
Accomplishments of employees, human capital index and

Accuracy of customer representatives, service excellence measurement and

Administrative activities, distraction index and

Air Products and Chemicals


AltaMed Health Services Corporation


American index

appropriate organizations for
cost and effort to measure
impact on performance
importance and benefits of information
targets and benchmarks
ways to measure

Amplification score variable, in social influence score


American index and
corporate culture and
innovation and

Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE)

Arthur Andersen

Asian Development Bank

Atomic Power Laboratory

Attractiveness, of customers

Awards of business, opportunity measurement and

Banks, share of wallet and

Barclays Bank


corporate citizenship index
corporate culture index
corporate wellness index
risk index


corporate citizenship index
corporate wellness index

Best Buy

Bethune, Gordon

Bettis Laboratory

Big picture, predictive analytics and management focus on

Bishop, Ray

Block, Terry

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Maryland



Brandt, David

Budgets, project management measurement and

California DMV

California State University campuses

Carbon productivity, sustainability index and


Certifications, as worthless metric

CFI Group

Cheating by employees, minimizing with predictive analytics

Cholesterol metrics. See Leading indicators

Christensen, John

Churn, project management measurement and

Clark, Mark

Coca-Cola, as customer

Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL)

Collaboration, corporate culture and

Competitive risk

Competitors, value of knowing when customer defects to

Complaints, as unreliable guide to customer satisfaction

Consultants. See Enterprise excellence index

Contacts, opportunity measurement and

Continental Airlines

Cook, Tim

Corporate citizenship index

appropriate organizations for
cost and effort to measure
impact on performance
importance and benefits of information
ways to measure

Corporate Knights

Corporate wellness index

appropriate organizations for
halfhearted approaches to
impact on performance
importance and benefits of information
successful policies
targets and benchmarks
ways to measure

Counting metrics. See Singular metrics

Courtesy, service excellence measurement and

Critical thinking, importance of

CRM (customer relationship management)

Culture index

appropriate organizations for
cost and effort to measure
impact on performance
importance and benefits of information
Purina example
targets and benchmarks
ways to measure

Culture of workplace, innovation and creativity and

Customer and stakeholder analytics. See American index; Corporate citizenship index; Customer engagement index; Customer rage index; Outcomes index; Service excellence index; Social network index

Customer engagement index

appropriate organizations for
cost and effort to measure
impact on performance
importance and benefits of information
poor ways to measure
ways to measure

Customer rage index

advantages and disadvantages of
appropriate organizations for
constructing of index
cost and effort to measure
impact on performance
importance and benefits of information
poor ways to measure
targets and benchmarks
ways to measure

Customer risk

Customer service scripts, mistake of using

Cycle time, service excellence measurement and

Data integrity, improving with predictive analytics

Davis, Dr. Bert


corporate citizenship index
corporate culture index

Demographics, matching personnel to customers’


Disaster preparation, predictive analytics and

Discover Card


Distraction index

appropriate organizations for
cost and effort to measure
enterprise excellence and
impact on performance
importance and benefits of information
project management and
targets and benchmarks
ways to measure

Diversity management, suppliers and

Dodge Report

“Doing the right thing,” corporate culture and

Domino’s Pizza

Dr. Oz Show

DTE Energy

Duarte, Nance

Education sector. See Outcomes index

Efficiency, service excellence measurement and

Einstein, Albert

Emergency preparedness risk

Employees. See also Human capital index; Workforce happiness index

customer engagement and
human resource risk and
innovation and creativity of
predictive analytics and focus of
predictive analytics and retention of
service excellence and training of
sustainability efforts and
wellness and hiring

Energy productivity, sustainability index and

Engagement level, with suppliers

Engineer Research & Design Center (ERDC)

Enterprise excellence index

appropriate organizations for
cost and effort to measure
impact on performance
importance and benefits of information
targets and benchmarks
ways to measure

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) system

Enthusiasm, corporate culture and

Environment of workplace, innovation and creativity and. See also Corporate wellness index

Environmental responsibility. See Sustainability index



Ethics. See Corporate citizenship index


Express Scripts

External factors index

appropriate organizations for
cost and effort to measure
impact on performance
importance and benefits of information
targets and benchmarks
ways to measure

