
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” and “t” indicate figures and tables respectively.
neural network algorithm, 205–207, 206f–207f
time series algorithm, 205
Alternating current/direct current (AC/DC) system, 310–311
Annual distribution, 24, 25f–26f
Artificial neural network (ANN), 205–206
Autocorrelation function (ACF), 192
Autoregressive moving average (ARMA) model, 187
Central China Grid
future power demand, 244
power generation resources in, 243–244
power transmission efficiency from Gansu, 244
cost allocation policy, 269–270
power market ancillary service policy
implementation of, 271–273, 272t
present situation of, 270–271
reference value to
economic incentive policies, 265
integration management/testing and certification system, 265
making and strictly implementing plans, 265
market-based dispatching management, 266
power sources, structure and characteristics of, 265–266
strengthening power grid construction, 266
wind power feed-in tariff policy, 268–269
wind power integration policy, 267–268
wind power integration subsidy policy, 269
wind power market accommodation policy, 268
Daily distribution, 24, 26f
Demand response
concept and main content, 228–229
implementation principles, 229
operation, 228
operators, 229
present development situation of, 229–230, 231t
problems in, 232
Direct drive permanent magnet synchronous generator (D-PMSG), 63, 66–67
electrical part, 65
frequency converters, 67
mechanical part, 65
Disturbance stability analysis, 128
characteristic values analysis, 128
characteristic vectors analysis, 128
damping judgment criteria, 128
not integrated with Xinjiang, 129–132, 129f, 130t, 131f
participation factors analysis, 128
serial compensating capacitors/controllable HV reactors and integrated with Xinjiang, 134–137, 134t, 135f, 136t–137t
transmit out 1000 MW from Xinjiang, integrated with Xinjiang to, 132–134, 132f, 133t
Domestic supporting policy demand
integration/acquisition and accommodation policy demand, 275
power market ancillary service policy demand, 276
price and cost allocation policy demand, 275
Double-fed induction generators (DFIG), 58
excitation control systems, 61–63, 62f
generators and converters, 59–61, 61f
pitch control system models, 63, 64f, 64t
short-circuit current characteristics, 108–113
crowbar enabled, 110, 110t, 111f
crowbar not enabled, 110–113, 111f–112f
rotor overcurrent protection crowbar, 109–110, 109f
wind turbines, 59
Energy base direct transmission cost analysis
transmission cost sensitivity analysis, 253–254, 253t–254t
wind power transmission cost, 252–253
Energy base nondirect transmission cost analysis, 254–256
Energy storage technologies, 221–227
compressed air energy storage, 222
flywheel energy storage, 222
improving power grid peak-valley regulation, 226
improving power grid power quality, 227, 227f
lead-acid cell, 223
liquid flow battery, 223
lithium-ion battery, 223
nickel-cadmium cell, 223
pumped storage, 221–222
sodium-sulfur cell, 222
supercapacitor, 224
superconducting energy storage, 224–226, 225t, 226f
Establish renewable portfolio standard
impact, 278–279
rough ideas about, 277–278
system foundation for, 277
wind power integration technical standard system, 280
Evaluation software, wind power accommodation capability
case analysis, 100–106
core algorithm, 93
design process, 92f
PSD-BPA platform, 93
quantitative evaluation, 91–93
steps, 90–93
functions, 93–94
performance, 94–95
uses of, 95
integrated environment, 95–96
menu and toolbars, 96
work steps, 96–100
Algorithm, See Algorithm
overall composition, 201–202, 202f
theories and application basis, 202, 203f
wind network, development of, 203–204, 204f
Extreme wind speed probability, 24, 24t
Fixed speed induction generators (FSIG), 55, 55f
asynchronous generators, 57–58
pitch control systems, 58
short-circuit current characteristics of, 107–108, 108f
wind turbines, 56–57
Flexible alternative current transmission system (FACTS), 151–179
automatic reactive voltage control technologies, 151–153
control effect, comparisons and analysis on, 158–167, 159f, 159t, 161f, 161t–162t
long-time robust control strategy, parameter setting for, 158
short-time fine-control strategy, parameter setting for, 158–163
