

The Forum Corporation is a global leader in workplace learning. For more than three decades, Forum has pioneered new ways to help its clients achieve business results by addressing their most important business challenges with learning solutions. Whether the issue is driving growth and profitability, reducing costs, minimizing employee turnover, developing leadership talent, or improving customer loyalty and retention, Forum aligns people with corporate strategies to deliver tangible business results.

As recognized experts in Leadership Development, Forum helps its clients turn their leaders into a competitive advantage by:

  • Implementing Strategic Change

    Forum helps clients accelerate the achievement of business results by equipping leaders with the necessary knowledge, skills and tools to connect the work of their business unit with the company's vision and strategic objectives, engage the support of their people, and drive business success.
  • Creating High Performing Culture

    Forum helps clients translate corporate values into leadership actions. Across geographies and diverse business units, or following a merger or acquisition, this common culture can spell the difference between high performance and lackluster results.
  • Developing and Retaining Leadership Talent

    Forum partners with clients to build and retain the talent that is key to competitive performance. We design comprehensive leadership development systems that link to strategy and provide research-based content and the implementation resources to ensure consistency, quality, and lasting change in leadership behavior.

Across all capabilities, Forum consultants work with clients to define the opportunity, create the solution, and quantify the business impact. Forum's research-based learning content in management, leadership, teams, sales, and service builds the skills and knowledge needed to motivate and sustain employee performance. Our global resources implement and support clients' learning strategies on a worldwide basis.

Forum's offices are located throughout North America, Europe, and Asia. For more information, please visit or contact one of the following headquarters:

North America
Boston, MA

+44. (0)20.7850.7500
London, England

852 2810 7071
Hong Kong

Forum is where learning means business.

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