
Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile-first projects on the web and you can access it at .


Bootstrap has many features that meet the various needs of a web application. It has different CSS classes for each of the HTML elements so that you can use it without touching any CSS code. However, if you wish to override it, you can do so.

Let us look at each of the features of Bootstrap in brief.

Bootstrap Grid system

The grid system in Bootstrap helps you to create a responsive layout for your application. This feature makes your application look great in all devices of different shapes including mobile devices.

Bootstrap provides a fluid grid system, which scales up to twelve columns as the device or viewport size increases. You can think of grid system as being like columns in an Excel sheet (like the one in the following screenshot):

Bootstrap Grid system

We can combine multiple columns to create a wider column. In the second row in the preceding screenshot, we have used a single column (using class .col-md-1) twelve times. In the third row, we are using a CSS class (.col-md-2) to create six wider columns instead of twelve shorter columns. Likewise, we are creating a lesser number of wider columns.


All form controls receive global styling when you use Bootstrap in your application. The following is one such example (the screenshot is taken from the Bootstrap site):


The following is the code for the preceding form. Related HTML elements are grouped together in the form. For example, the labels for the Email and Email address input text boxes are grouped together. The same is the case for Password and File input.


Inline forms

Inline forms are forms where all the form elements are on the same line (as shown in the following screenshot). We need to add the class form-inline to the form element.

Inline forms

Horizontal forms

In horizontal forms, we have each element group on a separate line; Email label, Email input on a line and Password label, Password input on a line (as shown in the following screenshot):

Horizontal forms

To apply the horizontal form styling, we just need to add the class form-horizontal as in the following code. Just like other forms, we need to group the related HTML elements together by applying the CSS class form-group:

Horizontal forms

Table CSS classes

For basic styling, add the base CSS class table to the table HTML element as shown in the following screenshot:

Table CSS classes

Striped tables

In a striped table, the background of alternate rows will be of the same color. In the following screenshot, the background color of the first row and third row are the same color. You can apply the table-striped class to apply the striped table behavior to the table HTML element.

Striped tables

Hover tables

When you move your mouse over any of the rows in the table, the background color of the row is changed. This hover behavior can be achieved by applying the CSS class table-hover along with the class table to the HTML table element.

Hover tables

Bordered tables

We can have a bordered table (as in the following screenshot), if we apply the CSS class table-bordered to the table element.

Bordered tables

Contextual classes in table

There are times when you want to highlight rows based on the data value. For example, if you are showing inventory data in tabular format, you might want to highlight the rows with a red background color for the items whose count is less than the stipulated count. In this case, you can apply a danger class to table rows to highlight them in a red color. There are different types of contextual class available for highlighting in different colors. You can apply these classes to individual cells instead of the complete rows.

Contextual classes in table


There are different styling options available for making buttons appear in different colors. For all the buttons, the base button class btn has to be applied:


The btn-primary button class is used to highlight the button in blue whereas the btn-success button class highlights the button in green. In the preceding screenshot, different options for styling the button are shown.

Button sizes

You can change the size of the button according to your needs. The btn-lg class can be applied to a large button and the btn-sm class can be applied to buttons to make them appear small. The following are the different options available to control the size of the button.

Button sizes

Contextual colors

Based on the context, you might want to change the color of the text. For example, you might want to make the text appear in green if the previous operation is successful. For an unsuccessful operation, you might want to show the error message in a red. In such scenarios, you might use this helper CSS classes to show them in different colors.

Contextual colors

We have seen various features of Bootstrap. Now, let us use Bootstrap to make our application look good. Basically, we have two major components in our view—a form at the top to get the input from the user and a table at the bottom to display the results in a table.

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