control effect simulation, 163–167, 163t–164t, 165f, 165t, 166f–168f
control strategies, selection of, 177–179
real-time reactive power optimization, 177–179
voltage-reactive power optimization algorithm, 177
coordination and control principles of, 155
system stability, SVC action delay variation on, 170, 170t, 171f
system stability, SVC gain variation on, 171–173, 172t, 173f, 173t, 174f
transient status, dynamic reactive power compensator model in, 169–170, 169f
function positioning of, 155, 156t, 157f
Hexi transmission channel, automatic voltage control system for, 153–154
long-time robustness control strategy, 155–157
short-time fine-control strategy of, 158
Fluctuation, 26–27, 26f
Frechet distribution, 22
Gansu Power Grid, 116–117, 215–216
direct supply generator systems and captive power plants, 216
hydropower peak-valley regulation capability, 215–216
load characteristics of
annual load characteristics, 244
daily load characteristics, 245
energy base direct transmission cost analysis, 252–254
thermal power generator systems, management of, 215
wind power dispatching technical level, 216
integrated to, 116, 117t
not integrated to, 116–117, 117t
Green electricity consumption
market positioning, 286
price, 287
product design, 286–287
product marketing, 287
supporting policies of, 287–288
voluntary purchase, 286
Grid-friendly new energy power generation, 309
Grid protection
wind farms
harmonic generated impact of, 122–124, 122f
short-circuit current impact of, 120–122, 120f–122f
wind turbine generators (WTGs), See Wind turbine generators (WTGs)
Gumbel distribution, 22
Hexi transmission channel
FACTS-based automatic voltage control of, 151–179
automatic reactive voltage control technologies application, 151–153
FACTS equipment, coordination control of, 154–167
primary framework of, 153–154, 154f
High energy power load
direct power purchase mode, 285–286
integration mode, 285
nonintegration mode, 285
operation mode, 284
International policy
accommodation, current situation of, 257–259
Denmark, 258
Germany, 258
Spain, 258–259
United States, 257
China, reference value to
economic incentive policies, 265
integration management/testing and certification system, 265
making and strictly implementing plans, 265
market-based dispatching management, 266
power sources, structure and characteristics of, 265–266
strengthening power grid construction, 266
domestic supporting policy demand
integration/acquisition and accommodation policy demand, 275
power market ancillary service policy demand, 276
price and cost allocation policy demand, 275
forecasting and ancillary service cost allocation policy
forecasting and ancillary service cost allocation policy, 264
output forecasting-related feed-in tariff policy, 264–265
wind power acquisition policy, 259–260
wind power integration policy, 259
wind power market accommodation policy, 260
wind power price and cost allocation policy
wind power feed-in tariff policy, See Wind power feed-in tariff policy
wind power integration cost payment policy, See Wind power integration cost payment policy
Jiuquan Wind Power Base
advantages and characteristics, 7–8
extreme wind speed distribution, 22–24
first phase project collection and transmission
first phase project Var compensation, 10, 12f
second phase project power transmission planning, 10, 11f
wind power generation output probability distribution, 11–12, 13f
wind power generation output time distribution, 11–12, 13f
wind power project planning, 8, 9f
wind power transmission capability
integration capability, 74–76
integration capacity, 76–79
LVRT capability, 81–82
transmission plan, 73–74
WTGs, constant voltage control mode, 82
Xinjiang and Northwest Grid, 79–81
wind speed probability distribution, 19–22, 21f, 21t
10 GW Jiuquan Wind Power Base, 304
Large-scale wind power development
challenges, 12
large-scale wind power operation control, 16
peak-valley regulation and frequency control, 14
power accommodation, 14–15
power transmission capacity, 13
system stability, 15–16
characteristics, 6
large-scale wind power base planning and construction, 8, 9f
large-scale wind power grid connection and transmission, 8–10, 10f–12f
