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  3. 3. Saporito, B. (2010, February 22). Toyota got tangled, 29–32.

  4. 4. Linebaugh, K. (2010, January 28), Toyota heir faces a crisis at the wheel, Wall Street Journal, A-1.

  5. 5. Deresky, H. (2014). International Management. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall; Mandel, M. (2008, March 10). Multinationals: Are they good for America? BusinessWeek, 4–43; McGregor, J., and Hamm, S. (2008, January 28). Managing the workforce. BusinessWeek, 34–39; Engardio, P., Smith, G., and Sasseen, J. (2008, March 31). Refighting NAFTA. BusinessWeek, 55–59; Whitaker, J., Krishman, M. S., and Fornell, C. (2008, July 7). How offshoring outsourcing affects customer satisfaction. Wall Street Journal, A-1; Chandler, C. (2005, February 7). Full speed ahead. Fortune, 78–84.

  6. 6. Cappellen, T., and Janssens, M. (2010). Characteristics of international work: Narratives of the global manager. Thunderbird International Business Review, 52(4), 337–349; Austen, I. (2008, March 26). In a Chevy, engine from China and transmission from Japan. New York Times, A-1; Goering, L. (2008, February 10). Indian firms tackle jobs in the U.S. Arizona Republic, A-19; Vlasic, B. (2008, March 28). Turning to a turnaround veteran. New York Times, A-1; Epstein, J., and Crown, J. (2008, March 24). Globalization bites Boeing. BusinessWeek, 32; Areddy, J. T. (2008, July 28). Partners fight over Wahaha in China. Wall Street Journal, A-1; Brothers, C. (2008, September 10). Weighing Euro, Airbus says cost-cutting means less production in Europe. New York Times, C-9.

  7. 7. Hill, C. W. (2015). International business. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

  8. 8. Hacker, A., and Dreifus, C. (2010, September 20). The trouble with going global. Newsweek, 54–56; Shirouzu, N. (2008, February 7). Engineering jobs become car makers’ new export. Wall Street Journal, A-1; Gimbel, B. (2008, July 21). Global 500. Fortune, 156–170; Kranfold, K. (2008, January 19). GE’s strength abroad helps it weather weakness in U.S. Wall Street Journal, A-3; Kharif, O. (2008, January 28). Tech: Slow at home, growing abroad. BusinessWeek, 32; Goodman, P. S. (2008, April 7).

  9. 9. World Trade Centers Association. (2011). www.wtadw.com.

  10. 10. Zsolnai, L., and Tencatic, A. (2010). The future international manager, New York: Palgrave-MacMillan; Vlasic, B. (2008, March 28). Turning to a turnaround veteran. New York Times, A-1; Austen, I. (2008, March 26). In a Chevy, engine from China and transmission from Japan. New York Times, A-1; Goering, L. (2008, February 10). Indian firms tackle jobs in the U.S. Arizona Republic, A-19; Smith, G., and Malkin, E. (1998, December 21). Mexican makeover. BusinessWeek, 50–52; Bellman, E. (2005, April 11). India senses patent appeal. Wall Street Journal, A-1; Millman, J. (2005, March 22). Maquiladora resumed hiring growth in 2004. Wall Street Journal, A-13.

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  13. 13. Hill, C. W. (2015). International Business. Chicago, IL: Irwin McGraw-Hill; Austen, I. (2008, March 26). In a Chevy, engine from China and transmission from Japan. New York Times, A-1; Epstein, J., and Crown, J. (2008, March 24). Globalization bites Boeing. BusinessWeek, 32; Millman, J. (2005, March 22). Maquiladora resumed hiring growth in 2004. Wall Street Journal, A-13; McWilliams, G. (2005, March 10). In electronics, U.S. companies seize momentum from Japan. Wall Street Journal, A-1.

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  15. 15. Hill, C. W. (2015). International business. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

  16. 16. Hacker, A., and Dreifus, C. (2010, September 20). The trouble with going global. Newsweek, 54–56; Puliyenthuruthel, J., and Rocks, D. (2005, April 25). India: The soft underbelly of offshoring. BusinessWeek, 52.

