Programming UDDI

Two APIs are described by the UDDI specification: the inquiry API and the Publishing API. They are accessed using the same techniques but use different XML documents, data structures, and access points. The inquiry API locates information about a business, the services a business offers, the specifications of those services, and information about what to do in a failure situation. Any read operation from a UDDI registry uses one of the inquiry API’s messages. The inquiry API does not require authenticated access and is subsequently accessed using HTTP.

The Publishing API is used to create, store, or update information located in a UDDI registry. All functions in this API require authenticated access to a UDDI registry; the UDDI registry must have a logon identity, and the security credentials for this identity must be passed as a parameter of the XML document for each UDDI invocation. Because publishing requires authenticated access, it is accessed over HTTPS, with a different URL than the one used with the inquiry access point. Table 6-1 lists the inquiry and publishing access point URLs for some major operator nodes.

Table 6-1. Access point URLs for some operator nodes

Operator node

Inquiry URL

Publishing URL


IBM Production

IBM Test

Microsoft Production


SAP Test


Several primary information types construct the XML documents used as input and output to UDDI invocations. This section shows these data structures along with the major APIs as defined by the UDDI specifications.

UDDI APIs are designed to be simple. All operations that a UDDI registry performs are synchronous, meaning that the requesting client blocks and waits until it receives a response message. Additionally, all operations have a simple request/response mechanism that gives them a stateless behavior. Therefore, using the UDDI APIs doesn’t require a lot of complex ordering.

UDDI Data Structures

To understand the structure of the messages that are part of the API, you need a basic appreciation for the different data structures and XML formats that are used. This section discusses the major data structures that are passed as input and output parameters for major API messages. Figure 6-3 shows the relationships between the primary UDDI data structures.

Relationship of primary UDDI data structures

Figure 6-3. Relationship of primary UDDI data structures

A <businessEntity> structure represents a business’s basic information. This information includes contact information, categorization, identifiers, descriptions, and relationships to other businesses. UDDI allows companies to establish relationships with one another. Many different types of relationships are possible. For example, a conglomerate can reference a subsidiary, or two companies can declare a partnership. In either case, each company must establish a unique <businessEntity> and separately establish its relationships to other companies that have their own <businessEntity> structures.

The <publisherAssertion> structure is used to establish public relationships between two <businessEntity> structures. A relationship between two <businessEntity> structures is visible only to the “public” when both companies have created the same assertion with two separate <publisherAssertion> documents independently. Thus, a company can claim a business relationship only if its partner asserts the same relationship. One company’s assertion about a business relationship isn’t visible to the public until its partner creates a similar, but separate, <publisherAssertion> document for its own <businessEntity> structure. Thus, if Company A asserts a relationship with Company B (fromKey=A, toKey=B), then the relationship will become public when Company B asserts a relationship with Company A (fromKey=B, toKey=A).

A <businessEntity> contains one or more <businessService> structures. A <businessService> represents a single, logical service classification. A <businessService> element is used to describe a set of services provided by the business. These services can be web services or manual services such as a nonelectronic service. A <businessService> document is reusable (i.e., a <businessService> element can be used by several <businessEntity> elements). For example, GE might create an HR web service and publish that service as part of an “HR web service” <businessService> structure. Additionally, GE might choose to list each of its subsidiaries as a separate <businessEntity>, since each subsidiary has its own IT infrastructure. Doing so would allow the <businessEntity> structure for the Plastics division to reference the same “HR web service” <businessService> as the Chemicals division.

A <businessService> contains one or more <bindingTemplate> structures. A <bindingTemplate> contains pointers to technical descriptions and the access point URL, but does not contain the details of the service’s specifications. A <bindingTemplate> contains an optional text description of the web service, the URL of its access point, and a reference to one or more <tModel> structures. A <tModel> is an abstract description of a particular specification or behavior to which the web service adheres. A <tModel> is a type of digital “fingerprint” for determining the specifics of how to interact with a particular web service. The <tModel> structure does not provide the web service’s specification directly. Instead, it contains pointers to the locations of the actual specifications. Companies can use the information pointed to by a <tModel> to determine whether a web service is compatible with their business requirements.

Browsing Basic Information

A series of messages allow a program to retrieve basic information about a business, a web service, or metadata about a specification that a web service supports. These messages all have SOAP messages whose XML body element begins with find. Table 6-2 lists the messages that can be used to retrieve basic information for searching purposes. The “Message name” column lists the name of the XML root element used as the body of the SOAP envelope on the call’s request portion. The “Response document” column shows the name of the XML root element that is the body of the SOAP envelope for the response.

Table 6-2. XML documents used in browsing inquiry messages

Message name

Response document

Brief description



Given a UUID to a <businessService> structure, this message retrieves zero or more <bindingTemplate> structures within a single <bindingDetail> structure matching the criteria specified in the input arguments.



Given a regular expression, business category, business identifier, or <tModel>, this message retrieves zero or more <businessInfo> structures contained within a single <businessList> structure that meet the criteria specified in the input arguments.



Given the UUID of a <businessEntity>, this message returns a list of UUIDs contained within a <relatedBusinessList> structure for the other businesses that have a relationship with this business.



Given the UUID of a <businessEntity> and either the name of the service, the <tModel> of an implemented specification, or the service category, this message returns a list of all matching <businessService> documents contained within a <serviceList> structure.



Given the a name, a category, or identifier, this message returns all matching <tModel> structures contained within a <tModelList> structure.

The UDDI Programmer’s API and UDDI Schema documents identify dozens of different structures used to make up the request and response messages. The Programmer’s API identifies the structure of the request and response messages, paying particular attention to the input parameters for every request message. The UDDI Schema represents the same data structures, but provides datatyping and constraint information that can’t be conveyed in the Programmer’s API. When doing any development with UDDI, you should keep a copy of these two documents.

Traversing UDDI data structures can be complicated. To demonstrate this complexity, let’s delve into the inner workings of the <find_business> message. The <find_business> message returns a <businessList> structure. Here’s the definition of <businessList> from the UDDI Schema:

<element name="businessList" type="uddi:businessList" /> 
<complexType name="businessList">
    <element ref="uddi:businessInfos" /> 
  <attribute name="generic" use="required" type="string" /> 
  <attribute name="operator" use="required" type="string" /> 
  <attribute name="truncated" use="optional" type="uddi:truncated" /> 

This definition says that a <businessList> contains a single <businessInfos> subelement (defined in the same schema, as indicated by the preceding uddi:) and three attributes named generic , operator , and truncated . Doesn’t tell us much, does it? So, let’s delve further. The schema for the <businessInfos> structure is:

<element name="businessInfos" type="uddi:businessInfos" /> 
<complexType name="businessInfos">
    <element ref="uddi:businessInfo" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" /> 

This definition tells us that a <businessInfos> structure contains zero or more <businessInfo> subelements, which are also defined in the same schema document. minOccurs="0" and maxOccurs="unbounded" tell us that the included <businessInfo> elements can be repeated zero or more times. We now need to seek out the schema definition of the <businessInfo> structure, which is:

<element name="businessInfo" type="uddi:businessInfo" /> 
<complexType name="businessInfo">
    <element ref="uddi:name" maxOccurs="unbounded" /> 
    <element ref="uddi:description" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" /> 
    <element ref="uddi:serviceInfos" /> 
  <attribute name="businessKey" use="required" type="uddi:businessKey" /> 

This structure contains three subelements and an attribute. The attribute, businessKey, is the UUID for this business. The first subelement, <name>, gives the name of the business. The second subelement, <description>, is zero or more text elements that describe what the business does. The third subelement, <serviceInfos>, is a grouping of <businessService> documents. To figure out what a <businessService> document is, we must search the schema for the <serviceInfos> element.

