
A major technology shift is happening in our world, and it is centered around the Internet of Things (IoT). The IoT is all about connecting the unconnected. Most of the objects in our current world are not connected to a computer network, but that paradigm is rapidly changing. Previously unconnected objects that are all around us are being provided with the ability to communicate with other objects and people, which in turn drives new services and efficiencies in our daily lives. This is the basic premise behind IoT and illustrates why some theorize that it will be as transformative as the Industrial Revolution.

We, the authors of this book, have decades of computer networking experience, much of it focused on IoT and related technologies. Our combined experience with IoT ranges from early product deployments and testing, to network design, to implementation, training, and troubleshooting. This experience allowed us to take a pragmatic approach to writing on this subject and distill the essential elements that form the foundation or fundamentals for this topic. This book embodies principal elements that you need for understanding IoT from both a technical perspective and an industry point of view.

This book leverages a three-part approach for teaching the fundamentals of IoT. Part I provides a high-level overview of IoT and what you need to know from a design perspective. Part II takes you through the technical building blocks of IoT, including the pertinent technologies and protocols. Finally, Part III steps you through common industry use cases so you can see how IoT is applied in the real world.

To successfully work in the IoT area, you must have a fundamental understanding of IoT principles and use cases. This book provides this knowledge in a logical format that makes it not only a great general resource for learning about IoT now but also a handy reference for more specific IoT questions you may have in the future.

Who Should Read This Book?

This book was written for networking professionals looking for an authoritative and comprehensive introduction to the topic of IoT. It is focused on readers who have networking experience and are looking to master the essential concepts and technologies behind IoT and how they are applied, resulting in basic proficiency. Therefore, readers should have a basic understanding of computer networking concepts and be familiar with basic networking terminology. Readers may be advanced-level networking students or hold titles or positions such as network operator, administrator, and manager; network designer or architect; network engineer; network technician; network analyst or consultant; and network database administrator.

How This Book Is Organized

Part I, “Introduction to IoT

Part 1 helps you make sense of the IoT word. This word has often been misused and can cover multiple realities. This first part of the book helps you understand what exactly IoT is and provides an overview of the landscape of smart objects, from those that control telescope mirrors with hundreds of actions per seconds, to those that send rust information once a month. This part also shows you how IoT networks are designed and constructed.

Chapter 1, “What Is IoT?

This chapter provides an overview of the history and beginnings of IoT. This chapter also examines the convergence of operational technology (OT) and informational technology (IT) and provides a reference model to position IoT in the general network landscape.

Chapter 2, “IoT Network Architecture and Design

Multiple standards and industry organizations have defined specific architectures for IoT, including ETSI/oneM2M and the IoT World Forum. This chapter compares those architectures and suggests a simplified model that can help you articulate the key functions of IoT without the need for vertical-specific elements. This chapter also guides you through the core IoT functional stack and the data infrastructure stack.

Part II, “Engineering IoT Networks

Once you understand the IoT landscape and the general principles of IoT networks, Part II takes a deep dive into IoT network engineering, from smart objects and the network that connects them to applications, data analytics, and security. This part covers in detail each layer of an IoT network and examines for each layer the protocols in place (those that have been there for a long time and new protocols that are gaining traction), use cases, and the different architectures that define an efficient IoT solution.

Chapter 3, “Smart Objects: The ‘Things’ in IoT

Smart objects can be of many types, from things you wear to things you install in walls, windows, bridges, trains, cars, or streetlights. This chapter guides you through the different types of smart objects, from those that simply record information to those that are programmed to perform actions in response to changes.

Chapter 4, “Connecting Smart Objects

Once you deploy smart objects, they need to connect to the network. This chapter guides you through the different elements you need to understand to build a network for IoT: connection technologies, such as 802.15.4, 802.15g, 802.15e 1901.2a, 802.11ah, LoRaWAN, NB-IoT, and other LTE variations; wireless bands and ranges; power considerations; and topologies.

