

, (comma) character 476, 478

... button 731

“ (double quotation mark) character

command line arguments and 20

expressions and 456

JavaScript code and 320

web-based reports See also web applications

(backslash) character 320


absolute paths 29

abstract base class 707

abstraction 707

AbstractPageGenerator class 449



BIRT Javadoc files 261

BIRT packages 15

builders 439

chart object factory 688

chart properties 146

charts 148, 310, 321

component libraries 48

connection pool services 32

custom data sources 510

data 222, 456

data sets 303

data structures 297

Debug perspective 196

demo database 18

design model objects 226

Eclipse PDE 366

expression builder 458, 460

external classes 279

external data sources 60, 510, 517

external objects 280

Java classes 54, 112, 113, 262

Java objects 181

JDBC data sources 261

metadata 222

methods 114

ODA data sources 99, 509

plug-in extension examples 384

plug-ins 265, 359

report components 228, 229

report design elements 271

report design structures 257, 289

report designs 228, 289, 291

report documents 288

report elements 93, 257, 271, 289

report items 257, 293, 294, 295

report parameters 272, 273

report properties 228

report viewer 26, 28, 30

reporting libraries 257

reports 28, 288

resource files 264, 291

ROM schemas 53

script editor 83

scripted data sources 173

source code 359

styles 229

Tomcat Manager 30

web service data sources 184

Acrobat Reader 288 See also PDF documents

action filters 536

action handlers 284

actions 284 See also events

Activator class 564

activators 368

adapter class names 123

adapter classes 117, 118, 124, 241 See also Java event handlers

adapter elements 398, 448

Add Java Exception Breakpoint command 194

Add Java Exception Breakpoint icon 194


autotext items 85

breakpoints 193, 194

chart types 647, 648, 652

charts to designs 323, 327, 345, 346

connection profiles 535

context menus 443

custom drivers 46

data sources 530

emitters 465

lists 59

master pages 88, 283

ODA drivers 510

ODA user interfaces 385, 510, 530, 537

page breaks 76

plug-ins (required) 370

property editors 445

property pages 536

report elements 68, 227

report item builder 439

report items 292, 302, 387

ROM elements 58, 59, 303

scripted data sets 173, 176

tables 59

update sites 382–383

addLabel method 689

addLine method 689

addPlane method 689

addSampleData method 671

Adobe Acrobat Reader. See Acrobat Reader

afterClose events 69, 70, 80

afterClose method 126

afterDataSetFilled events 152

afterDataSetFilled method 143

afterDrawAxisLabel events 161

afterDrawAxisLabel method 143

afterDrawAxisTitle events 161

afterDrawAxisTitle method 143

afterDrawBlock events 158

afterDrawBlock method 143

afterDrawDataPoint events 159, 160

afterDrawDataPoint method 144

afterDrawDataPointLabel events 159, 160

afterDrawDataPointLabel method 144

afterDrawFittingCurve method 144

afterDrawLegendEntry method 144

afterDrawLegendItem events 163

afterDrawLegendItem method 163

afterDrawMarkerLine events 161

afterDrawMarkerLine method 144

afterDrawMarkerRange events 161

afterDrawMarkerRange method 144

afterDrawSeries events 158

afterDrawSeries method 144

afterDrawSeriesTitle method 144

afterFactory events 68, 80

afterFactory method 101, 103, 128

afterGeneration events 154

afterGeneration method 144

afterOpen events 69

afterOpen method 126

afterRender events 68, 80

afterRender method 128

afterRendering method 144

aggregate data. See aggregate values

aggregate functions 240, 649, 707

aggregate package 240

aggregate rows 707

aggregate values 708 See also aggregating data

aggregatefunctions plug-in 649

aggregating data 46, 68, 319

aliases 96, 97, 133, 708

All-in-One Install package. See Full Eclipse Installation

allowExpression property 397

allowsEmptyValueAsNull attribute 519

alternate names. See aliases; display names

alternate text strings 90

ancestor classes 708 See also superclasses

anchor points (charts) 158

anchor property 314

annotation element 360

annotations 360, 376

Apache Ant scripts 380

Apache Derby databases 17, 18

Apache Derby software 5

Apache Tomcat manager 30

Apache Tomcat server connections 32, 33

Apache Tomcat servers 25, 26, 30, 44

api package 217, 257, 262

API Reference Javadoc 218, 261

APIs. See application programming interfaces

appContext parameter 184 See also application context

appinfo attribute 360

applets 708

application context 91, 92, 184, 280

application context class loader 114

application context map 91, 184

application programming interfaces (APIs)

