List of Listings

Lesson 1. Get ready, get set, Go

Listing 1.1. Hello, playground: playground.go

Lesson 2. A glorified calculator

Listing 2.1. Hello Mars: mars.go

Listing 2.2. Printf: fmt.go

Listing 2.3. Traveling at the speed of light: lightspeed.go

Listing 2.4. Assignment operators: shortcut.go

Listing 2.5. Increment operator

Listing 2.6. Random numbers: rand.go

Lesson 3. Loops and branches

Listing 3.1. A function that returns a Boolean value: contains.go

Listing 3.2. Comparing numbers: compare.go

Listing 3.3. Branching: if.go

Listing 3.4. Leap year determination: leap.go

Listing 3.5. The not operator: torch.go

Listing 3.6. The switch statement: concise-switch.go

Listing 3.7. The switch statement: switch.go

Listing 3.8. A countdown loop: countdown.go

Listing 3.9. To infinity and beyond: infinity.go

Lesson 4. Variable scope

Listing 4.1. Scoping rules: scope.go

Listing 4.2. A condensed countdown: loop.go

Listing 4.3. Short declaration in a for loop: short-loop.go

Listing 4.4. Short declaration in a if statement: short-if.go

Listing 4.5. Short declaration in a switch statement: short-switch.go

Listing 4.6. Variable scoping rules: scope-rules.go

Listing 4.7. Random date refactored: random-date.go

Lesson 6. Real numbers

Listing 6.1. 64-bit vs. 32-bit floating-point: pi.go

Listing 6.2. Declaring a variable without a value: default.go

Listing 6.3. Formatted print for floating-point: third.go

Listing 6.4. Zero padding: third.go

Listing 6.5. Floating-point inaccuracies: float.go

Listing 6.6. Division first: rounding-error.go

Listing 6.7. Multiplication first: temperature.go

Lesson 7. Whole numbers

Listing 7.1. Inspect a variable’s type: inspect.go

Listing 7.2. Integers wrap around: integers-wrap.go

Listing 7.3. Display the bits: bits.go

Listing 7.4. The bits when integers wrap: bits-wrap.go

Listing 7.5. 64-bit integers: time.go

Lesson 8. Big numbers

Listing 8.1. Days to Alpha Centauri: alpha.go

Listing 8.2. Days to Andromeda Galaxy: andromeda.go

Listing 8.3. Literals of unusual size: constant.go

Listing 8.4. Constants of unusual size: constant.go

Lesson 9. Multilingual text

Listing 9.1. Raw string literals: raw.go

Listing 9.2. Multiple-line raw string literals: raw-lines.go

Listing 9.3. String type: raw-type.go

Listing 9.4. rune and byte: rune.go

Listing 9.5. Indexing into a string: index.go

Listing 9.6. Manipulate a single character: caesar.go

Listing 9.7. ROT13 cipher: rot13.go

Listing 9.8. The utf8 package: spanish.go

Listing 9.9. Decoding runes: spanish-range.go

Lesson 10. Converting between types

Listing 10.1. Mars age: mars-age.go

Listing 10.2. Ariane type conversion: ariane.go

Listing 10.3. Converting rune to string: rune-convert.go

Listing 10.4. Integer to ASCII: itoa.go

Listing 10.5. Converting a Boolean to a string: launch.go

Listing 10.6. Converting a string to a Boolean: tobool.go

Lesson 12. Functions

Listing 12.1. Kelvin to Celsius: kelvin.go

Lesson 13. Methods

Listing 13.1. A Celsius type: celsius.go

Listing 13.2. A celsius type behaves like a float64: celsius-addition.go

Listing 13.3. Types can’t be mixed

Listing 13.4. Functions with custom types: temperature-types.go

Lesson 14. First-class functions

Listing 14.1. Interchangeable sensor functions: sensor.go

Listing 14.2. A function as a parameter: function-parameter.go

Listing 14.3. Anonymous function: masquerade.go

Listing 14.4. Anonymous function: funcvar.go

Listing 14.5. Anonymous function: anonymous.go

Listing 14.6. Sensor calibration: calibrate.go

Lesson 16. Arrayed in splendor

Listing 16.1. Array of planets: array.go

Listing 16.2. Array of dwarf planets: dwarfs.go

Listing 16.3. A full array of planets: composite.go

