

<simpleType> datatypes, <types> Element
@conversation tag, The Java Web Service (JWS) Standard
@operation tag, The Java Web Service (JWS) Standard


abstraction APIs, An Abstraction API
access point URLs, Programming UDDI
<accessPoint>, Getting More Detail
actor, SOAP Intermediaries and Actors
<actor> element, Digital Signature Extensions to SOAP
addAttachmentPart( ), Adding MIME attachments
addName( ), Using Systinet’s UDDI Java API
addTextNode( ), Adding content to the message
<add_publisherAssertions> message, Publishing to a UDDI Registry
Apache Axis, JAX-RPC
Apache SOAP, Message-Based Document Exchange and RPC
declareNamespace( ), Finding a Business
encoding, Encoding
error handling, Error Handling with SOAP Faults
Fault object, Error Handling with SOAP Faults
mustUnderstand attribute, absence of support for, mustUnderstand
routing service, The Apache SOAP Routing Service, The SOAP-Aware Servlet Becomes a Message Router
SOAP-RPC, The SOAP-RPC Sender—Remote Service
Version 2.2., EchoTestClient, Understanding the Echo Test, The server
Apache Tomcat, Sending and Receiving SOAP Messages
default port, The Apache TunnelGui Application
JAXR, as required client for, Using JAXR
Apache TunnelGUI, The Apache TunnelGui Application
abstraction APIs, An Abstraction API
Envelope API, The SOAP Package
inquiry and Publishing, Programming UDDI
SOAPElement, SOAPElement API
UDDI access, Java-based, Java-Based APIs, What About the Rest of the Publishing API?
UDDI programmers, for, UDDI Specifications
ASP.NET interoperability issues with Apache SOAP, Encoding
asynchronous operations, What Are Web Services?
AttachmentPart, Creating the message
single-sign-on, Single-sign-on
UDDI, Security and Authentication
authorizedName attribute, tModel


B2C (Business-to-Consumer) portal, web services examples, Practical Applications for Web Services
Base test suite, Round 2
BEA Systems, The Java Web Service (JWS) Standard
BEA WebLogic Server, How a Service Description Begets Code, Technical Architecture, Behavior Handling
binding, Access, Introduction to WSDL
<binding> element, <binding> Element, Demonstrating a binding through example
binding extension, Introduction to WSDL
binding interaction model, Binding
<bindingDetail> structure, Browsing Basic Information
<bindingTemplate> structure, UDDI Data Structures, Getting More Detail , Using WSDL Definitions with UDDI
Bowstreet, jUDDI, Technical Architecture
brokers, Service registry (broker)
business entities, identification, Unique IDs
business process centers, Service provider
<businessEntity> structure, UDDI Data Structures
<businessInfo> structure, Finding a Business
<businessInfos> structure, Browsing Basic Information, Finding a Business
BusinessList class, Using Systinet’s UDDI Java API
<businessList> structure, Browsing Basic Information, Finding a Business
BusinessQueryManager interface, Using JAXR
<businessService> document, Using WSDL Definitions with UDDI
<businessService> structure, UDDI Data Structures, Getting More Detail


canonicalization, Canonicalization
<CanonicalizationMethod> element, The <Reference> Element
CapeClear Studio, Behavior Handling
CapeConnect, How a Service Description Begets Code
<categoryBag> structure, Categorization
<keyedReference> structure, Categorization
<CipherData> element, XML Encryption
<CipherReference> element, XML Encryption
<CipherValue> element, XML Encryption
coarse-graining, What Are Web Services?
COM/DCOM, Lessons Learned from Recent History
<complexType> element, <types> Element
composite computing model, Inside the Composite Computing Model
@conversation tag, The Java Web Service (JWS) Standard
CORBA, Lessons Learned from Recent History
createAttachmentPart( ), Adding MIME attachments
createCall( ), Dynamic Invocation Interface (DII)
createConnection( ), Using JAXR
createElementNS( ), Adding a Header Block
createName( ), Adding content to the message
custom serialization, Custom serialization