accessing 261

BIRT engines and 44

BIRT extensions and 359

charts and 169, 307, 334

defined 709

developing with 217

event handlers and 113

external data sources and 510

extracting data and 609, 614, 617, 620

ODA drivers and 509

rendering CSV output and 480, 486

rendering rotated text images and 424

rendering XML output and 494

report designs and 49, 226, 262

report engine and 219, 220, 257

report generators and 49

report item extensions and 389

reporting applications and 50, 91

running reports and 118

application server connections 32, 33

application server plug-in 44

application servers 4, 25, 26 See also specific type


accessing BIRT APIs for 261

accessing report designs and 45, 257, 289, 291

accessing report items and 290

accessing report parameters and 272, 273

accessing report viewer for 28

accessing structured content and 228, 257

changing designs and 262

changing source code and 349

configuring BIRT home for 263, 264

configuring logging environments for 270

connecting to external sources and 510, 517

creating stand-alone 49

customizing 49, 359

debugging 187, 197, 269

defined 708

deploying 26, 262, 266, 289

developing 217, 258, 259

generating charts and. See charting applications

generating formatted output and 286

generating report designs and 44, 289

generating reports and 49, 219, 257, 262

getting context for 87

installing plug-ins for 259, 362

integrating with Eclipse 39

launching Eclipse 413

managing service 365

rendering CSV output and 482, 485, 488

rendering HTML documents and 266, 267

rendering XML output and 494, 506

running reports and 219, 220

setting up JNDI connections for 32, 33

setting up platform context for 265

sharing data and 602

starting platforms and 267

archive files See also jar files; war files

BIRT Demo Database 18

BIRT designers and 7, 8

BIRT packages in 15

BIRT source code 353

chart engine 16

extracting 8, 9

plug-ins and 360, 378, 381

area charts 307, 310 See also charts

arguments 124, 709 See also functions; parameters

array lists 140, 141, 273, 568

array properties 97


chart objects and 171, 172, 315, 700

class definitions and 54

connection properties and 99

defined 709

JDBC data sources and 571

ODA result sets and 525, 527, 572

parameter entry boxes and 66, 277

row objects and 97

scripted data sets and 183

ASCII files. See text files

assignment statements 709

attribute 709

attribute editor 376

attribute package 240, 246, 247

attribute.xsd 652


action filters 536

chart model classes and 240, 246

chart utility classes and 256

complex properties and 296

declaring class 376

displaying 374, 375

plug-in extension points and 360, 363

report item extensions and 360

report parameters and 272, 274

ROM elements and 53, 54, 55

setting allowable values for 54

testing chart 247

autobinding charting example 341

AutoDataBindingViewer class 341

autotext report items 68, 85

axes event handlers 161

axes items. See xDefault Para Font>series items; yDefault Para Font>series items

axes labels 161, 162

axes properties 162, 315

axes title colors 161

axes titles 149, 161

axes types (charts) 161

axes values 156, 161, 316, 319, 685 See also charts

AxesRenderer class 155, 648, 685

axis objects 161

axis.jar 26

axis-ant.jar 26

AxisImpl class 161


B2B applications 494

Babel Language Packs 11

Babel Project 635

background colors 94, 110, 165

backing up program files 12

backslash () character 320

bar charts 152, 160, 307, 310, 648 See also charts

bar colors (charts) 160

bar size (charts) 148, 159

BarSeriesImpl class 317

base unit (charts) 709

base URLs (hyperlinks) 283

base URLs (images) 267, 282

BaseRenderer class 155, 648, 685, 686

BEA WebLogic servers 25

bean components 744

beforeClose events 69, 70, 80

beforeClose method 126

beforeDataSet events 151

beforeDataSetFilled events 151

beforeDataSetFilled method 144

beforeDrawAxisLabel events 161, 162

beforeDrawAxisLabel method 144

beforeDrawAxisTitle events 161

beforeDrawAxisTitle method 144

beforeDrawBlock events 158

beforeDrawBlock method 144

beforeDrawDataPoint events 159, 160

beforeDrawDataPoint method 144

beforeDrawDataPointLabel events 159, 160

beforeDrawDataPointLabel method 144

beforeDrawFittingCurve method 144

beforeDrawLegendEntry method 145

beforeDrawLegendItem events 163

beforeDrawMarkerLine events 161

beforeDrawMarkerLine method 145

beforeDrawMarkerRange events 161

beforeDrawMarkerRange method 145

beforeDrawSeries events 158

beforeDrawSeries method 145

beforeDrawSeriesTitle method 145

beforeFactory events 68, 72, 87, 88, 89, 100

beforeFactory method 68, 128, 135

beforeGeneration events 148, 153

beforeGeneration method 145

beforeOpen events 69, 99, 100, 101

beforeOpen method 98, 125, 126

beforeRender events 68, 72

beforeRender method 128

beforeRendering method 145

bidirectional text 282, 710

BigDecimal class 710

binary builds 378, 379

binary files 48 See also report document files

binding data sets to charts 150, 326

binding data sets to report items 305, 456, 458

binding expressions 75, 76

binding report items to data sets 75, 76, 90

Binding tab 75

BIRT 39, 711 See also BIRT technology

BIRT applications 40, 43 See also applications

BIRT components 39

BIRT Data Tools Platform 4

BIRT Data Tools Platform Integration package 17

BIRT Demo Database 18, 711 See also Classic Models sample database

BIRT Demo Database package 5, 17

BIRT designer components 3

BIRT documentation xxii, 16, 359 See also Javadocs

BIRT engines 40, 44 See also specific engine

BIRT extensions 50, 349, 359, 711 See also extensions

BIRT home directory 259, 263

BIRT home property 263

BIRT open source projects. See projects

BIRT packages 4, 15, 217, 218

BIRT plug-ins. See plug-ins

BIRT RCP Report Designer See also BIRT Report Designer; rich client platforms

accessing sample database for 17, 18

adding charting functionality to 16

building report designs and 3

compared to BIRT Report Designer 44

defined 712

installing 8–9

specifying JVM for 10

starting 9, 10

testing installations for 9

troubleshooting 9

updating 11, 12

writing event handlers and 63

BIRT Report Designer See also designs

accessing sample database for 17, 18

adding charting functionality to 16

building report designs and 3, 43

changing source code for 349, 356

compared to BIRT RCP Designer 44

defined 712

extending functionality of 47

generating reports and 263

installing 7, 350

integrating with ODA drivers 46, 510

previewing reports and 65

specifying JVM for 10

starting 8

testing installations for 8

troubleshooting 9

updating 11–12

writing event handlers and 63, 83

writing Java code and 117

BIRT Report Designer Full Eclipse Install software 4, 7, 351

BIRT report object model 51 See also ROM

BIRT Reporting APIs. See application programming interfaces (APIs)