Listing 16.4. Looping through an array: array-loop.go

Listing 16.5. Iterating through an array with range: array-range.go

Listing 16.6. Arrays are values: array-value.go

Listing 16.7. Arrays pass by value: terraform.go

Listing 16.8. Chessboard: chess.go

Lesson 17. Slices: windows into arrays

Listing 17.1. Slicing an array: slicing.go

Listing 17.2. Default indices: slicing-default.go

Listing 17.3. Start with a slice: dwarf-slice.go

Listing 17.4. Bringing worlds together: hyperspace.go

Listing 17.5. Sorting a slice of strings: sort.go

Lesson 18. A bigger slice

Listing 18.1. More dwarf planets: append.go

Listing 18.2. Len and cap: slice-dump.go

Listing 18.3. append to slice: slice-append.go

Listing 18.4. Capacity after slicing: three-index-slicing.go

Listing 18.5. Make a slice: slice-make.go

Listing 18.6. Variable arity functions: variadic.go

Lesson 19. The ever-versatile map

Listing 19.1. Average temperature map: map.go

Listing 19.2. Pointing at the same data: whoops.go

Listing 19.3. Frequency of temperatures: frequency.go

Listing 19.4. A map of slices: group.go

Listing 19.5. A makeshift set: set.go

Lesson 21. A little structure

Listing 21.1. Introducing a little structure: struct.go

Listing 21.2. Location type: location.go

Listing 21.3. Composite literal with field-value pairs: struct-literal.go

Listing 21.4. Composite literal with values only: struct-literal.go

Listing 21.5. Printing keys of structures: struct-literal.go

Listing 21.6. Assignment makes a copy: struct-value.go

Listing 21.7. Two slices of floats: slice-struct.go

Listing 21.8. A slice of locations: slice-struct.go

Listing 21.9. Marshalling location: json.go

Listing 21.10. Customizing location fields: json-tags.go

Lesson 22. Go’s got no class

Listing 22.1. The coordinate type: coordinate.go

Listing 22.2. The decimal method: coordinate.go

Listing 22.3. Construct a new location: construct.go

Listing 22.4. A whole new world: world.go

Lesson 23. Composition and forwarding

Listing 23.1. Without composition: unorganized.go

Listing 23.2. Structs inside of structs: compose.go

Listing 23.3. An average method: average.go

Listing 23.4. Struct embedding: embed.go

Listing 23.5. Embedding other types: sol.go

Listing 23.6. Another method with the same name: collision.go

Lesson 24. Interfaces

Listing 24.1. A set of methods: talk.go

Listing 24.2. Satisfying an interface: talk.go

Listing 24.3. Polymorphism: talk.go

Listing 24.4. A talker type: shout.go

Listing 24.5. Shout what was spoken: shout.go

Listing 24.6. Shouting: shout.go

Listing 24.7. Embedding satisfies interfaces: starship.go

Listing 24.8. Stardate calculation: stardate.go

Listing 24.9. Stardate interface: stardater.go

Listing 24.10. Sol implementation: stardater.go

Listing 24.11. In use: stardater.go

Listing 24.12. Satisfying stringer: stringer.go

Lesson 26. A few pointers

Listing 26.1. Address operator: memory.go

Listing 26.2. Dereference operator: memory.go

Listing 26.3. A pointer type: type.go

Listing 26.4. Declaring a pointer: home.go

Listing 26.5. Administrator for NASA: nasa.go

Listing 26.6. Person structure: struct.go

Listing 26.7. Composite literals: struct.go

Listing 26.8. Pointer to an array: superpowers.go

Listing 26.9. Function parameters: birthday.go

Listing 26.10. Function arguments: birthday.go

Listing 26.11. Pointer receiver: method.go

Listing 26.12. Method call with a pointer: method.go

Listing 26.13. Method call without a pointer: method.go

Listing 26.14. Tomorrow is a new day: day.go

Listing 26.15. The levelUp function: interior.go

Listing 26.16. Interior pointers: interior.go

Listing 26.17. Resetting the chessboard: array.go

Listing 26.18. Modifying a slice: slice.go

