
Page numbers in italic indicate a figure.

action areas, lighting 35

action cameras 434

additive primary colors 46

Advanced Television System Committee (ATSC) standards 50, 52

aerial perspective 140, 141

aesthetic and technical considerations 11618

aesthetic elements of production 5, 13646, 146

Amazon 213

ambient sound 94

amplitude, sound 734

analog and digital audio levels 87

analog video signals 50

aperture control 65; depth of field and 667, 68

arc movement 69

A-roll 192

aspect ratio 202

associate directors (AD) 14

associate producers 109

audio: background 138; digital 8893; versus sound 72, 73; for the web 21819

audio boards 12

audio-level meters 867

audio levels 857, 139

audio mixers 835

audiovisual semantics 118, 119

audiovisual syntax 118

augmenting existing light in the field 37

automatic focus 64

background audio 1389

background lights 345

background shadows 35

back lights 34

backtiming 1546

balance, white and black 22, 56

balanced and unbalanced lines 823

bandwidth 217

barn doors 30

base illumination 33

baselights 19

bayonet connectors 71

beam splitters 467

beauty shots 198

bit depth 8990, 90

bit rate 90

black balance 56

blocking 148

blue gels 37

body packs 78

booms, microphone 82

brainstorming 113

brightness editing 195

B-roll video 192

budgets, production 118, 124, 1256

built sets 208

buses 99100

cablecast 8

cables, sound 823

camcorders 17; cameras versus 412; one-piece 43

camera control units (CCU) 12, 47, 47

camera heads 44

camera mounts 28

camera operators 15; single-camera field production 17

cameras, video: camera control units (CCU) 12, 47, 47; configurations of 414; consumer 41; convertible studio/field cameras 434, 43; equipment quality and target markets for 41; fixed focal length lenses 4850; lenses of 48; movement of 679; operational controls on 548; operation of 6970; parts of 4450, 47; professional/broadcast 41; studio configuration 423; supports and mounts for 5861; zoom lenses 48, 616

camera setup 16

camera shading 16

camera shot sheets 152

caps, lens 66

capturing of audio files 92

cardioid pickup patterns 75

cast and crew 149; selection 125; working with 136

cathode ray tubes (CRT) 49

center of interest 202

character generators (CG) 12, 204

characters 199

charge coupled devices (CCD) 45, 45

chroma key backgrounds, lighting for 356

chroma keys 105, 105

chrominance 54

cinema verité 167

clarity 201

clipper control 104

clips and bins 176

close-up (CU) 143, 144

clustering 113

codecs 88

color: and brightness 204; editing 195

color bars/camera switches 54, 55

color correction filters 546, 56

colorizers 100

color temperature 212; taking control of 37

color video signal monitoring 54

complementary angles 188

completely metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) chips 456, 45

composited images 35

compositing 2056

composition, visual 1435, 146

compression, digital file 88, 170

compression ratio 89, 170

computer-generated graphics 2046

computer tablets 43; audio recording capabilities 93

concept mapping 11112

conceptualization of ideas 114

condenser microphones 75, 76

conflict and change in storytelling 199

connectors: sound 823; video 70

consumer equipment 41

container format in streaming video 221, 221

content delivery network (CDN) 216

continuity 11415, 137; of action 139; and dynamic editing 18790, 191; lighting 138; performance 139; sound 138; visual 137

