
As this ebook edition doesn't have fixed pagination, the page numbers below are hyperlinked for reference only, based on the printed edition of this book.


7-Zip 466

.NET languages 313

.NET application

CIL language instruction set 317

identifying, from PE characteristics 316

.NET file structure

about 313

COR20 header 313-315

metadata streams 315

.NET malware analysis

about 322

analysis tools 322, 323

obfuscation, dealing with 325

static and dynamic analysis 323

.NET malware analysis, tools

dnSpy 322

dotPeek 322

ILSpy 322

.NET IL Editor (DILE) 322

.NET reflector 322


Visual Studio 322

partial ROP 290


aapt 507

Access Control List (ACL) 353

Accumulator (ACC) 57

AceDeceiver 458

ActiveX Data Objects (ADOs) 330

Activity Manager (AM) 510

address space layout randomization (ASLR) 289, 290, 439

Adore-Ng 404

AdThief 459

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) 432

Advanced Mac Cleaner 456

Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) attacks

about 13, 168

files 497

Ahead-Of-Time (AOT) 488

AMD registers 234

analysis strategy

selecting 14

selection considerations 14-18

analysis strategy, workflow

behavioral analysis 18

dynamic analysis 18

static analysis 18

triage 18

unpacking 18

analysis workflow 474, 475

AND (&) operation 27

AndroChef 508

androguard 507


APIs 499, 500

APK files 497-499

ART files 497

DEX format 494, 495

ELF files 497

file formats and APIs 494

OAT files 496

ODEX files 496

VDEX files 497

Android Debug Bridge (ADB) 508-510

Android documentation, directory structure

data storage options 478

androiddump 516

Android internals

file hierarchy 478-480

rooting 484-486

using 478

Android malware

analysis workflow 516, 517

behavioral analysis 515, 516

tracing 515, 516

Android malware, dynamic analysis

about 508

Android Debug Bridge (ADB) 508-510

debuggers 513-515

emulators 511-513

Android malware, static analysis

about 506

data extraction 506, 507

decompiling 507, 508

disassembling 506, 507

Android Package (APK) file 487

Android-Rootkit 505

Android Runtime (ART) 390, 487-489

Android security model

about 480

App permissions 481, 482

console 483, 484

filesystem 481

process management 480

security services 483

AndroidSnooper 516

angr 408

anti-analysis tricks 461, 462

anti-disassemblers 210

API hooking

about 186

detecting, with memory forensics 190, 191

need for 186, 187

using 187, 188

using, with length disassembler 189, 190

using, with trampoline 188, 189

working with 187

APK Downloader 516

APK files 497-499

APK Studio 507

apktool 498, 506

AppBuyer threat 459

apple disk images (.dmg) 447

Apple FileSystem (APFS) 432

Apple Filing Protocol (AFP) 457

Apple Remote Desktop 457


using 463

AppleTalk Filing Protocol 457

Application bundles (.app)

about 444

Info.plist 444

iOS apps 445

macOS 444

application programming interfaces (APIs)