operation, 10–12
wind power resources and development conditions, 6–8, 7f
mode, choice of, 6
Large-scale wind power transmission
ancillary service capacity demand estimation
automatic generation control service estimation, 241–242
peak-valley regulation service estimation, 243
spinning reserve estimation, 242
Gansu Power Grid’s wind power accommodation capacity
internal balance, estimation based on, 235
transprovincial and transregional optimized configuration, estimation based on, 235–237
Gansu power transmission mode, 238–241
large-scale wind power/photovoltaic power/thermal power and hydropower, 240–241
technical barriers to wind power transmission with direct current (DC) transmission lines, 239–240
Gansu power transmission scale, 238
grid’s wind power accommodation capacity
Northwest China, 238
market and cost
load characteristic analysis, See Load characteristic analysis
target market demand analysis, 243–244
Load characteristic analysis
decision-making about transmission, 252
energy base to receiving end area, load transmitted directly from, 246–252, 247f
Gansu Power Grid, load characteristics of
annual load characteristics, 244
daily load characteristics, 245
energy base direct transmission cost analysis, 252–254
transmission load, characteristics of, 245–246
wind power bases, transmission load in, 248–250
Long-distance transmission
Gansu Wind Power, 297–298
East China/Central China and North China, 300–301
integrating large-scale wind power, 298
new transmission lines, 298
Northwest China, 299–300
price policy for, 298–299
regional power grids, transmitting wind power between, 298
Low voltage ride-through (LVRT) capability, 54, 54f
National Centers for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), 194
National Centers for Environment Prediction (NCEP), 194
National energy strategy, 305–306
National new energy development policy system construction, 305–306
Numerical weather forecast (NWF), 189–191, 190f, 191t
data analysis and processing for, 194, 194f
Onshore wind power, 3–4
On-site supporting
coal-fired thermal power generator system, 214–215
gas turbine, 215
pumped storage, 213–214, 214t
q-Order moving mean model, 205
Partial autocorrelation function (PCF), 192
Peak-valley regulation, 306–307
bilateral (multilateral) cogeneration and centralized competitive ancillary service market, 290–291
demand side management, 290
Northwest China, hydropower and thermal power in, 290
power grid ancillary service assessment and compensation system, integrate wind power into, 289–290
transmitting end and the receiving end, transregional at, 290
Peak-valley regulation/frequency control demand
construct/strengthen the uses, 213–217
Gansu Power Grid, 215–216
Northwest China Grid, 216–217
on-site supporting, 213–215
transregional peak-valley regulation power sources, 217
demand response, See Demand response
energy storage technologies, 221–227
compressed air energy storage, 222
flywheel energy storage, 222
improving power grid peak-valley regulation, 226
improving power grid power quality, 227, 227f
lead-acid cell, 223
liquid flow battery, 223
lithium-ion battery, 223
nickel-cadmium cell, 223
pumped storage, 221–222
sodium-sulfur cell, 222
supercapacitor, 224
superconducting energy storage, 224–226, 225t, 226f
reducing, 211–213
strengthen forecasting system construction and improve forecasting accuracy, 212
wind farm preparing, 212–213
wind turbines and strengthening wind farm monitoring and management, 211–212, 213f
regulate peak load and control frequency, use load to, 217–218
bear fluctuating power supply, 217
demand side management (DSM), 218
thermal power generator system
in-depth peak-valley regulation, 218–219
rapid peak-valley regulation technology of, 219–221, 220f–221f
Physical prediction model, 194–198, 196f
landform variation model, 197–198, 198f
roughness variation model, 195–197, 196f
Power dispatch technology
dispatch mechanism and control strategy, 179–182
global dispatch mechanism and control strategy, 181–182
integration management and operation management of, 182
wind power
dispatch plan modes, 180
maximum active power output mode, 180–181
Power grid transmission channel construction