data structures, UDDI, UDDI Specifications
DataHandler, Adding MIME attachments
DataSerializer class, Custom serialization
datatypes, interoperability issues, Proprietary datatypes
declareNamespace( ), Finding a Business
<definitions> element, <definitions> Element, <definitions> Element
targetNamespace attribute, <definitions> Element
delete_ messages, UDDI Publisher, Publishing to a UDDI Registry
digest, XML Digital Signatures
<DigestMethod> element, XML Digital Signatures
<DigestValue> element, XML Digital Signatures
digital signatures, XML Digital Signatures
DII (Dynamic Invocation Interface), JAX-RPC Client Invocation Models, Dynamic Invocation Interface (DII), Making the call and retrieving the results
direct publishing model, Publishing
discovery, UDDI: Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration
<dispositionReport> document, Errors and <dispositionReport> Documents
distributed computing models, Lessons Learned from Recent History
doc.getElementsByTagName( ), Java Toolkits
document exchange model, Message-Based Document Exchange and RPC, How XML Becomes SOAP
RPC, contrasted with, Encoding
doQuery( ), Using JAXR
doWork( ), Getting it to work
<ds:Signature> element, Digital Signature Extensions to SOAP
dynamic discovery publishing model, Publishing
Dynamic Invocation Interface (see DII)


ebXML Message Service, The SOAP Header, Where’s the Messaging?
JAXM profiles, and, JAXM Profiles
registry, compatibility with UDDI, UDDI
standardization, ebXML
echo methods, Round 2, Round 2
polymorphic type methods, Round 2
echoString method client request, Round 2
EchoTestClient, Understanding the Echo Test, The server
EJBs (Enterprise Java Beans)
mapping SOAP to, RPC-Style Invocations
RPC-style invocations, RPC-Style Invocations
XML-Java binding, SOAP Parsing
encoding, Stubs and Tie Classes
common combinations, Encoding
interoperability issues, Encoding
encryptAndReplace( ), Java Toolkits
<EncryptedData> element, XML Encryption
Endpoint class, Sending the message
Envelope API, The SOAP Package
ez3950-PortTypes.wsdl, Anatomy of a WSDL Document


gateways, Service registry (broker)
generic attribute, Browsing Basic Information
GenericHTTPClient, The SOAP-Aware Servlet Becomes a Message Router
GenericHTTPSWAClient, Constructing SOAP with Attachments
GenericJAXMSWAClient, Understanding the SwA Sender
getBusinessQueryManager( ), Using JAXR
getContent( ), Attaching an XML fragment to the SOAP envelope
getElementsByTagName( ), Java Toolkits
getInquiry( ), Using Systinet’s UDDI Java API
getSupportedProfiles( ), JAXM Profiles
get_ messages, Getting More Detail
<get_assertionStatusReport> message, Publishing to a UDDI Registry
<get_authToken> message, Publishing to a UDDI Registry, Security and Authentication
<get_publisherAssertions> message, Publishing to a UDDI Registry
<get_registeredInfo> message, Publishing to a UDDI Registry
<get_serviceDetaiõ> message, Getting More Detail
GLUE, How a Service Description Begets Code
Gnutella, The P2P Model
green pages, UDDI Overview


HelloWorld.jws, The Java Web Service (JWS) Standard
Holder classes, Pass-by-copy and Holder classes
HTTP (Hypertext Transport Protocol) and SOAP, Simple
HTTP GET request publishing model, Publishing
HTTPReceive, The Servlet Receiver Becomes SOAP-Aware


SRP (Service Registry Proxy), An Abstraction API
Web Services Architecture team, Service-Oriented Architecture
WebSphere, Technical Architecture
WSIF (Web Service Invocation Framework), Where Is All the Java?
XML Security Suite, Java Toolkits
identifiers, Identifiers
Idoox, Finding a Business
implementation, Service-Oriented Architecture
<import> element, <import> Element
independent software vendors, Service provider
inout parameters, Pass-by-copy and Holder classes
inquiry API, Programming UDDI
interface, Service-Oriented Architecture
intermediaries, Intermediaries
intermediary, SOAP Intermediaries and Actors
interoperability, The Concept of Interoperability, Resources
backend integration issues, Integration
compatible specification versions, The Good, Bad, and Ugly of Interoperability
Echo TestClient, Understanding the Echo Test, The server
future issues, Potential Interoperability Issues
identification of business entities, Unique IDs
Microsoft resources, Microsoft SOAP Toolkit 3.0 Interoperability Test Site
.NET and J2EE, .NET and J2EE
online resources, Other Interoperability Resources, Resources
problems associated with achieving, The Good, Bad, and Ugly of Interoperability
SalCentral, SalCentral
shared semantics, The Good, Bad, and Ugly of Interoperability
SOAP intermediaries, Intermediaries
SOAP Version 1.2 test collection, SOAP Version 1.2 Test Collection
SOAPBuilders group, SOAPBuilders Interoperability
Base test suite, Round 2
Round 1 Interoperability Lab, SOAPBuilders Interoperability
Round 2 Interoperability Lab, Round 2, Round 2
Round 3 Interoperability Lab, Round 3
standards, development of, Standards Development and Proliferation
proprosals, Conformance and interoperability standards
testing, SOAPBuilders Interoperability
test clients, Understanding the Echo Test, Using other test clients through a browser interface
transactions, Transactions
web services versions, The Good, Bad, and Ugly of Interoperability
WSDL, WSDL , Endpoints
Xmethods, Xmethods
XML Schema, XML Schema
Iona XMLBus echo test service, Running the EchoTestClient
ISO 3166 (international standard geographical regions), Categorization
ISO/IEC 11578:1996 standard, UDDI Data Structures