BIRT reports. See reports

BIRT Samples package 5, 21, 713

BIRT Source Code package 5, 21 See also source code

BIRT technology xxi, 713

BIRT web site xix

BIRT Web Tools Integration package 5, 22, 23

BIRT_FONT_PATH variable 31

BIRT_HOME variable 19, 221, 263, 309


BIRT.exe 9

birt.war 27

block class 158

Block containment reference property 146, 147

Block interface 310, 314

blocks (charts) 153, 158, 310 See also chart areas

BMP device renderers 649

BMP formats 155, 171, 282, 687

bookmarks 221, 271, 286, 710

Boolean class 112

Boolean expressions 710

BoundsImpl class 163

break reports. See grouped reports

breakpoints 192, 193, 194, 710

Breakpoints view 192

bridge driver 711

browsers. See web browsers

bubble charts 310 See also charts

BubbleDataSet interface 310

bug reports 6

Bugzilla xix

Build All command 379

Build Automatically command 380

Build Configuration page (PDE Editor) 378

build errors 356

build files 21

Build page (PDE Editor) 369, 377, 378

build paths 118, 261

build settings See also builds file 360, 369, 380 page (PDE Editor) 369

build scripts 380

build settings 369, 377

build.xml 380

buildDirectory variable 358

builder element 395

builders 439, 443, 458 See also user interfaces


BIRT open source projects 349, 354–356

chart viewer 358

charting API example plug-ins 340

charting extensions 650

CSV ODA driver plug-in 513, 521

data extraction extensions 605

Hibernate driver plug-in 577

Hibernate ODA UI plug-in 594

plug-in extensions 377–380

plug-in fragments 636, 641, 643

plug-ins 390

report designer 227

report designs 228

report rendering extensions 469, 482, 496

report viewer 356

rotated label extension 389

update sites 382

building phase (charts) 153

buildItemContent method 449

builds 5, 349, 378 See also build settings

buildUI method 410

bulls-eye subchart type 694, 698

Bundle class 115

BundleActivator interface 364

Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools 39, 711 See also BIRT

business-to-business applications 494

button controls 458, 460


cache 43, 74, 362, 687

cache conflicts 9

caching options 69

calculated columns. See computed fields

calculated values. See computed values

calculations 75, 90

canBeStacked method 658

cancelling running tasks 288

canCombine method 663

canInherit attribute 519

canInherit property 397

canParticipateInCombination method 658

capitalization. See case sensitivity

carriage return characters 478

cascading parameter groups 273, 276

cascading parameters 273, 276, 277, 713 See also report parameters

cascading style sheets 52, 260, 261, 713 See also styles


case sensitivity 714

category 714

category axis values 714 See also axes values

category element 536

category series 316, 317, 319 See also data series

Cell objects 129, 130

CellHandle class 230


adding grid elements and 59, 302

building programmatically 129, 130

defined 714

determining contents of 294

placing label elements in 302

writing to CSV files and 476, 478

changeLogLevel method 269


chart labels 160, 161, 163

chart properties 162, 169, 312

charts 154, 170, 239, 321

connection properties 99, 125

data series 159, 670

data set bindings 305

data sources 304, 358

grouping behavior 79

locales 11

log file names 269

logging levels 269, 270

MIME types 609

model definitions 456

plug-in project settings 369, 370

property types 456, 457

property values 98, 445

queries 98, 99

report designs 68, 87, 89, 262, 289

report elements 227, 291

report item properties 296, 297, 298

report parameters 67, 74

report templates 290

reports 72

ROM elements 54

sort order 299

source code 349, 356

styles 88, 90

URL context roots 28

character encoding. See encoding

character keyboard mapping 741

character sets 715

character strings. See strings


CSV output files and 476, 478

defined 714

JavaScript code and 320

JavaScript names and 96

property type conversions and 456

trimming 522

chart areas 158, 253, 313, 652 See also chart blocks

chart attributes 652, 659

chart blocks 153, 158, 310 See also chart areas

chart builder 47, 661 See also chart wizard

chart builder examples 345

chart captions. See chart labels

chart components. See chart items

chart data binding example 341

chart device package 241

chart device renderers 649

chart dimensions 146, 170, 172, 319

chart elements 310, 715 See also charts

chart engine

accessing external content and 149

adding aggregate functions for 649

configuring 308

customizing chart types for 647, 652, 661

defined 711

downloading plug-ins for 650

generating charts and 43, 150, 153, 154

handling events for 143, 150, 311

handling exceptions for 244

installing 15–16

logging tasks for 245

overview 45

chart engine API 217, 239

chart engine API library 260

chart engine archive 16, 307

chart engine classes 239, 240

chart engine documentation 16

chart engine drawing framework 686, 687

chart engine extension points 648

chart engine generator 150, 217

chart engine package 4

chart engine plug-in 652

chart event handler examples 346

chart event handler model 143

chart event handlers

developing 143, 164, 167, 320

getting chart objects for 170

getting external context for 149

rendering charts and 155, 156

viewing 343

chart event package 241, 242

chart events 77, 143, 145, 150, 156

chart examples plug-in 340, 650, 661

Chart Examples view 346

chart exception package 244

chart factory package 244

chart format examples 341

chart generation processes 150

chart icons 663

chart instance objects 145, 146, 148, 239 See also chart objects

chart interactive features 147, 155, 342, 688

Chart interface 239, 312

chart item extensions 45

chart item interface 250

chart items See also charts

accessing data for 326

adding to designs 322, 678

creating 47, 325

defining behavior of 250

getting 170, 321

setting dimensions of 327

setting properties for 325

chart label objects 160

chart labels

applying styles to 342

changing 160, 161, 163

determining type 161

formatting 162

rendering 159, 161, 702

setting 239

chart live preview preference 671

chart model 153, 154, 169

chart model attributes 240, 246, 247

chart model extensions 666, 684

chart model implementation classes 239, 260

chart model packages 239, 240, 245

chart model renderers 648, 685, 689

chart model schema definitions 652

chart object factory 688

chart objects See also charts

accessing 148

getting 145, 310, 321

instantiating 239, 312, 325

setting 146

chart package 16, 217, 239

chart programming examples 340–346

chart properties

accessing 146

changing 162, 169, 312, 341

charting extensions and 652

getting 146, 251

rendering axes values and 162

rendering chart blocks and 158

report items and 325

setting 147, 239, 251

Chart property 652

chart regions 158 See also chart areas

chart render package 255

chart report design examples 345, 346

chart report item example 389

chart reports 43

chart script context objects 145, 148, 150

chart script package 255

chart scripting example 343 See also chart event handlers

chart series renderers 155, 156

chart subtypes 147, 323, 648, 663

chart titles 147, 158

chart types

adding 647, 648, 652

getting 147

multiple series and 240

registering 648, 661

setting 147, 322, 323

specifying supported 664

chart types extension point 684

chart types plug-in 648

chart UI extensions 648, 673

chart UI plug-ins 648, 661

chart utility package 256

chart view example 346

chart viewer servlet 358

chart wizard 345, 648 See also chart builder

chart wizard context identifier 664

chart.script package 255

Chart3DViewer application 343

chartengineapi.jar 260, 261

chartexamplescoreapi.jar 260

charting API data example plug-ins 340, 341

charting API format example plug-in 341

charting API interactivity example plug-ins 342

charting API pdf example plug-in 342

charting API preference example plug-in 342

charting API processor example plug-in 342

Charting API Reference 218

charting API script example plug-in 343

charting API viewer example plug-ins 343

charting APIs

adding charts and 45, 312

changing chart properties and 169

changing charts and 321

customizing 148

developing with 307

generating reports and 172

getting chart items and 170

Swing applications and 334

charting application examples 307, 340

charting application sample plug-in 21, 713

charting applications

accessing BIRT APIs for 261

adding reporting functionality to 15, 169

changing chart objects and 239

creating 308, 309, 327, 335

developing 16, 169, 307

displaying charts and 46

handling events in 143, 320

testing 309

charting classes 239, 312

charting engine. See chart engine

charting extension points 648, 650, 661, 684

charting extension schema files 652

charting extensions 647, 705, 715 See also radar chart extension

charting interfaces. See interfaces

