
3M Worldwide, 253, 268

“Academy of Management” report (Harter), 178

Accenture, 13, 52, 75, 76, 96, 113, 288

Achievement-motivated personalities, 163

Action learning, 136–38

Action-learning reflection, 137

Action-reflection programs, 137–38

Adams, Yvette Hyater, 113

African Americans

Foster Farms Dairy, lawsuit against, 38

Texaco, lawsuit against, 29

Airgas, 119

Alliance for Strategic Leadership, 235

Alliances. See Partnerships and alliances, 271

American Express, 218

Anthem East, 71, 72, 115, 117, 165

Anytime-anyplace availability, 54

Association of Southeast Asian Nations, 7

Baby boomers, 33, 34

Bank of America, 292

Barnes and Noble, 289

Bartlet, Christopher, 237

Bechtel, 96

Bennis, Warren, 234

Blackberry communication system, 53, 54

Boeing Commercial Aircraft, 202

Borders Group, 289

Boundary integration

and leadership, xxxii

and technology, 9

Bright, Yvette, 37, 116

British Airways, 271

Bruns, John, 274

Bush, George W., 255

Business process outsourcing (BPO), 288

Butler, Chris, 116

Camargo, Juan, 31

Carlson, Jan, 271

Caterpillar Corporation, 200

Center for Advanced Emotional Intelligence, 187


answers, always having, 233, 234

in the business environment, 232

creativity and innovation, encouraging, 237–38

cultural flexibility, 235–36

direction, trust, and hope, 234

failures, the value of, 234

flexibility and planning, 236

lack of established models, 231

leadership versus management, 233–35

and networked leadership, 238

as an opportunity, 232–33, 234

results, translating ideas into, 238

status quo bias, 234–35

streamlining for lower rank input, 237–38

Charisma, 116


facial expressions, 179

failure rate of U.S. companies, 13

Churchill: A Biography (Jenkins), 236

Clinton, Bill, 220

Co-branding, 77

Cold War, 67


co-branding, 77

competitor bashing, 77

versus cooperation and compliance, 31

defined, 31

mergers between competitors, 77

and outsourcing, 288

with technical experts and advisors, 56

value of, 98–99

Collaborative leadership. See Shared leadership

Collaborative teams

and change, 234

and conflict, 31

consensual decision making, 73

dependency matrices, 73

empowering, 31

and future leadership, 4

participatory management, 73

respecting individual members, 134

survival exercises, 72

Command and control management, 67, 115, 138

Competition, 7, 76–78

Competitive advantage, 290–92

and customer satisfaction, 292

innovation through people, 289

intellectual capital, 289

long-term shareholder value, achieving, 293

outsourcing, 288

performance, faster and better, 287–88

and technology, 289

waste and unnecessary cost, eliminating, 290–92

Competitor bashing, 77

Consensual decision making, 73

Constructive abrasion of diverse styles, 36

Constructive conflict, 186

Constructive dialogue

asking, 200–201

constructive feedback, accepting, 201–02

content, listening to, 203

defensiveness, avoiding, 202

methods to encourage, 204

new ideas, welcoming, 203

one-way “transmit” mode, 199

open-minded listening, 201

perspectives, understanding other, 202

shooting the messenger, 202

town hall meetings, 202


and globalism, 1

levels of, 8

partnerships and alliances, building, 67

CoreStates, 113

Corporate Culture and Performance (Kotter and Heskett), 178

Covey, Stephen, 218

Crossfunctional teams, 70

Crosspollination of knowledge, 68, 69

Cross-training, 135

Cultural diversity. See also Diversity

appreciating, as leadership quality, 2–3, 11

defined, 2

fact versus relationship orientation, 235

and global marketing, 12

integrity versus cultural preference, 218

international immersion, 12, 38

and motivational strategies, 3

