
continuity of, 183, 262263

covering, 211212

discontinuous, 263

Action areas, lighting, 49

Additive primary colors, 63

Aerial perspective, 185

Aesthetic elements (of production), 67, 180192, 312313

variables in, 155

Ambient sound, 126, 269, 300

Amplitude, 96, 9798

Analog audio recording, 343345

audio cassettes, 345

reel-to-reel format, 344

8-track cartridge, 344345

Analog devices, 116

Analog recording, 226229

vectorscope, 228229

video waveform and waveform monitor, 226228

Analog recording systems, 225

Analog signal, 69

Analog standard, 6972

Analog videotape formats, 233234

Animation, 26

Aperture, or iris, 86

Aperture control, 86, 8890

Arc, 91

Aristotle, 273

A-roll editing, 268

Aspect ratio, 70, 73, 74, 280281

Assemble editing, 245, 246

Associate director (AD), 18

Associate producer, 144

Asynchronous video sources, 129

ATSC (Advanced Television System Committee) Standard, 69, 7274

Audience, target, 153

Audio, 96

background, 182

connectors and cables, 109110

digital, 116124, 345348

in field production, 168

levels, 114116

mixers, 110113, 113

planning, 219

sound versus, 9596

sources, 113

for the Web, 300

see also Digital audio; Sound

Audio board, 14

Audio cassettes, 345

Audio editing, 26

Audio engineer (sound engineer)