Gansu/Northwest China
improve wind power receiving capacity, 295
synchronous wind farm integration and collection projects, 294
UHV DC transregional power transmission channels, 295
Power market ancillary service policy
implementation of, 271–273, 272t
ancillary service capability standard, 272, 273t
ancillary service compensation principle, 273, 274t
compensation funds, source of, 273, 274t
detailed rules, applicable scope of, 271, 272t
present situation of, 270–271
Power source
construction speed and layout, 292
Northwest China, hydropower development in, 293
pumped-storage power stations and gas power plants, 293
West China, thermal power base construction in, 293–294
Power system dispatching policy
extreme conditions, reasonably curtail marginal wind power in, 283
power system, peak-valley regulation-oriented ancillary services of, 281–282
promoting wind power accommodation, 280–281
strengthen adjustable power sources and transregional power grid construction, 283
wind power forecasting system, 281
wind power integration technical performance, rewarding and punishment policy based on, 283–284
Probability density function, 19
Probability distribution, 28–31
Ramp rate, 27
Real-time reactive power optimization
neural network control system, 177–178, 178f
plant/substation level, control system at, 178–179
Renewable energy fund policy, 305
Renewable energy quota policy, 305
Short-term prediction models for
analysis and processing, 191–192, 192f–193f
numerical weather forecast, data analysis and processing for, 194, 194f
physical prediction model, 194–198, 196f
statistical prediction model, 198–201, 200f
Smart Grid Construction, 307
Stability, power system
disturbance stability analysis, 128
characteristic values analysis, 128
characteristic vectors analysis, 128
damping judgment criteria, 128
not integrated with Xinjiang, 129–132, 129f, 130t, 131f
participation factors analysis, 128
serial compensating capacitors/controllable HV reactors and integrated with Xinjiang, 134–137, 134t, 135f, 136t–137t
transmit out 1000 MW from Xinjiang, integrated with Xinjiang to, 132–134, 132f, 133t
grid frequency stability, wind power integration on, 126–127
grid voltage, wind power integration on, 124–125
synchronous grid power angle, wind power integration on, 125–126
DFIGs, mechanical torque characteristics of, 125–126, 125f
flywheel effect, 126
rotor field current, control of, 126
system small disturbance stability (Jiuquan Region), wind power integration on, 127
Static Var compensation/generation (SVC/SVG) devices, 10
Statistical prediction model
check and modification, 201
model identification, 199
model order determination, 199, 200t
parameter estimation, 200–201
Support vector machine (SVM), 189
System voltage stability, prevention and control measures on, 142–145, 142f–143f
Dunhuang Substation enabled, controllable HV reactor of, 142–143, 142f–143f
750 kV line, disintegration of, 143–145, 144f
SVC in wind farm, regulation and control via, 145, 145f
Tap internal consumption potentials
load in stock, 291
supporting new loads, 291–292
Target market demand analysis
Central China Grid
future power demand, 244
power generation resources in, 243–244
power transmission efficiency from Gansu, 244
Transient status
constant voltage control, WTGs in, 176–177, 176t
dynamic reactive power compensator model, 169–170, 169f
system stability, controllable HV reactor parameter variation on, 174–177, 175f–176f
Transprovincial/transregional optimized configuration, estimation based on
boundary conditions, 235–237, 236t
wind power accommodation capacity, 237, 237t
Transprovincial/transregional transmission
market accommodation approaches and security mechanisms, 295–297
interprovincial negotiations, short-term power transmission mode with, 296–297
Qinghai and Central China Grid, transmitting power mainly to, 296
regional power market autonomous trading system, 297
renewable portfolio standard, 297
Transregional wind power accommodation, 304
Weather research forecast (WRF), 194
Weibull distribution, 19, 20f, 22
Wind farms, 55, 69f
DFIG modeling, 58–63
D-PMSG modeling, 63–67, 65f
FSIGs modeling, 55–58, 55f
internal electrical wiring, 85–89
