
ABCDE model (Seligman), 49–50

action, symbolic, 39–40

activity, vs. results, 23

adversity, and opportunity, 57, 59

aikido, conflict resolution principles, 222–225

airline, customer service issues, 41

Alfa Foxtrot 586, 135

Alive, 56–57

Allied Signal, 29

American General Life Insurance, 35

American International Group (AIG), 35–36

American POWs in North Vietnam, 85

Amundsen, Roald, 4, 190

historians’ view, 191

leadership practices, 194

amygdala, 179

anger, 111–119

releasing in small doses, 116

Antarctica, xvii

exploration race, 190–191

terrain, 3

anxiety, 20, 31

conflict and, 110

outlets for, 73–74

apologies, Shackleton’s willingness to offer, 101–102

appearances, 23

Arbuzov, Alexandr Alexeevich, 138

arrogance, 181

assessment taxonomy, for employee skills, 152

Avianca Airlines Flight 52 crash, 84–85

awards, for employees, 131–132

awareness, developing expanded, 222–223


in art of thriving, 187

cultivating, 223–224

Ball, John, 137

banking crisis, 36

Barber, Skip, 224

Bartlett, Robert, 24, 111, 130–131

Belgian Antarctic expedition, 114

Belgica, 114

Benmosche, Robert, 35

Bethune, Gordon, 22

Blackborow (stowaway on Endurance), 4–5, 54, 129–130

blending, 224

Bossidy, Larry, 29

Brenneman, Greg, 22

British Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition, xvii

British Trans-Antarctic Expedition of 1957–58, 97

Brooner, James, 137

Browning, Robert, “Prospice,” 47

Burke, James, 21–22

burnout, 186

“business as usual” tactic, 28

Callahan, Steven, 156–160

calmness, 34

Campbell, “Wild Bill,” 43, 44

Canadian Arctic Expedition of 1913, 24

Caputo, Phil, A Rumor of War, 43

carelessness, 141

Carlson, Natalie, 103–104

caste system, on Scott’s expedition, 99

celebration, 127–132

atmosphere of, 128–132

to recognize employees, 131–132

CEOs, 61

and company transition, 91

ceremonies, importance of, 130

Champions of Change (Nadler), 181

change, long-term goals and, 18–19

Chinese army in Korea, 59–60

Chinese character for crisis, 57, 58

interpretation, 237n17

Clark, Robert, 106

coach, 74

codification, 181


maintaining bonds, 84–89

team needs, 87

compass, broken glass, 161

complacency, 181

complexity, 181

confidence, 76

conflict, 110–126

avoiding escalating, 124

close quarters and, 120

uncovering, 217–220

conflict management, on Endurance, 114–115

conflict resolution, martial arts lessons, 221–225

conservatism, 182

contact with others, 85

Continental Airlines, 22–23

contrary points of view, refusal to hear, 62

convoy in Vietnam, 146

coral snake story, 156

core values of teams, 96–109

courtesy, 104–108

Crean (Endurance crew), South Georgia overland journey, 162–165

creativity, 155–171

of teams, 160–171

crew of Endurance, 4–5

Shackleton’s selection, 80

crisis, Chinese character for, 57, 58

crisis management, 22

Critical Leadership Skills Survey, 203, 205–211

cyanide, in Tylenol capsules, 21–22

Dalton, John, 134, 177

Darwin, Charles, Origin of Species, 47

Davis, Miles, 188

deadlines, 71

decision making, 76

physical health and, 185

Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, 87–89

denial by leadership, 61

Denial: Why Leaders Fail to Look Facts in the Face (Tedlow), 61–62

Diermeier, Daniel, Reputation Rules, 77

Discovery expedition, 99–100

dissidents, engaging, 120–123

distractions, engaging, 29–31

Donner party, 113–114

downtime, scheduling, 71–72

egalitarian spirit, 100

electronic media, and human communication, 87

Elephant Island, 129

boat voyage to, 41–43

landing on, 142

Eliot, George, 175

Elliott, Milt, 113

emotional triggers, 222


communicating with, 88

skills assessment taxonomy, 152

wellness programs for, 69–70

Endurance, xvii, xxii–xxiii

conflict management on, 114–115

crew, 4–5, 80

destruction, 7

impact of destruction on crew morale, 33

polar travel and, 5

ship “party,” 50

see also Shackleton expedition

Endurance (Lansing), 1

energy, 64, 65

negative, 30

engaging distractions, 29–31

Everest expedition in 1996, 70, 81–82

exceptional leadership, xx

exercise, and stamina, 185

expectations, 165–166

on leaders and health, 69

expedition log

on celebration and laughter, 139

on conflict, 125–126

on core team values, 108–109

on creativity, 171

on optimism, 63

on risk, 153

on stamina, 77–78

on symbolism, 45

on teams, 94–95

on vision, 31

experiential learning, xx

failure, and success, 195–199

family systems theory, 118

fear, 36, 53

coming to terms with, 179–180

responses to, 180

feelings, finding outlets for, 72–74

Ferrar, Hartley, 100

financial institution, 83

Fischer, Scott, 70–71


internal, 181

of polar explorers, 192

food supply, 142–143

distribution, 101

Ford, Henry, 50

Fortin, Mary Jane, 35–38

Fortune, 61, 62, 79

Fox, Charlotte, 71

Freiberg, Kevin and Jackie, Nuts! Southwest Airlines’ Crazy Recipe for Business and Personal Success, 138