Audio-level meters, 114115

Audio levels, 183

analog and digital, 116

Audio meters, 98, 236

Audio mixer, 14

Audio mixing decisions, 219

Audio recording

analog, 343345

digital, 345348

Audio recording technologies, brief history of, 343348

Audiovisual semantics, 156

Audiovisual syntax, 156

Audio workstations

digital, 117

Audition, 123

Audition workstation, 117

Automatic focus (autofocus), 85


Back focus, 85

Background effects, 1213

chroma key, 1213

Background light, 48, 51

Background noise, 107

Background shadows, 4849

Backlight, 4748

Backtiming, 203204

Balanced lines, 110

Bandwidth capacity, 298

Barn doors, 42

Barrel noise, 104, 107

Baselight, 2729

Batch capture, 253

Battens, light, 40, 41

Battery power

convertible cameras and, 60

microphones and, 100, 101, 104, 106

Beam splitter, 63

Beauty shot, 275

Betacam SP format, 226, 230, 234

Betacam SX, 233

Bin, 250

Bit, or binary digit, 119

Bit depth, 119

Bit rate, 119

Bits, 72

Bits per seconds (bps), 298

Black balance, 77

Blocking, 18, 194

Blue gels, 51

Blue screen technique, 49

BNC bayonet connector, 93

Body pack, 103

Boom, 107, 108

Brainstorming, 149

Brightness, 282283

B-roll video, 218, 266, 268269

Budget, 155, 163164

production, 165

Burns, Ken, editing style of, 217218

Bus, 130, 131


Cables, balanced and unbalanced lines, 110

Cable television, 293


camera versus, 59

DVD, 239

in field production, 23, 9293

with hard disk recorder, 238

one-piece, 237, 61

types of, 58, 232

Camera control unit (CCU), 14, 64

Camera head, 6164

Camera lens. See Lenses

Camera operators, 1920, 23

Camera placement, to avoid action reversal, 257


analog and digital standards for, 6874

versus camcorder, 59

in the field operation, 9293

mounting systems, 39, 80, 81

movement, 9091, 218

number of, 167168

operational controls, 7477

parts of, 6168

studio configuration, 5960

studio operation of, 92

supports, 7782

types of equipment, 5759

video connectors, 9394

Camera shading, 14, 21

Camera shot sheets, 203

Cannon connectors, 109, 110

Capacitor mics, 100

Capturing, 253, 300301

Cardiod, 99

Cast selection, 164166

Cathode-ray tube (CRT), 67

CD audio technology, 346

CD burner, 346

CD optical technology, 346

CD-R (compact discrecordable), 346

CD-ROM (compact disc-read only memory), 346

CD-RW (compact discrewritable), 346

Character generator (CG), 14, 283

Characters, 275276

Charge-coupled device (CCD), 6263, 7071, 98

Chroma key, 34, 4951, 138, 291

Chrominance (C) signals, 226

Cinema verité, 217

Clarity, in graphics, 279

Clips, 250

Closer, 275

Close-up (CU), 187188, 259

Clustering, 148

Codecs (compression/decompression), 117, 304


additive primary, 63

contrasting, 282283

fixing problems of, 270271

Color bars/camera switch, 75

Color continuity, 264

Color correction filters, 7576

Color difference process, 226

Color media, 44

Color temperature, 3031, 5152

Commercial television, 146, 215

Compact disc (CD), 345346

Complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS), 6263

Component recording, 226

Composite recording, 225

Compositing, 285

digital, 285

Composition, 187189

visual, 187192

Compression, 117, 299

encoding and, 302306

image, 141142

lossy and lossless, 117, 229

methods of, 230

Compression ratio, 117

Computer crashes, 254

Computer-generated graphics, 277, 283285

Concept mapping, 146148

basic steps in, 148

Conceptualization, 150151

Condenser microphones, 100101

Consumer equipment, 57

Continuity, 180183

of action, 262263

of dialog, 182

directional, 181

editing for, 260265

in lighting and color, 264

of narration, 182

in performance, 183

in sound, 265

Contracts, 168

Contrast range, 2930

Control, 1112

Control issue, 2324

Control room, 12, 1316, 327

remote truck, 24

Control track, 223

Control track editing, 243

Convertible cameras, 60