about 82, 83, 104, 439, 447, 448, 499, 500

hijacking 464, 465

Application Program Status Register (APSR) 48

Application-Specific Extensions (ASEs) 52

App Sandbox 434

AppSync Unified 472

App Translocation 433

Arbitrary Code Execution (ACE) 9, 274

architecture, instructions

splitting 33


about 30

assembly 30

handling 427, 428

instructions 32

memory 31

registers 30

architectures, memory

stack 32

virtual memory 31

architectures, registers

types 30

arithmetic statements 64, 65


about 424

Linux shellcode 281

ARM assembly

basics 47-49

categories 47

codes 51

exploring 45-47

instruction sets 49-51

asymmetric algorithms 138

asymmetric encryption algorithms 145

asynchronous Procedure Call (APC) 249

Autoruns 170


backdoor 7, 504

Back to My Mac (BTMM) 457

Baksmali 506

bash 355, 356

Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) 231

batch files

obfuscation patterns 354

behavioral analysis, of malware functionality

essentials 109

file operations 109, 110

network activity 112

process operations 111

registry operations 110

sandboxes 112, 113

WinAPIs 111, 112

behavioral analysis tools

detecting 215

evading 215

behavioral patterns

command and control 400, 401

defense evasion 402, 403

exploring 395

impact 401, 402

initial access and lateral movement 396-398

persistence 398, 399

privilege escalation 399, 400

ways, for achieving privilege escalation 400

BiffView 371

Binary Interchange File Format (BIFF8) format 367

Binary Ninja 407

Binder 480

Bionic C library 497

bit 25

bitwise operations

about 26

AND (&) operation 27

circular shift (Rotate) 29

logical shift (<< or >>) 29

NOT (~) operation 28

OR (|) operation 27

XOR (^) operation 28

bootkit 9

Boot ROM 435

borland register 45

BotenaG 422


hardware breakpoints 101, 102

memory breakpoints 101

software (INT3) breakpoints 100, 101

step into breakpoints 100

step over breakpoints 100

types 100

BrickerBot 422

Bundlore 456

Bundlore threat 465

Burp Suite 471

BusyBox 484

BusyBox suite 401

BusyGasper 504

bytecode languages

about 311

inheritance 312

object-oriented programming 312

polymorphism 312

theory 311

bytecode set 489-494

bytecode_tracer 350

Bytecode Visualizer plugin 344


calling conventions 42

call stack

backtracing 126-128

following 129

capa 157

CAPE 113

capstorm 408

Carna 422

carry flag (CF) 35

C declaration (cdecl) 44

central processing unit (CPU) 30

CFF Explorer 79, 118


dynamic API calling 212

Chimera 450

Chrome Developer Tools 381

CIL language instruction set, .NET

branching instructions 319

mathematical and logical operations 319

stack instructions, pushing into 317, 318

value, pulling out from stack 318

circular shift (Rotate) 29

class 312

Classic Mac OS 430

clicker 8

Cloud Atlas 458

cloud-based Genymotion 513

Cocoa 430

Cocoa Touch 435

code block injection 174-176

code injection, dynamic analysis

about 179

dealing, with process hollowing 180, 181

debugging 179

targeted process, attaching 180

code patching 233

code transportation 211, 212

cold boot attack 459 433

COM functionality

using 214, 215

Command and Control (C&C) 5, 168

Command & Control servers (C&Cs) 194

Common Intermediate Language (CIL) 313

Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) 286

Compact DEX (CDEX) 497

compiled Python threats

analyzing 345

compiled Python threats analysis

bytecode instructions 346-348

dynamic analysis 349, 350

file structure 345, 346

static analysis 348, 349

Complex Instruction Set Computer (CISC) 32

Compound File Binary (CFB) format 293-297, 367

COMView tool 215

Condition Codes Register (CCR) 62

Condition Register (CR) 57

container-based anbox 513

control flow instructions 41, 42

Control Panel (CPL) 162

CookieMiner 456

Core Foundation framework 447

Count Register (CTR) 57

CPUID hypervisor bit 219

cross-references 104

cross-reference stream 304

cross-reference table 303

Crossrider 456

cryptocurrency miners 456

cryptocurrency mining 402

cryptographic service provider (CSP)

connecting 146

initializing 146

Cryptography API

Next Generation (CNG)

about 148, 149

steps 148

cuckoo 113, 122

Current Program Status Register (CPSR) 48

Cutter 411

CyberChef 363, 377

cycrypt 471

Cydia Extender 472

Cydia Impactor 471

Cydia package 471

Cydia Substrate 464


Dalvik Executable (DEX) format 486, 494, 495

Dalvik VM (DVM) 486

Dark Nexus 422

data carving tools

foremost 405

scalpel 405

strings 405

data directories

about 75

entries 76

Data Execution Prevention (DEP)

turning on 124, 125

Data Execution Prevention/No Execute (DEP/NX) 270, 288

data manipulation instructions 38, 39

data structures

about 90

functions 90

data structures, functions

Process Environment Block (PEB) 91

Thread Environment Block (TEB) 91

Thread Information Block (TIB) 90

data transfer instructions 39, 40

data types 25, 26

data units 25, 26

DazzleSpy threat 431

DDoS attacks 401

Debug Base Register (DBR) 60


attacking 209

escaping 207

debugger detection

exploring 194

with DebugObject 197

with EPROCESS information 196

with exceptions 197

with handles 197

with parent processes 198, 199

with PEB information 194-196

debuggers 254

debugging tools 95-97


using, for debugger detection 197

DebugView 256

Decompyle++ (pycdc) 349

decompyle3 349

default settings

used, for detecting sandboxes 222


about 298

types 298

demilitarized zone (DMZ) 4

Denial of Service (DoS) attack 8, 270, 274

deobfuscation tools

de4dot 322

Detect It Easy (DiE) 322

NoFuserEx 322

dest 36

detection tricks 461, 462

Detect It Easy (DiE) 328, 403

device driver 231

Device Firmware Upgrade (DFU) 435

Device Policy Manager (DPM) 510

dex2jar 508

digital forensics 14

Digital Signal Processor (DSP) module 53

direction flag (DF) 35

Direct Kernel Object Manipulation Attack (DKOM)

about 233, 242

kernel objects 243, 244

performing, with rootkits 244-246

Direct Memory Access (DMA) 459


encryption functions, identifying 140, 141

Disk Utility 432

dissemblers 210

distorm3 408

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) 8

DLL injection

about 169

technique 172, 173

Windows-supported 169-171

dmg2img 447

dnSpy 323

Document Object Model (DOM) 359

Domain Name System (DNS) format 444

DOS program’s MZ Header 73

dotPeek tool 323

Double-Indirect File Allocation Table (DIFAT) 297

DR0-DR3 101

DR6 101

DR7 101

DRAKVUF Sandbox 113

DriverBuddy 253

DriverView 256

DTrace 470

dtruss 470

dual-use tools 9

Dvmap 502

dylib hijacking 453

dynamic analysis

about 160-162

for native code 339

for p-code 339

dynamic analysis, in kernel mode

about 254

debuggers 254

monitors 256

rootkit detectors 256, 257

dynamic analysis, of iOS

about 471

debuggers 472

dumping and decryption 473

in-memory patching 473

installers and loaders 471, 472

monitors patching 473

network analysis 473

dynamic analysis, of macOS

about 468

debuggers 468, 469

monitoring and dynamic instrumentation 470, 471

network analysis 471

dynamic analysis, x86 (32- and 64-bit) samples

about 409

binary emulators 411, 412

debuggers 410, 411

network monitors 410

tracers 409

dynamic API

loading 83, 84

dynamic API calling

with checksum 212

dynamic data exchange (DDE)

