the Illustrator and Photoshop importers that enable you to control how layered files from these applications are translated into Flash.

  • Flash has fairly robust support for imported gradients and preserves many Fireworks effects as editable filters in the Flash authoring environment.

  • The bitmap caching feature in Flash can greatly improve playback performance in movies that use complex vector graphics as background elements or scrolling content.

  • Most graphics applications include their own options for reducing the complexity of vector art. However, using Flash's various tools for optimizing vector artwork can also be an effective way to reduce your final file size.

  • XFL is the new open file format used behind the scenes in .fla filesIn Flash CS5, you can open XFL files (created in AfterEffects or InDesign), and save your .fla files in an uncompressed form to view the XML data used to define your document files.

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