Copyright, 169

Costumes, 17

Creative problem solving, 8

Creative thinking, 146150

Crew selection, 164166

Crossfade, 270

Cut, 132

Cut-in/cut-out, 261


matched, 258259

motivated, 263264

parallel, 265

rough, 247

timed, 266

Cycles per second (CPS), 98

Cycloramas (cyc), 1213, 49


Daylight, 51, 8990

Decibels (dB), 97

hearing threshold, 119

Degrees Kelvin (°K), 30

Deinterlace, 301302

Depth, illusion of, 184186

Depth cues, 184, 186

Depth of field, 8890

Desk stands, 107, 108

Development phase, 8

Dialog, 125

continuity of, 182

Dial-up modem, 298

Dichroic filter, 51

Diffusers, 4344

Digital audio, 116124, 345348

bit rate, 119

codecs, 117

compression, 117

dynamic range, 119120

file formats, 120121

sampling rate/bit depth and quantization, 118119

workstations, 121124, 348

Digital audio recording technologies, 345348

compact discs (CDs), 345346

digital audiotape (DAT), 124, 347348

DVD (digital versatile disc), 346347

hard disk recording, 348

history of, 345

minidisc, 348

Digital audiotape (DAT) recorders, 124, 347348

Digital audio workstation (DAW), 121124, 348

Digital Betacam format, 233

Digital compositing, 285

Digital 8 format, 233, 234

Digital nonlinear editing. See Nonlinear editing (NLE) systems

Digital recording, 229230

advantages, 230

Digital-S (D-9) format, 233

Digital signal, 7273

Digital standard, 72

Digital still store (DSS), 142

Digital videocassette (DV), 94, 230232

Digital video effects (DVE), 140142

Digital videotape formats, 230233

Digitizing, 300301

Dimmers, 44

Direct cinema, 217

Directing, 173192, 193220

documentaries, 217219

multi-camera productions, 195109

multiple cameras, studio and remotes, 195209

music videos, 215

on-site interviews, 213214

performers, 196

PSAs, 216

single-camera productions, 209219

Directional continuity, 181

Directors, 18, 22

commands during the show, 202, 323

as creative leader, 175176, 180

during postproduction process, 219220

during preproduction process, 176180

as production manager, 176

during rehearsals, 193195

role during production phase, 193

role of, 173176

safety and health concerns, 179180

symbols and commands, 197201

technical knowledge of, 176

working with cast and crew, 179

Director’s calls, 200201

Dissolve, 133135

Distribution, 153

Distribution phase, 10

Distribution switcher, 127


elements of, 217

planning and directing, 217219

postproduction, 342

preproduction, 332337

production model of, 329342

setting of, 329

team members, 332

theme of, 330331

Dolby noise reduction technology, 345

Dolly, 91

Dolly, tripod, 78, 79, 91

Downstream keyer, 139140

Drag, 91

Dressing rooms, 17

Drop-frame time code, 243, 244

DSL (digital subscriber line), 298

D-3, D-5, and HD-D5 formats, 233234

DVCAM format, 223, 224225, 230, 232

DVCPRO 50 camcorder, 240

DVCPRO (D7), 232, 233

DVCPRO format, 223, 224225, 230, 231232, 240

DVCPRO 50 format, 232, 240

DVCPRO-HD camcorder, 240

DVCPRO-HD format, 232, 233

DVDCAM (digital camcorder), 239

DVD (digital versatile disc), 238

blu ray technology, 347

formats, 346

technologies, 346347

DV (digital video), 222223, 224225, 230232, 301

DVD-RAM (DVD random access memory), 239, 346

DVD-R (DVD minus recordable), 346

DVD+R (DVD plus recordable), 346347

DVD-ROM (DVD read-only memory), 346

DVD-RW (DVD rewritable) discs, 347

Dynamic editing, 265266

Dynamic microphones, 99100

Dynamic range, digital audio, 119120


Edit control units, 242243

Edit decision list (EDL), 247

Editing, 255

assemble, 245

continuity, 260265

control track, 243

digital nonlinear, 247254

documentaries, 219

dynamic, 265266

fixing color and brightness problems, 270271

for graphics, 286

insert, 246

insert and overlay, 248

linear videotape, 241247

for multi-camera

productions, 255, 256259

music, 269

to music, 265266

postproduction, 210213, 219220, 259260, 270