charting library. See chart engine

charting plug-ins 650

chartitemapi.jar 260

ChartModels class 342

ChartRuntime directory 16

charts See also chart elements; chart items; chart objects

accessing 148, 310, 321

adding data series to. See data series

adding interactive features to 147, 155, 342, 688

adding to designs 323, 327, 345, 346

aggregating data for 649

binding data series to 311

binding to data sets 150, 322, 326

building custom data sets for 241

changing data source for 358

clearing sections of 148

creating 43, 239, 309, 312

customizing 217, 307, 647

defined 715

defining event handlers for. See chart event handlers

deploying 308

displaying 659, 671

editing 154, 170, 239, 321

examining values in 159

formatting 162, 341

generating 45, 155, 335

getting primary base axis for 315

getting run-time series for 151

getting styles for 147

getting type 147

handling null values for 152

hard-coding data values for 340

initializing data series for 150

initializing data structures for 311

laying out 253

modifying data series for 159

outlining areas in 314

plotting sample data for 147, 322, 325, 671

precalculating data for 691

registering custom types for 648, 661

rendering as images 282, 663

rendering specific series for 155, 158, 648

rendering to specific output type 241, 266, 342, 473

resizing 172

retrieving run-time values for 161

returning unique values for 648

saving changes in 4

setting display names for 659

setting properties for. See chart properties

setting style preferences for 342

setting unit spacing for 148

specifying type. See chart types

validating data for 691

Charts_FAQ.doc 16

ChartScriptContext object 145

ChartSDK directory 16

chartType element 664

charttypes extension point 684

charttypes plug-in 648

chart-viewer.jar 356, 358

ChartWithAxes interface 239, 312

ChartWithAxes property 652

ChartWithAxes type 315

ChartWithAxesImpl class 153, 239, 310, 312

ChartWithoutAxes interface 239, 312

ChartWithoutAxes property 652

ChartWithoutAxesImpl class 153, 239, 310

ChartWizardContext ID 664

ChartWizardLauncher class 345

cheat sheets 49

check boxes 681

choice definitions 54

Choice element 54

class attributes 376

Class class 115

class definitions 54, 664

class element 54, 397

class files 113, 121, 376

class hierarchy 716

class loaders 113, 150, 259, 519

class names 112, 124, 360, 716

class property 396, 447, 470, 607

class variables 716 See also instance variables; variables

classDefinition attribute 664


accessing BIRT 262

accessing external 279

accessing Java 54, 112, 113

accessing report parameters and 272

associating with report elements 121

building ODA drivers and 509, 511, 513, 522, 564

building ODA user interfaces and 530, 538

building report designs and 226, 227, 230

changing chart objects and 239, 240

changing report designs and 262

connecting to web services and 184, 185

debugging event handlers and 194

defined 716

deploying 113, 183

developing with 44, 217

extending adapter 118, 124

failing to compile 124

generating reports and 257, 263, 270

handling events and 117, 118, 121

hierarchical diagrams for 218

implementing data extraction extensions and 609, 610, 614

implementing rotated label plug-in and 390, 404

instantiating 115

loading 115, 519, 574

naming conventions for 123

referencing 112, 181

registering 320

rendering CSV output and 473, 485

rendering XML output and 498

running plug-in instances and 360, 364, 368

running reports and 219, 220, 223

scripting and 112, 113

setting location of 113

setting properties for 376

setting user-supplied values and 272

classes directory 113

Classic Models sample database 17, 18, 103 See also demo database

ClassicModels directory 18

ClassLoader objects 574 See also class loaders

CLASSPATH property 279

CLASSPATH variable 263


accessing JAR files and 118

CSV ODA driver extensions and 521

debugging and 198

Hibernate ODA drivers and 555, 574

Java event handler classes and 121

JNDI resource files and 33

plug-in extensions and 369, 371, 390

plug-in fragments and 635

rendering extensions and 469, 496

report engine and 279

rotated label extension and 393

running reports and 118

scripting and 112, 113, 182

web services connections and 184

XML data extraction extension and 605

–clean command line option 10, 13

clean-up code 101, 182

clearSections method 148

CLI library 260

close events 69, 70

close method

Hibernate drivers and 567, 572

output files and 103

report designs and 306

report documents and 271

scripted data sets and 128, 174, 182

scripted data sources and 127, 174, 178

task objects and 279


connections 69, 92, 522, 572

CSV writer 476

data sets 70, 126

data sources 126

output files 476, 500

report design files 306

report document files 271

scripted data sets 70, 128, 174, 182

scripted data sources 69, 127, 174

XML writer 500


accessing data sources and 173

accessing Java source 359

accessing report parameters and 272

accessing reporting functionality and 228

accessing sample 385

adding breakpoints to 193, 194

adding event handlers and 63, 64, 79, 83, 117

adding to designs 262

building data extraction extensions and 602, 626

building rotated label plug-in and 390

changing 349, 356

changing connection properties and 99

charting API examples and 340

charting extensions and 650, 652

checking for errors in 104

compiling 350, 380

controlling report creation and 63

creating custom designers and 227

debugging plug-ins and 390

defining executable 60

deploying applications and 262

developing applications and 217

developing ODA driver extensions and 511, 513, 555

developing plug-in fragments and 636

developing rendering extensions and 466

downloading source 350, 353

extending BIRT functionality and 52

getting parameter values and 275

grouping data and 79

importing 5, 350

installing 21–22

loading 362, 746

logging information and 269, 270

opening design files and 270

retrieving data and 70

running plug-ins and 362, 381, 390

setting up workspaces for 354

tracking script execution and 101, 102

validating 189, 192

viewing charts and 255, 358

code archives 21, 353

code editors 29

code modules 228

Code page. See script editor

code points 716

codec library 260

codec.jar 260

collectCustomProperties method

CSVFilePropertyPage 541

CSVFileSelectionPageHelper 542

CSVFileSelectionWizardPage 543

HibernateDataSourceWizard 588

HibernatePageHelper 585, 587

HibernatePropertyPage 588

collectDataSetDesign method 593, 594

collections 273, 274, 275

color palette 228

color settings 110, 160, 165, 316

ColorDefinitionImpl class 160

column aliases 96, 97, 133 See also column names

column binding 75, 90, 150, 305, 456, 717

column binding definitions 49

column binding expressions 458, 460

column headings 133 See also column names

column keys 717 See also cross-tab reports

column names 96, 97, 133, 528, 545 See also column headings

Column type attribute 612

column types 97, 133, 619

columnar layouts 59

columnBindingsIterator method 305

columnNumbers variable 476

columns See also fields; computed fields

accessing 96, 304

adding to tables 179

concatenating values in 75

defined 717

exporting data and 612, 617

getting display values for 135

getting information about 97, 133

getting number of 97, 133

getting values in 527

iterating through 97

querying CSV data sources and 528

rendering CSV output and 473, 476, 477

retrieving values in 96

Columns element 612

combination charts 658, 717

comma (,) character 476, 478

comma-separated values files. See CSV files

comma-separated values ODA drivers. See CSV ODA driver extension

comma-separated values rendering extension. See CSV report rendering extension

comma tags 479

command line applications 19, 219

command line arguments 20

command line library 260

command stack 228

comments 120

comments property 448

commit method 567

commit operations 567

common.jar 260

CommonConstant class 523, 529, 564

CommonDataExtractionImpl class 610

commons-cli.jar 260

communications protocol 758

compiler preferences 351

compiler settings 350, 351

compiling 124, 350, 379, 380

complex properties 294, 297

component diagrams (BIRT) 39, 40

component libraries 44, 48, 229

component package 240, 250

component palettes. See Palette view

component types (class definitions) 54

component.xsd 652

components See also report elements; report items

accessing 228, 229

adding report items and 46, 51, 59

saving 44

compute method 155, 686, 691

computed columns. See computed fields

computed data. See computed values

computed fields 97, 133, 178, 718

computed values 178, 718 See also calculations

ComputedColumnHandle type 305

concatenation 75, 320

Concurrent Versions System repository. See CVS repository

conditional expressions. See Boolean expressions