about 372

misusing 463

dynamic linking

about 82

libraries 82, 83

dynamic link libraries (DLLs) 82, 168, 228

dynamic string decryption

using 164, 165

dynamic WinAPIs resolution

approaches 165

using 165


echobot 421

Effaceable Storage 436


about 100

modifying 103

ELF files 390, 497

ELF structure

for executable and linkable files 390-392

emulators 511-513

encryption 210

encryption algorithms

basic 139

identifying 137

string search detection techniques 141

types 137-139

encryption functions

identifying 137

identifying, in disassembly 140, 141

Enterprise Matrix, tactics

collection 12

command and control 12

credential access 12

defense evasion 12

discovery 12

execution 11

exfiltration 12

impact 12

initial access 11

lateral movement 12

persistence 11

privilege escalation 11

reconnaissance 11

resource development 11

Enterprise Program certificates 438

entitlements 439

environment setup

about 18

safety features 19-21

virtualization software, selecting 19


EPROCESS information

using 196

using, for debugger detection 196

ETHREAD 243, 244

evasion, of debugger breakpoints

handling 199

evil maid attacks 459

EvilQuest 458

Excel 4.0 (XLM) macros

about 367

basic syntax 367

dynamic analysis 370, 371

obfuscation 368-370

static analysis 370, 371

exception register (XER) 57


using, for debugger detection 197

execsnoop 470

Executable and Linkable Format (ELF) 390

Execute Never (XN) 439

exploit mitigation technologies

address space layout randomization (ASLR) 290

bypasses, exploring 287

Data execution prevention (DEP/NX) 288

return-oriented programming (ROP) 288, 289

SafeSEH 293

stack canaries (/GS Cookies) 292

Structured Exception Handling Overwrite Protection (SEHOP) 293

exploit mitigation technologies, bypass

DEP and full ASLR 290-292

DEP and partial ASLR 290

full ASLR 291


analysis workflow 285, 286

shellcode analysis 287

exploit, types

about 274

Arbitrary Code Execution (ACE) 274

Denial of Service (DoS) 274

privilege escalation 274

types 274

unauthorized data access 274

eXtensible ARchive (XAR) format 446


FairPlay 439

Fakeapp 504

FakeAV 9

fastcall 45

Fast Interrupt Request (FIQ) 47

fat binaries 442, 443. See  multi-architecture binaries; See  universal binaries

FAT sectors 295

Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) 47

File Allocation Table (FAT) 295

file formats 439

file header 74

fileless malware 14

file operations 109, 110

file structures 293, 302-307

filesystem (FS) 392

FileVault 432

financially motivated actors 6

FindCrypt 157

Find My iPhone feature 461

FinFisher 458

Firefox Developer Tools 381



floating-point communication registers (FPULs) 60

Floating-Point Registers (FPRs) 48

formulas 367

frida 470

frida-server 516

frida tool 410

frida-trace 516

fsmon 470

fsmon tool 515

funcap tool 162

function 45


Gatekeeper 433

GDB 410

gdbserver tool 422

general-purpose registers (GPRs) 30, 34

General Status Register (GSR) 62

generic unpackers

using 121

Ghidra 407, 508

glibc 497

Global Base Register (GBR) 60

Global Flags Editor (GFlags) 108

golang_loader_assist 158


Hacktool 9

Hajime 422


using, for debugger detection 197

hardware breakpoints

about 101, 102

detecting 206

evading 204

Hardware Random Number Generator (HRNG) 436

hdiutil 447

heap 271

heap chunks 271

heap overflow vulnerability 271, 272

heap spraying

about 291

technique 291

Hex-Rays Decompiler 408

Hiew 80, 264

higher-level languages conversion, to CIL language

branching statements 320

local variable assignments 320

local variable assignments, with method return value 320

loops statements 321

high-level functionality, Mirai

propagation 418

self-defense 419

weaponry 418, 419

high-level programming languages

about 64

arithmetic statements 64, 65

if statements 66, 67

while loop conditions 68

Hoax 9

HollowFind plugin

used, for detecting process hollowing 185, 186

hollow process injection (process hollowing) 177

hooking mechanisms

about 232, 233

API hooking 233

code patching 233

IRP hooking 233, 239

layered drivers 233

SSDT functions, patching 238

SSDT hooking 233

SSDT, modifying in x64 environment 237, 238

SSDT, modifying in x86 environment 235, 236

SYSENTER entry function, hooking 233, 234

SYSENTER hooking 233

user-mode hooking 233

Hopper 408

hypervisor I/O port 220


iBoot 435


about 256, 408, 411

tips and tricks 155

using, for decryption and unpacking 154

IDAGolangHelper 158

IDAscope 157

IDA scripts

dynamic string decryption, using 164, 165

dynamic WinAPIs resolution, using 165

syntax 162-164

IDA Signsrch 157

IDA, tips and tricks

dynamic analysis 160-162

static analysis 155-160

idb2pat tool 160

IDR tool 158

iFile 472

if statements 66, 67

iFunbox 472

ildasm.exe tool 324

iMazing 466

Imeij 421

Immunity Debugger 96

Import Address Table hooking (IAT hooking)