religion, 2, 10, 28

shortcomings, admitting personal, 176–77

Cultural flexibility, 235–36

Culture-specific education, 14

Curlander, Paul, 120

Customer satisfaction

changing customer behavior, 269–70

commitments, keeping, 272

and competition, 270, 272–73

as a critical success factor, 267

customers, new versus retaining, 270

in diverse cultures, 269–70

frontline employees, 268

goals, setting, 268

service and quality, 270–71

soliciting input, 270–71

Daimler-Chrysler, 38

Dell Computer Corporation, 112

Dell, Michael, 112

Dependency matrices, 73

Despain, James, 200, 201

DiBona, G. Fred, Jr., 37, 79–80, 116

Digital Equipment Corporation, 76–77

Discrimination lawsuits, 29

Diversity. See also Cultural diversity

conflict, value of, 39

constructive abrasion of styles, 36

and customer satisfaction, 269–70

discrimination lawsuits, 29

dynamics of, understanding, 28

and empathy, 179–80

fact-based versus feeling-based people, 38

generational differences, 29

gestures and body language, 179–80

ideas and perspectives, embracing, 30–32

Japanese-American relations, 117–18

leader as a role model, 38

leveraging for company vision, 114

and motivational strategies, 28

open-mindedness, 31–32

and recognition, 142

resource versus opportunity for error, 27

and shared leadership, 97

and teambuilding, 32. See also Collaborative teams

training and development, 28–30

in workplace, increase of, 27

Diversity tension, 27, 30, 31, 36

Dorr, Marjorie, 71, 72, 165

Downsizing packages, 134

Drexel, Anthony J., 185

Drexel Institute of Art, Science and Industry, 185

Drexel University, 98, 186

Drucker Foundation, 307

Drucker, Peter, 70, 132, 200, 307

Dynamism, 232

Economic development, xxi

EDS, 269

Electronic Ink, Inc., 97, 101–02, 179

Emotional awareness, xxi, xxii

Emotional literacy, 30

Empathy, 179–80


achievement- versus power-motivated, 163

challenge, responsibility, and accountability, 160–61

confidence, building employee, 158–59

control, letting go of, 157, 161, 163

cookie-cutter approach, failure of, 165

decision making, providing opportunities for, 159, 161–62

environment, creating a favorable, 158

hierarchy versus intrapreneurial model, 160

intrapreneurial opportunities, providing, 161

and micromanaging, 162, 164

motivation, discovering individual, 163–64

risk, limiting, 162

trust versus hoarding power, 162–63

Enron, 217, 218

Equal (sweetener), 77

Eskew, Michael, 181

Ethical behavior

convictions and values, clarity and consistency of, 219–20

importance to young leaders, 217

integrity versus cultural preference, 218

leading by example, 220

organizational values, 218

personal values, 217–18

politics and self-service, avoiding, 219

self-directed versus otherdirected, 218

and trust, 217

European Union (EU), 7

Executive team model, 73, 96

Fannie Mae, 29

Ford Explorer malfunction, 76

Forehand, Joe, 13

Fortune magazine, 29

Forum Corporation, xxxiv

Foster Farms Dairy, 38

Frick, Joe, 116

G8Summit, 30

Gallagher, Brian, 71

Garrison, Karen, 237

Gavin, John, 114

General Electric, 8–9, 218, 254, 291

Generation Xers, 33, 34

Generation Ys, 33

Generational conflict, 34

Generational differences. See also Multigenerational leadership

compared, 33–35

needs and motivations, 32–34

technological savvy, 51, 56

thinking processes, 33

Germany, 30

Gerstner, Lou, 55

Ghoshal, Sumantra, 237

Gifts, meaning of, 2, 28

Girl Scouts of the United States, 163, 307

Glasscock, Larry, 117

Global integration, 8

Global Leader of the Future Inventory, xxxi, xxxiv, 307

Global leadership. See also Global thinking; Globalization; Leadership qualities; Shared leadership

