‘There are only a few individuals with the requisite qualifications to undertake the task of writing a book on performance attribution, and Andrew Colin clearly ranks among them. His expertise and experience as a developer, designer, and lecturer provide him with the necessary credentials. The result is a book that masterfully covers all aspects of the subject, both broadly and deeply. This book deserves to rest upon the shelves of any performance measurement or investment professional eager to learn and understand more about this subject.’

David Spaulding, DPS, CIPM
CEO, The Spaulding Group

‘An excellent step forward in the explanation of the dark art of fixed income attribution! The material is methodical and strikes an appropriate balance between academic theory and practical implementation.’

Carl Bacon CIPM
Chairman, StatPro Group

‘Yet again, Andrew Colin produces a book that brings together the details of attribution, blending both detailed theoretical concepts and practical examples. A must have for any attribution specialist.’

Andrew Kophamel CFA, CIPM, FRM
Head of Performance, Asia Pacific, Aberdeen Asset Management

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