exploring 191, 192

Import Address Table (IAT) 288

Import REConstructor (ImpREC) 136

import table

fixing 134-137

Incident Response (IR)

about 14

malware analysis 5

index table 303, 304

Indicators of Attack (IoAs) 4

Indicators of Compromise (IoCs) 4, 231

Industrial Control Systems (ICSs) 11

Info.plist 444

information, from Windows cryptography APIs

data, encrypting or decrypting 148

key, preparing 146-148

memory, freeing 148

infostealer (Password Stealer (PWS) 8

infostealers 456

inject code

executing, with APC queuing 249-251

injector 8

installer packages (.pkg) 446, 447

instruction pointer 30

instruction pointer register (EIP/RIP) 168

instruction pointer value

modifying 103

integer overflow vulnerability 273

Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE) 378

Intel Processor Trace (Intel PT) 252

Internet of Things (IoT) 7

Inter-Process Communication (IPC) 431, 480

Interrupt Descriptor Table (IDT) hooking 233

I/O control codes (IOCTLs) 241

I/O Request Packet (IRP) 230


about 435

layers 435

organizing 454

iOS apps

fields 445

iOS app store packages (.ipa) 447

ios-deploy 472

iOS kernel 435

iosnoop 470

iOS, protection layers

apps security 438, 439

data encryption 436, 437

password management 436, 437

system security 435, 436

ipainstaller 472

IRP hooking

about 233, 239

completion routine, setting up 242

device, attaching to 241

device functions 240, 241

IRP response, modifying 242

iTunes 466


JADX 507

jailbreakMe 450

jailbreaks 449

jailbreaks, for iOS

types 450

Java Deobfuscator 344

Java DeObfuscator (JDO) 344

Java Development Kit (JDK) 340

Java languages 486

Java Network Launch Protocol (JNLP) 341

Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 340

Java samples

anti-reverse engineering solutions, dealing with 344

dynamic analysis 344

file structure 340, 341

internals 340

JVM instructions 341, 342

static analysis 342, 343


about 378

anti-reverse engineering tricks 380, 381

basic syntax 378-380

dynamic analysis 381-384

handling 378

static analysis 381-384

Java Virtual Machines (JVMs) 340

JD-GUI 343

JEB decompiler 508

JMD 344

jrename 344

jsbeautifier 381

JSDetox project 383

juice jacking 460

junk code 210, 211

Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler 292, 311, 408, 487


KD debugger 254

KeRanger 457

KeRanger threat 452

kernel32.dll 283

Kernel-Based Virtual Machine (KVM) 19

Kernel Integrity Protection (KIP) 435

kernel mode

debugger, setting up 259-261

debugging state, restoring 265

driver, loading 265

driver's entry point, stopping 262-264

dynamic analysis 254

process injection, performing 247, 248

static analysis 253

testing environment, setting up 257-259

kernel-mode debuggers

BugChecker 256

HyperDbg 256

IDA 256

radare2 256

Rasta Ring 0 Debugger (RR0D) 256

SoftICE (obsolete) 256

Syser 256

WinDbg 254, 255

keybags 437

keybags, types

backup keybag 437

device keybag 437

escrow keybag 437

iCloud backups 437

user keybag 437

KeyRaider 459, 464

key-scheduling algorithm (KSA) 143

Knark 404

KPP, in x64 systems

about 251

driver signature enforcement, bypassing 251

GhostHook 252

Turla example 252


Last In First Out (LIFO) 32

lbxslt 501

legal protectors 117

libc6-arm64-cross 424

libc6-armhf-cross package 424

libemu 122, 287, 411

LIEF 507

Lightaidra 420

Link Register (LR) 57

Linux shellcode

about 275

for ARM 281

in x86-64 275

Linux shellcode, for ARM

null-free shellcode 282

Linux shellcode, in x86-64

absolute address, obtaining 275, 276

local shell shellcode 277-279

null-free shellcode 276, 277

reverse shell shellcode 279-281

ListDLLs 173

LiveKd tool 257

local exploits 274

local shell shellcode 277-279

logical shift (<< or >>) 29

logical vulnerability 273


reference link 354

Lord PE 134

LoudMiner threat 465

Low Fragmentation Heap (LFH) 272

Low-Level Bootloader (LLB) 435

ltrace tool 410

LuaBot 421



rootkit 465

Mac-A-Mal 471

Machine State Register (MSR) 57


about 439

fat 442, 443

thin 439-442

MachOView 468

Mach ports 431

macOS, security model

about 430

apps protection 432

directory structure 431

encryption 432

Gatekeeper 433, 434

security policies 430, 431

XProtect 434

MacRansom malware 462

malicious charger attacks 460

malicious encryptors 117

malicious services

about 105-107

attaching ways 107, 108

debugging 105

designing, ways 106

malpdfobj 308


achieving, goals by misusing MS Office documents 371, 372

categories 7

C&C server, usage 384

development history 6, 7

naming conventions 10

types 6

malware analysis

about 4

in collecting threat intelligence 4

in creating detections 6

in incident response 5

in threat hunting 5

malware attack

execution and persistence stages 452

impact stage 454

initial access stages 450-452

