Best Practices

The following are best practices from this chapter:

  • When evaluating the functions of mobile connectivity, download the emulators for Pocket PC, Smartphone, and Web-enabled mobile phone instead of buying physical devices.

  • When testing mobile connectivity, test connectivity internally to a network before testing it externally to minimize any firewall, router, or external communication challenges that might prevent successful communication with an Exchange 2003 server.

  • Always use SSL encryption when establishing connectivity between mobile devices and Exchange 2003.

  • If you have a choice, get the Pocket PC 2003 version of a device instead of the Pocket PC 2002 version to provide Exchange Server–initiated updates and communications with remote devices as opposed to relying on device-initiated downloads and synchronization.

  • Although Pocket PC devices store information in non-volatile memory, sometimes when a Pocket PC device's battery is completely drained and the device is left uncharged for a period of time, it loses information. Therefore, keep the device charged—or at least make sure to synchronize the device to keep an active copy of all information up on Exchange.

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