• Labor contracts, explanation of, 470471. See also Collective bargaining

  • Labor demand

    • example of forecasting, 152154

    • explanation of, 150

    • techniques to forecast, 154155

  • Labor market model, 289

  • Labor relations

    • choices related to, 2627

    • collective bargaining and, 483488

    • contract administration and, 489490

    • legislation related to, 467469

    • organizing activities of, 479482

    • in other countries, 472475

    • specialists, 466

    • union acceptance strategy and, 476479

    • union avoidance strategy and, 467468, 478479

    • in the United States, 469472

  • Labor strikes

    • economic, 487

    • examples of, 464, 466

    • function of, 487488

    • general strike, 473

    • public-sector unions and, 472

    • statistics for, 466

    • sympathy, 487

    • wildcat, 487

  • Labor supply

    • example of forecasting, 152154

    • explanation of, 150

    • techniques to forecast, 154155

  • Labor unions

    • acceptance strategy for, 476478

    • avoidance strategy for, 467468, 478479

    • employee benefits and, 364

    • explanation of, 465

    • historical background of, 466

    • impact on human resource management, 491493

    • managerial perspective on, 465

    • membership in, 471472

    • organization phase of, 479482

    • public-sector, 472

    • role of managers in, 466

    • trends related to, 8

    • union dues, 465

  • Landrum-Griffin Act (1959), 467, 468, 469

  • Latinos/Latinas. See Hispanics

  • Layoffs

  • Legal environment/legal issues

    • challenges of, 8586

    • compensation issues, 312315, 320321

    • elements of, 83

    • employee recruitment/selection, 173174, 511

    • employee training, 254

    • equal employment opportunity laws, 86103

    • fair employment, 8586

    • human resource legislation, 116117

    • human resources role in, 89

    • job analysis and, 63

    • labor relations and, 467469

    • performance appraisals as, 219220

    • staffing, 173174

    • understanding and complying with, 84

    • unintended consequences, 86

  • Leniency error, 216

  • Lesbians, 130131

  • Letters of recommendation, 164165

  • Life insurance, 384

  • Line employees, 2

  • Line managers, encouragement of, 21

  • Literacy, 251

  • Literacy training, 250251

  • Lockouts, 488

  • Long-term disability insurance, 384385

  • Long-term/short-term orientation, 550, 555

  • Lump-sum payments, 334

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