
A huge thanks to all the contributors and everyone who helped to put this book together, in particular to Jo Lightfoot, Melissa Danny and Ida Riveros at LKP; & SMITH; and Patrick Burgoyne, Gavin Lucas and Mark Sinclair at CR. Also to Thierry Albert, William Bartlett, Raphael Basckin, Chris Baylis, Damien Bellon, Jeff Benjamin, Todd Brandes, John Cherry, Rick Condos, Mario Crudele, Brian DiLorenzo, Matt Doman, Daniel Dormeyer, Scott Duchon, Eric Eddy, Richard Flintham, Fred & Farid, Gary Freedman, Piero Frescobaldi, Nicolai Fuglsig, Jonathan Glazer, Matt Gooden, Richard Gorodecky, Laurence Green, Greg Hahn, Johnny Hardstaff, Ian Heartfield, Hunter Hindman, Héloïse Hooton, Nicholas Hulley, Ant Keogh, Daniel Kleinman, Jonathan Kneebone, Tom Kuntz, Bella Laine, Nicolette Lazarus, Nadia Lossgott, Ryan McGinley, Will McGinness, Darlene Mach, Kris Manchester, Emily Mason, Kylie Matulick, Justin Moore, Todd Mueller, Nima Nourizadeh, Benjamin Palmer, Chris Palmer, John Patroulis, Carlos Pérez, Mark Pytlik, Jamie Rafn, Tom Ramsden, Patricia Reta, Kevin Roddy, Natalia Rodoni, Michael Russoff, Tom Sacchi, Rodrigo Saavedra, Rupert Sanders, Stephen Sapka, Calle & Pelle Sjönell, Jake Scott, Jose Silva, Shelley Smoler, Mike Smith, Taylor Smith, Smith & Foulkes, Gustavo Sousa, Shannon Stephaniuk, Roger Stighall, Charles Stone III, Koichiro Tanaka, Ben Walker, Andrew Watson, Dougal Wilson, Sara Woster, and Stéphane Xiberras. And finally, thanks to Sean and to Mum for all their support.

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