J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition)
.NET, interoperability with, .NET and J2EE
SOAP, and, The SOAP-J2EE Way, JSR109: Industry in Flux
behaviour handling, Behavior Handling
web services, integration with, Web Services in a J2EE Environment, J2EE and Web Services, The Java Web Service (JWS) Standard
APIs for UDDI registry access, Java-Based APIs
security toolkits, Java Toolkits
WSDL, and, Where Is All the Java?
Java Web Services Developer Pack, JAX-RPC and JAXM
Java XML Pack, JAX-RPC and JAXM
JavaDoc tags, The Java Web Service (JWS) Standard
javax.xml.registry, Using JAXR
javax.xml.soap package, JAX-RPC and JAXM, The SOAP Package
javax.xml.transform package, Attaching an XML fragment to the SOAP envelope
JAX-RPC (Java API for XML-based RPC), JAX-RPC and JAXM, JAX-RPC, Service Context Propagation and SOAP Message Handlers
Call object, Dynamic Invocation Interface (DII)
client invocation models, JAX-RPC Client Invocation Models
datatypes, WSDL to Java, Java to WSDL
generated service interface, Generated service interface
JAXM, contrasted with, JAX-RPC and JAXM
Service Context, Service Context Propagation and SOAP Message Handlers
SOAPElement API, SOAPElement API
value types, Value types
JAXM (Java API for XML Messaging), JAX-RPC and JAXM, Java API for XML Messaging (JAXM), Sending the message
JAX-RPC, contrasted with, JAX-RPC and JAXM
messages, creating and adding content, Creating the message
call execution, Making the call
minimum runtime requirement for, Simple Servlet Deployment
profiles, JAXM Profiles, Sending the message
sender, Understanding the Simple JAXM Sender
request/reply client, The JAXM Sender—Request/Reply Client, The JAXM Sender—Request/Reply Client
SwA sender, Understanding the SwA Sender, Adding MIME attachments
synchronous communications, support of, JAX-RPC and JAXM
using for SOAP with attachments, Using JAXM for SOAP with Attachments
JAXM Receiver, Understanding the JAXM Receiver
JAXP (Java API for XML Processing), The SOAP Sender
Transformer object, Attaching an XML fragment to the SOAP envelope
JAXR (Java API for XML Registries), Java-Based APIs, Using JAXR, Using JAXR
base package name, Using JAXR
Systinet WASP UDDI, compared to, Using JAXR
Tomcat, and, Using JAXR, Using JAXR
JMS (Java Message Service), Where’s the Messaging?
SOAP, invocation by, Message-Style Invocations
example, A Simple Example, The JMS replier
JMS Queue, Message-Style Invocations
JMS Topic, Message-Style Invocations
JP Moresmau, pudding, Technical Architecture
JSAML Toolkit, Single-sign-on
JSPs (Java Server Pages), The SOAP-J2EE Way
JSSE library, Security and Authentication
jUDDI, Technical Architecture
JWS (Java Web Service) standard, The Java Web Service (JWS) Standard, The Java Web Service (JWS) Standard
ECMAScript extension, The Java Web Service (JWS) Standard
example, The Java Web Service (JWS) Standard
JavaDoc tags, The Java Web Service (JWS) Standard
mapping, objects to XML, The Java Web Service (JWS) Standard
web services representation(EJBs, JMS destinations, etc.), The Java Web Service (JWS) Standard


