Chapter 14. Migrating from NT4 to Windows Server 2003


Before the many benefits of Exchange Server 2003 can be realized, the directory for Exchange, Microsoft's Active Directory, must be created and configured. In some cases where no existing infrastructure is in place, this involves designing and implementing an Active Directory infrastructure from scratch. Most environments, however, use an existing Windows 2000 or Windows NT domain infrastructure. Organizations wherein Windows 2000 Active Directory is deployed can upgrade to Windows Server 2003 Active Directory, or simply not upgrade before deploying Exchange. As Exchange Server 2003 can be installed on either directory platform, the decision is not critical.

With Windows NT 4.0 domains, however, you must upgrade to Active Directory to be able to support the directory requirements of Exchange Server 2003. This chapter details the options available for migrations from NT to Windows Server 2003 and explores the various pros and cons of each approach. In addition, step-by-step example best-practice migration strategies are presented and detailed.

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