You Manage It! 2: Technology/Social Media Career Building with Social Media

Career development is a process that can be viewed as consisting of three phases: assessment, direction, and development. The process of career development used to be mainly the responsibility of the organization, but career development today has largely become the responsibility of individuals. However, individuals can still use help in developing their careers, and many organizations find that assisting with career development is an investment in employees that offers a positive return. As described in the Manager’s Notebook, “Reaching Out to Develop Careers: Social Media as a Skill and a Tool,” some organizations are utilizing social media as a means to develop careers. Although the use of this technology in career development is still emerging, there may be much potential in using this technology to efficiently provide career development.

Critical Thinking Questions

  1. 9-19. Do you think social media can be effectively used as a career development tool? Why or why not?

  2. 9-20. As discussed in the Manager’s Notebook, “Reaching Out to Develop Careers: Social Media as a Skill and a Tool,” what is the difference between social media being a skill and social media being a tool in career development? Describe. How important do you think social media is becoming as a skill?

  3. 9-21. Social media is a collaborative tool. Do you think there could be downsides to a collaborative approach to developing your career? For example, might there be repercussions from your boss for you being part of a social media network and being aware of your efforts to shift your career? Could this type of potential downside be eliminated or reduced? How?

Team Exercise

  1. 9-22. As a team, revisit the topic of self-development at the end of his chapter. Specifically, self-development efforts can be directed toward the categories of development and advancement. Do you think that the use of social media as a career development tool would be more useful in efforts to develop, to advance, or both? Are there different ways you might use social media to aid development versus advancement? As a team, describe your conclusions and suggestions with the rest of the class.

Experiential Exercise: Team

  1. 9-23. As a team, consider the career development phases of assessment, direction, and development.

    1. a. How could technology, such as social media, be used at each phase? Assume that your team is responsible for making a proposal regarding the use of social media in each of these phases. How could this tool be used in each phase? Is there a phase in which social media would seem to fit best and be most effective?

    2. b. Where do the company examples presented in the Manager’s Notebook, “Reaching Out to Develop Careers: Social Media as a Skill and a Tool,” fit into the phases of career development? That is, are the featured companies using social media in only the assessment phase, or development phase, and so on? Also look for information on how other organizations are using social media in the career development process. Given your analysis, are there phases where social media isn’t being used? Could this be an area in which your company could differentiate itself and offer something of value to employees that is unique?

      Share the basics of your proposal with the rest of the class. What are your major conclusions and recommendations?

Experiential Exercise: Individual

  1. 9-24. Consider your use of social media and your career development. How separate are these two activities? Identify ways you could utilize social media for your development and for your enhancement.

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