• Background checks

  • Bargaining units, 481

  • BARS (Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale), 210, 211

  • Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS), 210, 211

  • Behavior appraisal instruments, 210

  • Benchmark jobs, 307, 308

  • Benefits. See Employee benefits

  • Benefits mix, 366367. See also Employee benefits

  • Beryllium, 525526

  • BFOQ (Bona fide occupational qualification), 89

  • Bias

    • actor/observer, 223

    • in performance measurement, 216217

  • Biodata form, 165

  • Bloodborne Pathogens Standards, 511

  • Board of directors, 349350

  • Bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ), 89

  • Bonuses

  • Boundaryless organizational structure, 48

  • Boycott, 468

  • BPR (business process reengineering), 4950

  • Brain drain, 20

  • Brainstorming, 250

  • Breadth skills, 311

  • Bribes, 543, 557, 563564

  • Brito v. Zia Company, 219220

  • Bulletin boards, 405406

  • Bullying, workplace, 452454, 524525

  • Bumping, 192

  • Burden of proof, 94

  • Bureaucratic organizational structure, 46, 47

  • Burnout, 520

  • Business necessity defense, 90

  • Business process reengineering (BPR), 4950

  • Business unionism, 470

  • Business unit strategies

    • Miles and Snow’s, 2930

    • Porter’s, 2829

  • Byrnes Antistrikebreaking Act, 469

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