258 Managing Network Vulnerability Assessment
Client Trust Model
CLIENT has as its basic trust model the underlying premise that all internal
traffic can be trusted. In an effort to balance the business needs of their users,
they have decided to have an almost completely open internal environment
with almost no centralized internal controls in place. The model is one in
which each resource provides its own protection controls in accordance with
the risk associated with that resource while the outer perimeter is protected
by network-based control measures. The model also assumes that all trusted
external links, such as links to corporate headquarters, are a part of the internal
Appendix C-1: List of Tests Performed
This appendix lists the tests that were performed. Detailed information as well
as the original data files on each test are provided on the supplemental CD
included with this report.
Network-Based Tests
List of IP Addresses Tested
XXX.XXX.96.0 to XXX.XXX.97.255
XXX.XXX.247.248 to XXX.XXX.247.255
XXX.XXX.42.0 to XXX.XXX.42.255
XXX.XXX.113.0 to XXX.XXX.113.255
Location IP Address
Location IP Address Test Description
External to
XXX.XXX.96.88 Internal to
XXX.XXX.42.88 Phase 1 tests,
and ISS
Internal of
XXX.XXX.42.88 Internal on
Varied, based
on target
NetRecon and
ISS on
Internal of
XXX.XXX.42.88 Internal to
XXX.XXX.42.89 NetRecon and
ISS general
scan on
Sample NVA Report 259
XXX.XXX.118.0 to XXX.XXX.118.255
XXX.XXX.125.0 to XXX.XXX.125.255
XXX.XXX.128.0 to XXX.XXX.128.255
XXX.XXX.0.0 to XXX.XXX.255.255
XXX.XXX.0.0 to XXX.XXX.255.255
Specific IP Address Targeted for Point Scans by ISS and NetRecon
XXX.XXX.94.10 XXX.XXX.95.10
XXX.XXX.148.31 XXX.XXX.148.32
XXX.XXX.64.10 XXX.XXX.239.3
XXX.XXX.32.15 XXX.XXX.84.185
Specific IP Addresses Used for the ESM Configuration Audit
XXX.XXX.94.10 XXX.XXX.16.57
XXX.XXX.226.2 XXX.XXX.148.31
XXX.XXX.148.32 XXX.XXX.84.160
XXX.XXX.32.15 XXX.XXX.32.3
Specific ISS Tests Conducted during Point Scans
ISS performs several hundred tests. The configurations that tell ISS which tests
to run are known as ISS Policies. Your Company ran a full range of policies,
including a policy that tested for all vulnerabilities in the ISS database and a
policy that tested for all denials of service in the ISS database. All ISS Policies
used by Your Company are located on the Supplemental CD at <CD ROM>
ISS ReportsPolicies.
Specific NetRecon Tests Conducted during Point Scans
NetRecon collects data from the target machine by sending it queries. Given
the responses that NetRecon gets back, it then looks into its database to
determine which vulnerabilities would be present. The process by which
NetRecon does this is known as a path analysis. All NetRecon tests and the
resulting path analysis are included in the NetRecon data files located on the
Supplemental CD at <CD Rom>Data FilesAxent NetRecon.zip.
Specific ESM Policy Tests Conducted
ESM runs configuration audit tests against the data it collects from agents
installed on machines to audit. These tests are known as ESM Policies. All
260 Managing Network Vulnerability Assessment
ESM Policies are located on the Supplemental CD as.html files at <CD ROM>
ESM ReportsPolicy.
Remote Access Phone Dialing Tests
Number Range Dialed
Duplicate numbers were removed during dialing.