Searching for this schema is left as the proverbial “exercise for the reader.” At this stage, you should have an idea of the complexity of UDDI data structures and their navigation. An entire book could be dedicated to exploring every facet of the UDDI Programmers API. The rest of this chapter focuses on how to interact with UDDI and presents Java clients that demystify some of the complexity in the UDDI API and its data structures.

Finding a Business

Now it’s finally time to pull everything that we have talked about together into a program. The examples in this chapter use Systinet WASP UDDI Standard. We selected this software because it is robust and free for development purposes. It includes:

  • A “local” UDDI registry (server) that runs as a servlet under Apache Tomcat 3.2.3, WebLogic Server 6.1, or IBM WebSphere 4.0

  • Database scripts for using Oracle, PostgreSQL, Cloudscape, Microsoft SQL Server, IBM DB2, and Sybase as the persistent store for the local UDDI registry

  • A Java-based UDDI client API

  • Sample code that illustrates how to use its custom client API in Java

We use Systinet WASP UDDI Standard primarily for its local registry, which allows you to run a registry locally on your computer for testing and development. We won’t focus on the client API. Since a UDDI server accepts standard SOAP messages, we can use any Java-based SOAP client API to create the appropriate messages and direct them to a valid UDDI registry.

Our first UDDI client retrieves basic business information for a fictitious company called Demi Credit. The Systinet WASP UDDI registry comes with a preconfigured entry for Demi Credit. This example uses the Apache SOAP client library to create an appropriate SOAP message that has a <find_business> document as its body. We won’t create this document programmatically, which would be an exercise in the use of the DOM or JDOM APIs; instead, we’ll take the body for our SOAP request message from the file Ch6_FindBusiness.xml:

<uddi:find_business generic="2.0" maxRows="10">
    Demi Credit

The <uddi:find_business> tag indicates that this element is named find_business and defined in the uddi namespace. The contents of the tag must adhere to the schema for find_business, which defines a couple of different attributes. The generic attribute indicates the UDDI API version that is used (Version 2.0, in this case). maxRows indicates how many matching <businessInfo> structures should be returned if the query matches more than one company.

This <find_business> element has a single subelement, <name>, which is the meat of our request. The value of the <name> element is a simple regular expression used to search the names of different businesses. The percentage sign (% ) can be used for wildcard matching. In this example, we know the name of the company we are searching for: Demi Credit.

Before looking at the code for the client, let’s run it and observe its behavior. The client reads an XML file, wraps it in a SOAP envelope, and sends it to a URL destination, adding various UDDI and Systinet namespace declarations that are required to make the SOAP message comply to the UDDI specification. The destination is the URL of an endpoint configured to accept UDDI inquiry messages. Run the command:

java UDDISoapClient -df ./Ch6_FindBusiness.xml

You should see the following output:

Starting UDDISoapClient:
    host url      = http://localhost:8080/wasp/uddi/inquiry/
    data file     = Ch6_FindBusiness.xml
Sent SOAP Message with Apache HTTP SOAP Client.
Waiting for response....

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
    <businessList xmlns="urn:uddi-org:api_v2" generic="2.0" operator="SYSTINET">
        <businessInfo businessKey="892ac280-c16b-11d5-85ad-801eef208714">
          <name xml:lang="en">
            Demi Credit
          <description xml:lang="en">
            A smaller demo credit agency used for illustrating UDDI inquiry.
            <serviceInfo serviceKey="860eca90-c16d-11d5-85ad-801eef208714" 
              <name xml:lang="en">

This output is saved as Ch6_FindBusiness_OUTPUT.xml and is included with the examples provided for this chapter. Other examples that use this program have their response documents saved in the same format.

Let’s pick apart the response to see what it contains. The UDDI Server returned a single <businessList> structure which, in turn, has a single <businessInfos> structure. The <businessInfos> element can have zero or more <businessInfo> elements, based upon the number of businesses that were matched as part of the query. In this case, the server found only one business matching the name Demi Credit in the UDDI registry.

The <businessInfo> element contains several other important pieces of information. First, the businessKey attribute contains the UUID of Demi Credit. The UUID value is needed to do a more detailed information search or an update using the Publisher’s API. Second, the <businessInfo> structure has a <description> that contains a textual description of what the company does. Next, the <businessInfo> structure contains a <serviceInfos> structure that contains a collection of all web services registered by this business. Each web service is described by a single <serviceInfo> structure, which contains the web service’s UUID as an attribute.

Now that we’ve seen what the client does and examined the documents it sends and receives, it is time to look at in its entirety:

import java.util.*;

public class UDDISoapClient
    // Default values used if no command line parameters are set
    private static final String DEFAULT_HOST_URL = 
    private static final String DEFAULT_DATA_FILENAME   = "./Default.xml";
    // In the SOAP chapter, we used "urn:oreilly:jaws:samples", 
    // but Systinet UDDI requires this to be blank.
    private static final String URI                     = "";
    private String m_hostURL;
    private String m_dataFileName;

    public UDDISoapClient(String hostURL, String dataFileName) throws Exception
        m_hostURL = hostURL;
        m_dataFileName    = dataFileName;
        System.out.println(  );
        System.out.println("Starting UDDISoapClient:");
        System.out.println("    host url        = " + m_hostURL);
        System.out.println("    data file       = " + m_dataFileName);
        System.out.println(  );
    public void sendSOAPMessage(  ) {
        try {