contracts 128, 12930

contrast range 201

control in single-camera field production 17, 18

control rooms 1, 2, 1113

convertible studio/field cameras 43, 43

copyright 128

counters, tape 173

covering the action 161

creative problem solving 6

creative producers 10910

crossfades 194

cube effect 107

cut-ins 1878

cuts 100

cycles per second (CPS) in frequency 74

cycloramas 9

decibels 73

depth, illusion of 139

depth of field 667, 68

design: principles of 2012; sound 935

design stage 11018

desk stands, microphone 81

development 67

dialog 94, 138

dial-up modems 217

dichroic filters 37

diffusers 301

digital audio 8893; file formats for 90; recorders for 93; workstations for 913

digital audio tape (DAT) recorders 93

digital multiplex (DMX) 32

digital nonlinear editing 18, 17482

digital recording technologies 16970

digital still store (DSS) 108

digital video effects (DVE) 1068, 1067

digital video recording systems 1704

digital video signals 523

digital zoom 62

digitizing 182

dimmers 323

direct cinema 167

directional continuity 137

directors 14; aesthetics of production and 13646, 146; calls 153; commands 154; as creative leader 1334; directing multiple cameras 14859; directing single-camera productions 1608; factors that influence role of 133; knowledge of production technology 134; in multi-camera production versus single-camera production 133; as production managers 134; responsibilities during the preproduction process 1346; role during production 147; role in postproduction 168; role of 1324

dissolves 100, 102

distribution 8, 116, 131

distribution switchers 96

documentaries 1668

dollies, wheeled 59, 59, 69

download and play approach 21415

downstream keys 106

drones 61, 62

drop-frame code 181

DSL (digital subscriber line) 217

DSLR cameras 43, 44

DVD (digital versatile discs) 172

dynamic editing and continuity 18790, 191

dynamic microphones 75, 76

dynamic range 90

edit decision list (EDL) 179

editing: continuity and dynamic 18790, 191; definition of 183; dynamic 18790, 191; postproduction 1867; problems in multicamera 1856; techniques 1837; video clip 162; voice driven pieces 1916

editing VCR 174

editing window 176

editors 110

electric condenser microphones 767

electronic field production (EFP) 16, 48, 48

electronic news gathering (ENG) 16

electronic shutters 45, 568

ellipsoidal spotlights 25, 26, 26

encoding 220

equalization (EQ) controls 85

essential areas 203

essential details, shooting 161

establishing shots 161, 187, 187

ethernet connections 71

evaluation, production 118, 1301

extreme close-up (XCU) 143, 144

extreme long shot (XLS) 143, 144

eyelines 188, 188, 1956, 195

eyepiece viewfinders 49

facilities and equipment selection 136

fader bars 100

fades 100, 101

feasibility of ideas 115

feedback 110; audience 110

field cameras 43; operation of 6970

field lighting principles 379

field of view 143, 144

field production 4; aperture control for 67; environment 1618, 18; light mounts 28; open-faced portable instruments for 278

fields 51

file formats, digital 90

fill lights 34

filters 31

filter wheels 55

firewires 71

fishpoles, microphone 812

fit-to-fill edits 176

fixed beam versus variable beam instruments 245

fixed focal length lenses 4850

flags 30

flash memory 171

flats 208, 20910

floodlights 24, 25; fluorescent and/or LED 27; parabolic 26, 31

floor directors 15

floor manager cues 156, 1578

floor plans 15

floor stands, microphone 81

fluid heads 68

fluorescent floodlights 27

fluorescent lamps 234

focal length and zoom ratio 62

focus, camera 15; zoom lens 634

focus groups 114

focus ring 63

foot-candles 19

formative evaluation 131

formats, video 44, 115

frame and line rates 51, 53

frame rates 220

frame store 108

frame synchronizers 97

framing 143, 152; correction of errors in 196

frequency, sound 73, 74

frequency response 77

Fresnel spotlights 25, 301

friction heads 68

gain (loudness) 84

gain boost/sensitivity 56

gels 312, 37

GoPro cameras 434, 44

graphics 194, 200; basic factors in design of 2024; guiding principles of design and 2012; integrated into video productions 2067; production processes and sources of 2046; set design 20711