From the Ground Up (Lawler), 102

Fuchs, Vivian, 97

Gibbons, Matt, 136, 137

Gleeson, Bill, 147, 150


danger of ignoring all but, 71

focus on, 17–31

Goizueta, Roberto, 180

gold, 40

“golden bridge,” 124–125

Goldwyn, Samuel Jr., 62

Greenstreet, Lionel, 39, 51, 61, 104, 106, 141

and laughter, 133

Grigsby, Jerry, 135

Grove, Andy, 19

Grytviken, South Georgia, 5

guilt, letting go of, 74–77

Haas, Robert, 62–63

Harten, Patrick, 167

health of leaders, 65–70

Hemmer, Gary, 137

hierarchy, 102

Royal Navy reliance on, 98

Hillary, Edmund, 189

hiring, “optimism quotient” and, 56

Hoff, Ted, 151, 153

Honeywell, 29

Houghton Tower, 99

human endurance, limits, xviii

humor, 132–139, 223

Huntford, Roland, 66, 110

The Last Place on Earth, 97–98

Hurley, Frank, 28, 42, 121

creativity of, 161

hurt feelings, immediate attention to, 121

Hyams, Joe, Zen in the Martial Arts, 179

IBM, 151, 152–153

The Ice (Pyne), 3

Identifying Hidden Conflicts: Conducting a Moose Round-Up, 203, 217–220

Imhof, Joan, 84–85

Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition, 1–13

see also Shackleton expedition

incompetence, cultivating poised, 175–178

India Company, 146

individual, vs. team, 24

individualism, reward structure and, 83

information, as power, 91

innovation, leaders’ openness to, 192–193

insulting behavior, 108

Intel, 19

internal focus, 181

Into Thin Air (Krakauer), 70

James, Reginald, 8, 80, 121

James Caird, 10, 143–146

Janusian thinking, 62

Johnson, Richard, 169–170

Johnson & Johnson, 21–22

Corporate Credo, 83

journal, 74

Junkins, Jerry, 69

Karluk, 24, 111

rescue of surviving members, 113

sinking, 130–131

trapped by ice, xvii

Kataktovik (Eskimo guide), 111

Kelleher, Herb, 56, 138

Kennedy, John F., 138

“killing zone,” 149

Korean War, 59

Chinese army in, 59–60

Krakauer, Jon, 81–82

Into Thin Air, 70

Kroc, Ray, 44

Krulak, Chuck, 177

Laffer, Arthur, 36

Lansing, Alfred, 106

Endurance, 1

The Last Place on Earth (Huntford), 97–98

laughter, 127, 132–139

Lawler, Ed, From the Ground Up, 102


academic theories on, xxi

belief in abilities, 48

in conflict resolution, 224–225

denial by, 61

health of, 65–70

qualities of exceptional, 189–199

response to challenging personalities, 122

strategies list, xxiii

support from others, 73

visibility of, 32, 43–44

leadership expedition map, 216

Leading at The Edge concept, origins, xix–xxii

learned optimism, 49


disabled, 182

environment supporting, 181–182

experiential, xx

learning to lead, 175–188

plateau in process, 178–179

Leonard, George, 178

Levi Strauss & Company, 62–63

limits, awareness of, 70

MacArthur, Douglas, 59

MacDonald, Randy, 151–153

Macklin (Endurance crew), 106, 129, 141

march across ice, 123–124

Marine 1 Alpha, 170

mastery, 178

McCarthy, Timothy, 55

McDonald’s, 44

McIlroy, James, 129, 134

McKinlay (meteorologist), 112

McNeish (carpenter on Endurance), 4, 10, 121, 124

creativity of, 161

mutiny, 8

mementos of home, value to explorers, 40

Mette, Dennis, 138

military career, leadership and, xix

Miller, Harold “Butch,” 135

Millstein, Jim, 36

“Miracle on the Hudson,” 170

mistakes, willingness to admit, 103

Moore, Gordon, 19

Moose on the Table, 118–119

Moose Round-Up, conducting, 217–220

morale issues, 6

Morrison, David, The Profit Zone, 151

motivation, xx

Munro (Chief Engineer), 112

mutiny, 124

Nadler, David, Champions of Change, 181

Napoleon Solo, 156

negative energy, 30

new ideas, leaders’ openness to, 192–193

Nicolich, Gustavo, 57

Nixon, Richard, 138

no-profit zone, 151

North Vietnamese Army (NVA), 148, 149

Nuts! Southwest Airlines’ Crazy Recipe for Business and Personal Success (Freiberg and Freiberg), 138