            // Get soap body to include in the SOAP envelope from FILE
            FileReader fr = new FileReader (m_dataFileName);
            javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder xdb = 
                org.apache.soap.util.xml.XMLParserUtils.getXMLDocBuilder(  );
            org.w3c.dom.Document doc = 
                xdb.parse (new org.xml.sax.InputSource (fr));
            if (doc == null) {
                throw new org.apache.soap.SOAPException 
                    (org.apache.soap.Constants.FAULT_CODE_CLIENT, "parsing error");
            // Create a vector for collecting the body elements
            Vector bodyElements = new Vector(  );
            // Parse XML element as soap body element
            bodyElements.add(doc.getDocumentElement (  ));
            // Create the SOAP envelope
            org.apache.soap.Envelope envelope = new org.apache.soap.Envelope(  );
            envelope.declareNamespace("idoox", "");
            envelope.declareNamespace("ua", "");
            envelope.declareNamespace("attr", "");
            envelope.declareNamespace("fxml", "");
            envelope.declareNamespace("inner", "");
            envelope.declareNamespace("", "");
            envelope.declareNamespace("uddi", "urn:uddi-org:api_v2");
            // Create the SOAP body element
            org.apache.soap.Body body = new org.apache.soap.Body(  );
            // Build and send the Message.
            org.apache.soap.messaging.Message msg = 
                new org.apache.soap.messaging.Message(  );
            msg.send (new, URI, envelope);
            System.out.println("Sent SOAP Message with Apache HTTP SOAP Client.");
            // Receive response from the transport and dump it to the screen
            System.out.println("Waiting for response....");
            org.apache.soap.transport.SOAPTransport st = msg.getSOAPTransport (  );
            BufferedReader br = st.receive (  );
            if(line == null) {
                System.out.println("HTTP POST was unsuccessful. 
            } else {
                while (line != null) {
                    System.out.println (line);
                    line = br.readLine(  );

        // Version in examples has XML pretty printing logic here.

        } catch(Exception e) {
            e.printStackTrace(  );
    // NOTE: the remainder of this deals with reading arguments
    /** Main program entry point. */
    public static void main(String args[]) {
      // Not Relevant


This code is similar to the code presented in the SOAP chapters, with a couple of exceptions. First, Systinet WASP UDDI uses different servlets to implement the inquiry and publisher ports. When Systinet WASP UDDI is first installed, the URL of the inquiry port is http://localhost:8080/wasp/uddi/inquiry. In the program, this URL is assigned to the constant DEFAULT_HOST_URL:

private static final String DEFAULT_HOST_URL = 

Second, UDDI SOAP messages don’t require the use of a SOAP header. Thus, all of the code used to create a SOAP header and fill it with values, such as mustUnderstand, is not needed. Next, UDDI and Systinet WASP UDDI SOAP envelopes require the addition of several different namespaces that they have defined. These namespaces are required at the envelope level of the message, not the SOAP header or body. In the Apache SOAP API, the Envelope interface has a method called declareNamespace( ) that adds these additional namespaces:

// Create the SOAP envelope
org.apache.soap.Envelope envelope = new org.apache.soap.Envelope(  );

// Add the Systinet namespaces.  
envelope.declareNamespace("idoox", "");
envelope.declareNamespace("ua", "");
envelope.declareNamespace("config", "");
envelope.declareNamespace("attr", "");
envelope.declareNamespace("fxml", "");
envelope.declareNamespace("inner", "");

// Add the default namespace
envelope.declareNamespace("", "");

// Include the standard UDDI namespace.
// This URN contains all of the UDDI XML data structures and messages.
envelope.declareNamespace("uddi", "urn:uddi-org:api_v2");


Systinet was formally named Idoox. In their documentation, namespaces, and other declarations, you’ll often see references to Idoox. When you come across these references, treat them synonymously with Systinet.

Using Systinet’s UDDI Java API

The simple SOAP client we’ve just examined is sufficient to demonstrate a variety of UDDI APIs and data structures. It has some obvious limitations, however:

  • SOAP envelope complexities such as namespaces have to be coded manually.

  • SOAP Fault messages that are received have to be handled manually.

  • The input and output XML documents are weakly typed as XML. A more sophisticated package would have Java interfaces that represent each UDDI data structure, allowing a program to check datatypes at compile time instead of discovering faults at runtime.

To get a feeling for what these limitations mean, we’ll implement the same example using Systinet’s UDDI Java API. To run this program, compile the file and execute the following command:

java -Dwasp.restrictor.packages=- SystinetFindBusiness

Because of a limitation in the way the Systinet UDDI client library operates, you get a series of array typing error messages if you omit the -Dwasp.restrictor.packages=- environment variable definition. Don’t forget to include the hyphen (-) after the equal sign!

Here’s a listing of the Systenet-based client in its entirety:

import org.idoox.uddi.client.api.v2.request.inquiry.*;
import org.idoox.uddi.client.structure.v2.tmodel.*;
import org.idoox.uddi.client.api.v2.response.*;
import org.idoox.uddi.client.structure.v2.base.*;
import org.idoox.uddi.client.api.v2.*;
import org.idoox.uddi.client.*;

 * This is simple example of Systinet's UDDI Java API for accessing 
 * a UDDI registry.
 * This program does a find_business call by name.

public class SystinetFindBusiness {

    // Program Entry Point
    public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception
        String company = "Demi Credit";

    public static void findBusinessByName(String name) throws Exception
        System.out.println("Searching for businesses named '" + 
                            name + "'...");

        // Create a FindBusiness instance.
        // This creates a SOAP message.
        FindBusiness findBusiness = new FindBusiness(  );

        // Set the name to use in the query.
        findBusiness.addName(new Name(name));

        // This will limit the number of returned matches.  
        // maxRows is an optional attribute.
        findBusiness.setMaxRows(new MaxRows("10"));

        // This will retrieve a stub to the UDDI inquiry port.
        UDDIApiInquiry inquiry = 

        // Send the message and retrieve the response.
        BusinessList businessList=inquiry.find_business(findBusiness);

        // Show the results
        if (businessList==null) {
            System.err.println("ERROR: Business list is null!");
        else {
            // Business list is holder for results - business infos.
            BusinessInfos businessInfos = businessList.getBusinessInfos(  );
Found: " + 
                               businessInfos.size(  ) + 
                               " businesses.

            // Iterate through each company found in the query.
            BusinessInfo businessInfo = businessInfos.getFirst(  );
            BusinessKey result;
            if (businessInfo != null) {
                result=businessInfo.getBusinessKey(  );
                while (businessInfo!=null) {
                    System.out.println("BusinessEntity name = " + 
                               businessInfo.getNames().getFirst().getValue(  ));
                    System.out.println("BusinessEntity UUID = " + 
                               businessInfo.getBusinessKey(  ));
                    businessInfo = businessInfos.getNext(  );

The Systinet UDDI client library is spread throughout several different packages. Since the UDDI API and data structures changed from Version 1.0 to Version 2.0 of the specification, Systinet opted to create separate Java packages for each version. This can be problematic for developers, but it is workable. Here are the import statements needed for the current crop of packages:

import org.idoox.uddi.client.api.v2.request.inquiry.*;
import org.idoox.uddi.client.structure.v2.tmodel.*;
import org.idoox.uddi.client.api.v2.response.*;
import org.idoox.uddi.client.structure.v2.base.*;
import org.idoox.uddi.client.api.v2.*;
import org.idoox.uddi.client.*;

The main( ) method is responsible for declaring the search string for the company and calling findBusinessByName( ), where the bulk of the work is performed:

    // Program Entry Point
    public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception
        String company = "Demi Credit";