rhythm, 265

for single-camera

productions, 255, 256

with SMPTE time code, 243245

video for the Web, 301302

voice tracks, 266267

Editing software, 218, 253

Editing window, 251

8-track cartridge, 344345

Electret condenser

microphones, 101

Electrical circuits, 55

Electrical outlets, 55

Electrical power, 75

on location, 52

Electronic field production (EFP), 22, 66

Electronic news gathering (ENG), 2122, 66

Electronic shutter, 62, 77

Ellipsoidal spotlights, 37

Encoding, 302

Equalization (EQ) control, 113

Essential area, 281282

Establishing shot, 210211, 260


formative and summative, 155, 171172, 313314

Expanded image, 141142

Extreme close-up (XCU), 188

Extreme long shot (XLS), 187, 188

Eyelines, 261262, 271

Eyepeice viewfinders, 67

Eyeroom, 190


Fact-based programs, 175

Fade, 133

F-connector, 94

Feasibility study, 152

Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 69, 72, 215

Field lighting, 5154

augmenting existing light, 51

control of color temperature, 5152

electrical power

requirements, 52

indoor interviews on location, 5354

outdoor problems, 54

Field lights, 39

Field of view, 187

Field production, 5, 2124, 9293

audio, 168

elements of, 167168

lighting, 5154, 168

location surveying, 177178

number of cameras, 167168

permits and access logistics, 167

Fields, 7172

File format, 120121

Fill light, 4647

Filters, 51, 64, 7576, 88

FireWire, 94, 301

Fishpoles, 107, 108

Fixed beam instruments, 35, 39

Fixed focal length lens, 65

Fixed pipe grid, 41

Flags, 42

Flash Communication Server, 304, 305

Flash memory recorders, 124

FlashPlayer, 304, 305

Flash Video Exporter, 304, 305

Flats, 289290

Floodlights, 3538, 43

Floor director, 20

Floor manager cues, 205206

Floor plan, 19, 288

Floor stands, 39, 107, 108

Fluid head, 79

Fluorescent fixtures, 52

Fluorescent floodlights, 3738

Fluorescent lamps, 32, 3334

FLV files, 305

Focal length, 8283

Focus control, 85

Focus groups, 149150

Fog filters, 88

Foot-candle, 2728

Formative evaluation, 171172, 313

Frame rate, 70, 73, 303

Frames, 70

Frame synchronizer, 129

Framing, 189191

Framing terms, 187, 188, 199

Frequencies, 113

Frequency, 98, 113, 118

Frequency response, 102

Fresnel spotlights, 36

F-stop number, 86, 88a, 88b

Full duplexing systems, 121


Gain boost, 77

Gain control, 112

Gels, 44, 48

Gigabyte (GB), 348

Graphics, 26, 270, 277278

clarity in, 279

computer-generated, 277, 283285

2-D and 3-D, 284285

design stage of, 278279

integration stage of, 286

mechanical, 283

software, 284

sources of, 283285

style in, 279

unity in, 278279

Graphics director, 2021

Green room, 17

Gyroscopic camera support systems, 80


Half duplexing systems, 121

1/2-inch VHS and S-VHS, 233234

Hydragyrum medium arc-length Iodide (HMI) lamps, 32, 34

Handheld camera movement, 91

Hand-held microphones, 103, 104105

Handheld supports, 39

Handles, 252

Hanging microphones, 107

Hard cyc, 13

Hard disk, 237

Hard Disk recording, 348

HD-DVD (high-definition or high-density DVD), 347

HDV camcorder, 232

HDV format, 232233

Head, recording, 221222

Headroom, 116, 190

Helical scan, 221222

Hertz (Hz), 98, 118

Hi8 format, 234

High-definition television (HDTV), 59, 73

High-impedance, or high-Z, 102

High key lighting, 48

Hi-MD format, 348

Hit their marks, 194

Home television, 6

Home video, 6

Hook, 273

Hot spots, 30

HTML (hypertext markup language), 297

HTTP (hypertext transfer protocol), 296, 305

HTTP Streaming Server, 306

H.264 standard, 306


iLink, 94

Image compression/expansion, 141142

Imaging device, 6163

Impedance (Z), 102

Incident light, 29

Input levels, 114

Input overload distortion, 106

Insert and track information (ITI), 225

Insert edit, 248

Insert editing, 246

Interactive television (ITV), 144

Interlaced scanning, 7071, 74, 301302



