
3-month LIBOR

accrual instrument

accrual securities

accrued interest

accurate intraday contributions

active carry

active return

additive aggregation

allocation returns, 2nd

American option

amortising bond, 2nd, 3rd

amortising security

annual compounding

annual coupon, 2nd

arithmetic compounding

arithmetic smoothing

asset allocation, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th


on bond futures, 2nd

break-even yields in

with complete data

on credit portfolios


on Euro bond portfolios

fixed income

with incomplete data

multiple levels of


return and

risk, types of

securities and

on securitised debt

strategy tagging and

types of

Australian bond futures

balanced attribution, 2nd

bank bill future

bank bills, 2nd

bank rate

barbell strategy

base currency return

base rate

base return, 2nd

base and return premiums


basis swap

basis trading

BEIR see break-even inflation rate

benchmark, 2nd, 3rd

Bermudan option

bond, 2nd

bond futures, 2nd

risk numbers, sensitivity to

bond futures contracts, 2nd

bond pricing formulae

bond yield

bonds, 2nd


modified duration of


return of

types of

bond’s market return


bottom-up attribution models, 2nd

‘bottom-up’ investment process

break-even inflation rate (BEIR)

break-even yields, 2nd

Brinson attribution, 2nd, 3rd

asset allocation

bottom-up attribution

Brinson risks, hedging

hedged portfolio

sector classification


stock selection

successive portfolio attribution

top-down attribution

Brinson expression

Brinson, Gary

Brinson-Fachler model, 2nd, 3rd, 4th

Brinson-Hood-Beebower model, 2nd

bullet payment, 2nd

bullet security

business as usual


calendar returns

call date

callable bond, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th

callable FRN

Campisi model

Canadian model

capped FRN

Carino, D.,

Carino smoothing

carry, 2nd, 3rd

carry returns, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th

carry-based investment strategies

decomposed, 2nd

carry-based investment strategies


cash and carry

cash drag

cash flows

cash flow structure

cash offsets

CDO see collateralised debt obligation

CDS see credit default swaps

central banks

cheap/dear effects

cheapest to deliver (CTD), 2nd, 3rd, 4th

classification structure

CMOs see collateralised mortgage obligations

Colin-Cubilié-Bardoux attribution

collateralised debt obligation (CDO)

collateralised mortgage obligations (CMOs)


composite benchmark

compounded returns

compounding interval

Consumer Price Index (CPI)

continuous compounding, 2nd, 3rd


conversion factor

convexity, 2nd


and price


corporate bond, 2nd, 3rd, 5th

counterparty, 2nd, 3rd

coupon reset interval


CPI see Consumer Price Index

credit attribution

credit carry return

credit curves

credit default swaps (CDS)

credit effects

credit event

credit ratings

credit return, 2nd, 3rd

credit risk

credit spread return

credit spreads, 2nd

creditworthiness, 2nd

cross terms

CTD see cheapest to deliver

cubic interpolation

currency attribution

base currency return

forwards contract

hedge returns, measuring

hedging and risk

Karnosky-Singer attribution model

local currency return

naïve attribution, hedged portfolio

portfolio hedging

unhedged portfolios

currency exposures, 2nd

currency forward

currency futures contract

currency option

currency risk, 2nd

currency swap

current/running yield, 2nd


curve flattening trade

curve movement

curve return, 2nd, 3rd, 4th

curve shifts taxonomy

duration and curvature

key rate duration returns

no sovereign curve effects

principal component analysis

shift, twist and curvature

undecomposed curve return

curve twist

data vendors


debt restructuring agreement

default, 2nd, 3rd

delivery, 2nd

deposit yield


dimensionality reduction

dirty price

discount margins

discount securities

discount yields

discounted cash flows

dividend, 2nd, 3rd

duration allocation

duration allocation return

duration allocation risk

duration asset allocation

duration attribution

duration matched treasury

duration options

duration returns, 2nd

duration risk

duration stock selection return

duration weight

duration-based asset allocation

duration-weighted yields

effective exposure

embedded call

embedded option, 2nd

embedded put

equity attribution

basic concepts

Brinson attribution

multiple-level asset allocation

off-benchmark securities

security-level attribution

successive portfolio attribution

equity attribution models

Euro bond portfolios

attribution with country curves

attribution without country curves


Eurodollar future

European option


exchange rate risk

existing portfolios

expiration date

face value

factor analysis

Fed Funds rate, 2nd, 3rd

Fisher equation, 2nd

fixed income attribution, 2nd

fixed income effects

fixed income returns

fixed income risks


bond yield

carry return

credit effects

maturities and

prices and yields

pricing conventions

fixed income securities

fixed-coupon bonds, 2nd, 3rd

flat yield curve


floating rate note (FRN), 2nd



explicit pricing of

and securitisation

treatment of, in commercial systems


floored FRN

foreign exchange return

forwards, 2nd

forwards contract

fractional hedging

frequency of compounding

FRN see floating rate note

fundamental attribution equation

futures basis

futures contracts

fixed income securities and

futures margin

futures offset

FX exposure

General Index of Retail Prices (RPI)