Within findBusinessByName( ), the program needs to create a <find_business> message and populate it with the search criteria we established. The Systinet UDDI library has a separate class abstraction representing each UDDI XML message. Therefore, to create a <find_business> structure, you merely need to create an instance of their FindBusiness class. The FindBusiness class has several methods that add elements and attributes to the underlying <find_business> structure. In this example, we’ll use addName( ) , which adds the company name to search for, and setMaxRows( ) , which limits the number of matches returned:

        // Create a FindBusiness instance.
        // This creates a SOAP message.
        FindBusiness findBusiness = new FindBusiness(  );

        // Set the name to use in the query.
        findBusiness.addName(new Name(name));

        // This will limit the number of returned matches.  
        // maxRows is an optional attribute.
        findBusiness.setMaxRows(new MaxRows("10"));

Next, the program creates a connection to a UDDI server’s inquiry port. The UDDILookup class has static methods that create a dynamic Java proxy object that communicates using SOAP. From the developer’s point of view, it looks and feels like an RMI stub, except it doesn’t communicate over RMI. The UDDILookup.getInquiry( ) method creates an inquiry connection. This program uses the same inquiry port as the UDDISoapClient program, http://localhost:8080/wasp/uddi/inquiry/. An UDDIApiInquiry object is returned and encapsulates an active stub that communicates with the UDDI server:

        // This will retrieve a stub to the UDDI inquiry port.
        UDDIApiInquiry inquiry = 

Finally, the program needs to send the <find_business> document as part of a SOAP message. The UDDIApiInquiry object has a number of methods that create the SOAP envelope and populate it with an XML structure. A separate method exists for each UDDI XML message in the Programmer’s API. For our example, the program calls the find_business( ) method on the UDDIApiInquiry object, passing in the FindBusiness object containing the XML structure.

The Systinet API also has matching classes for the response XML structures. Thus, since a <find_business> request yields a <businessList> response structure, the Systinet API has a BusinessList class. We can traverse this class to get to each subelement and attribute that was returned:

        BusinessList businessList=inquiry.find_business(findBusiness);

        // Show the results
        if (businessList==null) {
            System.err.println("ERROR: Business list is null!");
        else {
            // Business list is holder for results - business infos.
            BusinessInfos businessInfos = businessList.getBusinessInfos(  );
Found: " + 
                               businessInfos.size(  ) + 
                               " businesses.

            // Iterate through each company found in the query.
            BusinessInfo businessInfo = businessInfos.getFirst(  );
            BusinessKey result;
            if (businessInfo != null) {
                result=businessInfo.getBusinessKey(  );
                while (businessInfo!=null) {
                    System.out.println("BusinessEntity name = " + 
                               businessInfo.getNames().getFirst().getValue(  ));
                    System.out.println("BusinessEntity UUID = " + 
                               businessInfo.getBusinessKey(  ));
                    businessInfo = businessInfos.getNext(  );

Using JAXR

Now that we’ve looked at a simple SOAP client to build a request by hand, and a client that uses a UDDI API to build a request with slightly higher-level tools, let’s proceed to the next level of abstraction: the Java API for XML Registries (JAXR). JAXR is a uniform approach to accessing a registry that advertises business information and services in XML. JAXR attempts to provide a single API that can access many different kinds of registries, including ISO 11179, OASIS, eCo Framework, ebXML, and UDDI (although the reference implementation can access only a UDDI registry).

The JAXR reference implementation is unique because it requires Tomcat for the client implementation! This requirement is somewhat odd, but fortunately, it is only a characteristic of the reference implementation. The provider implementations created by vendors will probably be simple libraries that don’t require an external server such as Tomcat. You can get JAXR and Systinet WASP UDDI Standard to use the same Tomcat installation; details on how to accomplish this installation are in this chapter’s README.txt file. When installing and configuring JAXR on your machine, make sure that the file included with this chapter’s examples is placed in your home directory. On a Unix system, this directory is the ~/ directory; on NT or Windows 2000, the home directory is given by the value of the %USERPROFILE% environment variable. To run the program to search for Demi Credit using JAXR, use this command:

java JAXRFindBusiness "Demi Credit"

The following output should be seen on the console:

Query string is Demi Credit
JAXR Reference Implementation—logging started

Org name: Demi Credit
Org description: A smaller demo credit agency used for illustrating UDDI inquiry
Org key id: 892ac280-c16b-11d5-85ad-801eef208714
Contact name: David Tarnov

Since you should now have a better understanding of how these UDDI queries work, this example provides a more thorough parsing of the response message. This program provides a formatted output, rather than simply dumping an XML document to the screen. The code for this client is in the file Here is the source code in its entirety:

import javax.xml.registry.*; 
import javax.xml.registry.infomodel.*; 
import java.util.*;

 * This is the FindBusiness UDDI example implemented using
 * the JAXR libraries and the reference implementation
 * JAXR provider for accessing a UDDI registry.
public class JAXRFindBusiness {

    public JAXRFindBusiness(  ) {}

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        if (args.length != 1) {
            System.out.println("Usage: java " +
                "JAXRFindBusiness <query-string>");

        String queryString = new String(args[0]);
        System.out.println("Query string is " + queryString);

    public static void doQuery(String qString) {
        Connection conn = null;

        // Define connection configuration properties 
        // To query, you need only the query URL
        Properties props = new Properties(  );

        try {
            // Create the connection, passing it the 
            // configuration properties
            ConnectionFactory factory = 
                ConnectionFactory.newInstance(  );
            conn = factory.createConnection(  );

            // Get registry service and query manager
            RegistryService rs = conn.getRegistryService(  );
            BusinessQueryManager bqm = rs.getBusinessQueryManager(  );

            // Define find qualifiers and name patterns
            Collection qualifiers = new ArrayList(  );
            Collection namePatterns = new ArrayList(  );

            // Find using the name
            BulkResponse response = 
                    namePatterns, null, null, null, null);
            Collection orgs = response.getCollection(  );

            // Display information about the organizations found
            Iterator orgIter = orgs.iterator(  );
            while (orgIter.hasNext(  )) {
                Organization org = 
                    (Organization)  );
                System.out.println("Org name: " + getName(org));
                System.out.println("Org description: " + 
                System.out.println("Org key id: " + getKey(org));

                // Display primary contact information
                User pc = org.getPrimaryContact(  );
                if (pc != null) {
                    PersonName pcName = pc.getPersonName(  );
                    System.out.println(" Contact name: " + 
                        pcName.getFullName(  ));
                    Collection phNums = 
                        pc.getTelephoneNumbers(pc.getType(  ));
                    Iterator phIter = phNums.iterator(  );
                    while (phIter.hasNext(  )) {
                        TelephoneNumber num = 
                            (TelephoneNumber)  );
                        System.out.println("  Phone number: " + 
                            num.getNumber(  ));
                    Collection eAddrs = pc.getEmailAddresses(  );
                    Iterator eaIter = eAddrs.iterator(  );
                    while (phIter.hasNext(  )) {
                        System.out.println("  Email Address: " + 
                            (EmailAddress)  ));

