List of Listings

Chapter 1. Welcome to the Griffon revolution

Listing 1.1. Default GroovyEditView

Listing 1.2. Adding menus and a tabbed pane to GroovyEditView.groovy

Listing 1.3. Full source of GroovyEditView.groovy

Listing 1.4. GroovyEditController with two actions

Listing 1.5. FilePanelView with a tab, a text area, and buttons

Listing 1.6. FilePanelModel with required model properties

Listing 1.7. FilePanelController’s full implementation

Listing 1.8. Full source of FilePanelView.groovy

Listing 1.9. Basic Java Swing application

Listing 1.10. Simplified Swing application

Chapter 2. A closer look at Griffon

Listing 2.1. Contents of griffon-app/conf/Application.groovy

Listing 2.2. Contents of griffon-app/conf/Builder.groovy

Listing 2.3. Environment settings on BuildConfig.groovy

Listing 2.4. Contents of Config.groovy as created by default

Listing 2.5. Default contents of Initialize.groovy

Chapter 3. Models and binding

Listing 3.1. FormModel.groovy

Listing 3.2. FormModel.groovy with enabler logic

Listing 3.3. FormView.groovy

Listing 3.4. FormController.groovy

Listing 3.5. JavaBeans bound properties in Java, the long way

Listing 3.6. Bound properties with @Bindable

Listing 3.7. java.util.Map access in Groovy

Listing 3.8. ObservableMap in action

Listing 3.9. ObservableList in action

Listing 3.10. Simple binding example

Listing 3.11. Implicit argument property examples

Listing 3.12. Contextual property binding examples

Listing 3.13. Converting a binding value

Listing 3.14. Validating a binding value

Listing 3.15. MortgageCalcModel.groovy

Listing 3.16. Bindings on the model properties

Listing 3.17. MortgageCalcView.groovy

Listing 3.18. Updated MortgageCalcModel with validation and conversion logic

Chapter 4. Creating a view

Listing 4.1. A bare-bones HelloWorld Swing application

Listing 4.2. “Hello Back” application that reads user input and displays it in Swing

Listing 4.3. “Hello World” application implemented with Groovy’s SwingBuilder

Listing 4.4. “Hello World” with proper threading support

Listing 4.5. Advanced “Hello World” with SwingBuilder

Listing 4.6. Brief layout of SwingPadView.groovy before breaking it up

Listing 4.7. Revised SwingPadView

Listing 4.8. Generated LoginDialogView.groovy script

Listing 4.9. Updated LoginDialogView.groovy

Listing 4.10. Implementation of LoginController

Listing 4.11. LoginView configured with an Abeille Forms form

Chapter 5. Understanding controllers and services

Listing 5.1. FormModel with three bindable properties

Listing 5.2. FormController, which can handle any model properties

Listing 5.3. FormView with two panels: model properties and controller actions

Chapter 6. Understanding MVC groups

Listing 6.1. MVC group declarations in Application.groovy

Listing 6.2. Code injection example

Listing 6.3. Adding an actions member to FilePanel

Listing 6.4. WeatherWidgetController instantiating and using groups

Listing 6.5. WeatherWidgetView wiring up views from the instantiated views

Listing 6.6. Template definition for DialogView.groovy

Listing 6.7. Template definition for DialogModel.groovy

Listing 6.8. Template definition for DialogController.groovy

Chapter 7. Multithreaded applications

Listing 7.1. Java version of SimpleFileViewer

Listing 7.2. RevisedSimpleFileViewer with threading taken into account

Listing 7.3. Groovy version of SimpleFileReader

Listing 7.4. Groovy enhanced readFile()

Listing 7.5. SwingBuilder threading applied to GroovyFileReader

Listing 7.6. Simplified version of selectFile() and readFile()

Listing 7.7. Violating EDT restrictions

Listing 7.8. EDT restriction no longer violated

Listing 7.9. Contents of griffon-app/conf/Builder.groovy

Listing 7.10. Updated configuration found on Builder.groovy

Listing 7.11. Minimal implementation for FileViewerView.groovy without tabs

Listing 7.12. Parameterized tab creation

Listing 7.13. Adding parameterized tabs to the tabbedPane

Listing 7.14. Full implementation of the readFileNoThreading action

Listing 7.15. Full implementation of the readFileWithThreading action

Listing 7.16. Full implementation of the readFileWithWorker action

Listing 7.17. Full implementation of the readFileWithUpdates action

Chapter 8. Listening to notifications

Listing 8.1. Barebones _Events.groovy script listening to a single event

Listing 8.2. EventsController displaying all event-handler options at its disposal

Listing 8.3. PingController sending and handling a custom application event

Listing 8.4. PingView.groovy

Listing 8.5. MarcoController.groovy

Listing 8.6. Player.groovy class receiving and sending events

Listing 8.7. MarcoModel.groovy

Listing 8.8. MarcoView.groovy

Chapter 9. Testing your application

Listing 9.1. Testing for error outputs in DictionaryService

Listing 9.2. Adding enough code to DictionaryService to turn the test green

Listing 9.3. DictionaryService with a lookup table to store definitions

Listing 9.4. Three tests methods exercising DictionaryService

Listing 9.5. Implementation of DictionaryController

Listing 9.6. Implementation of DictionaryModel

Listing 9.7. Implementation of DictionaryView

Listing 9.8. FEST test for the Dictionary application

Listing 9.9. Test that verifies the Search button is disabled

Listing 9.10. DictionaryServiceSpec with two test methods

Listing 9.11. DictionaryServiceSpec: correct input results

Listing 9.12. Full implementation of the DictionarySpec specification

Listing 9.13. Basic easyb story as created by default

Listing 9.14. easyb story that tests whether a word can be found

Chapter 10. Ship it!

Listing 10.1. Build event handler to override izpack packaging target settings

Chapter 11. Working with plugins

Listing 11.1. Initial contents of a plugin descriptor

Listing 11.2. Initial addon code in TracerGriffonAddon.groovy

Listing 11.3. Intercepting property updates on an observable instance

Listing 11.4. The calculator’s view

Listing 11.5. The calculator’s model

Listing 11.6. The calculator’s controller

Listing 11.7. Updated addon descriptor with additional behavior

Chapter 12. Enhanced looks

Listing 12.1. The groovy.util.Factory interface

Listing 12.2. Defining a custom node using an implicit addon in Builder.groovy

Listing 12.3. Basic builder implementation

Listing 12.4. Some SwingXBuilder components in action

Listing 12.5. JIDE’s CheckBoxList and buttons

Listing 12.6. Swing CSS stylesheet

Listing 12.7. A CSS styled view

Listing 12.8. Drawing a happy house with Groovy

Listing 12.9. The SphereView view script

Listing 12.10. SphereNode definition

Chapter 13. Griffon in front, Grails in the back

Listing 13.1. RESTful implementation of AuthorController

Listing 13.2. RESTful implementation of BookController

Listing 13.3. Adding some initial data to the application via Bootstrap.groovy

Listing 13.4. The view in all its glory

Listing 13.5. The model with all the properties required by the view

Listing 13.6. Bookstore client with all required REST calls

Listing 13.7. The controller and service working in unison

Chapter 14. Productivity tools

Listing 14.1. A default Gradle build file created by the Griffon command

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