characteristics, future emerging, 2–4

company vision, creating. See Shared vision, creating

competitive advantage, maintaining. See Competitive advantage

constructive dialogue, encouraging. See Constructive dialogue

customer satisfaction, ensuring. See Customer satisfaction

developing and retaining people. See High-impact performers, retaining

diversity, teaching the value of, 38–39

diversity training, need for, 29–30

effectiveness, fifteen dimensions needed for, xxxii

empowering people. See Empowerment

flexibility, importance of, 10–11

globally literate teams, creating, 13–14

integrity, demonstrating. See Ethical behavior

language skills, acquiring, 11–12

leading change. See Change

leading from the middle, 14

living abroad, benefits of, 11

open-mindedness, 31–32

opportunities, anticipating. See Opportunities

partnerships, building. See Partnerships and alliances

personal awareness, need for, xxi–xxii

personal mastery. See as main heading

relationships, networking, 78

stereotypes, overcoming, 13

and technology. See Technological savvy; Technology, benefits of

Global Leadership: The Next Generation (Goldsmith, Greenberg, Robertson, and Hu-Chan)

conclusion, 308–09

develop yourself, using this book to, 307

develop your team, using this book to, 308

interview questions (Appendix B), 323–25

research methodology (Appendix A), 311–21

statistical methods (Appendix D), 335–36

survey (Appendix C), 327–34

Global marketplace

doing business in, 12–13

Hispanic market, 114

and language, 12

one-stop shopping, 13, 269

standalone products versus integrated solutions, 75, 76, 269

Global thinking. See also Global leadership; Globalization

competition and standards compliance, 7

convergence, 8

and domestic organizations, 7, 9, 16

experience, gaining, 11–12

individual needs, understanding, 10–11

as leadership quality, 2

partnerships and alliances, 7–8

strategies and trends, 12–13

trade and technology, effects of, 7

Global village view, 2, 13–14

Globalization, 75. See also Global leadership; Global thinking

impact of, 8–10

and leadership, xxxii, 10

politics and rules of trade, effect on, 8–9

trade and technology, effects of, 2, 3, 9

Globally literate teams, creating, 13–14

Goldman Sachs, 101

Goldsmith, Marshall, xxvii

Gorbachev, Mikhail, 67

Greco, Rosemarie, 15–16

Greenberg, Cathy L., PhD., xxvii–xxviii

Grove, Andy, 237

Guiliani, Rudolph, 255

Hambrose, Harold, 97, 101–02, 179

Hambrose, Johanna, 97, 101–02, 179

Handspring Treo, 269

Harmon, Fred, 253

Harrah, William, 273

Harrah’s Entertainment, 273–74

Harter, Eric, 178

Harvard Executive Program, 38

HB Fuller Company, 235

The Heart of the Soul (Zukav and Francis), xxi

Hershey Foods Corporation, 289

Hertz, 271

Heskett, John, 178

Hesselbein, Frances, 162–63, 307

Hewlett-Packard, 76–77, 269, 291

High-impact performers, retaining, 120

action learning, 136–38

annual reviews versus ongoing monitoring, 139

balanced life, need for, 135

coaching, 138–39

compensation plans, challenging, 141

compensation versus recognition, 140

cross-training, 135

downsizing packages, 134

fear and intimidation, ineffectiveness of, 134

feedback, 139–40

human resources department, 140

ideas and goals, sharing, 136

recognition, differing needs for, 141, 141–42

respect and dignity, showing, 133–34

strategies, listed, 133

thriving environment, creating, 134–35

training and development, 135–38

trends complicating, 131–32

work, changing nature of, 131

Highmark, 96, 294

Hispanic Business Radio (HBR), 114


Hispanic market, 114

USDA, lawsuit against, 29

Home Depot, 75, 176, 181

Hu-Chan, Maya, xxviii

Human development, xxi

IBM, 75–76, 234, 269

Independence Blue Cross (IBC), 37, 79–80, 96, 116

Influence, 111, 113

Inside-out leadership, 177–79

Intel, 237

Intergenerational synergy, 35

Intergraph Corporation, 96

Internal networks of influence, 4

International immersion, 12, 38

Intrapreneurial model, 160

Intrapreneuring in Action: A Handbook for Business Innovation (Pinchot and Pellman), 160