                // Display service and binding information
                Collection services = org.getServices(  );
                Iterator svcIter = services.iterator(  );
                while (svcIter.hasNext(  )) {
                    Service svc = (Service)  );
                    System.out.println(" Service name: " + 
                    System.out.println(" Service description: " +
                    Collection serviceBindings = 
                        svc.getServiceBindings(  );
                    Iterator sbIter = serviceBindings.iterator(  );
                    while (sbIter.hasNext(  )) {
                        ServiceBinding sb = 
                            (ServiceBinding)  );
                        System.out.println("  Binding " +
                            "Description: " + 
                        System.out.println("  Access URI: " + 
                            sb.getAccessURI(  ));
                // Print spacer between organizations
                System.out.println(" --- "); 
        } catch (Exception e) {
            e.printStackTrace(  );
        } finally  {
            // At end, close connection to registry
            if (conn != null) {
                try {
                    conn.close(  );
                } catch (JAXRException je) {}

    private static String getName(RegistryObject ro) throws JAXRException {
        try {
            return ro.getName().getValue(  );
        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
            return "";
    private static String getDescription(RegistryObject ro) throws JAXRException {
        try {
            return ro.getDescription().getValue(  );
        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
            return "";
    private static String getKey(RegistryObject ro) throws JAXRException {
        try {
            return ro.getKey().getId(  );
        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
            return "";

JAXR uses javax.xml.registry for the base package name for all of its classes. The main( ) method for this program parses a single parameter, which is the query string to use as the business name in the request:

import javax.xml.registry.*; 
import javax.xml.registry.infomodel.*; 
import java.util.*;

 * This is the FindBusiness UDDI example implemented using
 * the JAXR libraries and the reference implementation
 * JAXR provider for accessing a UDDI registry.
public class JAXRFindBusiness {

    public JAXRFindBusiness(  ) {}

    public static void main(String[] args) {

// Parameter parsing, not entirely relevant


Most work for this program takes place in the doQuery( ) method. A client program first needs to create a connection to the service provider. In our case, the service provider is our local UDDI registry running at http://localhost:8080/wasp/uddi/inquiry/. To create the connection, we create a Properties object and fill it with relevant information: the javax.xml.registry.queryManagerURL value should be the URL of the UDDI registry that you are accessing, while the javax.xml.registry.factoryClass is the class that implements a ConnectionFactory object. Different JAXR providers provide different values for this property; the JAXR reference implementation uses com.sun.xml.registry.uddi.ConnectionFactoryImpl. Finally, the client code creates an instance of the ConnectionFactory class, associates the properties with this class, and then creates a Connection object using the createConnection( ) method:

    public static void doQuery(String qString) {
        Connection conn = null;

        // Define connection configuration properties 
        // To query, you need only the query URL
       Properties props = new Properties(  );

        try {
            // Create the connection, passing it the 
            // configuration properties
            ConnectionFactory factory = 
                ConnectionFactory.newInstance(  );
            conn = factory.createConnection(  );

Once we have a connection to a service provider, we need to connect to a RegistryService object. Since different registries support different types of services, a RegistryService object tells your program exactly which services the registry supports. For example, some registries allow declarative SQL queries (UDDI does not). The RegistryService interface has methods for telling a program the registry’s capabilities and returning manager objects that support a particular type of capability. For business requests, such as the requests that UDDI supports, the BusinessQueryManager interface must be used. To retrieve a reference to a BusinessQueryManager object, call the getBusinessQueryManager( ) method on a RegistryService object:

            // Get registry service and query manager
            RegistryService rs = conn.getRegistryService(  );
            BusinessQueryManager bqm = rs.getBusinessQueryManager(  );

The BusinessQueryManager interface has a series of findXXX( ) methods that perform different types of queries. Different methods query for different items; for example, the findOrganizations( ) method queries a registry for business information, while the findServices( ) method asks for different services that may or may not be available. Most methods take one or more Collection objects as input; these objects refine the query using qualifiers. The first parameter of the findOrganizations( ) method takes a Collection of find qualifiers that refines how the query should be performed. Find qualifiers can apply a sort or restrict the number of entries that are returned; in this case, we ask that the responses be sorted by name. The second parameter of the findOrganizations( ) takes a Collection of name patterns to apply to the search. To populate this Collection, we add the business name that we read from the command line. The other parameters (all set to null in this example) take qualifiers that search for businesses based upon classifications, specifications supported, external identifiers, and external URLs, respectively. The query returns a BulkResponse object that can be checked for exceptions from the server or converted to a Collection:

            // Define find qualifiers and name patterns
            Collection qualifiers = new ArrayList(  );
            Collection namePatterns = new ArrayList(  );

            // Find using the name
            BulkResponse response = 
                    namePatterns, null, null, null, null);
            Collection orgs = response.getCollection(  );

The rest of the program is responsible for iterating through the output and formatting it for display on the screen. It’s a bit wordy, so it’s not included again here. A client application would use the information retrieved from the query to perform other queries or to leverage a particular service.

As you undoubtedly noticed, the JAXR API is more complicated than the Systinet API. JAXR does not have class representations for each UDDI XML structure; instead, we have to work with query managers and lists of various qualifiers. Working with the Systinet API is convenient because every class has an XML counterpart with the same name. You pay a price for abstraction, though: the Systenet client is tied to UDDI, while the JAXR client could conceivably make a similar request from a different kind of registry with little or no modification.

Getting More Detail

find_ messages are designed to return basic information about the structures that a UDDI registry manages. Given the UUID to one of the major data structures, you can drill down into the registry to get a full listing of the details stored in that structure. The UDDI inquiry API provides a series of messages that begin with get_ for retrieving information from the registry. Table 6-3 lists these messages.

Table 6-3. XML documents used to get detailed information

Message name

Response document

Brief description



Given one or more UUIDs of different <bindingTemplate> documents, this message returns a <bindingDetail> structure containing the complete <bindingTemplate> document for each matching UUID. The specification recommends that a client application caches <bindingTemplate> documents locally so repeated calls to a web service do not require a query on the UDDI server each time. If a call based on cached <bindingDetail> information fails, a new <bindingDetail> structure can be retrieved using this message.



Given one or more UUIDs of different <businessEntity> documents, this message retrieves a <businessDetail> structure that contains <businessEntity> documents for each matching UUID.



Given one or more UUIDs of different <businessService> documents, this message returns a <serviceDetail> structure that contains the complete <businessService> document for each matching UUID.



Given one or more UUIDs of different <tModel> documents, this message returns a <tModelDetail> structure containing the complete <tModel> document for each matching UUID.