jailbreaks stages 449, 450

stages 449

techniques 459

malware attack, execution and persistence stages

iOS 454

macOS 452, 453

malware attack, impact stage

iOS 458, 459

macOS 454-458

malware attack, techniques

iOS 460, 461

macOS 459, 460

malware authors

using, techniques 381

malware backend

questions to answer, preparing 384

static and dynamic analysis 385

malware behavior patterns

about 500

collection 504

defence evasion 504, 505

impact 502-504

initial access 501

persistence 502

privilege escalation 501

malware categories

Adware 9

Bootkit 9

dual-use tools 9

Exploit 9

FakeAV 9

Hacktool 9

Hoax 9

PUAs 9

Rootkit 9

targeting, Mac users 456-458

Trojan 7

Virus 8

Worm 8

malware families

example 486

malware, hiding from user on macOS system

locations 452

Malware Removal Tool (MRT) 434

Malzilla 383

MaMi 456

Mandatory Access Control (MAC) 480

man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks 231

manual unpacking, with OllyDbg

techniques 123

manual unpacking with OllyDbg, techniques

breakpoints, setting 123, 124, 128

call stack, backtracing 126-128

call stack, following 129

control, transferring to OEP 133

further attempts, preventing to change memory permissions 125, 126

in-place unpacking 132

memory allocated spaces, monitoring for unpacked code 130-132

memory breakpoint, on execution 123

OEP, executing 126

OEP, obtaining 126

OEP, reaching 129, 130

searching, for OEP 133

stack restoration-based 133

turning, on Data Execution Prevention 124, 125

Masuta or PureMasuta 419

memory breakpoints 101, 206

memory forensics

used, for detecting API hooking 190, 191

memory forensics techniques

for process injection 181

memory forensics techniques, for process injection

code injection, detecting 182-184

process hollowing, detecting 184, 185

process hollowing, detecting with HollowFind plugin 185, 186

reflective DLL injection 182-184

Memory Management Unit (MMU) 31

Memory Protection Unit (MPU) 47

Meris 422

Metasm 408

Miasm 408

Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipelined Stages (MIPS)

about 425

basics 52, 53, 56, 57

instruction set 54-59

PowerPC 56

processors 54

Microsoft Component Object Model (COM) 357

misused, by attackers 357, 358

Microsoft Office exploits

analyzing 293

dynamic analysis 302

file structures 293

static analysis 301

Microsoft Office exploits, file structures

Compound File Binary (CFB) format 293-297

Office Open XML (OOXML) format 300

Rich Text Format (RTF) 298, 299

Microsoft Script Debugger 360

Microsoft Script Editor 360

Microsoft x64 calling convention 45

MiniFAT 296


about 355, 417

derivatives 419

high-level functionality 417

widespread families 420, 421, 422

MITRE ATT&CK framework

about 10

Enterprise matrix 11

group 11

matrix 11

mitigation 11

procedure 11

software 11

tactic 10

technique 11

TTPs 11

MMX registers 219

Mobile Device Management (MDM) 437

MobileSubstrate 464, 473

Model-Specific Register (MSR) 233

Mouse click/Mouse over technique 371

Mozi 421

MRxCls rootkit 247

mshelper 456

msodde tool 372

Muhstik 421

multiple vulnerabilities

chaining 290

MZ header 73

MZ magic 185


native cmdlets 373

ndisasm 405

NET-based methods 374

network communication encryption 153, 154

Network Detection Responses (NDRs) 5

network evil maid attack 460

network operations 112

New Disk Image Format (NDIF) 447

Next Program Counter (NPC) 63

node-applesign 472

nop ramp 291

nop sled 291

nop slide 291

NOT (~) operation 28

notarizing 433

null-free shellcode 276, 277

Nymaim proxy function 213, 214


oat2dex 507

OAT files 488, 496

obfuscation 210

obfuscation patterns

for batch files 354

obfuscation techniques, .NET

code blocks, loading dynamically 329

compilation, after delivery and proxy code execution 329

encrypted strings, in Binary 326-328

obfuscated names, for classes and methods 325, 326

obfuscator, using 328, 329

objdump 405

Objective-C 430

object-oriented programming (OOP) 273, 312

objects 312

obj/endobj 304

ODEX files 496

officedissector 301

officeMalScanner 301

OfficeMalScanner 366

Office Open XML (OOXML) format 300

OffVis 368, 371

Okiru 420


about 293

allocators 295

header structure 294, 295

oledump 301, 366


about 301, 366, 372

examples 301

olevba 366, 370


about 95, 179

APIs 104

cross-references 104

labels and comments, setting 104

list of strings 104

OllyScript, using with 121

using, for dynamic analysis 94

using, for sample analysis 97-100

versus x64dbg 104, 105

OllyDump 134


using, with OllyDbg 121

Online DisAssembler (ODA) 422

online sandbox services 113

opcode 36

Open Packaging Convention (OPC) 300

opensnoop 470

operands 36

Optimized DEX (ODEX) file 487

optional header 74

OR (|) operation 27

origami 308

original entry point (OEP)

