
It has been my literary ambition to share experiences and write a book. Completing this book is my dream come true. This book was conceived four years ago. As I stepped down from the stage, having finished speaking at an Islamic Conference in Singapore in late 2009 I was approached by Patricia Lee, who was then with Wiley. She suggested I write a book on Islamic asset management. I accepted the challenge, not realizing how taxing writing a book would be in the midst of starting and building a global asset management business. Whenever I was back in Malaysia, I sacrificed my limited weekends in the writing of this book. In the journey to completing this book, many people came to my aid in different capacities.

Mr. Larry Zimpleman, Tan Sri Zarinah Anwar, and Mr. Mohammad Faiz Azmi, I am grateful for your commitments in contributing the Foreword and Preface respectively. Larry, your supportive words deftly articulate the potential of Islamic asset management. Tan Sri Zarinah, I have always admired your conviction in this space, which I have taken as inspiration to share my experience via this book. Faiz, as a steadfast enthusiast with an investigative mind, you have indeed influenced the international pioneering phase. The industry is fortunate to have the strong dedication of corporate leaders and policy makers like yourselves to cultivate this marketplace.

Siti Aishah Ibrahim, my executive assistant, who has spent many weekends with me typing out the first draft of the book’s first half. You have kept my life in order with very little support from me throughout all my work, travel and family commitments. Your tireless efforts, your attention to detail and your commitment to excellence in supporting my aspirations is astounding. You alone began and ended the journey with me in the successful completion of this book.

Dr Saiful Azhar Rosly, who provided specific expertise and contributions on Shariah matters for Chapter 3.

Fouzia Amin, who provided in-depth research and writing support on the contents for Chapters 5 and 11.Your passion and dedication in educating and propagating Islamic values in the pursuit of your PhD in Islamic finance is creditable. Thank you for taking time off from your lecturing role and dedicating your time to the writing of these chapters.

Tsu Mae Ng, who inarguably accelerated the pace to complete the manuscript. The fact that you are not born into a Muslim family has added value to our collaborative and confrontational sessions. You helped me cogently re-word and present the arguments and conclusions of this book in a manner that is readily understood and embraced by non-converted readers. Your hilarious criticism enriched the writing process and I would want to continue working with you on any future books. Thank you for spending many weekends working on the whole project with me. You are a remarkable friend and colleague. Words cannot convey how much I appreciate your support in bringing out the best in me.

Mohammad Asad, who aided in the verification of the book’s final content and managed the submission and production process with the publisher. I am thankful that we met at the INCEIF event, where I found out you were a student of the Chartered Islamic Finance Professional Program. You took the baton and provided professional support in the final phases prior to this book’s production.

Vernes Bisic, who diligently assisted me in updating and validating the information in the first four chapters. I am appreciative of your work in progressively updating outdated content in tandem with the fast evolution of Islamic finance in light of the global financial crisis. As a Muslim from Bosnia and graduate student at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), you were able to provide valuable insight on how Europeans might view Islamic investing.

Najmuddin Lutfi, a former colleague who assisted me with the initial proposal submission to Wiley. Thank you for helping me to kickstart the conceptualization and proposed outline for this book when it was still an idea in my head.

To all the ten well-known market players whose endorsements appear in this book. My deepest appreciation for your attestation, you are all indeed catalyst to the progress of Islamic investing.

Associate Professor Dr. Ahcene Lahsasna from INCEIF, for sourcing and selecting the impactful quotations from divine source and Islamic legal maxims. I am most touched by your inputs despite picking your brain at the last minute.

Dr. Zeid Ayer and Mr. Michael Zorich, who helped me put together a meaningful investment case for Sukuk and Islamic equity investing by providing the necessary analysis of investment performance to address the valid questions and concerns posed by mainstream international investors. Zeid, as my founding partner in CIMB-Principal Islamic, you provided deep insight which enriched my experience as a practitioner.

From CIMB Group, Dato’ Sri Nazir Razak, Dato’ Charon Wardini Mokhzani, and Raja Noorma Raja Othman, whose leadership provided me the opportunity to join and develop the asset management business. From CIMB Islamic, Badlisyah Abdul Ghani, who has directly influenced my thinking about the global Islamic marketplace.

From Principal Financial Group, colleagues past and present, Norman Sorenson, Rex Auyeung, Jim McCaughan, Barbara McKenzie, Christopher Reddy, Nick Lyster, Andrea Muller, and Paul McConomy, thank you for your brilliant insights and guidance in asset management over the years.

To all my other colleagues in CIMB-Principal Asset Management, CIMB-Principal Islamic Asset Management, Principal Financial Group, CIMB Group, and CIMB Islamic, my clients and business partners, thank you for your contributions in enriching my journey. There are too many to name individually and I continue to be impressed with your perseverance and conviction.

My brother-in-law Dato’ Professor Dr. Wan Mohamad Rafaei and my sister Datin Professor Dr. Siti Maimun Kamso, for their advice and counsel in light of their experience as published authors.

My former school headmaster, Mr. Lim Yee Ko, a nonagenarian who has taught me life’s success principles to help me get to where I am today.

Hajjah Ruminah Senin, my beloved mother whose love influenced my thinking throughout the writing of this book. Fatin, Hidayah, Shazwan, and Shazrain, my four children who demonstrated faith and patience throughout this process. I promise to make up for those stolen family moments with you. I love and adore you all so much.

Fadzlullah Shuhaimi Salleh, my husband who has always been my strongest inspiration, mentor, and guiding angel in the realization of this book. You are a pillar of strength and a valuable ongoing resource as you complete your Masters in Islamic Finance from INCEIF. You have been my sounding board and consultant throughout this process, helping to mitigate any doubts I had about the content, approach, and expectations of various stakeholders. Any confidence I have is due to your consistent encouragement and mentoring, especially for the last bit of fine-tuning during our break in February 2013 whilst we were in New Zealand enjoying the picturesque landscape. I am especially touched that you took the time to help craft these acknowledgements while we were visiting our son Shazwan in Australian National University in Canberra after New Zealand.

Looking back, the delayed completion of this book was a blessing in disguise. The rapid pace of progress in the Islamic investment space, coupled with the 2008 global financial crisis and its aftermath and recovery, has provided the necessary empirical evidence and data needed to build a strong case for Islamic investing, which through its overlay of risk management in the screening process underpins resilience in bullish and bearish investment climates. I feel blessed with all the valuable inputs from all of you, which have contributed to the credence of my book.

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