Union (ITU), 306


programs distributed on, 172

see also Web-based video

Interruptable feedback (IFB), 16

Interviewee, identifying, 267268

Interviews, 268

in the field 126

floor plan, 201202

lighting, 5354

on-site, 213214

“talking head,” 217

Inverse square rule, 44


Jaggies, 302

Jib, 81

Joystick, 136

JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group), 230


Key, 137

Keyed title, 267

Keying, 136140

Key light, 46

Kilobits per seconds (kbps), 298


Lamps, types of, 3234

Lavaliere microphones, 103, 105106

LCD viewfinder, 66, 67

Lead, 273

Legal matters, 168170

Lens cap, 8788

Lenses, 6566, 8288, 8586

components, 8688

EFP, 6566

studio, 6566

Lens flare, 8687

Lens hood, 8687

Letterbox format, 280


quality of, 3132

Light battens, 40, 41

Light diffusers, 4344

Lighting, 51

action areas, 49

augmenting, 5152

background, 49, 51

basic concepts, 2732

daylight outdoors, 8990

electrical power requirements, 52

equipment, 3234

in field production, 5154, 168

instruments, 3538, 51

low-key, 48

modification and control, 4245

for mood and effect, 48

mounts, 3942, 55

outdoor problems, 54

planning, 5556

portable, 38

safety, 5455

in studio production, 4551, 53, 89

typical setups, 5354

Lighting board, 15

Lighting continuity, 182, 264

Lighting director (LD), 19, 23, 45

Lighting plot, 5556

Light intensity, measurement of, 2728

Light meters, 2829

Light source, controlling, 31

Linear editing, 2526

Linear perspective, 184, 186

Linear time code (LTC), 224

Linear videotape editing, 241247

components, 241242

modes, 245247

process, 247

Line-level signal, 114

Line producer, 144

Line rates, 70, 73

Lines, 70

Liquid crystal display (LCD), 68

Live streaming (webcasting), 306, 307, 308

Location release, 170

Location sound, 126

Location survey, 166168, 177178

Logistics, access, 167

Long shot (LS), 187, 188

Lossless compression, 117, 229

Lossy compression, 117, 229

Lower-third keyed title, 267

Low-impedance, or low-Z, 102

Low key lighting, 48

Lumens, 28

Luminance keys, 137

Luminance (Y) signals, 226

Lux, 28


Macro lever, 88

Macromedia Flash Video, 304, 305

Magnetic stripe, 268

Magnetic tape era, 343

Manual switcher, 129

Master gain control, 112

Master shot, 256

Matte, 137138

Medium close-up (MCU), 187, 188, 257, 259

Medium shot (MS), 187, 188

Memory cards, 239240

Meters, audio, 98, 236

Microphone-level signal, 114

Microphones, 98108

external, 300

frequency response, 102

hand-held, 103, 104105

hanging, 107

impedance, 102

lavaliere, 103, 105106

pickup patterns, 99

shotgun, 106107

stands and mounting devices, 107108

types of, 104107

types of construction, 99101

wireless, or radio, 102104

Minidisc, 348

Mini DV cassettes, 230, 231, 232

Mini DV tape, 223, 224225

Mini-plug connectors, 109

Minors, 169170

Mix/effect bus, 131

Modeling, 45

Monaural sound, 113

Monitors, 14, 6768, 71

Monopod, 7980

Montage, 275

MPEG (Motion Picture Experts Group), 306

MPEG-1, 306

compression, 230

MPEG-2, 306

compression, 230

video, 239

MPEG-3 (MP3), 230, 306

MPEG-4 compression, 230

Part 10 standard (H.264), 306

MPEG open standard files, 301

Multicamera field production, 13, 23, 174175, 195209

Multicamera production, 13, 174175, 195209

shooting and editing, 255, 256259

Multicamera studio production

case study, 309, 310329


continuity of, 182

editing, 269

editing to, 265266

theme, 125

Musical groups, recording, 211

Music videos, directing, 215


Narration, 125, 266267, 273

by characters, 276

continuity of, 182

in the middle, 274

Natural sound, 13, 126, 182, 269

Neutral density filters, 7576

Newscasts, 157, 257, 268, 287

News media, 294

News producer, 143

Noise, versus sound, 95

Non-drop-frame time code, 243

Nonlinear editing (NLE) systems, 25, 247254

components of, 248249

computer crashes and, 254

file management in, 254