key management, Key Management, Validate Service
key retrieval, Key retrieval
<keyedReference> structure, Categorization
<KeyInfo> element, XML Digital Signatures, The Signature Method
<RetrievalMethod> tag, Key retrieval


literal encoding, Encoding
<Locate> tag, Location service
location service, Location service
loose coupling, What Are Web Services?
Lucin Corporation, SalCentral


main( ), The SOAP Sender, Using JAXR
mapTypes( ), Default serialization of data
marshall( ), Custom serialization
marshalling, Stubs and Tie Classes
message digest, XML Digital Signatures
<Reference> element, The <Reference> Element
<message> element, <message> Element
message profiles, JAXM Profiles
message style invocations, Message-Style Invocations
Message.send( ), The SOAP Sender
MessageFactory, customizing, Using the custom MessageFactory to create profile-specific messages
MessageFactory.createMessage( ), Creating the message
<MessageHeader> element, Adding a Header Block
messaging, Where’s the Messaging?
bCentral initiative, Business Perspectives on the SOA
SOAP Interop server site, Microsoft SOAP Toolkit 3.0 Interoperability Test Site
MIME protocol, Parts Is Parts
MimeBodyPart class, Constructing SOAP with Attachments


NAICS (North American Industry Classification System), Categorization
namespaces, <definitions> Element
common prefixes and URIs, <definitions> Element
Napster, The P2P Model
.NET, interoperability with J2EE, .NET and J2EE
Netegrity, Single-sign-on
JSAML Toolkit, Single-sign-on
newInstance( ), Simple Servlet Deployment
nodes, SOAP Intermediaries and Actors
operations, parameters of, UDDI Specifications
Nodes, importation between documents, Attaching an XML fragment to the SOAP envelope
nonrepudiation, Nonrepudiation
notification, <portType> Element


OASIS (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards), OASIS, Single-sign-on
object references, Pass-by-copy and Holder classes
Oblix, Single-sign-on
one-way invocation, <portType> Element
onMessage( ), Simple Servlet Deployment, Understanding the JAXM Receiver
open source J2EE UDDI projects, Technical Architecture
<operation> element, <portType> Element
<operation> elements, <portType> Element
@operation tag, The Java Web Service (JWS) Standard
operator attribute, Browsing Basic Information


P2P (peer-to-peer), advantages, The P2P Model
pass-by-copy, Pass-by-copy and Holder classes
percent sign (%), Finding a Business
Phaos XML Toolkit, Java Toolkits
PKI (Public Key Infrastructure), Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
PO.xml, How XML Becomes SOAP, Attaching an XML fragment to the SOAP envelope
digitally signed version, XML Digital Signatures
<items> tag, encryption of, XML Encryption
<portType> element, <portType> Element, <portType> Element
<binding> element, and, <binding> Element
private nodes and clouds, Technical Architecture
profiles, JAXM Profiles
proprietary datatypes, interoperability issues, Proprietary datatypes
ProviderConnection, Obtaining the profile via ProviderMetaData
ProviderConnection.send( ), Sending the message
ProviderConnectionFactory, ProviderConnectionFactory
providers, Provider
Public Cloud, Technical Architecture
<publisherAssertion> structure, UDDI Data Structures
publishing, Publishing
to UDDI registries, Publishing to a UDDI Registry, Publishing to a UDDI Registry
Publishing API, Programming UDDI, What About the Rest of the Publishing API?


<Query> tag, Location service


<Reference> element, The <Reference> Element
registry, Registry (broker)
<relatedBusinessesList> structure, Browsing Basic Information
remote references, Remote references
replication under UDDI, UDDI Specifications
request-response model, <portType> Element
requestor, Requestor
<Respond> tag, Location service
<Result> element, Validate Service
Result object, Attaching an XML fragment to the SOAP envelope
<RetrievalMethod> tag, Key retrieval
Round 1 Interoperability Lab, SOAPBuilders Interoperability
Round 2 Interoperability Lab, Round 2, Round 2
Round 3 Interoperability Lab, Round 3
RPCs (remote procedure calls), Message-Based Document Exchange and RPC
document exchange model, contrasted with, Encoding
SOAP, and, The Major Web Services Technologies, Anatomy of a SOAP Message, SOAP-RPC
web services, and, What Are Web Services?


