
Abstract, 6061

Academic writing, 31

Amygdala, 1617, 122, 123

Analysis, 5859

Anecdotal information, 55

Arnheim, R., 62

Audit schedule, 54

Blunt message, 31, 32

Business writing, 34

Change communication

analysis, 105106

case study, 106108

delivery, 104

desired action, 102

fears, 103104

framing change, 101

message, 104105

mirroring, 103

organizational hierarchy, 101

rewards, 102103

situation, 101102

Claim message

acknowledgement, 80

analysis, 71

business card, 82

claim letter requesting action, example, 7578

company’s values and philosophy, 79

credit rating, 8081

delivery, 8182

desired action/response, 7273

details of message, 70

dissatisfied customer seeks adjustment, 8390

e-mail, 70, 82

envelope, 7071

fears, 74

“good feeling” message, 79

Hamm’s five messages, 69

letterhead, 70

mirroring, 7374

mode of delivery, 7475

narrative, 79

negative experiences, 80

result, 8283

rewards, 73

situation, 72

suggestions, 70

tact and diplomacy, 70

Cognitive neuroscience, 3

managerial and leadership communication, 910

multisensory process, 8

scholarship, 8

Colavita visual dominance effect, 13

Communication, 2

Conciseness, 135

academic writing, 31

blunt statement, 3133

case study, 3335

concise, 32, 33

economic terms, 3031

tact, 32

wordy statement, 3133

Concise phrasing, 23

Conclusions, 60

Corporate culture, 4


audience consideration questionnaire, 4748

claim message (see Claim message)

declining requests, 45, 47

denying of customer service, 4445

letters, 4043

memo, 3740

negative language, 44

neutral language, 44

positive language, 44

welcome message (see Welcome message)

Cost-benefit analysis, 59

Denning, S., 58

Dismissal message, 137138

Drucker, P., 3

Economic analysis, 59

E-mail, 123

claim message, 70

letter, 43

Executive summary, 6061

Experiential learning, 110111

Eye candy, 62

Face-to-face communication, 123


change communication, 103104

claim message, 74

good and bad use, 133

instructional manuals, 116117

welcome message, 94

Feasibility analysis, 59

Financial plan, 54

Formal reports and proposals

analysis, 5859

business plans, 54

conclusions, 60

executive summary, 6061

graphics and neuroscience, 6162

recommendations, 60

sections for, 53

Gee, J.P., 111


acknowledgment, 64

balance, 64

case study, 6566

cognition and visual representation, 62

conciseness, 61

eye candy, 62

integration in report, 6364

kinds of, 63

labeling, 64

and neuroscience formula, 6667

placement, 64

referral, 63

sizing, 64

synergy, 61

word and image relationship, 62

Harvard Business Review, 3

Hicks, W., 62

Hippocampus, 16, 122, 123

Hutchins, E., 8

Instructional manuals

development, 111

experiential learning, 110111

fears, 116117

good instructions, 112

graphics, 115116

mirroring, 116

mode of delivery, 117

regression analysis, 113115

rewards, 116

task management, 117118

training manuals, 112

trouble shooting, 115

Kalyuga, S., 111

Layoff message, 137138

Leadership, 3

Leader–team communication. See Change communication


e-mail, 43

formal elements, 43

format, 41

information included in, 42

Management, 3

Managerial communication, 5

amygdala, 1617

conciseness and clarity, 3035

concise phrasing, 23

emotional response, 2526

graphic representation, 6266

hippocampus, 16

mirror neurons, 15

multimodality of neurons, 1213

negative language, 2629

neural plasticity, 1516

neuroscience, 68

positive language, 2629

prefrontal cortex, 17

professional interaction, 3536

proficiency, 2930

reader perspective, 2425

reward neurons, 1415

visual-dominance effect, 1314

writer perspective, 2425

Marketing plan, 54

Mayer, R.E., 12, 62, 110, 111


case study, 3839

internal message, 37

neuroscience application, 3940

office politics, 37

Mirror neurons, 15

change communication, 105

memo, 40

upper-management’s involvement, 134

Mitchell, W.J.T., 62

Moreno, R., 12, 110

Multimodal neurons, 12

Narrative, 58

Narratives, 135136

Negative language, 2629

Neural plasticity, 1516

claim message, 79

letter format, 43


mirror, 15

multimodal, 1213

reward, 1415

unimodal, 12

visual-dominance effect, 1314

Neuroscience. See also Cognitive neuroscience

effective message development, 1719

managerial communication, 68

Neuroscience-related dynamics, 8

Neuroscientific approach, 4

Office politics, 134

Olbrechts-Tyteca, L., 10

Operating plan, 54

Oral presentations

audial and visual channels, 127

dress, 120123

graphics, 125, 127

physical proximity’s effect, 123125

PowerPoint, 125126

slide design, 127

social presence, 119120

verbal and nonverbal attributes, 128129

Organizational hierarchy, 4

Organization, slide show, 126

Perelman, C., 10

Persuasion, 1011

Pillay, S.S., 10, 132

Pinker, S., 8, 111

Planning proposal

examples, 50

persuasive approach, 5052

problem identification, 4950

reader perspective, 50

Political advertisers, 120

Positive language, 2629


animation, 126

business settings, 125

simplicity, 126

Walbert’s guidelines, 126

Prefrontal cortex (PFC), 17

Proficient writing, 2930


planning, 4951

purpose of, 48

sales, 49

Recommendations, 60

Regression analysis

ANOVA principles, 113

data analysis, 114

output, 113

quantitative relationships, 113

sample table, 113114

statistical operation, 113

Reward neurons, 1415

change communication, 105

claim message, 80, 81

upper-management’s involvement, 135

Sense of humor, 9798

Smell & Taste Research Foundation, 124

Social presence theory, 119120

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis, 59

Tact, 32

The Neuroscience of Multimodal Persuasive Messages, 71, 120

The Neuroscience of Persuasive Messages, 124

Time management, 4

Tufte, E., 126

Unimodal neurons, 12

Value of failure stories, 136137

Verbal and nonverbal attributes, 128129

Video conferencing, 123

Visual-dominance effect, 1314

Walbert, D., 126

Web-based students, 120

Welcome message

case study, 99100

content and approach, 95

desired action/response, 93

fears, 94

humor and sarcasm, 9798

mirroring, 9394

mode of delivery, 9495

rewards, 93

situation, 9293

Williams, J., 29

Wordy message, 31

Writing proficiency, 2930

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