Chapter 5, “IP as the IoT Network Layer

Early IoT protocols did not rely on an OSI network layer. This chapter shows you how, as IoT networks now include millions of sensors, IP has become the protocol of choice for network connectivity. This chapter also details how IP was optimized, with enhancements like 6LoWPAN, 6TiSCH, and RPL, to adapt to the low-power and lossy networks (LLNs) where IoT usually operates.

Chapter 6, “Application Protocols for IoT

Smart objects need to communicate over the network with applications to report on environmental readings or receive information, configurations, and instructions. This chapter guides you through the different common application protocols, from MQTT, CoAP, and SCADA to generic and web-based protocols. This chapter also provides architecture recommendations to optimize your IoT network application and communication efficiency.

Chapter 7, “Data and Analytics for IoT

Somewhere in a data center or in the cloud, data coming from millions of sensors is analyzed and correlated with data coming from millions of others. Big data and machine learning are keywords in this world. This chapter details what big data is and how machine learning works, and it explains the tools used to make intelligence of large amount of data and to analyze in real time network flows and streams.

Chapter 8, “Securing IoT

Hacking an IoT smart object can provide very deep access into your network and data. This chapter explains the security practices for IT and OT and details how security is applied to an IoT environment. This chapter also describes tools to conduct a formal risk analysis on an IoT infrastructure.

Part III, “IoT in Industry

Once you know how to architect an IoT network, Part III helps you apply that knowledge to key industries that IoT is revolutionizing. For each of the seven verticals covered in this part, you will learn how IoT can be used and what IoT architecture is recommended to increase safety, operational efficiency, and user experience.

Chapter 9, “Manufacturing

Any gain in productivity can have a large impact on manufacturing, and IoT has introduced a very disruptive change in this world. This chapter explains connected manufacturing and data processing for this environment, and it details the architecture and components of a converged factory, including IACS and CPwE. This chapter also examines the process automation protocols, including EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, and Modbus/TCP.

Chapter 10, “Oil and Gas

Oil and gas are among the most critical resources used by modern society. This chapter shows how IoT is massively leveraged in this vertical to improve operational efficiency. This chapter also addresses the sensitive topic of OT security and provides architectural recommendations for IoT in the oil and gas world.

Chapter 11, “Utilities

Utility companies provide the services that run our cities, businesses, and entire economy. IoT in this vertical, and the ability to visualize and control energy consumption, is critical for the utility companies and also for end users. This chapter guides you through the GridBlocks reference model, the substation and control systems, and the FAN GridBlocks, to help you understand the smart grid and how IoT is used in this vertical.

Chapter 12, “Smart and Connected Cities

Smart and connected cities include street lighting, smart parking, traffic optimization, waste collection and management, and smart environment. These various use cases are more and more being combined into organized citywide IoT solutions where data and smart objects serve multiple purposes. This chapter discusses the various IoT solutions for smart and connected cities.

Chapter 13, “Transportation

This chapter talks about roadways, rail, mass transit, and fleet management. You will learn how IoT is used to allow for communication between vehicles and the infrastructure through protocols like DSRC and WAVE and how IoT increases the efficiency and safety of the transportation infrastructure.

Chapter 14, “Mining

The mining industry is often described as “gigantic vehicles moving gigantic volumes of material.” IoT is becoming a key component in this world to maintain competiveness while ensuring safety. From self-driving haulers to radar-guided 350-metric-ton shovels, this chapter shows you the various use cases of IoT in mining. This chapter also suggests an architectural IoT strategy for deploying smart objects in an ever-changing and often extreme environment.

Chapter 15, “Public Safety

The primary objective of public safety organizations is to keep citizens, communities, and public spaces safe. These organizations have long been at the forefront of new technology adoption, and IoT has become a key component of their operations. This chapter describes the emergency response IoT architecture and details how public safety operators leverage IoT to better exchange information and leverage big data to respond more quickly and efficiently to emergencies.

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