insert and overlay edits, 248

process, 251254

random access, 247

transitions, 251

user interface and editing model, 249251

Noseroom, 190

Notes session, 195

NTSC (National Television System Committee), 6874

video standards, 6972, 77

video system, 301302, 303

Nyquist Sampling Theorem, 118


180-Degree Rule, 183, 257, 262

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), 179

Omnidirectional microphones, 99

Open-faced lighting instruments, 38 55

Optical recording discs, 238239

Outdoor lighting, 8990

problems with, 54

Overlapping, 184, 212

Overlay edit, 248

Over-the-shoulder shot (O/S), 189


Page pull, 142

Page push, 142

Page turn, 142

Pan, direction and speed of, 272

Panel discussion, 207208

Pan handles, 8384

Panning, 9091

Panning handle, 79

Pan pot controls, 113

Parabolic floodlights, 3637

Parade coverage, 208209

Peak program meters (PPM), 115

Peak white, 227

Pedestal, camera, 7778, 277

Performance continuity, 183

Performers, directing, 196

Permits, 167

Personnel, production, 1721

Perspective, 184186

Phantom power, 100, 101

Phantom power microphones, 101

Phone connectors, 109

Pickup pattern, 99

Pistol grips, 107

Pitch, 98

Pixels, 62, 303

Planning, preproduction, 78

Plasma display panel (PDP), 68

Plug-in, 304, 305

Portable audio mixers, 111

Portable field mixers, 111

Postproduction, 5, 910, 2526, 171, 210, 219, 241

editing, 270, 259260

fixing performance problems, 259260

fixing technical problems, 260

fixing time problems, 259

role of director in, 219220

Pots, 112


in field production, 168

Power switch, 75

Preproduction, 5, 9, 156170, 176180

in streaming video, 298299

Preset bus, 131

Preview bus, 131

Preview monitor, 14

Primary colors, additive, 63

Principal action axis, 183

in interviews, 214

Print to tape or DVD, 254

Prism block, 62, 63

Private line (PL), 16

Producers, 67, 8, 17, 18, 22

creative, 143144

during the design stage, 146155

and production process, 144145

responsibilities of, 143144, 168

role of, 143172

skills needed for, 143


documentaries, 218

PSAs, 216

Production, 5, 9

case studies, 309342

field, 2124, 9293, 167168, 177178

legal matters, 168170

multicamera, 13, 23, 174175, 195209

single-camera, 209219

studio, 5, 167, 195209

three stages of, 910

see also Production process model

Production assistant (PA), 23

Production crew, communication systems, 16

Production planning, 78

Production process model, 144145, 309

aesthetics of, 180192, 312313

budgeting, 163164, 165

design stage, 146155

distribution, 172

elements of, 309

evaluation, 171172, 313314

field, 2223, 167168, 177178, 329342

format, 151152

media aesthetics and, 155156

postproduction stage, 171, 210

preproduction stage, 5, 9, 156170, 176–180176–180

production stage, 171, 180, 193

scheduling, 163, 316

single-camera, 174175, 255, 256

technical aspects of, 156171, 312313

Production proposal, 311314

Production schedule, 155

Production stage, 171, 180, 193

Production switcher, 127129

Professional/broadcast equipment, 5859

Program bus, 130131

Program formats

multicamera, 207209

panel discussion, 207209

Programmable switcher, 129

Program monitor, 14

Program title, 153

Progressive download, 295296

Progressive scanning, 7374

Properties, set, 288

Properties (props), 1617

Proposal, 152155

Prosumer equipment, 58

Pro Tools workstation, 117

Proximity effect, 99

Public service announcements (PSAs), 146, 215217, 312


Quantization, 229

Quantizing, 72, 116

Quartz halogen lights, 3233

Quartz lights, 3233

Question re-ask technique, 213214

Quick-release plate, 79

QuickTime, 304, 305

QuickTime MOV files, 301


Radio microphones, 102104

RCA/phono connector, 94

RealAudio, 304, 305

Reality-based television, 152

RealNetworks, 304, 305

Real-time streaming, 296

RealVideo, 304, 305

Record and playback VCRs, 15