geometric aggregation

geometric compounding

geometric smoothing

government bonds

government debt


hedge position

hedged benchmark

hedged portfolio

Brinson attribution

naïve attribution

hedging, 2nd, 3rd


highly leveraged securities

high-yield portfolio

hybrid models


implied inflation curve

income return, 2nd

inflation, 2nd, 3rd, 4th

inflation carry

inflation carry return

inflation data

inflation rate, 2nd

inflation ratios

inflation swaps

inflation term structure

inflation-linked bond, 2nd

inflation-linked bond market

inflation-linked debt

inflation-linked gilts

inflation-linked securities, 2nd

interaction, 2nd

interest rate duration

interest rate exposure

interest rate future

interest rate risk

interest rate sensitivity

interest rate swap future

interest rates, 2nd


intraday performance

inverse repo rate

inverted yield curve

investment strategy, 2nd

issuer-specific return

junior tranche

junk bonds

Karnosky-Singer attribution model, 2nd

key rate attribution

key rate duration (KRD) returns

first principles


key rates

LDI see liability-driven investment

letter of credit


liability-driven investment (LDI)


linear interpolation


liquidity, 2nd, 3rd, 4th

liquidity return

local currency return

lower-level asset allocation returns

managed fund

market direction effect

market direction return

market exposure

market interest rate

market noise

market price

market return

market value attribution

market weight attribution

maturity, 2nd

maturity date, 2nd

MBS see mortgage-backed security

mezzanine tranche

mixed attribution

modelling swaps

modern portfolio theory

modified duration

money market

money market benchmarks

money market curve decomposition

money market securities

money market yield curves

money-weighted return

Monte Carlo simulation


mortgage-backed security (MBS), 2nd

multiple-level asset allocation returns

muni bond

NAV see Net Asset Value

negative convexity

negative interest rate

negative real yield

Nelson-Siegel function

nested duration allocation

Net Asset Value (NAV)

net present value

New Zealand bond futures


nominal yield, 2nd

non-bond securities

non-parallel shift

non-zero price return

notional cash

OAD see option-adjusted duration

OAS see option-adjusted spread

off the run

off-benchmark securities

on the run

option-adjusted duration (OAD)

option-adjusted spread (OAS)

option-adjusted spread (OAS) curve

optionality, 2nd, 3rd

overnight rate

over-the-counter (OTC) instruments


par curve, 2nd

parallel movement, 2nd

parallel shift

parallel shift, yield curve

parametric curve modelling

pass-through security

paydown return

payment frequency


performance contribution, 2nd, 3rd, 4th

performance measurement

active return and

benchmark and

cash flows and

cash offsets and

compounded returns and

edge cases and

external returns and

liability-driven investment and

money-weighted return and

portfolio returns and, 2nd

return concept and

sector returns and

security transactions and

stochastic attribution and

time-weighted return and

periodic interest rate

perpetual bond

perturbational equation

portfolio returns, 2nd



prepayment models



price return


pricing conventions

pricing formula

pricing securities


principal component analysis (PCA)

probability-weighted price

profit and loss

promissory note

PSA see Public Securities Association

Public Securities Association (PSA)

pull-to-par effect

pull-to-par return

pull-to-parity effect

purchasing power

puttable bonds

rate of return, 2nd, 3rd

raw pricing functions

real yield

real yield curve

real yield term structure

redemption date

redemption yield

re-hedging algorithm

reinvestment risk

repayment of principal

repo, 2nd, 3rd

repo agreement, 2nd

repo effects

repo rate, 2nd

reset date

reset margin, 2nd

residual return

residuals, 2nd

return, concept of

return contribution

return premium

revaluation, 2nd

reverse FRN

reverse repo

riding the yield curve


risk data

risk numbers

risk-free carry return

risk-free curve

risk-free yield


rolldown return

rolling over

RPI see General Index of Retail Prices

running/current yield, 2nd

sector carry return

sector classification

sector, concept of

sector curve allocation

sector curve return

sector curves, 2nd, 3rd

attribution returns and

constraints, on shape

option-adjusted spread (OAS)

sector returns, 2nd

sector weights


securitised debt

security spread curve

security transactions

security-level attribution

asset allocation, multiple levels of

Brinson model

stock selection and interaction terms, combined

security-specific carry return

selection return

selection/security-specific return

semi-annual coupon

semi-government bonds

senior tranche

sensitivity measure

shift return

shift/twist/butterfly (STB) analysis

simple margin

simple yield

single fixed income security

single-leg swaps

single-level asset allocation returns

single-level Brinson attribution

Brinson-Fachler model, 2nd

Brinson-Hood-Beebower model, 2nd

interaction return

smoothing algorithms

Carino smoothing

cross terms

foreign exchange return

geometric smoothing

internally consistent return contributions


sovereign bond

sovereign curve attribution

sovereign curve risk

sovereign debt, 2nd

spline model

spot curve

spread duration

spread duration, interest rate sensitivity

spread effect

spread return


stand-alone portfolios


stepped FRN

stochastic attribution

stock selection

stock selection returns, 2nd

strategy tagging

successive portfolio attribution

swap curve

swap leg





types of

swing return

tax effects

term structure

theoretical price, of bond future

Tim Lord model

time-weighted return and

top-down attribution

top-down investment process

top-level asset allocation returns

total return swap

trading return

treasury bond yields

treasury effect

twist return

two-leg swaps

unattributed return

unhedged portfolios

Karnosky-Singer attribution

vanilla bond, 2nd

variable rate note

yield to call

yield curve attribution

yield curve data, 2nd

yield curve models

yield curves, 2nd

credit spreads

interest rates and

interpolation and

non-parallel shift

par curves

parallel movements in

zero curves

yield data

yield to maturity (YTM)

in attribution reports

an inflation-linked bond

pros and cons of

yield to put

yield to worst

yields, 2nd

current, or running yield

measure for attribution

nominal yield

for non-bond securities

simple yield

types of

yield to maturity

zero coupon bonds, 2nd

zero curves

zero-coupon sector curves

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