SalCentral, SalCentral
SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language), Single-sign-on
Section 5 encoding, Encoding
Securant, Single-sign-on
secure hash, XML Digital Signatures, Canonicalization
security, UDDI, Security and Authentication
sendJAXMMessage( ), Understanding the Simple JAXM Sender
sendSOAPMessage( ), The SOAP Sender
sendSoapMessage( ), Adding a Header Block
sendSoapRPCMessage( ), The SOAP-RPC Sender—Remote Service
location, Service location (finding)
Service Context, Service Context Propagation and SOAP Message Handlers
<service> element, <service> Element
service providers, Service provider
service registries, Service registry (broker)
service requestors, Service requestor
<serviceList> structure, Browsing Basic Information
ServiceRegistryProxy class, An Abstraction API
services, The Apache SOAP Routing Service
servlets, The SOAP-J2EE Way
resource invocation, Figuring Out What to Invoke
RPC-style invocations, RPC-Style Invocations
SOAP parsing, SOAP Parsing
web services, requirements for use with, Behavior Handling
XML parsing, SOAP Parsing
XML-Java binding, SOAP Parsing
setFrom( ) and setTo( ), Sending the message
setMaxRows( ),, Using Systinet’s UDDI Java API
setMethodName( ), The SOAP-RPC Sender—Remote Service
<Signature> element, XML Digital Signatures
<SignatureMethod> element, The Signature Method
<SignatureValue> element, XML Digital Signatures, The Signature Method
<SignedInfo> element, The <Reference> Element
SimpleHTTPReceive, The Simple Servlet Receiver
<simpleType> element, <types> Element
single-sign-on authentication, Single-sign-on
SOA (service-oriented architecture), Service-Oriented Architecture in a Web Services Ecosystem, Service-Oriented Architecture , Service requestor
components, Service-Oriented Architecture
developers’ concerns, Developers’ Perspectives on the SOA
roles, Participant Roles
SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol), The Major Web Services Technologies, SOAP: The Cornerstone of Interoperability, Protocol
binding extension elements, The SOAP binding extension, Demonstrating a binding through example
components of, Message-Based Document Exchange and RPC
document exchange model, How XML Becomes SOAP
EJB invocation, RPC-Style Invocations
encoding, interoperability issues, Encoding
error handling, Error Handling with SOAP Faults, Soap Faults and the mustUnderstand Attribute
Faults, Error Handling with SOAP Faults, Soap Faults and the mustUnderstand Attribute
HTTP, and, Simple
intermediaries, interoperability issues, Intermediaries
interoperability issues, SOAP , SOAP actor
J2EE, and, The SOAP-J2EE Way, JSR109: Industry in Flux
behaviour handling, Behavior Handling
main( ), The SOAP Sender
Message Exchange Model, SOAP Intermediaries and Actors
message types, Behavior Handling
message-style invocation (JMS), Message-Style Invocations
example, A Simple Example, The JMS replier
Message.send( ), The SOAP Sender
security extensions, SOAP Security Extensions, Digital Signature Extensions to SOAP
digital credentials, Digital Credentials Extensions to SOAP
digital signatures, Digital Signature Extensions to SOAP
sendSOAPMessage( ), The SOAP Sender
servlet receiver, The Simple Servlet Receiver, The Servlet Receiver Becomes SOAP-Aware
servlets, parsing by, SOAP Parsing
SOAP body, The SOAP Header
SOAP envelopes, How XML Becomes SOAP
attaching XML fragments to, Attaching an XML fragment to the SOAP envelope
creating, The SOAP Sender
security vulnerability, Web Services Security
tag syntax, The SOAP Envelope
unmarshall( ), The Servlet Receiver Becomes SOAP-Aware
SOAP header, The SOAP Header
SOAP messages, Message-Based Document Exchange and RPC, Anatomy of a SOAP Message
browsing basic information, Browsing Basic Information
headers, adding to, Adding a header dynamically
MIME attachments, adding to, Adding MIME attachments
sending and receiving, Sending and Receiving SOAP Messages
XML documents, importing into, Attaching an XML fragment to the SOAP envelope
SOAP package, The SOAP Package
SOAPTransport.receive( ), The SOAP Sender
typing, Version 1.1, xsi:type
UDDI registries, messages for accessing, Java-Based APIs
UDDI, and, The Major Web Services Technologies
Version 1.2 test collection, SOAP Version 1.2 Test Collection
WSDL, and, The Major Web Services Technologies
<SOAP-ENV:Body> tag, Attaching an XML fragment to the SOAP envelope
client, The SOAP-RPC Sender—Remote Service, The SOAP-RPC Sender—Remote Service
method signatures, SOAP-RPC Method Signatures
server, Another SOAP-RPC Sender: Local Service, The Deployment Descriptor
<SOAP-SEC:Signature> element, Digital Signature Extensions to SOAP
SOAPAction header field, Figuring Out What to Invoke
SOAPBody, Adding content to the message
SOAPBuilders group (see under interoperability) ), Making the call
SOAPElement API, SOAPElement API
SOAPHeader, Adding content to the message
SOAPMappingRegistry, Default serialization of data
SOAPPart, Creating the message
software asset, Inside the Composite Computing Model
solicit-response model, <portType> Element
SonicXQ, How a Service Description Begets Code, Behavior Handling
Source object, Attaching an XML fragment to the SOAP envelope
SRP (Service Registry Proxy), An Abstraction API
<Status> element, Validate Service
stubs, Stubs and Tie Classes
properties, Statically Generated Stubs
transport dependency, Statically Generated Stubs
SwA (SOAP with Attachments), SOAP with Attachments, Receiving the SOAP with Attachments Message
construction, Constructing SOAP with Attachments
receiving an SwA message, Receiving the SOAP with Attachments Message
synchronous operations, What Are Web Services?
Systinet, Java-Based APIs, Finding a Business
Systinet WASP, Where Is All the Java?, Behavior Handling
Systinet WASP UDDI, Finding a Business, Using Systinet’s UDDI Java API
BusinessList class, Using Systinet’s UDDI Java API
client library, Using Systinet’s UDDI Java API
database applications, supported under, Finding a Business
HTTPS, enabling, Security and Authentication
Java API, Using Systinet’s UDDI Java API
JAXR API, compared to, Using JAXR
security and authentication, Security and Authentication
servlets, Finding a Business
SOAP envelopes, namespaces for, Finding a Business
Tomcat, and, Using JAXR
Version 1.0 and 2.0 Java packages, Using Systinet’s UDDI Java API