Recording head, 221222

Record-run mode, 243

Reel-to-reel format, 344

Reenactments, 217

Reflected light, 29

Reflectors, 43

Reframing, 272

Regional coding for discs, 347

Rehearsals, 193195

types of, 194195

Relative size, 185, 186

Releases, 169170, 218

Remote control, robotic, 8182

Rendering, 253

Researching the subject, 151

Reverse over-the-shoulder shot (RO/S), 189

Ribbon microphones, 101

Risers, 290291

Robotic camera systems, 20, 8182

Robotic remote control, 8182

Rotary potentiometers, or pots, 112

Rough cut, 247

Routing switcher, 127

RTSP Streaming Server, 306

Rule of Thirds, 191192

Rundown sheet, 203, 204, 320

Run-through, 195, 322


Safe title area, 282

Safety and health concerns, 179180

Sampled, 118

Sampling rate, 118119

Sampling rates for video, 229

Screen size, 281

Scrims, 43

Script, 155

breaking down, 177

format, 160161

marking director’s commands, 197201, 324325

reading, 194

Scripting, 157163

Script-marking symbols, 197199, 324325

Segue, 270

Set design, 286292

action and function and, 292

concept development, 286287

diagram, 319

floor plan, 288

technical phase, 289292

Sets, 16, 327

built, 289292

virtual, 291292

Shading, 14

camera, 14, 21

Shadows, 4849, 186

Shock mounts, 107

Shooter (videographer), 23


to edit, 210213

essential details, 212

establishing shots, 210211

materials for transitions, 212

schedule, 316

segments long enough for editing, 212213

Shotgun microphones, 99, 103, 106107

Shutter, 62

Shutter speed, 77

Signals, on videotape, 223225

Silks, 44

Single-camera field production, 2223, 167168 177178

case study, 309, 329342

Single-camera production, 174175

shooting and editing, 255, 256

Situation comedy, rehearsal and taping schedule, 195, 196

16 signal processing, 226

Slant-track recording, 222

Slide fader, 112

SMPTE time code, 223224, 236, 243245

Snow, 227

Soft lights, 35, 38


ambient, 269, 300

amplitude, 9798

versus audio, 9596

background, 182

continuity, 182183

control, 112113

design, 124126

frequency or pitch, 98

layering, 269270

monitoring, 113

music, 125

natural, 13, 126, 182, 269

natural/location/ambient, 126

versus noise, 95

sequencing, 269270

technical aspects of, 9598

voice, 125

see also Audio

Sound bites, 267, 276

Sound continuity, 265

Sound effects (SFX), 126

editing, 269

Sound engineer (audio engineer), 19

Sound on tape (SOT), 125, 266267

Sound recordist, 23

Sound waves, 96, 99

Spatial continuity, 182

Special effects, 26

when shooting for the Web, 301

Split screen, 136

Spot announcements, 216

Spotlights, 3538

Spreader, tripod, 7879

Standard-definition television (SDTV), 73

Star filters, 88

Steadicam®, 80

Stereo balance, 113

Sticks, 78

Stiles, 290

Storyboard, 155, 157

format, 162

Storyboarding, 157163


characters, 275276

of conflict and change, 276

editing for, 272273

end of, 274275

structure, 273276

Streaming media, 294295

live streaming or webcasting, 296

real-time streaming, 296

technology of, 294295

types of streaming, 295296

Streaming media servers, 296, 306

Streaming video

common uses of, 294, 295

creating and encoding stage, 297302

encoding and compression, 302306

postproduction, 300302

preparation process, 296308

preproduction, 298299

production stage, 299300

servers, 295296, 306

technologies, 304

Stripe filter, 64

Studio lenses, 6566

Studio lighting, 4042

action areas, 49

background light, 48

background shadows, 4849

base illumination and

modeling, 45

basic principles, 4551

for chroma key backgrounds, 4951

fill light, 4647

key light, 46

for mood and effect, 48

Studio lights, 4042

Studio mixing consoles, 110111

Studio production, 5, 167, 195209

Studio viewfinders, 67

Style, in graphics, 279

Summative evaluation, 172, 313314

Sunlight, 32

Supercardiod, 99

Superimposition, 134

S-VHS (Super-VHS), 233, 234

