Route attribute at the controller level

You will notice that, with the URL pattern for the action methods, Index and Index2, we repeat the controller name, Home, in both URL patterns, Home and Home/Index3. Instead of repeating the controller method name (or any common part in the URL) at the action method level, we can define it at the controller level.

In the following code, the common part of the URL (Home) is defined at the controller level and the unique part is defined at the action method level. When the URL pattern is getting mapped to the action methods of the controller, both route parts (at the controller level and at the action method level) are merged and matched. So there will be no difference between the routes defined earlier and those that follow.

If you want two parameters in attribute-based routing, you can pass them within curly braces. In the following example, we did this for the SayHello action method.

For example, the URL pattern http://localhost:49831/Home/Index3, will still get mapped to Index2 method of the Homecontroller:

namespace Validation.Controllers 
    public class HomeController : Controller 
        // GET: /<controller>/ 
        public IActionResult Index() 
            return Content("Index action method"); 
        public IActionResult Index2() 
            return Content("Index2 action method"); 
        public IActionResult SayHello(int id) 
            return Content("Say Hello action method"+id); 
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