tie classes, Stubs and Tie Classes
<tModel> documents, tModel
authorizedName attributes, tModel
<keyedReference> structures, Categorization
WSDL and, Using WSDL Definitions with UDDI
<tModel> structure, UDDI Data Structures, Getting More Detail
<tModelInstanceInfo>, Getting More Detail
<tModelInstanceInfo> documents, tModel
tModelKey, Getting More Detail , tModel
<tModelList> structure, Browsing Basic Information
JAXR, and, Using JAXR
transactions, interoperability issues, Transactions
Transformer object, Attaching an XML fragment to the SOAP envelope
<Transforms> tag, The <Reference> Element
truncated attribute, Browsing Basic Information
<types> element, <types> Element, <types> Element


UBR (UDDI Business Registry), Technical Architecture
content, insertion into, Technical Architecture
UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration), The Major Web Services Technologies, UDDI: Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration
API messages, options, Finding a Business
architecture, Technical Architecture, Technical Architecture
specifications, UDDI Specifications
categorization systems, Categorization
compliant server products, Technical Architecture
data structures, UDDI Specifications, UDDI Data Structures
UUIDs, UDDI Data Structures
<dispositionReport> document, Errors and <dispositionReport> Documents
errors, Errors and <dispositionReport> Documents
finding a business, Finding a Business, Finding a Business
find_ messages, Browsing Basic Information
get_ messages, Getting More Detail
interoperability issues, UDDI
node operators, standards for, UDDI Specifications
online resources, UDDI Specifications
programmer’s API, UDDI Specifications
Programmer’s API document, Browsing Basic Information
programming, Java-Based APIs, What About the Rest of the Publishing API?
Publisher API messages, Publishing to a UDDI Registry, Publishing to a UDDI Registry
registries, UDDI: Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration
Java-based APIs for access to, Java-Based APIs
publishing to, Publishing to a UDDI Registry, Publishing to a UDDI Registry
types of information, UDDI Overview
replication, UDDI Specifications
response message structure, Browsing Basic Information
Schema document, Browsing Basic Information
security and authentication, Security and Authentication
SOAP Faults, Errors and <dispositionReport> Documents
SOAP, and, The Major Web Services Technologies
UDDI Project, UDDI: Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration
uses, How UDDI Is Used
WDSL, and, The Major Web Services Technologies
WSDL definitions, and, Using WSDL Definitions with UDDI
UDDI XML API schema, UDDI Specifications, Finding a Business, Finding a Business
<uddi:find_business> element, Finding a Business
unmarshall( ), The Servlet Receiver Becomes SOAP-Aware, Custom serialization
UNSPSC (Universal Standard Products and Services Classification), Categorization
URCs (uniform resource citations), Note on URIs, URNs, and URLs
URI Partitioning, Note on URIs, URNs, and URLs
URIs (uniform resource identifiers), Note on URIs, URNs, and URLs
URLs (uniform resource locators), Note on URIs, URNs, and URLs
URNs (uniform resource names), Note on URIs, URNs, and URLs
UUIDs, UDDI Data Structures
<tmodel>, and, tModel