Listing 26.19. Pointers and interfaces: martian.go

Listing 26.20. Pointers and interfaces: interface.go

Lesson 27. Much ado about nil

Listing 27.1. Nil leads to panic: panic.go

Listing 27.2. Guard against panic: nopanic.go

Listing 27.3. Nil receivers: method.go

Listing 27.4. Guard clause: guard.go

Listing 27.5. Function types that are nil: fn.go

Listing 27.6. A default function: sort.go

Listing 27.7. Growing a slice: slice.go

Listing 27.8. Start with nil: mirepoix.go

Listing 27.9. Reading a map: map.go

Listing 27.10. Interfaces can be nil: interface.go

Listing 27.11. Wat?: interface.go

Listing 27.12. Inspecting the Go representation: interface.go

Listing 27.13. Number is set: valid.go

Lesson 28. To err is human

Listing 28.1. Files: files.go

Listing 28.2. Calling proverbs: proverbs.go

Listing 28.3. Writing Go Proverbs: proverbs.go

Listing 28.4. defer cleanup: defer.go

Listing 28.5. Storing error values: writer.go

Listing 28.6. The road to proverbs: writer.go

Listing 28.7. Sudoku grid: sudoku1.go

Listing 28.8. Validate parameters: sudoku1.go

Listing 28.9. Helper function: sudoku1.go

Listing 28.10. Set a digit: sudoku1.go

Listing 28.11. Declare error variables: sudoku2.go

Listing 28.12. Return the error: sudoku2.go

Listing 28.13. Which error in main: sudoku2.go

Listing 28.14. The error interface

Listing 28.15. Custom error type: sudoku3.go

Listing 28.16. Appending errors: sudoku3.go

Listing 28.17. Type assertion: sudoku3.go

Listing 28.18. Keep calm and carry on: panic.go

Lesson 30. Goroutines and concurrency

Listing 30.1. Sleepy gopher: sleepygopher.go

Listing 30.2. Five sleepy gophers: sleepygophers.go

Listing 30.3. Identified gophers: identifiedgophers.go

Listing 30.4. Channeled sleeping gophers: simplechan.go

Listing 30.5. Impatiently waiting for sleepy gophers: select1.go

Listing 30.6. A randomly sleeping gopher: select2.go

Listing 30.7. Source gopher: pipeline1.go

Listing 30.8. Filter gopher: pipeline1.go

Listing 30.9. Print gopher: pipeline1.go

Listing 30.10. Assembly: pipeline1.go

Listing 30.11. Assembly: pipeline2.go

Listing 30.12. Assembly: pipeline2.go

Listing 30.13. Assembly: pipeline2.go

Listing 30.14. Assembly: pipeline2.go

Lesson 31. Concurrent state

Listing 31.1. Locking and unlocking a mutex: mutex.go

Listing 31.2. Page reference map: scrape.go

Listing 31.3. Visit link: scrape.go

Listing 31.4. Number printing worker: printworker.go

Listing 31.5. Position updating worker: positionworker.go

Listing 31.6. RoverDriver type: rover.go

Listing 31.7. Create: rover.go

Listing 31.8. Command type: rover.go

Listing 31.9. RoverDriver worker: rover.go

Listing 31.10. RoverDriver methods: rover.go

Listing 31.11. Let it go!: rover.go

Appendix Appendix. Solutions

 Experiment: playground.go

 Experiment: malacandra.go

 Experiment: guess.go

 Experiment: random-dates.go

 Experiment: tickets.go

 Experiment: piggy.go

 Experiment: piggy.go

 Experiment: canis.go

 Experiment: caesar.go

 Experiment: international.go

 Experiment: input.go

 Experiment: decipher.go

 Experiment: cipher.go

 Experiment: functions.go

 Experiment: methods.go

 Experiment: calibrate.go

 Experiment: tables.go

 Experiment: chess.go

 Experiment: terraform.go

 Experiment: capacity.go

 Experiment: words.go

 Experiment: life.go

 Experiment: landing.go

 Experiment: landing.go

 Experiment: distance.go

 Experiment: gps.go

 Experiment: marshal.go

 Experiment: animals.go

 Experiment: turtle.go

 Experiment: knights.go

 Experiment: url.go

 Experiment: sudoku.go

 Experiment: remove-identical.go

 Experiment: split-words.go

 Experiment: positionworker.go

 Experiment: rover.go

 Experiment: lifeonmars.go

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