  17. 17. Ibid.

  18. 18. Steverman, B. (2010, January 4). The action stays offshore. BusinessWeek, 60–64; Einhorn, B. (2008, May 12). Made in China: MRI machines. BusinessWeek, 32; Einhorn, B. (2008, March 24). Outsourcing the patients. BusinessWeek, 36.

  19. 19. Barboza, D. (2008, November 10). China announces sweeping plan to aid economy. New York Times, A-1.

  20. 20. Epstein, J., and Crown, J. (2008, March 24). Globalization bites Boeing. BusinessWeek, 32.

  21. 21. Maltby, E. (2010, January 19). Expanding abroad? Avoid cultural gaffes. Wall Street Journal, B-5.

  22. 22. Ibid.

  23. 23. Capellen T., and Janssens, M. (2010). Characteristics of international work: Narratives of the global manager. Thunderbird International Business Review, 52(4), 337–349.

  24. 24. ACA News. (1996, June). International, 32.

  25. 25. Zsolnai, L., and Tencatic, A. (2010). The future international manager, New York: Palgrave-MacMillan; Tung, R. L. (2008). Do race and gender matter in international assignments to/from Asia Pacific? An exploratory study of attitudes among Chinese and Korean executives. Human Resource Management, 47(1), 91–110; BusinessWeek. (2008, June 16). News you need to know, 8; Minter, R. L. (2008). Preparation of expatriates for global assignment: Revisited. Journal of Diversity Management, 3(20), 37–42; Csizmar, C. (2008). Does your expatriate program follow the rules of the road? Compensation and Benefits Review, 40(1), 61–66.

  26. 26. Beck, E. (1995, May 1). Foreign companies in Hungary concerned about wage increase. Wall Street Journal, B-13(1).

  27. 27. Amobs, B., and Schlegelamilch, B. (2010). The new regional manager. New York: Palgrave-McMillan; Minter, R. L. (2008). Preparation of expatriates for global assignment: Revisited. Journal of Diversity Management, 3(20), 37–42; McGregor, J., and Hamm, S. (2008, January 28). Managing the workforce. BusinessWeek, 34–39; Sandberg, J. (2008, January 29). Global-market woes are more personality than nationality. Wall Street Journal, B-1.

  28. 28. Anuradha, R., and Gelfand, M. J. (2010). Will they stay or will they go? The role of job embeddedness in predicting turnover in individualistic and collectivist cultures. Journal of Applied Psychology, 95(5), 807–823; Carrico-Kahn, J., and Brahy, S. (2000). A meeting of minds: The importance of culture awareness in cross-border virtual teams. Innovations in International HR, 26(3), 1–11.

  29. 29. De La Torre, J., Doz, Y., and Devinney T. (2000). Managing the global corporation. New York: Irwin/McGraw-Hill.

  30. 30. Deresky, H. (2014). International Management. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall; Minter, R. L. (2008). Preparation of expatriates for global assignment: Revisited. Journal of Diversity Management, 3(20), 37–42; Thomas, A. R., Wilkinson, T. J., and Hawes, J. (2008, May 12). Making it in China. Wall Street Journal, R-11; Maynard, M. (2008, February 22). At Toyota, a giant strives to show its agility. New York Times, A-1; Schneyer, J. (2008, March 3). Brazil’s iron giant reaches for the top. BusinessWeek, 66; Sandberg, J. (2008, January 29). Global-market woes are more personality than nationality. Wall Street Journal, B-1; Zhu, Y., Collins, N., Webber, M., and Benson, J. (2008). New forms of ownership and human resources practices in Vietnam. Human Resource Management, 47(1), 157–175; Shirouzu, N. (2008, February 7). Engineering jobs become car makers’ new export. Wall Street Journal, A-1; Ning, L. (2008, May 12). Acting globally but selling locally. BusinessWeek, 51; Colvin, G. (2008, February 18). America for sale. Fortune, 58; Akhtar, S., Ding, D. Z., and Ge, G. L. (2008). Strategic HRM practices and their impact on company performance in Chinese enterprises. Human Resource Management, 47(1), 15–32; Hill, C. W. (2012). International business. Chicago: Irwin.