Oates, Titus, 191

Ontos, 147

openness, by leaders, 52–53

opportunity, and adversity, 57, 59

optimism, 46–63, 165

cultivating in self, 47–50

leader sharing of, 52

as learned ability, 48–49

spreading spirit of, 50–53

“optimism quotient,” 53–56

Orde-Lees, Thomas, 9, 61, 106

disposition and conflict, 92–93

as pessimist, 54

and Royal Navy protocols, 100, 115

and Shackleton, 134

on Shackleton’s presence, 27

organizational dynamics, 118

Palmisano, Sam, 151

Patience Camp, 81, 105–106, 140

Patton, George, 48

Peary, Robert, 24

Performance Edge, xxii

performance problems, 92–94

persistence, 160

personal contact, 88–89

personal development plan, 212–215

physical health, thriving at, 185

Pitney Bowes, 69–70

Pittman, Sandy, 82

points of view, refusal to hear contrary, 62

Poses, Fred, 29

positive messages, in self-talk, 48–49


avoiding needless struggles, 123–125

information as, 91

privileges, minimizing, 97–104

The Profit Zone (Slywotzky and Morrison), 151

psychological momentum, importance of sustaining, 21

Puller, Lewis B., 59–60

purpose, and thriving, 186–187

Pyne, Stephen, The Ice, 3

Reagan, Ronald, 138

reality, grounding in, 60–63

Reed, John, 113

reframing tough situations, 56–60

relationships, thriving at, 184–185

relaxing, 187–188

renewal, thriving at, 186

rescue, hope of, 55

Resolving Conflicts: Lessons from the Martial Arts, 203

resources, distributing, 100

respect, 104–108

results, vs. activity, 23

retreat, providing avenue for, 125

reward structure, individualism and, 83

risk, 140–154

in doing nothing, 150–151

justified, 142–153

unnecessary chances, 141–142

in Vietnam, 146–150

risk assessment matrix, 154

Rizzo, John, 169–170

roles, selecting people for key, 55–56

Royal Navy, 98, 181

Rubber Ducky III, 156–160

need for repair, 157–159

Salzberg, Barry, 87–89

Satir, Virginia, 179

Scott, Robert Falcon, 4, 66, 181, 190–191

death, 191

decision-making style, 193

historians’ view, 191

lack of focus, 192

leadership style, 97–99

mistakes, 193

Shackleton’ relationship with, 114

self-absorption, 26

self-leadership, 156

self-sacrifice, 42

self-talk, 48, 223

Seligman, Martin, 49–50

sensitive issues, confronting, 117

Shackleton, Ernest, xvii, xxii, 127

caution of, 140, 141–142

characteristics, 140

dealing with fears, 72

death, 68

denial of health problems, 68

disagreement with Worsley, 102

emphasis on teamwork, 80–81

expedition, see Shakleton expedition

as explorer, 3–5

failed rescue attempts, 73

historians’ view, 191

illness, 66

leadership practices, 194

leading by action, 41

long-term goals, change, 18

management of crew, 92

men selected by, 55

monitoring crew’s condition, 66–67

nurturing behaviors, 105

personal responsibility, 89

private journal, 72–73

vs. Scott’s approach to leadership, 99–100

on ship’s loss, 50–51

South Georgia overland journey, 162–165

speech to crew, 34

success or failure, 195

values, 198

Shackleton expedition

beginning, 5–6

conflict management, 114–115

Directive Committee, 90

escape from ice, 9–10

across glaciers, 11

map, 13

Ocean Camp, 7–8

patience camp, 8–9

rescue, 11–12

Scotia Sea, 10–11

setting stage, 2–3

team creativity, 160–165

trapped by ice, 6–7

sharks, Callahan and, 159

Shepard, Garland, 137