graphics, animation, and special effects 18

graphics directors 1516

green rooms 13

gyroscopic camera support systems 60, 60

hand-held cameras: movement of 69; supports for 29, 29

hand-held microphones 78

handles 178

hanging microphones 81

hardware switchers 989

HDMI cables 71

headphones 85

headroom 145

height in plane 141

hertz (Hz) 74

high definition television (HDTV) 504

high dynamic range (HDR) 21

high key lighting 35

hook, story 197

hot spots 20

HTTP protocols 215

hue 54

hydragyrum medium arc-length iodide (HMI) 24

hyperlinks 215

image compression 107, 108

image expansion 108

impedance, microphone 77

incandescent lamps 21

indoor interviews, lighting for 38

insert edits 175, 175

instruments, lighting 248

interactive television (ITV) 110

interlaced scanning 51, 52, 53

Internet television 213

interposition 140

interruptible feedback (IFB) devices 13

interviewees, identification of 192

interview floor plans 152

interviews, on-site 1624

inverse square rule 33

jacks (input connectors) 82

jibs, camera 61, 61

joystick 104

jump cuts 192

keying 1046

key lights 334, 34

lamps, types of 224

lavaliere microphones 7880

layering, sound 194

LCD viewfinders 49, 50

lead, story 197

leader sequences 180

LED see light emitting diodes (LED)

legal matters in preproduction 128, 12930

lenses, camera 48; caps 66; flares 66; hoods 66; macro 66; wide-angle 162; zoom 48, 616

letterboxes 202

light battens 30

light emitting diodes (LED) 23; color temperature and 37; displays 49; floodlights 27

lighting: baselight 1920; basic concepts of 1922; color temperature 212; common instruments for 248; continuity of 138; contrast range 201; modification and control of 21, 303; mood and effect 35; mounts for 2830; planning for 40; principles of field 379; principles of studio 336; quality of light 22; safety with 3940; types of lamps for 224

lighting action areas 35

lighting boards 12

lighting directors 15; single-camera field production 17

lighting plots 40

light meters 1920

light mounts 28

light source control 212, 303

linear editing 182

linear perspective 1401

linear videotape editing 174

line producers 109

liquid crystal displays (LCD) 49

live automated newscasts 156, 15960, 15960

live streaming 215

location surveys 1278, 135

long shot (LS) 143, 144

lossless compression 88

lossy compression 88

lower-third keyed titles 192, 204

low key lighting 35

lumens 19

luminance 54

luminance keys 104

macro lenses 66

macro levers 66

magnetic stripes on films 192

makeup and dressing rooms 13

manual versus programmable switchers 978

master control operators 16

master gain controls 84

master shots 184

matte effect 1045, 105

measurement of light intensity 19

media transport controls 1723

medium close-up (MCU) 143, 144

medium shot (MS) 143, 144

memory sticks 171

meters 173

microphone proximity effect 79

microphones 745; hand-held 79; hanging 81; impedance 77; lavaliere 7980; pickup patterns 75; shotgun 75, 80, 80; stands and mounting devices 812; type of construction of 757; wireless 778

mini-plug connectors 82

mirrorless cameras 43

mix/effects buses 100

mixing, sound 12

modeling 33

modems 212, 217

monaural sound sources 85

monitors, video 11, 4950

monopods, camera 60

montages 198

mood and effect lighting 35

mounts: camera 5861; light 28; microphone 812

movement of cameras 679

multicamera production 4, 10; director role in 133, 14859; editing problems 1856; shooting and editing techniques 1834; typical formats 1569