  31. 31. Dunn, E. (1991, January). Global outlook: Whirlpool Corporation. Personnel Journal, 52.

  32. 32. Ferraro, G. (2014). The cultural dimensions of international business. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Pearson/Prentice-Hall; Akhtar, S., Ding, D. Z., and Ge, G. L. (2008). Strategic HRM practices and their impact on company performance in Chinese enterprises. Human Resource Management, 47(1), 15–32; Flannigan, J. (2008, February 21). Passports essential for these MBAs. New York Times, B-1; Arenson, K. (2008, February 19). Princeton plans for an early year abroad. New York Times, A-19; Palich, L. E., and Gómez-Mejía, L. R. (1999). A theory of global strategy and firm efficiencies: Considering the effects of cultural diversity. Journal of Management, 25(4), 587–606.

  33. 33. http://globalhighered.wordpress.com. (2011). Surveying the construction of global knowledge/spaces for the knowledge economy. Accessed 2011; BusinessWeek. (2008, June 16). News you need to know, 8; Newsline. (2005, February 7). Expatriates on the rise. www.worldatwork.com.

  34. 34. Runzheimer Report on Relocation. (2002). U.S. companies impact high level employees. Available at www.runzheimer.com.

  35. 35. Deresky, H. (2011). International management. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall; Fortune. (1995, October 16). From the front, 225.

  36. 36. Steers, R. M., Sanchez-Runde, C., and Nardon, L. (2010). Management across cultures: challenges and strategies. London: Cambridge University Press; Minter, R. L. (2008). Preparation of expatriates for global assignment: Revisited. Journal of Diversity Management, 3(20), 37–42; Wilson, M. L. (1999, July 16). She got the last laugh when colleagues bet she would fail in Japan. Wall Street Journal, B-1; Frisbie, P. E. (2000). Expatriate policy and practices: Heading into the 21st century. International HR, 26(2), 1–11; Hill, C. W. (2006). International business. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

  37. 37. Osman-Gani, A. M. (2008). Antecedents and consequences of social network characteristics for expatriate adjustment and performance in overseas assignments: Implications for HRD. Human Resource Development, 7(1), 32–57; Gómez-Mejía, L. R., and Balkin, D. B. (1987). The determinants of managerial satisfaction with the expatriation and repatriation process. Journal of Management Development, 6, 7–18.

  38. 38. Tung, R. L. (2008). Do race and gender matter in international assignments to/from Asia Pacific? An exploratory study of attitudes among Chinese and Korean executives. Human Resource Management, 47(1), 91–110; Rowland, M. (1993, December 5). Thriving in a foreign environment. New York Times, Sect. 3, 17; Ossorio, S. (2002). Misconceptions about women in international area limit numbers. Available at www.catlystwomen.org.

  39. 39. Oshri, I., Kotlarsky, J., and Willcocks, L. P. (2010). The Handbook of global outsourcing and offshoring. New York: Palgrave MacMillan; Newsline. (2002, February 14). Expatriate activity expands but at a slower rate than expected. Available at www.windhamworld.com; Newsline. (2005, February 25). Overseas assignments becoming more enticing to executives. www.worldatwork.com, 17–44; BusinessWeek. (2008, June 16). News you need to know, 8.

  40. 40. BusinessWeek. (2008, June 16). News you need to know, 8; Newsline. (2005, February 7). Expatriates on the rise. www.worldatwork.com.

  41. 41. BusinessWeek. (2008, June 16). News you need to know, 8.