Italy, 28, 30

Janney, John, 116

Japan, 28, 30, 235

Jenkins, Roy, 236

Johnson and Johnson (J&J), 219, 291

Jordan, Michael, 100

JP Morgan, 137–38

Kaye, Beverly, 33

Kenan Communications, 96

Kets de Vries, Manfred, 179

Klingensmith, James M., 294

Knowledge workers empowering, 160–61

retaining, 4, 70

rise in influence of, 132

Koran, 10, 28

Kotter, John, 132, 178

Labeling, 10


acquiring skills, 11–12

cultural interpretations, understanding, 30

marketing, effect on, 12

Leadership, 79

and business success, xxxii, 4

collaborative teams, 4

context, transformation of, xxxii

hierarchical model versus partnerships, 67, 70–71, 72, 73, 79, 95

how to, ability to learn, xxxii

inside-out, 177–79

versus management, 233–35

multigenerational, 29

shared. See Shared leadership

success factors, 15

team- and influence-based, 72

Leadership entropy, xxiii

Leadership qualities. See also Global leadership; Shared leadership

company loyalty, decline in, 70

consistent over time, 1–2

cultural diversity, appreciating, 2–3

emerging future trends, listed, 2

global thinking, 2. See also as main heading

partnerships and alliances, ability to build, 3–4. See also Partnerships and alliances