conditional formats 718 See also formats

cone charts 310, 323 See also charts

configuration files 29, 586

configuration information 87, 191

configuration manager (updates) 381, 382

configuration names (debugger) 196

configuration objects 220

configuration variables 228


BIRT home property 263

connection pooling services 32, 33

CSV ODA drivers 518

design engine 227, 265

Eclipse workspace 350, 351

Hibernate drivers 565, 574, 577, 585

caution for 555

HTML emitters 265, 266

image handlers 266

ODA data source connections 510

report emitters 264

report engine 220, 221, 258, 263, 264

report viewer 28, 29

connect method 184, 185

Connection class

Hibernate ODA drivers and 564, 565

ODA CSV drivers and 522, 523

web services data sources and 184, 185

connection constants 540

connection exceptions 185

Connection objects 565, 719 See also connections

connection pooling 32

connection profile extension. See connectionProfile extension point

connection profile properties 539

connection profiles 510, 520, 535

connection properties 99, 125, 184

connection properties page 511

connectionClass property 184

connectionProfile extension point 510, 520, 535, 536, 578

connectionProfile.exsd 511

connectionProfileImage extension point 535

connectionProperties parameter 184


application servers and 32, 33

closing 69, 92

CSV data sources and 522

external data sources and 46, 60

getting 529, 565

handling events for 69

Hibernate data sources and 564, 565, 566, 572

JDBC data sources and 32, 33, 99

JNDI service providers and 32, 33

opening 69

report engine and 45, 258

setting properties for. See connection properties

web services data sources and 184, 185

Console view 194

constants 112, 719

Constants class 539, 540

constructor code 719

constructSessionFactory method 566, 574, 575

container items 59

containers 719

containment 719

containment hierarchy 719

content. See structured content

content emitters. See emitters

content objects

applications 184

content plug-in (report engine) 466

ContentEmitterAdapter class 473 See also adapter classes

ContentEmitterVisitor objects 474, 498

context class loaders 519

context IDs 664

context mapping 28, 29, 91

context menus 443, 445

context objects

application 91, 92, 184

chart engine and external 149

chart event handlers and 145, 148, 150

connections 184

deployment 264, 266

external content 146, 149, 280

report parameters 100

reports 86, 88, 89, 131

context parameters 29

context root 28

context-param element 29

contributors 217, 349

converters 720 See also specific type

copyInstance method 660, 661

core API library 260

core plug-in 650

coreapi.jar 260, 261

counters 104, 105

Create Ant Build File command 380

create method 239, 240, 659

create_classicmodels.sql 18

createAndInitCustomControl method 540, 585, 587, 588

createCustomControl method 541, 585

createDesignEngine method 291

createFactoryObject method 258, 267, 291

createGetParameterDefinitionTask method 272, 273

createLegend method 688

createPageControl method 543, 588

createPageCustomControl method 543, 585, 587, 588

createRenderTask method 279

createReportEngine method 267

createRotatedText method 406

createRunAndRenderTask method 278

createRunTask method 278

createSampleRuntimeSeries method 148

createSeries method 688

createSeriesDataPoint method 688

createTabItems method 449


BIRT projects 349, 354–356

charting applications 308, 309, 327, 335

charting extensions 647, 652

charts 43, 239, 309, 312

Classic Models database 18

connection profiles 536

context menus 443

data extraction extensions 602

debug configurations 197

design engine 227

Eclipse projects xix

event handler classes 117, 118

event handlers 63, 64, 83, 117

tutorial for 103–107

Java applications 49, 743

lists 59

master pages 88, 283

ODA driver extensions 509, 510, 511, 554

ODA drivers 46, 50

ODA user interfaces 385, 510, 530, 537

plug-in extensions 370–377

plug-in fragment projects 637–639

plug-ins 360, 366

property editors 445

property structure objects 299

queries. See queries

report designer 228

report designs 48, 226, 290, 306

report elements 227, 302

report engine 220, 221, 258, 263, 267

report item builder 439

report item extensions 387, 399, 416

report items 47, 302, 387

report rendering extensions 466, 494

reporting applications 258, 259, 262

reports 63, 217, 258, 279

resource bundles 635

scripted data sets 173, 176

scripted data sources 173, 174, 175

stand-alone applications 49

tables 59

update sites 382–383

criteria. See parameters

cross tabs 110, 720

cross tabulation. See cross tabs; cross-tab reports

cross-tab elements 720

cross-tab reports 720

cross-tab scripting example 109

crosstabcoreapi.jar 260

CSS files 52, 260, 261, 713

CSV data sources 488, 509, 517

CSV data structures 512

CSV emitter 474, 480, 486 See also CSV report rendering extension

CSV emitter logging levels 475

csv extension point 512

CSV files

accessing data in 509, 511

building queries for 99

closing 476

connecting to 522

defined 717

defining content of 474

defining structure of 473

downloading sample plug-in for 385

extracting data for 601

initializing output streams for 474

opening 475

preparing queries for 524

preparing result sets for 527

reading from 384, 522

setting logging levels for 475

viewing content of 486

writing to 466, 473

CSV formats 465, 466, 601

CSV ODA driver extension

adding data access functionality to 517–520

building projects for 513–516

compiling and debugging 513

developing 511, 512, 522

downloading source code for 511

setting dependencies for 521

CSV ODA driver extension examples 384, 511

CSV ODA driver plug-ins 512, 513

CSV ODA drivers 384, 512, 518, 522

CSV ODA UI extensions 512, 530, 534, 537

CSV ODA UI plug-in 512, 535, 538, 548

CSV ODA UI plug-in projects 511, 531–534

csv package 473

csv plug-in 465, 482

CSV rendering option 479

CSV report rendering extension

building 482

creating projects for 466, 483

developing 466, 473

downloading source code for 385, 466

generating output and 486

overview 465, 473

running 480, 485

setting dependencies for 469

setting encoding scheme for 475

specifying extension points for 470, 471

testing 480, 482, 488

viewing output for 481, 486

CSV report rendering plug-in 385

csv ui extension 512

csv ui wizards extension 539

CSV writer 473, 474, 475, 476

CSVBufferReader class 522, 526

CSVFilePropertyPage class 539, 540

CSVFileSelectionPageHelper class 539, 541

CSVFileSelectionWizardPage class 539, 543

CSVPlugin class 473

CSVRenderOption class 473, 479

CSVReportEmitter class 473, 474, 476

CSVReportEmitter method 474

CSVTags class 473, 479

csvTest.reportdesign 488

CSVWriter class 473, 479

cubes 721 See also multidimensional data

currentSession method 576

cursors 527

CurveFittingViewer application 343

custom chart generator 217

custom data sources 510 See also ODA data sources

custom desktop reporting application 219

custom emitters 45

custom Java classes 182

custom report design tools 227

custom report designer 49, 53

custom report generators 49, 217

custom status handlers 265

CustomDataSetWizardPage class 538


BIRT framework 50, 349, 359

chart builder 648

chart types 661

charting API 148

charts 217, 307, 647

connections 184

data sets 241

event handlers 118

ODA drivers 46, 50

output formats 278, 388, 465, 602

property pages 446, 448, 530

report designs 217

report emitters 50

report items 47, 50, 387, 389, 416

reporting applications 49, 359

reports 85, 262

user interfaces 274

CVS repository 359, 390



accessing 222, 456

aggregating 46, 68, 319

defined 721

displaying 276

exporting 466, 601, 612

extracting. See data extraction

filtering 46, 49, 89, 276

generating sample 147, 322, 325, 671

grouping 46, 49, 79, 151

hard-coding 340

precalculating 691

retrieving 43, 46, 173, 181, 276, 509

sharing with external applications 494, 602

sorting 46, 89, 151, 311

validating 691

data access services 46

data adapter API library 260

data adapters. See adapter classes

data binding 75, 90, 150, 305, 456, 717

data binding definitions 49

data binding expressions 458, 460

data binding phase (charts) 150

data chart examples 340

data charts. See charts

data charts viewer 340

data components. See data elements

data cubes 721 See also multidimensional data

data drivers. See drivers

Data element 612

data elements 57, 60, 721 See also data

data engine 45, 46, 510

data engine extensions 46

Data Explorer 721

data extension names 134

data extraction 466, 622

data extraction extension

creating projects for 603–605

developing 601, 602, 609

downloading source code for 602

implementing 610

overview 601, 609

running 620

setting dependencies for 605

testing 620, 626

data extraction extension points 607