External image, sustainability and


Federal Highway Administration


Feedback, from customers. See Social network index

FICO score, as example of predictor metric

Financial disasters. See Risk index

Fish (Lundin, Paul, and Christensen)


Florida Department of Revenue

Forbes magazine

Ford, Henry

Ford Motor Company

Forecasting. See Opportunity management index

Formula metrics, analytic metrics contrasted

Fortune magazine


Franklin Covey

Friends, happiness and

Game playing with numbers, minimizing of


General Mills

Genetics, corporate wellness and

GOCO (government owned, contractor operated) organizations

Good performance metrics, avoiding wasting time on


Government accountability. See Outcomes index

Grand Hyatt Hotel, New York

Great Place to Work Institute

Green Index, of Santa Clara Valley Water District, in California

Hansen, Dr. Lance


Happiness. See Workforce happiness index

Harvard Business School

Health. See Corporate wellness index

Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS)

Healthcare sector. See Outcomes index

Henry Ford Hospital


HHI Healthcare Solutions

Home Depot

Hopkins Printing

Hospital rage index

“How’s it going? data


Human capital index

appropriate organizations for
cost and effort to measure
impact on performance
importance and benefits of information
targets and benchmarks
ways to measure
worthless metrics

Human resource risk



Image of company, American index and

Independent Practice Association (IPA)

Indiana University

Individual development plans (IDPs), as worthless metric

Influence scores, customer engagement index and

In-house health and wellness centers

Innovation, corporate culture and

Innovation index

appropriate organizations for
cost and effort to measure
impact on performance
importance and benefits of information
targets and benchmarks
ways to measure
worthless metrics

Input metrics:

enterprise excellence and
measuring innovation and

Intellectual capital risk

Inter-American Development Bank

Internal values, sustainability and

Jackson Hole Wyoming airport

Jet Blue


American index and
distraction index and

Jobs, Steve

Johnson & Johnson

Joyce, William

Just Say No to Drugs program

Kaplan, Robert

Key Performance Indicators (Marr)

Klout scores

Knowledge and skills:

corporate citizenship index
corporate culture index
corporate wellness index
enterprise excellence index
human capital index
risk index

Kriegel, Robert

Lagging indicators:

predictive analytics contrasted
uses of

Leading indicators:

sustainability and
uses of

Leads. See Opportunity management index

Lean metrics, enterprise excellence and

Legal risk

Long Beach Unified School District, California

Los Angeles, California:

Community Development Department
Fire Department


customer engagement and
customer rage and
customer satisfaction and

Lundin, Stephen

Manhattan Beach School System, California

Market Psych

Marr, Bernard

Marriage, happiness and


“Matrimonial Index,” customer engagement and

McDonald’s, as customer

MD Anderson Cancer Center

Midwest Express

MIT Sloan Management Review

Motel 6

Namaste Solar

Nationwide Insurance

Natural disasters. See Risk index


Net Promoter Score (NPS), weaknesses of

Network score variable, in social influence score

Nohria, Nitin

Northrup Grumman

Norton, David

One-question surveys. See Net Promoter Score (NPS), weaknesses of

Ongoing performance measurement, versus studies

Openness, corporate culture and

Operational analytics. See Enterprise excellence index; External factors index; Innovation index; Opportunity management index; Product management index; Risk index; Supply chain index; Sustainability index

Operational metrics, service excellence and

Opportunities, improving with predictive analytics

Opportunity management index

appropriate organizations for
cost and effort to measure
impact on performance
importance and benefits of information
targets and benchmarks
ways to measure

Orders, opportunity measurement and

OSV (opportunity strategic value)

Outcome metrics:

in combinations
corporate citizenship and
enterprise excellence and
measuring innovation and
sustainability and

Outcomes index

appropriate organizations for
cost and effort to measure
impact on performance
importance and benefits of information
targets and benchmarks
ways to measure

Output metrics:

in combinations
corporate citizenship index
enterprise excellence and
measuring innovation and
sustainability and

Outsourcing of jobs. See American index

Owens Corning

Palomar Health

Partner metrics, sustainability and

Past-focused metrics. See Lagging indicators


Paul, Harry

People analytics. See Corporate wellness index; Culture index; Distraction index; Human capital index; Workforce happiness index

