Appendix C
The Global Leader of the Future Survey

Instructions for Completing the Inventory

The Global Leader of the Future Inventory (see Table C-1) has been developed based on research involving future leaders from over 120 of the world's leading organizations. Use this feedback tool to determine which areas of leadership development you will focus on as you read this book. This tool can also be used to evaluate the leadership capabilities of your managers, peers, and employees.

As you consider the listed behaviors, please circle the response that best describes how satisfied you are with your performance or the performance of the person whom you are evaluating. The more honest you are in your responses, the more useful the feedback will be.

While some items may appear to be similar, treat each item separately. No two items are the same. Although you may not have complete information concerning each item, try to provide a rating based on the information you have. If you feel unable to answer a question, use the "No Information" category. Please do not use the "Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied" response if you feel unable to respond to an item.

After responding to the questions, turn to the back page of the Inventory. This "Written Comments" section is for you to provide information about areas where you (or the individual you are evaluating) are especially effective and where you might be more effective. Finally, please supply any additional comments, particularly regarding items that may not have been covered in the questionnaire portion.

The Forum Corporation, a pioneer in the use of 360-degree feedback, is pleased to offer the Global Leader of the Future Inventory for use within your company. If you are interested in using the survey, on its own or as part of a larger leadership development program, visit our Web site ( or call one of the following Forum offices for assistance:

  • In the United States, Canada, and South America: 1-800-FORUM11 (367-8611)
  • In Europe and the Middle East: +44-0-20-7010-2600
  • In Asia and the Far East: 852-2810-7071

Forum is a global leader in workplace learning with 700 professionals worldwide. As the corporate learning arm of Pearson plc, Forum partners with the world's leading companies to help them implement strategy, solve problems, and perform better. Forum consultants are recognized experts in leadership development, branding the customer experience, building world-class sales teams, and creating blended learning solutions. Whether your business issue is driving growth and profitability, reducing costs, minimizing employee turnover, developing leadership talent, or improving customer loyalty and retention, Forum aligns your people to your business strategy to deliver tangible business results. Forum's clients are predominately FTSE 250 and Fortune 1000 companies.

Global Leader of the Future Inventory: 360-Degree Feedback Assessment

Instructions: As you complete this questionnaire, please note that each item is preceded by the question, How satisfied are you with the way this person...? Your response choices are 1: Highly Dissatisfied, 2: Dissatisfied, 3: Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied, 4: Satisfied, 5: Highly Satisfied, or NI: No Information. Please indicate your response by circling your choice to the right of each item.

Table C.1. Global Leadership Inventory.







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