  42. 42. Zsolnai, L., and Tencatic, A., (2010). The future International Manager, New York: Palgrave-MacMillan; Minter, R. L. (2008). Preparation of expatriates for global assignment: Revisited. Journal of Diversity Management, 3(20), 37–42; Swaak, R. (1995, November–December). Expatriate failures: Too many, too much cost, too little planning. Compensation and Benefits Review, 17–75.

  43. 43. Fisher, A. (2005, January 24). Offshoring could boost your career. Fortune, 36.

  44. 44. Ibid.

  45. 45. Cavusgil, S. T., Knight, G., and Riesenberger, J. R. (2011). International business: Strategy management and the new realities. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice-Hall; De La Torre, J., Doz, Y., and Devinney T. (2000). Managing the global corporation. New York: Irwin/McGraw-Hill; Austin, J. W. (2001). Miscommunication: The most challenging issue for expatriate managers. Expatriate Observer, 24(2), 1–10; Hill, C. W. (2012). International business. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

  46. 46. Fortune, 1995.

  47. 47. Personal interview conducted by authors.

  48. 48. Deresky, H. (2011). International management. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall; Swaak, R. (1995, November–December). Expatriate failures: Too many, too much cost, too little planning. Compensation and Benefits Review, 47–75; Hovy, M. (2005, February). Future global remuneration strategies. Workspan, 35–39; Newsline. (2005, March 9). Multinational firms favor global approach to compensation management. www.worldatwork.com.

  49. 49. Steers, R. M., Sanchez-Runde, C., and Nardon, L. (2010). Management across cultures: Challenges and strategies. London: Cambridge University Press; Dallas, S. (1995, May 15). Working overseas: Rule no. 1: Don’t diss the locals. BusinessWeek, 8.

  50. 50. Minter, R. L. (2008). Preparation of expatriates for global assignment: Revisited. Journal of Diversity Management, 3(20), 37–42; Tung, R. (1988). The new expatriates: Managing human resources abroad. Cambridge, MA: Bellinger.

  51. 51. Swaak, R. (1995, November–December). Expatriate failures: Too many, too much cost, too little planning. Compensation and Benefits Review, 47–75.

  52. 52. Ferraro, G. (2010). The cultural dimensions of international business. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Pearson/Prentice-Hall; Pascoe, R. (1992, March 2). Employers ignore expatriate wives at their own peril. Wall Street Journal, A-10; Osland, J. (2002). What do expatriates want from HR departments? HR.com. Available at www.hr.com.

  53. 53. Oster, P. (1993, November 1). The fast track leads overseas. BusinessWeek, 64–68; Newsline. (2002, February 14). Expatriate activity expands but at a slower rate than expected. Available at www.windhamworld.com.

  54. 54. Oddou, G. R., and Mendenhall, M. E. (1991, January–February). Succession planning for the 21st century: How well are we grooming our future business leaders? Business Horizons, 26–35; Fulkerson, J. R. (2002). Growing global executives. In R. Silzer (Ed.), The 21st century executive, 300–335.

  55. 55. Cigna Corporation. (2002). Employers missing ROI when expatriating employees. Available at www.cigna.com.

  56. 56. Deresky, H. (2011). International management. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall; Minter, R. L. (2008). Preparation of expatriates for global assignment: Revisited. Journal of Diversity Management, 3(20), 37–42; www.worldatwork.com. (2011).

  57. 57. Puliyenthuruthel, J., and Rocks, D. (2005, April 25). India: The soft underbelly of offshoring. BusinessWeek, 52; Csizmar, C. (2008). Does your expatriate program follow the rules of the road? Compensation and Benefits Review, 40(1), 61–66; Osman-Gani, A. M. (2008). Antecedents and consequences of social network characteristics for expatriate adjustment and performance in overseas assignments: Implications for HRD. Human Resource Development, 7(1), 32–57; Oddou, G. R., and Mendenhall, M. E. (1991, January–February). Succession planning for the 21st century: How well are we grooming our future business leaders? Business Horizons, 26–35.