XXX4480 to XXX4499
XXX7160 to XXX7179
XXX7100 to XXX7299
XXX7300 to XXX7499
XXX2360 to XXX2399
XXX6000 to XXX6499
XXX1400 to XXX1999
XXX2000 to XXX2019
XXX2100 to XXX2119
XXX5500 to XXX5599
XXX3753 to XXX3852
XXX1400 to XXX3999
XXX6000 to XXX6999
XXX7300 to XXX7999
XXX6500 to XXX6999
Numbers Captured (responses received)
XXX4489 XXX4496 XXX7126 XXX7191 XXX7200
XXX7201 XXX7203 XXX7204 XXX7205 XXX7207
XXX7284 XXX7291 XXX3761 XXX3810 XXX3839
XXX1411 XXX1412 XXX1414 XXX1425 XXX1427
XXX1430 XXX1434 XXX1437 XXX1438 XXX1441
XXX1447 XXX1448 XXX1487 XXX1541 XXX1544
XXX1545 XXX1546 XXX1559 XXX1586 XXX1594
XXX1625 XXX1628 XXX1642 XXX1655 XXX1659
XXX1677 XXX1698 XXX1708 XXX1752 XXX1765
XXX1769 XXX1799 XXX1821 XXX1835 XXX1836
XXX1845 XXX1856 XXX1881 XXX1907 XXX1908
XXX1917 XXX1918 XXX1930 XXX1944 XXX1983
XXX2106 XXX2109 XXX2392 XXX2500 XXX2511
XXX2512 XXX2513 XXX2514 XXX2515 XXX2517
XXX2520 XXX2522 XXX2523 XXX2526 XXX2535
XXX2536 XXX2537 XXX2538 XXX2552 XXX2564
XXX2565 XXX3761 XXX3810 XXX3839 XXX3988
XXX6019 XXX6097 XXX6100 XXX6101 XXX6155
XXX6208 XXX6227 XXX6228 XXX6245 XXX6300
XXX6322 XXX6324 XXX6351 XXX6363 XXX6400
Sample NVA Report 261
XXX6413 XXX6420 XXX6424 XXX6550 XXX6557
XXX6588 XXX6589 XXX6594 XXX6631 XXX6632
XXX6633 XXX6635 XXX6648 XXX6649 XXX6669
XXX6687 XXX6727 XXX6772 XXX6774 XXX6800
XXX6806 XXX6807 XXX6811 XXX6851 XXX6926
XXX6989 XXX6550 XXX6557 XXX6588 XXX6589
XXX6594 XXX6631 XXX6632 XXX6633 XXX6635
XXX6648 XXX6669 XXX6687 XXX6727 XXX6772
XXX6774 XXX6800 XXX6806 XXX6807 XXX6810
XXX6811 XXX6851 XXX6926 XXX6989
Numbers Responding with a Log-In Prompt
XXX-2500 XXX-2535
XXX-2512 XXX-2536
XXX-2513 XXX-2538
XXX-2514 XXX-2556
XXX-2515 XXX-2564
XXX-2517 XXX-2565
XXX-2522 XXX-6811
XXX-2523 XXX-6810
XXX-2526 XXX-6811
Physical Security Tests
A survey of the physical site was conducted along with interviews of the
CLIENT guard force. Additional findings were discovered through the course
of normal observation. Your Company specifically looked for places or times
where an intruder could gain access to critical or sensitive areas or systems.
Social Engineering Tests
Social engineering tests were not performed.
Appendix C-2: Summary Information
This appendix contains a summarization of the primary test phases performed
and the results of those tests that did not result in findings. Also, any additional
information that the tests produced that would provide value to CLIENT, but
did not necessarily indicate vulnerabilities, is included here.
Zero-Information-Based (ZIB) Summary
The ZIB was conducted with the assistance of the Sam Spade tool. Sam Spade
is a collection of tools designed to retrieve information from various public
262 Managing Network Vulnerability Assessment
Internet sources and provide them in a user-friendly interface. Logs of these
tests are included on the CD in the Additional DataIB Data directory. The
test resulted in no significant information being made available to the testers.
The firewall and other external devices did not yield their identities without
direct probing, and that probing was detected by the PIX firewalls. The results
of this test did not yield any findings for this report.
Administrative Controls Summary
The administrative controls testing involved several components. Your Com-
pany examined the policies and procedures provided to us by CLIENT as one
component. Physical and operational controls were tested as another compo-
nent and, finally, interviews were conducted with system and network admin-
istrators as the final step in these tests.
Interviews Summary
Interviews with various IT employees revealed three common themes:
1. A desire to do good work
2. A belief that the word “no” was not in the vocabulary of IT when it came
to the business users
3. A belief that developers were evil and that business users were almost as
The people within the IT group at CLIENT are good people who wish to
succeed; they are, however, tired of being in a reactionary mode and wish
to move to a proactive mode. Their primary concerns and complaints have
made it into this document as parts of findings, but all of them also expressed
pleasure in their work and want to see their environment be successful.
Appendix C-3: Figures and Diagrams
This appendix contains any drawings, figures, or diagrams referenced in the
report or included for explanatory value. Additionally, a network diagram is
also included as a reference for the location and scope of the tests performed
by PA.
Information Security Concept Flow
Exhibit C-3.1 describes how information security concepts flow into and relate
to each other. Of particular concern to this document are the relationships to
vulnerabilities. The goal of this report is to make the owners of assets aware
of the vulnerabilities that lead to risks to the assets that the owners are
responsible for and value.
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