All of these messages are fairly straightforward. As long as you can get a valid UUID for the data structure you are interested in, you can get its details. In the <find_business> example for Demi Credit, the response document indicated that Demi Credit had published a web service named DCAmail with the UUID 860eca90-c16d-11d5-85ad-801eef208714. Let’s send a <get_serviceDetail> message to get all of the information about this web service. To get this information, we’ll use the UDDISoapClient program from our previous examples to send a handwritten XML document. This document contains a <get_serviceDetail> message using the UUID for the DCAmail web service. Here’s a listing of Ch6_GetServiceDetail.xml:

<uddi:get_serviceDetail generic="2.0">

The <get_serviceDetail> message doesn’t have any optional attributes; it has only one subelement, <serviceKey>, which is the UUID of the web service for which you want more detail. The <get_serviceDetail> message can accept one or more <serviceKey> subelements on which to query. Here is the response document returned by the UDDI server:

<serviceDetail generic="2.0" operator="SYSTINET" xmlns="urn:uddi-org:api_v2">
  <businessService businessKey="9a26b6e0-c15f-11d5-85a3-801eef208714" 
    <name xml:lang="en">DCAmail</name>
    <description xml:lang="en">Get credit assessment by email</description>
      <bindingTemplate bindingKey="f9274a50-c16f-11d5-85ad-801eef208714" 
        <description xml:lang="en">The address to which you should send the name 
            and address of your credit report target</description>
        <accessPoint URLType="mailto">mailto:[email protected]</accessPoint>
            <description xml:lang="en">The smtp protocol is used when sending 
                <description xml:lang="en">Describes how to use this 
            <description xml:lang="en">The namespace in which our credit numbers 
                are used.</description>
      <keyedReference keyName="Personal credit agencies" 
      <keyedReference keyName="Credit agencies" 
      <keyedReference keyName="Netherlands" 
      <keyedReference keyName="France" 
      <keyedReference keyName="Belgium" 
      <keyedReference keyName="Business credit agencies" 
      <keyedReference keyName="Luxembourg" 
      <keyedReference keyName="Germany, Federal Republic of" 

This document contains a <businessService> structure, which is a logical grouping of web services by a business. In the case of Demi Credit, this grouping lists a number of web services that allow you to do a credit check via email. The returned <businessService> has a single <bindingTemplate> that provides technical details of how to access the web service. The <accessPoint> is the web service endpoint URL. In this case, it is a simple email address: mailto:[email protected].

More importantly, the <bindingTemplate> has two <tModelInstanceInfo> documents that show where to find more information about how this web service runs and the specifications it supports. Each <tModelInstanceInfo> document contains a tModelKey attribute, which is the UUID of a <tModel> structure that contains a particular specification’s metadata. The <tModelInstanceInfo> document also contains an <instanceDetails> subelement that contains a description of how to use the web service.


Our <businessService> document also contains a <categoryBag> structure. <categoryBag> documents can appear with <businessEntity>, <businessService>, and <tModel> documents.

Categorization of data was an important requirement during the development of UDDI. Categorization allows data in a UDDI registry to be associated with an industry, product, or geographic code set. Some obvious problems come with the use of categories; they should be familiar to anyone who’s ever searched for something on the Web. Broad categories, such as manufacturing, can return thousands of matching services and businesses—certainly too many to sift through manually. On the other hand, specific categories, such as “manufacturing in Buffalo,” might be too specific to return any results.

It’s probably not realistic to expect software to dynamically discover and use new businesses on the fly in the near future. Realistically, human analysts need to browse a UDDI portal that allows customized searches and queries to discover the businesses they are interested in working with. It’s more likely that software will contain the logic necessary to locate and integrate with web services for companies that have been predetermined. It’s also likely that businesses will set up private UDDI registries that they can share with their approved partners to facilitate B2B integration.

Many categorization systems can be used on data within UDDI. These systems are summarized in Table 6-4. Each taxonomy categorization is registered as a <tModel> structure within UDDI. This registration means that each categorization has a tModel name and UUID that can be used to reference it. The tModel name is the same in all UDDI registries, but the UUID for the tModel may change between operator nodes.

Table 6-4. Supported categorization taxonomies

Taxonomy name

tModel name




The North American Industry Classification system. Hundreds of classifications are in this system, including “Pet supply stores,” “Hazardous waste collection,” and “Diet and weight reducing centers.” More information can be found at



The Universal Standard Products and Services Classification. It is the first system to classify products and services for worldwide use. More information can be found at

ISO 3166


International standard geographical regions. This taxonomy includes codes for countries and their administrative support staffs. More information can be found at



General-purpose associations that a business might want to make. This taxonomy allows operator nodes to promote invalid entries or entries that would otherwise be rejected by another classification system. There is no specification on how this works; it is operator-node specific.

A <categoryBag> structure contains zero or more <keyedReference> structures. Each <keyedReference> structure contains the name and value of a category to which the data element belongs. In the previous <businessService> example, the <categoryBag> had eight <keyedReference> subelements. Three <keyedReference> subelements were for NAICS categorizations; the other five were for ISO 3166 country categorizations.

Determining which categorization a <keyedReference> belongs to can be difficult, but more details can be discovered by looking up the <tModel> document, using the tModelKey attribute that is also part of a <keyedReference>. If you look at the <categoryBag>, you will notice that three of the <keyedReference> elements have the same tModelKey value and the other five attributes have a different tModelKey value. For example, here is one of the ISO 3166 country categorization <keyedReference> elements returned as part of the <categoryBag>:

<keyedReference keyName="Netherlands" 

The keyName value identifies the categorization. It is also a textual name given to the categorization. The keyValue is the categorization code, as identified by the specification. The categorization code is guaranteed to be unique. The tModelKey value is the UUID of a <tModel> document that provides metadata of the specification that this categorization supports.


An identifier is a type of property or keyword used to uniquely identify a business or specification. Identifiers can be applied to <businessEntity> and <tModel> structures. Identifiers, like categorizations, can be used as part of a search when doing a <find_business> or <find_tModel> request message.

Identifiers and categorizations are implemented similarly. Identifiers are attached to <businessEntity> and <tModel> documents through an <identifierBag> structure. The <identifierBag> structure can have one or more <keyedReference> structures that provide the name, value, and <tModel> UUID reference for locating more information.

At this time, only two general-purpose identifier schemes have been incorporated into all operator nodes, but other schemes can be used as well. Table 6-5 lists the identifier types that are a core part of an operator node.

Table 6-5. Supported identifier types

Identifier name

tModel name




The Dun & Bradstreet D-U-N-S number is a unique nine-digit identification sequence. This sequence provides unique identifiers for single business entities, while linking corporate family structures. More information can be found at

Thomas Register


This scheme provides identifiers for over 150,000 manufacturing and e-commerce companies worldwide. More information can be found at


<tModel> documents provide metadata information about a web service specification, categorization specification, or identifier specification. <tModel> documents are a core data structure in the UDDI specification and represent the most detailed information that a UDDI registry can provide about any specification.

