
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


ABS function, Exercises
aggregate functions
COUNT, Aggregate Functions
GROUP BY clause and, A SELECT in Modified BNF
HAVING clause and, GROUP BY and HAVING: Aggregates of Aggregates
MAX, Important Commands and Functions
MIN, Important Commands and Functions
nesting, Aggregation and Grouping in SQL Server 2005
nulls and, Nulls Revisited
column aliases, Using Aliases, Column aliases in views
ALTER COLUMN command, Exercises
ALTER TABLE command, Exercises
AND operator, Exercises
ASC function, Exercises
auditing subqueries, Auditing in Subqueries
AVG function, Exercises


BETWEEN operator, Exercises
BIGINT data type, Exercises
BINARY data type, The BINARY data type , Exercises
binary intersection, Introducing Set Operations
binary set difference, Introducing Set Operations
binary unions, Introducing Set Operations
BIT data type, The BIT data type, Exercises
BNF (Backus Naur Form), A SELECT in Modified BNF


Cartesian product, The Cartesian Product
CAST conversion function, Exercises
CAST function, CONVERSION Functions
CEILING function, Exercises
CHAR data type, The CHAR data type, Exercises
CHARACTER data type, Exercises
character data types
CHAR data type, The CHAR data type
NCHAR data type, The NCHAR data type
NVARCHAR data type, The NVARCHAR data type
selecting, The TEXT data type
TEXT data type, The TEXT data type
Unicode character strings, The NCHAR data type
VARCHAR data type, The VARCHAR data type
CHARINDEX function, The CHARINDEX function, Exercises
CHECK integrity constraint, Exercises
color coding, query editor, Executing a Query
column aliases, Using Aliases
table definitions, Modifying Table Definitions
UNION ALL operation, Handling UNION and UNION ALL Situations with an Unequal Number of Columns
UNION set operation, Handling UNION and UNION ALL Situations with an Unequal Number of Columns
columns, tables
aliases, Column aliases in views
ALTER COLUMN, Important Commands and Functions
ALTER TABLE, Adding a Column to a Table, Changing a column’s length in a table, Important Commands and Functions
CREATE DATABASE, Important Commands and Functions
CREATE INDEX, Important Commands and Functions
CREATE SYNONYM, Important Commands and Functions
CREATE TABLE, Creating a Table, Important Commands and Functions
CREATE VIEW, Important Commands and Functions
DECLARE, Important Commands and Functions
DELETE, The DELETE Command, Deleting a Table
DELETE FROM, Important Commands and Functions
DROP COLUMN, Important Commands and Functions
DROP CONSTRAINT, Important Commands and Functions
DROP INDEX, Important Commands and Functions
DROP SYNONYM, Important Commands and Functions
DROP TABLE, Important Commands and Functions
DROP VIEW, Important Commands and Functions
INDEX BY, Important Commands and Functions
INNER JOIN, Important Commands and Functions
INSERT, Important Commands and Functions
INSERT...INTO, Inserting Values into a Table
JOIN, Important Commands and Functions
SELECT, Important Commands and Functions
SET, Important Commands and Functions
UPDATE, The UPDATE Command, Important Commands and Functions
USE, Important Commands and Functions
comments, statements, Adding Comments to SQL Statements
concatenation, string functions, String Functions
constraints, Exercises
NOT NULL, Constraints
referential integrity, Referential Integrity Constraints
conversion functions
CAST, CONVERSION Functions, Important Commands and Functions
CONVERT function, Exercises
correlated queries, Existence Queries and Correlation
correlated subqueries, Correlated Subqueries, Correlated Subqueries
COUNT function, The COUNT Function, Aggregate Functions, Exercises
CREATE DATABASE command, Exercises
CREATE INDEX command, Exercises
CREATE INDEX statement, Indexes
CREATE SYNONYM command, Exercises
CREATE TABLE command, Creating a Table, Exercises
CREATE TABLE statement, The “Simple” CREATE TABLE
CREATE VIEW command, Exercises
CROSS JOIN query option, Exercises


