42 Managing Network Vulnerability Assessment
Safeguard/control. Protect against this intrusion by ensuring that
modems are protected from brute-force attacks. Place these modems
behind firewalls, make use of one-time passwords, or have these
modems disabled.
Trojan horses. Hackers will install “backdoor” or “Trojan horse” programs
on business computer systems, allowing for unrestricted access to internal
systems, which will bypass security monitoring and auditing policies.
Safeguard/control. Conduct regular security analysis audits to identify
potential security vulnerabilities and security exposures.
Threats to personal privacy. The accumulation of vast amounts of electronic
information about individuals by the government, credit bureaus, and
private companies, combined with the ability of computers to monitor,
process, aggregate, and record information about individuals, have created
a very real threat to individual privacy. The possibility that all this infor-
mation and technology could be linked together has loomed as a specter
of the modern information age. This phenomenon is known as “big
Prioritizing Risks and Threats
Once the possible threats have been identified, it is necessary to prioritize
those risks so that the NVA can focus on those of highest concern. To
accomplish this task as quickly as possible, it is necessary to assemble a team
of interested employees. This team will determine the probability that the
identified risk might occur and what its impact would be if it did occur.
It is necessary to define what probability and impact mean so that the
team can use common criteria for assessment. Over the past ten years, the
following definitions have become a mainstay in the risk analysis process that
we use. These terms have been adopted and modified to meet each organi-
zation’s specific needs. You will have to do the same. Use the nine-box square
shown in Exhibit 2 to help establish the priority.
The definitions of probability and impact are as follows:
Impact: a measure of the magnitude of loss or harm on the value of an asset
Low impact: when the business objective or mission of enterprise is
not significantly affected
Medium impact: when the event is limited to a business objective or
a business unit is affected
High impact: when the entire business or mission of the enterprise is
Probability: the chance that an event will occur or that a specific loss value
will be incurred should the event occur
Low probability: highly unlikely that the risk will occur during the next
Medium probability: possible that the risk will occur during the next year
High probability: very likely that the risk will occur within the next year
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