about 123

control, transferring 133

executing 126

obtaining 126

reaching 129, 130

searching for 133

OSAMiner 464

otool 468

overflow flag (OF) 36

Over-The-Air (OTA) 436

Owari 420


P32Dasm tool

using 337

Package Manager (PM) 510

packed sample

identifying 117

identifying, with static signatures 118

PE section names, evaluating 118

small import table, detecting 119, 120

stub execution signs, using 119


about 117

ASPack 117

exploring 116

UPX 117

Packet Filter (PF) 454

packing and encrypting tools

exploring 116, 117

parent processes

using, for debugger detection 198, 199

Password AutoFill 437

PatchGuard 237. See  also KPP in x64 systems

Path Randomization 433

pcf tool 160

pcodedmp 366

PDF files

dynamic analysis 309

static analysis 307, 308

pdf-parser 307

PDFStreamDumper 307

PE+ (x64 PE) 78, 79

PE-bear 80

PEB information

using, for debugger detection 194-196

peepdf 307

Pegasus 458

Pegasus malware 451

PE header structure

about 74

data directory 75

exploring 73

file header 74

MZ header 73

need for 72

optional header 74, 75

rich header 77, 78

section table 76

working with 72

PEiD 80, 118

Performance Monitoring Units (PMUs) 253

Performance Optimization With Enhanced RISC-Performance Computing (PowerPC) 56

Persirai 421

PE section names

evaluating 118

PETools 134

phantomjs 378

physical memory

virtual memory, mapping to 88, 89

plutil 468

Pokas x86 Emulator 122, 287

polymorphism 312

Portable Document Format (PDF)

about 302

file structure 302-307

Portable Executable file header (PE header)

about 71

analysis tools 79, 80

information, using for static analysis 84

using, for incident handling 84, 85

using, for threat hunting 85, 87

Potentially Unwanted Applications (PUAs) 9

Potentially Unwanted Programs (PUPs) 456

Poweliks 378

PowerPC 425, 426


about 373

basic syntax 373

dynamic analysis 377

obfuscation 376

static analysis 377

syntax 373-376

primitive data types

in programming languages 25

private key 138

privilege escalation 274


about 87, 88

creation, step by step 91

Process Environment Block (PEB) 87, 90, 177, 194, 283

Process Explorer 111

process hollowing

detecting 184, 185

detecting, with HollowFind plugin 185, 186

Process IDs (PIDs) 173

process injection

about 168, 173, 207

code block injection 174-176

memory forensics techniques 181

need for 168

performing, in kernel mode 247, 248

reflective DLL injection 176, 177

Stuxnet secret technique 177, 178

victim process, searching 173, 174

Process Monitor (Procmon) 111

process operations 111

processor rings

RING 0 226

RING 3 226

program counter 30

program data

modifying 103

program’s assembly instructions

modifying 102

program’s execution

modifying 102

Proofs of Concept (PoCs) 231

proxy argument stacking 213, 214

proxy functions 213, 214

PSDecode 378

Pseudo-Random Number Generators (PRNGs) 143, 436

psexec tool 376

public key 138

PyInstaller tool 345, 349

PyPDF2 308

Python 3

binary operations 347

coroutine opcodes 348

general instructions 347

in-place operations 348

miscellaneous opcodes 348

Unary operations 347


QEMU 19, 411

qiling 412, 471

qpdf 308


r2lldb plugin 472

radare2 256, 406, 411

radare2 cheat sheet

basic information, collecting 412

breakpoints 413

control flows 413

data representation and modification 413

generic commands 412

markups 413

misc 413

rax/eax 35

rbp/ebp register 35

RC4 encryption algorithm

about 143

identifying 143

identifying, in malware sample 144, 145

key-scheduling algorithm (KSA) 143

pseudo-random generation algorithm (PRNG) 143

rcx/ecx 35

rdi/edi 35

rdx/edx 35

Read-Only Memory (ROM) 435

Reaper/IoTroop 421

Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) 32, 317

reflective DLL injection 176, 177

registry keys

virtualization, detecting through 220

registry operations 110

Relative Virtual Addresses (RVAs) 75, 283

Relyze 407

REMnux 19

Remote Access Tools (RATs) 7, 340, 457

Remote Code Execution (RCE) 274

Remote Control System (RCS) 458

remote exploits 274

Remote Virtual Interface (RVI) 473

Renesas SH 426

Resource Hacker 85

RetDec 406

return-oriented programming (ROP) 288, 289

reverse shell shellcode 279-281

rflags/eflags/flags 35

rich header 77, 78

Rich Text Format (RTF)

