Choosing Drafting Options

The Drafting tab controls settings that relate to object snaps, AutoTracking, and the AutoSnap marker. You can also control how AutoCAD displays alignment vectors, and the display size for the aperture (the square in the center of the crosshairs).

The Drafting tab is organized into five areas, as shown in Figure 3.16. The five areas are as follows:

Figure 3.16. The Drafting tab in the Options dialog box controls various snapping features.

  • AutoSnap Settings. Controls settings that relate to object snaps.

  • AutoSnap Marker Size. Sets the display size for the AutoSnap Marker. The Marker is a geometric symbol that displays the object snap location when the crosshairs move over a snap point on an object. By dragging the button left or right, you increase or decrease the size of the AutoSnap Marker.

  • AutoTrack Settings. Controls the settings that relate to AutoTracking behavior.

  • Alignment Point Acquisition. Controls the method of displaying alignment vectors in a drawing.

  • Aperture Size. Sets the display size for the aperture. The aperture box is the box that appears inside the crosshairs when you select an object snap. By dragging the button left or right, you increase or decrease the size of the aperture.

AutoSnap Settings

The AutoSnap Settings area allows you to control settings that affect the display and behavior of the crosshairs when using object snaps. There are five features you can control, described as follows:

  • Marker. Controls the display of the AutoSnap Marker. When you move over an object, a geometric symbol appears, indicating the type of snap.

  • Magnet. This option turns the AutoSnap magnet on or off. The magnet is an automatic movement of the crosshairs that locks the crosshairs onto the nearest snap point. The magnet is affected by the size of the AutoSnap Marker. With this option selected, when AutoCAD displays a marker, and the center of the crosshairs enters the marker symbol, AutoCAD snaps the crosshairs to the center of the Marker.

  • Display AutoSnap Tooltip. This option controls the display of the AutoSnap tooltip. A tooltip is a text flag that describes which object snap is active.

  • Display AutoSnap Aperture Box. This option controls the display of the AutoSnap aperture box. The aperture box is a box that appears inside the crosshairs when you select an object snap. When AutoSnap is activated, the AutoSnap markers appear only on objects that cross or lie within the aperture box.

  • AutoSnap Marker Color. This option allows you to specify the color of the AutoSnap marker to make viewing the AutoSnap Marker easier.

AutoSnaps and object snaps are discussed in detail in Chapter 6, “Accuracy in Creating Drawings with AutoCAD 2002.”

AutoTrack Settings

The AutoTrack Settings area allows you to control settings that affect the display and behavior of AutoCAD’s Polar Tracking feature. There are three features you can control from this area, described as follows:

  • Display Polar Tracking Vector. This option turns Polar Tracking on or off. When selected, this feature allows you to draw lines based on predefined angles. These predefined angles, known as Tracking Vectors, cause AutoCAD to snap to the Tracking Vector as you move the cursor during a drawing command.

  • Display Full-Screen Tracking Vector. This option controls the display of tracking vectors. By selecting this option, AutoCAD displays Tracking Vectors as infinite construction lines, extending through the snap point and the cursor and crossing the width of the screen. By clearing this option, the Tracking Vectors extend as rays from the snap point through the cursor to the edge of the screen.

  • Display AutoTracking Tooltip. This option controls the display of the AutoTracking tooltip. When selected, this option displays the AutoTracking ToolTip.

Alignment Point Acquisition

The Alignment Point Acquisition area allows you to set the method used to display Polar Tracking alignment vectors in a drawing, either automatically or manually, and is described as follows:

  • Automatic. If this option is selected, AutoCAD displays tracking vectors automatically when the aperture pauses over an object snap.

  • Shift to Acquire. If this option is selected, AutoCAD displays tracking vectors only when you press the Shift key and move the crosshairs over an object snap.

When a Tracking Vector is set, a small X appears in the center of the object snap. The Polar Tracking feature was introduced in AutoCAD 2000. For detailed information about this feature, see Chapter 7, “Creating Elementary Objects.”

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