multicamera video field production 1718

multifunction switchers 100

multi-image squeeze 107

multimedia presentations 5

music 94; continuity of 138; editing 1934

music videos 165

narration 94; continuity of 138

National Television System Committee (NTSC) standards 50

natural sound 945; editing 1934

neutral density filters 556

newscasts, live automated 156, 15960, 15960

noise 72

non-drop-frame time code 181

nonlinear editing (NLE) 18, 17482

noseroom 145

notes sessions 148

Nyquist Sampling Theorem 89

occlusion 140

ohms 77

omnidirectional microphones 75

one-piece camcorders 43

on-site interviews 1624

open-faced portable instruments 278

operating light level 19

operational controls on video cameras 548

operation of video cameras 6970

optical discs 12, 172

optical video transducers 45

organic light emitting diodes (OLED) 50

outdoor lighting problems 39

overlapping planes 140, 141

overlay edits 175, 175

over-the-shoulder shot (O/S) 143, 144

page peel 107

page pull 108

page push 108

page turn 108

panel discussion program formats 156, 159

pan handles 63, 64

panning and tilting 679

pan pot controls 85

parabolic floodlights 26, 31

patching 70

P2 cards 171

peak program meters (PPM) 87

pedestals, camera 589, 58

perceptual coding 88

performance continuity 139

phantom power microphones 76

phone connectors 82

photographic principle 33

pickup patterns 75

pistol grips, microphone 80

pixels 45, 45

planning: interpersonal communication, and teamwork in video production 56; lighting 40

plasma display panels (PDP) 4950

portable field mixers 834

postproduction 7; director’s role in 168; editing in 1867; environment 18; streaming video 219

potentiometers 85

power requirements for field locations 378

power switches 54

preinterviews 199

preproduction 7; director’s responsibilities during 1346; producers and technical aspects of 11828, 12930; streaming video 21617

preview monitors 11

preview/preset bus 100

prime lenses 48

principal action axis 139, 139, 164

principal vector line 185

prism blocks 45, 47

private line (PL) communication 13

producers 56, 14; creative 10910; preproduction responsibilities of 11828, 12930; single-camera field production 16

production: aesthetic elements of 5, 13646, 146; defined 7; design stage 11018; director’s role during 147; multicamera 4, 10; processes and sources of graphics 2046; producer’s work in 128; remote 16; schedules for 118; streaming video 21720; three stages of 78; see also video production

production assistants (PA) 17

production budgets 118, 1245, 1256

production control rooms 12, 1113

production crew communication systems 13

production managers, directors as 134

production process model 110

production stage 11829, 130

production support areas 13

production switchers 967

professional/broadcast equipment 41

program buses 100

program monitors 11

program titles 116

progressive download 215

progressive scanning 53

properties (props) 13

proposals 116

proximity effect 75

public service announcements (PSAs) 1656

quad split 107

quality of light 22

quantization 53, 89, 170

question re-ask technique 163

quick-release plates 60

radio frequency (RF) transmission 77

RCA/phono connectors 71, 82

reaction shot 143

receivers, microphone 77

recorders, digital audio 93

record-run mode 181

reflected light 20

reflectors 30, 31

reframing 196

rehearsals 1478

relative height 141

relative size 1401, 141

remote productions 16, 18

rendering 180

replace edits 176

research on ideas 114

reverse angle shooting 188

reverse over-the-shoulder shot (RO/S) 143, 144

RGB signal 47

ribbon microphones 77

robotic camera systems 15, 61

room tone 95

rough cuts 168

rule of thirds 143, 146, 146

rundown sheets 152, 155

run-throughs 148

safe title areas 203

safety: and health of team members, director’s responsibility for 136; of lighting 3940

sampling rates 8990, 16970

saturation, color 54

scanning patterns 51, 52, 53

scheduling, production 124

screen size 203

scrims 30

scripts/storyboards 11824; breakdown by directors 1345; marking 149, 1501; reading 147

SD (secure digital) cards 171

segues 194

semantics, audiovisual 118, 119

set design 20711

sets 13

shadows 141; background 35

shock mounts, microphone 80

shooting to edit 161

shotgun microphones 75, 80, 80

should mounts 58

showrunners 14, 109

silks 31

single-camera field production personnel 16

single-camera production 4; director role in 133, 1608

situation comedies 148

slide faders 84

smartphones 34, 3, 43; audio recording capabilities 93; image with sidepanels 107