about 298, 299

elements 298

rip/eip 35

RISC samples

ARM 424, 425

MIPS 425

PowerPC 425, 426


static and dynamic analysis 422-424

SuperH 426

rizin 411

root directory 297

rooting 484-486


about 231

bootkits 231

Firmware rootkits 231

for Mac 465

hypervisor or virtual rootkits 231

kernel-mode rootkits 231

types 231

user-mode or application rootkits 231

rootkit 9

rootkit detectors

about 256

DarkSpy 257

GMER 256

IceSword 257

RootkitRevealer 257

Rootkit Unhooker 257

rsi/esi 35

rsp/esp register 35

rtfdump 301

Rubylin rootkit 465

Run- Length Encoding (RLE) algorithm 306

run-only 464

rvictl tool 473


SafeSEH 293

sandboxed apps

directories 438


detecting 219

detecting, with default settings 222

using 112, 113

using, options 113

satori 419

Saved General Register 15 (SGR) 60

Saved Program Counter (SPC) 60

Saved Program Status Registers (SPSR) 48

Saved Status Register (SSR) 60

Scalable Processor Architecture (SPARC)

basics 62, 63

instruction set 63

working with 62

scdbg 287

script languages

about 385

questions to answer 386

threat, analyzing 385, 386

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 501

section table 76

Secure Boot 432

Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) 480

security model

role 430

self-managed sandboxes 113

Service Control Manager (SCM) 105

Service Descriptor Table (SDT) 235

Setting Content files

using 372


about 275

cracking 275

shell script languages

about 352

bash 355, 356

Windows batch scripting 352-355

Shlayer 456

sig-database 159

sigmake 160

sigmake tool 159

Signal Processing Engine (SPE) 57

sign flag (SF) 36

simple static encryption 139


detecting, with timing techniques 203

breakpoints, detecting, with trap flag 201, 202

Smali 506

smalidea 513

SmaliEx 507

Smalltalk 340

Smart Search 456

snowman 406

Sockbot 503

SoftICE (obsolete) 256

software breakpoints (INT3)

detecting 199-201

software (INT3) breakpoints 100, 101

Software Interrupt (SWI) instruction 51

Sora 420

spammer (spambot) 8


spyware 8

src 37

SSDT hooking 233

stack and frame pointers 30

stack canaries (/GS Cookies) 292

stack overflow vulnerability 270, 271

stack restoration-based 133

standard call (stdcall)

about 42

arguments 42, 43

local variables 43, 44

static analysis

about 155-160

for native code 338, 339

for p-code 336, 337

PE header information, using 84

static analysis, in kernel mode

about 253

rootkit file structure 253

workflow 254

static analysis, of macOS and iOS

about 466

auxiliary tools and libraries 468

decompilers 467

disassemblers 467

samples, retrieving 466

static analysis tools, Java samples

CFR 342

d4j 342

FernFlower 342

Ghidra 342

JAD 343

JD Project 343

Krakatau 342

Procyon 342

static analysis, x86 (32- and 64-bit) samples

data carving 405

disassemblers 405

file type detectors 404, 405

frameworks 408

solutions, selecting 409

tools 405-408

static and dynamic analysis

.NET dynamic analysis 324

.NET sample, patching 324, 325

.NET static analysis 323

static linking 81

static signatures

using 118

Status Register (SR) 60

step into breakpoints 100

step over breakpoints 100

strace tool 403, 409

stream/endstream 304

streams 315


list 104

Structured Exception Handling Overwrite Protection (SEHOP) 293

Structured Exception Handling (SEH) 197, 204, 205

Structured Threat Information Expression (STIX) 13

stub execution signs

using 119

Stuxnet 247

Stuxnet secret technique 177, 178

SuperH 426

SuperH assembly

basic 60

covering 59

instruction set 60, 61

Supervisor Call (SVC) instruction 51

symchk tool 261

symmetric algorithms 138

symmetric encryption algorithms 145

SYSENTER entry function

hooking 233

SYSENTER hooking 233

drawbacks 234

system calls (syscalls)