  58. 58. Kharif, O. (2008, January 28). Tech: Slow at home, growing abroad. BusinessWeek, 32; Kranfold, K. (2008, January 19). GE’s strength abroad helps it weather weakness in U.S. Wall Street Journal, A-3.

  59. 59. Oshri et al. (2010). BusinessWeek. (2008, June 16). News you need to know, 8; Fisher, A. (2005, January 24). Offshoring could boost your career. Fortune, 36.

  60. 60. http://globalhighered.wordpress.com. (2011). Surveying the construction of global knowledge/spaces for the knowledge economy. Accessed 2011; Liu, C. H., and Lee, H. W. (2009). A proposed model of expatriates in multinational corporations. www.emeraldinsight.com; Gómez-Mejía, L. R., and Balkin, D. B. (1987). The determinants of managerial satisfaction with the expatriation and repatriation process. Journal of Management Development, 6, 7–18; Tanski, A. (2001). Going home again: A checklist for easy repatriation. Expatriate Observer, 24(1), 1–3.

  61. 61. BusinessWeek. (2008, June 16). News you need to know, 8; Handel, J. (2001). Out of sight, out of mind—opinions differ on assignment success. Workspan, 44(6), 1–8.

  62. 62. Ferrar. (2010). Oddou, G. R., and Mendenhall, M. E. (1991, January–February). Succession planning for the 21st century: How well are we grooming our future business leaders? Business Horizons, 29.

  63. 63. Deresky. (2014). Tung, R. L. (2008). Do race and gender matter in international assignments to/from Asia Pacific? An exploratory study of attitudes among Chinese and Korean executives. Human Resource Management, 47(1), 91–110; Liu, C. H., and Lee, H. W. (2009). A proposed model of expatriates in multinational corporations. www.emeraldinsight.com; Gómez-Mejía, L. R., and Balkin, D. B. (1987). The determinants of managerial satisfaction with the expatriation and repatriation process. Journal of Management Development, 6, 7–18; Wellins, R., and Rioux, S. (2001, February). Solving the global HR puzzle. Workspan, 44(2), 1–14.

  64. 64. Personal interview conducted by authors.

  65. 65. Maltby, E. (2010, January 19). Expanding abroad? Avoid cultural gaffes. Wall Street Journal, B-5; Liu, C. H., and Lee, H. W. (2009). A proposed model of expatriates in multinational corporations. www.emeraldinsight.com; Gómez-Mejía, L. R., and Balkin, D. B. (1987). The determinants of managerial satisfaction with the expatriation and repatriation process. Journal of Management Development, 6, 7–18.

  66. 66. Personal interview conducted by authors.

  67. 67. Maltby, E. (2010, January 19). Expanding abroad? Avoid cultural gaffes. Wall Street Journal, B-5; BusinessWeek. (2008, June 16). News you need to know, 8; Newsline. (2005, February 7). Expatriates on the rise. www.worldatwork.com.

  68. 68. Maltby, E. (2010, January 19). Expanding abroad? Avoid cultural gaffes. Wall Street Journal, B-5; Oster, P. (1993, November 1). The fast track leads overseas. BusinessWeek, 64–68.

  69. 69. Minter, R. L. (2008). Preparation of expatriates for global assignment: Revisited. Journal of Diversity Management, 3(20), 37–42; Csizmar, C. (2008). Does your expatriate program follow the rules of the road? Compensation and Benefits Review, 40(1), 61–66; Liu, C. H., and Lee, H. W. (2009). A proposed model of expatriates in multinational corporations. www.emeraldinsight.com.

  70. 70. Steers, R. M., Sanchez-Runde, C., and Nardon, L. (2010). Management across cultures: Challenges and strategies. London: Cambridge University Press; Bird, A., and Makuda, M. (1989). Expatriates in their own home: A new twist in the human resource management strategies of Japanese MNCs. Human Resource Management, 28(4), 437–453.

  71. 71. Tung, R. L. (2008). Do race and gender matter in international assignments to/from Asia Pacific? An exploratory study of attitudes among Chinese and Korean executives. Human Resource Management, 47 (1), 91–110; Shellenbarger, S. (1991, September 6). Spouses must pass test before global transfers. Wall Street Journal, B-1.