Validate Service, Validate Service
<ValidityInterval> element, Validate Service
value types, Value types
Verisign, Single-sign-on


W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), W3C
XKMS, Key Management, Validate Service
Web Service Interoperability Organization, Conformance and interoperability standards
web services, Welcome to Web Services, What Are Web Services?
aggregators, Service provider
B2C portal, examples, Practical Applications for Web Services
distributed computing, and, Lessons Learned from Recent History
evolution of standards, Standards Development and Proliferation
factors driving adoption, Industry Drivers
implementation, Service-Oriented Architecture
interaction of associated technologies, The Major Web Services Technologies
interface, Service-Oriented Architecture
interoperability, The Concept of Interoperability, Resources
J2EE, and, Web Services in a J2EE Environment
major technologies, The Major Web Services Technologies
participant interactions, Participant Interactions
platform, Web Services in a J2EE Environment
practical applications, Practical Applications for Web Services
providers, Web Services in a J2EE Environment
requirements, Business Perspectives on the SOA
security aspects, Web Services Security, Further Reading
Java toolkits, Java Toolkits
key management, Key Management, Validate Service
nonrepudiation, Nonrepudiation
PKI, Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
SOAP extensions, SOAP Security Extensions, Digital Signature Extensions to SOAP
standards, lack of, Web Services Security
vulnerabilities, Web Services Security
XML digital signatures, XML Digital Signatures
service, Service-Oriented Architecture
service description, Service-Oriented Architecture
service providers, Service provider
transition to, Web Services Adoption Factors, Low barrier to entry means grass-roots adoption
unique IDs, Unique IDs
uses, Service-Oriented Architecture in a Web Services Ecosystem
Web Services Toolkit, How a Service Description Begets Code
white pages, UDDI Overview
writeTo( ), Making the call, Understanding the JAXM Receiver
WSDL (Web Service Description Language), The Major Web Services Technologies, Web Services Description Language
binding, Introduction to WSDL
developing documents, Best Practices, Makes Perfect
elements, Anatomy of a WSDL Document, The end of the example!
inout parameters, Pass-by-copy and Holder classes
interoperability issues, WSDL , Endpoints
Java, and, Where Is All the Java?
operational models, <portType> Element
SOAP, and, The Major Web Services Technologies
tools, How a Service Description Begets Code
UDDI, and, The Major Web Services Technologies, Using WSDL Definitions with UDDI


XKMS (XML Key Management Specification), Key Management, Validate Service
key retrieval, Key retrieval
location service, Location service
Validate Service, Validate Service
Xmethods, Xmethods
XML (eXtensible Markup Language)
digital signatures, XML Digital Signatures, Digital Signature Extensions to SOAP
conversion into DOM trees, Attaching an XML fragment to the SOAP envelope
encryption, XML Encryption, Validate Service
find_ messages, Browsing Basic Information
get_ messages, Getting More Detail
XML namespace, <definitions> Element
XML Schema, <types> Element
interoperability issues, XML Schema
UDDI specification, UDDI Specifications
.xsd documents, <definitions> Element
XML-Canonicalization (xml-c14n) specification, Canonicalization
.xsd file extension, <definitions> Element
XSD namespace, versions, XML Schema
xsd:string type, <types> Element
<xsd:complexType> element, <types> Element
<xsd:element> element, <types> Element
<xsd:list> element, <types> Element
<xsd:simpleType> element, <types> Element
xsi:type attribute, xsi:type


yellow pages, UDDI Overview


Z39.50 ASN.1 specification, Anatomy of a WSDL Document
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