Chapter 4. How not to Get Lost in the Transactions Jungle

"Bank account reconciliation need not be a chore. With a little preparation, some forethought, and a meticulous mind set, balancing a check book can be quick and easy. The result? Financial peace of mind." from a web article about how to start a home-based business.

Let us first look at what experienced outdoors people do to avoid getting lost while hiking in the wilderness. From this let us see what tips we can glean that can help us avoid getting lost in the transactions jungle.

How not to get lost while hiking in the wilderness

If you are a hiker, you may have encountered a situation like the following: You're hiking north to south. Your map shows a campsite further down south and to the west of your destination. According to the map, two trails will be turning off to the west. You want to take the second of these two trails.

On the other hand, some trails shown on a map have been known to vanish without a trace. In order to protect against such a contingency, you can use your compass to draw a line from a landmark in the map towards the trail and see where it intersects the trail. Charting your location on a map using known landmarks that appear on the map is a proven way to avoid getting lost when hiking in the wilderness. In the same way, reconciling your accounts with that of your bank and your credit card company is the proven way to validate your bookkeeping. If you are on a long hike, it is prudent to check your position often, so that you can make corrections before you stray too far off from your intended path and end up getting lost.

In this chapter we shall cover:

  • Manual bank reconciliation using a printed monthly statement
  • Why you should avoid editing or deleting a reconciled transaction
  • Electronic bank reconciliation using a downloaded statement
  • Credit Card reconciliation
  • Why you should exercise care in selecting the account while importing transactions for the first time.
  • How to recover if you pointed at the wrong account.

So let's get on with it....

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