  72. 72. Hill, C. W. (2012). International business. Chicago: Irwin; Cavusgil, S. T., Knight, G., and Riesenberger, J. R. (2008). International business: Strategy management and the new realities. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice-Hall.

  73. 73. Farndale, E., Pauwe, J., Morris, S. S., Stahl, G., Stiles, P., Trevor, J., and Wright, P. M. (2010). Context-bound configurations of corporate HR functions in multinational corporations. Human Resource Management, 49(1), 45–66; Osland, J. (2002). What do expatriates want from HR departments? HR.com. Available at www.hr.com.

  74. 74. Grisham, T., and Walker, D. H. T. (2008). Cross-cultural leadership. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 1(3), 439–445; Lublin, J. S. (1992, August 4). Companies use cross-cultural training to help their employees adjust abroad. Wall Street Journal, B-1, B-3.

  75. 75. Amobs, B., and Schlegelamilch, B. (2010). The new regional manager. New York: Palgrave-McMillan; Newsline. (2002, February 14). Expatriate activity expands but at a slower rate than expected. Available at www.windhamworld.com; Newsline. (2005, February 7). Expatriates on the rise. www.worldatwork.com.

  76. 76. Puliyenthuruthel, J., and Rocks, D. (2005, April 25). India: The soft underbelly of offshoring. BusinessWeek, 52.

  77. 77. BusinessWeek. (2008, June 16). News you need to know, 8; Newsline. (2005, February 7). Expatriates on the rise. www.worldatwork.com.

  78. 78. Anuradha, R., and Gelfand, M. J. (2010). Will they stay or will they go? The role of job embeddedness in predicting turnover in individualistic and collectivist cultures. Journal of Applied Psychology, 95(5), 807–823; Liu, C. H., and Lee, H. W. (2009). A proposed model of expatriates in multinational corporations. www.emeraldinsight.com; BusinessWeek. (2008, June 16). News you need to know, 8; Grant, L. (1997, April 14). That overseas job could derail your career. Fortune, 166; Handel, J. (2001). Out of sight, out of mind—opinions differ on assignment success. Workspan, 44(6), 1–8.

  79. 79. Ferraro, G. (2010). The cultural dimensions of international business. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Pearson/Prentice-Hall; Runzheimer Report on Relocation. (2000). Circle of chaos often develops during family relocation process. Available at www.runzheimer.com.

  80. 80. Cavusgil, S. T., Knight, G., and Riesenberger, J. R. (2011). International business: Strategy management and the new realities. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice-Hall.

  81. 81. Ibid.

  82. 82. Ferraro, G. (2010). The cultural dimensions of international business. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Pearson/Prentice-Hall; Csizmar, C. (2008). Does your expatriate program follow the rules of the road? Compensation and Benefits Review, 40(1), 61–66; Cavusgil, S. T., Knight, G., and Riesenberger, J. R. (2008). International business: Strategy management and the new realities. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice-Hall; Fuchsberg, G. (1992, January 9). As costs of overseas assignments climb, firms select expatriates more carefully. Wall Street Journal, B-1.

  83. 83. Maltby, E. (2010, January 19). Expanding abroad? Avoid cultural gaffes. Wall Street Journal, B-5; Lublin, J. S. (1993, March 12). Jobs in Eastern Europe demand more goodies. Wall Street Journal, B-1.