short-term objectives, focus on, 17

Simpson, Joe, 74–75

Skiles, Jeff, 166, 170


developing, 177

survey, 205–211

Sklar, Scott, 103–104

sledge march, 21, 81

sleep, impact of loss, 64

sleeping bags, 100–101

Slywotzky, Adrian, The Profit Zone, 151

Snyder, John, 113

South Georgia

danger of sailing to, 143

overland journey, 162–165

sighting and landing, 145–146

Southwest Airlines, 56

speech, giving right, 33–39

Srlle, Thoralf, 165

stamina, 64–78

starvation risk, 10

status differences, minimizing, 97–104

Stefansson, Vilhjalmur, xvii, 24, 26

expedition abandoned by, 25

values, 197–198

Stern, Isaac, 183, 186

strategic objectives, 17

stress, 68

celebration to relieve, 127

structure to overcome uncertainty, 26–29


at The Edge, 83

and failure, 195–199

standards for judging, 197

“success syndrome,” 181

Sullenberger, Chesley B. “Sully,” 166–170

Sullivan, Tom, 169–170

“summit fever,” 70–72

superiority, sense of, 102

Survival Edge, xxi, 74

conflict and, 110

symbolism, 32–45

vivid, 39–41

systematization, 29

taboo team topics, 118

talents, leveraging, 92–94

“Tap Code,” 85–87

target fixation, 71

team message, 79–95

teams, 20–21, 79

communication needs of, 87

and conflict, 117

core values, 96–109

creativity of, 160–171

on edge of life and death, xviii

encouraging caring behavior, 107

focusing energy of, 26

vs. individual, 24

involvement in solution development, 89–91

leader communication with, 35

leaders and bonding, 194

leaders use of collective wisdom, 193–194

“optimism quotient,” 53–56

Shackleton and unity, 93

shared identity, 80–83

taboo topics, 118

Tedlow, Richard S., Denial: Why Leaders Fail to Look Facts in the Face, 61–62

Teterboro Airport, 168

Texas Instruments (TI), 68–69

Thoreau, Henry David, 150

“threat-rigidity” response, 221

thriving, practicing art of, 182–187

toga party, 135–138

TravelSmith, 103–104

trust, 89

strategy to regain, 77

Twain, Mark, 225

Tylenol capsules, cyanide in, 21–22

Ueshiba, Morihei, 187, 222

uncertainty, structure to overcome, 26–29

US Airways Flight 1549, 166–170

Values statements, 83

Vietnam, xx, 106–107

perspective on risk, 146–150

Vietnam War, 42–43

American POWs, 85

Vincent, John, 115, 121

visible leadership, 32, 43–44

vitality in life, 184

Wall Street Journal, 36

Waters, Beverly, 170

Weigee (Chinese character for crisis), 57, 58

wellness programs, for employees, 69–70

Welsh, Doreen, 169

Wild, Frank, 21

conflict management, 116

crew manners and, 106

left in charge, 11

optimism of, 53–54

Shackleton and, 4, 50, 72, 96

on Shackleton’s speech, 33–34

Wilson, Edward, 66

work, thriving at, 182–184

Workplace Management Initiative, 152–153

Worsley, Frank

in argument, 106

command of Endurance, 5, 27

on compass repair, 155

on crew fatigue, 64

disagreement with Shackleton, 102

on Endurance destruction, 7, 33

on sense of security, 28

on Shackleton, 46, 140

Shackleton and, 50, 72, 198

on Shackleton example of traveling light, 40

on Shackleton’s care for crew, 67

on Shackleton’s view of team, 79

South Georgia overland journey, 162–165

on Wild’s optimism, 54

Yates, Simon, 74–75

Your Leadership Expedition: A Personal Development Plan, 203, 212–215

Zen in the Martial Arts (Hyams), 179

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