Chapter 5
Policy Review (Top-Down)
The cornerstones of effective information security programs are well-written
policy statements. This is the wellspring of all other directives, standards,
procedures, guidelines, and other supporting documents. As with any assess-
ment process, it is important to ensure that policies establish the direction
management wants to go with regard to security. The top-down portion of
the network vulnerability assessment (NVA) looks at the policies requested in
the Pre-NVA Checklist (see Appendix B).
The top-down review will assess policies in two ways:
1. Do they exist?
2. If so, how good is the content?
This chapter briefly examines what makes a good policy statement. For an
in-depth discussion on information security policies, refer to the Information
Security Policies, Procedures, and Standards by T.R. Peltier (Auerbach Publi-
cations, 2001). We will use portions of that book here and will rely on ISO
17799 to identify what policies are necessary and what their content should
A policy is a high-level statement of enterprise beliefs, goals, and objectives
and the general means for their attainment for a specified subject area. A
policy should be brief (which is highly recommended) and set at a high level.
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