S-Video, 94

SWF files, 305

Sync generator, 129

Synopsis, 153


Table reading, 194

Talent, 16

Talkback system, 16

Tape counters, 236

Tape logging, 268

Tape operator, 21

Taping schedule, 195, 196

Target object, 261

Technical director (TD), 18, 127128, 130131, 255

Technical elements, 67, 312313

Telecine, 268

Television, 5

program genres, 152

Television commercials, 146

Television production, 1

Theme music, 125

Three dimensional (3-D) graphics, 284285

Three-point lighting, 46

Tilting, 9091

direction or speed of, 272

Time base corrector, 129

Time code

drop-frame, 243, 244

non-drop-frame, 243

SMPTE, 243245

Time code generator, 243

Timed cut, 266

Time line, 250

production, 310311, 314329

recording media, 344

Titles, 267, 282, 283

inserting, 136137

program, 153

for the Web, 302

Toggle bars, 290

Transitions, 270

shooting material for, 212

for the Web, 301

Treatment, 153

Trim control, 114

Tripod, camera, 7879

mounts, 78

Truck (movement), 91

Tungsten-halogen lamps, 3233, 55

Two-dimensional (2-D-) graphics, 284


Ultimatte, 138

Unbalanced lines, 110

Unidirectional microphones, 99

Union matters, 168

Unity, in graphics, 278279


Variable beam instruments, 35, 39

Vectorscope, 228229

Velocity microphones, 101

Vertical interval time code (VITC), 224

VHS (video home system)

format, 222, 223224, 233234

Video, 5

on the web, 293295

Video camera. See Camera

Videocassette recorders (VCRs), 15, 221222

connected to distribution switcher, 127

meters and tape counters, 236

operational controls, 234237

other controls, 236237

tape transport controls, 234235

tracking control, 223, 237

Videocassettes, 222

Video connectors, 9394

Video editing technologies, 241254

digital nonlinear editing, 247254

linear videotape editing, 241247

Video editor, 255256

Video engineer, 21

Video field production, 2124, 23

Video file formats, 301

Videographer (shooter), 23

Video graphics, 279283

Video monitors, 14

Video on demand, 293

technologies, 304

Video out, 225

Video production, 1126

elements involved in, 68

expanding, 45

Video recorder, 23

Video recording devices, 237240

computer hard disks and video servers, 237

memory cards, 239240

optical discs, 238239

Video recording technologies, 221

Video servers, 237

Video shading, 14

Video signals, 130

Video studio, 1113

Video switcher, 14, 127142, 195

digital video effects, 140142

hardware versus software, 130

manual versus

programmable, 129

multifunction, 131

operational characteristics of, 130131

and signal types, 130

transitions, 132136

types of, 127130

Videotape, 221222

location of signals on, 223225

master, 254

Videotape formats, 222225

Videotape recording, 221222

composite and component, 225226

formats, 222225

Video waveform, 226228

Viewfinder, 60, 6667, 281

Virtual set, 291292

Vision, 311312

Vision mixers, 135

Visual composition. See Composition

Visual continuity, 181182

Visualization, 151

Voice, 125

Voice-over (VO), 125, 266267, 267, 270

Volume unit (VU) meter, 115


Walk-through, 194

Waveform, 69

Waveform monitor, 226228

Web, shooting video for, 299300

Web-based video, 293308

streaming media, 29429

streaming video, 29630

Webcasting, 296

White balance, 31, 76, 259, 271

Window dub, 244, 245

Windows AVI files, 301

Window sizes, 303

Windscreen, 106, 107

Wipe, 135136

Wipe positioner, 136

Wireless microphones, 102104

Workstations, 117

digital audio (DAW), 121124, 348

Writing, 150

for television, 157

XDCAM camcorder, 239

XLR connectors, or cannon

connectors, 109, 110


Y/C signal processing (S-Video), 226


Z-axis, 186

Zebra-stripe exposure indicator, 67


control, 8586

in and out position, 85

speed, 85, 272

Zooming/panning effect, 218

Zoom lens, 20, 65, 8288

Zoom ratio, 8283

Zoom ring, 86

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