Looking at Demi Credit, we can see that the DCAmail <businessService> has a <bindingTemplate> with two <tModelInstanceInfo> documents. Each <tModelInstanceInfo> document contains a tModelKey attribute that is the UUID of a <tModel> document representing information about the supporting specification. There are also tModelKey attributes for each <keyedReference> structure that was part of the <categoryBag>. We can use the UDDISoapClient to retrieve the <tModel> document for any of these UUIDs. Let’s get the <tModel> document for uuid:93335d49-3efb-48a0-acea-ea102b60ddc6, which is a specification implemented by the DCAmail web service. Here is the listing of Ch6_GetTModelDetail.xml, which is used as the body of the SOAP request:

<uddi:get_tModelDetail generic="2.0">

The resulting response is saved as Ch6_GetTModelDetail_OUTPUT.xml:

<tModelDetail generic="2.0" operator="SYSTINET" xmlns="urn:uddi-org:api_v2">
  <tModel authorizedName="admin" 
    <description xml:lang="en">E-mail based web service</description>
      <keyedReference keyName="A transport tModel is a specific type of protocol" 

The authorizedName attribute is the recorded name of the individual who published this <tModel> . The operator attribute is the certified name of the UDDI registry site that owns the master copy of the <tModel> data. The tModelKey is the UUID of this <tModel>; it matches the tModelKey for the request document. The <name> subelement is the recorded name of the <tModel>; it can be used as part of a search when doing a <find_tModel> request. The <description> subelement provides a specification’s textual description. A <tModel> can have an optional <categoryBag> or <identifierBag> structure as well. Finally, a <tModel> can contain an optional <overviewDoc> subelement, which contains a URL that points to remote descriptive information.

Publishing to a UDDI Registry

Publishing to a UDDI registry involves any operation that would create, update, or destroy data in a UDDI registry. Here are some key technical differences between publishing and inquiring:

Authenticated access

All publishing messages require authenticated access. The process for authentication is not defined by the UDDI specification and is specific to the operator node. Given authenticated credentials, however, your program can access any publishing message.

Different access point

Publishing message requests use a different access point than do inquiry messages. The HTTP protocol was suitable for inquiry messages, but HTTPS is required for all publishing messages.

Space limits

Operator nodes can impose space and registration restrictions on an individual or company. For example, a site may limit some users to one <businessEntity> structure and prevent them from inserting additional data without special permissions.

Operator node binding

When information is inserted into an operator node, that site becomes the owner of that data’s master copy. Any subsequent updates or changes to the data must be performed at the same operator node. UDDI does not have a mechanism for resolving conflicts if duplicate entries are made at another operator node.

The Publisher API messages that require authentication are listed in Table 6-6.

Table 6-6. UDDI Publisher API messages

Message name

Response document

Brief description



Given a valid authentication token and a <publisherAssertion> document, this message adds a <publisherAssertion> to an individual publisher’s collection of assertions. A publisher assertion creates an association between two businesses. When the publishers of both businesses have added matching <publisherAssertion> documents to their collection, the relationship becomes publically visible.



Given a valid authentication token and the UUID of one or more <bindingTemplate> documents, this message deletes the matching <bindingTemplate> documents from the UDDI registry.



Given a valid authentication token and the UUID of one or more <businessEntity> documents, this message deletes the matching <binding-Template> documents from the UDDI registry. Deleting these documents causes the deletion of any contained <businessService> or <bindingTemplate> data. Additionally, any <publisherAssertions> created with the UUID of this <businessEntity> will be deleted.



Given a valid authentication token and the UUID of one or more <publisherAssertion> documents, this message deletes the matching <publisherAssertion> documents from this publisher’s collection. If other companies have created similar <publisherAssertion> documents, their documents remain part of their collection.



Given a valid authentication token and the UUID of one or more <businessService> documents, this message deletes the matching <businessService> documents from the UDDI registry.



Given a valid authentication token and the UUID of one or more <tModel> documents, this message logically deletes the matching <tModel> documents from the UDDI registry by marking them as hidden. The documents are not actually destroyed. Hidden <tModel> documents are not returned as part of a result of a <find_tModel> message, but are still accessible through <get_tModelDetail> and <get_registeredInfo> messages. <tModel> messages are not permanently destroyed, which allows any organization still using the <tModel> to get basic details about it.



Given a valid authentication token, this message tells an operator node to discard the active authentication session, effectively logging out the client. To perform additional Publishing API operations, a new authentication token must be retrieved from the operator node by using the <get_authToken> message.



Given a valid authentication token, this message returns a report that details all <publisher-Assertion> documents that have been created on any <businessEntity> documents managed by this publisher. This report returns <publisherAssertion> documents that were created by this publisher and other publishers. This query can search for complete or incomplete associations.



Given a username and password, this message retrieves an authentication token from an operator node to be used on other Publisher API messages.



Given a valid authentication token, this message returns a complete list of <publisherAssertion> documents that have been associated with the authenticated publisher account.



Given a valid authentication token, this message returns a complete list of <businessEntity> and <tModel> documents that are managed by the individual associated with the authentication credentials.



Given an authenticated token and one or more <bindingTemplate> documents, this message inserts or updates a UDDI registry with the <bindingTemplate> documents passed as input. This message can also update any associations made between a <businessService> document and a <bindingTemplate> document. This message returns a <bindingDetail> message that contains the final results of the call that reflect the information in the UDDI registry.



Given an authenticated token and one or more <businessEntity> documents, this message inserts or updates a UDDI registry with the <businessEntity> documents passed as input. This message can make sweeping changes to a UDDI registry; the changes may involve inserts, updates, and deletes of subdocuments contained within a <businessEntity>. Changes to an existing <businessEntity> can impact existing references to <publisherAssertion> documents, <businessService> documents, and <bindingTemplate> documents. This message returns a <businessDetail> message that contains the final results of the call that reflect the UDDI registry information.



Given an authenticated token and one or more <businessService> documents, this message inserts or updates a UDDI registry with the <businessService> documents passed as input. This message can modify <businessService> data and any references to <bindingTemplate> structures. This message returns a <serviceDetail> message that contains the final results of the call that reflect the UDDI registry information.



Given an authenticated token and one or more <tModel> documents, this message inserts or updates a UDDI registry. If a passed-in <tModel> documet refers to a <tModel> that was previously deleted (hidden), it will be made visible again. This message returns a <tModelDetail> message that contains the final results of the call that reflect the UDDI registry information.



Given an authenticated token and one or more <publisherAssertion> documents, this message updates a UDDI registry to contain a complete collection of <publisherAssertion> documents while deleting documents that are not present as part of the input. This message returns a<publisherAssertions> document that contains the current collection of <publisherAssertions> as they are stored in the UDDI registry.

Security and Authentication

Authentication with an operator node is typically straightforward. Most operator nodes implement a name/password scheme that allows you to retrieve an authentication token. Operator nodes that support the name/password scheme for authentication expose their authentication interface through the <get_authToken> message. Operator nodes do not have to support this scheme for authentication and can provide alternative techniques for allowing a client to get an authentication token. Those techniques are not documented by the UDDI specifications and are specific to the operator node. An operator node also has specific ways of registering new publishers and verifying their information. The only requirement that an operator node has to adhere to is that the authentication token returned must be a text value that can be inserted in subsequent XML messages.

