Time for action - setting the starting invoice number

We want the next invoice to start with the number 2501. We are going to directly edit the file where GnuCash saves all the accounts data in order to achieve this objective:

  1. From the menu select Edit | Preferences | General.
  2. In the Files pane, you will see the Compress files checkbox. Uncheck it as shown in the following screenshot:
    Time for action - setting the starting invoice number
  3. Exit GnuCash using the File | Quit menu.
  4. Most important step: Make a backup of your accounts file.
  5. Use a plain text editor such as Notepad and open the GnuCash accounts file.


    Word processing programs such as OpenOffice Writer or MS Word are not suitable for this work. They store formatting data, in addition to the text. This messes up the GnuCash data file.

  6. Search for the text gncInvoice. You should find it near the top of the file. You will see the corresponding value in the very next line. Change the number to 2500 as shown in the following screenshot:
    Time for action - setting the starting invoice number
  7. Save and close the text editor.
  8. Start GnuCash again and confirm that there are no errors at the time of starting and that all your data seems to be intact. If it is, heave a big sigh of relief. If not, verify that your back up file is intact. Heave the other big sigh of relief. The one that says, "Thank goodness. I had sense enough to take a backup." Start at step 1. Rinse and repeat until you get it right.

What just happened?

Operation successful. Patient survived, though we had to use the backup of the GnuCash brain a couple of times. However, we won't tell anyone about that little secret of ours. Especially not to our medical doctor friends.


Please note that the number stored is that of the last invoice created. In this case, we set that as 2500. The next invoice will be created with the serial number 002501. As you can see, GnuCash will add the leading zeroes automatically.

Pop quiz - setting the starting invoice number

  1. Which of the following are allowed for creating the next invoice with the next number?

    a. MACS1000.

    b. 2011-1000.

    c. 2011.1000.

    d. 1000.

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