he Solar Bottle Lamp is a solar-powered light
that reuses a waste plastic bottle by attaching
a 3D-printed solar lamp in place of the old
plastic cap. It also makes clever use of the
light-refracting properties of water!
I designed this lamp as a low-cost solution for
lighting rural homes, replacing their harmful
kerosene lamps and at the same time upcycling
some of the millions of waste plastic bottles
that are daily thrown into the garbage. These
lamps are also great for decorating a garden, for
camping or traveling, or for emergencies when
the power is out.
A Liter of Light
My design was inspired by the Moser bottle
daylight lamp invented by Brazilian mechanic
Alfredo Moser (believe.earth/en/turn-a-plastic-
bottle-into-a-lamp). The concept is that clear
plastic beverage bottles filled with water can
be fixed into the roof of an unlit building to
refract sunlight around a room, equivalent to a
40W–60W bulb. In 2011, Illac Diaz used Moser’s
technology to start Liter of Light (literoflight.org),
a grassroots movement to provide solar lighting
to communities around the world.
The Moser bottle is simple and inexpensive, but
it only works during the daytime. So I designed a
solar bottle cap that can provide light during the
How the Circuit Works
The solar lamp can be considered as a standalone
solar photovoltaic (SPV) system and contains four
basic components (Figure
Solar panelconverts solar energy to
electrical energy
Controllercharges the battery (charger) and
drives the load (driver)
Battery — stores the electrical energy
Load (LED)provides the desired light output
The circuit, shown in Figure
on the following
page, can be broadly divided into two parts. The
charger circuit extracts power generated by
the solar panel during the day and charges the
battery. It’s based on a TP4056 single-cell Li-ion
charger module. The LED driver circuit powers
the LED, automatically switches it on at night, and
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1–2 Hours
For more part numbers and sources, see
» Soft drink bottle, PET plastic
» Solar Bottle Lamp circuit board Download the
Gerber files or buy PCBs direct from pcbway.com/
» Solar panel, 5.5V 80mA, 60×60mm such as
PCBWay LP441
» TP4056 lithium battery charging module, 5V 1A,
micro USB such as Amazon B00LTQU2RK
» Transistors, 2N2222A (2)
» Resistors: 5.1
(1), 22
(1), 1k
(1), and 10k
» Schottky diode, 1N5819
» High power LED, 8mm “straw hat,” white/
transparent 3V–3.5V forward voltage, 120–250mA
» Li-ion battery, 14500 size
» Battery spring plate terminals AliExpress
» Pushbutton flashlight switch, 3 pin TLZWLA
model 213BS, AliExpress 2255800494498765
» Straight header pins, male (6)
» JST connectors, M-F pairs (3)
» Hookup wire, 24AWG
» Heat-shrink tubing
» Self-tapping screws, M3 size: 8mm (2) and
20mm (2) for plastic
» 3D-printed enclosure Download the free files for
printing at thingiverse.com/thing:5330215.
» Epoxy glue
» Chlorine bleach a few drops
» Soldering iron and solder
» Wire cutters/nippers
» 3D printer
» Hot glue gun
» Screwdriver
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