Unsupervised learning

In this learning pattern, there is no supervision done to the model to make it learn. The model learns by itself based on the data fed to it and provides us with patterns it has learned. It doesn't predict any discrete categorical value or a continuous value, but rather provides the patterns it has understood by looking at the data fed into it. The training data fed in is unlabeled and doesn't provide sufficient knowledge information for the model to learn. 

Here, there's no supervision at all; actually, the model might be able to teach us new things after it learns the data. These algorithms are very useful where a feature set is too large and the human user doesn't know what to look for in the data.

This class of algorithms is mainly used for pattern detection and descriptive modeling. Descriptive modeling summarizes the relevant information from the data and presents a summary of what has already occurred, whereas predictive modeling summarizes the data and presents a summary of what can occur.

Unsupervised learning algorithms can be used for both categories of prediction. They use the input data to come up with different patterns, a summary of the data points, and insights that are not visible to human eyes. They come up with meaningful derived data or patterns of data that are helpful for end users.

The following diagram will give you an idea of what unsupervised learning is. The data without labels is given as input to build the model through unsupervised learning algorithms. This is the Training Phase. Then the model is used to predict the proper patterns for any input data without the label. This is the Testing Phase:

In this family of algorithms, which is also based on the input data fed to the model and the method adopted by the model to infer patterns in the dataset, there emerge two common categories of algorithms. These are clustering and association rule mapping algorithms. 

Clustering is the model that analyzes the input dataset and groups data items with similarity into the same cluster. It produces different clusters and each cluster will hold data items that are more similar to each other than in items belonging to other clusters. There are various mechanisms that can be used to create these clusters. 

Customer segmentation is one example for clustering. We have a huge dataset of customers and capture all features of customers. The model could come up with interesting cluster patterns of customers that may be very obvious to the human eye. Such clusters could be very helpful for targeted campaigns and marketing.

On the other hand, association rule learning is a model to discover relations between variables in large datasets. A classic example would be market basket analysis. Here, the model tries to find strong relationships between different items in the market basket. It predicts relationships between items and determines how likely or unlikely it is for a user to purchase a particular item when they also purchase another item. For example, it might predict that a user who purchases bread will also purchase milk, or a user who purchases wine will also purchase diapers, and so on.

The algorithms belonging to this category include the following:

  • Clustering algorithms:
    • Centroid-based algorithms
    • Connectivity-based algorithms
    • Density-based algorithms
    • Probabilistic
    • Dimensionality reduction
    • Neural networks/deep learning
  • Association rule learning algorithm
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