Starting the reminder dialog

Open up the MainActivity file, to make some quick updates that will enable you to show the dialog.

In the onCreateOptionsMenu, make the following changes:

override fun onCreateOptionsMenu(menu: Menu): Boolean {
val reminderItem = menu.findItem(

if (showMenuItems) {
reminderItem.isVisible = true

return true

You have just added a reminder menu item to be displayed when the user clicks on a task. Now, go to onOptionsItemSelected to start the time picker when this menu item is selected. Use the following code to achieve that:

} else if ( == item?.itemId) {
} else if ( == item?.itemId) {
TimePickerFragment.newInstance("Time picker argument")
.show(fragmentManager, "MainActivity")

Next, update the menu items in the to_do_list_menu.xml with the following code:


Now, add the "reminder" string resource in your strings.xml file using the code shown here:

<string name="reminder">Reminder</string>

Okay, that was great. Now, remember the AlarmReceiver class above? What does it do? Move on to find out.

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