data extraction interfaces 222, 609

data extraction library 260

data extraction plug-ins 601, 602, 609, 610

data extraction schema definitions 602

data filters 735 See also filtering data

data package 240, 251, 340

data point 722

data point definitions 649

data point events 159

data point hints 159, 160

data point labels 159, 160, 702

data points See also charts

comparing 647

displaying series values and 310, 311

rendering 155, 159, 160

validating 691

data rows 722 See also rows

data series See also charts

adding 316

associating data with 318

binding to charts 311

binding to data sets 150

building run-time instances of 148, 151, 152, 156, 311

calculating values for 693

changing 159

comparing multiple values in 647

creating 315, 316, 658

defined 310, 766

determining type 152

getting run-time 151

grouping 341, 688

initializing 150

labeling data points in 702

nesting 154

preserving changes to 670

providing hints for 159, 160

rendering 155, 158, 648

retrieving run-time 161

returning unique values for 648

scaling 161

setting bar size for 148

setting type 240, 253, 653

setting unit spacing for 148

stacking 658

validating data points for 691

z-ordering 688

data series composite extension points 673

data series definition objects 151, 311, 316, 319

data series identifier 152, 159

data series objects 152

data series palette 684

data series renderers 155, 156, 158

data series sample plug-ins 341

data series types 316, 323, 653, 654

data services 46, 345

data set adapters 126

data set classes 304

data set definitions 58

data set editor page 530, 537

data set elements 58, 60, 126 See also data sets

data set events 68, 69, 70, 73, 74

data set extension properties 134

data set extensions. See ODA data set extensions

data set handles 303, 304

data set instance interface 133

data set objects 133 See also data sets

data set page (ODA UI) 512, 537, 555, 585

data set parameters 101, 185, 722 See also parameters; report parameters

data set processors (charts) 151, 648, 649, 685

data set types 134

data set UI extension 537

data set wizard page 539, 543, 588

data set wizards 537, 538

data sets See also data set elements; data set objects

accessing 133, 303

binding charts to 150, 322, 326

binding report items to 75, 76, 90

binding to report items 305, 456, 458

building queries for 98, 134, 555

caching 74

changing data sources for 304

changing properties for 98, 304

changing queries for 98

closing 70, 126

creating 173

customizing 241

defined 722

developing data extraction extension for 601, 602, 609

developing ODA extensions for 46, 523, 530, 537

editing 510, 537

fetching 134

getting column information for 96, 97, 133, 134

getting data sources for 134

getting names 134

getting number of columns in 133

getting properties for 304

getting type 134

handling events for 68, 73, 74, 126, 133

iterating through columns in 97

opening 69, 126

replacing null values in 152

retrieving from JDBC data sources 32

retrieving from web services 184

retrieving values in 276

reusing 49

scripting for. See scripted data sets

setting properties for 58, 304

sharing 68

viewing data bindings for 75

data source adapters 125

data source classes 303

data source drivers. See drivers

data source editor page 530, 538

data source elements 58, 60, 125, 723 See also data sources

data source events 68, 69, 70, 73, 74

data source extension elements 518, 537

data source extensions 509, 517, 530

data source handles 230, 303

data source objects 99, 134 See also data sources

data source page (ODA UI) 512, 555, 585

data source UI extension 537

data source wizard page (ODA UI) 539, 543

data source wizards (ODA) 538

data sources See also specific data source type

accessing 303, 509, 510, 517

adding 530

changing 304, 358

changing data set 304

changing properties for 98

changing queries for 98, 99

closing 126

connecting to. See connections

creating 173

defined 722

defining external 60

developing ODA extensions for 46, 510, 511, 537, 554

developing reporting applications and 258

editing charts and 4

extending functionality of 509

getting 134

handling events for 68, 73, 74, 80, 125

loading JDBC drivers for 261

opening 125

retrieving data from 46, 173, 181, 509

reusing 49

scripting for. See scripted data sources

selecting ODA 510, 538

unsupported 46

data structures 57, 297

Data Tools Platform (BIRT) 4 See also DTP Integration package

Data Tools Platform (Eclipse) 46, 509

data transform services 46

data type mappings 520

data types

charting extensions and 652, 675

CSV files and 523

data series run-time values and 150

defined 723

expressions and 456, 457

extracting 619

getting native 97

Hibernate data sources and 563

inspecting 195

plug-in extension points and 360

report parameters and 274

ROM metadata structures and 57

data.xsd 652

dataadapterapi.jar 260

dataaggregationapi.jar 260

database classes 512

database drivers. See JDBC drivers

database management systems 724

database schemas 764 See also schemas

databases 509, 510, 723 See also Classic Models sample database; data sources

DataCharts charting example 340

DataChartsViewer application 340

DataException exception 195

dataExtraction package 602 See also data extraction extension

dataExtraction plug-in 601, 603, 609, 610

dataExtraction.exsd 602

dataextraction.jar 260

DataExtractionExtensionBase interface 609

datafeed package 240, 241

datapointdefinitions plug-in 649

DataPointHints objects 159

DataPointHints property 160

DataSet element 58, 126

dataSet extension element 519

DataSet interface 150, 310

DataSetAdapter class 126 See also adapter classes

DataSetHandle class 303, 304

DataSetImpl class 318

DataSetMetaData class

csv package 523, 528

hibernate package 564, 568

dataSetPage element 537

DataSetProcessorImpl class 151

datasetprocessors extension point 685

datasetprocessors plug-in 648, 649

dataSetUI extension 537

dataSetUI page wizard 585

dataSetWizard element 537

DataSetWizard extension point 537

DataSetWizardPage class 539, 588

DataSetWizardPage extension point 537

DataSource element 58, 125

dataSource extension element 518, 519

dataSource extension point 509, 510, 517

DataSource object 99, 134 See also data sources

dataSource.exsd 510

DataSourceAdapter class 125 See also adapter classes

DataSourceEditorPage class 530, 538

DataSourceHandle class 230, 303

dataSourceUI extension 537

DataSourceWizardPage class 539

dataTypeMapping elements 563

dataTypeMapping type 520

DataTypes class 564

Date data type 724

date parameters 274

date values 612, 675, 724, 773


date-and-time data type 724

DateTimeDataSet interface 310

DBMS (defined) 724

Debug Configuration dialog 197

Debug Configurations command 196, 197

debug extension point 188

debug launch configuration interface 196

Debug perspective 190, 191, 192

debug targets 191, 192

debug types 197

Debug view 191, 192

debugger 187, 188, 190, 196

debugger interface. See Debug perspective


applications 187, 197, 269

charting extensions 705

defined 724

event handlers 188, 190, 194, 198

Java event handlers 142

ODA driver extensions 513

plug-ins 390

report engine 188

report items 194

reports 187, 197, 198–214

scripts 193

debugging configurations 196, 197

debugging processes 192, 195

debugging tasks 188

debugging tutorial 198–214

declarations 724

declarations section 724

default locale 20

default output formats 257

default values 66, 228, 272, 274

DEFAULT_MAX_ROWS constant 540

DefaultChartTypeImpl class 662

DefaultDataServiceProviderImpl class 345

defaultDisplayName attribute 519

defaultDisplayName property 519

DefaultSeriesUIProvider class 674

defaultStyle property 396

defaultValue attribute 519

defaultValue property 397

DeferredCache class 689

DeferredCacheManager class 688

deleteGlobalVariable method 86, 131

deletePersistentGlobalVariable method 86, 131


BIRT program files 12

cached information 10

global variables 86

temporary files 220

demo database 18, 711 See also Classic Models sample database

Demo Database archive 18

Demo Database package 5, 17

Dependencies page (PDE Editor) 369, 370

deploy 725


applications 26, 262, 266, 289

charts 308

fragment package 637

Hibernate ODA UI plug-in 594

Java classes 113, 183

JDBC drivers 92

plug-in extensions 381–384

plug-in fragments 643

plug-ins 360, 382

report engine 259

report item extensions 390, 412

report viewer 4, 25, 29

reports 25, 118, 183, 282

DeploymentRuntime directory 16

Derby databases 17, 18

derived classes. See descendant classes

descendant classes 725

description element 396

design configuration objects 227, 291

design definitions 58, 59

design element API classes 260

design element handles 230, 232

design elements 128, 271

design engine 43, 44, 227, 290