  84. 84. Bush, J. (2008, June 16). Russia’s raiders. BusinessWeek, 67–72; Mathews, A. W., and Johnson, A. (2008, January 23). Pharmaceutical industry faces increased security. Wall Street Journal, A-14; Ewing, J. (2008, March 10). More fodder for the Yank haters. BusinessWeek, 35; Ewing, J. (2008, March 31). Dollar daze in Europe. BusinessWeek, 47–50; Rocks, D., and Halperin, A. (2008, August 18). Stalking the wild copycats. BusinessWeek, 62–65; Leow, J., and Areddy, J. T. (2008, January 22). Bank of China’s subprime hit? Up to $2 billion. Wall Street Journal, A-1;

  85. 85. Steverman, B. (2010, January 4). The action stays offshore. BusinessWeek, 60–64; Lakshman, N. (2008, January 14). An industry that is fraying fast. BusinessWeek, 57; Bellman, E., and Range, J. (2008, May 1). Shortage of laborers plagues India. Wall Street Journal, A-1; Goering, L. (2008, February 10). Indian firms tackle jobs in the U.S. Arizona Republic, A-19; Salomon, J. (2005, February 22). India poaches U.S. executives for tech jobs. Wall Street Journal, B-1.

  86. 86. Bellman, E., and Range, J. (2008, May 1). Shortage of laborers plagues India. Wall Street Journal, A-1.

  87. 87. Herod, R. (2001). The cardinal sins of expatriate policies. International HR, 27(4), 1–5.

  88. 88. Taras, V., Kirkman, B., and Steel, P. (2010). Examining the impact of Culture’s Consequences: A three-decade, multilevel, meta-analytic review of Hofstede’s cultural value dimensions. Journal of Applied Psychology, 95(3), 405–439; Minter, R. L. (2008). Preparation of expatriates for global assignment: Revisited. Journal of Diversity Management, 3(20), 37–42; Bennett, A. (1993, April 21). What’s an expatriate? Wall Street Journal, R-5.

  89. 89. Cook, M. (Ed.). (1993). The human resources yearbook, 1993–1994 edition, 3.14–3.16.

  90. 90. Survey sources for U.S. and international pay and benefits survey. (2009). Available at resource.worldatwork.org.

  91. 91. Hill, C. W. (2012). International business. Chicago, IL: Irwin McGraw-Hill; Ferraro, G. (2010). The cultural dimensions of international business. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Pearson/Prentice-Hall; Greene, K. (2008, April 19). How to hedge currency risk if you retire abroad. Wall Street Journal, B-2; Anand, S. (2008, February 13). Investors flock to foreign bonds. Wall Street Journal, D-1; International Monetary Fund. (2008, January 24). The big five. Reported in Wall Street Journal, A-14; Spiers, E. (2008, August 18). The world’s worst inflation. Fortune, 36; Brothers, C. (2008, September 10). Weighing Euro, Airbus says cost-cutting means less production in Europe. New York Times, C-9; Walker, M., and Higgins, A. (2008, July 2). Zimbabwe can’t paper over its million-percent inflation anymore. Wall Street Journal, A-1; Ewing, J. (2008, March 10). More fodder for the Yank haters. BusinessWeek, 35; Ewing, J. (2008, March 31). Dollar daze in Europe. BusinessWeek, 47–50;

  92. 92. Csizmar, C. (2008). Does your expatriate program follow the rules of the road? Compensation and Benefits Review, 40(1), 61–66; Hovy, M. (2005, February). Future global remuneration strategies. Workspan, 35–39.

  93. 93. Steers, R. M., Sanchez-Runde, C., and Nardon, L. (2010). Management across cultures: Challenges and strategies. London: Cambridge University Press; Osland, J. (2002). What do expatriates want from HR departments? HR.com. Available at www.hr.com.

  94. 94. Polak International Consultants. (2002). International HR practices lay behind workplace trends. www.polak.net; Wallin, M. (2005, February 8). Among Islamic banks, a shortage of scholars. New York Times, C-8.

  95. 95. Steers, R. M., Sanchez-Runde, C., and Nardon, L. (2010). Management across cultures: Challenges and strategies. London: Cambridge University Press; Tung, R. L. (2008). Do race and gender matter in international assignments to/from Asia Pacific? An exploratory study of attitudes among Chinese and Korean executives. Human Resource Management, 47(1), 91–110; Ossorio, S. (2002). Misconceptions about women in international area limit numbers. Available at www.catlystwomen.org.

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