PeopleSoft conversion


corporate citizenship index
corporate culture index
corporate wellness and

Personal relationships, customer engagement index and

Pets, happiness and


Pike Place Fish Market

Pitches, opportunity measurement and

Policies, corporate citizenship index and

Position in organization, human capital index and

Predictive analytics

formula and singular metrics contrasted
myths and facts about
past-focused analytics contrasted
studies versus ongoing measurement
superiority to individual metrics
time perspectives and
uses of

Probability, opportunity measurement and

Procedures, corporate citizenship index

Process metrics:

in combinations
enterprise excellence and
innovation and creativity and
measuring innovation and
project management measurement and
of suppliers
sustainability and


corporate citizenship index and
liability risk and
predictive analytics and differentiation of
quality of and customer engagement index
sustainability and

Profits, corporate citizenship index

Programs of company:

corporate citizenship index
distraction index

Project management index

appropriate organizations for
cost and effort to measure
impact on performance
importance and benefits of information
targets and benchmarks
ways to measure

Projections, improving with predictive analytics

Proposals, opportunity measurement and

Prospects. See Opportunity management index


corporate citizenship and
corporate culture and
corporate wellness and
customer engagement and
external factors and
service excellence and
workforce happiness and


Ready Rating system, for emergency preparedness

Recovery, from service problems, service excellence measurement and

Red Cross, Ready Rating system for emergency preparedness


human capital index and
supply chain index and

Request for proposals (RFPs)

Request for quotations (RFQs)

Resource allocation, corporate culture index

Respect, corporate culture and

Revenue, customer rage and

Risk index

appropriate organizations for
cost and effort to measure
impact on performance
importance and benefits of information
ways to measure

Risk management:

number of suppliers and
predictive analytics and
project management measurement and

Roberson, Bruce


Santa Clara Valley Water District, Green Index of

Savannah River Department of Energy site

Schedules, project management measurement and

Self-service options, service excellence and

Service excellence index

appropriate organizations for
cost and effort to measure
impact on performance
importance and benefits of information
poor ways to measure
targets and benchmarks
ways to measure

Service level agreements (SLAs), with suppliers

Service liability risk

Service quality, customer engagement index and

Shades of Gray course, corporate citizenship index

Share of wallet, customer engagement index and

Simplicity, corporate culture and

Singular metrics:

analytic metrics contrasted
weakness in project management

Six Sigma metrics, enterprise excellence and

Smoking policies

Social media, workforce happiness and

Social network index

appropriate organizations for
cost and effort to measure
customer rage and
impact on performance
importance and benefits of information
targets and benchmarks
ways to measure


Southcentral Foundation

Southwest Airlines

Spirituality, happiness and

Stewart, Emma

Studies, ongoing performance measurement versus

Suggestive selling, predictive analytics and


American index and
customer engagement index and cost of switching
customer engagement index and value of alternatives
supply chain risk and

Supply chain index

appropriate organizations for
cost and effort to measure
impact on performance
importance and benefits of information
targets and benchmarks
ways to measure

Surveys. See also Net Promoter Score (NPS), weaknesses of

corporate culture and
customer rage and
service excellence and
workforce happiness and

Sustainability index

appropriate organizations for
cost and effort to measure
impact on performance
importance and benefits of information
targets and benchmarks
ways to measure


Targeted marketing, predictive analytics and

Taxes, American index and

Technical knowledge, human capital index and

Thomson Reuters



Total quality management (TQM) movement

Tough policies, as approach to wellness


Trader Joe’s

Training hours, as worthless metric

Traits of employees, human capital index and

Trip Advisor

Triple bottom line (TBL)

True reach variable, in social influence score



United Airlines

“United Breaks Guitars” YouTube video

U.S. Navy Aircraft Carrier Maintenance Team One

Values, corporate citizenship index. See also Culture index

Verbal data, weakness in project management

“Voice of the customer” research

Volunteerism, corporate culture and

Wages, American index and


sustainability efforts of

Waste productivity, sustainability index and

Water productivity, sustainability index and

Welch, Jack

Wellness. See Corporate wellness index

What Really Works: The 4+2 Formula for Sustained Business Success (Joyce, Nohria, and Roberson)

Whole Foods

Wilson, Stan

Workforce happiness index

appropriate organizations for
cost and effort to measure
culture of fun and
elements of happiness
impact on performance
importance and benefits of information
poor ways to measure
targets and benchmarks
ways to measure


Younger Brothers Construction




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