data in views, Data in views
data types, Creating, Populating, Altering, and Deleting Tables
BIGINT, Important Commands and Functions
BINARY, Important Commands and Functions
BIT, Important Commands and Functions
CHAR, Important Commands and Functions
CHARACTER, Important Commands and Functions
character data types
CHAR data type, The CHAR data type
NCHAR data type, The NCHAR data type
NVARCHAR data type, The NVARCHAR data type
selecting, The TEXT data type
TEXT data type, The TEXT data type
Unicode character strings, The NCHAR data type
VARCHAR data type, The VARCHAR data type
DATETIME, Important Commands and Functions
DEC, Important Commands and Functions
DECIMAL, Important Commands and Functions
FLOAT, Important Commands and Functions
IMAGE, Important Commands and Functions
INT, Important Commands and Functions
INTEGER, Important Commands and Functions
LONG, Important Commands and Functions
miscellaneous data types
BINARY data type, The BINARY data type
BIT data type, The BIT data type
IMAGE data type, The IMAGE data type
monetary data types, The monetary data types
SQL_VARIANT data type, The SQL_VARIANT data type
TABLE data type, The TABLE data type
XML data type, The XML data type
MONEY, Important Commands and Functions
NATIONAL CHARACTER, Important Commands and Functions
NCHAR, Important Commands and Functions
NUMERIC, Important Commands and Functions
NVARCHAR, Important Commands and Functions
selection tips, The UNIQUEIDENTIFIER data type
SMALLDATETIME, Important Commands and Functions
SMALLINT, Important Commands and Functions
SMALLMONEY, Important Commands and Functions
SQL VARIANT, Exercises
TEXT, Important Commands and Functions
TINYINT, Important Commands and Functions
VARBINARY, Important Commands and Functions
VARCHAR, Important Commands and Functions
VARCHAR2, Important Commands and Functions
XML, Important Commands and Functions
creating, Creating a Database in Microsoft SQL Server 2005
deleting, Deleting a Table
master, Default System Databases
model, Default System Databases
msdb, Default System Databases
tempdb, Default System Databases
date functions
DATEADD, Date Functions
DAY, The DAY function
MONTH, The MONTH function, Important Commands and Functions
YEAR, The YEAR function
DATEADD function, The DATEADD function, Exercises
DATEDIFF function, The DATEDIFF function, Exercises
DATEFORMAT function, Exercises
DATEPART function, The DATEPART function, Exercises
DATETIME data type, Exercises
DAY function, The MONTH function, Exercises
DEC data type, Exercises
DECIMAL data type, Exercises
decimal data types, Decimal data types
DECLARE command, Exercises
DELETE command, The DELETE Command, Summary
DELETE FROM command, Exercises
constraints, Deleting a Constraint
databases, Deleting a Table
indexes, The “Simple” CREATE INDEX
tables, DELETE command, Summary
derived structures
tables, temporary, Creating temporary tables
views, Derived Structures
column alises, Column aliases in views
creating views, Creating views
data in, Data in views
ORDER BY claus, SELECT INTO in views
SELECT INTO statement, SELECT INTO in views
using views, ORDER BY in views
DESC function, Exercises
Designer tab, The Designer Tab
difference operation, NOT IN predicate, The Difference Operation
displaying data, SELECT statement, Displaying Data with the SELECT Statement
DISTINCT function, Using DISTINCT with other aggregate functions, Exercises
DROP COLUMN command, Exercises
DROP CONSTRAINT command, Exercises
DROP INDEX command, Exercises
DROP SYNONYM command, Exercises
DROP TABLE command, Exercises
DROP VIEW command, Exercises


entering queries, Entering a SQL Query or Statement
entering statements, Entering a SQL Query or Statement
equi-joins, Equi-Joins and Non-Equi-Joins
error messages, viewing, Stopping Execution of a Long Query
executing queries, Executing a Query
stopping execution, Stopping Execution of a Long Query
EXISTS keyword, Exercises
parentheses in, Parentheses in SQL Expressions
extraction, string functions, The SUBSTRING function