design engine API 226, 227, 257, 262 See also report model API

design engine API documentation 257

design engine API package 217, 230

design engine classes 226, 227, 230, 291

design engine configurations 227, 265

design engine extensions 47

design engine interface 238

design engine objects 291 See also design engine

design engine plug-ins 227, 228

design engine tasks 227

design environments. See BIRT; Eclipse

design events 67

design files

creating reports and 219, 257, 258, 270, 286

defined 759

designing reports and 48

generating 43, 44, 49, 227

loading 221

opening 258, 270, 291

renaming 327

running 222, 279

saving 227

setting location of 29

validating 44, 53

design handles

accessing properties and 229, 289

accessing report items and 292

creating report elements and 227

getting 87, 88, 89

opening report designs and 228, 291, 292

design interfaces 129

design model 47, 51

design model objects 226

design objects 228 See also designs

design perspective 7, 8

design properties 59

design time 725

design tools 3, 43, 226, 227, 228

design.xsd 52, 53

DesignChoiceConstants interface 294, 297

DesignConfig class 227

DesignConfig objects 227, 291

DesignElement element 58 See also design elements

DesignElementHandle class 230, 232, 296

DesignEngine class 227, 291

DesignEngine objects 227, 291

designer applications 3

designer package 4

designer UI extensions. See user interface extensions

designers 43, 49, 219 See also BIRT Report Designer; BIRT RCP Report Designer

designing reports 43 See also designs

designs See also page layouts

accessing 228, 289, 291

accessing parameters in 273

accessing properties for 229

accessing ROM schemas for 53

accessing structured content in 257

adding charts to 323, 327, 345, 346

adding master pages to 88

adding report items to 292, 302

changing 68, 87, 89, 262, 289

creating 226, 290, 306

customizing 217

defined 725

deploying to web servers 28

generating XML files and 626

getting properties for 270

initializing 102

installing report viewer and 29

retrieving external data for 510, 522

reusing 43, 48

saving 290, 306, 327

selecting ODA data sets and 538

selecting report items for 46

standardizing 48

testing for parameters in 273

validating 53, 57

viewing CSV output in 488

viewing report items in 73

viewing XML output in 507

writing event handlers for 67, 128, 135

desktop applications 219 See also Java applets

destroy method 220

detail reports. See subreports

detail rows 59, 75, 77

detailType property 397

developers xxi


chart event handlers 143, 164, 167, 320

charting applications. See charting applications

charting extensions 647, 652

data extraction extensions 601, 602, 609

design tools 226

ODA extensions 385, 509, 510, 511, 554

ODA user interfaces 510, 530, 537, 577, 584

plug-ins 360, 366

rendering extensions 465, 466, 494

report engine 219

report item extensions 387, 389, 416

reporting applications 217, 258, 259

reports 49

rotated label extension 390, 404–412

development environments 64, 259

development languages 25, 742 See also scripting languages

device package 240, 241

device renderers 155, 649, 687

DeviceAdapter class 242, 649 See also adapter classes

devicerenderers extension point 686

devicerenderers plug-in 649

DHTML (defined) 727

dial charts 307, 652 See also charts

DialChart interface 239, 312

DialChart property 652

DialChartImp class 239

DialChartImpl class 310, 312

DialChartViewer application 344

difference charts 310 See also charts

DifferenceDataSet interface 310

Dimension attribute (charts) 146, 147, 148

dimension property 312, 313

dimensions 725 See also data cubes


accessing JAR files and 118, 228

accessing Java classes and 113

accessing report designs and 28

building charting API examples and 340

building charting extensions and 652, 663

developing reporting applications and 259

displaying reports and 26

extracting BIRT API Javadocs to 261

extracting chart engine package and 16

extracting source code to 354

getting location of plugins 265

installing language packs and 11

installing plug-ins and 359, 360, 362

installing report viewer and 27, 28

installing updates and 382

referencing BIRT home 263

referencing Eclipse home 358

saving event handlers and 113

saving image files and 266

saving temporary files and 265

unpacking program archives and 9

updating designers and 12

viewing PDF documents and 31

directory paths. See paths

disconnect method 184, 185

disk writes 219

display adapter classes 241, 649 See also adapter classes

display names 519, 520, 659, 725 See also DisplayName property

display server 155

DisplayAdapter class 649


breakpoints 192, 194

cascading report parameters 277

charts 659, 671

CSV output 481, 486

data 276

data bindings 75

error messages 104, 107

event handlers 64, 83

extension point schemas 374

HTML output 32, 44

images 429

manifest header settings 369

PDF documents 31, 32, 288

plug-in project settings 369

property annotations 376

report items 46, 73

reports 28, 31, 32, 43, 219

scripts 193

update site content 383

XML output 507, 609

DisplayName property 397

displayNameID property 396, 397

displayservers plug-in 649

displayText element 396

distinct values 648

distributing reports. See deploying

DOC emitter 45

document files

accessing contents 222, 271

accessing structures 271

building 44

closing 271

creating 80, 257, 278

defined 760

exporting data from 601

generating reports from 65

opening 221, 258, 270, 271

overview 48

rendering specific pages in 271

writing to disk 222

document model (BIRT). See ROM

document object model. See DOM

document objects 258, 270, 271

document type definitions 726

documentation xxii, 16, 359 See also Javadocs

documentation attribute 360

documents 280, 288 See also document files; reports

DOM (defined) 726

dom package 614

domain names 726

Double class 726, 735

double data type 727

double quotation mark (“) character

command line arguments and 20

expressions and 456

JavaScript code and 320

double-precision floating point numbers 726, 727, 735

download messages 609


BIRT Full Eclipse Install 7

BIRT RCP Report Designer 8

BIRT Report Designer packages 15

builds 5

chart engine archive 16

chart engine plug-in 652

charting plug-ins 650

demo database archive 18

extension examples 384

JAR files 118

JDK software 7

language packs 11, 635

ODA driver sample plug-ins 511, 513

report engine archive 19

Samples archive 21

source code 21, 350, 353, 390

Web Tools Integration archive 22

DPI resolution (charts) 155

drawCircle method 687

drawing framework (charts) 686, 687

drawing primitives (charts) 155, 649, 686

drawLine method 687, 700

drawPolygon method 700

drawRectangle method 687

drawSeriesLabel method 702

Driver class 522, 523

driver classes 261

driver constants (ODA) 529

driver manager 9

driverClass property 518

drivers See also specific type

accessing external sources and 510

adding connection profiles for 510, 520, 535

changing connection properties for 511

connecting to JDBC data sources and 33

connecting to web services and 184, 185

creating ODA 46, 50, 554

defined 727

defining error messages for 523

deploying 92

designing reports and 32

developing applications and 261

developing ODA 509, 510, 511

downloading sample plug-ins for 384

initializing connections for 522

installing report viewer and 26, 27, 28

locating JNDI resource files for 33

registering 574

running 522

setting location of 92

testing 511

using nonstandard 26

drivers directory 27, 261, 574

DTD (defined) 726

dteapi.jar 260, 261

DTP Integration package 17

DTP ODA API 509, 510, 522

DTP ODA API Reference 511

DTP ODA extensions. See ODA extensions

DTP ODA framework 46, 510, 538

DTP ODA interfaces 509, 519, 522

DTP ODA wizards 509

dynamic data 151, 311

Dynamic HyperText Markup Language (DHTML) 727

dynamic parameters 100

dynamic text elements 727

dynamic variables 727


-e command line option 19

e.reports. See reports

ebXML formats 494

Eclipse 10, 11

Eclipse applications 264

Eclipse Babel Project 635

Eclipse BIRT packages 4, 15, 217

Eclipse compiler 350

Eclipse Data Tools Platform 46, 509 See also BIRT Data Tools Platform

Eclipse debug extension point 188

Eclipse environments 64, 727

Eclipse Graphical Editing Framework 4

Eclipse home directory 358

Eclipse IDE 650

Eclipse Java Development Tools interface 194

Eclipse launcher 728

Eclipse Modeling Framework 4, 654, 728 See also EMF libraries

Eclipse perspective 728

Eclipse platform 40, 728 See also Eclipse Rich Client Platform

Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment 360, 366, 729 See also PDE Workbench

Eclipse plug-ins 359

Eclipse projects xix, 39, 368, 729 See also projects

Eclipse Rich Client Platform 729 See also rich client platforms; BIRT RCP Report Designer

