
Rand H. Morimoto, MCSE After finishing the Windows Server 2003 Unleashed book earlier this year, it was a lot of work to put together this Exchange Server 2003 Unleashed book. However, with many late nights and long weekends, along with the great assistance from many great supporters, we're glad to have this book out to share with others!

We want to thank Candy Hall for giving us the opportunity to write this book and a big thanks to Neil Rowe for your never-ending support of our work. To all those on the Sams Publishing team, including Mark Renfrow, Shiela Schroeder and Nancy Albright, thank you for your edits and changes to put all the words in the right order. Thank you to our technical editor, James Walker, for validating every page of content of the book for technical accuracy. We also want to thank all the consultants, consulting engineers, technical specialists, project managers, technical editors, and systems engineers at Convergent Computing who were valuable resources we called upon for thoughts, suggestions, best practices, tips, and tricks that made up the content of this book.

A big thank you to Microsoft for continuing to include us in your early adopter programs so we were able to get years of experience with Exchange Server 2003 before the product even shipped. Thank you to Susan Bradley, Jan Shanahan, and Patricia Anderson for including us in your program to support authors with internal Microsoft resources. What a great opportunity for us to have several different angles of support and assistance in the book writing process!

And thank you to our dozens of early adopter clients who, in many cases, were our guinea pigs as we worked together years before the product release, helping build case experience and knowledge of the technology.

Last but not least, to my wife Kim, thank you for taking care of the kids non-stop as I wrote evenings, nights, mornings, and on weekends. To Kelly and Andrew, thank you for being good while daddy wrote non-stop. Thank you to my parents, Ed and Vickie, for teaching me good work ethics. To my grandmother Mary, who continues to show me how courage and common sense lead to longevity. And to my brother Bruce and sister Lisa, thank you for all your support over the years! I never realized the support I got from my siblings until I started watching my own kids and how—between hits, fights, and screaming—there's really a love and support shared between brother and sister.

Kenton Gardinier, MCSE, CISSP, MCSA There are truly so many people to extend my appreciation to, but first and foremost I would like to thank my wife Amy for always being there for me, having an incredible amount of patience, and making me an overall better person. Of course, I could not have asked for a better team to work with, both from Convergent Computing and from Sams. It is great to be a part of such a talented team!

I would also like to thank the many dedicated people at Microsoft for providing their resources and expertise, as well as our clients who helped us gain practical, real-world experience with Exchange Server 2003. It has truly been wonderful working closely with each and every one of you. You have greatly enhanced the content of this book.

Michael Noel, MCSE+I, MCSA Thanks to everyone who assisted with the creation of this book. Special thanks go to the people of Convergent Computing, particularly Rand Morimoto, László Somi, and Pete Handley, who provided their technical insight and their valuable free time to assist. I would also like to thank the team at Microsoft who helped provide key pieces of information to really make this book shine. Most importantly, my deepest gratitude to the members of my family who suffered while I locked myself away to write this. Most notably in this group is my wonderful wife Marina, my beautiful daughter Julia, my parents Mary and George Noel, and my “other” parents Val and Liza Ulanovsky. I couldn't have made it through this without your love, support, and inspiration!

Joe R. Coca Jr., MCSE I would like to thank the many friends and family members who have supported me over the past 10 years. A special thanks to Roger Ivy—your guidance and fatherly influence helped lead me to where I am today. Most of all, to my two sisters, Michelle and Carmen, your loving support and examples of hard work and dedication are truly my inspiration. Thanks also to Rand Morimoto for creating the opportunity to write this book.

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