about 392

filesystem 392

network 392

process management 393

using 393

using, in assembly 394, 395

System Integrity Protection (SIP) 430, 470

System Service Dispatch Table (SSDT) 229

System Service Number (SSN) 235

system software authorization 436

System V AMD64 ABI 45


tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) 4

Target Access Register (TAR) 57

Target Disk mode 432

tcpdump tool 410, 471

Terminal Emulator 483

Termux 483

TheMoon 420


about 439-442

parts 439-441

thiscall 45

thread 89, 90

Thread Environment Block (TEB) 87, 90, 204

thread ID (TID) 249

Thread Information Block (TIB) 90

Thread Local Storage (TLS) 76, 207

Thumb Execution Environment (ThumbEE) 49

ThunderClap 459

Tilib tool 157

Time Base (TB) 57

Time Machine 432

timing techniques

used, for detecting single-stepping 203

TLS callbacks 207, 208

tool process

searching 215-217

tool window

searching 217-219

Torii 421

Trap Base Address (TBA) 63

trap flag

used, for detecting single-stepping breakpoints 201, 202

trepan2/trepan3k debugger 349

TrID tool 405

Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) 356


about 7

Backdoor 7

Banker 8

Clicker 8

DDoS 8

DoS 8

Downloader 7

Dropper 7

Infostealer (Password Stealer (PWS)) 8

Injector 8

Miner 8

Packed 8

Ransomware 7

Spammer (spambot) 8

Spyware 8

Wiper 8

trustjacking 460

Tsunami/Kaiten 421

two-factor authentication (2FA) 8


unauthorized data access 274

unc0ver 450

uncompyle6 349

unicorn 122, 287, 411

Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) 231

unipacker 122

Universal Disk Image Format (UDIF) 447

unpacked code

memory allocated spaces, monitoring 130-132

unpacked sample

dumping 134

process, dumping 134, 135

unpacking packed samples

automatically 120

emulation 121, 122

generic unpackers, using 121

memory dumps 122

official unpacking process 120

OllyScript, using with OllyDbg 121

UnPYC 349

UPX 120

use-after-free vulnerability 272, 273

use case examples, reverse engineering

article, for general public 15

AV detection 14

technical article or conference presentation 15

threat intelligence 14


hiding 463

user-mode API hooking 233


Vawtrak banking Trojan

about 149

API name encryption 150-152

network communication encryption 153, 154

string 150-152

VBA macros

about 364

basic syntax 364-366

dynamic analysis 366

static analysis 366

VB Decompiler

using 336

VB Decompiler Lite program 333

vb.idc script 338

vdbbin (vdb) 411

vdexExtractor 507

VDEX files 488, 497

Vector Base Counter (VBR) 60

Vector Registers (VRs) 57

Vector Scalar Registers (VSRs) 57

videojacking 460

ViperMonkey 366

Virtual Address Descriptors (VADs) 183, 243

VirtualBox 19


detecting, through registry keys 220

processes, detecting 220

services, detecting 220

VirtualKD project 260

virtual machines (VMs)

about 254

detecting 219

detecting, with WMI 221

virtual memory

mapping, to physical memory 88, 89

Virtual Private Network (VPN) 480

Visual Basic

essentials 330

file structures 330-332

p-code instructions 334-336

p-code, versus native code 332-334

Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) 330, 364

Visual Basic samples

dissecting 336

dynamic analysis, performing 339

static analysis, performing 336

Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript)

about 356

basic syntax 357-360

deobfuscation 363, 364

dynamic analysis 360-363

static analysis 360-363

visual mode hotkeys 414-416

Visual Studio 360

vivisect 408

VM detection

techniques 221, 222

VMRay 113

VMware 19

Volatility 181

VSD 134

vulnerability, types

about 270

heap overflow vulnerability 271, 272

integer overflow vulnerability 273

logical vulnerability 273

stack overflow vulnerability 270, 271

use-after-free vulnerability 272, 273


WeKnow 456

while loop conditions 68

Wifatch 422

WinAPIs 111, 112

WinDbg 108, 254, 255


anatomy 227, 228

execution path, from user mode to kernel mode 229, 230

internals 227

kernel mode 228

user mode 228

Windows batch scripting

about 352

built-in commands 352

commands 352

external commands 352-355

Windows cryptography APIs

information, extracting from 145

Windows events callbacks 208, 209

Windows Management Instrumentation Command (WMIC) 376

Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)

about 359

used, for detecting VMs 221

Windows PE loader

step by step 92, 93

Windows Print Spooler Service Vulnerability 273

Windows shellcode

about 282

base address of kernel32.dll, obtaining 283

downloading 285

executing 285

required APIs, obtaining from kernel32.dll 283-285

win_driver_plugin 253

WinObj 256

WinRAR 120

WireLurker 451, 458

wireshark (tshark) tool 410

WKTVBDE project 339

Worm 8


processes 93, 94



about 96

using, for dynamic analysis 94

versus OllyDbg 104, 105

x86 (32- and 64-bit) samples

dynamic analysis 409

radare2 cheat sheet 412

static analysis 404

x86 (IA-32 and x64)

arguments 42

calling conventions 42

instruction set 38

local variables 42

x86 (IA-32 and x64), instruction set

control flow instructions 41, 42

data manipulation instructions 38, 39

data transfer instructions 39, 40

x86 (IA-32 and x64), instruction structure

dest 36

src 37

XAgent 458

XcodeGhost threats 451

XcodeSpy threats 451

XCSSET threats 451

XLMMacroDeobfuscator 370

XOR (^) operation

about 28

applications 28

XORSearch 142

XProtect 434


about 141

basics 141

X-RAYING tools

for malware analysis 142

for malware detection 142

xref 303


Yara Scanner 142

YiSpecter 458


ZergHelper 451

zero-day attack 13

zero-day exploit 274

zero flag (ZF) 35

Zygote process 486

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