SOAP Security Extensions

As a container for XML-based messages, SOAP 1.1 has responsibilities to support the use of XML-based security technologies.

Digital Credentials Extensions to SOAP

As we mentioned in previous sections, to achieve end-to-end application security (encryption, authorization, and authentication), an exchange of digital credentials is required. Digital credentials come in different forms. The most commonly used credential is a digital certificate that conforms to a standard called X.509. Microsoft has recently announced plans to base its efforts on another type of credential called Kerberos tickets. In either case, these credentials hold information about the Holder, including information about the encryption methods being used and the Holder’s digital signature.

Microsoft and IBM have proposed extending the SOAP 1.1 specification to include a security-specific credentials header, which would standardize the use of multiple types of credentials within a SOAP message. The motivation for the extensions is to give SOAP-based services the ability to sign portions of the SOAP envelope.

Digital Signature Extensions to SOAP

To use XML Digital Signatures (or any digital signature) effectively in SOAP messages, you need a standardized way to incorporate them into the message.

To address this need, IBM and Microsoft have proposed a set of SOAP 1.1 header extensions that standardize the use of digital signatures. The goal is to enable SOAP envelopes to contain a digital signature that can be used to sign one or more elements contained within the envelope.

Here is an example of the use of the Digital Signature extensions for SOAP:[21]

                     <ds:Signature xmlns:ds="">
                         <ds:Reference URI="#Body">
                           <ds:DigestMethod Algorithm=""/>
    <m:GetLastTradePrice xmlns:m="some-URI">

The XML Digital Signature is in its own namespace and is contained within the <ds:Signature> element. The wrapper for the signature is <SOAP-SEC:Signature> , which specifies the namespace for the signature and the intended reader of the signature (denoted by the <actor> element). The <actor> can be a SOAP intermediary or the final recipient of the message. The SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand attribute tells intermediaries that they must know how to understand this header attribute or leave it unprocessed. The members of the XML Digital Signature are described in the previous Section 10.2.

These extensions provide a standardized way to add digital signatures to SOAP messages. By extending the SOAP header to use the <SOAP-SEC:Signature> extension, any web service can add any type of digital signature to a SOAP message.

The proposal also allows enough flexibility to allow the use of XML Encryption to secure portions of the SOAP messages. The addition of a <SOAP-SEC:Encryption> tag is still in the works.

[21] From the W3C web site at

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