SMPTE time code 174, 181

soft lights 24, 27

software 4

software switchers 989

Sony XDCAM 172

sound: audio mixers 835; connectors and cables 823; continuity of 1389; control 845; digital audio 8893; sequencing and layering of 194; technical aspects of 7282; working with audio levels in 857

sound bites 1912

sound design 935

sound effects (SFX) 94

sound engineers 14

sound on tape (SOT) 94

sound perspective 139

sound recordists 17

sound sweetening 18

source VCR 174

spatial continuity 137, 138

sphere effect 107

split screen 103, 107

spotlights 24, 24; ellipsoidal 26, 26; Fresnel 25, 301

spreaders, tripod 5960

SSD (solid state drives) 171

standard definition television 504, 169

standby switches 54

stands, microphone 812

standups 183

Steadicam® 60, 60

stereo sound sources 85

storyboards/scripts 11824; breakdown 1345

story outline script 197

story structure 1978

storytelling 1969

story wheels 197, 198

streaming media 21314; process of preparing 21621

stripe filter 467

studio viewfinders 49

style 2012

subject and needs assessments 116

subtractive color 46

summative evaluation 131

supercardioid pickup patterns 75

superimposition 16

supports, camera 5861

S-video connectors 71

SxS cards 171

sync generators 97

sync pulses 97

synopses 116

syntax, audiovisual 118

table readings 147

talent 13

talkback systems 13

tape counters 173

target audiences and delivery time 116

target objects 188, 188

technical directors (TD) 14

technical elements of production 5

telecine 193

telephoto lenses 48

television: difference between video and 45; Internet 213; as producer’s medium 6; sampling rates 16970; video standards for standard definition and high definition 504

temperature, color 212

theme music 94

three-dimensional (3-D) graphics 205, 206

three-point lighting 33, 34

three stages of production 78

thunderbolt cables 71

tight close-up (TCU) 164

time code generators 181, 181

time code readers 174

timeline, program 176

tone generators 84

tracking shots 69

tracks, digital audio 92

transitions: switcher 1002; video 176, 194

transition shots 162

treatment and synopsis 116

tripods 5960, 59

truck left or right movement 69

tungsten halogen lamps 223, 378

two-dimensional (2D) graphics 205, 206

umbrellas, lighting 30

unbalanced and balanced lines 823

unidirectional microphones 75

unity 201

USB flash drives 171

vectorscope 54

video and television, difference between 45

video black 100

videocassettes 169

video editing technologies 17482

video editors 17, 183

video engineers 12, 16

video field production environment 1618, 18

videographers 17

video monitors 11, 4950

video on demand 21213

video on the web: methods of delivering 21415; types of 21214

video production: creative problem solving in 6; development, production, and distribution 68; example 14; expanding universe of 4; planning, interpersonal communication, and teamwork 56; principal elements in 56; see also production

video recorder (VR) 12; operator 17

video recording technologies 16974

video servers 171

video shading 12

video signals 16

video standards for standard and high definition television 504

video studio environment: low light in 667; operating the camera in 69; postproduction 18; principles of lighting in 336; production control room in 12, 1113; production personnel roles and responsibilities 1416; production support areas 13; video studio in 910

video switchers 12; digital video effects 1068, 1067; keying 1046; operational characteristics of 99100; transitions 1002; types of 969

videotape 162, 169; formats 171

viewfinders 49

virtual sets 210, 211

visual composition 1436, 146

visual continuity 137

visualization of ideas 11415

voice 94

voice driven pieces, editing of 1916

voice-over (VO) 94

volume 83

volume unit (VU) meters 867

walk-throughs 1478

waveforms 50; monitor 54

webcasting 212

white balance 22, 56

wide-angle lenses 162

window-dub 182

window size in streaming video 2201, 220

windscreens, microphone 80, 80

wipes 103, 104

wired microphones 78

wireless microphones 778

workstations, digital audio 912

XLR connectors 823

z-axis 141, 142

zebra-stripe exposure indicators 49

zoom lenses 48, 616

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