The Systinet WASP UDDI Standard has a preconfigured username (admin) and password (changeit). We can obtain an authentication token by running the UDDISoapClient program with the Ch6_GetAuthToken.xml file as input and two command-line modifications:

     -url https://localhost:8443/wasp/uddi/publishing/ 
     -df Ch6_GetAuthToken.xml

First, the JDK class does not support HTTPS as a standard protocol. The Message.send( ) method in the Apache SOAP library requires a URL object as input, so enabling HTTPS is key. Enabling HTTP is done by including the option on the command line. Using this option assumes that you have installed the jsse.jar library. This library is installed as part of Systinet WASP UDDI; if you use a different UDDI package, you may have to install JSSE yourself. Second, since we are using the Publishing API, we must access a different URL than the default that is configured for inquiries. The publishing URL for Systinet WASP UDDI is https://localhost:8443/wasp/uddi/publishing/.


Using the JSSE library directly is not for the weak of heart. In addition to setting up JSSE and enabling HTTPS as a valid protocol, SSL requires that your program have a valid client certificate to be used against the server. Fortunately, Systinet WASP UDDI Standard installs a client certificate for your use, but otherwise, you would have to create a new certificate using Java’s keytool utility.

The real value of using a custom Java API such as Systinet’s is apparent when you look at the difficulty of using the UDDISoapClient to generate HTTPS messages. Two complete round-trip SOAP invocations have to be made and you have to go through the rigmarole of configuring SSL appropriately on the client. Systinet’s library handles this situation cleanly by providing one method that retrieves your authentication credentials and other methods that use the rest of the Publishing API.

Here is the Ch6_GetAuthToken.xml document that we send to the server to request an authentication token:

<uddi:get_authToken generic="2.0" userID="admin" cred="changeit" />

The <get_authToken> element doesn’t have any subelements and passes the name and password as the userID and cred attributes, respectively. Here’s the body of the SOAP response:

    <authToken xmlns="urn:uddi-org:api_v2" generic="2.0" operator="SYSTINET">

The response document contains an <authToken> element that has an <authInfo> subelement. The value of the <authInfo> subelement is a key that will be used as the authentication token on all other publishing messages. To write a program that makes a series of updates on a UDDI registry, you must parse the <get_authToken> response message and store the authentication token as a String object. Your program would then have to create a second SOAP message to perform an insert, an update, or a delete operation.

Errors and <dispositionReport> Documents

Errors can occur on any request message, whether they are part of the inquiry API or the Publishing API. UDDI errors are always returned as SOAP Fault messages. (For more information on SOAP Fault messages and their structure, refer to Chapter 4.) The subelement of a SOAP Fault <detail> message is a UDDI <dispositionReport> document; this document is defined in the UDDI schema. Despite being used for all error code situations, <dispositionReport> documents are also used in some non-error situations as a status indicator. Non-error <dispositionReport> documents are returned as part of a standard SOAP response for any UDDI delete_ message.

UDDI SOAP Faults can be returned for dozens of reasons: expiration of an authentication token, a server that is busy and unable to handle requests, the use of invalid categorization and identifiers, unsupported APIs, etc. A full listing of error codes is contained in Appendix A of the UDDI Programmer’s API specification. Here is an error that I received one time when I tried to exceed my limit for <businessEntity> documents while using Systinet’s WASP UDDI Standard:

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
    <ns0:Fault xmlns:ns0="">
        <dispositionReport generic="2.0" 
          <result errno="10160">
            <errInfo errCode="E_accountLimitExceeded">
              An attempt to save more data than allowed.

A <dispositionReport> has a <result> subelement with an errno attribute. The <result> subelement also has an <errInfo> subelement with an errCode attribute. The value of the errCode attribute must be one of the error codes that are identified in Appendix A of the UDDI Programmer’s API specification. In this example, the errCode value is E_accountLimitExceeded. The value of the <errInfo> element is a textual explanation of the error that can be displayed to a user.

When designing a program that interacts with a UDDI registry, your program needs to be prepared to handle SOAP Faults and react appropriately. If you want your program to parse UDDI responses intelligently, use the DOM API to parse a <dispositionReport> structure and then implement specialized actions to handle different errCode situations.

Abstraction APIs, such as the UDDI API provided by Systinet and JAXR, capture SOAP Faults and convert their contents into a specialized exception. This action allows you to write a program that has a familiar try/catch block to handle SOAP Fault scenarios, rather than using the DOM API to parse a <dispositionReport>.

What About the Rest of the Publishing API?

Using the rest of the Publishing API is straightforward. If you have the UUID of one major data structure element, you can use the delete_ messages to destroy data in the registry. If you want to insert or update data in a UDDI registry, construct a valid data structure, such as a <businessEntity>, and then use one of the save_ messages.

Since this chapter has already covered the major talking points of every major UDDI data structure, demonstrating Publishing APIs in full form would be repetitive. At this stage, you have all the necessary tools to work with the UDDI Programmer’s and Data Structure specifications.

When working with the Publishing API, keep a couple of points in mind:

  • Your program signals the difference between a creation and an update by the value of a document’s UUID fields on a save_ message. If a save_ message is used for updating an existing document in a UDDI registry, the value of the existing document’s UUID is placed in the input document’s UUID field. If a save_ message is used to create a new document in a UDDI registry, the UUID should be left blank. For example, if you wanted to update a <businessEntity> document with a fictional UUID of 43, then you would create a <businessEntity> document, fill it with the contents you want stored in the registry, and then set this document’s businessKey attribute to 43. However, if you wanted to insert a new registration into the registry, the businessKey value would be "".

  • Be careful when using the delete_ and save_ messages. If the structure you are updating has a number of subelements, such as a <businessEntity>, you can inadvertently destroy them by removing their containment. If you delete a <businessEntity>, it will delete all <businessService> and <bindingTemplate> elements contained within the <businessEntity>. It will not delete a <businessService> referenced by the <businessEntity>, which would occur only if the <businessService> is contained with a different <businessEntity>. For example, if you want to update a <businessEntity> document using a save_ message, you might accidentally delete <businessService> and <bindingTemplate> structures in the process. If the existing <businessEntity> element stored in a UDDI registry has <businessService> or <bindingTemplate> structures, but the <businessEntity> document used as input to the save_ message does not have those same subelements, the <businessService> and <bindingTemplate> subelements will be destroyed automatically as part of the update process.

  • <tModel> documents are never fully destroyed. When you use the <delete_tModel> message, a <tModel> element saved in the registry is merely hidden. Hidden documents can be located through <get_tModelDetail> and <get_registeredInfo> messages, but will not be displayed by any find_ queries. This behavior ensures that the details associated with any <tModel> are still available to anyone who may currently implement the specifications referred by the <tModel>. <tModel> documents can be unhidden by using the <save_tModel> message.

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