Configuring Mobile Exchange Features

After an Exchange 2003 server has been installed on the network, the services needed to support mobility are also already installed. By going into the Active Directory Users and Computer utility, an administrator can view the mobility options automatically enabled for a user.

Viewing Mobile Services

The mobile services are controlled on a user-by-user basis so that an organization can choose to enable or disable mobility on a selected basis. By default, mobility services are enabled for all users. To view the mobile services options available for a user, do the following:

Open the Active Directory Users and Computers management tool.

Traverse the directory to the user you want and right-click Properties on the user.

Click on the Exchange Features tab and a screen similar to the one shown in Figure 23.3 appears.

Figure 23.3. Exchange Features tab in Active Directory Users and Computers.

Notice that on the Exchange Features tab Outlook Mobile Access, User Initiated Synchronization, and Up-to-Date Notifications are automatically enabled. These functions enable users to have access to their mail immediately from a mobile device.

Configuring Mobile Services

To change the configuration of the mobile services for users, an Exchange administrator can disable the services functions. There are two ways the services can be disabled.

The first way of disabling mobile services is to select the mobile service to be disabled and click on the disable button below the Mobile Services and Protocols window. This method requires the administrator to select each user, select properties, and make the setting changes one setting at a time.

The other way of disabling mobile services that can work for a single user—but also can be used to select multiple users to do a mass disabling of the mobile services—is to use the Exchange Tasks Wizard. To initiate the Exchange Tasks Wizard, do the following:

Select the user or users from the Active Directory Users and Computers management tool by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking on the names for which certain mobility functions should be disabled.

Right-click and select Exchange Tasks.

Click Next on the initial Welcome to the Exchange Task Wizard screen.

Select the Configure Exchange Features task and select Next.

Select the exchange features and choose to either enable or disable based on the requirements you want (see Figure 23.4). Select Next to execute the task modifications.

Figure 23.4. Selecting Exchange task items to modify the settings.

Click Finish when done.

This process modifies the Exchange Tasks for the selected users.

Configuring Mobile Services Properties for ActiveSync

Besides configuring the mobile services features for each user, the Exchange ActiveSync function can be globally enabled or disabled as a function on the entire Exchange environment. This is done in the Exchange System Manager utility.

The options can be viewed by doing the following:

Launch the Exchange System Manager tool.

Expand the Global Settings container.

Right-click and select Properties on the Mobile Services option. A Mobile Services Properties page is displayed, as shown in Figure 23.5.

Figure 23.5. Viewing the Exchange Mobile Services Properties page.

Select the option for Exchange ActiveSync to enable or disable the function, and then click OK.

The three Mobile Services Properties options are

  • Enable User-Initiated Synchronization This option, when enabled, allows a Pocet PC device to synchronize with mailboxes on Exchange. If this option is deselected, users with Pocet PC devices will not be able to synchronize with their mailboxes.

  • Enable Up-to-Date Notifications This option uses the new feature in Exchange 2003 that enables an Exchange 2003 server to wake up a Pocet PC device and have the device autoinitiate a synchronization. Because ActiveSync synchronization is a client-initiated task, technically the only way to synchronize with Exchange would be to have a user manually synchronize his or her device, or to create a set schedule where the device autosynchronizes. However, when users are charged for connection time by their service provider, they do not necessarily want to—or should not—synchronize their device unless there is something to synchronize. The up-to-date notifications process initiates the synchronization from a server function when a message or other information needs to be updated with the mobile device.

  • Enable Notifications to User-Specified SMTP Addresses By enabling this function, users can use their existing wireless service provider for notifications of changes or updates, rather than having the user autoinitiate synchronization tasks.

These mobility property changes can effectively enable the Exchange administrator(s) to disable mobility functions for all users.

Configuring Mobile Services Properties for OMA

Outlook Mobile Access can also be enabled to allow the Exchange administrator(s) to enable support for the access by OMA devices to Exchange 2003. The two options to enable or disable for Outlook Mobile Access are

  • Enable Outlook Mobile Access This option, when enabled, provides access by OMA-supported devices to view their email, calendar, and contact information.

  • Enable Unsupported Devices When a device is not directly supported by Exchange 2003 OMA, this option provides best-effort support for nonsupported devices.

By selecting to enable or disable the mobile services properties for OMA, the Outlook Mobile Access functionality can be allowed or disallowed for the entire organization.

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