Eclipse SDK 3, 351, 352

Eclipse Software Development Kit. See Eclipse SDK

Eclipse Update Manager 12

Eclipse views 369, 730

Eclipse Web Tools Platform 4

Eclipse Workbench 380, 413, 730

Eclipse Workbench projects 368

Eclipse workspace 350, 354, 730

ECMAScript implementation 83

ecore.jar 260

EDI standards 494

editor controls 539

editor element 396

editor pages 421, 537, 538

EJBs 173, 731

Electronic Business extensible markup language 494

Electronic Data Interchange standards 494

element adapters extension point 388, 395, 398

element adapters schema definition 388

element adapters. See property pages

element attribute 360

element definitions (ROM) 55 See also ROM elements

Element element 55

element interface 118

elementAdapters extension point 388, 395, 398, 446

elementAdapters.exsd 388

ElementDetailHandle class 236

ElementFactory class 302

ElementFactory objects 227, 323

elements See also report elements; ROM elements

class attributes and 376

creating report extensions and 399

defined 730

running plug-in extensions and 360, 363, 373

elements package 233, 235

ellipsis (...) button 731

embeddable HTML output 281

embedded report engine 219

EMF (defined) 728

EMF Generator Model project 654

EMF libraries 260

EMF model 652, 654

EMF software 4

emitter csv package 473

emitter csv plug-in 465, 482

emitter extension IDs 470

emitter interfaces 473, 497

emitter logging levels 475, 476, 499, 500

emitter objects 474, 498

emitter package 466

emitter plug-in 466, 497

emitter xml plug-in 465, 498

emitterconfig.jar 260


adding 465

configuring 264, 265

creating 474, 498

customizing 50

extending functionality of 385, 466

generating CSV output and 470, 473, 486

generating reports and 45, 80, 266

generating XML output and 497, 498

listed 42

emitters extension points 388, 470, 497

emitters plug-in 465, 473

emitters.exsd 388, 466

enableLineSettings method 684

enablement elements 448

encapsulation 731

encoding 773

Encoding element 611

Encoding property 614

encoding variable 614

end method 476, 500

endCell method 478

endRow method 478

engine API library 260

engine api package 217, 223, 225

engine APIs. See chart engine API; design engine API; report engine API

engine configuration objects. See EngineConfig objects

engine constants 279

engine execution phases 86

engine plug-in 652

engine processing phases 65, 71, 80, 86

engine task processes 64–65, 84

engine task types 197

engine variable 284

engineapi.jar 260, 261

EngineConfig class 92, 220, 264

EngineConfig objects 220, 263, 264, 265, 266

EngineConstants class 279

EngineException exceptions 286

engines 40, 44 See also specific reporting engine

EngineTask class 92

enterprise 731

enterprise environments 731

Enterprise JavaBeans. See EJBs

enterprise reporting 731

enumeration classes 239, 240

environment settings 32

environments 7, 219, 265, 755

error messages 104, 107, 189, 523

errors 9, 104, 187, 188, 356 See also exceptions

evaluate method 86

event handler examples 107, 135, 343

event handler interfaces 117, 123, 124, 128

event handlers See also events

accessing application context and 91

accessing JAR files for 117

accessing methods for 114

adding logging code to 79

adding page specific content and 85

adding to designs 64

associating context objects with 86, 131

building charts and. See chart event handlers

building data sets and 68, 126, 127, 174

building data sources and 125, 126, 174

changing column bindings and 75

changing connection properties and 99

changing designs and 89, 128

changing styles and 88, 90

closing connections and 92

creating 63, 64, 83, 117

tutorial for 103–107

customizing 118

debugging 142, 188, 190, 194, 198

defined 52, 732

displaying 64, 83

dropping report elements and 90

fetching data and 70

generating report elements and 93, 117, 123

generating report items and 125

getting column information for 96, 97

getting report parameters and 67, 100

grouping data and 79

nested report elements and 73

page-level scripts and 77

previewing 96

rendering report items and 52

retrieving external content and 149

running queries and 98, 100

running reports and 93

saving 113

selecting 83

setting data set parameters and 101

sharing data and 140

tracking execution sequence for 101

type casting and 152

validating report parameters and 67

verifying execution sequence of 79

event listeners 732

event object cache 687

event order sequence 71–81

event package 240, 241, 242

event types 66

eventhandlers.jar 198

EventObjectCache class 687

events See also event handlers

accessing data sets and 68, 69, 70, 73, 74

accessing data sources and 69, 70, 73, 74

adding report items and 71, 73, 77

caching data and 69, 74

creating charts and 77, 143, 145, 150, 156

customizing reports and 262

defined 732

designing reports and 67, 71, 128, 135

displaying data and 80

firing 52, 64, 68, 71, 74

generating reports and 73, 74, 80

grouping data and 78, 79

iterating over data rows and 77

iterating over multiple cells and 78

running reports and 76, 86

scripting for 63, 64, 83, 103, 117, 123

selecting parameters and 66, 72

subscribing to 365

example charting API plug-ins 340–346

example charting applications 16, 307, 340

example database 18 See also Classic Models sample database

example event handlers 107, 135, 343

example ODA extensions 509, 511

example plug-in extensions 384

example plug-in fragment 385, 636, 640

examples core plug-in 650

examples plug-in 340, 650, 661

Excel converter 732, 756

Excel spreadsheets 284

EXCELRenderOption class 281, 284

exception breakpoints 194

exception classes 194

exception package 240, 244

exceptions 185, 194, 296, 523, 732

executable files 732

ExecuteCSVReport application 485

ExecuteCSVReport class 485, 486

ExecuteCSVReport project 484, 488

executeQuery method 184, 185, 525, 571

ExecuteXMLReport application 507

executing reports 64, 86, 93, 118, 465

execution errors 194

execution mode parameter 19

execution phases 86

execution processes 86

execution requests 93

experts. See wizards

exploding pie slices 153

Export data types property 615

Export Data user interface 601, 611, 622

export destination options 381

Export dialog 381

export options 382

Export Wizard (Eclipse PDE) 381


data 466, 601, 612

plug-in extensions 390

plug-in fragments 637

plug-ins 381

exportIntoString method 620

expression builder 188, 458, 460, 733


binding data and 75, 76, 458, 460

checking syntax of 188

concatenating values and 75

converting strings to 456, 457

defined 733

evaluating JavaScript 86

manipulating numeric values with 751

manipulating string data with 768

matching text patterns and 759

returning Boolean values from 710

validating 188, 193

Expressions view 193

.exsd files 360, 373 See also extension point schema definitions

extended-item name element 53

ExtendedItemHandle class 310, 398, 446

ExtendedItemHandle objects 322, 325, 326

extendsFrom property 396

Extensible Markup Language. See XML

extension APIs 218

extension element 363

extension examples 384

extension names 134, 360, 417

extension package (report engine) 389

extension point schema definitions

connection profiles 511

data extraction plug-in 602

defined 359

displaying as HTML 374

displaying property annotations in 376

ODA driver extensions 510

ODA driver sample plug-ins 564

ODA UI extensions 510

opening 373, 374

plug-in extensions 360, 373

property pages 511

report engine emitters 466

report item extensions 360, 387, 389, 399

rotated label sample plug-in 395

extension points

accessing external data sources and 510

accessing Hibernate data sources and 577, 580

adding chart types and 648, 650, 661, 684

adding ODA drivers and 46

building ODA user interface and 534

building rotated label sample plug-in and 395, 398, 399

compiling source code for 351

customizing BIRT framework and 50, 359

customizing property pages and 446

customizing report items and 387, 417

debugging and 188

declaring 369, 375

defined 734

extracting data and 602, 607

finding 373

installing Eclipse SDK for 352

rendering charts and 155

rendering output and 466, 470, 497

running plug-ins and 362

specifying 363

viewing attributes of 374

Extension Points page (PDE Editor) 369, 372

extensionName property 396, 417

extensionProperties array 99


adding chart items and 47

adding emitters and 465

adding report items and 387, 389, 416

adding reporting functionality and 359

building plug-in 377–380

changing MIME types for 609

charting data and 647, 652, 658

creating 53, 370, 373, 375

customizing BIRT framework and 50, 349, 359

customizing report items and 47

debugging and 194

declaring 369

defined 734

deploying 381

developing ODA 46, 509, 510, 511, 554

downloading sample plug-ins for 384

extracting data and 601

implementing 359

rendering reports and 465

setting class attributes for 376

specifying 372

testing 380

unloading 220

viewing property annotations for 376

Extensions page (PDE Editor) 369, 372, 373, 375

external classes 280

external context objects 146, 149

external data sources 60, 510, 517

external Java classes 279

external JavaScript files 111

external libraries 112

external objects 280

external values 272

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