surge of interest in, xxxi

technological savvy, 3, 51

Leadership teams, 73, 96

Lenior, Etienne, 56

Lexmark International, 120

Lister, Kathy, 116

Love ’Em or Lose ’Em: Getting People to Stay (Kaye), 33

Loveman, Gary, 273–74

Marketing. See Global marketplace

Matthias, Rebecca, 256

McCausland, Peter, 119

McColl, Hugh, 56

McKinsey and Company, 72, 162

McNealy, Scott, 55

McNerney, James, Jr., 268

MCP Hahnemann University, 98

Merck & Co., 219

Micromanagement, 162

Middle East, 10

Millenials, 33, 34

Miyoshi, Yo, 235

Moments of Truth (Carlson), 271

Mother’s Work, Inc., 256

Motivation. See also High-impact performers, retaining

age gap differences, 32–33

and diversity, 3, 28

and teambuilding, 32

in the workplace, defined, 32

MSPS (motivational needs profiling system), 136

Mulally, Alan, 202, 203

Multigenerational leadership. See also Generational differences

defined, 29

difficulties and challenges, 35

guidelines, 35–37

intergenerational synergy, 35, 270

Nardelli, Bob, 176, 181

National Association of Female Executives (NAFE), 29

National Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, 96

National Business and Disability Council, 29

New work contract, 131

Next-generation companies, 232

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 7

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 67–68

Northrop Grumman, 76, 238

On Becoming a Leader (Bennis), 234


alternatives, considering, 254

anticipating future, 253–54

big picture, focusing on, 253

customer needs, anticipating, 252

focusing on the future, 254

future trends, investigating, 252–53

new environments, meeting the needs of, 254–55

perspective and approach, long-term, 254

short-term perspective versus long-term trends, 253

and vision, 251

visioning, 253–54, 270

Other-directed, 218

Outsourcing, 78, 288

Papadakis, Constantine (Taki), 185–86

The Paradox of Success (O’Neil), xxiii

Participatory management, 73

Partnerships and alliances

across the company, 70–74

building teams, 72–74. See also Collaborative teams

co-branding, 77

competitor bashing, 77

with competitors, 76–78

confidences, respecting, 68

with coworkers, 70–71

crosspollination of knowledge, 68, 69, 72

with customers, 75

with direct reports, 70

feedback and dialogue, constructive, 69

hoarding talent, 68

internal and external, 67–68

with managers, 71–72

necessary components, listed, 78

outside the organization, 74–78

outsourcing, 78, 79

resource sharing, 71

second-party, with vendors, 76

and shared leadership, 95–96

success, measuring, 78

with suppliers, 75–76

trend towards, 3, 7–8, 67

trust, creating, 68–69

vendor partnering, 75

Personal mastery

competencies, filling the gaps, 177, 181

congruency, personal and organizational, 181–84

defined, 175

delegating, knowing what to, 177

emotion, talking about, 180

empathy, 179–80

factors for leadership success, 187

inside-out leadership, 177–79

personal values, aligning with stakeholders, 176

self-assessment, need for, 184–85

self-awareness, reasons for developing, 180–81

self-confidence and integrity, 176

self-reflection, capacity for, 179

shifting values, 185

shortcomings, admitting to, 176–77

values and trustworthiness, 181

Petróleos de Venezuela, 31

Pinchot, Gifford, 160, 161

Pitney Bowes, 237

Political development, xxi

Power-motivated personalities, 163

Primal Leadership (Goleman, Boyatzis, and McKee), xxi

Qwest, 254

Reagan, Ronald, 67

Reeder, Andrew, 114

Religion, 2, 10, 28

Resource sections, using, xxxiii–xxxiv

Robertson, Alastair G., xxix

Rolling Stones, 10

Rotation, in Asian companies, 117

San Diego Builder’s Association, 77

SBC Communications, 29

Scandinavian Airlines Systems (SAS), 271

Schein, Edgar, 114

Second-party vendor alliances, 76

SEI Investments, 100

Self-directed, 218

Self-monitoring, 235

Sexual harassment, 38

Shared leadership. See also Collaboration

and changing challenges, 99–100

collaborative teams, 4

executive team model, 96

failures, reasons for, 96, 98

in flattened organizations, 97–98

as future operating model, xxxii, 3, 4, 95

versus individualism, 4

and knowledge workers, 4

lack of organizational support, 5

partnerships and mergers, 95–96

resources, sharing versus owning, 99

specialists, need for, 100

talent, maximizing, 96–98

team environment, fostering, 99–101

Shared vision, creating

buy-in, importance of, 115

charisma, importance of, 116

coaching, role of, 138

communicating, 111–12

diversity, leveraging, 114

effective strategies, developing, 118

influence, 111, 113

input from others, 113–15

inspired versus compelled, 115

organizational pride, instilling, 116

during periods of change, 116–17

priorities and roles, defining, 118–19

top-down approach, ineffectiveness of, 114–15

trust, 116–18

Silent generation, 33

Silo politics, 118

Siloed organizations, 68, 79

Social dynamism. See Diversity tension

Sprint PCS Vision, 269

Status quo bias, 3–4, 234

Stereotypes, overcoming, 13

Sun Microsystems, 252

Sunset cruises, 117

Technological change

and global thinking, 2, 7

and leadership, xxxii, 3

leveraging for productivity, 56–57

Technological literacy, 52

Technological savvy

and age, 51

infrastructures, understanding, 52

versus intimidation, 54–55

investment decisions, 56–58

as leadership quality, 3, 51

opposition to, 55

and rank, inverse correlation between, 51

recruiting experts, 55–56

safety versus effectiveness decisions, 53

versus technical expertise, 55

which tool when, 54

Technology, benefits of

anytime-anyplace availability, 54

communication, ease of, 52–53, 57

increased interaction, 53–54

manual systems, replacement of, 53

personal presence, extension of, 54

Texaco, 29

Thain, John A., 101

The Leadership Profile (TLP), 178

Thorton, John L., 101

Three-dimensional thinking, 33

Timeliness, 2, 28

Town hall meetings, 202


and global thinking, 7

increase in global, 2, 270

Trust, creating, 68–69, 116–18, 162–63

Turfism, 100

UBS Financial Services, 218

United Parcel Service (UPS), 181

United Way, 71

U.S. Department of Agriculture, 29

U.S. Special Forces and Northern Alliance, 56

Vendor partnering, 75

Videoconferencing, 54, 112

Viet Nam War, 29

Visioning, 253–54

Vitro, 38

Wal-Mart, 75

Warsaw Pact, 68

Watergate, 29

Web thinking, 15

Welch, Jack, 254

West, Al, 100

West, George, 218

Wieand, Paul, 186–87, 67

Worldcom, 217, 218, 254

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