FLOAT data type, Exercises
FLOOR function, Exercises
functions, Functions
ABS, Important Commands and Functions
aggregate functions
AVG, Important Commands and Functions
COUNT, The COUNT Function, Aggregate Functions, Important Commands and Functions
SUM, Important Commands and Functions
ASC, Important Commands and Functions
CEILING, Important Commands and Functions
CONVERT, Important Commands and Functions
date functions
DATEADD, Date Functions, Important Commands and Functions
DATEDIFF, The DATEDIFF function, Important Commands and Functions
DATEPART, The DATEPART function, Important Commands and Functions
DAY, The DAY function, Important Commands and Functions
GETDATE, The GETDATE function, Important Commands and Functions
MONTH, The MONTH function
YEAR, The YEAR function, Important Commands and Functions
DATEFORMAT, Important Commands and Functions
DESC, Important Commands and Functions
FLOOR, Important Commands and Functions
numeric, Other Common Numeric Functions
row-level functions, Row-Level Functions
DISTINCT, Important Commands and Functions
IS NOT NULL, Important Commands and Functions
IS NULL, Exercises
NULLIF, Important Commands and Functions
ROUND, Important Commands and Functions
TOP, Other Functions, Handling a tie, Important Commands and Functions
ROWCOUNT, The ROWCOUNT Function, Important Commands and Functions
SET DATEFORMAT, Important Commands and Functions
SORT, Exercises
SQUARE, Important Commands and Functions
STR, Important Commands and Functions
string functions
CHARINDEX, The CHARINDEX function, Important Commands and Functions
concatenation, String Functions
extraction, The SUBSTRING function
LEFT, The LEFT and RIGHT functions, Important Commands and Functions
LTRIM, The LTRIM and RTRIM functions
RIGHT, The LEFT and RIGHT functions, Important Commands and Functions
RTRIM, The LTRIM and RTRIM functions, Important Commands and Functions
SUBSTRING, String Extractors, Important Commands and Functions
UPPER, Important Commands and Functions


GETDATE function, The GETDATE function, Exercises
grid form, query results, Displaying the Results
GROUP BY clause, Exercises
aggregate functions and, Aggregation and GROUP BY
GUID, Important Commands and Functions


IMAGE data type, The IMAGE data type , Exercises
IN operator, Exercises
IN predicate
joins, examples, More Examples Involving Joins and IN
set operations, The IN and NOT..IN Predicates
subqueries and, Joins Versus Subqueries
INDEX BY command, Exercises
indexes, The “Simple” CREATE TABLE
INNER JOIN command, Exercises
INSERT command, Exercises
INSERT INTO SELECT command, Exercises
INSERT...INTO command, Inserting Values into a Table
INT data type, Exercises
INTEGER data type, Exercises
integer data types, Decimal data types
integrity constraints
CHECK, Important Commands and Functions
UNIQUE, Important Commands and Functions
INTERSECT operator, set operations, Exercises
IS NOT NULL function, Exercises
ISNULL function, Exercises


LEFT function, The LTRIM and RTRIM functions, Exercises
LEFT JOIN, Important Commands and Functions
LEFT OUTER JOIN, The OUTER JOIN, Important Commands and Functions
LEN string function, Exercises
LIKE clause, Exercises
Load script, table creation, Creating Tables Using the Load Script
LONG data type, Exercises
LOWER string function, Exercises
LTRIM function, The LTRIM and RTRIM functions
LTRIM string function, Exercises


master database, The Query Editor
MAX aggregate function, Exercises
MIN aggregate function, Exercises
MINUS set operation, Exercises
miscellaneous data types
BINARY data type, The BINARY data type
BIT data type, The BIT data type
IMAGE data type, The IMAGE data type
monetary data types, The monetary data types
SQL_VARIANT data type, The SQL_VARIANT data type
TABLE data type, The TABLE data type
XML data type, The XML data type
model database, Default System Databases
monetary data types, The monetary data types
MONEY data type, Exercises
MONTH date function, Exercises
MONTH function, The MONTH function
msdb database, The Query Editor


NATIONAL CHARACTER data type, Exercises
NCHAR data type, The NCHAR data type, Exercises
New Database dialog box, Creating a Database in Microsoft SQL Server 2005
non-equi-joins, Equi-Joins and Non-Equi-Joins
noncorrelated subqueries, Noncorrelated Subqueries
NOT BETWEEN operator, Exercises
NOT EXISTS operator, Exercises
NOT IN predicate, set operations, The Difference Operation
NOT NULL operator, Exercises
NOT operator, Exercises
NULLIF function, Example 2, Exercises
NULLL value, Exercises
nulls, aggregates and, Nulls Revisited
NUMERIC data type, Exercises
NVARCHAR data type, The NVARCHAR data type , Exercises


ON DELETE CASCADE option, referential integrity constraint, DELETE and the referential CONSTRAINT
ON DELETE NO ACTION option, referential integrity constraint, DELETE and the referential CONSTRAINT
ON UPDATE NO ACTION option, referential integrity constraint, UPDATE and the referential CONSTRAINT
ON UPDATE option, referential integrity constraint, UPDATE and the referential CONSTRAINT
AND, Important Commands and Functions
BETWEEN, Important Commands and Functions
IN, Important Commands and Functions
NOT, Important Commands and Functions
NOT BETWEEN, Important Commands and Functions
NOT EXISTS, Important Commands and Functions
NOT NULL, Important Commands and Functions
OR, Important Commands and Functions
subqueries and, Using Subqueries with Operators
OR operator, Exercises
ORDER BY clause, Exercises
joins and, Using ORDER BY with a Join
views, ORDER BY in views
ORDER BY clause, SELECT statement
NULL value and, ORDER BY and NULLs
OUTER JOIN, The OUTER JOIN, Important Commands and Functions