photovoltaic plant cluster control system, 308
short-term prediction models for
analysis and processing, 191–192, 192f–193f
numerical weather forecast, data analysis and processing for, 194, 194f
physical prediction model, 194–198, 196f
statistical prediction model, 198–201, 200f
single WTG and the pad-mounted transformer, 68
wiring method, 69–70
Wind power accommodation capability, 90
Wind power cost allocation policy, 264
Wind power development
in China, 4–6, 5f
in foreign countries, 3–4
Wind power feed-in tariff policy
electricity price subsidy policy, 262
fixed electricity price policy, 260–261, 260t–261t
negative electricity price policy, 262
premium policy, 261–262
quota price policy, 262
Wind power generation
annual distribution, 24, 25f–26f
complementarity, short time scale, 37–38
wind farm clusters and Jiuquan Wind Power Base, 38–39
wind measurement data, 39–41
correlation, long-time scale
one wind farm cluster and between wind farm clusters, 32–35
timescale, 31–32, 31f
wind farm cluster and Jiuquan Wind Power Base, 35–36
daily distribution, 24, 26f
fluctuation, 26–27, 26f
probability distribution, 28–31
ramp rate, 27
randomness, 27, 28f–29f
upstream and downstream relationship
wind farms, 47–49
wind power resources, 41–44
Wind power integration cost payment policy, 262–264
Denmark, 263
European Union, 263
Germany, 263
Spain, 263
United States, 264
Wind power integration technical standard system, 280
Wind power prediction system
algorithm, See Algorithm
overall composition, 201–202, 202f
theories and application basis, 202, 203f
wind network, development of, 203–204, 204f
functional requirements of, 186–187
classification, 187–189, 188f
numerical weather forecast, 189–191, 190f, 191t
selection of, 189
objectives and significance, 185–186
pilot applications of, 207–208
wind farms, short-term prediction models for
analysis and processing, 191–192, 192f–193f
numerical weather forecast, data analysis and processing for, 194, 194f
physical prediction model, 194–198, 196f
statistical prediction model, 198–201, 200f
Wind power project construction management, 279
Wind power transmission capability
evaluation software
case analysis, 100–106
core algorithm, 93
design process, 90–93
functions, 93–94
performance, 94–95
uses of, 95–100
Jiuquan Wind Power Base, Gansu, 2010
integration capability, 74–79
LVRT capability, 81–82
transmission plan, 73–74
WTGs, constant voltage control mode, 82
Xinjiang and Northwest Grid, 79–81
reactive voltage characteristics, 85–89
internal electrical wiring, 85–86
simple systems, 85
wind power integration
multiple and detailed models, 71–72
simple systems, 70, 70f, 70t
wind turbine generators
grid voltage, 53–54
LVRT capability, 54, 54f
relay protection and security automation devices, 54
system frequency, 54
voltage and power factor, 53
and wind farms, 55–70
Wind turbine generators (WTGs)
constant voltage control mode, 82
grid stability, large-scale disintegrations on
grid frequency characteristics, 141, 141f
grid voltage characteristics, 137–138, 137t, 138f–140f
system frequency stability, prevention and control measures on, 146–148, 147t, 148f
system voltage stability, prevention and control measures on, 142–145, 142f–143f
grid voltage, 53–54
LVRT capability, 54, 54f
power dispatch technology
dispatch mechanism and control strategy, 179–182
global dispatch mechanism and control strategy, 181–182
integration management and operation management of, 182
wind power dispatch plan modes, 180
wind power maximum active power output mode, 180–181
protection devices, analysis of, 117–120, 118f
current quick-break protection, 118
directional power protection, 120
low/high-frequency protection, 119
low/high-voltage protection, 119
overcurrent protection, 119–120
zero-sequence overcurrent protection, 118–119
zero-sequence overvoltage protection, 119
relay protection and security automation devices, 54
short-circuit current, characteristics of
system frequency, 54
voltage and power factor, 53
wind farm and the grid, coordination between, 182–184
and wind farms, 55
DFIG modeling, 58–63
D-PMSG modeling, 63–67, 65f
FSIGs modeling, 55–58, 55f
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