parentheses, expressions, Parentheses in SQL Expressions
parsing queries, Executing a Query
PERCENT function, Exercises
PRIMARY KEY constraint, Exercises
printing query results, Stopping Execution of a Long Query


queries, Displaying the Results
SELECT command, Exercises
SELECT INTO statement, views, SELECT INTO in views
SELECT statement, Displaying Data with the SELECT Statement
NULL value and, ORDER BY and NULLs
WHERE clause, Displaying or SELECTing Rows or Tuples from a Table
SET command, Exercises
SET DATEFORMAT function, Exercises
set operations, Set Operations
binary intersection, Introducing Set Operations
binary set differences, Introducing Set Operations
binary unions, Introducing Set Operations
difference, NOT IN predicate, The Difference Operation
IN predicate, The IN and NOT..IN Predicates
INTERSECT, Important Commands and Functions
UNION, The UNION Operation, Important Commands and Functions
columns and, Handling UNION and UNION ALL Situations with an Unequal Number of Columns
UNION ALL, The UNION ALL Operation, Important Commands and Functions
columns and, Handling UNION and UNION ALL Situations with an Unequal Number of Columns
union compatibility, Introducing Set Operations
sets, Introducing Set Operations
SMALLDATETIME data type, Exercises
SMALLINT data type, Exercises
SMALLMONEY data type, Exercises
SORT function, Exercises
Souce Control tab, Customizing SQL Server 2005
SQL Server Management Studio, starting, Starting Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2005’s Management Studio
SQL_VARIANT data type, The SQL_VARIANT data type , Exercises
SQUARE function, Exercises
comments, Adding Comments to SQL Statements
entering, Entering a SQL Query or Statement
writing, Some Conventions for Writing SQL Statements
STR function, Exercises
string functions
concatenation, String Functions
extraction, The SUBSTRING function
LEFT, The LEFT and RIGHT functions
LEN, Important Commands and Functions
LOWER, Important Commands and Functions
LTRIM, The LTRIM and RTRIM functions, Important Commands and Functions
RIGHT, The LEFT and RIGHT functions
RTRIM, The LTRIM and RTRIM functions
SUBSTRING, String Extractors
Unicode character strings, The NCHAR data type
Student_course database
joins, The JOIN
objects, Objects in the Student_course Database
script, Script Used to Create the Student_course Database
tables, The Student Database and Other Tables Used in This Book
default, Creating a Database in Microsoft SQL Server 2005
as joins, The Subquery as a Join
auditing in, Auditing in Subqueries
IN predicate and, Subquery with an IN Predicate
operators and, Using Subqueries with Operators
SUBSTRING function, The SUBSTRING function, Exercises
SUM function, Exercises
synonyms, Synonyms
syntax, A Few Notes About SQL Server 2005 Syntax


Unicode character strings, The NCHAR data type
UNION ALL set operation, Handling UNION and UNION ALL Situations with an Unequal Number of Columns, Exercises
columns and, Handling UNION and UNION ALL Situations with an Unequal Number of Columns
union compatibility, Introducing Set Operations
UNION set operation, The UNION Operation, Exercises
columns and, Handling UNION and UNION ALL Situations with an Unequal Number of Columns
UNIQUE IDENTIFIER data type, Exercises
UNIQUE integrity constraint, Exercises
universal qualifiers, SQL Universal and Existential Qualifiers
UPDATE command, The UPDATE Command, Exercises
UPPER function, Exercises
USE command, Exercises
UUID (Universal unique identifier), Exercises


VARBINARY data type, Exercises
VARCHAR data type, The VARCHAR data type , Exercises
VARCHAR2 data type, Exercises
views, Derived Structures
column alises, Column aliases in views
creating, Creating views
data in, Data in views
ORDER BY clause, ORDER BY in views
SELECT INTO statement, SELECT INTO in views
using, ORDER BY in views


WHERE clause
SELECT statement, Displaying or SELECTing Rows or Tuples from a Table
WHERE row filter, Exercises
WITH TIES clause, Exercises
writing statements, Some Conventions for Writing SQL Statements


XM Ldata type, The UNIQUEIDENTIFIER data type
XML data type, Exercises
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